[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T23782] Introduce 'headStrictMap' for use in derived instances

Matthew Craven (@clyring) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Mar 31 15:25:24 UTC 2024

Matthew Craven pushed to branch wip/T23782 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

e2b56c2d by Matthew Craven at 2024-03-31T11:24:15-04:00
Introduce 'headStrictMap' for use in derived instances

Fixes #23782.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/Base.hs


@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ basicKnownKeyNames
         getFieldName, setFieldName,
         -- List operations
-        concatName, filterName, mapName,
+        concatName, filterName, mapName, headStrictMapName,
         zipName, foldrName, buildName, augmentName, appendName,
         -- FFI primitive types that are not wired-in.
@@ -739,8 +739,9 @@ ltTag_RDR               = nameRdrName  ordLTDataConName
 eqTag_RDR               = nameRdrName  ordEQDataConName
 gtTag_RDR               = nameRdrName  ordGTDataConName
-map_RDR, append_RDR :: RdrName
+map_RDR, headStrictMap_RDR, append_RDR :: RdrName
 map_RDR                 = nameRdrName mapName
+headStrictMap_RDR       = nameRdrName headStrictMapName
 append_RDR              = nameRdrName appendName
 foldr_RDR, build_RDR, returnM_RDR, bindM_RDR, failM_RDR
@@ -1120,7 +1121,7 @@ considerAccessibleName = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_EXTS (fsLit "considerAccessible")
 -- Random GHC.Internal.Base functions
 fromStringName, otherwiseIdName, foldrName, buildName, augmentName,
-    mapName, appendName, assertName,
+    mapName, headStrictMapName, appendName, assertName,
     dollarName :: Name
 dollarName        = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "$")          dollarIdKey
 otherwiseIdName   = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "otherwise")  otherwiseIdKey
@@ -1128,6 +1129,7 @@ foldrName         = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "foldr")      foldrIdKey
 buildName         = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "build")      buildIdKey
 augmentName       = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "augment")    augmentIdKey
 mapName           = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "map")        mapIdKey
+headStrictMapName = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "headStrictMap") headStrictMapIdKey
 appendName        = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "++")         appendIdKey
 assertName        = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_BASE (fsLit "assert")     assertIdKey
 fromStringName    = varQual gHC_INTERNAL_DATA_STRING (fsLit "fromString") fromStringClassOpKey
@@ -2390,8 +2392,10 @@ inlineIdKey, noinlineIdKey, noinlineConstraintIdKey :: Unique
 inlineIdKey                   = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 120
 -- see below
-mapIdKey, dollarIdKey, coercionTokenIdKey, considerAccessibleIdKey :: Unique
+mapIdKey, headStrictMapIdKey, dollarIdKey,
+  coercionTokenIdKey, considerAccessibleIdKey :: Unique
 mapIdKey                = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 121
+headStrictMapIdKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 122
 dollarIdKey             = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 123
 coercionTokenIdKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 124
 considerAccessibleIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 125

@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ gen_Enum_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = do
     enum_from tag2con_RDR maxtag_RDR
       = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc enumFrom_RDR [mkVisPat a_Pat] $
           untag_Expr [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
-          nlHsApps map_RDR
+          nlHsApps headStrictMap_RDR
                 [nlHsVar tag2con_RDR,
                  nlHsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
                             (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ gen_Enum_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = do
     enum_from_then tag2con_RDR maxtag_RDR
       = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc enumFromThen_RDR (map mkVisPat [a_Pat, b_Pat]) $
           untag_Expr [(a_RDR, ah_RDR), (b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
-          nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps map_RDR [tag2con_RDR]) $
+          nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps headStrictMap_RDR [tag2con_RDR]) $
             nlHsPar (enum_from_then_to_Expr
                     (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
                     (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [bh_RDR])
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = do
       = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc range_RDR [mkVisPat $ nlTuplePat [a_Pat, b_Pat] Boxed] $
           untag_Expr [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
           untag_Expr [(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
-          nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps map_RDR [tag2con_RDR]) $
+          nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps headStrictMap_RDR [tag2con_RDR]) $
               nlHsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
                         (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
                         (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [bh_RDR]))

@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ augment g xs = g (:) xs
 map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
 {-# NOINLINE [0] map #-}
   -- We want the RULEs "map" and "map/coerce" to fire first.
-  -- map is recursive, so won't inline anyway,
+  -- map is recursive, so it won't inline anyway,
   -- but saying so is more explicit, and silences warnings
 map _ []     = []
 map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
@@ -1913,7 +1913,7 @@ The rules for map work like this.
   See also Note [Inline FB functions] in GHC.Internal.List
-* The "mapFB" rule optimises compositions of map
+* The "mapFB/mapFB" rule optimises compositions of map
 * The "mapFB/id" rule gets rid of 'map id' calls.
   You might think that (mapFB c id) will turn into c simply
@@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ The rules for map work like this.
 {-# RULES
 "map"       [~1] forall f xs.   map f xs                = build (\c n -> foldr (mapFB c f) n xs)
 "mapList"   [1]  forall f.      foldr (mapFB (:) f) []  = map f
-"mapFB"     forall c f g.       mapFB (mapFB c f) g     = mapFB c (f.g)
+"mapFB/mapFB"    forall c f g.  mapFB (mapFB c f) g     = mapFB c (f.g)
 "mapFB/id"  forall c.           mapFB c (\x -> x)       = c
@@ -1941,6 +1941,103 @@ The rules for map work like this.
 {-# RULES "map/coerce" [1] map coerce = coerce #-}
 -- See Note [Getting the map/coerce RULE to work] in GHC.Core.SimpleOpt
+-- | Less lazy variant of 'map' that evaluates each /result/ list
+-- element to weak head normal form when it produces the corresponding
+-- cons cell.
+headStrictMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+{-# NOINLINE [0] headStrictMap #-}
+-- See Note [The rules for map].
+-- headStrictMap is recursive, so it won't inline anyway,
+-- but saying so is more explicit, and silences warnings
+headStrictMap _ [] = []
+headStrictMap f (x:xs) = case f x of
+  !y -> y : headStrictMap f xs
+headStrictMapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> elt) -> a -> lst -> lst
+{-# INLINE [0] headStrictMapFB #-}
+-- See Note [Inline FB functions] in GHC.Internal.List
+headStrictMapFB c f = \x ys -> case f x of
+  !y -> c y ys
+partiallyHeadStrictMap :: (a -> (# b #)) -> [a] -> [b]
+{-# NOINLINE [0] partiallyHeadStrictMap #-}
+-- See Note [The rules for map].
+-- partiallyHeadStrictMap is recursive, so it won't inline anyway,
+-- but saying so is more explicit, and silences warnings
+partiallyHeadStrictMap f li = case li of
+  [] -> []
+  x : xs -> case f x of
+    (# y #) -> y : partiallyHeadStrictMap f xs
+partiallyHeadStrictMapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> (# elt #)) -> a -> lst -> lst
+{-# INLINE [0] partiallyHeadStrictMapFB #-}
+-- See Note [Inline FB functions] in GHC.Internal.List
+partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c f = \x ys -> case f x of
+  (# y #) -> c y ys
+-- See Note [The rules for map].
+{-# RULES
+"headStrictMap" [~1]
+  forall f xs.
+    headStrictMap f xs
+    = build (\c n -> foldr (headStrictMapFB c f) n xs)
+"headStrictMapList" [1]
+  forall f.
+    foldr (headStrictMapFB (:) f) []
+    = headStrictMap f
+"partiallyHeadStrictMap" [~1]
+  forall f xs.
+    partiallyHeadStrictMap f xs
+    = build (\c n -> foldr (partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c f) n xs)
+"partiallyHeadStrictMapList" [1]
+  forall f.
+    foldr (partiallyHeadStrictMapFB (:) f) []
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMap f
+  forall c f g.
+    headStrictMapFB (headStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = headStrictMapFB c (\x -> f $! g x)
+  forall c f g.
+    partiallyHeadStrictMapFB (headStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = headStrictMapFB c (\x -> case g x of (# y #) -> f y)
+  forall c f g.
+    mapFB (headStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = headStrictMapFB c (\x -> f (g x))
+  forall c f g.
+    headStrictMapFB (partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> f $! g x)
+  forall c f g.
+    partiallyHeadStrictMapFB (partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> case g x of (# y #) -> f y)
+  forall c f g.
+    mapFB (partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c f) g
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> f (g x))
+  forall c f g.
+    headStrictMapFB (mapFB c f) g
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> case g x of !y -> (# f y #))
+  forall c f g.
+    partiallyHeadStrictMapFB (mapFB c f) g
+    = partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> case g x of (# y #) -> (# f y #))
+-- "mapFB/mapFB" rule is above
+"lazy partiallyHeadStrictMapFB"
+  forall c f.
+    partiallyHeadStrictMapFB c (\x -> (# f x #))
+    = mapFB c f
+  #-}
 --              append

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