[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24676] Fix contexts (again)

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri May 31 09:38:16 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24676 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

daebe8e5 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-31T10:37:46+01:00
Fix contexts (again)

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs


@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ tcInferSigma inst (L loc rn_expr)
     do { (fun@(rn_fun,fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
        ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
        ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun
-       ; (inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun do_ql inst fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+       ; (inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun do_ql inst (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) fun_sigma rn_args
        ; mapM_ (tcValArg do_ql) inst_args
        ; return app_res_sigma }
@@ -363,19 +363,20 @@ tcApp rn_expr exp_res_ty
        -- Step 2: Infer the type of `fun`, the head of the application
        ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun
+       ; let tc_head = (tc_fun, fun_ctxt)
        -- Step 3: Instantiate the function type (taking a quick look at args)
        ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
        ; (inst_args, app_res_rho)
               <- setQLInstLevel do_ql $  -- See (TCAPP1) in
                                          -- Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]
-                 tcInstFun do_ql True fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+                 tcInstFun do_ql True tc_head fun_sigma rn_args
        -- Step 3: Take a quick look at the result type
        ; quickLookResultType do_ql app_res_rho exp_res_ty
        -- Finish up
-       ; finishApp do_ql rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty }
+       ; finishApp do_ql rn_expr tc_head inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty }
 setQLInstLevel :: QLFlag -> TcM a -> TcM a
 setQLInstLevel DoQL thing_inside = setTcLevel QLInstVar thing_inside
@@ -387,12 +388,13 @@ quickLookResultType :: QLFlag -> TcRhoType -> ExpRhoType -> TcM ()
 quickLookResultType DoQL app_res_rho (Check exp_rho) = qlUnify app_res_rho exp_rho
 quickLookResultType _    _           _               = return ()
-finishApp :: QLFlag -> HsExpr GhcRn  -> AppCtxt
-          -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]
+finishApp :: QLFlag -> HsExpr GhcRn
+          -> (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt)   -- Head of the application
+          -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]      -- Args of the application
           -> TcRhoType  -- Inferred type of the application
           -> ExpRhoType -- Expected type; this is deeply skolemised
           -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-finishApp do_ql rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+finishApp do_ql rn_expr tc_head@(tc_fun,_) inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
   = do { -- Step 6: qlZonk the type of the result of the call
          traceTc "finishApp" $ vcat [ ppr app_res_rho, ppr exp_res_ty ]
        ; app_res_rho <- case do_ql of
@@ -400,19 +402,19 @@ finishApp do_ql rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
             NoQL -> return app_res_rho
        -- Step 7: check the result type
-       ; res_wrap <- checkResultTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args
+       ; res_wrap <- checkResultTy rn_expr tc_head inst_args
                                    app_res_rho exp_res_ty
        -- step 8: Typecheck the value arguments
        ;  tc_args <- mapM (tcValArg do_ql) inst_args
        -- Step 9: Horrible newtype check
-       ; rejectRepPolyNewtypes tc_fun app_res_rho
+       ; rejectRepPolyNewtypes tc_head app_res_rho
        -- Step 10: econstruct, with a special case for tagToEnum#.
        ; tc_expr <- if isTagToEnum tc_fun
-                    then tcTagToEnum tc_fun fun_ctxt tc_args app_res_rho
-                    else return (rebuildHsApps tc_fun fun_ctxt tc_args)
+                    then tcTagToEnum tc_head tc_args app_res_rho
+                    else return (rebuildHsApps tc_head tc_args)
        ; whenDOptM Opt_D_dump_tc_trace $
          do { inst_args <- liftZonkM $ mapM zonkArg inst_args  -- Only when tracing
@@ -425,19 +427,20 @@ finishApp do_ql rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
        ; return (mkHsWrap res_wrap tc_expr) }
-checkResultTy :: HsExpr GhcRn -> AppCtxt
-              -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg p]
+checkResultTy :: HsExpr GhcRn
+              -> (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt)  -- Head
+              -> [HsExprArg p]            -- Arguments
               -> TcRhoType  -- Inferred type of the application; zonked to
                             --   expose foralls, but maybe not deeply instantiated
               -> ExpRhoType -- Expected type; this is deeply skolemised
               -> TcM HsWrapper
 -- Connect up the inferred type of the application with the expected type
 -- This is usually just a unification, but with deep subsumption there is more to do
-checkResultTy _ _ _ _ app_res_rho (Infer inf_res)
+checkResultTy _ _ _ app_res_rho (Infer inf_res)
   = do { co <- fillInferResult app_res_rho inf_res
        ; return (mkWpCastN co) }
-checkResultTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho (Check res_ty)
+checkResultTy rn_expr (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) inst_args app_res_rho (Check res_ty)
 -- Unify with expected type from the context
 -- See Note [Unify with expected type before typechecking arguments]
@@ -521,8 +524,7 @@ tcValArg _ (EValArgQL { eaql_wanted  = wanted
                       , eaql_ctxt    = ctxt
                       , eaql_arg_ty  = sc_arg_ty
                       , eaql_larg    = larg@(L arg_loc rn_expr)
-                      , eaql_head    = rn_head
-                      , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_fun
+                      , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_head
                       , eaql_args    = inst_args
                       , eaql_encl    = arg_influences_enclosing_call
                       , eaql_res_rho = app_res_rho })
@@ -530,8 +532,7 @@ tcValArg _ (EValArgQL { eaql_wanted  = wanted
     do { -- Expose QL results to tcSkolemise, as in EValArg case
          Scaled mult exp_arg_ty <- liftZonkM $ qlZonkScaledTcType sc_arg_ty
-       ; traceTc "tcEValArgQL {" (vcat [ ppr rn_head
-                                       , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho
+       ; traceTc "tcEValArgQL {" (vcat [ text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho
                                        , text "exp_arg_ty:" <+> ppr exp_arg_ty
                                        , text "args:" <+> ppr inst_args ])
@@ -542,12 +543,11 @@ tcValArg _ (EValArgQL { eaql_wanted  = wanted
                do { emitConstraints wanted
                   ; unless arg_influences_enclosing_call $  -- Don't repeat
                     qlUnify app_res_rho exp_arg_rho         -- the qlUnify
-                  ; finishApp DoQL rn_expr ctxt tc_fun inst_args
+                  ; finishApp DoQL rn_expr tc_head inst_args
                               app_res_rho (mkCheckExpType exp_arg_rho) }
        ; traceTc "tcEValArgQL }" $
-           vcat [ text "rn_head:" <+> ppr rn_head
-                , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho ]
+           vcat [ text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho ]
        ; return (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
                          , ea_arg    = L arg_loc (mkHsWrap wrap arg')
@@ -591,17 +591,14 @@ tcInstFun :: QLFlag
                     --    in tcInferSigma, which is used only to implement :type
                     -- Otherwise we do eager instantiation; in Fig 5 of the paper
                     --    |-inst returns a rho-type
-          -> AppCtxt
-          -> HsExpr GhcTc
-                -- ^ For error messages and to retrieve concreteness information
-                -- of the function
+          -> (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt)
           -> TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
           -> TcM ( [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]
                  , TcSigmaType )
 -- This crucial function implements the |-inst judgement in Fig 4, plus the
 -- modification in Fig 5, of the QL paper:
 -- "A quick look at impredicativity" (ICFP'20).
-tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+tcInstFun do_ql inst_final (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) fun_sigma rn_args
   = do { traceTc "tcInstFun" (vcat [ text "tc_fun" <+> ppr tc_fun
                                    , text "fun_sigma" <+> ppr fun_sigma
                                    , text "fun_ctxt" <+> ppr fun_ctxt
@@ -1682,8 +1679,8 @@ quickLookArg1 :: AppCtxt -> LHsExpr GhcRn
 -- quickLookArg1 implements the "QL Argument" judgement in Fig 5 of the paper
 quickLookArg1 ctxt larg@(L _ arg) sc_arg_ty@(Scaled _ orig_arg_rho)
   = addArgCtxt ctxt larg $ -- Context needed for constraints
-                          -- generated by calls in arg
-    do { (rn_head@(rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps arg
+                           -- generated by calls in arg
+    do { ((rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps arg
        -- Step 1: get the type of the head of the argument
        ; mb_fun_ty <- tcInferAppHead_maybe rn_fun
@@ -1698,10 +1695,11 @@ quickLookArg1 ctxt larg@(L _ arg) sc_arg_ty@(Scaled _ orig_arg_rho)
            Just (tc_fun, fun_sigma) ->
        -- step 2: use |-inst to instantiate the head applied to the arguments
-    do { do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
+    do { let tc_head = (tc_fun, fun_ctxt)
+       ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
        ; ((inst_args, app_res_rho), wanted)
              <- captureConstraints $
-                tcInstFun do_ql True fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
+                tcInstFun do_ql True tc_head fun_sigma rn_args
        ; traceTc "quickLookArg 2" $
          vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
@@ -1733,8 +1731,7 @@ quickLookArg1 ctxt larg@(L _ arg) sc_arg_ty@(Scaled _ orig_arg_rho)
        ; return (EValArgQL { eaql_ctxt    = ctxt
                            , eaql_arg_ty  = sc_arg_ty
                            , eaql_larg    = larg
-                           , eaql_head    = rn_head
-                           , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_fun
+                           , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_head
                            , eaql_args    = inst_args
                            , eaql_wanted  = wanted
                            , eaql_encl    = arg_influences_enclosing_call
@@ -2099,12 +2096,12 @@ isTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Bool
 isTagToEnum (HsVar _ (L _ fun_id)) = fun_id `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
 isTagToEnum _ = False
-tcTagToEnum :: HsExpr GhcTc -> AppCtxt -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]
+tcTagToEnum :: (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt) -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]
             -> TcRhoType
             -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
 -- tagToEnum# :: forall a. Int# -> a
 -- See Note [tagToEnum#]   Urgh!
-tcTagToEnum tc_fun fun_ctxt tc_args res_ty
+tcTagToEnum (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) tc_args res_ty
   | [val_arg] <- dropWhile (not . isHsValArg) tc_args
   = do { res_ty <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType res_ty
@@ -2126,14 +2123,14 @@ tcTagToEnum tc_fun fun_ctxt tc_args res_ty
        ; let rep_ty  = mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_args
              tc_fun' = mkHsWrap (WpTyApp rep_ty) tc_fun
              df_wrap = mkWpCastR (mkSymCo coi)
-             tc_expr = rebuildHsApps tc_fun' fun_ctxt [val_arg]
+             tc_expr = rebuildHsApps (tc_fun', fun_ctxt) [val_arg]
        ; return (mkHsWrap df_wrap tc_expr) }}}}}
   | otherwise
   = failWithTc TcRnTagToEnumMissingValArg
-    vanilla_result = return (rebuildHsApps tc_fun fun_ctxt tc_args)
+    vanilla_result = return (rebuildHsApps (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) tc_args)
     check_enumeration ty' tc
       | -- isTypeDataTyCon: see wrinkle (W1) in
@@ -2226,10 +2223,10 @@ Wrinkle [Representation-polymorphic lambdas] in Note [Typechecking data construc
 -- if the representation of its argument isn't known.
 -- See Note [Eta-expanding rep-poly unlifted newtypes].
-rejectRepPolyNewtypes :: HsExpr GhcTc
+rejectRepPolyNewtypes :: (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt)
                       -> TcRhoType
                       -> TcM ()
-rejectRepPolyNewtypes fun app_res_rho = case fun of
+rejectRepPolyNewtypes (fun,_) app_res_rho = case fun of
   XExpr (ConLikeTc (RealDataCon con) _ _)
     -- Check that this is an unsaturated occurrence of a

@@ -177,10 +177,8 @@ data HsExprArg (p :: TcPass) where -- See Note [HsExprArg]
                , eaql_arg_ty  :: Scaled TcSigmaType  -- Argument type expected by function
                , eaql_larg    :: LHsExpr GhcRn       -- Original application, for
                                                      -- location and error msgs
-               , eaql_head    :: (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt) -- Function of the application,
-                                                         -- typechecked, plus its context
-               , eaql_tc_fun  :: HsExpr GhcTc          -- Typechecked function
-               , eaql_args    :: [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]  -- Args, instantiated
+               , eaql_tc_fun  :: (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt) -- Typechecked head
+               , eaql_args    :: [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]    -- Args: instantiated, not typechecked
                , eaql_wanted  :: WantedConstraints
                , eaql_encl    :: Bool                  -- True <=> we have already qlUnified
                                                        --   eaql_arg_ty and eaql_res_rho
@@ -354,6 +352,8 @@ splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
       = pure ( (op, VACall op 0 (locA l))
              ,   mkEValArg (VACall op 1 generatedSrcSpan) arg1
                : mkEValArg (VACall op 2 generatedSrcSpan) arg2
+                    -- generatedSrcSpan because this the span of the call,
+                    -- and its hard to say exactly what that is
                : EWrap (EExpand (OrigExpr e))
                : args )
@@ -375,30 +375,29 @@ splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
 -- representation-polymorphic unlifted newtypes have been eta-expanded.
 -- See Note [Eta-expanding rep-poly unlifted newtypes].
-rebuildHsApps :: HsExpr GhcTc
+rebuildHsApps :: (HsExpr GhcTc, AppCtxt)
                       -- ^ the function being applied
-              -> AppCtxt
               -> [HsExprArg 'TcpTc]
                       -- ^ the arguments to the function
               -> HsExpr GhcTc
-rebuildHsApps fun _ [] = fun
-rebuildHsApps fun ctxt (arg : args)
+rebuildHsApps (fun, _) [] = fun
+rebuildHsApps (fun, ctxt) (arg : args)
   = case arg of
       EValArg { ea_arg = arg, ea_ctxt = ctxt' }
-        -> rebuildHsApps (HsApp noExtField lfun arg) ctxt' args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (HsApp noExtField lfun arg, ctxt') args
       ETypeArg { ea_hs_ty = hs_ty, ea_ty_arg = ty, ea_ctxt = ctxt' }
-        -> rebuildHsApps (HsAppType ty lfun hs_ty) ctxt' args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (HsAppType ty lfun hs_ty, ctxt') args
       EPrag ctxt' p
-        -> rebuildHsApps (HsPragE noExtField p lfun) ctxt' args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (HsPragE noExtField p lfun, ctxt') args
       EWrap (EPar ctxt')
-        -> rebuildHsApps (gHsPar lfun) ctxt' args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (gHsPar lfun, ctxt') args
       EWrap (EExpand orig)
         | OrigExpr oe <- orig
-        -> rebuildHsApps (mkExpandedExprTc oe fun) ctxt args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (mkExpandedExprTc oe fun, ctxt) args
         | otherwise
-        -> rebuildHsApps fun ctxt args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (fun, ctxt) args
       EWrap (EHsWrap wrap)
-        -> rebuildHsApps (mkHsWrap wrap fun) ctxt args
+        -> rebuildHsApps (mkHsWrap wrap fun, ctxt) args
     lfun = L (noAnnSrcSpan $ appCtxtLoc' ctxt) fun
     appCtxtLoc' (VAExpansion _ _ l) = l
@@ -429,9 +428,9 @@ instance OutputableBndrId (XPass p) => Outputable (HsExprArg p) where
   ppr (EPrag _ p)                     = text "EPrag" <+> ppr p
   ppr (ETypeArg { ea_hs_ty = hs_ty }) = char '@' <> ppr hs_ty
   ppr (EWrap wrap)                    = ppr wrap
-  ppr (EValArg { ea_arg = arg })
-    = text "EValArg" <+> ppr arg
-  ppr (EValArgQL { eaql_head = fun, eaql_args = args, eaql_res_rho = ty})
+  ppr (EValArg { ea_arg = arg, ea_ctxt = ctxt })
+    = text "EValArg" <> braces (ppr ctxt) <+> ppr arg
+  ppr (EValArgQL { eaql_tc_fun = fun, eaql_args = args, eaql_res_rho = ty})
     = hang (text "EValArgQL" <+> ppr fun)
          2 (vcat [ ppr args, text "ea_ql_ty:" <+> ppr ty ])
@@ -443,7 +442,7 @@ pprArgInst (EWrap wrap)                    = ppr wrap
 pprArgInst (EValArg { ea_arg = arg, ea_arg_ty = ty })
   = hang (text "EValArg" <+> ppr arg)
        2 (text "arg_ty" <+> ppr ty)
-pprArgInst (EValArgQL { eaql_head = fun, eaql_args = args, eaql_res_rho = ty})
+pprArgInst (EValArgQL { eaql_tc_fun = fun, eaql_args = args, eaql_res_rho = ty})
   = hang (text "EValArgQL" <+> ppr fun)
        2 (vcat [ vcat (map pprArgInst args), text "ea_ql_ty:" <+> ppr ty ])

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