[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/expansions-appdo] 2 commits: add testcase T24406.hs

Apoorv Ingle (@ani) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue May 28 20:11:43 UTC 2024

Apoorv Ingle pushed to branch wip/expansions-appdo at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d8867b5c by Apoorv Ingle at 2024-05-28T14:25:44-05:00
add testcase T24406.hs

- - - - -
4f0ab3ed by Apoorv Ingle at 2024-05-28T15:11:00-05:00
Remove `XStmtLR GhcTc` as `XStmtLR GhcRn` is now compiled to `HsExpr GhcTc`

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/GuardedRHSs.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/ListComp.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Desugar.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Ticks.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Zonk/Type.hs
- + testsuite/tests/ado/T24406.hs
- testsuite/tests/ado/all.T


@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ type instance XRecStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = RecStmtTc
 type instance XXStmtLR         (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XXStmtLR         (GhcPass x) GhcRn b = ApplicativeStmt (GhcPass x) GhcRn
-type instance XXStmtLR         (GhcPass x) GhcTc b = ApplicativeStmt (GhcPass x) GhcTc
+type instance XXStmtLR         (GhcPass x) GhcTc b = DataConCantHappen
 -- | 'ApplicativeStmt' represents an applicative expression built with
 -- '<$>' and '<*>'.  It is generated by the renamer, and is desugared into the
@@ -1808,7 +1808,6 @@ pprStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segment, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids
 pprStmt (XStmtLR x) = case ghcPass :: GhcPass idR of
     GhcRn -> pprApplicativeStmt x
-    GhcTc -> pprApplicativeStmt x
     pprApplicativeStmt :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR) => ApplicativeStmt (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> SDoc
@@ -1829,7 +1828,6 @@ pprStmt (XStmtLR x) = case ghcPass :: GhcPass idR of
         flattenStmt :: ExprLStmt (GhcPass idL) -> [SDoc]
         flattenStmt (L _ (XStmtLR x)) = case ghcPass :: GhcPass idL of
             GhcRn | (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) <- x -> concatMap flattenArg args
-            GhcTc | (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) <- x -> concatMap flattenArg args
         flattenStmt stmt = [ppr stmt]
         flattenArg :: (a, ApplicativeArg (GhcPass idL)) -> [SDoc]

@@ -1188,7 +1188,6 @@ collectStmtBinders flag = \case
     RecStmt { recS_stmts = L _ ss } -> collectLStmtsBinders flag ss
     XStmtLR x -> case ghcPass :: GhcPass idR of
         GhcRn -> collectApplicativeStmtBndrs x
-        GhcTc -> collectApplicativeStmtBndrs x
     collectApplicativeStmtBndrs :: ApplicativeStmt (GhcPass idL) a -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
     collectApplicativeStmtBndrs (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) = concatMap (collectArgBinders . snd) args
@@ -1777,7 +1776,6 @@ lStmtsImplicits = hs_lstmts
     hs_stmt (BindStmt _ pat _) = lPatImplicits pat
     hs_stmt (XStmtLR x) = case ghcPass :: GhcPass idR of
         GhcRn -> hs_applicative_stmt x
-        GhcTc -> hs_applicative_stmt x
     hs_stmt (LetStmt _ binds)     = hs_local_binds binds
     hs_stmt (BodyStmt {})         = []
     hs_stmt (LastStmt {})         = []

@@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ dsExpr (HsLet _ binds body) = do
 -- because the interpretation of `stmts' depends on what sort of thing it is.
 dsExpr (HsDo res_ty ListComp (L _ stmts)) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
-dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx at DoExpr{}      (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
-dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx at GhciStmtCtxt  (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
-dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx at MDoExpr{}     (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
 dsExpr (HsDo _ MonadComp     (L _ stmts)) = dsMonadComp stmts
+dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx at GhciStmtCtxt  (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
+dsExpr (HsDo _ DoExpr{}      (L _ stmts)) = pprPanic "shouldn't happen dsDo DoExpr" (ppr stmts)
+dsExpr (HsDo _ MDoExpr{}     (L _ stmts)) = pprPanic "shouldn't happen dsDo MDoExpr" (ppr stmts)
 dsExpr (HsIf _ guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
   = do { pred <- dsLExpr guard_expr
@@ -815,38 +815,6 @@ dsDo ctx stmts
                      -- This LastStmt will be desugared with dsDo,
                      -- which ignores the return_op in the LastStmt,
                      -- so we must apply the return_op explicitly
-    go _ (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join)) stmts
-      = do {
-             let
-               (pats, rhss) = unzip (map (do_arg . snd) args)
-               do_arg (ApplicativeArgOne fail_op pat expr _) =
-                 ((pat, fail_op), dsLExpr expr)
-               do_arg (ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts ret pat _) =
-                 ((pat, Nothing), dsDo ctx (stmts ++ [noLocA $ mkLastStmt ret]))
-           ; rhss' <- sequence rhss
-           ; body' <- dsLExpr $ noLocA $ HsDo body_ty ctx (noLocA stmts)
-           ; let match_args (pat, fail_op) (vs,body)
-                   = putSrcSpanDs (getLocA pat) $
-                     do { var   <- selectSimpleMatchVarL ManyTy pat
-                        ; match <- matchSinglePatVar var Nothing (StmtCtxt (HsDoStmt ctx)) pat
-                                   body_ty (cantFailMatchResult body)
-                        ; match_code <- dsHandleMonadicFailure ctx pat match fail_op
-                        ; return (var:vs, match_code)
-                        }
-           ; (vars, body) <- foldrM match_args ([],body') pats
-           ; let fun' = mkLams vars body
-           ; let mk_ap_call l (op,r) = dsSyntaxExpr op [l,r]
-           ; expr <- foldlM mk_ap_call fun' (zip (map fst args) rhss')
-           ; case mb_join of
-               Nothing -> return expr
-               Just join_op -> dsSyntaxExpr join_op [expr] }
     go _ (ParStmt   {}) _ = panic "dsDo ParStmt"
     go _ (TransStmt {}) _ = panic "dsDo TransStmt"

@@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ matchGuards (LastStmt  {} : _) _ _ _ _ = panic "matchGuards LastStmt"
 matchGuards (ParStmt   {} : _) _ _ _ _ = panic "matchGuards ParStmt"
 matchGuards (TransStmt {} : _) _ _ _ _ = panic "matchGuards TransStmt"
 matchGuards (RecStmt   {} : _) _ _ _ _ = panic "matchGuards RecStmt"
-matchGuards (XStmtLR ApplicativeStmt {} : _) _ _ _ _ =
-  panic "matchGuards ApplicativeLastStmt"
 Should {\em fail} if @e@ returns @D@

@@ -257,9 +257,6 @@ deListComp (ParStmt _ stmtss_w_bndrs _ _ : quals) list
 deListComp (RecStmt {} : _) _ = panic "deListComp RecStmt"
-deListComp (XStmtLR ApplicativeStmt {} : _) _ =
-  panic "deListComp ApplicativeStmt"
 deBindComp :: LPat GhcTc
            -> CoreExpr
            -> [ExprStmt GhcTc]
@@ -352,8 +349,6 @@ dfListComp c_id n_id (BindStmt _ pat list1 : quals) = do
 dfListComp _ _ (ParStmt {} : _) = panic "dfListComp ParStmt"
 dfListComp _ _ (RecStmt {} : _) = panic "dfListComp RecStmt"
-dfListComp _ _ (XStmtLR ApplicativeStmt {} : _) =
-  panic "dfListComp ApplicativeStmt"
 dfBindComp :: Id -> Id             -- 'c' and 'n'
            -> (LPat GhcTc, CoreExpr)
@@ -580,7 +575,6 @@ dsMcStmt (ParStmt bind_ty blocks mzip_op bind_op) stmts_rest
        = do { exp <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs return_op
             ; return (exp, mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs) }
-dsMcStmt stmt@(XStmtLR ApplicativeStmt {}) _ = pprPanic "dsMcStmt: unexpected stmt" (ppr stmt)
 dsMcStmt stmt@(RecStmt {}) _ = pprPanic "dsMcStmt: unexpected stmt" (ppr stmt)
 matchTuple :: [Id] -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr

@@ -377,7 +377,6 @@ desugarGuard guard = case guard of
   ParStmt         {} -> panic "desugarGuard ParStmt"
   TransStmt       {} -> panic "desugarGuard TransStmt"
   RecStmt         {} -> panic "desugarGuard RecStmt"
-  XStmtLR ApplicativeStmt{} -> panic "desugarGuard ApplicativeLastStmt"
 -- | Desugar local bindings to a bunch of 'PmLet' guards.
 -- Deals only with simple @let@ or @where@ bindings without any polymorphism,

@@ -752,33 +752,10 @@ addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(RecStmt {})
        ; return (stmt { recS_stmts = noLocA stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
                       , recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
-addTickStmt isGuard (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join)) = do
-    args' <- mapM (addTickApplicativeArg isGuard) args
-    return (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args' mb_join))
 addTick :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
 addTick isGuard e | Just fn <- isGuard = addBinTickLHsExpr fn e
                   | otherwise          = addTickLHsExprRHS e
-  :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
-  -> TM (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
-addTickApplicativeArg isGuard (op, arg) =
-  liftM2 (,) (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan op) (addTickArg arg)
- where
-  addTickArg (ApplicativeArgOne m_fail pat expr isBody) =
-    ApplicativeArgOne
-      <$> mapM (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan) m_fail
-      <*> addTickLPat pat
-      <*> addTickLHsExpr expr
-      <*> pure isBody
-  addTickArg (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts ret pat ctxt) =
-    (ApplicativeArgMany x)
-      <$> addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
-      <*> addTickLHsExpr ret
-      <*> addTickLPat pat
-      <*> pure ctxt
 addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc
                       -> TM (ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc)
 addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (ParStmtBlock x stmts ids returnExpr) =
@@ -967,8 +944,6 @@ addTickCmdStmt stmt@(RecStmt {})
        ; bind'  <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_bind_fn stmt)
        ; return (stmt { recS_stmts = noLocA stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
                       , recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
-addTickCmdStmt (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt{})) =
-  panic "ToDo: addTickCmdStmt ApplicativeLastStmt"
 -- Others should never happen in a command context.
 addTickCmdStmt stmt  = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr stmt)

@@ -1370,7 +1370,6 @@ instance ( ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
       XStmtLR x -> case hiePass @p of
         HieRn -> extApplicativeStmt x
-        HieTc -> extApplicativeStmt x
       node = case hiePass @p of
         HieTc -> makeNodeA stmt span

@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Basic( VisArity, isDoExpansionGenerated )
 import Control.Monad
-import Control.Arrow ( second )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
@@ -990,18 +989,6 @@ tcDoStmt ctxt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = L l stmts, recS_later_ids = later_names
                             , recS_ret_ty = stmts_ty} }, thing)
-tcDoStmt ctxt (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt _ pairs mb_join)) res_ty thing_inside
-  = do  { let tc_app_stmts ty = tcApplicativeStmts ctxt pairs ty $
-                                thing_inside . mkCheckExpType
-        ; ((pairs', body_ty, thing), mb_join') <- case mb_join of
-            Nothing -> (, Nothing) <$> tc_app_stmts res_ty
-            Just join_op ->
-              second Just <$>
-              (tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin join_op [SynRho] res_ty $
-               \ [rhs_ty] [rhs_mult] -> tcScalingUsage rhs_mult $ tc_app_stmts (mkCheckExpType rhs_ty))
-        ; return (XStmtLR $ ApplicativeStmt body_ty pairs' mb_join', thing) }
 tcDoStmt _ stmt _ _
   = pprPanic "tcDoStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
@@ -1077,87 +1064,6 @@ To achieve this we:
     all branches. This step is done with bindLocalNames.
-  :: HsStmtContextRn
-  -> [(SyntaxExpr GhcRn, ApplicativeArg GhcRn)]
-  -> ExpRhoType                         -- rhs_ty
-  -> (TcRhoType -> TcM t)               -- thing_inside
-  -> TcM ([(SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)], Type, t)
-tcApplicativeStmts ctxt pairs rhs_ty thing_inside
- = do { body_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
-      ; let arity = length pairs
-      ; ts <- replicateM (arity-1) $ newInferExpType
-      ; exp_tys <- replicateM arity $ newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
-      ; pat_tys <- replicateM arity $ newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
-      ; let fun_ty = mkVisFunTysMany pat_tys body_ty
-       -- NB. do the <$>,<*> operators first, we don't want type errors here
-       --     i.e. goOps before goArgs
-       -- See Note [Treat rebindable syntax first]
-      ; let (ops, args) = unzip pairs
-      ; ops' <- goOps fun_ty (zip3 ops (ts ++ [rhs_ty]) exp_tys)
-      -- Typecheck each ApplicativeArg separately
-      -- See Note [ApplicativeDo and constraints]
-      ; args' <- mapM (goArg body_ty) (zip3 args pat_tys exp_tys)
-      -- Bring into scope all the things bound by the args,
-      -- and typecheck the thing_inside
-      -- See Note [ApplicativeDo and constraints]
-      ; res <- tcExtendIdEnv (concatMap get_arg_bndrs args') $
-               thing_inside body_ty
-      ; return (zip ops' args', body_ty, res) }
-  where
-    goOps _ [] = return []
-    goOps t_left ((op,t_i,exp_ty) : ops)
-      = do { (_, op')
-               <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin op
-                             [synKnownType t_left, synKnownType exp_ty] t_i $
-                   \ _ _ -> return ()
-           ; t_i <- readExpType t_i
-           ; ops' <- goOps t_i ops
-           ; return (op' : ops') }
-    goArg :: Type -> (ApplicativeArg GhcRn, Type, Type)
-          -> TcM (ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
-    goArg body_ty (ApplicativeArgOne
-                    { xarg_app_arg_one = fail_op
-                    , app_arg_pattern = pat
-                    , arg_expr = rhs
-                    , ..
-                    }, pat_ty, exp_ty)
-      = setSrcSpan (combineSrcSpans (getLocA pat) (getLocA rhs)) $
-        addErrCtxt (pprStmtInCtxt ctxt (mkRnBindStmt pat rhs))   $
-        do { rhs'      <- tcCheckMonoExprNC rhs exp_ty
-           ; (pat', _) <- tcCheckPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat (unrestricted pat_ty) $
-                          return ()
-           ; fail_op' <- fmap join . forM fail_op $ \fail ->
-               tcMonadFailOp (DoPatOrigin pat) pat' fail body_ty
-           ; return (ApplicativeArgOne
-                      { xarg_app_arg_one = fail_op'
-                      , app_arg_pattern = pat'
-                      , arg_expr        = rhs'
-                      , .. }
-                    ) }
-    goArg _body_ty (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts ret pat ctxt, pat_ty, exp_ty)
-      = do { (stmts', (ret',pat')) <-
-                tcStmtsAndThen (HsDoStmt ctxt) tcDoStmt stmts (mkCheckExpType exp_ty) $
-                \res_ty  -> do
-                  { ret'      <- tcMonoExprNC ret res_ty
-                  ; (pat', _) <- tcCheckPat (StmtCtxt (HsDoStmt ctxt)) pat (unrestricted pat_ty) $
-                                 return ()
-                  ; return (ret', pat')
-                  }
-           ; return (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts' ret' pat' ctxt) }
-    get_arg_bndrs :: ApplicativeArg GhcTc -> [Id]
-    get_arg_bndrs (ApplicativeArgOne { app_arg_pattern = pat }) = collectPatBinders CollNoDictBinders pat
-    get_arg_bndrs (ApplicativeArgMany { bv_pattern =  pat })    = collectPatBinders CollNoDictBinders pat
 {- Note [ApplicativeDo and constraints]

@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ import GHC.Tc.Types.BasicTypes
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Data.Bag
-import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
 import Data.Semigroup
@@ -1408,54 +1407,6 @@ zonkStmt zBody (BindStmt xbs pat body)
             new_pat new_body }
--- Scopes: join > ops (in reverse order) > pats (in forward order)
---              > rest of stmts
-zonkStmt _zBody (XStmtLR (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join))
-  = do  { new_mb_join   <- zonk_join mb_join
-        ; new_args      <- zonk_args args
-        ; new_body_ty   <- noBinders $ zonkTcTypeToTypeX body_ty
-        ; return $ XStmtLR $ ApplicativeStmt new_body_ty new_args new_mb_join }
-  where
-    zonk_join Nothing  = return Nothing
-    zonk_join (Just j) = Just <$> zonkSyntaxExpr j
-    get_pat :: (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc) -> LPat GhcTc
-    get_pat (_, ApplicativeArgOne _ pat _ _) = pat
-    get_pat (_, ApplicativeArgMany _ _ _ pat _) = pat
-    replace_pat :: LPat GhcTc
-                -> (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
-                -> (SyntaxExpr GhcTc, ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
-    replace_pat pat (op, ApplicativeArgOne fail_op _ a isBody)
-      = (op, ApplicativeArgOne fail_op pat a isBody)
-    replace_pat pat (op, ApplicativeArgMany x a b _ c)
-      = (op, ApplicativeArgMany x a b pat c)
-    zonk_args args
-      = do { new_args_rev <- zonk_args_rev (reverse args)
-           ; new_pats     <- zonkPats (map get_pat args)
-           ; return $ zipWithEqual "zonkStmt" replace_pat
-                        new_pats (reverse new_args_rev) }
-     -- these need to go backward, because if any operators are higher-rank,
-     -- later operators may introduce skolems that are in scope for earlier
-     -- arguments
-    zonk_args_rev ((op, arg) : args)
-      = do { new_op   <- zonkSyntaxExpr op
-           ; new_arg  <- noBinders $ zonk_arg arg
-           ; new_args <- zonk_args_rev args
-           ; return $ (new_op, new_arg) : new_args }
-    zonk_args_rev [] = return []
-    zonk_arg (ApplicativeArgOne fail_op pat expr isBody)
-      = do { new_expr <- zonkLExpr expr
-           ; new_fail <- forM fail_op $ don'tBind . zonkSyntaxExpr
-           ; return (ApplicativeArgOne new_fail pat new_expr isBody) }
-    zonk_arg (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts ret pat ctxt)
-      = runZonkBndrT (zonkStmts zonkLExpr stmts) $ \ new_stmts ->
-        do { new_ret <- zonkLExpr ret
-           ; return (ApplicativeArgMany x new_stmts new_ret pat ctxt) }
 zonkRecFields :: HsRecordBinds GhcTc -> ZonkTcM (HsRecordBinds GhcTc)
 zonkRecFields (HsRecFields flds dd)

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes, ApplicativeDo #-}
+module T where
+t :: IO (forall a. a -> a)
+t = return id
+p :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (Bool, Int)
+p f = (f True, f 3)
+-- This typechecks (with QL)
+foo1 = t >>= \x -> return (p x)
+-- But this did not not type check:
+foo2 = do { x <- t ; return (p x) }

@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ test('T17835', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T20540', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T16135', [when(compiler_debugged(),expect_broken(16135))], compile, [''])
 test('T22483', normal, compile, ['-Wall'])
+test('T24406', normal, compile, [''])
\ No newline at end of file

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