[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/document-system-io] Documentation: Improve documentation for symbols exported from System.IO

Jade (@Jade) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Mar 26 15:26:25 UTC 2024

Jade pushed to branch wip/document-system-io at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

738c8b42 by Jade at 2024-03-26T16:30:17+01:00
Documentation: Improve documentation for symbols exported from System.IO

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- libraries/base/src/GHC/IO/Handle.hs
- libraries/base/src/GHC/IO/StdHandles.hs
- libraries/base/src/System/IO.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/IO/Handle.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/IO/Handle/Text.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/IO/Handle/Types.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/IO/StdHandles.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/System/IO.hs


@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ module GHC.IO.Handle
      ) where
-import GHC.Internal.IO.Handle
\ No newline at end of file
+import GHC.Internal.IO.Handle

@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ module GHC.IO.StdHandles
      ) where
-import GHC.Internal.IO.StdHandles
\ No newline at end of file
+import GHC.Internal.IO.StdHandles

@@ -29,156 +29,148 @@ module System.IO
      -- descriptors when they have run out, it is your responsibility to
      -- ensure that this doesn't happen.
-     -- **  Standard handles
-     -- |  Three handles are allocated during program initialisation,
-     -- and are initially open.
-     stdin,
-     stdout,
-     stderr,
-     -- *  Opening and closing files
-     -- **  Opening files
-     withFile,
-     openFile,
-     IOMode(ReadMode, WriteMode, AppendMode, ReadWriteMode),
-     -- **  Closing files
-     hClose,
-     -- **  Special cases
-     -- |  These functions are also exported by the "Prelude".
-     readFile,
-     readFile',
-     writeFile,
-     appendFile,
-     -- **  File locking
-     -- $locking
-     -- *  Operations on handles
-     -- **  Determining and changing the size of a file
-     hFileSize,
-     hSetFileSize,
-     -- **  Detecting the end of input
-     hIsEOF,
-     isEOF,
-     -- **  Buffering operations
-     BufferMode(NoBuffering, LineBuffering, BlockBuffering),
-     hSetBuffering,
-     hGetBuffering,
-     hFlush,
-     -- **  Repositioning handles
-     hGetPosn,
-     hSetPosn,
-     HandlePosn,
-     hSeek,
-     SeekMode(AbsoluteSeek, RelativeSeek, SeekFromEnd),
-     hTell,
-     -- **  Handle properties
-     hIsOpen,
-     hIsClosed,
-     hIsReadable,
-     hIsWritable,
-     hIsSeekable,
-     -- **  Terminal operations (not portable: GHC only)
-     hIsTerminalDevice,
-     hSetEcho,
-     hGetEcho,
-     -- **  Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)
-     hShow,
-     -- *  Text input and output
-     -- **  Text input
-     hWaitForInput,
-     hReady,
-     hGetChar,
-     hGetLine,
-     hLookAhead,
-     hGetContents,
-     hGetContents',
-     -- **  Text output
-     hPutChar,
-     hPutStr,
-     hPutStrLn,
-     hPrint,
-     -- **  Special cases for standard input and output
-     -- |  These functions are also exported by the "Prelude".
-     interact,
-     putChar,
-     putStr,
-     putStrLn,
-     print,
-     getChar,
-     getLine,
-     getContents,
-     getContents',
-     readIO,
-     readLn,
-     -- *  Binary input and output
-     withBinaryFile,
-     openBinaryFile,
-     hSetBinaryMode,
-     hPutBuf,
-     hGetBuf,
-     hGetBufSome,
-     hPutBufNonBlocking,
-     hGetBufNonBlocking,
-     -- *  Temporary files
-     openTempFile,
-     openBinaryTempFile,
-     openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions,
-     openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions,
-     -- *  Unicode encoding\/decoding
-     -- |  A text-mode 'Handle' has an associated 'TextEncoding', which
-     -- is used to decode bytes into Unicode characters when reading,
-     -- and encode Unicode characters into bytes when writing.
-     --
-     -- The default 'TextEncoding' is the same as the default encoding
-     -- on your system, which is also available as 'localeEncoding'.
-     -- (GHC note: on Windows, we currently do not support double-byte
-     -- encodings; if the console\'s code page is unsupported, then
-     -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'.)
-     --
-     -- Encoding and decoding errors are always detected and reported,
-     -- except during lazy I/O ('hGetContents', 'getContents', and
-     -- 'readFile'), where a decoding error merely results in
-     -- termination of the character stream, as with other I/O errors.
-     hSetEncoding,
-     hGetEncoding,
-     -- **  Unicode encodings
-     TextEncoding,
-     latin1,
-     utf8,
-     utf8_bom,
-     utf16,
-     utf16le,
-     utf16be,
-     utf32,
-     utf32le,
-     utf32be,
-     localeEncoding,
-     char8,
-     mkTextEncoding,
-     -- *  Newline conversion
-     -- | In Haskell, a newline is always represented by the character
-     -- @\'\\n\'@.  However, in files and external character streams, a
-     -- newline may be represented by another character sequence, such
-     -- as @\'\\r\\n\'@.
-     --
-     -- A text-mode 'Handle' has an associated 'NewlineMode' that
-     -- specifies how to translate newline characters.  The
-     -- 'NewlineMode' specifies the input and output translation
-     -- separately, so that for instance you can translate @\'\\r\\n\'@
-     -- to @\'\\n\'@ on input, but leave newlines as @\'\\n\'@ on output.
-     --
-     -- The default 'NewlineMode' for a 'Handle' is
-     -- 'nativeNewlineMode', which does no translation on Unix systems,
-     -- but translates @\'\\r\\n\'@ to @\'\\n\'@ and back on Windows.
-     --
-     -- Binary-mode 'Handle's do no newline translation at all.
-     hSetNewlineMode,
-     Newline(..),
-     nativeNewline,
-     NewlineMode(..),
-     noNewlineTranslation,
-     universalNewlineMode,
-     nativeNewlineMode
-     ) where
+    -- **  Standard handles
+    -- |  Three handles are allocated during program initialisation,
+    -- and are initially open.
+    stdin,
+    stdout,
+    stderr,
+    -- * Opening and closing files
+    -- ** Opening files
+    withFile,
+    openFile,
+    IOMode(ReadMode,WriteMode,AppendMode,ReadWriteMode),
+    -- ** Closing files
+    hClose,
+    -- ** Special cases
+    -- | These functions are also exported by the "Prelude".
+    readFile,
+    readFile',
+    writeFile,
+    appendFile,
+    -- ** File locking
+    -- $locking
+    -- * Operations on handles
+    -- ** Determining and changing the size of a file
+    hFileSize,
+    hSetFileSize,
+    -- ** Detecting the end of input
+    hIsEOF,
+    isEOF,
+    -- ** Buffering operations
+    BufferMode(NoBuffering,LineBuffering,BlockBuffering),
+    hSetBuffering,
+    hGetBuffering,
+    hFlush,
+    -- ** Repositioning handles
+    hGetPosn,
+    hSetPosn,
+    HandlePosn,
+    hSeek,
+    SeekMode(AbsoluteSeek,RelativeSeek,SeekFromEnd),
+    hTell,
+    -- ** Handle properties
+    hIsOpen,
+    hIsClosed,
+    hIsReadable,
+    hIsWritable,
+    hIsSeekable,
+    -- ** Terminal operations (not portable: GHC only)
+    hIsTerminalDevice,
+    hSetEcho,
+    hGetEcho,
+    -- ** Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)
+    hShow,
+    -- * Text input and output
+    -- ** Text input
+    hWaitForInput,
+    hReady,
+    hGetChar,
+    hGetLine,
+    hLookAhead,
+    hGetContents,
+    hGetContents',
+    -- ** Text output
+    hPutChar,
+    hPutStr,
+    hPutStrLn,
+    hPrint,
+    -- ** Special cases for standard input and output
+    -- | These functions are also exported by the "Prelude".
+    interact,
+    putChar,
+    putStr,
+    putStrLn,
+    print,
+    getChar,
+    getLine,
+    getContents,
+    getContents',
+    readIO,
+    readLn,
+    -- * Binary input and output
+    withBinaryFile,
+    openBinaryFile,
+    hSetBinaryMode,
+    hPutBuf,
+    hGetBuf,
+    hGetBufSome,
+    hPutBufNonBlocking,
+    hGetBufNonBlocking,
+    -- * Temporary files
+    openTempFile,
+    openBinaryTempFile,
+    openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions,
+    openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions,
+    -- * Unicode encoding\/decoding
+    -- | A text-mode 'Handle' has an associated 'TextEncoding', which
+    -- is used to decode bytes into Unicode characters when reading,
+    -- and encode Unicode characters into bytes when writing.
+    --
+    -- The default 'TextEncoding' is the same as the default encoding
+    -- on your system, which is also available as 'localeEncoding'.
+    -- (GHC note: on Windows, we currently do not support double-byte
+    -- encodings; if the console\'s code page is unsupported, then
+    -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'.)
+    --
+    -- Encoding and decoding errors are always detected and reported,
+    -- except during lazy I/O ('hGetContents', 'getContents', and
+    -- 'readFile'), where a decoding error merely results in
+    -- termination of the character stream, as with other I/O errors.
+    hSetEncoding,
+    hGetEncoding,
+    -- ** Unicode encodings
+    TextEncoding,
+    latin1,
+    utf8, utf8_bom,
+    utf16, utf16le, utf16be,
+    utf32, utf32le, utf32be,
+    localeEncoding,
+    char8,
+    mkTextEncoding,
+    -- * Newline conversion
+    -- | In Haskell, a newline is always represented by the character
+    -- @\'\\n\'@.  However, in files and external character streams, a
+    -- newline may be represented by another character sequence, such
+    -- as @\'\\r\\n\'@.
+    --
+    -- A text-mode 'Handle' has an associated 'NewlineMode' that
+    -- specifies how to translate newline characters.  The
+    -- 'NewlineMode' specifies the input and output translation
+    -- separately, so that for instance you can translate @\'\\r\\n\'@
+    -- to @\'\\n\'@ on input, but leave newlines as @\'\\n\'@ on output.
+    --
+    -- The default 'NewlineMode' for a 'Handle' is
+    -- 'nativeNewlineMode', which does no translation on Unix systems,
+    -- but translates @\'\\r\\n\'@ to @\'\\n\'@ and back on Windows.
+    --
+    -- Binary-mode 'Handle's do no newline translation at all.
+    --
+    hSetNewlineMode,
+    Newline(..), nativeNewline,
+    NewlineMode(..),
+    noNewlineTranslation, universalNewlineMode, nativeNewlineMode,
+  ) where
 import GHC.Internal.System.IO
@@ -199,3 +191,16 @@ import GHC.Internal.System.IO
 -- It follows that an attempt to write to a file (using 'writeFile', for
 -- example) that was earlier opened by 'readFile' will usually result in
 -- failure with 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isAlreadyInUseError'.
+-- $stdio_examples
+-- Note: Some of the examples in this module do not work "as is" in ghci.
+-- This is because using 'stdin' in combination with lazy IO
+-- does not work well in interactive mode.
+-- lines starting with @>@ indicate 'stdin' and @^D@ signales EOF.
+-- >>> foo
+-- > input
+-- output
+-- > input^D
+-- output

@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ import GHC.Internal.Real
 import GHC.Internal.Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Internal.Data.Typeable
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Closing a handle
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ isEOF = hIsEOF stdin
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
 hLookAhead :: Handle -> IO Char
 hLookAhead handle =
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ hLookAhead handle =
 -- Buffering Operations
 -- Three kinds of buffering are supported: line-buffering,
--- block-buffering or no-buffering.  See GHC.Internal.IO.Handle for definition and
+-- block-buffering or no-buffering.  See GHC.IO.Handle for definition and
 -- further explanation of what the type represent.
 -- | Computation 'hSetBuffering' @hdl mode@ sets the mode of buffering for
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ hLookAhead handle =
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if the handle has already been used
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if the handle has already been used
 --    for reading or writing and the implementation does not allow the
 --    buffering mode to be changed.
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ hSetBuffering handle mode =
     _ -> do
          if mode == haBufferMode then return handle_ else do
-         -- See [note Buffer Sizing] in GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Types
+         -- See [note Buffer Sizing] in GHC.IO.Handle.Types
           -- check for errors:
           case mode of
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ hSetBuffering handle mode =
 -- | The action 'hSetEncoding' @hdl@ @encoding@ changes the text encoding
 -- for the handle @hdl@ to @encoding at .  The default encoding when a 'Handle' is
--- created is 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.localeEncoding', namely the default encoding for the
+-- created is 'System.IO.localeEncoding', namely the default encoding for the
 -- current locale.
 -- To create a 'Handle' with no encoding at all, use 'openBinaryFile'.  To
@@ -285,9 +286,9 @@ hGetEncoding hdl =
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isFullError' if the device is full;
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isFullError' if the device is full;
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
 --    exceeded. It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer are
 --    discarded or retained under these circumstances.
@@ -302,13 +303,13 @@ hFlush handle = wantWritableHandle "hFlush" handle flushWriteBuffer
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isFullError' if the device is full;
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isFullError' if the device is full;
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
 --    exceeded. It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer are
 --    discarded or retained under these circumstances;
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperation' if @hdl@ has buffered read data, and
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperation' if @hdl@ has buffered read data, and
 --    is not seekable.
 hFlushAll :: Handle -> IO ()
@@ -319,11 +320,11 @@ hFlushAll handle = withHandle_ "hFlushAll" handle flushBuffer
 data HandlePosn = HandlePosn Handle HandlePosition
--- | @since base-
+-- | @since
 instance Eq HandlePosn where
     (HandlePosn h1 p1) == (HandlePosn h2 p2) = p1==p2 && h1==h2
--- | @since base-
+-- | @since
 instance Show HandlePosn where
    showsPrec p (HandlePosn h pos) =
         showsPrec p h . showString " at position " . shows pos
@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ hGetPosn handle = do
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
 --    exceeded.
 hSetPosn :: HandlePosn -> IO ()
@@ -382,10 +383,10 @@ hSetPosn (HandlePosn h i) = hSeek h AbsoluteSeek i
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperationError' if the Handle is not seekable,
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperationError' if the Handle is not seekable,
 --    or does not support the requested seek mode.
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
 --    exceeded.
 hSeek :: Handle -> SeekMode -> Integer -> IO ()
@@ -431,7 +432,7 @@ hSeek handle mode offset =
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperationError' if the Handle is not seekable.
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isIllegalOperationError' if the Handle is not seekable.
 hTell :: Handle -> IO Integer
 hTell handle =
@@ -468,6 +469,9 @@ hTell handle =
 -- handle.  Each of these operations returns `True' if the handle has
 -- the specified property, and `False' otherwise.
+-- | @'hIsOpen' hdl@ returns whether the handle is open.
+-- If the type of @hdl@ is 'ClosedHandle' or 'SemiClosedHandle' this returns 'False'
+-- and 'True' otherwise.
 hIsOpen :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsOpen handle =
     withHandle_ "hIsOpen" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
@@ -476,6 +480,9 @@ hIsOpen handle =
       SemiClosedHandle     -> return False
       _                    -> return True
+-- | @'hIsOpen' hdl@ returns whether the handle is closed.
+-- If the type of @hdl@ is 'ClosedHandle' this returns 'True'
+-- and 'False' otherwise.
 hIsClosed :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsClosed handle =
     withHandle_ "hIsClosed" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
@@ -493,6 +500,7 @@ hIsClosed handle =
        return (not (ho || hc))
+-- | @'hIsReadable' hdl@ returns whether it is possible to read from the handle.
 hIsReadable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsReadable (DuplexHandle _ _ _) = return True
 hIsReadable handle =
@@ -502,6 +510,7 @@ hIsReadable handle =
       SemiClosedHandle     -> ioe_semiclosedHandle
       htype                -> return (isReadableHandleType htype)
+-- | @'hIsWritable' hdl@ returns whether it is possible to write to the handle.
 hIsWritable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsWritable (DuplexHandle _ _ _) = return True
 hIsWritable handle =
@@ -524,6 +533,7 @@ hGetBuffering handle =
            -- of a semi-closed handle to be queried.   -- sof 6/98
           return (haBufferMode handle_)  -- could be stricter..
+-- | @'hIsSeekable' hdl@ returns whether it is possible to 'hSeek' with the given handle.
 hIsSeekable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsSeekable handle =
     withHandle_ "hIsSeekable" handle $ \ handle_ at Handle__{..} -> do
@@ -775,4 +785,3 @@ showHandle' filepath is_duplex h =
        def :: Int
        def = bufSize buf

@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ hGetChar handle =
   -- buffering mode makes no difference: we just read whatever is available
   -- from the device (blocking only if there is nothing available), and then
   -- return the first character.
-  -- See [note Buffered Reading] in GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Types
+  -- See [note Buffered Reading] in GHC.IO.Handle.Types
   buf0 <- readIORef haCharBuffer
   buf1 <- if isEmptyBuffer buf0
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ hGetChar handle =
 -- 'hGetLine' does not return the newline as part of the result.
 -- A line is separated by the newline
--- set with 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hSetNewlineMode' or 'nativeNewline' by default.
+-- set with 'System.IO.hSetNewlineMode' or 'nativeNewline' by default.
 -- The read newline character(s) are not returned as part of the result.
 -- If 'hGetLine' encounters end-of-file at any point while reading
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ maybeFillReadBuffer handle_ buf
                   then return Nothing
                   else ioError e)
--- See GHC.Internal.IO.Buffer
+-- See GHC.IO.Buffer
 #define CHARBUF_UTF32
 -- #define CHARBUF_UTF16
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ unpack_nl !buf !r !w acc0
 -- Any operation that fails because a handle is closed,
 -- also fails if a handle is semi-closed.  The only exception is
--- 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hClose'.  A semi-closed handle becomes closed:
+-- 'System.IO.hClose'.  A semi-closed handle becomes closed:
---  * if 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hClose' is applied to it;
+--  * if 'System.IO.hClose' is applied to it;
 --  * if an I\/O error occurs when reading an item from the handle;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ getSomeCharacters handle_ at Handle__{..} buf at Buffer{..} =
         -- shuffle the '\r' to the beginning.  This is only safe
         -- if we're about to call readTextDevice, otherwise it
         -- would mess up flushCharBuffer.
-        -- See [note Buffer Flushing], GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Types
+        -- See [note Buffer Flushing], GHC.IO.Handle.Types
         _ <- writeCharBuf bufRaw 0 '\r'
         let buf' = buf{ bufL=0, bufR=1 }
         readTextDevice handle_ buf'
@@ -484,8 +484,9 @@ getSomeCharacters handle_ at Handle__{..} buf at Buffer{..} =
 -- | The 'hGetContents'' operation reads all input on the given handle
 -- before returning it as a 'String' and closing the handle.
--- @since base-
+-- This is a strict version of 'hGetContents'
+-- @since
 hGetContents' :: Handle -> IO String
 hGetContents' handle = do
     es <- wantReadableHandle "hGetContents'" handle (strictRead handle)
@@ -565,7 +566,7 @@ lazyBuffersToString CRLF = loop '\0' where
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'isFullError' if the device is full; or
+--  * 'isFullError' if the device is full.
 --  * 'isPermissionError' if another system resource limit would be exceeded.
@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ hPutcBuffered handle_ at Handle__{..} c = do
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'isFullError' if the device is full; or
+--  * 'isFullError' if the device is full.
 --  * 'isPermissionError' if another system resource limit would be exceeded.
@@ -633,6 +634,8 @@ hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
 hPutStr handle str = hPutStr' handle str False
 -- | The same as 'hPutStr', but adds a newline character.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutStr'
 hPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
 hPutStrLn handle str = hPutStr' handle str True
@@ -890,7 +893,7 @@ bufferChunk h_ at Handle__{..} old_buf at Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufSize=size } p
     let copied_buf = old_buf{ bufR = w + count }
     -- If the write filled the buffer completely, we need to flush,
     -- to maintain the "INVARIANTS on Buffers" from
-    -- GHC.Internal.IO.Buffer.checkBuffer: "a write buffer is never full".
+    -- GHC.IO.Buffer.checkBuffer: "a write buffer is never full".
     if isFullBuffer copied_buf
       then do
         -- TODO: we should do a non-blocking flush here
@@ -1176,4 +1179,3 @@ illegalBufferSize handle fn sz =
                             InvalidArgument  fn
                             ("illegal buffer size " ++ showsPrec 9 sz [])
                             Nothing Nothing)

@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ data Handle
 --    * A 'FileHandle' is seekable.  A 'DuplexHandle' may or may not be
 --      seekable.
--- | @since base-
+-- | @since
 instance Eq Handle where
  (FileHandle _ h1)     == (FileHandle _ h2)     = h1 == h2
  (DuplexHandle _ h1 _) == (DuplexHandle _ h2 _) = h1 == h2
@@ -162,21 +162,29 @@ data HandleType
  | AppendHandle
  | ReadWriteHandle
+-- | @'isReadableHandleType' hdlType@ returns 'True' if
+-- hdlType is one of 'ReadHandle' and 'ReadWriteHandle'.
 isReadableHandleType :: HandleType -> Bool
 isReadableHandleType ReadHandle         = True
 isReadableHandleType ReadWriteHandle    = True
 isReadableHandleType _                  = False
+-- | @'isWritableHandleType' hdlType@ returns 'True' if
+-- hdlType is one of 'AppendHandle', 'WriteHandle' and 'ReadWriteHandle'.
 isWritableHandleType :: HandleType -> Bool
 isWritableHandleType AppendHandle    = True
 isWritableHandleType WriteHandle     = True
 isWritableHandleType ReadWriteHandle = True
 isWritableHandleType _               = False
+-- | @'isReadWriteHandleType' hdlType@ returns 'True' if
+-- hdlType is 'ReadWriteHandle'.
 isReadWriteHandleType :: HandleType -> Bool
 isReadWriteHandleType ReadWriteHandle{} = True
 isReadWriteHandleType _                 = False
+-- | @'isAppendHandleType' hdlType@ returns 'True' if
+-- hdlType is 'AppendHandle'.
 isAppendHandleType :: HandleType -> Bool
 isAppendHandleType AppendHandle = True
 isAppendHandleType _            = False
@@ -218,10 +226,10 @@ checkHandleInvariants _ = return ()
 --  * /line-buffering/: the entire output buffer is flushed
 --    whenever a newline is output, the buffer overflows,
---    a 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hFlush' is issued, or the handle is closed.
+--    a 'System.IO.hFlush' is issued, or the handle is closed.
 --  * /block-buffering/: the entire buffer is written out whenever it
---    overflows, a 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hFlush' is issued, or the handle is closed.
+--    overflows, a 'System.IO.hFlush' is issued, or the handle is closed.
 --  * /no-buffering/: output is written immediately, and never stored
 --    in the buffer.
@@ -242,7 +250,7 @@ checkHandleInvariants _ = return ()
 --    the next block of data is read into the buffer.
 --  * /no-buffering/: the next input item is read and returned.
---    The 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.hLookAhead' operation implies that even a no-buffered
+--    The 'System.IO.hLookAhead' operation implies that even a no-buffered
 --    handle may require a one-character buffer.
 -- The default buffering mode when a handle is opened is
@@ -259,10 +267,10 @@ data BufferMode
                 -- ^ block-buffering should be enabled if possible.
                 -- The size of the buffer is @n@ items if the argument
                 -- is 'Just' @n@ and is otherwise implementation-dependent.
-   deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since base-
-            , Ord  -- ^ @since base-
-            , Read -- ^ @since base-
-            , Show -- ^ @since base-
+   deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since
+            , Ord  -- ^ @since
+            , Read -- ^ @since
+            , Show -- ^ @since
@@ -275,7 +283,7 @@ Note [Buffered Reading]
 For read Handles, bytes are read into the byte buffer, and immediately
 decoded into the Char buffer (see
-GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Internals.readTextDevice).  The only way there might be
+GHC.IO.Handle.Internals.readTextDevice).  The only way there might be
 some data left in the byte buffer is if there is a partial multi-byte
 character sequence that cannot be decoded into a full character.
@@ -365,10 +373,10 @@ and hence it is only possible on a seekable Handle.
 -- | The representation of a newline in the external file or stream.
 data Newline = LF    -- ^ @\'\\n\'@
              | CRLF  -- ^ @\'\\r\\n\'@
-             deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Ord  -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Read -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Show -- ^ @since base-
+             deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since
+                      , Ord  -- ^ @since
+                      , Read -- ^ @since
+                      , Show -- ^ @since
 -- | Specifies the translation, if any, of newline characters between
@@ -382,10 +390,10 @@ data NewlineMode
                   outputNL :: Newline
                     -- ^ the representation of newlines on output
-             deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Ord  -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Read -- ^ @since base-
-                      , Show -- ^ @since base-
+             deriving ( Eq   -- ^ @since
+                      , Ord  -- ^ @since
+                      , Read -- ^ @since
+                      , Show -- ^ @since
 -- | The native newline representation for the current platform: 'LF'
@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@ noNewlineTranslation  = NewlineMode { inputNL  = LF, outputNL = LF }
 -- we provide a more user-friendly Show instance for it
 -- than the derived one.
--- | @since base-
+-- | @since
 instance Show HandleType where
   showsPrec _ t =
     case t of
@@ -443,11 +451,10 @@ instance Show HandleType where
       AppendHandle      -> showString "writable (append)"
       ReadWriteHandle   -> showString "read-writable"
--- | @since base-
+-- | @since
 instance Show Handle where
   showsPrec _ (FileHandle   file _)   = showHandle file
   showsPrec _ (DuplexHandle file _ _) = showHandle file
 showHandle :: FilePath -> String -> String
 showHandle file = showString "{handle: " . showString file . showString "}"

@@ -29,72 +29,89 @@ import GHC.Internal.IO.IOMode
 import GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Types
 import qualified GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.FD as POSIX
+-- windows only imports
 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
 import GHC.Internal.IO.SubSystem
 import qualified GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Windows as Win
 import GHC.Internal.IO.Handle.Internals (hClose_impl)
-stdin :: Handle
-stdin = POSIX.stdin <!> Win.stdin
+-- | 'stdin' is a handle managing input from the programs standard input.
+stdin  :: Handle
+-- | 'stdout' is a handle managing the programs standard output.
 stdout :: Handle
-stdout = POSIX.stdout <!> Win.stdout
+-- | 'stderr' is a handle managing the programs standard error.
 stderr :: Handle
+-- | The computation @'openFile' path mode@ returns a file handle that can be
+-- used to interact with the file.
+  :: FilePath -- ^ The path to the file that should be opened
+  -> IOMode   -- ^ The mode in which the file should be opened
+  -> IO Handle
+-- | The computation @'openBinaryFile' path mode@ returns a file handle that can be
+-- used to interact with the binary file.
+-- This is different from 'openFile' as in that it does not use any file encoding.
+  :: FilePath -- ^ The path to the binary file that should be opened
+  -> IOMode   -- ^ The mode in which the binary file should be opened
+  -> IO Handle
+-- | The computation @'withFile' path mode action@ opens the file and runs @action@
+-- with the obtained handle before closing the file.
+  :: FilePath         -- ^ The path to the file that should be opened
+  -> IOMode           -- ^ The mode in which the file should be opened
+  -> (Handle -> IO r) -- ^ The action to run with the obtained handle
+  -> IO r
+-- | The computation @'withBinaryFile' path mode action@ opens the binary file
+-- and runs @action@ with the obtained handle before closing the binary file.
+-- This is different from 'withFile' as in that it does not use any file encoding.
+withBinaryFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
+openFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
+withFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+stdin  = POSIX.stdin <!> Win.stdin
+stdout = POSIX.stdout <!> Win.stdout
 stderr = POSIX.stderr <!> Win.stderr
-openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openFile = POSIX.openFile <!> Win.openFile
 -- TODO: implement as for POSIX
-withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withFile = POSIX.withFile <!> wf
     wf path mode act = bracket (Win.openFile path mode) hClose_impl act
-openBinaryFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openBinaryFile = POSIX.openBinaryFile <!> Win.openBinaryFile
-withBinaryFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withBinaryFile = POSIX.withBinaryFile <!> wf
     wf path mode act = bracket (Win.openBinaryFile path mode) hClose_impl act
-openFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openFileBlocking = POSIX.openFileBlocking <!> Win.openFileBlocking
-withFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withFileBlocking = POSIX.withFileBlocking <!> wf
     wf path mode act = bracket (Win.openFileBlocking path mode) hClose_impl act
-stdin :: Handle
-stdin = POSIX.stdin
-stdout :: Handle
+stdin  = POSIX.stdin
 stdout = POSIX.stdout
-stderr :: Handle
 stderr = POSIX.stderr
-openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openFile = POSIX.openFile
-withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withFile = POSIX.withFile
-openBinaryFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openBinaryFile = POSIX.openBinaryFile
-withBinaryFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withBinaryFile = POSIX.withBinaryFile
-openFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openFileBlocking = POSIX.openFileBlocking
-withFileBlocking :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
 withFileBlocking = POSIX.withFileBlocking

@@ -257,24 +257,48 @@ import GHC.Internal.Text.Read
 import GHC.Internal.IO.StdHandles
 import GHC.Internal.Show
 import GHC.Internal.MVar
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Standard IO
 -- | Write a character to the standard output device
--- (same as 'hPutChar' 'stdout').
+-- 'putChar' is implemented as @'hPutChar' 'stdout'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutChar'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Note that the following do not put a newline.
+-- >>> putChar 'x'
+-- x
+-- >>> putChar '\0042'
+-- *
 putChar         :: Char -> IO ()
 putChar c       =  hPutChar stdout c
 -- | Write a string to the standard output device
--- (same as 'hPutStr' 'stdout').
+-- 'putStr' is implemented as @'hPutStr' 'stdout'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutStr'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Note that the following do not put a newline.
+-- >>> putStr "Hello, World!"
+-- Hello, World!
+-- >>> putStr "\0052\0042\0050"
+-- 4*2
 putStr          :: String -> IO ()
 putStr s        =  hPutStr stdout s
 -- | The same as 'putStr', but adds a newline character.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'putStr'.
 putStrLn        :: String -> IO ()
 putStrLn s      =  hPutStrLn stdout s
@@ -284,94 +308,244 @@ putStrLn s      =  hPutStrLn stdout s
 -- converts values to strings for output using the 'show' operation and
 -- adds a newline.
--- For example, a program to print the first 20 integers and their
+-- 'print' is implemented as @'putStrLn' '.' 'show'@
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'putStrLn'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> print [1, 2, 3]
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- Be careful when using 'print' for outputting strings,
+-- as this will cause the quotation marks to be printed as well.
+-- >>> print "Hello"
+-- "Hello"
+-- A program to print the first 8 integers and their
 -- powers of 2 could be written as:
--- > main = print ([(n, 2^n) | n <- [0..19]])
+-- >>> print [(n, 2^n) | n <- [0..8]]
+-- [(0,1),(1,2),(2,4),(3,8),(4,16),(5,32),(6,64),(7,128),(8,256)]
 print           :: Show a => a -> IO ()
 print x         =  putStrLn (show x)
--- | Read a character from the standard input device
--- (same as 'hGetChar' 'stdin').
+-- | Read a single character from the standard input device.
+-- 'getChar' is implemented as @'hGetChar' 'stdin'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hGetChar'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> getChar
+-- a'a'
+-- >>> getChar
+-- >
+-- '\n'
 getChar         :: IO Char
 getChar         =  hGetChar stdin
--- | Read a line from the standard input device
--- (same as 'hGetLine' 'stdin').
+-- | Read a line from the standard input device.
+-- 'getLine' is implemented as @'hGetLine' 'stdin'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hGetLine'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> getLine
+-- > Hello World!
+-- "Hello World!"
+-- >>> getLine
+-- >
+-- ""
 getLine         :: IO String
 getLine         =  hGetLine stdin
 -- | The 'getContents' operation returns all user input as a single string,
--- which is read lazily as it is needed
--- (same as 'hGetContents' 'stdin').
+-- which is read lazily as it is needed.
+-- 'getContents' is implemented as @'hGetContents' 'stdin'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hGetContents'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> getContents >>= putStr
+-- > aaabbbccc :D
+-- aaabbbccc :D
+-- > I hope you have a great day
+-- I hope you have a great day
+-- > ^D
+-- >>> getContents >>= print . length
+-- > abc
+-- > <3
+-- > def ^D
+-- 11
 getContents     :: IO String
 getContents     =  hGetContents stdin
 -- | The 'getContents'' operation returns all user input as a single string,
 -- which is fully read before being returned
--- (same as 'hGetContents'' 'stdin').
--- @since base-
+-- 'getContents'' is implemented as @'hGetContents'' 'stdin'@.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hGetContents''.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> getContents' >>= putStr
+-- > aaabbbccc :D
+-- > I hope you have a great day
+-- aaabbbccc :D
+-- I hope you have a great day
+-- >>> getContents' >>= print . length
+-- > abc
+-- > <3
+-- > def ^D
+-- 11
+-- @since
 getContents'    :: IO String
 getContents'    =  hGetContents' stdin
--- | The 'interact' function takes a function of type @String->String@
--- as its argument.  The entire input from the standard input device is
--- passed to this function as its argument, and the resulting string is
--- output on the standard output device.
+-- | @'interact' f@ takes the entire input from 'stdin' and applies @f@ to it.
+-- The resulting string is written to the 'stdout' device.
+-- Note that this operation is lazy, which allows to produce output
+-- even before all has been consumed.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'getContents' and 'putStr'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> interact (\str -> str ++ str)
+-- > hi :)
+-- hi :)
+-- > ^D
+-- hi :)
+-- >>> interact (const ":D")
+-- :D
+-- >>> interact (show . words)
+-- > hello world!
+-- > I hope you have a great day
+-- > ^D
+-- ["hello","world!","I","hope","you","have","a","great","day"]
 interact        ::  (String -> String) -> IO ()
 interact f      =   do s <- getContents
                        putStr (f s)
 -- | The 'readFile' function reads a file and
 -- returns the contents of the file as a string.
 -- The file is read lazily, on demand, as with 'getContents'.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hGetContents' and 'openFile'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> readFile "~/hello_world"
+-- "Greetings!"
+-- In the following example, because of laziness, no more than three characters are read
+-- from the file.
+-- >>> fmap (take 3) (readFile "~/hello_world")
+-- "Gre"
 readFile        :: FilePath -> IO String
 readFile name   =  openFile name ReadMode >>= hGetContents
 -- | The 'readFile'' function reads a file and
 -- returns the contents of the file as a string.
--- The file is fully read before being returned, as with 'getContents''.
--- @since base-
+-- This is identical to 'readFile', but the file is fully read before being returned,
+-- as with 'getContents''.
+-- @since
 readFile'       :: FilePath -> IO String
 -- There's a bit of overkill here—both withFile and
 -- hGetContents' will close the file in the end.
 readFile' name  =  withFile name ReadMode hGetContents'
--- | The computation 'writeFile' @file str@ function writes the string @str@,
+-- | The computation @'writeFile' file str@ function writes the string @str@,
 -- to the file @file at .
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutStr' and 'withFile'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> writeFile "hello" "world" >> readFile "hello"
+-- "world"
+-- >>> writeFile "~/" "D:"
+-- *** Exception: ~/: withFile: inappropriate type (Is a directory)
 writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
 writeFile f txt = withFile f WriteMode (\ hdl -> hPutStr hdl txt)
--- | The computation 'appendFile' @file str@ function appends the string @str@,
+-- | The computation @'appendFile' file str@ function appends the string @str@,
 -- to the file @file at .
 -- Note that 'writeFile' and 'appendFile' write a literal string
 -- to a file.  To write a value of any printable type, as with 'print',
 -- use the 'show' function to convert the value to a string first.
--- > main = appendFile "squares" (show [(x,x*x) | x <- [0,0.1..2]])
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutStr' and 'withFile'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- The following example could be more efficently written by acquiring a handle
+-- instead with 'openFile' and using the computations capable of writing to handles
+-- such as 'hPutStr'.
+-- >>> let fn = "hello_world"
+-- >>> in writeFile fn "hello" >> appendFile fn " world!" >> (readFile fn >>= putStrLn)
+-- "hello world!"
+-- >>> let fn = "foo"; output = readFile' fn >>= putStrLn
+-- >>> in output >> appendFile fn (show [1,2,3]) >> output
+-- this is what's in the file
+-- this is what's in the file[1,2,3]
 appendFile      :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
 appendFile f txt = withFile f AppendMode (\ hdl -> hPutStr hdl txt)
 -- | The 'readLn' function combines 'getLine' and 'readIO'.
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'getLine' and 'readIO'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> fmap (+ 5) readLn
+-- > 25
+-- 30
+-- >>> readLn :: IO String
+-- > this is not a string literal
+-- *** Exception: user error (Prelude.readIO: no parse)
 readLn :: Read a => IO a
 readLn = getLine >>= readIO
 -- | The 'readIO' function is similar to 'read' except that it signals
 -- parse failure to the 'IO' monad instead of terminating the program.
+-- This operation may fail with:
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isUserError' if there is no unabiguous parse.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> fmap (+ 1) (readIO "1")
+-- 2
+-- >>> readIO "not quite ()" :: IO ()
+-- *** Exception: user error (Prelude.readIO: no parse)
 readIO          :: Read a => String -> IO a
 readIO s        =  case (do { (x,t) <- reads s ;
                               ("","") <- lex t ;
@@ -380,10 +554,10 @@ readIO s        =  case (do { (x,t) <- reads s ;
                         []     -> ioError (userError "Prelude.readIO: no parse")
                         _      -> ioError (userError "Prelude.readIO: ambiguous parse")
--- | The Unicode encoding of the current locale
+-- | The Unicode encoding of the current locale.
 -- This is the initial locale encoding: if it has been subsequently changed by
--- 'GHC.Internal.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding' this value will not reflect that change.
+-- 'GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding' this value will not reflect that change.
 localeEncoding :: TextEncoding
 localeEncoding = initLocaleEncoding
@@ -392,22 +566,23 @@ localeEncoding = initLocaleEncoding
 -- This operation may fail with:
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
+--  * 'System.IO.Error.isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
 hReady          :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hReady h        =  hWaitForInput h 0
 -- | Computation 'hPrint' @hdl t@ writes the string representation of @t@
--- given by the 'shows' function to the file or channel managed by @hdl@
+-- given by the 'show' function to the file or channel managed by @hdl@
 -- and appends a newline.
--- This operation may fail with:
+-- This operation may fail with the same errors as 'hPutStrLn'
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isFullError' if the device is full; or
+-- ==== __Examples__
---  * 'GHC.Internal.System.IO.Error.isPermissionError' if another system resource limit
---    would be exceeded.
+-- >>> hPrint stdout [1,2,3]
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- >>> hPrint stdin [4,5,6]
+-- *** Exception: <stdin>: hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is not open for writing)
 hPrint          :: Show a => Handle -> a -> IO ()
 hPrint hdl      =  hPutStrLn hdl . show
@@ -415,9 +590,11 @@ hPrint hdl      =  hPutStrLn hdl . show
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- fixIO
--- | The implementation of 'GHC.Internal.Control.Monad.Fix.mfix' for 'IO'. If the function
--- passed to 'fixIO' inspects its argument, the resulting action will throw
--- 'FixIOException'.
+-- | The implementation of 'Control.Monad.Fix.mfix' for 'IO'.
+-- This operation may fail with:
+-- * 'FixIOException' if the function passed to 'fixIO' inspects its argument.
 fixIO :: (a -> IO a) -> IO a
 fixIO k = do
     m <- newEmptyMVar
@@ -465,7 +642,6 @@ fixIO k = do
 -- @O_EXCL@ flags are used to prevent this attack, but note that
 -- @O_EXCL@ is sometimes not supported on NFS filesystems, so if you
 -- rely on this behaviour it is best to use local filesystems only.
 openTempFile :: FilePath   -- ^ Directory in which to create the file
              -> String     -- ^ File name template. If the template is \"foo.ext\" then
                            -- the created file will be \"fooXXX.ext\" where XXX is some
@@ -516,7 +692,7 @@ openTempFile' loc tmp_dir template binary mode
          -- Otherwise, something is wrong, because (break (== '.')) should
          -- always return a pair with either the empty string or a string
          -- beginning with '.' as the second component.
-         _                      -> errorWithoutStackTrace "bug in GHC.Internal.System.IO.openTempFile"
+         _                      -> errorWithoutStackTrace "bug in System.IO.openTempFile"
 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
     findTempName = findTempNamePosix <!> findTempNameWinIO

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