[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24676] More fixes:

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed May 15 10:55:43 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24676 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

fc00c883 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-15T11:54:22+01:00
More fixes:

Not fully documented yet

* Recall: the danger is of unifying an inscope regular unification variable
  alpha[n] := (...kappa[n]...), where kappa is an instantiation variable, and then
  subsequently demote kappa[n].

* Remove unifyType from instantiateSigma (unnecessary, very seldom fires)

* Remove unifyKind from qlUnify.   Rationale:
  * The whole point of qlUnify is to get (kappa := ∀a. blah).  If we get
    (kappa := (∀ a. blah) ▷ co) there is no point whatsoever.
  * So we can use qlUnify on the kinds, and check that we get tcEqType.

* I also realised that in the IVAR rule we should add all the fresh variables to delta.

* Net result: no calls of unifyType in QuickLook

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Instantiate.hs


@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
       | fun_is_out_of_scope, looks_like_type_arg arg   -- See Note [VTA for out-of-scope functions]
       = go delta acc so_far fun_ty rest_args
-    -- Rule IALL from Fig 4 of the QL paper
+    -- Rule IALL from Fig 4 of the QL paper; applies even if args = []
     -- Instantiate invisible foralls and dictionaries.
     -- c.f. GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate.topInstantiate
     go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty args
@@ -720,37 +720,24 @@ tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
         --   - We need the freshly allocated unification variables, to extend
         --     delta with.
         -- It's easier just to do the job directly here.
-        do { let val_args       = leadingValArgs args
-                 val_args_count = length val_args
-            -- Create metavariables for the arguments. Following matchActualFunTy,
-            -- we create nu_i :: TYPE kappa_i[conc], ensuring that the arguments
-            -- have concrete runtime representations.
-            -- When we come to unify the nus (in qlUnify), we will call
-            -- unifyKind on the kinds. This will do the right thing, even though
-            -- we are manually filling in the nu metavariables.
-                 new_arg_tv (L _ arg) i =
-                   newOpenFlexiFRRTyVar $
-                   FRRExpectedFunTy (ExpectedFunTyArg (HsExprTcThing tc_fun) arg) i
-           ; arg_nus <- zipWithM new_arg_tv
-                          val_args
-                          [length so_far + 1 ..]
-             -- We need variables for multiplicity (#18731)
-             -- Otherwise, 'undefined x' wouldn't be linear in x
-           ; mults   <- replicateM val_args_count (newFlexiTyVarTy multiplicityTy)
-           ; res_nu  <- newOpenFlexiTyVar
+        do { arg_tys <- zipWithM new_arg_ty (leadingValArgs args) [length so_far + 1 ..]
+           ; res_ty  <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
+           ; let fun_ty' = mkScaledFunTys arg_tys res_ty
+                 delta'  = delta `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType fun_ty'
+                           -- All the fresh variables belong in delta'
+           -- Fill in kappa := nu_1 -> .. -> nu_n -> res_nu
+           -- NB: kappa is uninstantiated ('go' already checked that)
            ; kind_co <- unifyKind Nothing liftedTypeKind (tyVarKind kappa)
-           ; let delta'  = delta `extendVarSetList` (res_nu:arg_nus)
-                 arg_tys = mkTyVarTys arg_nus
-                 res_ty  = mkTyVarTy res_nu
-                 fun_ty' = mkScaledFunTys (zipWithEqual "tcInstFun" mkScaled mults arg_tys) res_ty
-                 co_wrap = mkWpCastN (mkGReflLeftCo Nominal fun_ty' kind_co)
+                 -- unifyKind: see (UQL1) in Note [Actual unification during QuickLook]
+           ; liftZonkM (writeMetaTyVar kappa (mkCastTy fun_ty' kind_co))
+           ; let co_wrap = mkWpCastN (mkGReflLeftCo Nominal fun_ty' kind_co)
                  acc'    = addArgWrap co_wrap acc
                  -- Suppose kappa :: kk
                  -- Then fun_ty :: kk, fun_ty' :: Type, kind_co :: Type ~ kk
                  --      co_wrap :: (fun_ty' |> kind_co) ~ fun_ty'
-           ; liftZonkM $ writeMetaTyVar kappa (mkCastTy fun_ty' kind_co)
-                 -- kappa is uninstantiated ('go' already checked that)
            ; go delta' acc' so_far fun_ty' args }
     -- Rule IARG from Fig 4 of the QL paper:
@@ -778,6 +765,20 @@ tcInstFun do_ql inst_final fun_ctxt tc_fun fun_sigma rn_args
            ; let acc' = arg' : addArgWrap wrap acc
            ; go delta' acc' (arg_ty:so_far) res_ty rest_args }
+    new_arg_ty :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> Int -> TcM (Scaled TcType)
+    -- Make a fresh nus for each argument in rule IVAR
+    new_arg_ty (L _ arg) i
+      = do { arg_nu <- newOpenFlexiFRRTyVarTy $
+                       FRRExpectedFunTy (ExpectedFunTyArg (HsExprTcThing tc_fun) arg) i
+               -- Following matchActualFunTy, we create nu_i :: TYPE kappa_i[conc],
+               -- thereby ensuring that the arguments have concrete runtime representations
+           ; mult_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy multiplicityTy
+               -- mult_ty: e need variables for argument multiplicities (#18731)
+               -- Otherwise, 'undefined x' wouldn't be linear in x
+           ; return (mkScaled mult_ty arg_nu) }
 -- Is the argument supposed to instantiate a forall?
 -- In other words, given a function application `fn arg`,
@@ -1871,29 +1872,38 @@ qlUnify delta ty1 ty2
     go_flexi (_,bvs2) kappa ty2  -- ty2 is zonked
-      | -- See Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
+      | -- See Note [Actual unification during QuickLook]
         let ty2_tvs = shallowTyCoVarsOfType ty2
       , not (ty2_tvs `intersectsVarSet` bvs2)
-          -- Can't instantiate a delta-varto a forall-bound variable
+          -- Can't instantiate a delta-var to a forall-bound variable
       , Just ty2 <- occCheckExpand [kappa] ty2
           -- Passes the occurs check
-      = do { let ty2_kind   = typeKind ty2
-                 kappa_kind = tyVarKind kappa
-           ; co <- unifyKind (Just (TypeThing ty2)) ty2_kind kappa_kind
-                   -- unifyKind: see Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
-           ; traceTc "qlUnify:update" $
-             vcat [ hang (ppr kappa <+> dcolon <+> ppr kappa_kind)
-                       2 (text ":=" <+> ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty2_kind)
-                 , text "co:" <+> ppr co ]
-           ; liftZonkM $ writeMetaTyVar kappa (mkCastTy ty2 co) }
+      , not (isConcreteTyVar kappa) || isConcreteType ty2
+          -- Don't unify a concrete instantiatiation variable with a non-concrete type
+      = do { let kappa_kind = tyVarKind kappa
+                 ty2_kind   = typeKind ty2
+           ; kinds_ok <- go_kinds kappa_kind ty2_kind
+           ; when kinds_ok $
+             do { traceTc "qlUnify:update" $
+                  hang (ppr kappa <+> dcolon <+> ppr kappa_kind)
+                     2 (text ":=" <+> ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty2_kind)
+                ; liftZonkM $ writeMetaTyVar kappa ty2 }}
       | otherwise
       = return ()   -- Occurs-check or forall-bound variable
+    go_kinds :: TcKind -> TcKind -> TcM Bool
+    go_kinds kind1 kind2
+      | kind1 `tcEqType` kind2 = return True
+      | otherwise              = do { qlUnify delta kind1 kind2
+                                    ; liftZonkM $
+                                      do { kind1 <- zonkTcType kind1
+                                         ; kind2 <- zonkTcType kind2
+                                         ; return (kind1 `tcEqType` kind2) } }
-{- Note [Actual unification in qlUnify]
+{- Note [Actual unification during QuickLook]
 In qlUnify, if we find (kappa ~ ty), we are going to update kappa := ty.
 That is the entire point of qlUnify!   Wrinkles:
@@ -1930,6 +1940,9 @@ That is the entire point of qlUnify!   Wrinkles:
     because it doesn't unify polykinds, and has all kinds of other
     magic.  qlUnify is very focused.
+(UQL1) .. todo ...
   TL;DR Calling unifyKind seems like the lesser evil.

@@ -329,9 +329,11 @@ instCallConstraints orig preds
   | null preds
   = return idHsWrapper
   | otherwise
-  = do { evs <- mapM go preds
+  = do { evs <- mapM (emitWanted orig) preds
        ; traceTc "instCallConstraints" (ppr evs)
        ; return (mkWpEvApps evs) }
+-- ToDo: explain why we don't short-cut here; Quick Look
     go :: TcPredType -> TcM EvTerm
     go pred
@@ -347,6 +349,7 @@ instCallConstraints orig preds
      | otherwise
      = emitWanted orig pred
 instDFunType :: DFunId -> [DFunInstType]
              -> TcM ( [TcType]      -- instantiated argument types

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