[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24676] Wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed May 29 10:33:07 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24676 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1faefc72 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-29T11:32:48+01:00

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs


@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ import GHC.Core.DataCon ( dataConConcreteTyVars, isNewDataCon, dataConTyCon )
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst (substTyWithInScope)
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs   ( shallowTyCoVarsOfType )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( substTyWithInScope )
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Coercion
@@ -58,6 +59,8 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Env
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env  ( emptyTidyEnv, mkInScopeSet )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Basic    ( TypeOrKind(..) )
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
@@ -346,41 +349,39 @@ tcApp rn_expr exp_res_ty
               <- setQLInstLevel do_ql $
                  tcInstFun do_ql True fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
-       -- Monomorphise any leftover instantiation variables
-       ; res_wrap <- case do_ql of
-           NoQL -> case exp_res_ty of
-                     Check res_ty ->
-                       unifyResTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho res_ty
-                     Infer inf_res ->
-                       do { co <- fillInferResult app_res_rho inf_res
-                          ; return (mkWpCastN co) }
-           DoQL -> case exp_res_ty of
-                     Check res_ty ->
-                       do { qlUnify app_res_rho res_ty
-                          ; monomorphiseQLInstVars inst_args app_res_rho
-                          ; unifyResTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho res_ty }
-                     Infer inf_res ->
-                       do { monomorphiseQLInstVars inst_args app_res_rho
-                          ; co <- fillInferResult app_res_rho inf_res
-                          ; return (mkWpCastN co) }
+       ; app_res_rho <- case do_ql of
+           NoQL -> return app_res_rho
+           DoQL -> do { -- QL-unify with result type
+                        case exp_res_ty of
+                          Check res_ty -> qlUnify app_res_rho res_ty
+                          Infer {}     -> return ()
+                       -- Monomorphise any leftover instantiation variables
+                      ; monomorphiseQLInstVars inst_args app_res_rho
+                      -- Zonk the return type to expose any foralls
+                      ; liftZonkM $ zonkTcType app_res_rho }
        -- Typecheck the arguments
-       ; tc_app <- finishApp fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho
-       ; return (mkHsWrap res_wrap tc_app) }
+       ; ds_flag <- getDeepSubsumptionFlag
+       ; finishApp ds_flag rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty }
 setQLInstLevel :: QLFlag -> TcM a -> TcM a
 setQLInstLevel DoQL thing_inside = setTcLevel QLInstVar thing_inside
 setQLInstLevel NoQL thing_inside = thing_inside
-finishApp :: AppCtxt
+finishApp :: DeepSubsumptionFlag -> HsExpr GhcRn  -> AppCtxt
           -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg 'TcpInst]
-          -> TcRhoType
+          -> TcRhoType  -- Inferred type of the application;
+                        --   zonked, but maybe not deeply instantiated
+          -> ExpRhoType -- Expected type; this is deeply skolemised
           -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
 -- At this point there are no more instantiation variables
-finishApp fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho
-  = do { -- Typecheck the value arguments
-       ; tc_args <- tcValArgs inst_args
+finishApp ds_flag rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+  = do { res_wrap <- checkResTy ds_flag rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args
+                                app_res_rho exp_res_ty
+       -- Typecheck the value arguments
+       ;  tc_args <- tcValArgs inst_args
        -- Horrible newtype check
        ; rejectRepPolyNewtypes tc_fun app_res_rho
@@ -398,14 +399,22 @@ finishApp fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho
                                       , text "tc_args:"     <+> ppr tc_args
                                       , text "tc_expr:"     <+> ppr tc_expr ]) }
-       ; return tc_expr }
+       ; return (mkHsWrap res_wrap tc_expr) }
-unifyResTy :: HsExpr GhcRn -> AppCtxt -> HsExpr GhcTc
-           -> [HsExprArg p]
-           -> TcType -> TcRhoType
+checkResTy :: DeepSubsumptionFlag -> HsExpr GhcRn -> AppCtxt
+           -> HsExpr GhcTc -> [HsExprArg p]
+           -> TcRhoType  -- Inferred type of the application; zonked to
+                         --   expose foralls, but maybe not deeply instantiated
+           -> ExpRhoType -- Expected type; this is deeply skolemised
            -> TcM HsWrapper
-unifyResTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho res_ty
+-- Connect up the inferred type of the application with the expected type
+-- This is usually just a unification, but with deep subsumption there is more to do
+checkResTy _ _ _ _ _ app_res_rho (Infer inf_res)
+  = do { co <- fillInferResult app_res_rho inf_res
+       ; return (mkWpCastN co) }
+checkResTy ds_flag rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho (Check res_ty)
 -- Unify with expected type from the context
 -- See Note [Unify with expected type before typechecking arguments]
@@ -416,7 +425,6 @@ unifyResTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho res_ty
           vcat [ text "tc_fun:" <+> ppr tc_fun
                , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho
                , text "res_ty:"  <+> ppr res_ty ]
-      ; ds_flag <- getDeepSubsumptionFlag
       ; case ds_flag of
           Shallow -> -- No deep subsumption
              -- app_res_rho and res_ty are both rho-types,
@@ -430,11 +438,11 @@ unifyResTy rn_expr fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho res_ty
              -- Even though both app_res_rho and res_ty are rho-types,
              -- they may have nested polymorphism, so if deep subsumption
              -- is on we must call tcSubType.
-             -- No need to zonk app_res_rho first; although QL may have instantiated some
-             -- delta variables to polytypes, tcSubType can cope with that
-              do { wrap <- tcSubTypeDS rn_expr app_res_rho res_ty
-                 ; traceTc "unifyResTy 2 }" (ppr wrap)
-                 ; return wrap } }
+             -- Zonk app_res_rho first, because QL may have instantiated some
+             -- delta variables to polytypes, and tcSubType doesn't expect that
+             do { wrap <- tcSubTypeDS rn_expr app_res_rho res_ty
+                ; traceTc "unifyResTy 2 }" (ppr app_res_rho $$ ppr res_ty)
+                ; return wrap } }
     -- perhaps_add_res_ty_ctxt: Inside an expansion, the addFunResCtxt stuff is
     -- more confusing than helpful because the function at the head isn't in
@@ -484,14 +492,14 @@ tcValArg (ETypeArg l hs_ty ty) = return (ETypeArg l hs_ty ty)
 tcValArg (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
                   , ea_arg    = larg@(L arg_loc arg)
-                  , ea_arg_ty = (do_zonk, Scaled mult arg_ty) })
+                  , ea_arg_ty = (do_zonk, Scaled mult exp_arg_ty) })
   = addArgCtxt ctxt larg $
     do { traceTc "tcValArg" $
          vcat [ ppr ctxt
-              , text "arg type:" <+> ppr arg_ty
+              , text "arg type:" <+> ppr exp_arg_ty
               , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg ]
-         -- Crucial step: expose QL results before checking arg_ty
+         -- Crucial step: expose QL results before checking exp_arg_ty
          -- So far as the paper is concerned, this step applies
          -- the poly-substitution Theta, learned by QL, so that we
          -- "see" the polymorphism in that argument type. E.g.
@@ -500,13 +508,13 @@ tcValArg (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
          -- Then Theta = [p :-> forall a. a->a], and we want
          -- to check 'e' with expected type (forall a. a->a)
          -- See Note [Instantiation variables are short lived]
-       ; arg_ty <- case do_zonk of
-                     DoQL -> liftZonkM $ zonkTcType arg_ty
-                     NoQL -> return arg_ty
+       ; exp_arg_ty <- case do_zonk of
+              DoQL -> liftZonkM $ zonkTcType exp_arg_ty
+              NoQL -> return exp_arg_ty
          -- Now check the argument
        ; arg' <- tcScalingUsage mult $
-                 tcPolyExpr arg (mkCheckExpType arg_ty)
+                 tcPolyExpr arg (mkCheckExpType exp_arg_ty)
        ; return (EValArg { ea_ctxt = ctxt
                          , ea_arg = L arg_loc arg'
@@ -514,43 +522,46 @@ tcValArg (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
 tcValArg (EValArgQL { eaql_status  = ql_status
                     , eaql_ctxt    = ctxt
-                    , eaql_arg_ty  = Scaled mult arg_ty
+                    , eaql_arg_ty  = Scaled mult exp_arg_ty
                     , eaql_larg    = larg@(L arg_loc rn_expr)
                     , eaql_head    = rn_head
                     , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_fun
                     , eaql_args    = inst_args
-                    , eaql_res_rho = res_rho })
+                    , eaql_res_rho = app_res_rho })
   = addArgCtxt ctxt larg $
     tcScalingUsage mult  $
     case ql_status of
-      QLUnified res_wrap
-        -> do { tc_app <- finishApp ctxt tc_fun inst_args res_rho
+      QLUnified  -- We have decided to unify (no generalisation or deep subsumption)
+        ->       -- So pass Shallow to finishAPp
+           do { tc_app <- finishApp Shallow rn_expr ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho
+                                    (mkCheckExpType exp_arg_ty)
               ; return (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
-                                , ea_arg    = L arg_loc (mkHsWrap res_wrap tc_app)
+                                , ea_arg    = L arg_loc tc_app
                                 , ea_arg_ty = noExtField }) }
       QLIndependent wc
-        -> do { -- Expose QL results, as in the EValArg case
-              ; arg_ty <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType arg_ty
+        -> do { -- Expose QL results to tcSkolemise, as in EValArg case
+                exp_arg_ty <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType exp_arg_ty
               ; traceTc "tcEValArgQL {" (vcat [ ppr rn_head
                                               , text "status:" <+> ppr ql_status
-                                              , text "res_rho:" <+> ppr res_rho
-                                              , text "arg_ty:" <+> ppr arg_ty
+                                              , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho
+                                              , text "exp_arg_ty:" <+> ppr exp_arg_ty
                                               , text "args:" <+> ppr inst_args ])
               ; ds_flag <- getDeepSubsumptionFlag
               ; (wrap, arg')
-                   <- tcSkolemise ds_flag GenSigCtxt arg_ty $ \ arg_rho ->
+                   <- tcSkolemise ds_flag GenSigCtxt exp_arg_ty $ \ exp_arg_rho ->
                       do { emitConstraints wc
-                         ; res_wrap <- unifyResTy rn_expr ctxt tc_fun inst_args res_rho arg_rho
-                         ; monomorphiseQLInstVars inst_args res_rho
-                         ; tc_app <- finishApp ctxt tc_fun inst_args res_rho
-                         ; return (mkHsWrap res_wrap tc_app) }
+                         ; qlUnify app_res_rho exp_arg_rho
+                         ; monomorphiseQLInstVars inst_args app_res_rho
+                         ; app_res_rho <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType app_res_rho
+                         ; finishApp ds_flag rn_expr ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho
+                                             (mkCheckExpType exp_arg_rho) }
               ; traceTc "tcEValArgQL }" $
                   vcat [ text "rn_head:" <+> ppr rn_head
-                       , text "res_rho:" <+> ppr res_rho ]
+                       , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho ]
               ; return (EValArg { ea_ctxt   = ctxt
                                 , ea_arg    = L arg_loc (mkHsWrap wrap arg')
@@ -705,6 +716,11 @@ tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
                 -- Going around again means we deal easily with
                 -- nested  forall a. Eq a => forall b. Show b => blah
+    -- Rule IRESULT from Fig 4 of the QL paper; no more arguments
+    go1 _pos delta acc fun_ty []
+       = do { traceTc "tcInstFun:ret" (ppr fun_ty)
+            ; return (delta, reverse acc, fun_ty) }
     -- Rule ITVDQ from the GHC Proposal #281
     go1 pos delta acc fun_ty ((EValArg { ea_arg = arg }) : rest_args)
       | Just (tvb, body) <- tcSplitForAllTyVarBinder_maybe fun_ty
@@ -715,11 +731,6 @@ tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
            ; let wrap = mkWpTyApps [ty_arg]
            ; go (pos+1) delta (addArgWrap wrap acc) inst_body rest_args }
-    -- Rule IRESULT from Fig 4 of the QL paper
-    go1 _pos delta acc fun_ty []
-       = do { traceTc "tcInstFun:ret" (ppr fun_ty)
-            ; return (delta, reverse acc, fun_ty) }
     go1 pos delta acc fun_ty (EWrap w : args)
       = go1 pos delta (EWrap w : acc) fun_ty args
@@ -1720,40 +1731,39 @@ quickLookArg1 ctxt larg@(L _ arg) sc_arg_ty@(Scaled _ orig_arg_rho)
              <- captureConstraints $
                 tcInstFun do_ql True fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
-       ; let -- mk_ql_arg captures the results so far, for resumption in tcValArg
-             mk_ql_arg :: QLArgStatus -> HsExprArg 'TcpInst
-             mk_ql_arg status
-                = EValArgQL { eaql_status  = status
-                            , eaql_ctxt    = ctxt
-                            , eaql_arg_ty  = sc_arg_ty
-                            , eaql_larg    = larg
-                            , eaql_head    = rn_head
-                            , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_fun
-                            , eaql_args    = inst_args
-                            , eaql_res_rho = app_res_rho }
-             guarded = isGuardedTy orig_arg_rho
-            -- NB: guardedness is computed based on the original,
-            -- unzonked orig_arg_rho, so that we deliberately do
-            -- not exploit guardedness that emerges a result of QL on earlier args
        ; traceTc "quickLookArg 2" $
          vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
               , text "orig_arg_rho:" <+> ppr orig_arg_rho
               , text "app_res_rho:" <+> ppr app_res_rho ]
        -- Step 3: Check the two other premises of APP-lightning-bolt (Fig 5 in the paper)
-       --         Namely: (A) is rho guarded, and (B) fiv(rho_r) = emptyset
+       --         Namely: (A) is orig_arg_rho is guarded
+         --           or: (B) fiv(app_res_rho) = emptyset
        -- This tells us if the quick look at the argument yields information that
        -- influences the enclosing function call
+       -- NB: guardedness is computed based on the original,
+       -- unzonked orig_arg_rho, so that we deliberately do
+       -- not exploit guardedness that emerges a result of QL on earlier args
        ; arg_influences_enclosing_call
-            <- if guarded                                       -- (A)
+            <- if isGuardedTy orig_arg_rho
                then return True
                else not <$> anyFreeKappa app_res_rho  -- (B)
                     -- For (B) see Note [The fiv test in quickLookArg]
        -- Step 4: do quick-look unification if either (A) or (B) hold
        -- NB: orig_arg_rho may not be zonked, but that's ok
+       ; let -- mk_ql_arg captures the results so far, for resumption in tcValArg
+             mk_ql_arg :: QLArgStatus -> HsExprArg 'TcpInst
+             mk_ql_arg status
+                = EValArgQL { eaql_status  = status
+                            , eaql_ctxt    = ctxt
+                            , eaql_arg_ty  = sc_arg_ty
+                            , eaql_larg    = larg
+                            , eaql_head    = rn_head
+                            , eaql_tc_fun  = tc_fun
+                            , eaql_args    = inst_args
+                            , eaql_res_rho = app_res_rho }
        ; if arg_influences_enclosing_call
          then -- No generalisation will take place for this argument! So we can:
               --   * emit the constraints from the argument right now, and
@@ -1761,9 +1771,9 @@ quickLookArg1 ctxt larg@(L _ arg) sc_arg_ty@(Scaled _ orig_arg_rho)
               -- No skolemisation of orig_arg_ty needed here:
               --   tcIsDeepRho checked that there are no foralls to skolemise
               do { emitConstraints wanted
-                 ; res_wrap <- unifyResTy arg fun_ctxt tc_fun inst_args app_res_rho orig_arg_rho
+                 ; qlUnify app_res_rho orig_arg_rho
                  ; traceTc "quickLookArg unify" (ppr rn_fun)
-                 ; return (mk_ql_arg (QLUnified res_wrap)) }
+                 ; return (mk_ql_arg QLUnified) }
          else -- Argument does not influence the enclosing call.
               -- Quick-look on this argument was in vain (but we still don't want to waste
@@ -1887,19 +1897,14 @@ which has no free instantiation variables, so we can QL-unify
-qlUnify :: Delta -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
+qlUnify :: TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
 -- Unify ty1 with ty2, unifying /only/ instantiation variables in delta
 -- (it /never/ unifies ordinary unification variables)
 -- It never produces errors, even for mis-matched types
 -- It may return without having made the types equal, of course;
 -- it just makes best efforts.
-qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
-  = assertPpr (not (isEmptyVarSet delta)) (ppr delta $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2) $
-       -- Only called with a non-empty delta
-       -- Empty <=> nothing to do
-    do { traceTc "qlUnify" (ppr delta $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2)
-       ; go (emptyVarSet,emptyVarSet) ty1 ty2 }
+qlUnify ty1 ty2
+  = go (emptyVarSet,emptyVarSet) ty1 ty2
     go :: (TyVarSet, TcTyVarSet)
        -> TcType -> TcType
@@ -1907,10 +1912,10 @@ qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
     -- The TyVarSets give the variables bound by enclosing foralls
     -- for the corresponding type. Don't unify with these.
     go bvs (TyVarTy tv) ty2
-      | tv `elemVarSet` delta = go_kappa bvs tv ty2
+      | isQLInstTyVar tv = go_kappa bvs tv ty2
     go (bvs1, bvs2) ty1 (TyVarTy tv)
-      | tv `elemVarSet` delta = go_kappa (bvs2,bvs1) tv ty1
+      | isQLInstTyVar tv = go_kappa (bvs2,bvs1) tv ty1
     go bvs (CastTy ty1 _) ty2 = go bvs ty1 ty2
     go bvs ty1 (CastTy ty2 _) = go bvs ty1 ty2
@@ -1997,7 +2002,7 @@ qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
       | kind1 `tcEqType` kind2
       = return ty2
       | otherwise
-      = do { qlUnify delta kind1 kind2
+      = do { qlUnify kind1 kind2
            ; (kind1, kind2) <- liftZonkM $
                                do { kind1 <- zonkTcType kind1
                                   ; kind2 <- zonkTcType kind2
@@ -2018,7 +2023,7 @@ qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
                              , uo_expected = kind1
                              , uo_thing    = Just (TypeThing ty2)
                              , uo_visible  = True }
 {- Note [Actual unification during QuickLook]
 In qlUnify, if we find (kappa ~ ty), we are going to update kappa := ty.

@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ type family XEVAType (p :: TcPass) where   -- Value arguments
 data QLFlag = DoQL | NoQL
 data QLArgStatus  -- See (QLA2) in Note [Quick Look at value arguments] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
-  = QLUnified HsWrapper             -- Unified with caller
+  = QLUnified                       -- Unified with caller
   | QLIndependent WantedConstraints -- Independent of caller
 data EWrap = EPar    AppCtxt
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ instance OutputableBndrId (XPass p) => Outputable (HsExprArg p) where
          2 (vcat [ ppr args, text "ea_ql_ty:" <+> ppr ty ])
 instance Outputable QLArgStatus where
-  ppr (QLUnified wrap)         = text "QLUnified" <> braces (ppr wrap)
+  ppr QLUnified          = text "QLUnified"
   ppr (QLIndependent wc) = text "QLIndependent" <> braces (ppr wc)
 instance Outputable EWrap where

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