[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24471] 8 commits: rel_eng: Update hackage docs upload scripts

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Mar 5 22:00:36 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24471 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

18ad1077 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-05T14:22:31-05:00
rel_eng: Update hackage docs upload scripts

This adds the upload of ghc-internal and ghc-experimental to our scripts
which upload packages to hackage.

- - - - -
bf47c9ba by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-05T14:22:31-05:00
docs: Remove stray module comment from GHC.Profiling.Eras

- - - - -
37d9b340 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-05T14:22:31-05:00
Fix ghc-internal cabal file

The file mentioned some artifacts relating to the base library. I have
renamed these to the new ghc-internal variants.

- - - - -
23f2a478 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-03-05T14:22:31-05:00
Fix haddock source links and hyperlinked source

There were a few issues with the hackage links:

1. We were using the package id rather than the package name for the
   package links. This is fixed by now allowing the template to mention
   %pkg% or %pkgid% and substituing both appropiatly.
2. The `--haddock-base-url` flag is renamed to `--haddock-for-hackage`
   as the new base link works on a local or remote hackage server.
3. The "src" path including too much stuff, so cross-package source
   links were broken as the template was getting double expanded.

Fixes #24086

- - - - -
2fa336a9 by Ben Gamari at 2024-03-05T14:23:07-05:00
filepath: Bump submodule to

- - - - -
31217944 by Ben Gamari at 2024-03-05T14:23:07-05:00
os-string: Bump submodule to 2.0.2

- - - - -
7841fb71 by Ben Gamari at 2024-03-05T22:00:21+00:00
ghc-experimental: Add dummy dependencies to work around #24436

This is a temporary measure to improve CI reliability until a proper
solution is developed.

- - - - -
5c227bca by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-03-05T22:00:21+00:00
Three compile perf improvements with deep nesting

These were changes are all triggered by #24471.

1. Make GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels.lvlMFE behave better when there are
   many free variables.  See Note [Large free-variable sets].

2. Make GHC.Core.Opt.Arity.floatIn a bit lazier in its Cost argument.
   This benefits the common case where the ArityType turns out to
   be nullary. See Note [Care with nested expressions]

3. Make GHC.CoreToStg.Prep.cpeArg behave for deeply-nested
   expressions.  See Note [Eta expansion of arguments in CorePrep]
   wrinkle (EA2).

Compile times go down by up to 4.5%, and much more in artificial
cases. (Geo mean of compiler/perf changes is -0.4%.)

Metric Decrease:

- - - - -

18 changed files:

- .gitlab/generate-ci/gen_ci.hs
- .gitlab/jobs.yaml
- .gitlab/rel_eng/upload_ghc_libs.py
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SetLevels.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs
- hadrian/README.md
- hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Haddock.hs
- libraries/filepath
- libraries/ghc-experimental/src/Data/Sum/Experimental.hs
- libraries/ghc-experimental/src/Data/Tuple/Experimental.hs
- libraries/ghc-experimental/src/GHC/Profiling/Eras.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/ghc-internal.cabal
- libraries/os-string
- + testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T24471.hs
- + testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T24471a.hs
- testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T


@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ job_groups =
     -- (see Note [Object unloading]).
     fullyStaticBrokenTests = modifyJobs (addVariable "BROKEN_TESTS" "ghcilink002 linker_unload_native")
-    hackage_doc_job = rename (<> "-hackage") . modifyJobs (addVariable "HADRIAN_ARGS" "--haddock-base-url")
+    hackage_doc_job = rename (<> "-hackage") . modifyJobs (addVariable "HADRIAN_ARGS" "--haddock-for-hackage")
     tsan_jobs =

@@ -2330,7 +2330,7 @@
       "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-fedora33-release",
       "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "release",
       "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--enable-strict-ghc-toolchain-check",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--haddock-base-url",
+      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--haddock-for-hackage",
       "LLC": "/bin/false",
       "OPT": "/bin/false",
       "RUNTEST_ARGS": "",
@@ -4007,7 +4007,7 @@
       "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-fedora33-release",
       "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "release",
       "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--enable-strict-ghc-toolchain-check",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--haddock-base-url --hash-unit-ids",
+      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--haddock-for-hackage --hash-unit-ids",
       "IGNORE_PERF_FAILURES": "all",
       "LLC": "/bin/false",
       "OPT": "/bin/false",

@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ def prep_base():
     shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/base')
     shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/base')
+def prep_ghc_internal():
+    shutil.copy('config.guess', 'libraries/ghc-internal')
+    shutil.copy('config.sub', 'libraries/ghc-internal')
 def build_copy_file(pkg: Package, f: Path):
     target = Path('_build') / 'stage1' / pkg.path / 'build' / f
     dest = pkg.path / f
@@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ PACKAGES = {
     pkg.name: pkg
     for pkg in [
         Package('base', Path("libraries/base"), prep_base),
+        Package('ghc-internal', Path("libraries/ghc-internal"), prep_ghc_internal),
+        Package('ghc-experimental', Path("libraries/ghc-experimental"), no_prep),
         Package('ghc-prim', Path("libraries/ghc-prim"), prep_ghc_prim),
         Package('integer-gmp', Path("libraries/integer-gmp"), no_prep),
         Package('ghc-bignum', Path("libraries/ghc-bignum"), prep_ghc_bignum),

@@ -1270,8 +1270,14 @@ arityLam id (AT oss div)
 floatIn :: Cost -> ArityType -> ArityType
 -- We have something like (let x = E in b),
 -- where b has the given arity type.
-floatIn IsCheap     at = at
-floatIn IsExpensive at = addWork at
+-- NB: be as lazy as possible in the Cost-of-E argument;
+--     we can often get away without ever looking at it
+--     See Note [Care with nested expressions]
+floatIn ch at@(AT lams div)
+  = case lams of
+      []                 -> at
+      (IsExpensive,_):_  -> at
+      (_,os):lams        -> AT ((ch,os):lams) div
 addWork :: ArityType -> ArityType
 -- Add work to the outermost level of the arity type
@@ -1354,6 +1360,25 @@ That gives \1.T (see Note [Combining case branches: andWithTail],
 first bullet).  So 'go2' gets an arityType of \(C?)(C1).T, which is
 what we want.
+Note [Care with nested expressions]
+    arityType (Just <big-expressions>)
+We will take
+    arityType Just = AT [(IsCheap,os)] topDiv
+and then do
+    arityApp (AT [(IsCheap os)] topDiv) (exprCost <big-expression>)
+The result will be AT [] topDiv.  It doesn't matter what <big-expresison>
+is!  The same is true of
+    arityType (let x = <rhs> in <body>)
+where the cost of <rhs> doesn't matter unless <body> has a useful
+TL;DR in `floatIn`, do not to look at the Cost argument until you have to.
+I found this when looking at #24471, although I don't think it was really
+the main culprit.
 Note [Combining case branches: andWithTail]
 When combining the ArityTypes for two case branches (with andArityType)
@@ -1576,7 +1601,7 @@ arityType env (Case scrut bndr _ alts)
   = alts_type
   | otherwise            -- In the remaining cases we may not push
-  = addWork alts_type -- evaluation of the scrutinee in
+  = addWork alts_type    -- evaluation of the scrutinee in
     env' = delInScope env bndr
     arity_type_alt (Alt _con bndrs rhs) = arityType (delInScopeList env' bndrs) rhs

@@ -643,7 +643,8 @@ lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e@(_, AnnCase {})
   = lvlExpr env e     -- See Note [Case MFEs]
 lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
-  |  floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
+  | not float_me
+  || floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
          -- Only floating to the top level is allowed.
   || hasFreeJoin env fvs   -- If there is a free join, don't float
                            -- See Note [Free join points]
@@ -652,8 +653,9 @@ lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
          -- how it will be represented at runtime.
          -- See Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
   || notWorthFloating expr abs_vars
-  || not float_me
-  =     -- Don't float it out
+         -- Test notWorhtFloating last;
+         -- See Note [Large free-variable sets]
+  = -- Don't float it out
     lvlExpr env ann_expr
   |  float_is_new_lam || exprIsTopLevelBindable expr expr_ty
@@ -822,6 +824,28 @@ early loses opportunities for RULES which (needless to say) are
 important in some nofib programs (gcd is an example).  [SPJ note:
 I think this is obsolete; the flag seems always on.]
+Note [Large free-variable sets]
+In #24471 we had something like
+     x1 = I# 1
+     ...
+     x1000 = I# 1000
+     foo = f x1 (f x2 (f x3 ....))
+So every sub-expression in `foo` has lots and lots of free variables.  But
+none of these sub-expressions float anywhere; the entire float-out pass is a
+In lvlMFE, we want to find out quickly if the MFE is not-floatable; that is
+the common case.  In #24471 it turned out that we were testing `abs_vars` (a
+relatively complicated calculation that takes at least O(n-free-vars) time to
+compute) for every sub-expression.
+Better instead to test `float_me` early. That still involves looking at
+dest_lvl, which means looking at every free variable, but the constant factor
+is a lot better.
+ToDo: find a way to fix the bad asymptotic complexity.
 Note [Floating join point bindings]
 Mostly we only float a join point if it can /stay/ a join point.  But

@@ -1469,8 +1469,7 @@ cpeArg env dmd arg
   = do { (floats1, arg1) <- cpeRhsE env arg     -- arg1 can be a lambda
        ; let arg_ty      = exprType arg1
              is_unlifted = isUnliftedType arg_ty
-             dec         = wantFloatLocal NonRecursive dmd is_unlifted
-                                                  floats1 arg1
+             dec         = wantFloatLocal NonRecursive dmd is_unlifted floats1 arg1
        ; (floats2, arg2) <- executeFloatDecision dec floats1 arg1
                 -- Else case: arg1 might have lambdas, and we can't
                 --            put them inside a wrapBinds
@@ -1482,23 +1481,29 @@ cpeArg env dmd arg
          then return (floats2, arg2)
          else do { v <- newVar arg_ty
                  -- See Note [Eta expansion of arguments in CorePrep]
-                 ; let arg3 = cpeEtaExpandArg env arg2
+                 ; let arity = cpeArgArity env dec arg2
+                       arg3  = cpeEtaExpand arity arg2
                        arg_float = mkNonRecFloat env dmd is_unlifted v arg3
                  ; return (snocFloat floats2 arg_float, varToCoreExpr v) }
-cpeEtaExpandArg :: CorePrepEnv -> CoreArg -> CoreArg
+cpeArgArity :: CorePrepEnv -> FloatDecision -> CoreArg -> Arity
 -- ^ See Note [Eta expansion of arguments in CorePrep]
-cpeEtaExpandArg env arg = cpeEtaExpand arity arg
-  where
-    arity | Just ao <- cp_arityOpts (cpe_config env) -- Just <=> -O1 or -O2
-          , not (has_join_in_tail_context arg)
+-- Returning 0 means "no eta-expansion"; see cpeEtaExpand
+cpeArgArity env float_decision arg
+  | FloatNone <- float_decision
+  = 0    -- Crucial short-cut
+         -- See wrinkle (EA2) in Note [Eta expansion of arguments in CorePrep]
+  | Just ao <- cp_arityOpts (cpe_config env) -- Just <=> -O1 or -O2
+  , not (has_join_in_tail_context arg)
             -- See Wrinkle (EA1) of Note [Eta expansion of arguments in CorePrep]
-          = case exprEtaExpandArity ao arg of
-              Nothing -> 0
-              Just at -> arityTypeArity at
-          | otherwise
-          = exprArity arg -- this is cheap enough for -O0
+  = case exprEtaExpandArity ao arg of
+      Nothing -> 0
+      Just at -> arityTypeArity at
+  | otherwise
+  = exprArity arg -- this is cheap enough for -O0
 has_join_in_tail_context :: CoreExpr -> Bool
 -- ^ Identify the cases where we'd generate invalid `CpeApp`s as described in
@@ -1510,34 +1515,10 @@ has_join_in_tail_context (Tick _ e)            = has_join_in_tail_context e
 has_join_in_tail_context (Case _ _ _ alts)     = any has_join_in_tail_context (rhssOfAlts alts)
 has_join_in_tail_context _                     = False
-Note [Eta expansion of arguments with join heads]
-See Note [Eta expansion for join points] in GHC.Core.Opt.Arity
-Eta expanding the join point would introduce crap that we can't
-generate code for
--- Building the saturated syntax
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Note [Eta expansion of hasNoBinding things in CorePrep]
-maybeSaturate deals with eta expanding to saturate things that can't deal with
-unsaturated applications (identified by 'hasNoBinding', currently
-foreign calls, unboxed tuple/sum constructors, and representation-polymorphic
-primitives such as 'coerce' and 'unsafeCoerce#').
-Historical Note: Note that eta expansion in CorePrep used to be very fragile
-due to the "prediction" of CAFfyness that we used to make during tidying.
-We previously saturated primop
-applications here as well but due to this fragility (see #16846) we now deal
-with this another way, as described in Note [Primop wrappers] in GHC.Builtin.PrimOps.
 maybeSaturate :: Id -> CpeApp -> Int -> [CoreTickish] -> UniqSM CpeRhs
 maybeSaturate fn expr n_args unsat_ticks
   | hasNoBinding fn        -- There's no binding
+    -- See Note [Eta expansion of hasNoBinding things in CorePrep]
   = return $ wrapLamBody (\body -> foldr mkTick body unsat_ticks) sat_expr
   | mark_arity > 0 -- A call-by-value function. See Note [CBV Function Ids]
@@ -1567,24 +1548,14 @@ maybeSaturate fn expr n_args unsat_ticks
     fn_arity      = idArity fn
     excess_arity  = (max fn_arity mark_arity) - n_args
     sat_expr      = cpeEtaExpand excess_arity expr
-    applied_marks = n_args >= (length . dropWhile (not . isMarkedCbv) . reverse . expectJust "maybeSaturate" $ (idCbvMarks_maybe fn))
+    applied_marks = n_args >= (length . dropWhile (not . isMarkedCbv) .
+                               reverse . expectJust "maybeSaturate" $ (idCbvMarks_maybe fn))
     -- For join points we never eta-expand (See Note [Do not eta-expand join points])
-    -- so we assert all arguments that need to be passed cbv are visible so that the backend can evalaute them if required..
-*                                                                      *
-                Simple GHC.Core operations
-*                                                                      *
+    -- so we assert all arguments that need to be passed cbv are visible so that the
+    -- backend can evalaute them if required..
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---      Eta reduction
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Note [Eta expansion]
+{- Note [Eta expansion]
 Eta expand to match the arity claimed by the binder Remember,
 CorePrep must not change arity
@@ -1603,6 +1574,19 @@ NB2: we have to be careful that the result of etaExpand doesn't
    an SCC note - we're now careful in etaExpand to make sure the
    SCC is pushed inside any new lambdas that are generated.
+Note [Eta expansion of hasNoBinding things in CorePrep]
+maybeSaturate deals with eta expanding to saturate things that can't deal
+with unsaturated applications (identified by 'hasNoBinding', currently
+foreign calls, unboxed tuple/sum constructors, and representation-polymorphic
+primitives such as 'coerce' and 'unsafeCoerce#').
+Historical Note: Note that eta expansion in CorePrep used to be very fragile
+due to the "prediction" of CAFfyness that we used to make during tidying.  We
+previously saturated primop applications here as well but due to this
+fragility (see #16846) we now deal with this another way, as described in
+Note [Primop wrappers] in GHC.Builtin.PrimOps.
 Note [Eta expansion and the CorePrep invariants]
 It turns out to be much much easier to do eta expansion
@@ -1685,6 +1669,22 @@ There is a nasty Wrinkle:
       This scenario occurs rarely; hence it's OK to generate sub-optimal code.
       The alternative would be to fix Note [Eta expansion for join points], but
       that's quite challenging due to unfoldings of (recursive) join points.
+(EA2) In cpeArgArity, if float_decision = FloatNone) the `arg` will look like
+           let <binds> in rhs
+      where <binds> is non-empty and can't be floated out of a lazy context (see
+      `wantFloatLocal`). So we can't eta-expand it anyway, so we can return 0
+      forthwith.  Without this short-cut we will call exprEtaExpandArity on the
+      `arg`, and <binds> might be enormous. exprEtaExpandArity be very expensive
+      on this: it uses arityType, and may look at <binds>.
+      On the other hand, if float_decision = FloatAll, there will be no
+      let-bindings around 'arg'; they will have floated out.  So
+      exprEtaExpandArity is cheap.
+      This can make a huge difference on deeply nested expressions like
+         f (f (f (f (f  ...))))
+      #24471 is a good example, where Prep took 25% of compile time!
 cpeEtaExpand :: Arity -> CpeRhs -> CpeRhs
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ instance Outputable FloatInfo where
 -- See Note [Floating in CorePrep]
 -- and Note [BindInfo and FloatInfo]
 data FloatingBind
-  = Float !CoreBind !BindInfo !FloatInfo
+  = Float !CoreBind !BindInfo !FloatInfo    -- Never a join-point binding
   | UnsafeEqualityCase !CoreExpr !CoreBndr !AltCon ![CoreBndr]
   | FloatTick CoreTickish
@@ -2126,19 +2126,16 @@ data FloatDecision
   | FloatAll
 executeFloatDecision :: FloatDecision -> Floats -> CpeRhs -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
-executeFloatDecision dec floats rhs = do
-  let (float,stay) = case dec of
-        _ | isEmptyFloats floats -> (emptyFloats,emptyFloats)
-        FloatNone                -> (emptyFloats, floats)
-        FloatAll                 -> (floats, emptyFloats)
-  -- Wrap `stay` around `rhs`.
-  -- NB: `rhs` might have lambdas, and we can't
-  --     put them inside a wrapBinds, which expects a `CpeBody`.
-  if isEmptyFloats stay -- Fast path where we don't need to call `rhsToBody`
-    then return (float, rhs)
-    else do
-      (floats', body) <- rhsToBody rhs
-      return (float, wrapBinds stay $ wrapBinds floats' body)
+executeFloatDecision dec floats rhs
+  = case dec of
+      FloatAll                 -> return (floats, rhs)
+      FloatNone
+        | isEmptyFloats floats -> return (emptyFloats, rhs)
+        | otherwise            -> do { (floats', body) <- rhsToBody rhs
+                                     ; return (emptyFloats, wrapBinds floats $
+                                                            wrapBinds floats' body) }
+            -- FloatNone case: `rhs` might have lambdas, and we can't
+            -- put them inside a wrapBinds, which expects a `CpeBody`.
 wantFloatTop :: Floats -> FloatDecision
 wantFloatTop fs

@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ all of the documentation targets:
 You can pass several `--docs=...` flags, Hadrian will combine
 their effects.
-To build haddock documentation for upload to hackage you need to pass the `--haddock-base-url` flag,
-by default this will choose a url suitable for uploading to hackage but you might also want to pass something like
-`` for testing upload locally on a local hackage server.
+To build haddock documentation for upload to hackage you need to pass the `--haddock-for-hackage` flag,
+This will generate URLs which are appropiate for either uploading to a local hackage
+server or the global hackage server.
 #### Source distribution

@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import System.Environment
 import qualified System.Directory as Directory
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Maybe
 data TestSpeed = TestSlow | TestNormal | TestFast deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ data DocArgs = DocArgs
   } deriving (Eq, Show)
 defaultDocArgs :: DocArgs
-defaultDocArgs = DocArgs { docsBaseUrl = "../%pkg%" }
+defaultDocArgs = DocArgs { docsBaseUrl = "../%pkgid%" }
 readConfigure :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
 readConfigure = Left "hadrian --configure has been deprecated (see #20167). Please run ./boot; ./configure manually"
@@ -192,11 +191,11 @@ readTestOnlyPerf = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testO
 readTestSkipPerf :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
 readTestSkipPerf = Right $ \flags -> flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testSkipPerf = True } }
-readHaddockBaseUrl :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
-readHaddockBaseUrl base_url = Right $ \flags ->
-  flags { docsArgs = (docsArgs flags) { docsBaseUrl = base_url' } }
+readHaddockBaseUrl :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
+readHaddockBaseUrl = Right $ \flags ->
+  flags { docsArgs = (docsArgs flags) { docsBaseUrl = base_url } }
-  where base_url' = fromMaybe "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%pkg%/docs" base_url
+  where base_url = "/package/%pkg%/docs"
 readTestRootDirs :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
@@ -320,8 +319,8 @@ optDescrs =
         "Destination path for the bindist 'install' rule"
     , Option [] ["complete-setting"] (OptArg readCompleteStg "SETTING")
         "Setting key to autocomplete, for the 'autocomplete' target."
-    , Option [] ["haddock-base-url"] (OptArg readHaddockBaseUrl "BASE_URL")
-        "Generate documentation suitable for upload to hackage or for another base URL (for example a local hackage server)."
+    , Option [] ["haddock-for-hackage"] (NoArg readHaddockBaseUrl)
+        "Generate documentation suitable for upload to a hackage server."
 -- | A type-indexed map containing Hadrian command line arguments to be passed

@@ -43,12 +43,15 @@ haddockBuilderArgs = mconcat
         version  <- expr $ pkgVersion  pkg
         synopsis <- expr $ pkgSynopsis pkg
         haddocks <- expr $ haddockDependencies context
-        haddocks_with_versions <- expr $ sequence $ [(,h) <$> pkgUnitId stage p | (p, h) <- haddocks]
+        haddocks_with_versions <- expr $ sequence $ [(,,h) <$> pkgSimpleIdentifier p <*> pkgUnitId stage p | (p, h) <- haddocks]
         hVersion <- expr $ pkgVersion haddock
         statsDir <- expr $ haddockStatsFilesDir
         baseUrlTemplate <- expr (docsBaseUrl <$> userSetting defaultDocArgs)
-        let baseUrl p = substituteTemplate baseUrlTemplate p
+        -- The path to where the docs for a package are
+        let docpath p = substituteTemplate baseUrlTemplate p
+        -- The path to where the src folder is for a package (typically docs ++ "/src/")
+        let srcpath p = docpath p ++ "/src/"
         ghcOpts  <- haddockGhcArgs
         -- These are the options which are necessary to perform the build. Additional
         -- options such as `--hyperlinked-source`, `--hoogle`, `--quickjump` are
@@ -67,14 +70,18 @@ haddockBuilderArgs = mconcat
             , arg $ "--optghc=-D__HADDOCK_VERSION__="
                     ++ show (versionToInt hVersion)
             , map ("--hide=" ++) <$> getContextData otherModules
-            , pure [ "--read-interface=../" ++ p
-                     ++ "," ++ baseUrl p ++ "/src/%{MODULE}.html#%{NAME},"
-                     ++ haddock | (p, haddock) <- haddocks_with_versions ]
+            , pure [ "--read-interface=" ++ docpath (p, pid)
+                     ++ "," ++ srcpath (p, pid) ++ ","
+                     ++ haddock | (p, pid, haddock) <- haddocks_with_versions ]
             , pure [ "--optghc=" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOpts, not ("--package-db" `isInfixOf` opt) ]
             , arg "+RTS"
             , arg $ "-t" ++ (statsDir -/- pkgName pkg ++ ".t")
             , arg "--machine-readable"
             , arg "-RTS" ] ]
-substituteTemplate :: String -> String -> String
-substituteTemplate baseTemplate pkgId = T.unpack . T.replace "%pkg%" (T.pack pkgId) . T.pack $ baseTemplate
+substituteTemplate :: String -> (String, String) -> String
+substituteTemplate baseTemplate (pkg, pkgId) =
+  T.unpack
+    . T.replace "%pkg%" (T.pack pkg)
+    . T.replace "%pkgid%" (T.pack pkgId)
+    . T.pack $ baseTemplate

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit b55465e3d174ccd63914e7146079435503204187
+Subproject commit 4dd36add328032f9cbf0eff2a3511ab4369b18eb

@@ -80,4 +80,5 @@ module Data.Sum.Experimental (
 ) where
+import GHC.Num.BigNat () -- for build ordering
 import GHC.Types

@@ -161,3 +161,4 @@ module Data.Tuple.Experimental (
 import GHC.Tuple
 import GHC.Types
 import GHC.Classes
+import GHC.Num.BigNat () -- for build ordering

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- | TODO move this module into ghc-internals
 module GHC.Profiling.Eras ( setUserEra
                      , getUserEra
                      , incrementUserEra

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ description:
-    base.buildinfo
+    ghc-internal.buildinfo
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ extra-tmp-files:
-    base.buildinfo.in
-    changelog.md
+    ghc-internal.buildinfo.in

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit fb2711ba1f43fd609de0e231e161025ee8ed3216
+Subproject commit 6c567f572e62437b8431b0f64b91393c40b677c8

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module T24471 where
+import T24471a
+{-# OPAQUE foo #-}
+foo :: (List_ Int a -> a) -> a
+foo alg = $$(between [|| alg ||] 0 1000)

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module T24471a where
+data List_ a f = Nil_ | Cons_ a f deriving Functor
+between alg a b
+  | a == b = [|| $$alg Nil_ ||]
+  | otherwise = [|| $$alg (Cons_ a $$(between alg (a + 1) b)) ||]

@@ -712,3 +712,7 @@ test ('LookupFusion',
       [collect_stats('bytes allocated',2), when(wordsize(32), skip)],
       ['-O2 -package base'])
+     [ collect_compiler_stats('all', 5) ],
+     multimod_compile, ['T24471', '-v0 -O'])

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