[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/no-mi-globals] Fix tests

Hannes Siebenhandl (@fendor) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon May 6 14:42:45 UTC 2024

Hannes Siebenhandl pushed to branch wip/no-mi-globals at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c5d5361e by Fendor at 2024-05-06T16:42:35+02:00
Fix tests

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs


@@ -300,25 +300,25 @@ Running generateModules from #14693 with DEPTH=16, WIDTH=30 finishes in
-importSpec :: LImportDecl GhcPs -> RnM (ImpDeclSpec, Maybe (ImportListInterpretation, LocatedL [LIE GhcPs]))
-importSpec (L loc (ImportDecl { ideclName = loc_imp_mod_name
-                              , ideclPkgQual = raw_pkg_qual
-                              , ideclSource = want_boot
-                              , ideclQualified = qual_style
-                              , ideclAs = as_mod, ideclImportList = imp_details }))
-  = do hsc_env <- getTopEnv
-       let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
-       let imp_mod_name = unLoc loc_imp_mod_name
-       let pkg_qual = renameRawPkgQual unit_env imp_mod_name raw_pkg_qual
-       res <- liftIO $ findImportedModule hsc_env imp_mod_name pkg_qual
-       imp_mod <- case res of
-         Found _ mod -> pure mod
-         err -> failWithTc $ TcRnInterfaceError $ Can'tFindInterface (cannotFindModule hsc_env imp_mod_name err) $ LookingForModule imp_mod_name want_boot
-       let qual_only = isImportDeclQualified qual_style
-           qual_mod_name = fmap unLoc as_mod `orElse` imp_mod_name
-           imp_spec  = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod, is_qual = qual_only, is_pkg_qual = pkg_qual,
-                                     is_dloc = locA loc, is_as = qual_mod_name, is_isboot = want_boot }
-       pure (imp_spec, imp_details)
+-- importSpec :: LImportDecl GhcPs -> RnM (ImpDeclSpec, Maybe (ImportListInterpretation, LocatedL [LIE GhcPs]))
+-- importSpec (L loc (ImportDecl { ideclName = loc_imp_mod_name
+--                               , ideclPkgQual = raw_pkg_qual
+--                               , ideclSource = want_boot
+--                               , ideclQualified = qual_style
+--                               , ideclAs = as_mod, ideclImportList = imp_details }))
+--   = do hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+--        let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+--        let imp_mod_name = unLoc loc_imp_mod_name
+--        let pkg_qual = renameRawPkgQual unit_env imp_mod_name raw_pkg_qual
+--        res <- liftIO $ findImportedModule hsc_env imp_mod_name pkg_qual
+--        imp_mod <- case res of
+--          Found _ mod -> pure mod
+--          err -> failWithTc $ TcRnInterfaceError $ Can'tFindInterface (cannotFindModule hsc_env imp_mod_name err) $ LookingForModule imp_mod_name want_boot
+--        let qual_only = isImportDeclQualified qual_style
+--            qual_mod_name = fmap unLoc as_mod `orElse` imp_mod_name
+--            imp_spec  = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod, is_qual = qual_only, is_pkg_qual = pkg_qual,
+--                                      is_dloc = locA loc, is_as = qual_mod_name, is_isboot = want_boot }
+--        pure (imp_spec, imp_details)
 -- | Given a located import declaration @decl@ from @this_mod@,
@@ -339,29 +339,31 @@ importSpec (L loc (ImportDecl { ideclName = loc_imp_mod_name
 rnImportDecl :: Module -> (LImportDecl GhcPs, SDoc)
              -> RnM (LImportDecl GhcRn, ImportUserSpec , GlobalRdrEnv, ImportAvails, AnyHpcUsage)
 rnImportDecl this_mod
-             ( ldecl@(L loc decl@(ImportDecl { ideclSafe = mod_safe
-                                             , ideclExt = XImportDeclPass { ideclImplicit = implicit }}))
-             , import_reason)
+             (L loc decl@(ImportDecl { ideclName = loc_imp_mod_name
+                                     , ideclPkgQual = raw_pkg_qual
+                                     , ideclSource = want_boot, ideclSafe = mod_safe
+                                     , ideclQualified = qual_style
+                                     , ideclExt = XImportDeclPass { ideclImplicit = implicit }
+                                     , ideclAs = as_mod, ideclImportList = imp_details }), import_reason)
   = setSrcSpanA loc $ do
-    (imp_spec,imp_details) <- importSpec ldecl
-    let pkg_qual = is_pkg_qual imp_spec
-        want_boot = is_isboot imp_spec
-    case pkg_qual of
-      NoPkgQual -> pure ()
-      _ -> do
+    case raw_pkg_qual of
+      NoRawPkgQual -> pure ()
+      RawPkgQual _ -> do
         pkg_imports <- xoptM LangExt.PackageImports
         when (not pkg_imports) $ addErr TcRnPackageImportsDisabled
-    let qual_only = is_qual imp_spec
+    let qual_only = isImportDeclQualified qual_style
     -- If there's an error in loadInterface, (e.g. interface
     -- file not found) we get lots of spurious errors from 'filterImports'
-    let imp_mod_name = moduleName $ is_mod imp_spec
+    let imp_mod_name = unLoc loc_imp_mod_name
         doc = ppr imp_mod_name <+> import_reason
     hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+    unit_env <- hsc_unit_env <$> getTopEnv
+    let pkg_qual = renameRawPkgQual unit_env imp_mod_name raw_pkg_qual
     -- Check for self-import, which confuses the typechecker (#9032)
     -- ghc --make rejects self-import cycles already, but batch-mode may not
@@ -414,6 +416,12 @@ rnImportDecl this_mod
     when (mod_safe && not (safeImportsOn dflags)) $
         addErr (TcRnSafeImportsDisabled imp_mod_name)
+    let imp_mod = mi_module iface
+        qual_mod_name = fmap unLoc as_mod `orElse` imp_mod_name
+        imp_spec  = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod, is_qual = qual_only,
+                                  is_dloc = locA loc, is_as = qual_mod_name,
+                                  is_pkg_qual = pkg_qual, is_isboot = want_boot }
     -- filter the imports according to the import declaration
     (new_imp_details, imp_user_list, gbl_env) <- filterImports hsc_env iface imp_spec imp_details

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/c5d5361e5283481750605f0eb6de949e7baaaabb

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