[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Type-check default declarations before deriving clauses (#24566)

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Mar 22 01:02:28 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

52072f8e by Sylvain Henry at 2024-03-21T21:01:59-04:00
Type-check default declarations before deriving clauses (#24566)

See added Note and #24566. Default declarations must be type-checked
before deriving clauses.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/Maybe.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T24566.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ tcRnHsBootDecls boot_or_sig decls
                 -- Typecheck type/class/instance decls
         ; traceTc "Tc2 (boot)" empty
         ; (tcg_env, inst_infos, _deriv_binds, _th_bndrs)
-             <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls val_binds
+             <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls def_decls val_binds
         ; setGblEnv tcg_env     $ do {
         -- Emit Typeable bindings
@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
         traceTc "Tc3" empty ;
         (tcg_env, inst_infos, th_bndrs,
          XValBindsLR (NValBinds deriv_binds deriv_sigs))
-            <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls val_binds ;
+            <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls default_decls val_binds ;
         updLclCtxt (\tcl_env -> tcl_env { tcl_th_bndrs = th_bndrs `plusNameEnv` tcl_th_bndrs tcl_env }) $
         setGblEnv tcg_env       $ do {
@@ -1622,11 +1622,6 @@ tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
         (fi_ids, fi_decls, fi_gres) <- tcForeignImports foreign_decls ;
         tcExtendGlobalValEnv fi_ids     $ do {
-                -- Default declarations
-        traceTc "Tc4a" empty ;
-        default_tys <- tcDefaults default_decls ;
-        updGblEnv (\gbl -> gbl { tcg_default = default_tys }) $ do {
                 -- Value declarations next.
                 -- It is important that we check the top-level value bindings
                 -- before the GHC-generated derived bindings, since the latter
@@ -1686,13 +1681,14 @@ tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
         addUsedGREs NoDeprecationWarnings (bagToList fo_gres) ;
         return (tcg_env', tcl_env)
-    }}}}}}
+    }}}}}
 tcTopSrcDecls _ = panic "tcTopSrcDecls: ValBindsIn"
 tcTyClsInstDecls :: [TyClGroup GhcRn]
                  -> [LDerivDecl GhcRn]
+                 -> [LDefaultDecl GhcRn]
                  -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)]
                  -> TcM (TcGblEnv,            -- The full inst env
                          [InstInfo GhcRn],    -- Source-code instance decls to
@@ -1702,16 +1698,24 @@ tcTyClsInstDecls :: [TyClGroup GhcRn]
                           HsValBinds GhcRn)   -- Supporting bindings for derived
                                               -- instances
-tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls binds
+tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls default_decls binds
  = tcAddDataFamConPlaceholders (tycl_decls >>= group_instds) $
    tcAddPatSynPlaceholders (getPatSynBinds binds) $
    do { (tcg_env, inst_info, deriv_info, th_bndrs)
           <- tcTyAndClassDecls tycl_decls ;
       ; setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
           -- With the @TyClDecl at s and @InstDecl at s checked we're ready to
           -- process the deriving clauses, including data family deriving
           -- clauses discovered in @tcTyAndClassDecls at .
+          -- But only after we've typechecked 'default' declarations.
+          -- See Note [Typechecking default declarations]
+          default_tys <- tcDefaults default_decls ;
+          updGblEnv (\gbl -> gbl { tcg_default = default_tys }) $ do {
           -- Careful to quit now in case there were instance errors, so that
           -- the deriving errors don't pile up as well.
           ; failIfErrsM
@@ -1720,7 +1724,7 @@ tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls binds
           ; setGblEnv tcg_env' $ do {
               ; pure ( tcg_env', inst_info' ++ inst_info, th_bndrs, val_binds )
-      }}}
+      }}}}
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -3141,3 +3145,43 @@ mark_plugin_unsafe dflags = unless (gopt Opt_PluginTrustworthy dflags) $
     pluginUnsafe =
       singleMessage $
       mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan TcRnUnsafeDueToPlugin
+-- Note [Typechecking default declarations]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Typechecking default declarations requires careful placement:
+-- 1. We must check them after types (tcTyAndClassDecls) because they can refer
+-- to them. E.g.
+--    data T = MkT ...
+--    default(Int, T, Integer)
+--    -- or even (tested by T11974b and T2245)
+--    default(Int, T, Integer)
+--    data T = MkT ...
+-- 2. We must check them before typechecking deriving clauses (tcInstDeclsDeriv)
+-- otherwise we may lookup default default types (Integer, Double) while checking
+-- deriving clauses, ignoring the default declaration.
+-- Before this careful placement (#24566), compiling the following example
+-- (T24566) with "-ddump-if-trace -ddump-tc-trace" showed a call to
+-- `applyDefaultingRules` with default types set to "(Integer,Double)":
+--     module M where
+--     import GHC.Classes
+--     default ()
+--     data Foo a = Nothing | Just a
+--       deriving (Eq, Ord)
+-- This was an issue while building modules like M in the ghc-internal package
+-- because they would spuriously fail to build if the module defining Integer
+-- (ghc-bignum:GHC.Num.Integer) wasn't compiled yet and its interface not to be
+-- found. The implicit dependency between M and GHC.Num.Integer isn't known to
+-- the build system.
+-- In addition, trying to explicitly avoid the implicit dependency with `default
+-- ()` didn't work, except if *standalone* deriving was used, which was an
+-- inconsistent behavior.

@@ -28,14 +28,5 @@ default ()
 data  Maybe a  =  Nothing | Just a
   deriving ( Eq  -- ^ @since base-2.01
-           --, Ord -- ^ @since base-2.01
+           , Ord -- ^ @since base-2.01
--- ???
--- A non-standalone instance will slurp the interface file for GHC.Num.Integer.
-  -- During simplifyInstanceContexts, a call to GHC.Tc.Utils.Env.tcGetDefaultTys
-  -- apparently sees mb_defaults = Nothing and thus tries to bring in the
-  -- default "default" types, including Integer.  This seems wrong.
-deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- ^ @since base-2.01

@@ -122,3 +122,7 @@ InlinePatSyn_ExplicitBidiBuilder:
 	$(RM) -f InlinePatSyn_ExplicitBidiMatcher.o InlinePatSyn_ExplicitBidiMatcher.hi
 	'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c InlinePatSyn_ExplicitBidiMatcher.hs  -O -dsuppress-all -ddump-simpl | sed -n '/^test/,/^$$/p' | grep -vq 'Pattern'
+	'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T24566.hs -fno-code -dno-typeable-binds -ddump-if-trace 2>&1 | grep Integer || true
+         # Not expecting any mention of Integer in the interface loading trace

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module M where
+import GHC.Classes
+default ()
+data Foo a = Nothing | Just a
+  deriving (Eq, Ord)

@@ -913,3 +913,4 @@ test('T17594a', req_th, compile, [''])
 test('T17594f', normal, compile, [''])
 test('WarnDefaultedExceptionContext', normal, compile, ['-Wdefaulted-exception-context'])
 test('T24470b', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T24566', [], makefile_test, [])

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