[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24824] Pmc: Improve implementation of -Wincomplete-record-selectors (#24824, #24891)

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon May 27 11:20:56 UTC 2024

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/T24824 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

e7487c57 by Sebastian Graf at 2024-05-27T13:19:20+02:00
Pmc: Improve implementation of -Wincomplete-record-selectors (#24824, #24891)

We now incorporate the result type of unsaturated record selector applications
as well as consider long-distance information in getField applications.

See the updated Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors].

Fixes #24824 and #24891.

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Check.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
- + testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T24824.hs
- + testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T24891.hs
- + testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T24891.stderr
- testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@@ -69,6 +68,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Core.PatSyn
 import Control.Monad
 import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Class (lookupHasFieldLabel)
@@ -262,18 +262,7 @@ dsLExpr (L loc e) = putSrcSpanDsA loc $ dsExpr e
 dsExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
 dsExpr (HsVar    _ (L _ id))           = dsHsVar id
-{- Record selectors are warned about if they are not
-present in all of the parent data type's constructor,
-or always in case of pattern synonym record selectors
-(regulated by a flag). However, this only produces
-a warning if it's not a part of a record selector
-application. For example:
-        data T = T1 | T2 {s :: Bool}
-        f x = s x -- the warning from this case will be supressed
-See the `HsApp` case for where it is filtered out
+-- See of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
 dsExpr (HsRecSel _ (FieldOcc id _))
   = do { let name = getName id
              RecSelId {sel_cons = (_, cons_wo_field)}
@@ -281,9 +270,7 @@ dsExpr (HsRecSel _ (FieldOcc id _))
        ; cons_trimmed <- trim_cons cons_wo_field
        ; unless (null cons_wo_field) $ diagnosticDs
              $ DsIncompleteRecordSelector name cons_trimmed (cons_trimmed /= cons_wo_field)
-                 -- This only produces a warning if it's not a part of a
-                 -- record selector application (e.g. `s a` where `s` is a selector)
-                 -- See the `HsApp` case for where it is filtered out
+           -- See (4) and (5) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
        ; dsHsVar id }
     trim_cons :: [ConLike] -> DsM [ConLike]
@@ -359,28 +346,19 @@ dsExpr (HsLam _ variant a_Match)
   = uncurry mkCoreLams <$> matchWrapper (LamAlt variant) Nothing a_Match
 dsExpr e@(HsApp _ fun arg)
-         -- We want to have a special case that uses the PMC information to filter
-         -- out some of the incomplete record selectors warnings and not trigger
-         -- the warning emitted during the desugaring of dsExpr(HsRecSel)
-         -- See Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
   = do { (msgs, fun') <- captureMessagesDs $ dsLExpr fun
-             -- Make sure to filter out the generic incomplete record selector warning
-             -- if it's a raw record selector
+         -- See (5) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
        ; arg' <- dsLExpr arg
-       ; case getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe fun' of
-           Just fun_id | isRecordSelector fun_id
-             -> do { let msgs' = filterMessages is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg msgs
+       ; mb_rec_sel <- decomposeRecSelHead fun'
+       ; case mb_rec_sel of
+           -- See (2) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
+           Just sel_id
+             -> do { let msgs' = filterMessages (not . is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg) msgs
                    ; addMessagesDs msgs'
-                   ; pmcRecSel fun_id arg' }
+                   ; pmcRecSel sel_id arg' }
            _ -> addMessagesDs msgs
        ; warnUnusedBindValue fun arg (exprType arg')
        ; return $ mkCoreAppDs (text "HsApp" <+> ppr e) fun' arg' }
-  where
-    is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg :: MsgEnvelope DsMessage -> Bool
-    is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg (MsgEnvelope {errMsgDiagnostic = DsIncompleteRecordSelector{}})
-                                = False
-    is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg _ = True
 dsExpr e@(HsAppType {}) = dsHsWrapped e
@@ -1006,7 +984,19 @@ warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs rhs_ty
 dsHsWrapped :: HsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
 dsHsWrapped orig_hs_expr
-  = go idHsWrapper orig_hs_expr
+  = do { (msgs, res) <- captureMessagesDs $ go idHsWrapper orig_hs_expr
+         -- See (5) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
+       ; case getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe res of
+           Just fun_id
+             | isRecordSelector fun_id
+             , Just (FTF_T_T, _, arg_ty,_res_ty) <- splitFunTy_maybe (exprType res)
+             -> do { let msgs' = filterMessages (not . is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg) msgs
+                   ; addMessagesDs msgs'
+                   ; dummy <- newSysLocalDs ManyTy arg_ty
+                   -- See (3) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
+                   ; pmcRecSel fun_id (Var dummy) }
+           _ -> addMessagesDs msgs
+       ; return res }
     go wrap (HsPar _ (L _ hs_e))
        = go wrap hs_e
@@ -1028,3 +1018,48 @@ dsHsWrapped orig_hs_expr
             { addTyCs FromSource (hsWrapDictBinders wrap) $
               do { e <- dsExpr hs_e
                  ; return (wrap' e) } } }
+is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg :: MsgEnvelope DsMessage -> Bool
+is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg (MsgEnvelope {errMsgDiagnostic = DsIncompleteRecordSelector{}})
+  = True
+is_incomplete_rec_sel_msg _ = False
+decomposeRecSelHead :: CoreExpr -> DsM (Maybe Id)
+-- Detect whether the given CoreExpr is
+--  * a record selector, or
+--  * a resolved getField application listing the record selector
+-- See (6) of Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.
+decomposeRecSelHead fun
+  -- First plain record selectors; `sel |> co`. Easy:
+  | Just sel_id <- getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe fun
+  , isRecordSelector sel_id
+  = pure (Just sel_id)
+  -- Now resolved getField applications. General form:
+  --   getField
+  --     @GHC.Types.Symbol                        {k}
+  --     @"sel"                                   x
+  --     @T                                       r
+  --     @Int                                     a
+  --     ($dHasField :: HasField "sel" T Int)
+  --     :: T -> Int
+  -- where
+  --  $dHasField = sel |> (co :: T -> Int ~R# HasField "sel" T Int)
+  -- Alas, we cannot simply look at the unfolding of $dHasField below because it
+  -- has not been set yet, so we have to reconstruct the selector from the types.
+  | App fun2 dict <- fun
+     -- cheap test first
+  , Just _dict_id <- getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe dict
+     -- looks good so far. Now match deeper
+  , get_field `App` _k `App` Type x_ty `App` Type r_ty `App` _a_ty <- fun2
+  , Just get_field_id <- getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe get_field
+  , get_field_id `hasKey` getFieldClassOpKey
+     -- Checks out! Now get a hold of the record selector.
+  = do fam_inst_envs <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
+       -- Look up the field named x/"sel" in the type r/T
+       case lookupHasFieldLabel fam_inst_envs x_ty r_ty of
+        Just fl -> Just <$> dsLookupGlobalId (flSelector fl)
+        Nothing -> pure Nothing
+  | otherwise
+  = pure Nothing

@@ -200,55 +200,120 @@ pmcMatches origin ctxt vars matches = {-# SCC "pmcMatches" #-} do
 Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors]
-A record selector occurrence is incomplete iff. it could fail due to
-being applied to a data type constructor not present for this record field.
-  data T = T1 | T2 {x :: Int}
-  d = x someComputation -- `d` may fail
-There are 4 parts to detecting and warning about
-incomplete record selectors to consider:
-  - Computing which constructors a general application of a record field will succeed on,
-    and which ones it will fail on. This is stored in the `sel_cons` field of
-    `IdDetails` datatype, which is a part of an `Id` and calculated when renaming a
-    record selector in `mkOneRecordSelector`
-  - Emitting a warning whenever a `HasField` constraint is solved.
-    This is checked in `matchHasField` and emitted only for when
-    the constraint is resolved with an implicit instance rather than a
-    custom one (since otherwise the warning will be emitted in
-      the custom implementation anyways)
-    e.g.
-      g :: HasField "x" t Int => t -> Int
-      g = getField @"x"
-      f :: T -> Int
-      f = g -- warning will be emitted here
-  - Emitting a warning for a general occurrence of the record selector
-    This is done during the renaming of a `HsRecSel` expression in `dsExpr`
-    and simply pulls the information about incompleteness from the `Id`
-    e.g.
-      l :: T -> Int
-      l a = x a -- warning will be emitted here
-  - Emitting a warning for a record selector `sel` applied to a variable `y`.
-    In that case we want to use the long-distance information from the
-    pattern match checker to rule out impossible constructors
-    (See Note [Long-distance information]). We first add constraints to
-    the long-distance `Nablas` that `y` cannot be one of the constructors that
-    contain `sel` (function `checkRecSel` in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.Check). If the
-    `Nablas` are still inhabited, we emit a warning with the inhabiting constructors
-    as examples of where `sel` may fail.
-    e.g.
-      z :: T -> Int
-      z T1 = 0
-      z a = x a -- warning will not be emitted here since `a` can only be `T2`
+Applications of record selectors desugar to case expressions which may crash
+at runtime for alternatives that do not define the selected field:
+  data T a where
+    T1 :: T Int
+    T2 {sel :: Int} :: T Bool
+  urgh :: T a -> Int
+  urgh x = sel x
+  ===>
+  urgh x = case x of
+    T1 -> error "no record field sel"
+    T2 f -> f
+As such, it makes sense to warn about such potential crashes.
+We do so whenever -Wincomplete-record-selectors is present, and we utilise
+the pattern-match coverage checker for precise results, because even
+partially-defined record selectors such as `sel` above can be used in safe ways
+when all contructors that lack the selected field (such as `T1`) can be ruled
+out by ambient constraints. This happens in either of two ways:
+ (LDI) By relying on long-distance information, as in
+         ldi :: T a -> Int
+         ldi T1  = 0
+         ldi arg = sel arg
+       We should not warn here, because `arg` cannot be `T1`.
+ (RES) By constraining the result type of a GADT such as T, e.g.
+         resTy :: T Bool -> Int
+         resTy = sel
+       Here, `T1 :: T Int` is ruled out because it has the wrong result type.
+Additionally, we want to support incomplete overloaded record dot access as
+well, in either the (LDI) use case or the (RES) use case:
+  data Dot = No | Yes { sel2 :: Int }
+  dot d = d.sel2      -- should warn
+  ldiDot No = 0
+  ldiDot d  = d.sel2  -- should not warn
+  resTyDot :: T Bool -> Int
+  resTyDot x = x.sel  -- should not warn
+Here is how we achieve this in the implementation:
+ 1. When renaming a record selector in `mkOneRecordSelector`,
+    we precompute the constructors the selector succeeds on.
+    That would be `T2` for `sel` because `sel (T2 42)` succeeds,
+    and `Yes` for `sel2` because `sel2 (Yes 13)` succeeds.
+    We store this information in the `sel_cons` field of `IdDetails`.
+The next three items describe mechanisms for producing warnings and situations
+in which they trigger. They are ordered by specificity, so we prefer (2) over
+(3) over (4). Item (5) below describes how we resolve the overlap.
+ 2. In case (LDI), we have a record selector application `sel arg`.
+    This situation is detected in the `HsApp` case of `dsExpr`.
+    (See also (5) below for how we handle overlap with situations (3) and (4)).
+    We call out to the pattern-match checker to determine whether use of the
+    selector is safe, by calling GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.pmcRecSel, passing the record
+    selector Id of `sel` as well as `arg`.
+    The pattern-match checker reduces the safe-selector-use problem to a
+    complete-match problem by adding a negative constructor constraint such
+    as `arg /~ T2` for every constructor in the precomputed `sel_cons` of `sel`
+    and then testing
+      case arg of {}
+    for completeness. Any incomplete match, such as in the original `urgh`, must
+    reference a constructor that is not part of `sel_cons`, such as `T1`.
+    In case of `urgh`, `T1` is indeed the case that we report as inexhaustive.
+    However, in the example `ldi`, we have *both* the result type of
+    `arg::T a` (boring, but see (3)) as well as Note [Long-distance information]
+    about `arg` from the ambient match, and the latter lists the constraint `arg
+    /~ T1`. Consequently, since `arg` is neither `T1` nor `T2` in the reduced
+    problem, the match is exhaustive and the use of the record selector safe.
+ 3. In case (RES), the record selector is unsaturated, but the result type
+    ensures a safe use of the selector, such as in `resTy` or `resTyDot`.
+    This situation is detected in the `dsHsWrapped`, where the record selector
+    is elaborated with its type arguments; we simply match on desugared Core
+    `sel @Bool :: T Bool -> Int` to learn the result type `T Bool`.
+    We again call `pmcRecSel`, but this time with a fresh dummy Id `ds::T Bool`.
+ 4. In case of an unsaturated record selector that is *not* applied to any type
+    argument after elaboration (e.g. in `urgh2 = sel2 :: Dot -> Int`), we simply
+    produce a warning about all `sel_cons`; no need to call `pmcRecSel`.
+    This happens in the `HsRecSel` case of `dsExpr`.
+We resolve the overlap between situations (2)-(4) by preferring (2) over (3)
+over (4) as follows:
+ 5. (4) produces warnings in the `HsRecSel` case of `dsExpr`.
+    (3) produces warnings in a potentially surrounding call to `dsHsWrapped`.
+    (2) produces warnings in a potentially surrounding `HsApp` case in `dsExpr`.
+    We catch the warnings of (4) when we detect (3) or (2), and the warnings
+    of (3) when we detect (2), via `captureMessagesDs`. Each capture may lead
+    to increasingly precise (i.e. fewer) incompleteness warnings.
+There is one more item, addressing overloaded record dot:
+ 6. Overloaded record dot such as in `ldiDot` desugars as follows:
+      getField
+        @GHC.Types.Symbol
+        @"sel2"
+        @Dot
+        @Int
+        (sel2 |> (co :: Dot -> Int ~R# HasField "sel2" Dot Int))
+        d
+    The occurrence of `sel2` will readily be handled by (4), or even (3).
+    However, this handling would still generate a warning for `ldiDot`!
+    It is desirable to apply (2) here as well, which needs to be tweaked a bit
+    to treat the above expression similar to a vanilla RecSel app `sel2 d`.
 pmcRecSel :: Id       -- ^ Id of the selector

@@ -193,12 +193,11 @@ checkRecSel :: PmRecSel () -> CheckAction (PmRecSel Id)
 -- See Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
 checkRecSel pr@(PmRecSel { pr_arg = arg, pr_cons = cons }) = CA $ \inc -> do
   arg_id <- case arg of
-           Var arg_id -> return arg_id
-           _ -> mkPmId $ exprType arg
+    (Var arg_id) -> return arg_id
+    arg -> mkPmId $ exprType arg
   let con_cts = map (PhiNotConCt arg_id . PmAltConLike) cons
-      arg_ct  = PhiCoreCt arg_id arg
-      phi_cts = listToBag (arg_ct : con_cts)
+      phi_cts = listToBag (PhiCoreCt arg_id arg : con_cts)
   unc <- addPhiCtsNablas inc phi_cts
   pure CheckResult { cr_ret = pr{ pr_arg_var = arg_id }, cr_uncov = unc, cr_approx = mempty }

@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ module GHC.Tc.Instance.Class (
      matchGlobalInst, matchEqualityInst,
      InstanceWhat(..), safeOverlap, instanceReturnsDictCon,
-     AssocInstInfo(..), isNotAssociated
+     AssocInstInfo(..), isNotAssociated,
+     lookupHasFieldLabel
   ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin (InstanceWhat (..), SafeOverlapping)
-import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcInstNewTyCon_maybe, tcLookupDataFamInst )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcInstNewTyCon_maybe, tcLookupDataFamInst, FamInstEnvs )
 import GHC.Rename.Env( addUsedGRE, addUsedDataCons, DeprecationWarnings (..) )
 import GHC.Builtin.Types
@@ -62,9 +63,6 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
 import GHC.Hs.Extension
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Basic (FieldLabelString(..))
-import GHC.Types.Id.Info
-import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
-import Control.Monad
 import Data.Functor
 import Data.Maybe
@@ -1250,15 +1248,9 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
        ; case tys of
            -- We are matching HasField {k} x r a...
            [_k_ty, x_ty, r_ty, a_ty]
-               -- x should be a literal string
-             | Just x <- isStrLitTy x_ty
-               -- r should be an applied type constructor
-             , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r_ty
-               -- use representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
-             , let r_tc = fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc args)
-               -- x should be a field of r
-             , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel (FieldLabelString x) r_tc
-               -- the field selector should be in scope
+               -- Look up the field named x in the type r
+             | Just fl <- lookupHasFieldLabel fam_inst_envs x_ty r_ty
+               -- and ensure the field selector is in scope
              , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env fl
              -> do { let name = flSelector fl
@@ -1293,10 +1285,6 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
                      then do { -- See Note [Unused name reporting and HasField]
                                addUsedGRE AllDeprecationWarnings gre
                              ; keepAlive name
-                             ; unless (null $ snd $ sel_cons $ idDetails sel_id)
-                                 $ addDiagnostic $ TcRnHasFieldResolvedIncomplete name
-                                 -- Only emit an incomplete selector warning if it's an implicit instance
-                                 -- See Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
                              ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta   = theta
                                               , cir_mk_ev       = mk_ev
                                               , cir_canonical   = True
@@ -1304,3 +1292,21 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
                      else matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
            _ -> matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
+lookupHasFieldLabel :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> Type -> Maybe FieldLabel
+-- For a HasField constraint `HasField {k} x r a`,
+--   lookupHasFieldLabel _ _ x r
+-- returns the record selector `sel_id` of record type `r` which has literal
+-- string name `x`.
+lookupHasFieldLabel fam_inst_envs x_ty r_ty
+    -- x should be a literal string
+  | Just x <- isStrLitTy x_ty
+    -- r should be an applied type constructor
+  , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r_ty
+    -- use representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
+  , let r_tc = fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc args)
+    -- x should be a field of r
+  = lookupTyConFieldLabel (FieldLabelString x) r_tc
+  | otherwise
+  = Nothing

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module T24824 where
+import GHC.Hs hiding (DataConCantHappen)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  let hsModule = undefined :: HsModule GhcPs
+  let _ = hsmodImports $ hsModule -- warns
+  let _ = hsmodImports hsModule -- does not warn
+  pure ()
+data S a where
+  S1 :: S Int
+  S2 :: { x::Int } -> S a
+  S3 :: { x::Int } -> S a
+-- x :: forall a. S a -> Int
+-- A partial function
+g :: S Bool -> Int
+g s = (x @Bool) $ s
+data W a where
+  W1 :: !(F a) -> W a
+  W2 :: { y::Int } -> W a
+  W3 :: { y::Int } -> W a
+data DataConCantHappen
+type family F a
+type instance F Bool = DataConCantHappen
+h :: W Bool -> Int
+h w = y @Bool $ w

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+module T24891 where
+data T a where
+  T1 :: T Int
+  T2 :: {sel :: Int} -> T Bool
+  T3 :: T Bool
+f :: T Bool -> Int
+f x = x.sel -- warn
+data Dot = No | Yes {sel2 :: Int}
+ldiDot :: Dot -> Int
+ldiDot No = 0
+ldiDot d  = d.sel2 -- do not warn

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+T24891.hs:11:7: warning: [GHC-17335] [-Wincomplete-record-selectors]
+    The application of the record field ‘sel’ may fail for the following constructors: T3

@@ -169,3 +169,5 @@ test('DsIncompleteRecSel1', normal, compile, ['-Wincomplete-record-selectors'])
 test('DsIncompleteRecSel2', normal, compile, ['-Wincomplete-record-selectors'])
 test('DsIncompleteRecSel3', [collect_compiler_stats('bytes allocated', 10)], compile, ['-Wincomplete-record-selectors'])
 test('DoubleMatch', normal, compile, [overlapping_incomplete])
+test('T24824', normal, compile, ['-package ghc -Wincomplete-record-selectors'])
+test('T24891', normal, compile, ['-Wincomplete-record-selectors'])

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