[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/rts-linker-direct-symbol-lookup] 7 commits: rts: free error message before returning

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Mar 20 17:24:43 UTC 2024

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/rts-linker-direct-symbol-lookup at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

359b7ecb by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-03-20T17:13:32+00:00
rts: free error message before returning

Fixes a memory leak in rts/linker/PEi386.c

- - - - -
2f043908 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-03-20T17:13:32+00:00
Start writing test

- - - - -
a9994389 by Alexis King at 2024-03-20T17:13:32+00:00
wip: avoid linear search when looking up Haskell symbols via dlsym

- - - - -
fe505ac1 by Alexis King at 2024-03-20T17:23:43+00:00
wip: make addDLL wrapper around loadNativeObj

- - - - -
d3606fe9 by Alexis King at 2024-03-20T17:24:04+00:00
wip: use loadNativeObj to implement addDLL

- - - - -
7ceaacb4 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-03-20T17:24:05+00:00
Refactor loadNativeObj_ELF to _POSIX and delete dl_mutex

CPP Support loadNativeObj in MachO

- - - - -
f49e5a18 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-03-20T17:24:05+00:00
Fail if no symbol is found in the relevant DLLs

- - - - -

25 changed files:

- + T23415/Makefile
- + T23415/main.hs
- + T23415/make_shared_libs.sh
- + T23415/new-main.hs
- + T23415/run_test.sh
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Linker.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/MacOS.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/ObjLink.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
- rts/Linker.c
- rts/LinkerInternals.h
- rts/RtsSymbols.c
- rts/include/rts/Linker.h
- rts/linker/Elf.c
- rts/linker/Elf.h
- + rts/linker/LoadNativeObjPosix.c
- + rts/linker/LoadNativeObjPosix.h
- rts/linker/PEi386.c
- rts/rts.cabal
- testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/T3372.hs


@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PHONY: run build clean
+	sh run_test.sh
+	sh make_shared_libs.sh
+	rm -f lib*.out main main.o main.hi test.o tags

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import Control.Monad
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import GHCi.ObjLink
+hsLoadObjs = do
+  cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+  forM_ [0..499] $ \i ->
+    loadDLL (cwd </> "lib" ++ show i ++ ".out")
+hsLoadSymbols = do
+  forM_ [0..99] $ \j ->
+    forM_ [0..499] $ \i ->
+      lookupSymbol ("lib" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show j)
+main = do
+  initObjLinker RetainCAFs
+  hsLoadObjs
+  hsLoadSymbols

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+example_dylib=$(basename -- $(find $(ghc --print-libdir) -name libHS* -not -name *.a | head -n1))
+# we try .out instead of using the correct extension.
+while [ $i -lt 500 ]; do
+    j=0
+    while [ $j -lt 100 ]; do
+        echo "int lib${i}_$j(void) { return $i; }" >> "lib$i.c"
+        j=$(( j + 1 ))
+    done
+    cc -o "lib$i.o" -c "lib$i.c" -fPIC
+    cc -shared "lib$i.o" -o "lib$i.out" # "lib$i.$dylib_ext"
+    rm "lib$i.c" "lib$i.o"
+    i=$(( i + 1 ))

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Map as M
+import Control.Monad
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import GHCi.ObjLink
+libname i = "lib" ++ show i
+hsLoadObjs = do
+  cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+  foldrM (\i acc -> do
+    Right handle <- loadDLL (cwd </> libname i ++ ".out")
+    return $ M.insert (libname i) handle acc
+         )
+         M.empty [0..499]
+hsLoadSymbols handles = do
+  forM_ [0..499] $ \i ->
+    forM_ [0..99] $ \j -> do
+      let symbolname = libname i ++ "_" ++ show j
+      lookupSymbolInDLL (handles M.! libname i) symbolname
+main = do
+  initObjLinker RetainCAFs
+  handles <- hsLoadObjs
+  hsLoadSymbols handles
+  print "hi"

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $GHC1 --interactive main.hs -package directory -package ghci -package filepath
+$GHC2 --interactive new-main.hs -package directory -package ghci -package filepath -package containers

@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name
@@ -52,31 +53,32 @@ import GHC.Exts
   :: Interp
+  -> PkgsLoaded
   -> LinkerEnv
   -> NameEnv Int
   -> UnlinkedBCO
   -> IO ResolvedBCO
-linkBCO interp le bco_ix
+linkBCO interp pkgs_loaded le bco_ix
            (UnlinkedBCO _ arity insns bitmap lits0 ptrs0) = do
   -- fromIntegral Word -> Word64 should be a no op if Word is Word64
   -- otherwise it will result in a cast to longlong on 32bit systems.
-  lits <- mapM (fmap fromIntegral . lookupLiteral interp le) (ssElts lits0)
-  ptrs <- mapM (resolvePtr interp le bco_ix) (ssElts ptrs0)
+  lits <- mapM (fmap fromIntegral . lookupLiteral interp pkgs_loaded le) (ssElts lits0)
+  ptrs <- mapM (resolvePtr interp pkgs_loaded le bco_ix) (ssElts ptrs0)
   return (ResolvedBCO isLittleEndian arity insns bitmap
               (listArray (0, fromIntegral (sizeSS lits0)-1) lits)
               (addListToSS emptySS ptrs))
-lookupLiteral :: Interp -> LinkerEnv -> BCONPtr -> IO Word
-lookupLiteral interp le ptr = case ptr of
+lookupLiteral :: Interp -> PkgsLoaded -> LinkerEnv -> BCONPtr -> IO Word
+lookupLiteral interp pkgs_loaded le ptr = case ptr of
   BCONPtrWord lit -> return lit
   BCONPtrLbl  sym -> do
     Ptr a# <- lookupStaticPtr interp sym
     return (W# (int2Word# (addr2Int# a#)))
   BCONPtrItbl nm -> do
-    Ptr a# <- lookupIE interp (itbl_env le) nm
+    Ptr a# <- lookupIE interp pkgs_loaded (itbl_env le) nm
     return (W# (int2Word# (addr2Int# a#)))
   BCONPtrAddr nm -> do
-    Ptr a# <- lookupAddr interp (addr_env le) nm
+    Ptr a# <- lookupAddr interp pkgs_loaded (addr_env le) nm
     return (W# (int2Word# (addr2Int# a#)))
   BCONPtrStr _ ->
     -- should be eliminated during assembleBCOs
@@ -90,19 +92,19 @@ lookupStaticPtr interp addr_of_label_string = do
     Nothing  -> linkFail "GHC.ByteCode.Linker: can't find label"
                   (unpackFS addr_of_label_string)
-lookupIE :: Interp -> ItblEnv -> Name -> IO (Ptr ())
-lookupIE interp ie con_nm =
+lookupIE :: Interp -> PkgsLoaded -> ItblEnv -> Name -> IO (Ptr ())
+lookupIE interp pkgs_loaded ie con_nm =
   case lookupNameEnv ie con_nm of
     Just (_, ItblPtr a) -> return (fromRemotePtr (castRemotePtr a))
     Nothing -> do -- try looking up in the object files.
        let sym_to_find1 = nameToCLabel con_nm "con_info"
-       m <- lookupSymbol interp sym_to_find1
+       m <- lookupHsSymbol interp pkgs_loaded con_nm "con_info"
        case m of
           Just addr -> return addr
              -> do -- perhaps a nullary constructor?
                    let sym_to_find2 = nameToCLabel con_nm "static_info"
-                   n <- lookupSymbol interp sym_to_find2
+                   n <- lookupHsSymbol interp pkgs_loaded con_nm "static_info"
                    case n of
                       Just addr -> return addr
                       Nothing   -> linkFail "GHC.ByteCode.Linker.lookupIE"
@@ -110,14 +112,14 @@ lookupIE interp ie con_nm =
                                        unpackFS sym_to_find2)
 -- see Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings] in GHC.StgToByteCode
-lookupAddr :: Interp -> AddrEnv -> Name -> IO (Ptr ())
-lookupAddr interp ae addr_nm = do
+lookupAddr :: Interp -> PkgsLoaded -> AddrEnv -> Name -> IO (Ptr ())
+lookupAddr interp pkgs_loaded ae addr_nm = do
   case lookupNameEnv ae addr_nm of
     Just (_, AddrPtr ptr) -> return (fromRemotePtr ptr)
     Nothing -> do -- try looking up in the object files.
       let sym_to_find = nameToCLabel addr_nm "bytes"
                           -- see Note [Bytes label] in GHC.Cmm.CLabel
-      m <- lookupSymbol interp sym_to_find
+      m <- lookupHsSymbol interp pkgs_loaded addr_nm "bytes"
       case m of
         Just ptr -> return ptr
         Nothing -> linkFail "GHC.ByteCode.Linker.lookupAddr"
@@ -133,11 +135,12 @@ lookupPrimOp interp primop = do
   :: Interp
+  -> PkgsLoaded
   -> LinkerEnv
   -> NameEnv Int
   -> BCOPtr
   -> IO ResolvedBCOPtr
-resolvePtr interp le bco_ix ptr = case ptr of
+resolvePtr interp pkgs_loaded le bco_ix ptr = case ptr of
   BCOPtrName nm
     | Just ix <- lookupNameEnv bco_ix nm
     -> return (ResolvedBCORef ix) -- ref to another BCO in this group
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ resolvePtr interp le bco_ix ptr = case ptr of
     -> assertPpr (isExternalName nm) (ppr nm) $
           let sym_to_find = nameToCLabel nm "closure"
-          m <- lookupSymbol interp sym_to_find
+          m <- lookupHsSymbol interp pkgs_loaded nm "closure"
           case m of
             Just p -> return (ResolvedBCOStaticPtr (toRemotePtr p))
             Nothing -> linkFail "GHC.ByteCode.Linker.lookupCE" (unpackFS sym_to_find)
@@ -158,11 +161,27 @@ resolvePtr interp le bco_ix ptr = case ptr of
     -> ResolvedBCOStaticPtr <$> lookupPrimOp interp op
   BCOPtrBCO bco
-    -> ResolvedBCOPtrBCO <$> linkBCO interp le bco_ix bco
+    -> ResolvedBCOPtrBCO <$> linkBCO interp pkgs_loaded le bco_ix bco
   BCOPtrBreakArray breakarray
     -> withForeignRef breakarray $ \ba -> return (ResolvedBCOPtrBreakArray ba)
+lookupHsSymbol :: Interp -> PkgsLoaded -> Name -> String -> IO (Maybe (Ptr ()))
+lookupHsSymbol interp pkgs_loaded nm sym_suffix = do
+  massertPpr (isExternalName nm) (ppr nm)
+  let sym_to_find = nameToCLabel nm sym_suffix
+      pkg_id = moduleUnitId $ nameModule nm
+      loaded_dlls = maybe [] loaded_pkg_hs_dlls $ lookupUDFM pkgs_loaded pkg_id
+      go (dll:dlls) = do
+        mb_ptr <- lookupSymbolInDLL interp dll sym_to_find
+        case mb_ptr of
+          Just ptr -> pure (Just ptr)
+          Nothing -> go dlls
+      go [] = panic "lookupHsSymbol: symbol not found in the loaded_dlls associated with this pkg_id"
+  go loaded_dlls
 linkFail :: String -> String -> IO a
 linkFail who what
    = throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError $

@@ -420,12 +420,12 @@ loadExternalPluginLib :: FilePath -> IO ()
 loadExternalPluginLib path = do
   -- load library
   loadDLL path >>= \case
-    Just errmsg -> pprPanic "loadExternalPluginLib"
-                    (vcat [ text "Can't load plugin library"
-                          , text "  Library path: " <> text path
-                          , text "  Error       : " <> text errmsg
-                          ])
-    Nothing -> do
+    Left errmsg -> pprPanic "loadExternalPluginLib"
+                     (vcat [ text "Can't load plugin library"
+                           , text "  Library path: " <> text path
+                           , text "  Error       : " <> text errmsg
+                           ])
+    Right _ -> do -- TODO: use returned LoadedDLL?
       -- resolve objects
       resolveObjs >>= \case
         True -> return ()

@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
 import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
 import GHCi.RemoteTypes
 import GHC.Iface.Load
+import GHCi.Message (LoadedDLL)
 import GHC.ByteCode.Linker
 import GHC.ByteCode.Asm
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ emptyLoaderState = LoaderState
   -- The linker's symbol table is populated with RTS symbols using an
   -- explicit list.  See rts/Linker.c for details.
-  where init_pkgs = unitUDFM rtsUnitId (LoadedPkgInfo rtsUnitId [] [] emptyUniqDSet)
+  where init_pkgs = unitUDFM rtsUnitId (LoadedPkgInfo rtsUnitId [] [] [] emptyUniqDSet)
 extendLoadedEnv :: Interp -> [(Name,ForeignHValue)] -> IO ()
 extendLoadedEnv interp new_bindings =
@@ -512,25 +513,25 @@ preloadLib interp hsc_env lib_paths framework_paths pls lib_spec = do
     DLL dll_unadorned -> do
       maybe_errstr <- loadDLL interp (platformSOName platform dll_unadorned)
       case maybe_errstr of
-         Nothing -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
-         Just mm | platformOS platform /= OSDarwin ->
+         Right _ -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
+         Left mm | platformOS platform /= OSDarwin ->
            preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
-         Just mm | otherwise -> do
+         Left mm | otherwise -> do
            -- As a backup, on Darwin, try to also load a .so file
            -- since (apparently) some things install that way - see
            -- ticket #8770.
            let libfile = ("lib" ++ dll_unadorned) <.> "so"
            err2 <- loadDLL interp libfile
            case err2 of
-             Nothing -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
-             Just _  -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
+             Right _ -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
+             Left _  -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
       return pls
     DLLPath dll_path -> do
       do maybe_errstr <- loadDLL interp dll_path
          case maybe_errstr of
-            Nothing -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
-            Just mm -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
+            Right _ -> maybePutStrLn logger "done"
+            Left mm -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
          return pls
     Framework framework ->
@@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ loadExpr interp hsc_env span root_ul_bco = do
         -- Load the necessary packages and linkables
         let le = linker_env pls
             bco_ix = mkNameEnv [(unlinkedBCOName root_ul_bco, 0)]
-        resolved <- linkBCO interp le bco_ix root_ul_bco
+        resolved <- linkBCO interp (pkgs_loaded pls) le bco_ix root_ul_bco
         [root_hvref] <- createBCOs interp [resolved]
         fhv <- mkFinalizedHValue interp root_hvref
         return (pls, fhv)
@@ -677,7 +678,7 @@ loadDecls interp hsc_env span cbc at CompiledByteCode{..} = do
                        , addr_env = plusNameEnv (addr_env le) bc_strs }
           -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
-          new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs interp le2 [cbc]
+          new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs interp (pkgs_loaded pls) le2 [cbc]
           nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs interp new_bindings
           let ce2  = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le2) nms_fhvs
               !pls2 = pls { linker_env = le2 { closure_env = ce2 } }
@@ -858,8 +859,8 @@ dynLoadObjs interp hsc_env pls at LoaderState{..} objs = do
     changeTempFilesLifetime tmpfs TFL_GhcSession [soFile]
     m <- loadDLL interp soFile
     case m of
-        Nothing -> return $! pls { temp_sos = (libPath, libName) : temp_sos }
-        Just err -> linkFail msg err
+      Right _ -> return $! pls { temp_sos = (libPath, libName) : temp_sos }
+      Left err -> linkFail msg err
     msg = "GHC.Linker.Loader.dynLoadObjs: Loading temp shared object failed"
@@ -899,7 +900,7 @@ dynLinkBCOs interp pls bcos = do
             ae2 = foldr plusNameEnv (addr_env le1) (map bc_strs cbcs)
             le2 = le1 { itbl_env = ie2, addr_env = ae2 }
-        names_and_refs <- linkSomeBCOs interp le2 cbcs
+        names_and_refs <- linkSomeBCOs interp (pkgs_loaded pls) le2 cbcs
         -- We only want to add the external ones to the ClosureEnv
         let (to_add, to_drop) = partition (isExternalName.fst) names_and_refs
@@ -914,6 +915,7 @@ dynLinkBCOs interp pls bcos = do
 -- Link a bunch of BCOs and return references to their values
 linkSomeBCOs :: Interp
+             -> PkgsLoaded
              -> LinkerEnv
              -> [CompiledByteCode]
              -> IO [(Name,HValueRef)]
@@ -921,7 +923,7 @@ linkSomeBCOs :: Interp
                         -- the incoming unlinked BCOs.  Each gives the
                         -- value of the corresponding unlinked BCO
-linkSomeBCOs interp le mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
+linkSomeBCOs interp pkgs_loaded le mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
   fun CompiledByteCode{..} inner accum = inner (bc_bcos : accum)
@@ -930,7 +932,7 @@ linkSomeBCOs interp le mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
     let flat = [ bco | bcos <- mods, bco <- bcos ]
         names = map unlinkedBCOName flat
         bco_ix = mkNameEnv (zip names [0..])
-    resolved <- sequence [ linkBCO interp le bco_ix bco | bco <- flat ]
+    resolved <- sequence [ linkBCO interp pkgs_loaded le bco_ix bco | bco <- flat ]
     hvrefs <- createBCOs interp resolved
     return (zip names hvrefs)
@@ -1092,18 +1094,18 @@ loadPackages' interp hsc_env new_pks pls = do
                -- Link dependents first
              ; pkgs' <- link pkgs deps
                 -- Now link the package itself
-             ; (hs_cls, extra_cls) <- loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg_cfg
+             ; (hs_cls, extra_cls, loaded_dlls) <- loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg_cfg
              ; let trans_deps = unionManyUniqDSets [ addOneToUniqDSet (loaded_pkg_trans_deps loaded_pkg_info) dep_pkg
                                                    | dep_pkg <- deps
                                                    , Just loaded_pkg_info <- pure (lookupUDFM pkgs' dep_pkg)
-             ; return (addToUDFM pkgs' new_pkg (LoadedPkgInfo new_pkg hs_cls extra_cls trans_deps)) }
+             ; return (addToUDFM pkgs' new_pkg (LoadedPkgInfo new_pkg hs_cls extra_cls loaded_dlls trans_deps)) }
         | otherwise
         = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("unknown package: " ++ unpackFS (unitIdFS new_pkg)))
-loadPackage :: Interp -> HscEnv -> UnitInfo -> IO ([LibrarySpec], [LibrarySpec])
+loadPackage :: Interp -> HscEnv -> UnitInfo -> IO ([LibrarySpec], [LibrarySpec], [RemotePtr LoadedDLL])
 loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg
    = do
         let dflags    = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@@ -1145,7 +1147,9 @@ loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg
         let classifieds = hs_classifieds ++ extra_classifieds
         -- Complication: all the .so's must be loaded before any of the .o's.
-        let known_dlls = [ dll  | DLLPath dll    <- classifieds ]
+        let known_hs_dlls    = [ dll | DLLPath dll <- hs_classifieds ]
+            known_extra_dlls = [ dll | DLLPath dll <- extra_classifieds ]
+            known_dlls       = known_hs_dlls ++ known_extra_dlls
 #if defined(CAN_LOAD_DLL)
             dlls       = [ dll  | DLL dll        <- classifieds ]
@@ -1166,10 +1170,13 @@ loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg
         loadFrameworks interp platform pkg
         -- See Note [Crash early load_dyn and locateLib]
         -- Crash early if can't load any of `known_dlls`
-        mapM_ (load_dyn interp hsc_env True) known_dlls
+        mapM_ (load_dyn interp hsc_env True) known_extra_dlls
+        loaded_dlls <- mapMaybeM (load_dyn interp hsc_env True) known_hs_dlls
         -- For remaining `dlls` crash early only when there is surely
         -- no package's DLL around ... (not is_dyn)
         mapM_ (load_dyn interp hsc_env (not is_dyn) . platformSOName platform) dlls
+        let loaded_dlls = []
         -- After loading all the DLLs, we can load the static objects.
         -- Ordering isn't important here, because we do one final link
@@ -1189,7 +1196,7 @@ loadPackage interp hsc_env pkg
         if succeeded ok
            then do
              maybePutStrLn logger "done."
-             return (hs_classifieds, extra_classifieds)
+             return (hs_classifieds, extra_classifieds, loaded_dlls)
            else let errmsg = text "unable to load unit `"
                              <> pprUnitInfoForUser pkg <> text "'"
                  in throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError (showSDoc dflags errmsg))
@@ -1242,19 +1249,20 @@ restriction very easily.
 -- can be passed directly to loadDLL.  They are either fully-qualified
 -- ("/usr/lib/libfoo.so"), or unqualified ("libfoo.so").  In the latter case,
 -- loadDLL is going to search the system paths to find the library.
-load_dyn :: Interp -> HscEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
+load_dyn :: Interp -> HscEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (RemotePtr LoadedDLL))
 load_dyn interp hsc_env crash_early dll = do
   r <- loadDLL interp dll
   case r of
-    Nothing  -> return ()
-    Just err ->
+    Right loaded_dll -> pure (Just loaded_dll)
+    Left err ->
       if crash_early
         then cmdLineErrorIO err
-        else
+        else do
           when (diag_wopt Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib diag_opts)
             $ logMsg logger
                 (mkMCDiagnostic diag_opts (WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib) Nothing)
                   noSrcSpan $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle (note err)
+          pure Nothing
     diag_opts = initDiagOpts (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
     logger = hsc_logger hsc_env

@@ -172,6 +172,6 @@ loadFramework interp extraPaths rootname
      findLoadDLL (p:ps) errs =
        do { dll <- loadDLL interp (p </> fwk_file)
           ; case dll of
-              Nothing  -> return Nothing
-              Just err -> findLoadDLL ps ((p ++ ": " ++ err):errs)
+              Right _  -> return Nothing
+              Left err -> findLoadDLL ps ((p ++ ": " ++ err):errs)

@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Unit                ( UnitId, Module )
 import GHC.ByteCode.Types      ( ItblEnv, AddrEnv, CompiledByteCode )
 import GHC.Fingerprint.Type    ( Fingerprint )
-import GHCi.RemoteTypes        ( ForeignHValue )
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes        ( ForeignHValue, RemotePtr )
+import GHCi.Message            ( LoadedDLL )
 import GHC.Types.Var           ( Id )
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env      ( NameEnv, emptyNameEnv, extendNameEnvList, filterNameEnv )
@@ -146,11 +147,13 @@ data LoadedPkgInfo
   { loaded_pkg_uid         :: !UnitId
   , loaded_pkg_hs_objs     :: ![LibrarySpec]
   , loaded_pkg_non_hs_objs :: ![LibrarySpec]
+  , loaded_pkg_hs_dlls     :: ![RemotePtr LoadedDLL]
+  -- ^ TODO: write Note
   , loaded_pkg_trans_deps  :: UniqDSet UnitId
 instance Outputable LoadedPkgInfo where
-  ppr (LoadedPkgInfo uid hs_objs non_hs_objs trans_deps) =
+  ppr (LoadedPkgInfo uid hs_objs non_hs_objs _ trans_deps) =
     vcat [ppr uid
          , ppr hs_objs
          , ppr non_hs_objs

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
   -- * The object-code linker
   , initObjLinker
   , lookupSymbol
+  , lookupSymbolInDLL
   , lookupClosure
   , loadDLL
   , loadArchive
@@ -467,6 +468,13 @@ lookupSymbol interp str = case interpInstance interp of
     ExtJS {} -> pprPanic "lookupSymbol not supported by the JS interpreter" (ppr str)
+lookupSymbolInDLL :: Interp -> RemotePtr LoadedDLL -> FastString -> IO (Maybe (Ptr ()))
+lookupSymbolInDLL interp dll str = case interpInstance interp of
+  InternalInterp -> fmap fromRemotePtr <$> run (LookupSymbolInDLL dll (unpackFS str))
+  ExternalInterp _ -> panic "lookupSymbolInDLL: not implemented for external interpreter" -- FIXME
 lookupClosure :: Interp -> String -> IO (Maybe HValueRef)
 lookupClosure interp str =
   interpCmd interp (LookupClosure str)
@@ -485,12 +493,7 @@ purgeLookupSymbolCache interp = case interpInstance interp of
 -- an absolute pathname to the file, or a relative filename
 -- (e.g. "libfoo.so" or "foo.dll").  In the latter case, loadDLL
 -- searches the standard locations for the appropriate library.
--- Returns:
--- Nothing      => success
--- Just err_msg => failure
-loadDLL :: Interp -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
+loadDLL :: Interp -> String -> IO (Either String (RemotePtr LoadedDLL))
 loadDLL interp str = interpCmd interp (LoadDLL str)
 loadArchive :: Interp -> String -> IO ()

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module GHCi.Message
   , getMessage, putMessage, getTHMessage, putTHMessage
   , Pipe(..), remoteCall, remoteTHCall, readPipe, writePipe
   , BreakModule
+  , LoadedDLL
   ) where
 import Prelude -- See note [Why do we import Prelude here?]
@@ -73,8 +74,9 @@ data Message a where
   -- These all invoke the corresponding functions in the RTS Linker API.
   InitLinker :: Message ()
   LookupSymbol :: String -> Message (Maybe (RemotePtr ()))
+  LookupSymbolInDLL :: RemotePtr LoadedDLL -> String -> Message (Maybe (RemotePtr ()))
   LookupClosure :: String -> Message (Maybe HValueRef)
-  LoadDLL :: String -> Message (Maybe String)
+  LoadDLL :: String -> Message (Either String (RemotePtr LoadedDLL))
   LoadArchive :: String -> Message () -- error?
   LoadObj :: String -> Message () -- error?
   UnloadObj :: String -> Message () -- error?
@@ -415,6 +417,9 @@ instance Binary a => Binary (EvalResult a)
 -- that type isn't available here.
 data BreakModule
+-- | A dummy type that tags pointers returned by 'LoadDLL'.
+data LoadedDLL
 -- SomeException can't be serialized because it contains dynamic
 -- types.  However, we do very limited things with the exceptions that
 -- are thrown by interpreted computations:
@@ -544,6 +549,7 @@ getMessage = do
       37 -> Msg <$> return RtsRevertCAFs
       38 -> Msg <$> (ResumeSeq <$> get)
       39 -> Msg <$> (NewBreakModule <$> get)
+      40 -> Msg <$> (LookupSymbolInDLL <$> get <*> get)
       _  -> error $ "Unknown Message code " ++ (show b)
 putMessage :: Message a -> Put
@@ -588,7 +594,8 @@ putMessage m = case m of
   Seq a                       -> putWord8 36 >> put a
   RtsRevertCAFs               -> putWord8 37
   ResumeSeq a                 -> putWord8 38 >> put a
-  NewBreakModule name          -> putWord8 39 >> put name
+  NewBreakModule name         -> putWord8 39 >> put name
+  LookupSymbolInDLL dll str   -> putWord8 40 >> put dll >> put str
 Note [Parallelize CreateBCOs serialization]

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module GHCi.ObjLink
   , unloadObj
   , purgeObj
   , lookupSymbol
+  , lookupSymbolInDLL
   , lookupClosure
   , resolveObjs
   , addLibrarySearchPath
@@ -27,18 +28,17 @@ module GHCi.ObjLink
 import Prelude -- See note [Why do we import Prelude here?]
 import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import GHCi.Message (LoadedDLL)
 import Control.Exception (throwIO, ErrorCall(..))
 import Control.Monad    ( when )
 import Foreign.C
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( free )
-import Foreign          ( nullPtr )
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca, free )
+import Foreign          ( nullPtr, peek )
 import GHC.Exts
 import System.Posix.Internals ( CFilePath, withFilePath, peekFilePath )
 import System.FilePath  ( dropExtension, normalise )
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- RTS Linker Interface
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -70,6 +70,15 @@ lookupSymbol str_in = do
         then return Nothing
         else return (Just addr)
+lookupSymbolInDLL :: Ptr LoadedDLL -> String -> IO (Maybe (Ptr a))
+lookupSymbolInDLL dll str_in = do
+   let str = prefixUnderscore str_in
+   withCAString str $ \c_str -> do
+     addr <- c_lookupSymbolInNativeObj dll c_str
+     if addr == nullPtr
+       then return Nothing
+       else return (Just addr)
 lookupClosure :: String -> IO (Maybe HValueRef)
 lookupClosure str = do
   m <- lookupSymbol str
@@ -89,7 +98,7 @@ prefixUnderscore
 -- (e.g. "libfoo.so" or "foo.dll").  In the latter case, loadDLL
 -- searches the standard locations for the appropriate library.
-loadDLL :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+loadDLL :: String -> IO (Either String (Ptr LoadedDLL))
 -- Nothing      => success
 -- Just err_msg => failure
 loadDLL str0 = do
@@ -101,12 +110,16 @@ loadDLL str0 = do
      str | isWindowsHost = dropExtension str0
          | otherwise     = str0
-  maybe_errmsg <- withFilePath (normalise str) $ \dll -> c_addDLL dll
-  if maybe_errmsg == nullPtr
-        then return Nothing
-        else do str <- peekCString maybe_errmsg
-                free maybe_errmsg
-                return (Just str)
+  (maybe_handle, maybe_errmsg) <- withFilePath (normalise str) $ \dll ->
+    alloca $ \errmsg_ptr -> (,)
+      <$> c_loadNativeObj dll errmsg_ptr
+      <*> peek errmsg_ptr
+  if maybe_handle == nullPtr
+    then do str <- peekCString maybe_errmsg
+            free maybe_errmsg
+            return (Left str)
+    else return (Right maybe_handle)
 loadArchive :: String -> IO ()
 loadArchive str = do
@@ -163,7 +176,8 @@ resolveObjs = do
 -- Foreign declarations to RTS entry points which does the real work;
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-foreign import ccall unsafe "addDLL"                  c_addDLL                  :: CFilePath -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "loadNativeObj"           c_loadNativeObj           :: CFilePath -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr LoadedDLL)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "lookupSymbolInNativeObj" c_lookupSymbolInNativeObj :: Ptr LoadedDLL -> CString -> IO (Ptr a)
 foreign import ccall unsafe "initLinker_"             c_initLinker_             :: CInt -> IO ()
 foreign import ccall unsafe "lookupSymbol"            c_lookupSymbol            :: CString -> IO (Ptr a)
 foreign import ccall unsafe "loadArchive"             c_loadArchive             :: CFilePath -> IO Int

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ run m = case m of
   LookupClosure str           -> lookupJSClosure str
   InitLinker -> initObjLinker RetainCAFs
-  LoadDLL str -> loadDLL str
+  LoadDLL str -> fmap toRemotePtr <$> loadDLL str
   LoadArchive str -> loadArchive str
   LoadObj str -> loadObj str
   UnloadObj str -> unloadObj str
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ run m = case m of
   RtsRevertCAFs -> rts_revertCAFs
   LookupSymbol str -> fmap toRemotePtr <$> lookupSymbol str
+  LookupSymbolInDLL dll str ->
+    fmap toRemotePtr <$> lookupSymbolInDLL (fromRemotePtr dll) str
   FreeHValueRefs rs -> mapM_ freeRemoteRef rs
   AddSptEntry fpr r -> localRef r >>= sptAddEntry fpr
   EvalStmt opts r -> evalStmt opts r

@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@
 #  include <mach-o/fat.h>
+#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
+#  include "linker/LoadNativeObjPosix.h"
 #if defined(dragonfly_HOST_OS)
 #include <sys/tls.h>
@@ -419,9 +423,6 @@ static int linker_init_done = 0 ;
 static void *dl_prog_handle;
 static regex_t re_invalid;
 static regex_t re_realso;
-#if defined(THREADED_RTS)
-Mutex dl_mutex; // mutex to protect dlopen/dlerror critical section
 void initLinker (void)
@@ -455,9 +456,6 @@ initLinker_ (int retain_cafs)
 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
-#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
-    initMutex(&dl_mutex);
     symhash = allocStrHashTable();
@@ -520,9 +518,6 @@ exitLinker( void ) {
    if (linker_init_done == 1) {
-#if defined(THREADED_RTS)
-      closeMutex(&dl_mutex);
    if (linker_init_done == 1) {
@@ -556,90 +551,6 @@ exitLinker( void ) {
 #  if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
-/* Suppose in ghci we load a temporary SO for a module containing
-       f = 1
-   and then modify the module, recompile, and load another temporary
-   SO with
-       f = 2
-   Then as we don't unload the first SO, dlsym will find the
-       f = 1
-   symbol whereas we want the
-       f = 2
-   symbol. We therefore need to keep our own SO handle list, and
-   try SOs in the right order. */
-   struct _OpenedSO {
-      struct _OpenedSO* next;
-      void *handle;
-   }
-   OpenedSO;
-/* A list thereof. */
-static OpenedSO* openedSOs = NULL;
-static const char *
-internal_dlopen(const char *dll_name)
-   OpenedSO* o_so;
-   void *hdl;
-   const char *errmsg;
-   char *errmsg_copy;
-   // omitted: RTLD_NOW
-   // see http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/cvs-ghc/2007-September/038570.html
-   IF_DEBUG(linker,
-      debugBelch("internal_dlopen: dll_name = '%s'\n", dll_name));
-   //-------------- Begin critical section ------------------
-   // This critical section is necessary because dlerror() is not
-   // required to be reentrant (see POSIX -- IEEE Std 1003.1-2008)
-   // Also, the error message returned must be copied to preserve it
-   // (see POSIX also)
-   ACQUIRE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
-   // When dlopen() loads a profiled dynamic library, it calls the
-   // ctors which will call registerCcsList() to append the defined
-   // CostCentreStacks to CCS_LIST. This execution path starting from
-   // addDLL() was only protected by dl_mutex previously. However,
-   // another thread may be doing other things with the RTS linker
-   // that transitively calls refreshProfilingCCSs() which also
-   // accesses CCS_LIST, and those execution paths are protected by
-   // linker_mutex. So there's a risk of data race that may lead to
-   // segfaults (#24423), and we need to ensure the ctors are also
-   // protected by ccs_mutex.
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-   ACQUIRE_LOCK(&ccs_mutex);
-   hdl = dlopen(dll_name, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_LOCAL); /* see Note [RTLD_LOCAL] */
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-   RELEASE_LOCK(&ccs_mutex);
-   errmsg = NULL;
-   if (hdl == NULL) {
-      /* dlopen failed; return a ptr to the error msg. */
-      errmsg = dlerror();
-      if (errmsg == NULL) errmsg = "addDLL: unknown error";
-      errmsg_copy = stgMallocBytes(strlen(errmsg)+1, "addDLL");
-      strcpy(errmsg_copy, errmsg);
-      errmsg = errmsg_copy;
-   } else {
-      o_so = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(OpenedSO), "addDLL");
-      o_so->handle = hdl;
-      o_so->next   = openedSOs;
-      openedSOs    = o_so;
-   }
-   RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
-   //--------------- End critical section -------------------
-   return errmsg;
   Note [RTLD_LOCAL]
@@ -660,11 +571,10 @@ internal_dlopen(const char *dll_name)
 static void *
 internal_dlsym(const char *symbol) {
-    OpenedSO* o_so;
     void *v;
-    // We acquire dl_mutex as concurrent dl* calls may alter dlerror
-    ACQUIRE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
+    // concurrent dl* calls may alter dlerror
+    ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(&linker_mutex);
     // clears dlerror
@@ -672,20 +582,19 @@ internal_dlsym(const char *symbol) {
     // look in program first
     v = dlsym(dl_prog_handle, symbol);
     if (dlerror() == NULL) {
-        RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
         IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("internal_dlsym: found symbol '%s' in program\n", symbol));
         return v;
-    for (o_so = openedSOs; o_so != NULL; o_so = o_so->next) {
-        v = dlsym(o_so->handle, symbol);
-        if (dlerror() == NULL) {
+    for (ObjectCode *nc = loaded_objects; nc; nc = nc->next_loaded_object) {
+        if (nc->type == DYNAMIC_OBJECT) {
+          v = dlsym(nc->dlopen_handle, symbol);
+          if (dlerror() == NULL) {
             IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("internal_dlsym: found symbol '%s' in shared object\n", symbol));
-            RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
             return v;
+          }
-    RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
     IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("internal_dlsym: looking for symbol '%s' in special cases\n", symbol));
 #   define SPECIAL_SYMBOL(sym) \
@@ -725,79 +634,33 @@ internal_dlsym(const char *symbol) {
     // we failed to find the symbol
     return NULL;
-#  endif
-const char *
-addDLL( pathchar *dll_name )
+void *lookupSymbolInNativeObj(void *handle, const char *symbol_name)
-#  if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
-   /* ------------------- ELF DLL loader ------------------- */
-#define NMATCH 5
-   regmatch_t match[NMATCH];
-   const char *errmsg;
-   FILE* fp;
-   size_t match_length;
-#define MAXLINE 1000
-   char line[MAXLINE];
-   int result;
-   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("addDLL: dll_name = '%s'\n", dll_name));
-   errmsg = internal_dlopen(dll_name);
+    ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(&linker_mutex);
-   if (errmsg == NULL) {
-      return NULL;
-   }
+#if defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
+    CHECK(symbol_name[0] == '_');
+    symbol_name = symbol_name+1;
+    void *result = dlsym(handle, symbol_name);
+    return result;
+#  endif
-   // GHC #2615
-   // On some systems (e.g., Gentoo Linux) dynamic files (e.g. libc.so)
-   // contain linker scripts rather than ELF-format object code. This
-   // code handles the situation by recognizing the real object code
-   // file name given in the linker script.
-   //
-   // If an "invalid ELF header" error occurs, it is assumed that the
-   // .so file contains a linker script instead of ELF object code.
-   // In this case, the code looks for the GROUP ( ... ) linker
-   // directive. If one is found, the first file name inside the
-   // parentheses is treated as the name of a dynamic library and the
-   // code attempts to dlopen that file. If this is also unsuccessful,
-   // an error message is returned.
-   // see if the error message is due to an invalid ELF header
-   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("errmsg = '%s'\n", errmsg));
-   result = regexec(&re_invalid, errmsg, (size_t) NMATCH, match, 0);
-   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("result = %i\n", result));
-   if (result == 0) {
-      // success -- try to read the named file as a linker script
-      match_length = (size_t) stg_min((match[1].rm_eo - match[1].rm_so),
-                                 MAXLINE-1);
-      strncpy(line, (errmsg+(match[1].rm_so)),match_length);
-      line[match_length] = '\0'; // make sure string is null-terminated
-      IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("file name = '%s'\n", line));
-      if ((fp = __rts_fopen(line, "r")) == NULL) {
-         return errmsg; // return original error if open fails
-      }
-      // try to find a GROUP or INPUT ( ... ) command
-      while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL) {
-         IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("input line = %s", line));
-         if (regexec(&re_realso, line, (size_t) NMATCH, match, 0) == 0) {
-            // success -- try to dlopen the first named file
-            IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("match%s\n",""));
-            line[match[2].rm_eo] = '\0';
-            stgFree((void*)errmsg); // Free old message before creating new one
-            errmsg = internal_dlopen(line+match[2].rm_so);
-            break;
-         }
-         // if control reaches here, no GROUP or INPUT ( ... ) directive
-         // was found and the original error message is returned to the
-         // caller
-      }
-      fclose(fp);
+const char *addDLL(pathchar* dll_name)
+#  if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
+   char *errmsg;
+   if (loadNativeObj(dll_name, &errmsg)) {
+     return NULL;
+   } else {
+     ASSERT(errmsg != NULL);
+     return errmsg;
-   return errmsg;
 #  elif defined(OBJFORMAT_PEi386)
-   return addDLL_PEi386(dll_name, NULL);
+   return addDLL_PEi386(dll_name);
 #  else
    barf("addDLL: not implemented on this platform");
@@ -1229,9 +1092,10 @@ void freeObjectCode (ObjectCode *oc)
     if (oc->type == DYNAMIC_OBJECT) {
 #if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF)
-        ACQUIRE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
+        // ROMES:TODO: This previously acquired dl_mutex. Check that acquiring linker_mutex here is fine.
+        ACQUIRE_LOCK(&linker_mutex);
-        RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
+        RELEASE_LOCK(&linker_mutex);
         barf("freeObjectCode: This shouldn't happen");
@@ -1896,12 +1760,20 @@ HsInt purgeObj (pathchar *path)
     return r;
+ObjectCode *lookupObjectByPath(pathchar *path) {
+  for (ObjectCode *o = objects; o; o = o->next) {
+     if (0 == pathcmp(o->fileName, path)) {
+         return o;
+     }
+  }
+  return NULL;
 OStatus getObjectLoadStatus_ (pathchar *path)
-    for (ObjectCode *o = objects; o; o = o->next) {
-       if (0 == pathcmp(o->fileName, path)) {
-           return o->status;
-       }
+    ObjectCode *oc = lookupObjectByPath(path);
+    if (oc) {
+      return oc->status;
     return OBJECT_NOT_LOADED;
@@ -1988,11 +1860,21 @@ addSection (Section *s, SectionKind kind, SectionAlloc alloc,
 #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
-#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF)
+#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
 void * loadNativeObj (pathchar *path, char **errmsg)
+   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("loadNativeObj: path = '%s'\n", path));
-   void *r = loadNativeObj_ELF(path, errmsg);
+   void *r = loadNativeObj_POSIX(path, errmsg);
+#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF)
+   if (!r) {
+       // Check if native object may be a linker script and try loading a native
+       // object from it
+       r = loadNativeObjFromLinkerScript_ELF(errmsg);
+   }
    return r;
@@ -2006,7 +1888,7 @@ loadNativeObj (pathchar *path, char **errmsg)
-HsInt unloadNativeObj (void *handle)
+static HsInt unloadNativeObj_(void *handle)
     bool unloadedAnyObj = false;
@@ -2044,6 +1926,13 @@ HsInt unloadNativeObj (void *handle)
+HsInt unloadNativeObj(void *handle) {
+  ACQUIRE_LOCK(&linker_mutex);
+  HsInt r = unloadNativeObj_(handle);
+  RELEASE_LOCK(&linker_mutex);
+  return r;
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Segment management

@@ -412,10 +412,6 @@ extern Elf_Word shndx_table_uninit_label;
 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
 extern Mutex linker_mutex;
-#if defined(OBJFORMAT_ELF) || defined(OBJFORMAT_MACHO)
-extern Mutex dl_mutex;
 #endif /* THREADED_RTS */
 /* Type of an initializer */
@@ -515,9 +511,9 @@ HsInt loadArchive_ (pathchar *path);
 HsInt isAlreadyLoaded( pathchar *path );
 OStatus getObjectLoadStatus_ (pathchar *path);
+ObjectCode *lookupObjectByPath(pathchar *path);
 HsInt loadOc( ObjectCode* oc );
 ObjectCode* mkOc( ObjectType type, pathchar *path, char *image, int imageSize,
                   bool mapped, pathchar *archiveMemberName,

@@ -619,6 +619,7 @@ extern char **environ;
       SymI_HasProto(purgeObj)                                           \
       SymI_HasProto(insertSymbol)                                       \
       SymI_HasProto(lookupSymbol)                                       \
+      SymI_HasProto(lookupSymbolInNativeObj)                            \
       SymI_HasDataProto(stg_makeStablePtrzh)                                \
       SymI_HasDataProto(stg_mkApUpd0zh)                                     \
       SymI_HasDataProto(stg_labelThreadzh)                                  \

@@ -90,8 +90,12 @@ void *loadNativeObj( pathchar *path, char **errmsg );
    Takes the handle returned from loadNativeObj() as an argument. */
 HsInt unloadNativeObj( void *handle );
+void *lookupSymbolInNativeObj(void *handle, const char *symbol_name);
 /* load a dynamic library */
-const char *addDLL( pathchar* dll_name );
+const char *addDLL(pathchar* dll_name);
+void *lookupSymbolInDLL(void *handle, const char *symbol_name);
 /* add a path to the library search path */
 HsPtr addLibrarySearchPath(pathchar* dll_path);

@@ -2069,159 +2069,6 @@ int ocRunFini_ELF( ObjectCode *oc )
     return true;
- * Shared object loading
- */
-#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
-struct piterate_cb_info {
-  ObjectCode *nc;
-  void *l_addr;   /* base virtual address of the loaded code */
-static int loadNativeObjCb_(struct dl_phdr_info *info,
-    size_t _size STG_UNUSED, void *data) {
-  struct piterate_cb_info *s = (struct piterate_cb_info *) data;
-  // This logic mimicks _dl_addr_inside_object from glibc
-  // For reference:
-  // int
-  // internal_function
-  // _dl_addr_inside_object (struct link_map *l, const ElfW(Addr) addr)
-  // {
-  //   int n = l->l_phnum;
-  //   const ElfW(Addr) reladdr = addr - l->l_addr;
-  //
-  //   while (--n >= 0)
-  //     if (l->l_phdr[n].p_type == PT_LOAD
-  //         && reladdr - l->l_phdr[n].p_vaddr >= 0
-  //         && reladdr - l->l_phdr[n].p_vaddr < l->l_phdr[n].p_memsz)
-  //       return 1;
-  //   return 0;
-  // }
-  if ((void*) info->dlpi_addr == s->l_addr) {
-    int n = info->dlpi_phnum;
-    while (--n >= 0) {
-      if (info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_type == PT_LOAD) {
-        NativeCodeRange* ncr =
-          stgMallocBytes(sizeof(NativeCodeRange), "loadNativeObjCb_");
-        ncr->start = (void*) ((char*) s->l_addr + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_vaddr);
-        ncr->end = (void*) ((char*) ncr->start + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_memsz);
-        ncr->next = s->nc->nc_ranges;
-        s->nc->nc_ranges = ncr;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-#endif /* defined(HAVE_DLINFO) */
-static void copyErrmsg(char** errmsg_dest, char* errmsg) {
-  if (errmsg == NULL) errmsg = "loadNativeObj_ELF: unknown error";
-  *errmsg_dest = stgMallocBytes(strlen(errmsg)+1, "loadNativeObj_ELF");
-  strcpy(*errmsg_dest, errmsg);
-// need dl_mutex
-void freeNativeCode_ELF (ObjectCode *nc) {
-  dlclose(nc->dlopen_handle);
-  NativeCodeRange *ncr = nc->nc_ranges;
-  while (ncr) {
-    NativeCodeRange* last_ncr = ncr;
-    ncr = ncr->next;
-    stgFree(last_ncr);
-  }
-void * loadNativeObj_ELF (pathchar *path, char **errmsg)
-   ObjectCode* nc;
-   void *hdl, *retval;
-   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("loadNativeObj_ELF %" PATH_FMT "\n", path));
-   retval = NULL;
-   ACQUIRE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
-   /* Loading the same object multiple times will lead to chaos
-    * as we will have two ObjectCodes but one underlying dlopen
-    * handle. Fail if this happens.
-    */
-   if (getObjectLoadStatus_(path) != OBJECT_NOT_LOADED) {
-     copyErrmsg(errmsg, "loadNativeObj_ELF: Already loaded");
-     goto dlopen_fail;
-   }
-   nc = mkOc(DYNAMIC_OBJECT, path, NULL, 0, false, NULL, 0);
-   foreignExportsLoadingObject(nc);
-   hdl = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_LOCAL);
-   nc->dlopen_handle = hdl;
-   foreignExportsFinishedLoadingObject();
-   if (hdl == NULL) {
-     /* dlopen failed; save the message in errmsg */
-     copyErrmsg(errmsg, dlerror());
-     goto dlopen_fail;
-   }
-#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
-   struct link_map *map;
-   if (dlinfo(hdl, RTLD_DI_LINKMAP, &map) == -1) {
-     /* dlinfo failed; save the message in errmsg */
-     copyErrmsg(errmsg, dlerror());
-     goto dlinfo_fail;
-   }
-   hdl = NULL; // pass handle ownership to nc
-   struct piterate_cb_info piterate_info = {
-     .nc = nc,
-     .l_addr = (void *) map->l_addr
-   };
-   dl_iterate_phdr(loadNativeObjCb_, &piterate_info);
-   if (!nc->nc_ranges) {
-     copyErrmsg(errmsg, "dl_iterate_phdr failed to find obj");
-     goto dl_iterate_phdr_fail;
-   }
-   nc->unloadable = true;
-   nc->nc_ranges = NULL;
-   nc->unloadable = false;
-#endif /* defined (HAVE_DLINFO) */
-   insertOCSectionIndices(nc);
-   nc->next_loaded_object = loaded_objects;
-   loaded_objects = nc;
-   retval = nc->dlopen_handle;
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-  // collect any new cost centres that were defined in the loaded object.
-  refreshProfilingCCSs();
-   goto success;
-   // already have dl_mutex
-   freeNativeCode_ELF(nc);
-   if (hdl) dlclose(hdl);
-   RELEASE_LOCK(&dl_mutex);
-   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("loadNativeObj_ELF result=%p\n", retval));
-   return retval;
  * PowerPC & X86_64 ELF specifics
@@ -2271,4 +2118,70 @@ int ocAllocateExtras_ELF( ObjectCode *oc )
 #endif /* NEED_SYMBOL_EXTRAS */
+void * loadNativeObjFromLinkerScript_ELF(char **errmsg)
+   // GHC #2615
+   // On some systems (e.g., Gentoo Linux) dynamic files (e.g. libc.so)
+   // contain linker scripts rather than ELF-format object code. This
+   // code handles the situation by recognizing the real object code
+   // file name given in the linker script.
+   //
+   // If an "invalid ELF header" error occurs, it is assumed that the
+   // .so file contains a linker script instead of ELF object code.
+   // In this case, the code looks for the GROUP ( ... ) linker
+   // directive. If one is found, the first file name inside the
+   // parentheses is treated as the name of a dynamic library and the
+   // code attempts to dlopen that file. If this is also unsuccessful,
+   // an error message is returned.
+#define NMATCH 5
+   regmatch_t match[NMATCH];
+   FILE* fp;
+   size_t match_length;
+#define MAXLINE 1000
+   char line[MAXLINE];
+   int result;
+   void* r = NULL;
+   ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(&linker_mutex)
+   // see if the error message is due to an invalid ELF header
+   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("errmsg = '%s'\n", *errmsg));
+   result = regexec(&re_invalid, *errmsg, (size_t) NMATCH, match, 0);
+   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("result = %i\n", result));
+   if (result == 0) {
+      // success -- try to read the named file as a linker script
+      match_length = (size_t) stg_min((match[1].rm_eo - match[1].rm_so),
+                                 MAXLINE-1);
+      strncpy(line, (*errmsg+(match[1].rm_so)),match_length);
+      line[match_length] = '\0'; // make sure string is null-terminated
+      IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("file name = '%s'\n", line));
+      if ((fp = __rts_fopen(line, "r")) == NULL) {
+         // return original error if open fails
+         return NULL;
+      }
+      // try to find a GROUP or INPUT ( ... ) command
+      while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL) {
+         IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("input line = %s", line));
+         if (regexec(&re_realso, line, (size_t) NMATCH, match, 0) == 0) {
+            // success -- try to dlopen the first named file
+            IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("match%s\n",""));
+            line[match[2].rm_eo] = '\0';
+            stgFree((void*)*errmsg); // Free old message before creating new one
+            // ROMES:TODO: NO GOOD, this is almost recursive? no, as long we
+            // move the loadNativeObj_ELF to a shared impl
+            r = loadNativeObj_POSIX(line+match[2].rm_so, errmsg);
+            break;
+         }
+         // if control reaches here, no GROUP or INPUT ( ... ) directive
+         // was found and the original error message is returned to the
+         // caller
+      }
+      fclose(fp);
+   }
+   return r;
 #endif /* elf */

@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ int ocResolve_ELF        ( ObjectCode* oc );
 int ocRunInit_ELF        ( ObjectCode* oc );
 int ocRunFini_ELF        ( ObjectCode* oc );
 int ocAllocateExtras_ELF ( ObjectCode *oc );
-void freeNativeCode_ELF  ( ObjectCode *nc );
-void *loadNativeObj_ELF  ( pathchar *path, char **errmsg );
+void *loadNativeObjFromLinkerScript_ELF( char **errmsg );
 #include "EndPrivate.h"

@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#include "CheckUnload.h"
+#include "ForeignExports.h"
+#include "LinkerInternals.h"
+#include "Rts.h"
+#include "RtsUtils.h"
+#include "Profiling.h"
+#include "linker/LoadNativeObjPosix.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_DLFCN_H)
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(THREADED_RTS)
+extern Mutex linker_mutex;
+ * Shared object loading
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
+struct piterate_cb_info {
+  ObjectCode *nc;
+  void *l_addr;   /* base virtual address of the loaded code */
+static int loadNativeObjCb_(struct dl_phdr_info *info,
+    size_t _size STG_UNUSED, void *data) {
+  struct piterate_cb_info *s = (struct piterate_cb_info *) data;
+  // This logic mimicks _dl_addr_inside_object from glibc
+  // For reference:
+  // int
+  // internal_function
+  // _dl_addr_inside_object (struct link_map *l, const ElfW(Addr) addr)
+  // {
+  //   int n = l->l_phnum;
+  //   const ElfW(Addr) reladdr = addr - l->l_addr;
+  //
+  //   while (--n >= 0)
+  //     if (l->l_phdr[n].p_type == PT_LOAD
+  //         && reladdr - l->l_phdr[n].p_vaddr >= 0
+  //         && reladdr - l->l_phdr[n].p_vaddr < l->l_phdr[n].p_memsz)
+  //       return 1;
+  //   return 0;
+  // }
+  if ((void*) info->dlpi_addr == s->l_addr) {
+    int n = info->dlpi_phnum;
+    while (--n >= 0) {
+      if (info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_type == PT_LOAD) {
+        NativeCodeRange* ncr =
+          stgMallocBytes(sizeof(NativeCodeRange), "loadNativeObjCb_");
+        ncr->start = (void*) ((char*) s->l_addr + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_vaddr);
+        ncr->end = (void*) ((char*) ncr->start + info->dlpi_phdr[n].p_memsz);
+        ncr->next = s->nc->nc_ranges;
+        s->nc->nc_ranges = ncr;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+#endif /* defined(HAVE_DLINFO) */
+static void copyErrmsg(char** errmsg_dest, char* errmsg) {
+  if (errmsg == NULL) errmsg = "loadNativeObj_POSIX: unknown error";
+  *errmsg_dest = stgMallocBytes(strlen(errmsg)+1, "loadNativeObj_POSIX");
+  strcpy(*errmsg_dest, errmsg);
+void freeNativeCode_POSIX (ObjectCode *nc) {
+  ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(&linker_mutex);
+  dlclose(nc->dlopen_handle);
+  NativeCodeRange *ncr = nc->nc_ranges;
+  while (ncr) {
+    NativeCodeRange* last_ncr = ncr;
+    ncr = ncr->next;
+    stgFree(last_ncr);
+  }
+void * loadNativeObj_POSIX (pathchar *path, char **errmsg)
+   ObjectCode* nc;
+   void *hdl, *retval;
+   ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(&linker_mutex);
+   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("loadNativeObj_POSIX %" PATH_FMT "\n", path));
+   retval = NULL;
+   /* If we load the same object multiple times, just return the
+    * already-loaded handle. Note that this is broken if unloadNativeObj
+    * is used, as we don’t do any reference counting; see #24345.
+    */
+   ObjectCode *existing_oc = lookupObjectByPath(path);
+   if (existing_oc && existing_oc->status != OBJECT_UNLOADED) {
+     if (existing_oc->type == DYNAMIC_OBJECT) {
+       retval = existing_oc->dlopen_handle;
+       goto success;
+     }
+     copyErrmsg(errmsg, "loadNativeObj_POSIX: already loaded as non-dynamic object");
+     goto dlopen_fail;
+   }
+   nc = mkOc(DYNAMIC_OBJECT, path, NULL, 0, false, NULL, 0);
+   foreignExportsLoadingObject(nc);
+   // When dlopen() loads a profiled dynamic library, it calls the ctors which
+   // will call registerCcsList() to append the defined CostCentreStacks to
+   // CCS_LIST. However, another thread may be doing other things with the RTS
+   // linker that transitively calls refreshProfilingCCSs() which also accesses
+   // CCS_LIST. So there's a risk of data race that may lead to segfaults
+   // (#24423), and we need to ensure the ctors are also protected by
+   // ccs_mutex.
+#if defined(PROFILING)
+   ACQUIRE_LOCK(&ccs_mutex);
+   // If we HAVE_DLINFO, we use RTLD_NOW rather than RTLD_LAZY because we want
+   // to learn eagerly about all external functions. Otherwise, there is no
+   // additional advantage to being eager, so it is better to be lazy and only bind
+   // functions when needed for better performance.
+   int dlopen_mode;
+#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
+   dlopen_mode = RTLD_NOW;
+   dlopen_mode = RTLD_LAZY;
+   hdl = dlopen(path, dlopen_mode|RTLD_LOCAL); /* see Note [RTLD_LOCAL] */
+   nc->dlopen_handle = hdl;
+   nc->status = OBJECT_READY;
+#if defined(PROFILING)
+   RELEASE_LOCK(&ccs_mutex);
+   foreignExportsFinishedLoadingObject();
+   if (hdl == NULL) {
+     /* dlopen failed; save the message in errmsg */
+     copyErrmsg(errmsg, dlerror());
+     goto dlopen_fail;
+   }
+#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
+   struct link_map *map;
+   if (dlinfo(hdl, RTLD_DI_LINKMAP, &map) == -1) {
+     /* dlinfo failed; save the message in errmsg */
+     copyErrmsg(errmsg, dlerror());
+     goto dlinfo_fail;
+   }
+   hdl = NULL; // pass handle ownership to nc
+   struct piterate_cb_info piterate_info = {
+     .nc = nc,
+     .l_addr = (void *) map->l_addr
+   };
+   dl_iterate_phdr(loadNativeObjCb_, &piterate_info);
+   if (!nc->nc_ranges) {
+     copyErrmsg(errmsg, "dl_iterate_phdr failed to find obj");
+     goto dl_iterate_phdr_fail;
+   }
+   nc->unloadable = true;
+   nc->nc_ranges = NULL;
+   nc->unloadable = false;
+#endif /* defined (HAVE_DLINFO) */
+   insertOCSectionIndices(nc);
+   nc->next_loaded_object = loaded_objects;
+   loaded_objects = nc;
+   retval = nc->dlopen_handle;
+#if defined(PROFILING)
+  // collect any new cost centres that were defined in the loaded object.
+  refreshProfilingCCSs();
+   goto success;
+#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
+   freeNativeCode_POSIX(nc);
+#if defined(HAVE_DLINFO)
+   if (hdl) dlclose(hdl);
+   IF_DEBUG(linker, debugBelch("loadNativeObj_POSIX result=%p\n", retval));
+   return retval;

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Rts.h"
+#include "LinkerInternals.h"
+#include "BeginPrivate.h"
+void freeNativeCode_POSIX  ( ObjectCode *nc );
+void *loadNativeObj_POSIX  ( pathchar *path, char **errmsg );
+#include "EndPrivate.h"

@@ -1865,6 +1865,7 @@ ocGetNames_PEi386 ( ObjectCode* oc )
           if (result != NULL || dllInstance == 0) {
               errorBelch("Could not load `%s'. Reason: %s\n",
                          (char*)dllName, result);
+              stgFree(result);
               return false;

@@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ library
+                 linker/LoadNativeObjPosix.c

@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+-- Note: This test exercises running concurrent GHCi sessions, but
+-- although this test is expected to pass, running concurrent GHCi
+-- sessions is currently broken in other ways; see #24345.
 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
 module Main where

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