[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 4 commits: Track in-scope variables in ruleCheckProgram

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat May 4 00:49:26 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

be1e60ee by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-03T20:47:37-04:00
Track in-scope variables in ruleCheckProgram

This small patch fixes #24726, by tracking in-scope variables
properly in -drule-check.  Not hard to do!

- - - - -
58408c77 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-03T20:47:37-04:00
Add a couple more HasCallStack constraints in SimpleOpt

Just for debugging, no effect on normal code

- - - - -
70e245e8 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-03T20:47:37-04:00
Add comments to Prep.hs

This documentation patch fixes a TODO left over from !12364

- - - - -
e5687186 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-05-03T20:47:37-04:00
Use HasDebugCallStack, rather than HasCallStack

- - - - -

21 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear/AArch64.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/DmdAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/SimpleOpt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/Maybe.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Origin.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Origin.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Misc.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Word64.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T24726.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T24726.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T


@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ isOffsetImm off w
 -- TODO OPT: we might be able give getRegister
 --          a hint, what kind of register we want.
-getFloatReg :: HasCallStack => CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, Format, InstrBlock)
+getFloatReg :: HasDebugCallStack => CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, Format, InstrBlock)
 getFloatReg expr = do
   r <- getRegister expr
   case r of

@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import GHC.Platform.Reg
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Misc( HasDebugCallStack )
 import GHC.Platform
 import Data.Word
-import GHC.Stack
 -- AArch64 has 32 64bit general purpose register r0..r30, and zr/sp
 -- AArch64 has 32 128bit floating point registers v0..v31 as part of the NEON
 -- extension in Armv8-A.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ showBits :: Word32 -> String
 showBits w = map (\i -> if testBit w i then '1' else '0') [0..31]
 -- FR instance implementation (See Linear.FreeRegs)
-allocateReg :: HasCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
+allocateReg :: HasDebugCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
 allocateReg (RealRegSingle r) (FreeRegs g f)
     | r > 31 && testBit f (r - 32) = FreeRegs g (clearBit f (r - 32))
     | r < 32 && testBit g r = FreeRegs (clearBit g r) f
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ getFreeRegs cls (FreeRegs g f)
 initFreeRegs :: Platform -> FreeRegs
 initFreeRegs platform = foldl' (flip releaseReg) noFreeRegs (allocatableRegs platform)
-releaseReg :: HasCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
+releaseReg :: HasDebugCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
 releaseReg (RealRegSingle r) (FreeRegs g f)
   | r > 31 && testBit f (r - 32) = pprPanic "Linear.AArch64.releaseReg" (text  "can't release non-allocated reg v" <> int (r - 32))
   | r < 32 && testBit g r = pprPanic "Linear.AArch64.releaseReg" (text "can't release non-allocated reg x" <> int r)

@@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@ addWeakFVs dmd_ty weak_fvs
         -- L demand doesn't get both'd with the Bot coming up from the inner
         -- call to f.  So we just get an L demand for x for g.
-setBndrsDemandInfo :: HasCallStack => [Var] -> [Demand] -> [Var]
+setBndrsDemandInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => [Var] -> [Demand] -> [Var]
 setBndrsDemandInfo (b:bs) ds
   | isTyVar b = b : setBndrsDemandInfo bs ds
 setBndrsDemandInfo (b:bs) (d:ds) =

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Ppr( showSDoc )
 import GHC.Core         -- All of it
 import GHC.Core.Subst
 import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( exprIsLambda_maybe )
-import GHC.Core.FVs       ( exprFreeVars, exprsFreeVars, bindFreeVars
+import GHC.Core.FVs       ( exprFreeVars, bindFreeVars
                           , rulesFreeVarsDSet, exprsOrphNames )
 import GHC.Core.Utils     ( exprType, mkTick, mkTicks
                           , stripTicksTopT, stripTicksTopE
@@ -1887,41 +1887,59 @@ ruleCheckProgram ropts phase rule_pat rules binds
           vcat [ p $$ line | p <- bagToList results ]
+    line = text (replicate 20 '-')
     env = RuleCheckEnv { rc_is_active = isActive phase
                        , rc_id_unf    = idUnfolding     -- Not quite right
                                                         -- Should use activeUnfolding
                        , rc_pattern   = rule_pat
                        , rc_rules     = rules
                        , rc_ropts     = ropts
-                       }
-    results = unionManyBags (map (ruleCheckBind env) binds)
-    line = text (replicate 20 '-')
+                       , rc_in_scope  = emptyInScopeSet }
+    results = go env binds
+    go _   []           = emptyBag
+    go env (bind:binds) = let (env', ds) = ruleCheckBind env bind
+                          in ds `unionBags` go env' binds
+data RuleCheckEnv = RuleCheckEnv
+    { rc_is_active :: Activation -> Bool
+    , rc_id_unf    :: IdUnfoldingFun
+    , rc_pattern   :: String
+    , rc_rules     :: Id -> [CoreRule]
+    , rc_ropts     :: RuleOpts
+    , rc_in_scope  :: InScopeSet }
+extendInScopeRC :: RuleCheckEnv -> Var -> RuleCheckEnv
+extendInScopeRC env@(RuleCheckEnv { rc_in_scope = in_scope }) v
+  = env { rc_in_scope = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` v }
-data RuleCheckEnv = RuleCheckEnv {
-    rc_is_active :: Activation -> Bool,
-    rc_id_unf  :: IdUnfoldingFun,
-    rc_pattern :: String,
-    rc_rules :: Id -> [CoreRule],
-    rc_ropts :: RuleOpts
+extendInScopeListRC :: RuleCheckEnv -> [Var] -> RuleCheckEnv
+extendInScopeListRC env@(RuleCheckEnv { rc_in_scope = in_scope }) vs
+  = env { rc_in_scope = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` vs }
-ruleCheckBind :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreBind -> Bag SDoc
+ruleCheckBind :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreBind -> (RuleCheckEnv, Bag SDoc)
    -- The Bag returned has one SDoc for each call site found
-ruleCheckBind env (NonRec _ r) = ruleCheck env r
-ruleCheckBind env (Rec prs)    = unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | (_,r) <- prs]
+ruleCheckBind env (NonRec b r) = (env `extendInScopeRC` b, ruleCheck env r)
+ruleCheckBind env (Rec prs)    = (env', unionManyBags (map (ruleCheck env') rhss))
+                               where
+                                 (bs, rhss) = unzip prs
+                                 env' = env `extendInScopeListRC` bs
 ruleCheck :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreExpr -> Bag SDoc
-ruleCheck _   (Var _)       = emptyBag
-ruleCheck _   (Lit _)       = emptyBag
-ruleCheck _   (Type _)      = emptyBag
-ruleCheck _   (Coercion _)  = emptyBag
-ruleCheck env (App f a)     = ruleCheckApp env (App f a) []
-ruleCheck env (Tick _ e)  = ruleCheck env e
-ruleCheck env (Cast e _)    = ruleCheck env e
-ruleCheck env (Let bd e)    = ruleCheckBind env bd `unionBags` ruleCheck env e
-ruleCheck env (Lam _ e)     = ruleCheck env e
-ruleCheck env (Case e _ _ as) = ruleCheck env e `unionBags`
-                                unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | Alt _ _ r <- as]
+ruleCheck _   (Var _)         = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _   (Lit _)         = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _   (Type _)        = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _   (Coercion _)    = emptyBag
+ruleCheck env (App f a)       = ruleCheckApp env (App f a) []
+ruleCheck env (Tick _ e)      = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Cast e _)      = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Let bd e)      = let (env', ds) = ruleCheckBind env bd
+                                in  ds `unionBags` ruleCheck env' e
+ruleCheck env (Lam b e)       = ruleCheck (env `extendInScopeRC` b) e
+ruleCheck env (Case e b _ as) = ruleCheck env e `unionBags`
+                                unionManyBags [ruleCheck (env `extendInScopeListRC` (b:bs)) r
+                                              | Alt _ bs r <- as]
 ruleCheckApp :: RuleCheckEnv -> Expr CoreBndr -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> Bag SDoc
 ruleCheckApp env (App f a) as = ruleCheck env a `unionBags` ruleCheckApp env f (a:as)
@@ -1945,8 +1963,9 @@ ruleAppCheck_help env fn args rules
     vcat [text "Expression:" <+> ppr (mkApps (Var fn) args),
           vcat (map check_rule rules)]
-    n_args = length args
-    i_args = args `zip` [1::Int ..]
+    in_scope = rc_in_scope env
+    n_args   = length args
+    i_args   = args `zip` [1::Int ..]
     rough_args = map roughTopName args
     check_rule rule = rule_herald rule <> colon <+> rule_info (rc_ropts env) rule
@@ -1976,10 +1995,8 @@ ruleAppCheck_help env fn args rules
           mismatches   = [i | (rule_arg, (arg,i)) <- rule_args `zip` i_args,
                               not (isJust (match_fn rule_arg arg))]
-          lhs_fvs = exprsFreeVars rule_args     -- Includes template tyvars
           match_fn rule_arg arg = match renv emptyRuleSubst rule_arg arg MRefl
-                  in_scope = mkInScopeSet (lhs_fvs `unionVarSet` exprFreeVars arg)
                   renv = RV { rv_lcl   = mkRnEnv2 in_scope
                             , rv_tmpls = mkVarSet rule_bndrs
                             , rv_fltR  = mkEmptySubst in_scope

@@ -228,13 +228,14 @@ enterRecGroupRHSs env bndrs k
     (env', r) = k env{soe_rec_ids = extendUnVarSetList bndrs (soe_rec_ids env)}
-simple_opt_clo :: InScopeSet
+simple_opt_clo :: HasCallStack
+               => InScopeSet
                -> SimpleClo
                -> OutExpr
 simple_opt_clo in_scope (e_env, e)
   = simple_opt_expr (soeSetInScope in_scope e_env) e
-simple_opt_expr :: HasCallStack => SimpleOptEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
+simple_opt_expr :: HasDebugCallStack => SimpleOptEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
 simple_opt_expr env expr
   = go expr
@@ -397,7 +398,8 @@ simple_app env (Let bind body) args
 simple_app env e as
   = finish_app env (simple_opt_expr env e) as
-finish_app :: SimpleOptEnv -> OutExpr -> [SimpleClo] -> OutExpr
+finish_app :: HasCallStack
+           => SimpleOptEnv -> OutExpr -> [SimpleClo] -> OutExpr
 -- See Note [Eliminate casts in function position]
 finish_app env (Cast (Lam x e) co) as@(_:_)
   | not (isTyVar x) && not (isCoVar x)

@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ tyConAppArgs_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
                           Just (_, tys) -> Just tys
                           Nothing       -> Nothing
-tyConAppArgs :: HasCallStack => Type -> [Type]
+tyConAppArgs :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [Type]
 tyConAppArgs ty = tyConAppArgs_maybe ty `orElse` pprPanic "tyConAppArgs" (ppr ty)
 -- | Attempts to tease a type apart into a type constructor and the application
@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@ splitTyConAppNoView_maybe ty
 -- Consequently, you may need to zonk your type before
 -- using this function.
-tcSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
+tcSplitTyConApp_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
 -- Defined here to avoid module loops between Unify and TcType.
 tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
   = case coreFullView ty of

@@ -2354,45 +2354,49 @@ we are optimizing away 'lazy' (see Note [lazyId magic], and also
 'cpeRhsE'.)  Then, we could have started with:
      let x :: ()
-         x = lazy @ () y
+         x = lazy @() y
-which is a perfectly fine, non-trivial thunk, but then CorePrep will
-drop 'lazy', giving us 'x = y' which is trivial and impermissible.
-The solution is CorePrep to have a miniature inlining pass which deals
-with cases like this.  We can then drop the let-binding altogether.
+which is a perfectly fine, non-trivial thunk, but then CorePrep will drop
+'lazy', giving us 'x = y' which is trivial and impermissible.  The solution is
+CorePrep to have a miniature inlining pass which deals with cases like this.
+We can then drop the let-binding altogether.
-Why does the removal of 'lazy' have to occur in CorePrep?
-The gory details are in Note [lazyId magic] in GHC.Types.Id.Make, but the
-main reason is that lazy must appear in unfoldings (optimizer
-output) and it must prevent call-by-value for catch# (which
-is implemented by CorePrep.)
+Why does the removal of 'lazy' have to occur in CorePrep?  The gory details
+are in Note [lazyId magic] in GHC.Types.Id.Make, but the main reason is that
+lazy must appear in unfoldings (optimizer output) and it must prevent
+call-by-value for catch# (which is implemented by CorePrep.)
-An alternate strategy for solving this problem is to have the
-inliner treat 'lazy e' as a trivial expression if 'e' is trivial.
-We decided not to adopt this solution to keep the definition
-of 'exprIsTrivial' simple.
+An alternate strategy for solving this problem is to have the inliner treat
+'lazy e' as a trivial expression if 'e' is trivial.  We decided not to adopt
+this solution to keep the definition of 'exprIsTrivial' simple.
 There is ONE caveat however: for top-level bindings we have
 to preserve the binding so that we float the (hacky) non-recursive
 binding for data constructors; see Note [Data constructor workers].
-Note [CorePrep inlines trivial CoreExpr not Id]
-Why does cpe_env need to be an IdEnv CoreExpr, as opposed to an
-IdEnv Id?  Naively, we might conjecture that trivial updatable thunks
-as per Note [Inlining in CorePrep] always have the form
-'lazy @ SomeType gbl_id'.  But this is not true: the following is
-perfectly reasonable Core:
+Note [CorePrepEnv: cpe_subst]
+CorePrepEnv carries a substitution `Subst` in the `cpe_subst1 field,
+for these reasons:
-     let x :: ()
-         x = lazy @ (forall a. a) y @ Bool
+1. To support cloning of local Ids so that they are
+   all unique (see Note [Cloning in CorePrep])
+2. To support beta-reduction of runRW, see Note [runRW magic] and
+   Note [runRW arg].
+3. To let us inline trivial RHSs of non top-level let-bindings,
+   see Note [lazyId magic], Note [Inlining in CorePrep] (#12076)
-When we inline 'x' after eliminating 'lazy', we need to replace
-occurrences of 'x' with 'y @ bool', not just 'y'.  Situations like
-this can easily arise with higher-rank types; thus, cpe_env must
-map to CoreExprs, not Ids.
+   Note that, if (y::forall a. a->a), we could get
+      x = lazy @(forall a.a) y @Bool
+   so after eliminating `lazy`, we need to replace occurrences of `x` with
+   `y @Bool`, not just `y`.  Situations like this can easily arise with
+   higher-rank types; thus, `cpe_subst` must map to CoreExprs, not Ids, which
+   oc course it does
+4. The TyCoVar part of the substitution is used only for
+   Note [Cloning CoVars and TyVars]
 data CorePrepConfig = CorePrepConfig
@@ -2418,23 +2422,9 @@ data CorePrepEnv
         -- the case where a function we think should bottom
         -- unexpectedly returns.
-        , cpe_subst :: Subst
-        -- ^ The IdEnv part of the substitution is used for three operations:
-        --
-        --      1. To support cloning of local Ids so that they are
-        --      all unique (see Note [Cloning in CorePrep])
-        --
-        --      2. To support beta-reduction of runRW, see
-        --      Note [runRW magic] and Note [runRW arg].
-        --
-        --      3. To let us inline trivial RHSs of non top-level let-bindings,
-        --      see Note [lazyId magic], Note [Inlining in CorePrep]
-        --      and Note [CorePrep inlines trivial CoreExpr not Id] (#12076)
-        --
-        -- The TyCoVar part of the substitution is used only for
-        --     Note [Cloning CoVars and TyVars]
+        , cpe_subst :: Subst  -- ^ See Note [CorePrepEnv: cpe_subst]
-        , cpe_rec_ids         :: UnVarSet -- Faster OutIdSet; See Note [Speculative evaluation]
+        , cpe_rec_ids :: UnVarSet -- Faster OutIdSet; See Note [Speculative evaluation]
 mkInitialCorePrepEnv :: CorePrepConfig -> CorePrepEnv

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
 import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Foldable ( foldlM, for_ )
-import GHC.Utils.Misc (HasCallStack)
+import GHC.Utils.Misc (HasDebugCallStack)
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
 import Control.Applicative( Alternative( (<|>) ) )
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ firstJustsM = foldlM go Nothing where
   go Nothing         action  = action
   go result@(Just _) _action = return result
-expectJust :: HasCallStack => String -> Maybe a -> a
+expectJust :: HasDebugCallStack => String -> Maybe a -> a
 {-# INLINE expectJust #-}
 expectJust _   (Just x) = x
 expectJust err Nothing  = error ("expectJust " ++ err)

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ substBndrs = runState . traverse (state . substBndr)
 -- | Substitutes an occurrence of an identifier for its counterpart recorded
 -- in the 'Subst'.
-lookupIdSubst :: HasCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
+lookupIdSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
 lookupIdSubst id (Subst in_scope env)
   | not (isLocalId id) = id
   | Just id' <- lookupVarEnv env id = id'
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lookupIdSubst id (Subst in_scope env)
 -- | Substitutes an occurrence of an identifier for its counterpart recorded
 -- in the 'Subst'. Does not generate a debug warning if the identifier to
 -- to substitute wasn't in scope.
-noWarnLookupIdSubst :: HasCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
+noWarnLookupIdSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
 noWarnLookupIdSubst id (Subst in_scope env)
   | not (isLocalId id) = id
   | Just id' <- lookupVarEnv env id = id'

@@ -2445,7 +2445,7 @@ postfixModTbl
 -- | Lookup `Type` in an association list.
-assoc_ty_id :: HasCallStack => String           -- The class involved
+assoc_ty_id :: HasDebugCallStack => String           -- The class involved
             -> [(Type,a)]       -- The table
             -> Type             -- The type
             -> a                -- The result of the lookup

@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ mkDirectThetaSpec origin t_or_k =
                , sps_type_or_kind = t_or_k
-substPredSpec :: HasCallStack => Subst -> PredSpec -> PredSpec
+substPredSpec :: HasDebugCallStack => Subst -> PredSpec -> PredSpec
 substPredSpec subst ps =
   case ps of
     SimplePredSpec { sps_pred = pred

@@ -3589,7 +3589,7 @@ data SkolemModeDetails
   | SMDSkolemTv SkolemInfo
-smVanilla :: HasCallStack => SkolemMode
+smVanilla :: HasDebugCallStack => SkolemMode
 smVanilla = SM { sm_clone  = panic "sm_clone"  -- We always override this
                , sm_parent = False
                , sm_tvtv   = pprPanic "sm_tvtv" callStackDoc -- We always override this

@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Stack
 import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Utils.Misc( HasDebugCallStack )
 import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
@@ -327,10 +328,10 @@ data SkolemInfoAnon
 -- We're hoping to be able to get rid of this entirely, but for the moment
 -- it's still needed.
-unkSkol :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfo
+unkSkol :: HasDebugCallStack => SkolemInfo
 unkSkol = SkolemInfo (mkUniqueGrimily 0) unkSkolAnon
-unkSkolAnon :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfoAnon
+unkSkolAnon :: HasDebugCallStack => SkolemInfoAnon
 unkSkolAnon = UnkSkol callStack
 -- | Wrap up the origin of a skolem type variable with a new 'Unique',
@@ -895,7 +896,7 @@ pprCtOrigin simple_origin
   = ctoHerald <+> pprCtO simple_origin
 -- | Short one-liners
-pprCtO :: HasCallStack => CtOrigin -> SDoc
+pprCtO :: HasDebugCallStack => CtOrigin -> SDoc
 pprCtO (OccurrenceOf name)   = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
 pprCtO (OccurrenceOfRecSel name) = hsep [text "a use of", quotes (ppr name)]
 pprCtO AppOrigin             = text "an application"
@@ -960,7 +961,7 @@ pprCtO (AmbiguityCheckOrigin {})    = text "a type ambiguity check"
 pprCtO (ImpedanceMatching {})       = text "combining required constraints"
 pprCtO (NonLinearPatternOrigin _ pat) = hsep [text "a non-linear pattern" <+> quotes (ppr pat)]
-pprNonLinearPatternReason :: HasCallStack => NonLinearPatternReason -> SDoc
+pprNonLinearPatternReason :: HasDebugCallStack => NonLinearPatternReason -> SDoc
 pprNonLinearPatternReason LazyPatternReason = parens (text "non-variable lazy pattern aren't linear")
 pprNonLinearPatternReason GeneralisedPatternReason = parens (text "non-variable pattern bindings that have been generalised aren't linear")
 pprNonLinearPatternReason PatternSynonymReason = parens (text "pattern synonyms aren't linear")

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 module GHC.Tc.Types.Origin where
 import GHC.Prelude.Basic ( Int, Maybe )
-import GHC.Stack ( HasCallStack )
+import GHC.Utils.Misc ( HasDebugCallStack )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep ( Type )
 data SkolemInfoAnon
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ data FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
 mkFRRUnboxedTuple :: Int -> FixedRuntimeRepContext
 mkFRRUnboxedSum :: Maybe Int -> FixedRuntimeRepContext
-unkSkol :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfo
+unkSkol :: HasDebugCallStack => SkolemInfo

@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ data TcTyVarDetails
            , mtv_ref   :: IORef MetaDetails
            , mtv_tclvl :: TcLevel }  -- See Note [TcLevel invariants]
-vanillaSkolemTvUnk :: HasCallStack => TcTyVarDetails
+vanillaSkolemTvUnk :: HasDebugCallStack => TcTyVarDetails
 vanillaSkolemTvUnk = SkolemTv unkSkol topTcLevel False
 instance Outputable TcTyVarDetails where

@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType where
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable( SDoc )
+import GHC.Utils.Misc( HasDebugCallStack )
 import GHC.Prelude ( Bool )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.Var ( TcTyVar )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types.Origin ( FixedRuntimeRepOrigin )
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env ( NameEnv )
-import GHC.Stack
 data MetaDetails
 data TcTyVarDetails
 pprTcTyVarDetails :: TcTyVarDetails -> SDoc
-vanillaSkolemTvUnk :: HasCallStack => TcTyVarDetails
+vanillaSkolemTvUnk :: HasDebugCallStack => TcTyVarDetails
 isMetaTyVar :: TcTyVar -> Bool
 isTyConableTyVar :: TcTyVar -> Bool

@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ only _ = panic "Util: only"
 -- | Extract the single element of a list and panic with the given message if
 -- there are more elements or the list was empty.
 -- Like 'expectJust', but for lists.
-expectOnly :: HasCallStack => String -> [a] -> a
+expectOnly :: HasDebugCallStack => String -> [a] -> a
 {-# INLINE expectOnly #-}
 #if defined(DEBUG)
 expectOnly _   [a]   = a
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ changeLast [_]    x  = [x]
 changeLast (x:xs) x' = x : changeLast xs x'
 -- | Like @expectJust msg . nonEmpty@; a better alternative to 'NE.fromList'.
-expectNonEmpty :: HasCallStack => String -> [a] -> NonEmpty a
+expectNonEmpty :: HasDebugCallStack => String -> [a] -> NonEmpty a
 {-# INLINE expectNonEmpty #-}
 expectNonEmpty _   (x:xs) = x:|xs
 expectNonEmpty msg []     = expectNonEmptyPanic msg

@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ module GHC.Utils.Word64 (
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain (assert)
+import GHC.Utils.Misc (HasDebugCallStack)
 import Data.Word
-import GHC.Stack
-intToWord64 :: HasCallStack => Int -> Word64
+intToWord64 :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> Word64
 intToWord64 x = assert (0 <= x) (fromIntegral x)
-word64ToInt :: HasCallStack => Word64 -> Int
+word64ToInt :: HasDebugCallStack => Word64 -> Int
 word64ToInt x = assert (x <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) (fromIntegral x)
 truncateWord64ToWord32 :: Word64 -> Word32
-truncateWord64ToWord32 = fromIntegral
\ No newline at end of file
+truncateWord64ToWord32 = fromIntegral

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -drule-check concatMap #-}
+  -- This rule-check thing crashed #24726
+module T24726 where
+data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> ()) s
+concatMapS :: (a -> Stream b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
+concatMapS f (Stream next0 s0) = Stream undefined undefined
+{-# INLINE [1] concatMapS #-}
+concatMapS' :: (s -> ()) -> (a -> s) -> Stream a -> Stream b
+concatMapS' = undefined
+{-# RULES "concatMap" forall step f. concatMapS (\x -> Stream step (f x)) = concatMapS' step f #-}
+replicateStep :: a -> b
+replicateStep _ = undefined
+{-# INLINE replicateStep #-}
+replicateS :: Int -> a -> Stream a
+replicateS n x0 = Stream replicateStep undefined
+{-# INLINE replicateS #-}
+foo1 :: Stream Int -> Stream Int
+foo1 = concatMapS (replicateS 2)

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+==================== Rule check ====================
+Rule check results:
+Expression: concatMapS @(*) @Int @Int foo1
+Rule "concatMap": all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not
+==================== Rule check ====================
+Rule check results:
+Expression: concatMapS @(*) @Int @Int foo1
+Rule "concatMap": all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not
+==================== Rule check ====================
+Rule check results:
+Expression: concatMapS @(*) @Int @Int foo1
+Rule "concatMap": all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not
+==================== Rule check ====================
+Rule check results:
+Expression: concatMapS @(*) @Int @Int foo1
+Rule "concatMap": all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not

@@ -514,3 +514,4 @@ test('T24229a', [ grep_errmsg(r'wfoo') ], compile, ['-O2 -ddump-simpl -dno-typea
 test('T24229b', [ grep_errmsg(r'wfoo') ], compile, ['-O2 -ddump-simpl -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques -dppr-cols=99999'])
 test('T24370', normal, compile, ['-O'])
 test('T24551', normal, compile, ['-O -dcore-lint'])
+test('T24726', normal, compile, ['-dcore-lint -dsuppress-uniques'])

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