[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/sand-witch/fix-tysyn] Fix compiler crash caused by implicit RHS quantification in type synonyms (24470)

Andrei Borzenkov (@sand-witch) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Mar 7 13:24:48 UTC 2024

Andrei Borzenkov pushed to branch wip/sand-witch/fix-tysyn at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

26fa4a3a by Andrei Borzenkov at 2024-03-07T17:24:28+04:00
Fix compiler crash caused by implicit RHS quantification in type synonyms (24470)

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T24470b.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T24470a.hs
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T24470a.stderr
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/all.T


@@ -1911,6 +1911,11 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
            , text "in a fixity signature"
+    TcRnOutOfArityTyVar ts_name tv_name -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+      text "Type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv_name) <+>
+      text "in the right-hand side of type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr ts_name) <+>
+      text "is out of arity"
   diagnosticReason :: TcRnMessage -> DiagnosticReason
   diagnosticReason = \case
     TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -2543,6 +2548,8 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
       -> ErrorWithoutFlag
       -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+    TcRnOutOfArityTyVar{}
+      -> ErrorWithoutFlag
   diagnosticHints = \case
     TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -3209,6 +3216,8 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
       -> noHints
       -> [suggestExtension LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces]
+    TcRnOutOfArityTyVar{}
+      -> noHints
   diagnosticCode = constructorCode

@@ -2272,6 +2272,8 @@ data TcRnMessage where
       where the implicitly-bound type type variables can't be matched up unambiguously
       with the ones from the signature. See Note [Disconnected type variables] in
+      Test cases: T24083
   TcRnDisconnectedTyVar :: !Name -> TcRnMessage
@@ -4263,6 +4265,23 @@ data TcRnMessage where
   TcRnNamespacedFixitySigWithoutFlag :: FixitySig GhcPs -> TcRnMessage
+  {-| TcRnOutOfArityTyVar is an error raised when an implicitly quantified
+      type variable on the RHS of a type synonym doesn't match the arity specified
+      by a user on the LHS of the type synonym.
+      Example:
+        type SynBad :: forall k. k -> Type
+        type SynBad = Proxy :: j -> Type
+      Test cases:
+        T24770a
+  -}
+  TcRnOutOfArityTyVar
+    :: Name -- ^ Type synonym's name
+    -> Name -- ^ Type variable's name
+    -> TcRnMessage
   deriving Generic

@@ -2617,7 +2617,7 @@ kcCheckDeclHeader_sig sig_kind name flav
         ; implicit_tvs <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcTyVarsToTcTyVars implicit_tvs
         ; let implicit_prs = implicit_nms `zip` implicit_tvs
         ; checkForDuplicateScopedTyVars implicit_prs
-        ; checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars flav all_tcbs implicit_prs
+        ; checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars name flav all_tcbs implicit_prs
         -- Swizzle the Names so that the TyCon uses the user-declared implicit names
         -- E.g  type T :: k -> Type
@@ -2978,25 +2978,32 @@ expectedKindInCtxt _                   = OpenKind
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars :: TyConFlavour TyCon -> [TcTyConBinder]
+checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars :: Name -> TyConFlavour TyCon -> [TcTyConBinder]
                                  -> [(Name,TcTyVar)] -> TcM ()
 -- See Note [Disconnected type variables]
+-- For type synonym case see Note [Out of arity type variables]
 -- `scoped_prs` is the mapping gotten by unifying
 --    - the standalone kind signature for T, with
 --    - the header of the type/class declaration for T
-checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars flav sig_tcbs scoped_prs
-  = when (needsEtaExpansion flav) $
+checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars name flav all_tcbs scoped_prs
          -- needsEtaExpansion: see wrinkle (DTV1) in Note [Disconnected type variables]
-    mapM_ report_disconnected (filterOut ok scoped_prs)
+  | needsEtaExpansion flav     = mapM_ report_disconnected (filterOut ok scoped_prs)
+  | flav == TypeSynonymFlavour = mapM_ report_out_of_arity (filterOut ok scoped_prs)
+  | otherwise = pure ()
-    sig_tvs = mkVarSet (binderVars sig_tcbs)
-    ok (_, tc_tv) = tc_tv `elemVarSet` sig_tvs
+    all_tvs = mkVarSet (binderVars all_tcbs)
+    ok (_, tc_tv) = tc_tv `elemVarSet` all_tvs
     report_disconnected :: (Name,TcTyVar) -> TcM ()
     report_disconnected (nm, _)
       = setSrcSpan (getSrcSpan nm) $
         addErrTc $ TcRnDisconnectedTyVar nm
+    report_out_of_arity :: (Name,TcTyVar) -> TcM ()
+    report_out_of_arity (tv_nm, _)
+      = setSrcSpan (getSrcSpan tv_nm) $
+        addErrTc $ TcRnOutOfArityTyVar name tv_nm
 checkForDuplicateScopedTyVars :: [(Name,TcTyVar)] -> TcM ()
 -- Check for duplicates
 -- E.g. data SameKind (a::k) (b::k)
@@ -3083,6 +3090,52 @@ explicitly, rather than binding it implicitly via unification.
   The scoped-tyvar stuff is needed precisely for data/class/newtype declarations,
   where needsEtaExpansion is True.
+Note [Out of arity type variables]
+Type signatures have special rule about scoping of the outmost kind signatures:
+  type P = Proxy :: k -> Type
+Here `k` isn't bind anywhere, however GHC performs implicit binding in this
+specific case, so the example above becomes equivalent to that declaration:
+  type P @k = Proxy :: k -> Type
+Doing so changes arity of type synonym declaration and could be observed e.g. when
+we use type synonym in high order position:
+  type T :: (forall k. k -> Type) -> Type
+  type P = Proxy
+  x :: T P -- Expected kind ‘forall k. k -> *’, but ‘P’ has kind ‘k0 -> *’
+To give user more control under arity of type declaration, we do not perform
+airty inference in check mode (i.e. when type synonym has standalone kind signature)
+starting from e89aa0721ca commit:
+  type T :: (forall k. k -> Type) -> Type
+  type P :: forall k. k -> Type
+  type P = Proxy
+  x :: T P -- OK
+However, renamer still adds type variables from outmost kind signature into
+scope (see #24470) because it doesn't have infromation about standalone kind
+signature in the context:
+  type P :: forall j. j -> Type
+  type P = Proxy :: k -> Type -- `k` is not in scope during type checking,
+                              -- but it passed the renamer
+To handle this case, we add validation into `checkForDisconnectedScopedTyVars` function.
+Notice that an implicit binding isn't a problem itself, but becomes a problem when
+it's out of specified arity of type synonym, i.e. this code is fine:
+  type P :: forall j. j -> Type
+  type P @j = Proxy :: k -> Type
 {- *********************************************************************

@@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnInvisPatWithNoForAll"                      = 14964
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalInvisibleTypePattern"               = 78249
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnNamespacedFixitySigWithoutFlag"            = 78534
+  GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnOutOfArityTyVar"                           = 84925
   -- TcRnTypeApplicationsDisabled
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TypeApplication"                               = 23482

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-implicit-rhs-quantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeAbstractions #-}
+module T24470b where
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Data
+type SynOK :: forall k. k -> Type
+type SynOK @t = Proxy :: j -> Type

@@ -911,3 +911,4 @@ test('T22788', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T21206', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17594a', req_th, compile, [''])
 test('T17594f', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T24470b', normal, compile, [''])

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module T24470a where
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Kind
+type SynBad :: forall k. k -> Type
+type SynBad = Proxy :: j -> Type

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+T24470a.hs:7:24: error: [GHC-84925]
+    • Type variable ‘j’ in the right-hand side of type synonym ‘SynBad’ is out of arity
+    • In the type synonym declaration for ‘SynBad’

@@ -721,3 +721,5 @@ test('DoExpansion3', normal, compile, ['-fdefer-type-errors'])
 test('T17594c', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T17594d', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T17594g', normal, compile_fail, [''])
+test('T24470a', normal, compile_fail, [''])

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