[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/mpickering-hannes] 9 commits: Don't use unsafeInterleaveIO when reading type symbol table

Matthew Pickering (@mpickering) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Mar 27 16:33:09 UTC 2024

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/mpickering-hannes at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c5678e4c by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Don't use unsafeInterleaveIO when reading type symbol table

- - - - -
1f0e5fd5 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Don't retain whole 1mb buffer from shareIface

- - - - -
f3930158 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Strictness around deserialising FullBinData

We want to make sure to leave an explicit "thunk" here, a FullBinData
constructor rather than another layer of indirection via another thunk.

- - - - -
191cd9e9 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Force in_multi to avoid retaining entire hsc_env

- - - - -
927da7f1 by Fendor at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Compact FlatBag array representation

`Array` contains three additional `Word`'s we do not need in `FlatBag`. Move
`FlatBag` to `SmallArray`.

Expand the API of SmallArray by `sizeofSmallArray` and add common
traversal functions, such as `mapSmallArray` and `foldMapSmallArray`.
Additionally, allow users to force the elements of a `SmallArray`
via `rnfSmallArray`.

- - - - -
20ffbe88 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Share IfaceTypes in CgBreakInfo via shared buffer

- - - - -
12b4dbba by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Fix off by one error in seekBinNoExpand and seekBin

- - - - -
5f89c66a by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Add Binary instance for Word

- - - - -
6ed397bd by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-27T16:32:48+00:00
Share common bitmaps

This avoid allocating lots of duplicate ByteStrings for the bytecode

- - - - -

13 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/FlatBag.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/SmallArray.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Binary.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
- ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
- testsuite/tests/count-deps/CountDepsAst.stdout
- testsuite/tests/count-deps/CountDepsParser.stdout


@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE CPP             #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor   #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
 --  (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
@@ -226,12 +227,49 @@ assembleBCO platform (ProtoBCO { protoBCOName       = nm
   return ul_bco
+bitmap_0_0, bitmap_1_0, bitmap_2_0, bitmap_3_0, bitmap_4_0, bitmap_5_0, bitmap_6_0, bitmap_7_0, bitmap_8_0 :: UArray Int Word64
+bitmap_0_0 = Array.listArray (0,0) [0]
+bitmap_1_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 1, 0 ]
+bitmap_2_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 2, 0 ]
+bitmap_3_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 3, 0 ]
+bitmap_4_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 4, 0 ]
+bitmap_5_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 5, 0 ]
+bitmap_6_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 6, 0 ]
+bitmap_7_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 7, 0 ]
+bitmap_8_0 = Array.listArray (0,1) [ 8, 0 ]
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_0_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_1_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_2_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_3_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_4_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_5_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_6_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_7_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE bitmap_8_0 #-}
 mkBitmapArray :: Word -> [StgWord] -> UArray Int Word64
 -- Here the return type must be an array of Words, not StgWords,
 -- because the underlying ByteArray# will end up as a component
 -- of a BCO object.
+mkBitmapArray 0 [] = bitmap_0_0
+mkBitmapArray 1 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_1_0
+mkBitmapArray 2 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_2_0
+mkBitmapArray 3 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_3_0
+mkBitmapArray 4 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_4_0
+mkBitmapArray 5 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_5_0
+mkBitmapArray 6 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_6_0
+mkBitmapArray 7 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_7_0
+mkBitmapArray 8 [fromStgWord -> 0] = bitmap_8_0
 mkBitmapArray bsize bitmap
-  = Array.listArray (0, length bitmap) $
+  = reallyMkBitmapArray bsize bitmap
+reallyMkBitmapArray :: Word -> [StgWord] -> UArray Int Word64
+reallyMkBitmapArray bsize bitmap =
+  Array.listArray (0, length bitmap) $
       fromIntegral bsize : map (fromInteger . fromStgWord) bitmap
 -- instrs nonptrs ptrs

@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import GHC.Cmm.Expr ( GlobalRegSet, emptyRegSet, regSetToList )
 import GHC.Iface.Syntax
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name (ModuleName)
 import GHC.Base (ByteArray#)
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Compiled Byte Code
@@ -229,6 +230,11 @@ data CgBreakInfo
    , cgb_vars   :: ![Maybe (IfaceIdBndr, Word)]
    , cgb_resty  :: !IfaceType
+instance Binary CgBreakInfo where
+  putNoStack_ bh (CgBreakInfo tv vs rty) =
+    put_ bh tv >> put_ bh vs >> put_ bh rty
+  get bh = CgBreakInfo <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
 -- See Note [Syncing breakpoint info] in GHC.Runtime.Eval
 seqCgBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> ()

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
 module GHC.Data.FlatBag
   ( FlatBag
   , emptyFlatBag
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import GHC.Data.SizedSeq (SizedSeq, ssElts, sizeSS)
 import Control.DeepSeq
-import Data.Array
+import GHC.Data.SmallArray
 -- | Store elements in a flattened representation.
@@ -39,20 +40,19 @@ data FlatBag a
   = EmptyFlatBag
   | UnitFlatBag !a
   | TupleFlatBag !a !a
-  | FlatBag {-# UNPACK #-} !(Array Word a)
-  deriving (Show)
+  | FlatBag {-# UNPACK #-} !(SmallArray a)
 instance Functor FlatBag where
   fmap _ EmptyFlatBag = EmptyFlatBag
   fmap f (UnitFlatBag a) = UnitFlatBag $ f a
   fmap f (TupleFlatBag a b) = TupleFlatBag (f a) (f b)
-  fmap f (FlatBag e) = FlatBag $ fmap f e
+  fmap f (FlatBag e) = FlatBag $ mapSmallArray f e
 instance Foldable FlatBag where
   foldMap _ EmptyFlatBag = mempty
   foldMap f (UnitFlatBag a) = f a
   foldMap f (TupleFlatBag a b) = f a `mappend` f b
-  foldMap f (FlatBag e) = foldMap f e
+  foldMap f (FlatBag arr) = foldMapSmallArray f arr
   length = fromIntegral . sizeFlatBag
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ instance Traversable FlatBag where
   traverse _ EmptyFlatBag = pure EmptyFlatBag
   traverse f (UnitFlatBag a) = UnitFlatBag <$> f a
   traverse f (TupleFlatBag a b) = TupleFlatBag <$> f a <*> f b
-  traverse f (FlatBag e) = FlatBag <$> traverse f e
+  traverse f fl@(FlatBag arr) = fromList (fromIntegral $ sizeofSmallArray arr) <$> traverse f (elemsFlatBag fl)
 instance NFData a => NFData (FlatBag a) where
   rnf EmptyFlatBag = ()
   rnf (UnitFlatBag a) = rnf a
   rnf (TupleFlatBag a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
-  rnf (FlatBag e) = rnf e
+  rnf (FlatBag arr) = rnfSmallArray arr
 -- | Create an empty 'FlatBag'.
@@ -83,14 +83,15 @@ sizeFlatBag :: FlatBag a -> Word
 sizeFlatBag EmptyFlatBag = 0
 sizeFlatBag UnitFlatBag{} = 1
 sizeFlatBag TupleFlatBag{} = 2
-sizeFlatBag (FlatBag e) = fromIntegral (length e)
+sizeFlatBag (FlatBag arr) = fromIntegral $ sizeofSmallArray arr
 -- | Get all elements that are stored in the 'FlatBag'.
 elemsFlatBag :: FlatBag a -> [a]
 elemsFlatBag EmptyFlatBag = []
 elemsFlatBag (UnitFlatBag a) = [a]
 elemsFlatBag (TupleFlatBag a b) = [a, b]
-elemsFlatBag (FlatBag e) = elems e
+elemsFlatBag (FlatBag arr) =
+  [indexSmallArray arr i | i <- [0 .. sizeofSmallArray arr - 1]]
 -- | Combine two 'FlatBag's.
@@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ elemsFlatBag (FlatBag e) = elems e
 mappendFlatBag :: FlatBag a -> FlatBag a -> FlatBag a
 mappendFlatBag EmptyFlatBag b = b
 mappendFlatBag a EmptyFlatBag = a
+mappendFlatBag (UnitFlatBag a) (UnitFlatBag b) = TupleFlatBag a b
 mappendFlatBag a b =
   fromList (sizeFlatBag a + sizeFlatBag b)
            (elemsFlatBag a ++ elemsFlatBag b)
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ mappendFlatBag a b =
 -- | Store the list in a flattened memory representation, avoiding the memory overhead
 -- of a linked list.
--- The size 'n' needs to be at least the length of the list.
+-- The size 'n' needs to be smaller or equal to the length of the list.
 -- If it is smaller than the length of the list, overflowing elements are
 -- discarded. It is undefined behaviour to set 'n' to be bigger than the
 -- length of the list.
@@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ fromList n elts =
     [] -> EmptyFlatBag
     [a] -> UnitFlatBag a
     [a, b] -> TupleFlatBag a b
-    xs -> FlatBag (listArray (0, n - 1) xs)
+    xs ->
+      FlatBag (listToArray (fromIntegral n) fst snd (zip [0..] xs))
 -- | Convert a 'SizedSeq' into its flattened representation.
 -- A 'FlatBag a' is more memory efficient than '[a]', if no further modification

@@ -11,13 +11,18 @@ module GHC.Data.SmallArray
   , freezeSmallArray
   , unsafeFreezeSmallArray
   , indexSmallArray
+  , sizeofSmallArray
   , listToArray
+  , mapSmallArray
+  , foldMapSmallArray
+  , rnfSmallArray
 import GHC.Exts
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.ST
+import Control.DeepSeq
 data SmallArray a = SmallArray (SmallArray# a)
@@ -64,6 +69,14 @@ unsafeFreezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray ma) s =
   case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# ma s of
     (# s', a #) -> (# s', SmallArray a #)
+-- | Get the size of a 'SmallArray'
+  :: SmallArray a
+  -> Int
+{-# INLINE sizeofSmallArray #-}
+sizeofSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) =
+  case sizeofSmallArray# sa# of
+    s -> I# s
 -- | Index a small-array (no bounds checking!)
@@ -71,9 +84,51 @@ indexSmallArray
   -> Int          -- ^ index
   -> a
 {-# INLINE indexSmallArray #-}
-indexSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) (I# i) = case indexSmallArray# sa# i of
-  (# v #) -> v
+indexSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) (I# i) =
+  case indexSmallArray# sa# i of
+    (# v #) -> v
+-- | Map a function over the elements of a 'SmallArray'
+mapSmallArray :: (a -> b) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b
+{-# INLINE mapSmallArray #-}
+mapSmallArray f sa = runST $ ST $ \s ->
+  let
+    n = sizeofSmallArray sa
+    go !i saMut# state#
+      | i < n =
+        let
+          a = indexSmallArray sa i
+          newState# = writeSmallArray saMut# i (f a) state#
+        in
+          go (i + 1) saMut# newState#
+      | otherwise = state#
+  in
+  case newSmallArray n (error "SmallArray: internal error, uninitialised elements") s of
+    (# s', mutArr #) ->
+      case go 0 mutArr s' of
+        s'' -> unsafeFreezeSmallArray mutArr s''
+-- | Fold the values of a 'SmallArray' into a 'Monoid m' of choice
+foldMapSmallArray :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> SmallArray a -> m
+{-# INLINE foldMapSmallArray #-}
+foldMapSmallArray f sa = go 0
+  where
+    n = sizeofSmallArray sa
+    go i
+      | i < n = f (indexSmallArray sa i) `mappend` go (i + 1)
+      | otherwise = mempty
+-- | Force the elements of the given 'SmallArray'
+rnfSmallArray :: NFData a => SmallArray a -> ()
+{-# INLINE rnfSmallArray #-}
+rnfSmallArray sa = go 0
+  where
+    n = sizeofSmallArray sa
+    go !i
+      | i < n = rnf (indexSmallArray sa i) `seq` go (i + 1)
+      | otherwise = ()
 -- | Convert a list into an array.
 listToArray :: Int -> (e -> Int) -> (e -> a) -> [e] -> SmallArray a

@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ module GHC.Iface.Binary (
+        putWithTables',
+        getTables',
         -- * Internal serialisation functions
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import System.IO
 import Data.List
 import System.FilePath
+import System.IO.Unsafe
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Reading and writing binary interface files
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ getWithUserData name_cache bh = do
 --                                            (getDictFastString dict)
 data ReadIfaceTable out = ReadIfaceTable
-  { getTable :: HasCallStack => IORef BinHandle -> BinHandle -> IO out
+  { getTable :: HasCallStack => BinHandle -> IO out
 data WriteIfaceTable = WriteIfaceTable
@@ -189,21 +192,22 @@ data WriteIfaceTable = WriteIfaceTable
 getTables' :: HasCallStack => NameCache -> BinHandle -> IO BinHandle
 getTables' name_cache bh = do
+    bhRef <- newIORef (error "used too soon")
+    ud <- unsafeInterleaveIO (readIORef bhRef)
     fsCache <- initReadFsCachedBinary
     nameCache <- initReadNameCachedBinary name_cache
 --    ifaceCache <- initReadIfaceTyConTable
-    ifaceTypeCache <- initReadIfaceTypeTable
-    bhRef <- newIORef (error "used too soon")
+    ifaceTypeCache <- initReadIfaceTypeTable ud
     -- Read the dictionary
     -- The next word in the file is a pointer to where the dictionary is
     -- (probably at the end of the file)
-    dict <- Binary.forwardGet bh (getTable fsCache bhRef bh)
+    dict <- Binary.forwardGet bh (getTable fsCache bh)
         fsDecoder = mkReader $ getDictFastString dict
         bh_fs = addDecoder (mkCache (Proxy @FastString) fsDecoder) bh
-    symtab <- Binary.forwardGet bh_fs (getTable nameCache bhRef bh_fs)
+    symtab <- Binary.forwardGet bh_fs (getTable nameCache bh_fs)
     let nameCache' = mkReader $ getSymtabName symtab
@@ -215,10 +219,10 @@ getTables' name_cache bh = do
 --        bh_name2 = addDecoder (mkCache (Proxy :: Proxy IfaceTyCon) ifaceDecoder) bh_name
-    ifaceSymTab2 <- Binary.forwardGet bh_name (getTable ifaceTypeCache bhRef bh_name)
+    ifaceSymTab2 <- Binary.forwardGet bh_name (getTable ifaceTypeCache bh_name)
     let ifaceDecoder2 = mkReader $ getGenericSymtab ifaceSymTab2
     let bh_type = addDecoder (mkCache (Proxy :: Proxy IfaceType) ifaceDecoder2) bh_name
-    writeIORef bhRef bh_type
+    writeIORef bhRef (getUserData bh_type)
     return bh_type
@@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ writeStackFormat fp report = do
 -- This segment should be read using `getWithUserData`.
 putWithUserData :: HasCallStack => Binary a => TraceBinIFace -> BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 putWithUserData traceBinIface bh payload = do
-  (name_count, fs_count, _b) <- putWithTables' bh (\bh' -> putNoStack bh' payload)
+  (name_count, fs_count, type_count, _b) <- putWithTables' bh (\bh' -> putNoStack bh' payload)
   case traceBinIface of
     QuietBinIFace         -> return ()
@@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ initReadFsCachedBinary :: (HasCallStack) => IO (ReadIfaceTable (SymbolTable Fast
 initReadFsCachedBinary = do
   return $
-      { getTable = \_ -> getDictionary
+      { getTable = getDictionary
 initWriteFsTable :: (HasCallStack) => IO (WriteIfaceTable, CachedBinary FastString)
@@ -308,7 +312,7 @@ initReadNameCachedBinary :: (HasCallStack) => NameCache -> IO (ReadIfaceTable (S
 initReadNameCachedBinary cache = do
   return $
-      { getTable = \_ bh -> getSymbolTable bh cache
+      { getTable = \bh -> getSymbolTable bh cache
 initWriteNameTable :: (HasCallStack) => IO (WriteIfaceTable, CachedBinary Name)
@@ -338,14 +342,21 @@ initReadIfaceTyConTable :: HasCallStack => IO (ReadIfaceTable (SymbolTable Iface
 initReadIfaceTyConTable = do
   pure $
-      { getTable = getGenericSymbolTable (\_ -> getIfaceTyCon)
+      { getTable = getGenericSymbolTable getIfaceTyCon
-initReadIfaceTypeTable :: HasCallStack => IO (ReadIfaceTable (SymbolTable IfaceType))
-initReadIfaceTypeTable = do
+readFromSymTab :: UserData -> BinHandle -> IO FullBinData
+readFromSymTab ud bh = do
+    p <- get @(Bin ()) bh -- a BinPtr
+    frozen_bh <- freezeBinHandle p (setUserData bh ud)
+    seekBinNoExpand bh p -- skip over the object for now
+    return frozen_bh
+initReadIfaceTypeTable :: HasCallStack => UserData -> IO (ReadIfaceTable (SymbolTable IfaceType))
+initReadIfaceTypeTable ud = do
   pure $
-      { getTable = getGenericSymbolTable (\optr bh -> IfaceSerialisedType <$> freezeBinHandle optr bh)
+      { getTable = getGenericSymbolTable (\bh -> IfaceSerialisedType <$!> readFromSymTab ud bh)
@@ -365,7 +376,7 @@ initWriteIfaceType = do
   sym_tab <- initGenericSymbolTable
     ( WriteIfaceTable
-        { putTable = putGenericSymbolTable sym_tab putIfaceType
+        { putTable = putGenericSymbolTable sym_tab (lazyPut' putIfaceType)
     , mkWriter $ putGenericSymTab sym_tab
@@ -417,7 +428,7 @@ initWriteIfaceType = do
 --     return (name_count, fs_count, r)
-putWithTables' :: HasCallStack => BinHandle -> (BinHandle -> IO b) -> IO (Int,Int,b)
+putWithTables' :: HasCallStack => BinHandle -> (BinHandle -> IO b) -> IO (Int,Int, Int, b)
 putWithTables' bh' put_payload = do
     (fsTbl, fsWriter) <- initWriteFsTable
     (nameTbl, nameWriter) <- initWriteNameTable
@@ -432,14 +443,14 @@ putWithTables' bh' put_payload = do
     let bh = setUserData bh' userData
-    (fs_count,(name_count,(_, r))) <-
+    (fs_count,(name_count,(type_count, r))) <-
       forwardPut bh (const (putTable fsTbl bh)) $ do
         forwardPut bh (const (putTable nameTbl bh)) $ do
  --         forwardPut bh (const (putTable ifaceTyConTbl bh)) $ do
             forwardPut bh (const (putTable ifaceTypeTbl bh)) $ do
               put_payload bh
-    return (name_count, fs_count, r)
+    return (name_count, fs_count, type_count, r)
 -- | Initial ram buffer to allocate for writing interface files
 initBinMemSize :: Int

@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ import Data.List ( sortBy )
 import Data.Ord
 import Data.IORef
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@@ -157,10 +159,11 @@ shareIface :: NameCache -> ModIface -> IO ModIface
 shareIface nc mi = do
   bh <- openBinMem (1024 * 1024)
   -- Todo, not quite right (See ext fields etc)
-  start <- tellBin @() bh
   putWithUserData QuietBinIFace bh mi
-  seekBin bh start
-  res <- getWithUserData nc bh
+  -- Copy out just the part of the buffer which is used, otherwise each interface
+  -- retains a 1mb bytearray
+  bh' <- withBinBuffer bh (\bs -> unsafeUnpackBinBuffer (BS.copy bs))
+  res <- getWithUserData nc bh'
   let resiface = res { mi_src_hash = mi_src_hash mi }
   forceModIface  resiface
   return resiface

@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ fromIfaceStringLiteral (IfStringLiteral st fs) = StringLiteral st fs Nothing
 data IfaceExpr
-  = IfaceSerialisedExpr FullBinData
+  = IfaceSerialisedExpr !FullBinData
   | IfaceLcl    IfLclName
   | IfaceExt    IfExtName
   | IfaceType   IfaceType

@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ type IfaceKind     = IfaceType
 -- Any time a 'Type' is pretty-printed, it is first converted to an 'IfaceType'
 -- before being printed. See Note [Pretty printing via Iface syntax] in "GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr"
 data IfaceType
-  = IfaceSerialisedType FullBinData
+  = IfaceSerialisedType !FullBinData
   | IfaceFreeTyVar TyVar                -- See Note [Free tyvars in IfaceType]
   | IfaceTyVar     IfLclName            -- Type/coercion variable only, not tycon
   | IfaceLitTy     IfaceTyLit

@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ import GHC.Stg.Syntax
 import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
 import GHC.CoreToIface
 import Data.Array as Array
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import GHC.Iface.Binary
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Generating byte code for a complete module
@@ -2190,6 +2194,7 @@ data BcM_State
                                          -- Should be free()d when it is GCd
         , modBreaks   :: Maybe ModBreaks -- info about breakpoints
         , breakInfo   :: IntMap CgBreakInfo
+        , breakInfoBuffer :: (BinHandle, UserData) -- ^ A buffer which enables CgBreakInfo to be shared.
 newtype BcM r = BcM (BcM_State -> IO (BcM_State, r)) deriving (Functor)
@@ -2202,8 +2207,32 @@ ioToBc io = BcM $ \st -> do
 runBc :: HscEnv -> Module -> Maybe ModBreaks
       -> BcM r
       -> IO (BcM_State, r)
-runBc hsc_env this_mod modBreaks (BcM m)
-   = m (BcM_State hsc_env this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty)
+runBc hsc_env this_mod modBreaks (BcM m) =  do
+  bh <- openBinMem 1024
+  start <- tellBin @() bh
+  user_data <- newIORef (error "used too soon")
+  read_ud <- unsafeInterleaveIO (readIORef user_data)
+  (fs, n, t, r) <- putWithTables' bh
+    (\bh' -> m (BcM_State hsc_env this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty (bh', read_ud)))
+  seekBinNoExpand bh start
+  bh_with_user <- getTables' (hsc_NC hsc_env) bh
+  writeIORef user_data (getUserData bh_with_user)
+  return r
+shareIface :: NameCache -> ModIface -> IO ModIface
+shareIface nc mi = do
+  bh <- openBinMem (1024 * 1024)
+  -- Todo, not quite right (See ext fields etc)
+  putWithUserData QuietBinIFace bh mi
+  -- Copy out just the part of the buffer which is used, otherwise each interface
+  -- retains a 1mb bytearray
+  bh' <- withBinBuffer bh (\bs -> unsafeUnpackBinBuffer (BS.copy bs))
+  res <- getWithUserData nc bh'
+  let resiface = res { mi_src_hash = mi_src_hash mi }
+  forceModIface  resiface
+  return resiface
+  -}
 thenBc :: BcM a -> (a -> BcM b) -> BcM b
 thenBc (BcM expr) cont = BcM $ \st0 -> do
@@ -2260,8 +2289,13 @@ getLabelsBc n
                  in return (st{nextlabel = ctr+n}, coerce [ctr .. ctr+n-1])
 newBreakInfo :: BreakIndex -> CgBreakInfo -> BcM ()
-newBreakInfo ix info = BcM $ \st ->
-  return (st{breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix info (breakInfo st)}, ())
+newBreakInfo ix info = BcM $ \st -> do
+  let (bh, read_ud) = breakInfoBuffer st
+  start <- tellBin @() bh
+  lazyPut bh info
+  seekBinNoExpand bh start
+  shared_info <- lazyGet (setUserData bh read_ud)
+  return (st{breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix shared_info (breakInfo st)}, ())
 getCurrentModule :: BcM Module
 getCurrentModule = BcM $ \st -> return (st, thisModule st)

@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ tellBin (BinMem _ r _ _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
 seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
 seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _ _) (BinPtr !p) = do
   sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
-  if (p >= sz)
+  if (p > sz)
         then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p
         else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _ _) (BinPtr !p) = do
 seekBinNoExpand :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
 seekBinNoExpand (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _ _) (BinPtr !p) = do
   sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
-  if (p >= sz)
+  if (p > sz)
         then panic "seekBinNoExpand: seek out of range"
         else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
@@ -746,6 +746,10 @@ instance Binary Word64 where
   putNoStack_ = putULEB128
   get = getULEB128
+instance Binary Word where
+  putNoStack_ = putULEB128
+  get = getULEB128
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Primitive Int writes
@@ -1274,20 +1278,21 @@ putGenericSymbolTable gen_sym_tab serialiser bh = do
             case vs of
               [] -> return table_count
               todo -> do
-                mapM_ (\n -> lazyPut' serialiser bh n) (map snd vs)
+                mapM_ (\n -> serialiser bh n) (map snd vs)
                 loop table_count
       snd <$>
         (forwardPut bh (const $ readFastMutInt symtab_next >>= put_ bh) $
           loop 0)
-getGenericSymbolTable :: forall a. (Bin () -> BinHandle -> IO a) -> IORef BinHandle -> BinHandle -> IO (SymbolTable a)
-getGenericSymbolTable deserialiser bhRef bh = do
+getGenericSymbolTable :: forall a. (BinHandle -> IO a) -> BinHandle -> IO (SymbolTable a)
+getGenericSymbolTable deserialiser bh = do
   sz <- forwardGet bh (get bh) :: IO Int
   mut_arr <- newArray_ (0, sz-1) :: IO (IOArray Int a)
   -- Using lazyPut/lazyGet is quite space inefficient as each usage will allocate a large closure
   -- (6 arguments-ish).
   forM_ [0..(sz-1)] $ \i -> do
-    f <- lazyGet' (Just bhRef) deserialiser bh
+--    f <- lazyGet' (Just bhRef) deserialiser bh
+    !f <- deserialiser bh
     writeArray mut_arr i f
 --  pprTraceM "gotten" (ppr sz)
   unsafeFreeze mut_arr

@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ interactiveUI config srcs maybe_exprs = do
            -- Set to True because Prelude is implicitly imported.
            impDecl at ImportDecl{ideclExt=ext} -> impDecl{ideclExt = ext{ideclImplicit=True}}
    hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
-   let in_multi = length (hsc_all_home_unit_ids hsc_env) > 1
+   let !in_multi = length (hsc_all_home_unit_ids hsc_env) > 1
    empty_cache <- liftIO newIfaceCache
    startGHCi (runGHCi srcs maybe_exprs)
         GHCiState{ progname           = default_progname,

@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ GHC.Data.List.SetOps

@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ GHC.Data.List.SetOps

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