[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/sand-witch/bidir-ki-check] Merge tc_infer_hs_type and tc_hs_type into one function using ExpType philosophy
Andrei Borzenkov (@sand-witch)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Mar 13 13:45:49 UTC 2024
Andrei Borzenkov pushed to branch wip/sand-witch/bidir-ki-check at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
8afa1b09 by Andrei Borzenkov at 2024-03-13T17:45:30+04:00
Merge tc_infer_hs_type and tc_hs_type into one function using ExpType philosophy
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_run/GHCiWildcardKind.stdout
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ tcInferLHsTypeUnsaturated :: LHsType GhcRn -> TcM (TcType, TcKind)
tcInferLHsTypeUnsaturated hs_ty
= addTypeCtxt hs_ty $
do { mode <- mkHoleMode TypeLevel HM_Sig -- Allow and report holes
- ; case splitHsAppTys (unLoc hs_ty) of
+ ; case splitHsAppTys_maybe (unLoc hs_ty) of
Just (hs_fun_ty, hs_args)
-> do { (fun_ty, _ki) <- tcInferTyAppHead mode hs_fun_ty
; tcInferTyApps_nosat mode hs_fun_ty fun_ty hs_args }
@@ -1022,74 +1022,13 @@ tc_infer_lhs_type mode (L span ty)
= setSrcSpanA span $
tc_infer_hs_type mode ty
--- | Call 'tc_infer_hs_type' and check its result against an expected kind.
-tc_infer_hs_type_ek :: HasDebugCallStack => TcTyMode -> HsType GhcRn -> TcKind -> TcM TcType
-tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode hs_ty ek
- = do { (ty, k) <- tc_infer_hs_type mode hs_ty
- ; checkExpectedKind hs_ty ty k ek }
-- | Infer the kind of a type and desugar. This is the "up" type-checker,
-- as described in Note [Bidirectional type checking]
tc_infer_hs_type :: TcTyMode -> HsType GhcRn -> TcM (TcType, TcKind)
-tc_infer_hs_type mode (HsParTy _ t)
- = tc_infer_lhs_type mode t
-tc_infer_hs_type mode ty
- | Just (hs_fun_ty, hs_args) <- splitHsAppTys ty
- = do { (fun_ty, _ki) <- tcInferTyAppHead mode hs_fun_ty
- ; tcInferTyApps mode hs_fun_ty fun_ty hs_args }
-tc_infer_hs_type mode (HsKindSig _ ty sig)
- = do { let mode' = mode { mode_tyki = KindLevel }
- ; sig' <- tc_lhs_kind_sig mode' KindSigCtxt sig
- -- We must typecheck the kind signature, and solve all
- -- its equalities etc; from this point on we may do
- -- things like instantiate its foralls, so it needs
- -- to be fully determined (#14904)
- ; traceTc "tc_infer_hs_type:sig" (ppr ty $$ ppr sig')
- ; ty' <- tcAddKindSigPlaceholders sig $
- tc_lhs_type mode ty sig'
- ; return (ty', sig') }
--- HsSpliced is an annotation produced by 'GHC.Rename.Splice.rnSpliceType' to communicate
--- the splice location to the typechecker. Here we skip over it in order to have
--- the same kind inferred for a given expression whether it was produced from
--- splices or not.
--- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices].
-tc_infer_hs_type mode (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceTop _ ty) _)
- = tc_infer_lhs_type mode ty
-tc_infer_hs_type _ (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceNested n) s) = pprPanic "tc_infer_hs_type: invalid nested splice" (pprUntypedSplice True (Just n) s)
-tc_infer_hs_type mode (HsDocTy _ ty _) = tc_infer_lhs_type mode ty
--- See Note [Typechecking HsCoreTys]
-tc_infer_hs_type _ (XHsType ty)
- = do env <- getLclEnv
- -- Raw uniques since we go from NameEnv to TvSubstEnv.
- let subst_prs :: [(Unique, TcTyVar)]
- subst_prs = [ (getUnique nm, tv)
- | ATyVar nm tv <- nonDetNameEnvElts (getLclEnvTypeEnv env) ]
- subst = mkTvSubst
- (mkInScopeSetList $ map snd subst_prs)
- (listToUFM_Directly $ map (fmap mkTyVarTy) subst_prs)
- ty' = substTy subst ty
- return (ty', typeKind ty')
-tc_infer_hs_type _ (HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys)
- | null tys -- this is so that we can use visible kind application with '[]
- -- e.g ... '[] @Bool
- = return (mkTyConTy promotedNilDataCon,
- mkSpecForAllTys [alphaTyVar] $ mkListTy alphaTy)
-tc_infer_hs_type mode other_ty
- = do { kv <- newMetaKindVar
- ; ty' <- tc_hs_type mode other_ty kv
- ; return (ty', kv) }
+tc_infer_hs_type mode rn_ty
+ = tcInfer $ \exp_kind -> tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty exp_kind
Note [Typechecking HsCoreTys]
@@ -1144,15 +1083,33 @@ tc_lhs_type mode (L span ty) exp_kind
tc_hs_type :: TcTyMode -> HsType GhcRn -> TcKind -> TcM TcType
-- See Note [Bidirectional type checking]
+tc_hs_type mode ty ek = tc_hs_type_exp mode ty (Check ek)
+type ExpKind = ExpType
+checkExpKind :: HsType GhcRn -> TcType -> TcKind -> ExpKind -> TcM TcType
+checkExpKind rn_ty ty ki (Check ki') =
+ checkExpectedKind rn_ty ty ki ki'
+checkExpKind _rn_ty ty ki (Infer cell) = do
+ co <- fillInferResult ki cell
+ pure (ty `mkCastTy` co)
+tc_lhs_type_exp :: TcTyMode -> LHsType GhcRn -> ExpKind -> TcM TcType
+tc_lhs_type_exp mode (L span ty) exp_kind
+ = setSrcSpanA span $
+ tc_hs_type_exp mode ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp :: TcTyMode -> HsType GhcRn -> ExpKind -> TcM TcType
+-- See Note [Bidirectional type checking]
-tc_hs_type mode (HsParTy _ ty) exp_kind = tc_lhs_type mode ty exp_kind
-tc_hs_type mode (HsDocTy _ ty _) exp_kind = tc_lhs_type mode ty exp_kind
-tc_hs_type _ ty@(HsBangTy _ bang _) _
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsParTy _ ty) exp_kind = tc_lhs_type_exp mode ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsDocTy _ ty _) exp_kind = tc_lhs_type_exp mode ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp _ ty@(HsBangTy _ bang _) _
-- While top-level bangs at this point are eliminated (eg !(Maybe Int)),
-- other kinds of bangs are not (eg ((!Maybe) Int)). These kinds of
-- bangs are invalid, so fail. (#7210, #14761)
= failWith $ TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation ty bang
-tc_hs_type _ ty@(HsRecTy {}) _
+tc_hs_type_exp _ ty@(HsRecTy {}) _
-- Record types (which only show up temporarily in constructor
-- signatures) should have been removed by now
= failWithTc $ TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax (Right ty)
@@ -1162,23 +1119,25 @@ tc_hs_type _ ty@(HsRecTy {}) _
-- while capturing the local environment.
-- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices].
-tc_hs_type mode (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceTop mod_finalizers ty) _)
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceTop mod_finalizers ty) _)
= do addModFinalizersWithLclEnv mod_finalizers
- tc_lhs_type mode ty exp_kind
+ tc_lhs_type_exp mode ty exp_kind
-tc_hs_type _ (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceNested n) s) _ = pprPanic "tc_hs_type: invalid nested splice" (pprUntypedSplice True (Just n) s)
+tc_hs_type_exp _ (HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceNested n) s) _ = pprPanic "tc_hs_type_exp: invalid nested splice" (pprUntypedSplice True (Just n) s)
---------- Functions and applications
-tc_hs_type mode (HsFunTy _ mult ty1 ty2) exp_kind
- = tc_fun_type mode mult ty1 ty2 exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsFunTy _ mult ty1 ty2) exp_kind
+ = do k <- expTypeToType exp_kind
+ tc_fun_type mode mult ty1 ty2 k
-tc_hs_type mode (HsOpTy _ _ ty1 (L _ op) ty2) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsOpTy _ _ ty1 (L _ op) ty2) exp_kind
| op `hasKey` unrestrictedFunTyConKey
- = tc_fun_type mode (HsUnrestrictedArrow noExtField) ty1 ty2 exp_kind
+ = do k <- expTypeToType exp_kind
+ tc_fun_type mode (HsUnrestrictedArrow noExtField) ty1 ty2 k
--------- Foralls
-tc_hs_type mode t@(HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode t@(HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) exp_kind
| HsForAllInvis{} <- tele
= tc_hs_forall_ty tele ty exp_kind
-- For an invisible forall, we allow the body to have
@@ -1187,15 +1146,15 @@ tc_hs_type mode t@(HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) exp_kind
| HsForAllVis{} <- tele
= do { ek <- newOpenTypeKind
- ; r <- tc_hs_forall_ty tele ty ek
- ; checkExpectedKind t r ek exp_kind }
+ ; r <- tc_hs_forall_ty tele ty (Check ek)
+ ; checkExpKind t r ek exp_kind }
-- For a visible forall, we require that the body is of kind TYPE r.
-- See Note [Body kind of a HsForAllTy]
tc_hs_forall_ty tele ty ek
= do { (tv_bndrs, ty') <- tcTKTelescope mode tele $
- tc_lhs_type mode ty ek
+ tc_lhs_type_exp mode ty ek
-- Pass on the mode from the type, to any wildcards
-- in kind signatures on the forall'd variables
-- e.g. f :: _ -> Int -> forall (a :: _). blah
@@ -1203,65 +1162,40 @@ tc_hs_type mode t@(HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) exp_kind
-- Do not kind-generalise here! See Note [Kind generalisation]
; return (mkForAllTys tv_bndrs ty') }
-tc_hs_type mode (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = rn_ty }) exp_kind
- | null (unLoc ctxt)
- = tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty exp_kind
- -- See Note [Body kind of a HsQualTy]
- | isConstraintLikeKind exp_kind
- = do { ctxt' <- tc_hs_context mode ctxt
- ; ty' <- tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty constraintKind
- ; return (tcMkDFunPhiTy ctxt' ty') }
+tc_hs_type_exp mode (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = rn_ty }) exp_kind
+ = do k <- expTypeToType exp_kind
+ tc_hs_qual_ty k
+ where
+ tc_hs_qual_ty kind
+ | null (unLoc ctxt)
+ = tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty kind
- | otherwise
- = do { ctxt' <- tc_hs_context mode ctxt
- ; ek <- newOpenTypeKind -- The body kind (result of the function) can
- -- be TYPE r, for any r, hence newOpenTypeKind
- ; ty' <- tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty ek
- ; checkExpectedKind (unLoc rn_ty) (tcMkPhiTy ctxt' ty')
- liftedTypeKind exp_kind }
+ -- See Note [Body kind of a HsQualTy]
+ | isConstraintLikeKind kind
+ = do { ctxt' <- tc_hs_context mode ctxt
+ ; ty' <- tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty constraintKind
+ ; return (tcMkDFunPhiTy ctxt' ty') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { ctxt' <- tc_hs_context mode ctxt
+ ; ek <- newOpenTypeKind -- The body kind (result of the function) can
+ -- be TYPE r, for any r, hence newOpenTypeKind
+ ; ty' <- tc_lhs_type mode rn_ty ek
+ ; let res_ty = tcMkPhiTy ctxt' ty'
+ ; checkExpectedKind (unLoc rn_ty) res_ty
+ liftedTypeKind kind }
--------- Lists, arrays, and tuples
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsListTy _ elt_ty) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsListTy _ elt_ty) exp_kind
= do { tau_ty <- tc_lhs_type mode elt_ty liftedTypeKind
; checkWiredInTyCon listTyCon
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkListTy tau_ty) liftedTypeKind exp_kind }
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkListTy tau_ty) liftedTypeKind exp_kind }
--- See Note [Distinguishing tuple kinds] in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Type
--- See Note [Inferring tuple kinds]
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple hs_tys) exp_kind
- -- (NB: not zonking before looking at exp_k, to avoid left-right bias)
- | Just tup_sort <- tupKindSort_maybe exp_kind
- = traceTc "tc_hs_type tuple" (ppr hs_tys) >>
- tc_tuple rn_ty mode tup_sort hs_tys exp_kind
- | otherwise
- = do { traceTc "tc_hs_type tuple 2" (ppr hs_tys)
- ; (tys, kinds) <- mapAndUnzipM (tc_infer_lhs_type mode) hs_tys
- ; kinds <- liftZonkM $ mapM zonkTcType kinds
- -- Infer each arg type separately, because errors can be
- -- confusing if we give them a shared kind. Eg #7410
- -- (Either Int, Int), we do not want to get an error saying
- -- "the second argument of a tuple should have kind *->*"
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsTupleTy _ tup_sort tys) exp_kind
+ = do k <- expTypeToType exp_kind
+ tc_hs_tuple_ty rn_ty mode tup_sort tys k
- ; let (arg_kind, tup_sort)
- = case [ (k,s) | k <- kinds
- , Just s <- [tupKindSort_maybe k] ] of
- ((k,s) : _) -> (k,s)
- [] -> (liftedTypeKind, BoxedTuple)
- -- In the [] case, it's not clear what the kind is, so guess *
- ; tys' <- sequence [ setSrcSpanA loc $
- checkExpectedKind hs_ty ty kind arg_kind
- | ((L loc hs_ty),ty,kind) <- zip3 hs_tys tys kinds ]
- ; finish_tuple rn_ty tup_sort tys' (map (const arg_kind) tys') exp_kind }
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsTupleTy _ HsUnboxedTuple tys) exp_kind
- = tc_tuple rn_ty mode UnboxedTuple tys exp_kind
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsSumTy _ hs_tys) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsSumTy _ hs_tys) exp_kind
= do { let arity = length hs_tys
; arg_kinds <- mapM (\_ -> newOpenTypeKind) hs_tys
; tau_tys <- zipWithM (tc_lhs_type mode) hs_tys arg_kinds
@@ -1269,26 +1203,28 @@ tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsSumTy _ hs_tys) exp_kind
arg_tys = arg_reps ++ tau_tys
sum_ty = mkTyConApp (sumTyCon arity) arg_tys
sum_kind = unboxedSumKind arg_reps
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty sum_ty sum_kind exp_kind
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty sum_ty sum_kind exp_kind
--------- Promoted lists and tuples
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys) exp_kind
-- The '[] case is handled in tc_infer_hs_type.
-- See Note [Future-proofing the type checker].
| null tys
- = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode rn_ty exp_kind
+ = do let ty = mkTyConTy promotedNilDataCon
+ let kind = mkSpecForAllTys [alphaTyVar] $ mkListTy alphaTy
+ checkExpKind rn_ty ty kind exp_kind
| otherwise
= do { tks <- mapM (tc_infer_lhs_type mode) tys
; (taus', kind) <- unifyKinds tys tks
; let ty = (foldr (mk_cons kind) (mk_nil kind) taus')
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty ty (mkListTy kind) exp_kind }
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty ty (mkListTy kind) exp_kind }
mk_cons k a b = mkTyConApp (promoteDataCon consDataCon) [k, a, b]
mk_nil k = mkTyConApp (promoteDataCon nilDataCon) [k]
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) exp_kind
-- using newMetaKindVar means that we force instantiations of any polykinded
-- types. At first, I just used tc_infer_lhs_type, but that led to #11255.
= do { ks <- replicateM arity newMetaKindVar
@@ -1297,49 +1233,117 @@ tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) exp_kind
ty_con = promotedTupleDataCon Boxed arity
tup_k = mkTyConApp kind_con ks
; checkTupSize arity
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkTyConApp ty_con (ks ++ taus)) tup_k exp_kind }
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkTyConApp ty_con (ks ++ taus)) tup_k exp_kind }
arity = length tys
--------- Constraint types
-tc_hs_type mode rn_ty@(HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) exp_kind
= do { massert (isTypeLevel (mode_tyki mode))
; ty' <- tc_lhs_type mode ty liftedTypeKind
; let n' = mkStrLitTy $ hsIPNameFS n
; ipClass <- tcLookupClass ipClassName
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkClassPred ipClass [n',ty'])
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkClassPred ipClass [n',ty'])
constraintKind exp_kind }
-tc_hs_type _ rn_ty@(HsStarTy _ _) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp _ rn_ty@(HsStarTy _ _) exp_kind
-- Desugaring 'HsStarTy' to 'Data.Kind.Type' here means that we don't
-- have to handle it in 'coreView'
- = checkExpectedKind rn_ty liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind exp_kind
+ = checkExpKind rn_ty liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind exp_kind
--------- Literals
-tc_hs_type _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsNumTy _ n)) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsNumTy _ n)) exp_kind
= do { checkWiredInTyCon naturalTyCon
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkNumLitTy n) naturalTy exp_kind }
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkNumLitTy n) naturalTy exp_kind }
-tc_hs_type _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsStrTy _ s)) exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsStrTy _ s)) exp_kind
= do { checkWiredInTyCon typeSymbolKindCon
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkStrLitTy s) typeSymbolKind exp_kind }
-tc_hs_type _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsCharTy _ c)) exp_kind
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkStrLitTy s) typeSymbolKind exp_kind }
+tc_hs_type_exp _ rn_ty@(HsTyLit _ (HsCharTy _ c)) exp_kind
= do { checkWiredInTyCon charTyCon
- ; checkExpectedKind rn_ty (mkCharLitTy c) charTy exp_kind }
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty (mkCharLitTy c) charTy exp_kind }
--------- Wildcards
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsWildCardTy _) ek
- = tcAnonWildCardOcc NoExtraConstraint mode ty ek
+tc_hs_type_exp mode ty@(HsWildCardTy _) ek
+ = do k <- expTypeToType ek
+ tcAnonWildCardOcc NoExtraConstraint mode ty k
---------- Potentially kind-polymorphic types: call the "up" checker
--- See Note [Future-proofing the type checker]
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsTyVar {}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsAppTy {}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsAppKindTy{}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsOpTy {}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(HsKindSig {}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
-tc_hs_type mode ty@(XHsType {}) ek = tc_infer_hs_type_ek mode ty ek
+--------- Infer
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsTyVar{}) exp_kind = tc_app_ty mode rn_ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsAppTy{}) exp_kind = tc_app_ty mode rn_ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsAppKindTy{}) exp_kind = tc_app_ty mode rn_ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsOpTy{}) exp_kind = tc_app_ty mode rn_ty exp_kind
+tc_hs_type_exp mode rn_ty@(HsKindSig _ ty sig) exp_kind
+ = do { let mode' = mode { mode_tyki = KindLevel }
+ ; sig' <- tc_lhs_kind_sig mode' KindSigCtxt sig
+ -- We must typecheck the kind signature, and solve all
+ -- its equalities etc; from this point on we may do
+ -- things like instantiate its foralls, so it needs
+ -- to be fully determined (#14904)
+ ; traceTc "tc_hs_type_exp:sig" (ppr ty $$ ppr sig')
+ ; ty' <- tcAddKindSigPlaceholders sig $
+ tc_lhs_type mode ty sig'
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty ty' sig' exp_kind }
+-- See Note [Typechecking HsCoreTys]
+tc_hs_type_exp _ rn_ty@(XHsType ty) exp_kind
+ = do env <- getLclEnv
+ -- Raw uniques since we go from NameEnv to TvSubstEnv.
+ let subst_prs :: [(Unique, TcTyVar)]
+ subst_prs = [ (getUnique nm, tv)
+ | ATyVar nm tv <- nonDetNameEnvElts (getLclEnvTypeEnv env) ]
+ subst = mkTvSubst
+ (mkInScopeSetList $ map snd subst_prs)
+ (listToUFM_Directly $ map (fmap mkTyVarTy) subst_prs)
+ ty' = substTy subst ty
+ checkExpKind rn_ty ty' (typeKind ty') exp_kind
+tc_hs_tuple_ty :: HsType GhcRn
+ -> TcTyMode
+ -> HsTupleSort
+ -> [LHsType GhcRn]
+ -> TcKind
+ -> TcM TcType
+-- See Note [Distinguishing tuple kinds] in GHC.Hs.Type
+-- See Note [Inferring tuple kinds]
+tc_hs_tuple_ty rn_ty mode HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple hs_tys exp_kind
+ -- (NB: not zonking before looking at exp_k, to avoid left-right bias)
+ | Just tup_sort <- tupKindSort_maybe exp_kind
+ = traceTc "tc_hs_type_exp tuple" (ppr hs_tys) >>
+ tc_tuple rn_ty mode tup_sort hs_tys exp_kind
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTc "tc_hs_type_exp tuple 2" (ppr hs_tys)
+ ; (tys, kinds) <- mapAndUnzipM (tc_infer_lhs_type mode) hs_tys
+ ; kinds <- liftZonkM $ mapM zonkTcType kinds
+ -- Infer each arg type separately, because errors can be
+ -- confusing if we give them a shared kind. Eg #7410
+ -- (Either Int, Int), we do not want to get an error saying
+ -- "the second argument of a tuple should have kind *->*"
+ ; let (arg_kind, tup_sort)
+ = case [ (k,s) | k <- kinds
+ , Just s <- [tupKindSort_maybe k] ] of
+ ((k,s) : _) -> (k,s)
+ [] -> (liftedTypeKind, BoxedTuple)
+ -- In the [] case, it's not clear what the kind is, so guess *
+ ; tys' <- sequence [ setSrcSpanA loc $
+ checkExpectedKind hs_ty ty kind arg_kind
+ | ((L loc hs_ty),ty,kind) <- zip3 hs_tys tys kinds ]
+ ; finish_tuple rn_ty tup_sort tys' (map (const arg_kind) tys') exp_kind }
+tc_hs_tuple_ty rn_ty mode HsUnboxedTuple tys exp_kind =
+ tc_tuple rn_ty mode UnboxedTuple tys exp_kind
+tc_app_ty :: TcTyMode -> HsType GhcRn -> ExpKind -> TcM TcType
+tc_app_ty mode rn_ty exp_kind
+ = do { (fun_ty, _ki) <- tcInferTyAppHead mode hs_fun_ty
+ ; (ty, infered_kind) <- tcInferTyApps mode hs_fun_ty fun_ty hs_args
+ ; checkExpKind rn_ty ty infered_kind exp_kind }
+ where
+ (hs_fun_ty, hs_args) = splitHsAppTys rn_ty
Note [Variable Specificity and Forall Visibility]
@@ -1530,9 +1534,9 @@ since the two constraints should be semantically equivalent.
* *
********************************************************************* -}
-splitHsAppTys :: HsType GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsType GhcRn, [LHsTypeArg GhcRn])
-splitHsAppTys hs_ty
- | is_app hs_ty = Just (go (noLocA hs_ty) [])
+splitHsAppTys_maybe :: HsType GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsType GhcRn, [LHsTypeArg GhcRn])
+splitHsAppTys_maybe hs_ty
+ | is_app hs_ty = Just (splitHsAppTys hs_ty)
| otherwise = Nothing
is_app :: HsType GhcRn -> Bool
@@ -1547,6 +1551,10 @@ splitHsAppTys hs_ty
is_app (HsParTy _ (L _ ty)) = is_app ty
is_app _ = False
+splitHsAppTys :: HsType GhcRn -> (LHsType GhcRn, [LHsTypeArg GhcRn])
+splitHsAppTys hs_ty = go (noLocA hs_ty) []
+ where
go :: LHsType GhcRn
-> [HsArg GhcRn (LHsType GhcRn) (LHsKind GhcRn)]
-> (LHsType GhcRn,
@@ -4355,7 +4363,7 @@ tc_type_in_pat ctxt hole_mode hs_ty wcs ns ctxt_kind
-- and c.f #16033
bindNamedWildCardBinders wcs $ \ wcs ->
tcExtendNameTyVarEnv tkv_prs $
- do { ek <- newExpectedKind ctxt_kind
+ do { ek <- newExpectedKind ctxt_kind
; ty <- tc_lhs_type mode hs_ty ek
; return (wcs, ty) }
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
PuResult(..), failCheckWith, okCheckRefl, mapCheck,
TyEqFlags(..), TyEqFamApp(..), AreUnifying(..), LevelCheck(..), FamAppBreaker,
famAppArgFlags, simpleUnifyCheck, checkPromoteFreeVars,
+ -- Is that safe?
+ fillInferResult,
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-_ :: k
+_ :: p
Maybe _ :: *
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