[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 2 commits: StgToByteCode: minor refactor

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri May 24 11:54:03 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f0d257f7 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2024-05-24T07:51:55-04:00
StgToByteCode: minor refactor

Some functions in StgToByteCode were filtering out void arguments.
However, StgToByteCode is called after unarisation: the void arguments
should have been removed earlier.
Instead of filtering out, we assert that the args are non-void.

- - - - -
03137fd2 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2024-05-24T07:51:55-04:00
StgToByteCode: minor refactor

`layoutNativeCall` was always called with a `primRepCmmType platform`
callback. Hence we can put it inside of `layoutNativeCall` rather than
repeat it.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs


@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Exception (evaluate)
 import GHC.StgToCmm.Closure ( NonVoid(..), fromNonVoid, idPrimRepU,
                               addIdReps, addArgReps,
-                              nonVoidIds, nonVoidStgArgs )
+                              assertNonVoidIds, assertNonVoidStgArgs )
 import GHC.StgToCmm.Layout
 import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout hiding (WordOff, ByteOff, wordsToBytes)
 import GHC.Data.Bitmap
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ returnUnliftedReps d s szb reps = do
              [rep] -> return (unitOL $ RETURN (toArgRep platform rep))
              -- otherwise use RETURN_TUPLE with a tuple descriptor
              nv_reps -> do
-               let (call_info, args_offsets) = layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 (primRepCmmType platform) nv_reps
+               let (call_info, args_offsets) = layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 id nv_reps
                tuple_bco <- emitBc (tupleBCO platform call_info args_offsets)
                return $ PUSH_UBX (mkNativeCallInfoLit platform call_info) 1 `consOL`
                         PUSH_BCO tuple_bco `consOL`
@@ -541,25 +541,21 @@ returnUnboxedTuple
 returnUnboxedTuple d s p es = do
     profile <- getProfile
     let platform = profilePlatform profile
-        arg_ty e = primRepCmmType platform (stgArgRepU e)
         (call_info, tuple_components) = layoutNativeCall profile
-                                                         arg_ty
+                                                         stgArgRepU
         go _   pushes [] = return (reverse pushes)
         go !dd pushes ((a, off):cs) = do (push, szb) <- pushAtom dd p a
                                          massert (off == dd + szb)
                                          go (dd + szb) (push:pushes) cs
     pushes <- go d [] tuple_components
-    let rep_to_maybe :: PrimOrVoidRep -> Maybe PrimRep
-        rep_to_maybe VoidRep = Nothing
-        rep_to_maybe (NVRep rep) = Just rep
     ret <- returnUnliftedReps d
                               (wordsToBytes platform $ nativeCallSize call_info)
-                              (mapMaybe (rep_to_maybe . stgArgRep1) es)
+                              (map stgArgRepU es)
     return (mconcat pushes `appOL` ret)
 -- Compile code to apply the given expression to the remaining args
@@ -760,7 +756,7 @@ mkConAppCode orig_d _ p con args = app_code
         let platform = profilePlatform profile
             non_voids =
-                addArgReps (nonVoidStgArgs args)
+                addArgReps (assertNonVoidStgArgs args)
             (_, _, args_offsets) =
                 mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding profile StdHeader non_voids
@@ -901,10 +897,9 @@ doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
         (bndr_size, call_info, args_offsets)
            | ubx_tuple_frame =
-               let bndr_ty = primRepCmmType platform
-                   bndr_reps = typePrimRep (idType bndr)
+               let bndr_reps = typePrimRep (idType bndr)
                    (call_info, args_offsets) =
-                       layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 bndr_ty bndr_reps
+                       layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 id bndr_reps
                in ( wordsToBytes platform (nativeCallSize call_info)
                   , call_info
                   , args_offsets
@@ -942,14 +937,14 @@ doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
                 rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
                 return (my_discr alt, rhs_code)
            | isUnboxedTupleType bndr_ty || isUnboxedSumType bndr_ty =
-             let bndr_ty = primRepCmmType platform . idPrimRepU
+             let bndr_ty = idPrimRepU . fromNonVoid
                  tuple_start = d_bndr
                  (call_info, args_offsets) =
                    layoutNativeCall profile
-                                    bndrs
+                                    (assertNonVoidIds bndrs)
                  stack_bot = d_alts
@@ -957,8 +952,7 @@ doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
                         [ (arg, tuple_start -
                                 wordsToBytes platform (nativeCallSize call_info) +
-                        | (arg, offset) <- args_offsets
-                        , not (isZeroBitTy $ idType arg)]
+                        | (NonVoid arg, offset) <- args_offsets]
              in do
                rhs_code <- schemeE stack_bot s p' rhs
@@ -967,7 +961,7 @@ doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
            | otherwise =
              let (tot_wds, _ptrs_wds, args_offsets) =
                      mkVirtHeapOffsets profile NoHeader
-                         (addIdReps (nonVoidIds real_bndrs))
+                         (addIdReps (assertNonVoidIds real_bndrs))
                  size = WordOff tot_wds
                  stack_bot = d_alts + wordsToBytes platform size
@@ -1102,13 +1096,14 @@ doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
 layoutNativeCall :: Profile
                  -> NativeCallType
                  -> ByteOff
-                 -> (a -> CmmType)
+                 -> (a -> PrimRep)
                  -> [a]
                  -> ( NativeCallInfo      -- See Note [GHCi TupleInfo]
                     , [(a, ByteOff)] -- argument, offset on stack
-layoutNativeCall profile call_type start_off arg_ty reps =
+layoutNativeCall profile call_type start_off arg_rep reps =
   let platform = profilePlatform profile
+      arg_ty = primRepCmmType platform . arg_rep
       (orig_stk_bytes, pos) = assignArgumentsPos profile
@@ -1392,7 +1387,7 @@ generatePrimCall d s p target _mb_unit _result_ty args
               layoutNativeCall profile
-                               (primRepCmmType platform . stgArgRepU)
+                               stgArgRepU
          prim_args_offsets = mapFst stgArgRepU args_offsets
@@ -1645,7 +1640,7 @@ primRepToFFIType platform (NVRep r)
      FloatRep    -> FFIFloat
      DoubleRep   -> FFIDouble
      BoxedRep _  -> FFIPointer
-     _           -> pprPanic "primRepToFFIType" (ppr r)
+     VecRep{}    -> pprPanic "primRepToFFIType" (ppr r)
     (signed_word, unsigned_word) = case platformWordSize platform of
        PW4 -> (FFISInt32, FFIUInt32)
@@ -1670,7 +1665,7 @@ mkDummyLiteral platform pr
         DoubleRep   -> LitDouble 0
         FloatRep    -> LitFloat 0
         BoxedRep _  -> LitNullAddr
-        _           -> pprPanic "mkDummyLiteral" (ppr pr)
+        VecRep{}    -> pprPanic "mkDummyLiteral" (ppr pr)
 -- Convert (eg)

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