[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cross-test-all-deps] hadrian: strictly ensure test:all_deps target actually builds all required dependencies
Cheng Shao (@TerrorJack)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat May 18 21:48:42 UTC 2024
Cheng Shao pushed to branch wip/cross-test-all-deps at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
5698003e by Cheng Shao at 2024-05-18T21:48:24+00:00
hadrian: strictly ensure test:all_deps target actually builds all required dependencies
This patch strictly ensures the "test:all_deps" hadrian target builds
all dependencies required to run the testsuite, by code reuse between
"test"/"test:all_deps" targets. The original implementation of
"test:all_deps" is still missing certain targets to build, e.g.
haddock/hpc/runghc programs when testing a cross GHC.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs
@@ -96,10 +96,120 @@ inTreeOutTree inTree outTree = do
Just stg -> inTree stg
Nothing -> outTree
+-- Used by top-level targets "test:all_deps" and "test". Returns an
+-- action only executed by the "test" target. The point of factoring
+-- out this logic from the "test" target is to enable reuse and ensure
+-- "test:all_deps" actually build all dependencies required to run the
+-- tests.
+testAction :: FilePath -> Action (Action ())
+testAction root = do
+ args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs
+ let testCompilerArg = testCompiler args
+ let stg = fromMaybe Stage2 $ stageOf testCompilerArg
+ let test_target tt = target (vanillaContext stg compiler) (Testsuite tt) [] []
+ -- We need to ask the testsuite if it needs any extra hadrian dependencies for the
+ -- tests it is going to run,
+ -- for example "docs_haddock"
+ -- We then need to go and build these dependencies
+ extra_targets <- words <$> askWithResources [] (test_target GetExtraDeps)
+ let ok_to_build = filter (isOkToBuild args) extra_targets
+ putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets: " ++ intercalate ", " extra_targets
+ putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets (ok-to-build): " ++ intercalate ", " ok_to_build
+ need ok_to_build
+ -- Prepare Ghc configuration file for input compiler.
+ need [root -/- timeoutPath]
+ cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+ -- get relative path for the given program in the given stage
+ let relative_path_stage s p = programPath =<< programContext s p
+ let make_absolute rel_path = do
+ abs_path <- liftIO (IO.makeAbsolute rel_path)
+ fixAbsolutePathOnWindows abs_path
+ rel_ghc_pkg <- relative_path_stage Stage1 ghcPkg
+ rel_hsc2hs <- relative_path_stage Stage1 hsc2hs
+ rel_hp2ps <- relative_path_stage Stage1 hp2ps
+ rel_haddock <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) haddock
+ rel_hpc <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) hpc
+ rel_runghc <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) runGhc
+ -- force stage0 program building for cross
+ when cross $ need [rel_hpc, rel_haddock, rel_runghc]
+ pure $ do
+ prog_ghc_pkg <- make_absolute rel_ghc_pkg
+ prog_hsc2hs <- make_absolute rel_hsc2hs
+ prog_hp2ps <- make_absolute rel_hp2ps
+ prog_haddock <- make_absolute rel_haddock
+ prog_hpc <- make_absolute rel_hpc
+ prog_runghc <- make_absolute rel_runghc
+ ghcPath <- getCompilerPath testCompilerArg
+ makePath <- builderPath $ Make ""
+ top <- topDirectory
+ ghcFlags <- runTestGhcFlags
+ let ghciFlags = ghcFlags ++ unwords
+ [ "--interactive", "-v0", "-ignore-dot-ghci"
+ , "-fno-ghci-history", "-fprint-error-index-links=never"
+ ]
+ ccPath <- queryTargetTarget (Toolchain.prgPath . Toolchain.ccProgram . Toolchain.tgtCCompiler)
+ ccFlags <- queryTargetTarget (unwords . Toolchain.prgFlags . Toolchain.ccProgram . Toolchain.tgtCCompiler)
+ pythonPath <- builderPath Python
+ -- Set environment variables for test's Makefile.
+ -- TODO: Ideally we would define all those env vars in 'env', so that
+ -- Shake can keep track of them, but it is not as easy as it seems
+ -- to get that to work.
+ liftIO $ do
+ -- Many of those env vars are used by Makefiles in the
+ -- test infrastructure, or from tests or their
+ -- Makefiles.
+ setEnv "MAKE" makePath
+ setEnv "PYTHON" pythonPath
+ setEnv "TEST_HC" ghcPath
+ setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS" ghcFlags
+ setEnv "TEST_CC" ccPath
+ setEnv "TEST_CC_OPTS" ccFlags
+ when cross $ do
+ setEnv "GHC_PKG" prog_ghc_pkg
+ setEnv "HSC2HS" prog_hsc2hs
+ setEnv "HP2PS_ABS" prog_hp2ps
+ setEnv "HPC" prog_hpc
+ setEnv "HADDOCK" prog_haddock
+ setEnv "RUNGHC" prog_runghc
+ setEnv "CHECK_PPR" (top -/- root -/- checkPprProgPath)
+ setEnv "CHECK_EXACT" (top -/- root -/- checkExactProgPath)
+ setEnv "DUMP_DECLS" (top -/- root -/- dumpDeclsProgPath)
+ setEnv "COUNT_DEPS" (top -/- root -/- countDepsProgPath)
+ setEnv "LINT_NOTES" (top -/- root -/- noteLinterProgPath)
+ setEnv "LINT_CODES" (top -/- root -/- codeLinterProgPath)
+ setEnv "LINT_WHITESPACE" (top -/- root -/- whitespaceLinterProgPath)
+ -- This lets us bypass the need to generate a config
+ -- through Make, which happens in testsuite/mk/boilerplate.mk
+ -- which is in turn included by all test 'Makefile's.
+ setEnv "ghc_config_mk" (top -/- root -/- ghcConfigPath)
+ -- Execute the test target.
+ -- We override the verbosity setting to make sure the user can see
+ -- the test output: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/15951.
+ withVerbosity Diagnostic $ buildWithCmdOptions [] $ test_target RunTest
testsuiteDeps :: Rules ()
testsuiteDeps = do
root <- buildRootRules
"test:all_deps" ~> do
+ -- don't actually run the tests
+ _ <- testAction root
need ("test:ghc" : map cp_target checkPrograms)
"test:ghc" ~> inTreeOutTree
@@ -170,107 +280,7 @@ testRules = do
root -/- timeoutPath %> \_ -> timeoutProgBuilder
- "test" ~> do
- args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs
- let testCompilerArg = testCompiler args
- let stg = fromMaybe Stage2 $ stageOf testCompilerArg
- let test_target tt = target (vanillaContext stg compiler) (Testsuite tt) [] []
- -- We need to ask the testsuite if it needs any extra hadrian dependencies for the
- -- tests it is going to run,
- -- for example "docs_haddock"
- -- We then need to go and build these dependencies
- extra_targets <- words <$> askWithResources [] (test_target GetExtraDeps)
- let ok_to_build = filter (isOkToBuild args) extra_targets
- putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets: " ++ intercalate ", " extra_targets
- putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets (ok-to-build): " ++ intercalate ", " ok_to_build
- need ok_to_build
- -- Prepare Ghc configuration file for input compiler.
- need [root -/- timeoutPath]
- cross <- flag CrossCompiling
- -- get relative path for the given program in the given stage
- let relative_path_stage s p = programPath =<< programContext s p
- let make_absolute rel_path = do
- abs_path <- liftIO (IO.makeAbsolute rel_path)
- fixAbsolutePathOnWindows abs_path
- rel_ghc_pkg <- relative_path_stage Stage1 ghcPkg
- rel_hsc2hs <- relative_path_stage Stage1 hsc2hs
- rel_hp2ps <- relative_path_stage Stage1 hp2ps
- rel_haddock <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) haddock
- rel_hpc <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) hpc
- rel_runghc <- relative_path_stage (Stage0 InTreeLibs) runGhc
- -- force stage0 program building for cross
- when cross $ need [rel_hpc, rel_haddock, rel_runghc]
- prog_ghc_pkg <- make_absolute rel_ghc_pkg
- prog_hsc2hs <- make_absolute rel_hsc2hs
- prog_hp2ps <- make_absolute rel_hp2ps
- prog_haddock <- make_absolute rel_haddock
- prog_hpc <- make_absolute rel_hpc
- prog_runghc <- make_absolute rel_runghc
- ghcPath <- getCompilerPath testCompilerArg
- makePath <- builderPath $ Make ""
- top <- topDirectory
- ghcFlags <- runTestGhcFlags
- let ghciFlags = ghcFlags ++ unwords
- [ "--interactive", "-v0", "-ignore-dot-ghci"
- , "-fno-ghci-history", "-fprint-error-index-links=never"
- ]
- ccPath <- queryTargetTarget (Toolchain.prgPath . Toolchain.ccProgram . Toolchain.tgtCCompiler)
- ccFlags <- queryTargetTarget (unwords . Toolchain.prgFlags . Toolchain.ccProgram . Toolchain.tgtCCompiler)
- pythonPath <- builderPath Python
- -- Set environment variables for test's Makefile.
- -- TODO: Ideally we would define all those env vars in 'env', so that
- -- Shake can keep track of them, but it is not as easy as it seems
- -- to get that to work.
- liftIO $ do
- -- Many of those env vars are used by Makefiles in the
- -- test infrastructure, or from tests or their
- -- Makefiles.
- setEnv "MAKE" makePath
- setEnv "PYTHON" pythonPath
- setEnv "TEST_HC" ghcPath
- setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS" ghcFlags
- setEnv "TEST_CC" ccPath
- setEnv "TEST_CC_OPTS" ccFlags
- when cross $ do
- setEnv "GHC_PKG" prog_ghc_pkg
- setEnv "HSC2HS" prog_hsc2hs
- setEnv "HP2PS_ABS" prog_hp2ps
- setEnv "HPC" prog_hpc
- setEnv "HADDOCK" prog_haddock
- setEnv "RUNGHC" prog_runghc
- setEnv "CHECK_PPR" (top -/- root -/- checkPprProgPath)
- setEnv "CHECK_EXACT" (top -/- root -/- checkExactProgPath)
- setEnv "DUMP_DECLS" (top -/- root -/- dumpDeclsProgPath)
- setEnv "COUNT_DEPS" (top -/- root -/- countDepsProgPath)
- setEnv "LINT_NOTES" (top -/- root -/- noteLinterProgPath)
- setEnv "LINT_CODES" (top -/- root -/- codeLinterProgPath)
- setEnv "LINT_WHITESPACE" (top -/- root -/- whitespaceLinterProgPath)
- -- This lets us bypass the need to generate a config
- -- through Make, which happens in testsuite/mk/boilerplate.mk
- -- which is in turn included by all test 'Makefile's.
- setEnv "ghc_config_mk" (top -/- root -/- ghcConfigPath)
- -- Execute the test target.
- -- We override the verbosity setting to make sure the user can see
- -- the test output: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/15951.
- withVerbosity Diagnostic $ buildWithCmdOptions [] $ test_target RunTest
+ "test" ~> join (testAction root)
-- | Given a test compiler and a hadrian dependency (target), check if we
-- can build the target with the compiler
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