[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24945] 6 commits: Improve haddocks of Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat.Pat

Cheng Shao (@TerrorJack) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Jun 8 04:35:04 UTC 2024

Cheng Shao pushed to branch wip/T24945 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

8650338d by Jan Hrček at 2024-06-06T10:39:24-04:00
Improve haddocks of Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat.Pat

- - - - -
2eee65e1 by Cheng Shao at 2024-06-06T10:40:00-04:00
testsuite: bump T7653 timeout for wasm

- - - - -
990fed60 by Sylvain Henry at 2024-06-07T14:45:23-04:00
StgToCmm: refactor opTranslate and friends

- Change arguments order to avoid `\args -> ...` lambdas
- Fix documentation
- Rename StgToCmm options ("big" doesn't mean anything)

- - - - -
1afad514 by Sylvain Henry at 2024-06-07T14:45:23-04:00
NCG x86: remove dead code (#5444)

Since 6755d833af8c21bbad6585144b10e20ac4a0a1ab this code is dead.

- - - - -
595c0894 by Cheng Shao at 2024-06-07T14:45:58-04:00
testsuite: skip objc-hi/objcxx-hi when cross compiling

objc-hi/objcxx-hi should be skipped when cross compiling. The existing
opsys('darwin') predicate only asserts the host system is darwin but
tells us nothing about the target, hence the oversight.

- - - - -
5ef6cbeb by Cheng Shao at 2024-06-08T04:34:32+00:00
rts: cleanup inlining logic

This patch removes pre-C11 legacy code paths related to
is treated as static inline in most cases (fixes #24945), and also
corrects the comments accordingly.

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Config.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Pat.hs
- libraries/base/tests/all.T
- rts/Inlines.c
- rts/include/Stg.h
- testsuite/tests/driver/objc/all.T


@@ -94,12 +94,6 @@ is32BitPlatform = do
     platform <- getPlatform
     return $ target32Bit platform
-expect32BitPlatform :: SDoc -> NatM ()
-expect32BitPlatform doc = do
-  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
-  when (not is32Bit) $
-    pprPanic "Expecting 32-bit platform" doc
 sse2Enabled :: NatM Bool
 sse2Enabled = do
   config <- getConfig
@@ -2475,35 +2469,10 @@ genSimplePrim bid MO_F64_Acosh         [dst]   [src]          = genLibCCall bid
 genSimplePrim bid MO_F64_Atanh         [dst]   [src]          = genLibCCall bid (fsLit "atanh") [dst] [src]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_SuspendThread     [tok]   [rs,i]         = genRTSCCall bid (fsLit "suspendThread") [tok] [rs,i]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_ResumeThread      [rs]    [tok]          = genRTSCCall bid (fsLit "resumeThread") [rs] [tok]
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_ToI           [dst]   [src]          = genInt64ToInt dst src
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_FromI         [dst]   [src]          = genIntToInt64 dst src
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_ToW           [dst]   [src]          = genWord64ToWord dst src
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_FromW         [dst]   [src]          = genWordToWord64 dst src
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Neg           [dst]   [src]          = genNeg64 dst src
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Add           [dst]   [x,y]          = genAdd64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Sub           [dst]   [x,y]          = genSub64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim bid MO_x64_Mul           [dst]   [x,y]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_mul64") [dst] [x,y]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_I64_Quot          [dst]   [x,y]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_quotInt64") [dst] [x,y]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_I64_Rem           [dst]   [x,y]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_remInt64") [dst] [x,y]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_W64_Quot          [dst]   [x,y]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_quotWord64") [dst] [x,y]
 genSimplePrim bid MO_W64_Rem           [dst]   [x,y]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_remWord64") [dst] [x,y]
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_And           [dst]   [x,y]          = genAnd64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Or            [dst]   [x,y]          = genOr64  dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Xor           [dst]   [x,y]          = genXor64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Not           [dst]   [src]          = genNot64 dst src
-genSimplePrim bid MO_x64_Shl           [dst]   [x,n]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_uncheckedShiftL64") [dst] [x,n]
-genSimplePrim bid MO_I64_Shr           [dst]   [x,n]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_uncheckedIShiftRA64") [dst] [x,n]
-genSimplePrim bid MO_W64_Shr           [dst]   [x,n]          = genPrimCCall bid (fsLit "hs_uncheckedShiftRL64") [dst] [x,n]
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Eq            [dst]   [x,y]          = genEq64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_x64_Ne            [dst]   [x,y]          = genNe64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_Ge            [dst]   [x,y]          = genGeInt64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_Gt            [dst]   [x,y]          = genGtInt64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_Le            [dst]   [x,y]          = genLeInt64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_I64_Lt            [dst]   [x,y]          = genLtInt64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_Ge            [dst]   [x,y]          = genGeWord64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_Gt            [dst]   [x,y]          = genGtWord64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_Le            [dst]   [x,y]          = genLeWord64 dst x y
-genSimplePrim _   MO_W64_Lt            [dst]   [x,y]          = genLtWord64 dst x y
 genSimplePrim _   op                   dst     args           = do
   platform <- ncgPlatform <$> getConfig
   pprPanic "genSimplePrim: unhandled primop" (ppr (pprCallishMachOp op, dst, fmap (pdoc platform) args))
@@ -4462,231 +4431,3 @@ genQuotRem width signed res_q res_r m_arg_x_high arg_x_low arg_y = do
                toOL [instr format y_reg,
                      MOV format (OpReg rax) (OpReg reg_q),
                      MOV format (OpReg rdx) (OpReg reg_r)]
--- The following functions implement certain 64-bit MachOps inline for 32-bit
--- architectures. On 64-bit architectures, those MachOps aren't supported and
--- calling these functions for a 64-bit target platform is considered an error
--- (hence the use of `expect32BitPlatform`).
--- On 64-bit platforms, generic MachOps should be used instead of these 64-bit
--- specific ones (e.g. use MO_Add instead of MO_x64_Add). This MachOp selection
--- is done by StgToCmm.
-genInt64ToInt :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genInt64ToInt dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genInt64ToInt")
-  RegCode64 code _src_hi src_lo <- iselExpr64 src
-  let dst_r = getLocalRegReg dst
-  pure $ code `snocOL` MOV II32 (OpReg src_lo) (OpReg dst_r)
-genWord64ToWord :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genWord64ToWord dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genWord64ToWord")
-  RegCode64 code _src_hi src_lo <- iselExpr64 src
-  let dst_r = getLocalRegReg dst
-  pure $ code `snocOL` MOV II32 (OpReg src_lo) (OpReg dst_r)
-genIntToInt64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genIntToInt64 dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genIntToInt64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  src_code <- getAnyReg src
-  pure $ src_code rax `appOL` toOL
-          [ CLTD II32 -- sign extend EAX in EDX:EAX
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg rax) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg rdx) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genWordToWord64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genWordToWord64 dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genWordToWord64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  src_code <- getAnyReg src
-  pure $ src_code dst_lo
-          `snocOL` XOR II32 (OpReg dst_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-genNeg64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genNeg64 dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genNeg64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 code src_hi src_lo <- iselExpr64 src
-  pure $ code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV  II32 (OpReg src_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV  II32 (OpReg src_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , NEGI II32 (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , ADC  II32 (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , NEGI II32 (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genAdd64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genAdd64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genAdd64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV  II32 (OpReg x_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV  II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , ADD  II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , ADC  II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genSub64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genSub64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genSub64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV  II32 (OpReg x_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV  II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , SUB  II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , SBB  II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genAnd64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genAnd64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genAnd64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , AND II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , AND II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genOr64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genOr64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genOr64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , OR  II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , OR  II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genXor64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genXor64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genXor64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genNot64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genNot64 dst src = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genNot64")
-  let Reg64 dst_hi dst_lo = localReg64 dst
-  RegCode64 src_code src_hi src_lo <- iselExpr64 src
-  pure $ src_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg src_lo) (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg src_hi) (OpReg dst_hi)
-          , NOT II32 (OpReg dst_lo)
-          , NOT II32 (OpReg dst_hi)
-          ]
-genEq64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genEq64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genEq64")
-  let dst_r = getLocalRegReg dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  Reg64 tmp_hi tmp_lo <- getNewReg64
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_lo)   (OpReg tmp_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi)   (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_lo)   (OpReg tmp_lo)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_hi)   (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , OR  II32 (OpReg tmp_lo) (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , SETCC EQQ (OpReg dst_r)
-          , MOVZxL II8 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r)
-          ]
-genNe64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genNe64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genNe64")
-  let dst_r = getLocalRegReg dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  Reg64 tmp_hi tmp_lo <- getNewReg64
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_lo)   (OpReg tmp_lo)
-          , MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi)   (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_lo)   (OpReg tmp_lo)
-          , XOR II32 (OpReg y_hi)   (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , OR  II32 (OpReg tmp_lo) (OpReg tmp_hi)
-          , SETCC NE (OpReg dst_r)
-          , MOVZxL II8 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r)
-          ]
-genGtWord64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genGtWord64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genGtWord64")
-  genPred64 LU dst y x
-genLtWord64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genLtWord64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genLtWord64")
-  genPred64 LU dst x y
-genGeWord64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genGeWord64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genGeWord64")
-  genPred64 GEU dst x y
-genLeWord64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genLeWord64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genLeWord64")
-  genPred64 GEU dst y x
-genGtInt64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genGtInt64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genGtInt64")
-  genPred64 LTT dst y x
-genLtInt64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genLtInt64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genLtInt64")
-  genPred64 LTT dst x y
-genGeInt64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genGeInt64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genGeInt64")
-  genPred64 GE dst x y
-genLeInt64 :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genLeInt64 dst x y = do
-  expect32BitPlatform (text "genLeInt64")
-  genPred64 GE dst y x
-genPred64 :: Cond -> LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
-genPred64 cond dst x y = do
-  -- we can only rely on CF/SF/OF flags!
-  -- Not on ZF, which doesn't take into account the lower parts.
-  massert (cond `elem` [LU,GEU,LTT,GE])
-  let dst_r = getLocalRegReg dst
-  RegCode64 x_code x_hi x_lo <- iselExpr64 x
-  RegCode64 y_code y_hi y_lo <- iselExpr64 y
-  -- Basically we perform a subtraction with borrow.
-  -- As we don't need to result, we can use CMP instead of SUB for the low part
-  -- (it sets the borrow flag just like SUB does)
-  pure $ x_code `appOL` y_code `appOL` toOL
-          [ MOV II32 (OpReg x_hi) (OpReg dst_r)
-          , CMP II32 (OpReg y_lo) (OpReg x_lo)
-          , SBB II32 (OpReg y_hi) (OpReg dst_r)
-          , SETCC cond (OpReg dst_r)
-          , MOVZxL II8 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r)
-          ]

@@ -53,9 +53,12 @@ initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
   , stgToCmmExtDynRefs    = gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs   dflags
   , stgToCmmDoBoundsCheck = gopt Opt_DoBoundsChecking      dflags
   , stgToCmmDoTagCheck    = gopt Opt_DoTagInferenceChecks  dflags
-  -- backend flags
-  , stgToCmmAllowBigArith             = not ncg || platformArch platform == ArchWasm32 || platformArch platform == ArchX86
-  , stgToCmmAllowBigQuot              = not ncg || platformArch platform == ArchWasm32
+  -- backend flags:
+    -- LLVM, C, and some 32-bit NCG backends can also handle some 64-bit primops
+  , stgToCmmAllowArith64              = w64 || not ncg || platformArch platform == ArchWasm32 || platformArch platform == ArchX86
+  , stgToCmmAllowQuot64               = w64 || not ncg || platformArch platform == ArchWasm32
   , stgToCmmAllowQuotRemInstr         = ncg  && (x86ish || ppc)
   , stgToCmmAllowQuotRem2             = (ncg && (x86ish || ppc)) || llvm
   , stgToCmmAllowExtendedAddSubInstrs = (ncg && (x86ish || ppc)) || llvm
@@ -90,6 +93,7 @@ initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
   } where profile  = targetProfile dflags
           platform = profilePlatform profile
           bk_end  = backend dflags
+          w64 = platformWordSize platform == PW8
           b_blob  = if not ncg then Nothing else binBlobThreshold dflags
           (ncg, llvm) = case backendPrimitiveImplementation bk_end of
                           GenericPrimitives -> (False, False)

@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ data StgToCmmConfig = StgToCmmConfig
                                                  -- or not
   , stgToCmmDoTagCheck     :: !Bool              -- ^ Verify tag inference predictions.
   ------------------------------ Backend Flags ----------------------------------
-  , stgToCmmAllowBigArith             :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to emit larger than native size arithmetic (only LLVM and C backends)
-  , stgToCmmAllowBigQuot              :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to emit larger than native size division operations
+  , stgToCmmAllowArith64              :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to emit 64-bit arithmetic operations
+  , stgToCmmAllowQuot64               :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to emit 64-bit division operations
   , stgToCmmAllowQuotRemInstr         :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to generate QuotRem instructions
   , stgToCmmAllowQuotRem2             :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to generate QuotRem
   , stgToCmmAllowExtendedAddSubInstrs :: !Bool   -- ^ Allowed to generate AddWordC, SubWordC, Add2, etc.

@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
   StableNameToIntOp -> \[arg] -> opIntoRegs $ \[res] ->
     emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (cmmLoadIndexW platform arg (fixedHdrSizeW profile) (bWord platform))
-  EqStablePtrOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordEq platform)
+  EqStablePtrOp -> opTranslate (mo_wordEq platform)
   ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp -> \[arg1, arg2] -> opIntoRegs $ \[res] ->
     emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp (mo_wordEq platform) [arg1,arg2])
@@ -1180,315 +1180,323 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
   Narrow16WordOp -> \args -> opNarrow args (MO_UU_Conv, W16)
   Narrow32WordOp -> \args -> opNarrow args (MO_UU_Conv, W32)
-  DoublePowerOp  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Pwr
-  DoubleSinOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Sin
-  DoubleCosOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Cos
-  DoubleTanOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Tan
-  DoubleSinhOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Sinh
-  DoubleCoshOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Cosh
-  DoubleTanhOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Tanh
-  DoubleAsinOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Asin
-  DoubleAcosOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Acos
-  DoubleAtanOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Atan
-  DoubleAsinhOp  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Asinh
-  DoubleAcoshOp  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Acosh
-  DoubleAtanhOp  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Atanh
-  DoubleLogOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Log
-  DoubleLog1POp  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Log1P
-  DoubleExpOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Exp
-  DoubleExpM1Op  -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_ExpM1
-  DoubleSqrtOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Sqrt
-  DoubleFabsOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F64_Fabs
-  FloatPowerOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Pwr
-  FloatSinOp     -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Sin
-  FloatCosOp     -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Cos
-  FloatTanOp     -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Tan
-  FloatSinhOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Sinh
-  FloatCoshOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Cosh
-  FloatTanhOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Tanh
-  FloatAsinOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Asin
-  FloatAcosOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Acos
-  FloatAtanOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Atan
-  FloatAsinhOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Asinh
-  FloatAcoshOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Acosh
-  FloatAtanhOp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Atanh
-  FloatLogOp     -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Log
-  FloatLog1POp   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Log1P
-  FloatExpOp     -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Exp
-  FloatExpM1Op   -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_ExpM1
-  FloatSqrtOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Sqrt
-  FloatFabsOp    -> \args -> opCallish args MO_F32_Fabs
+  DoublePowerOp  -> opCallish MO_F64_Pwr
+  DoubleSinOp    -> opCallish MO_F64_Sin
+  DoubleCosOp    -> opCallish MO_F64_Cos
+  DoubleTanOp    -> opCallish MO_F64_Tan
+  DoubleSinhOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Sinh
+  DoubleCoshOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Cosh
+  DoubleTanhOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Tanh
+  DoubleAsinOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Asin
+  DoubleAcosOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Acos
+  DoubleAtanOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Atan
+  DoubleAsinhOp  -> opCallish MO_F64_Asinh
+  DoubleAcoshOp  -> opCallish MO_F64_Acosh
+  DoubleAtanhOp  -> opCallish MO_F64_Atanh
+  DoubleLogOp    -> opCallish MO_F64_Log
+  DoubleLog1POp  -> opCallish MO_F64_Log1P
+  DoubleExpOp    -> opCallish MO_F64_Exp
+  DoubleExpM1Op  -> opCallish MO_F64_ExpM1
+  DoubleSqrtOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Sqrt
+  DoubleFabsOp   -> opCallish MO_F64_Fabs
+  FloatPowerOp   -> opCallish MO_F32_Pwr
+  FloatSinOp     -> opCallish MO_F32_Sin
+  FloatCosOp     -> opCallish MO_F32_Cos
+  FloatTanOp     -> opCallish MO_F32_Tan
+  FloatSinhOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Sinh
+  FloatCoshOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Cosh
+  FloatTanhOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Tanh
+  FloatAsinOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Asin
+  FloatAcosOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Acos
+  FloatAtanOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Atan
+  FloatAsinhOp   -> opCallish MO_F32_Asinh
+  FloatAcoshOp   -> opCallish MO_F32_Acosh
+  FloatAtanhOp   -> opCallish MO_F32_Atanh
+  FloatLogOp     -> opCallish MO_F32_Log
+  FloatLog1POp   -> opCallish MO_F32_Log1P
+  FloatExpOp     -> opCallish MO_F32_Exp
+  FloatExpM1Op   -> opCallish MO_F32_ExpM1
+  FloatSqrtOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Sqrt
+  FloatFabsOp    -> opCallish MO_F32_Fabs
 -- Native word signless ops
-  IntAddOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordAdd platform)
-  IntSubOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSub platform)
-  WordAddOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordAdd platform)
-  WordSubOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSub platform)
-  AddrAddOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordAdd platform)
-  AddrSubOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSub platform)
-  IntEqOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordEq platform)
-  IntNeOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordNe platform)
-  WordEqOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordEq platform)
-  WordNeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordNe platform)
-  AddrEqOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordEq platform)
-  AddrNeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordNe platform)
-  WordAndOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordAnd platform)
-  WordOrOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordOr platform)
-  WordXorOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordXor platform)
-  WordNotOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordNot platform)
-  WordSllOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordShl platform)
-  WordSrlOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUShr platform)
-  AddrRemOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordURem platform)
+  IntAddOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordAdd platform)
+  IntSubOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordSub platform)
+  WordAddOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordAdd platform)
+  WordSubOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordSub platform)
+  AddrAddOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordAdd platform)
+  AddrSubOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordSub platform)
+  IntEqOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordEq platform)
+  IntNeOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordNe platform)
+  WordEqOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordEq platform)
+  WordNeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordNe platform)
+  AddrEqOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordEq platform)
+  AddrNeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordNe platform)
+  WordAndOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordAnd platform)
+  WordOrOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordOr platform)
+  WordXorOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordXor platform)
+  WordNotOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordNot platform)
+  WordSllOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordShl platform)
+  WordSrlOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordUShr platform)
+  AddrRemOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordURem platform)
 -- Native word signed ops
-  IntMulOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordMul platform)
-  IntMulMayOfloOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_MulMayOflo (wordWidth platform))
-  IntQuotOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSQuot platform)
-  IntRemOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSRem platform)
-  IntNegOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSNeg platform)
-  IntGeOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSGe platform)
-  IntLeOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSLe platform)
-  IntGtOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSGt platform)
-  IntLtOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSLt platform)
-  IntAndOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordAnd platform)
-  IntOrOp        -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordOr platform)
-  IntXorOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordXor platform)
-  IntNotOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordNot platform)
-  IntSllOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordShl platform)
-  IntSraOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordSShr platform)
-  IntSrlOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUShr platform)
+  IntMulOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordMul platform)
+  IntMulMayOfloOp -> opTranslate (MO_S_MulMayOflo (wordWidth platform))
+  IntQuotOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordSQuot platform)
+  IntRemOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSRem platform)
+  IntNegOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSNeg platform)
+  IntGeOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSGe platform)
+  IntLeOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSLe platform)
+  IntGtOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSGt platform)
+  IntLtOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordSLt platform)
+  IntAndOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordAnd platform)
+  IntOrOp        -> opTranslate (mo_wordOr platform)
+  IntXorOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordXor platform)
+  IntNotOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordNot platform)
+  IntSllOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordShl platform)
+  IntSraOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordSShr platform)
+  IntSrlOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordUShr platform)
 -- Native word unsigned ops
-  WordGeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUGe platform)
-  WordLeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordULe platform)
-  WordGtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUGt platform)
-  WordLtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordULt platform)
+  WordGeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordUGe platform)
+  WordLeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordULe platform)
+  WordGtOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordUGt platform)
+  WordLtOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordULt platform)
-  WordMulOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordMul platform)
-  WordQuotOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUQuot platform)
-  WordRemOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordURem platform)
+  WordMulOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordMul platform)
+  WordQuotOp     -> opTranslate (mo_wordUQuot platform)
+  WordRemOp      -> opTranslate (mo_wordURem platform)
-  AddrGeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUGe platform)
-  AddrLeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordULe platform)
-  AddrGtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordUGt platform)
-  AddrLtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (mo_wordULt platform)
+  AddrGeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordUGe platform)
+  AddrLeOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordULe platform)
+  AddrGtOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordUGt platform)
+  AddrLtOp       -> opTranslate (mo_wordULt platform)
 -- Int8# signed ops
-  Int8ToIntOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv W8 (wordWidth platform))
-  IntToInt8Op    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W8)
-  Int8NegOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Neg W8)
-  Int8AddOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W8)
-  Int8SubOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W8)
-  Int8MulOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W8)
-  Int8QuotOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Quot W8)
-  Int8RemOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Rem W8)
-  Int8SllOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W8)
-  Int8SraOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Shr W8)
-  Int8SrlOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W8)
-  Int8EqOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W8)
-  Int8GeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Ge W8)
-  Int8GtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Gt W8)
-  Int8LeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Le W8)
-  Int8LtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Lt W8)
-  Int8NeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W8)
+  Int8ToIntOp    -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv W8 (wordWidth platform))
+  IntToInt8Op    -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W8)
+  Int8NegOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Neg W8)
+  Int8AddOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Add W8)
+  Int8SubOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W8)
+  Int8MulOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W8)
+  Int8QuotOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Quot W8)
+  Int8RemOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Rem W8)
+  Int8SllOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W8)
+  Int8SraOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Shr W8)
+  Int8SrlOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W8)
+  Int8EqOp       -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W8)
+  Int8GeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_S_Ge W8)
+  Int8GtOp       -> opTranslate (MO_S_Gt W8)
+  Int8LeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_S_Le W8)
+  Int8LtOp       -> opTranslate (MO_S_Lt W8)
+  Int8NeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W8)
 -- Word8# unsigned ops
-  Word8ToWordOp  -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv W8 (wordWidth platform))
-  WordToWord8Op  -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W8)
-  Word8AddOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W8)
-  Word8SubOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W8)
-  Word8MulOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W8)
-  Word8QuotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Quot W8)
-  Word8RemOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Rem W8)
-  Word8AndOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_And W8)
-  Word8OrOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Or W8)
-  Word8XorOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Xor W8)
-  Word8NotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Not W8)
-  Word8SllOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W8)
-  Word8SrlOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W8)
-  Word8EqOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W8)
-  Word8GeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Ge W8)
-  Word8GtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Gt W8)
-  Word8LeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Le W8)
-  Word8LtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Lt W8)
-  Word8NeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W8)
+  Word8ToWordOp  -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv W8 (wordWidth platform))
+  WordToWord8Op  -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W8)
+  Word8AddOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Add W8)
+  Word8SubOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W8)
+  Word8MulOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W8)
+  Word8QuotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Quot W8)
+  Word8RemOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Rem W8)
+  Word8AndOp    -> opTranslate (MO_And W8)
+  Word8OrOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Or W8)
+  Word8XorOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Xor W8)
+  Word8NotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Not W8)
+  Word8SllOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W8)
+  Word8SrlOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W8)
+  Word8EqOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W8)
+  Word8GeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_U_Ge W8)
+  Word8GtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_U_Gt W8)
+  Word8LeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_U_Le W8)
+  Word8LtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_U_Lt W8)
+  Word8NeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W8)
 -- Int16# signed ops
-  Int16ToIntOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv W16 (wordWidth platform))
-  IntToInt16Op   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W16)
-  Int16NegOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Neg W16)
-  Int16AddOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W16)
-  Int16SubOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W16)
-  Int16MulOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W16)
-  Int16QuotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Quot W16)
-  Int16RemOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Rem W16)
-  Int16SllOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W16)
-  Int16SraOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Shr W16)
-  Int16SrlOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W16)
-  Int16EqOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W16)
-  Int16GeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Ge W16)
-  Int16GtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Gt W16)
-  Int16LeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Le W16)
-  Int16LtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Lt W16)
-  Int16NeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W16)
+  Int16ToIntOp   -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv W16 (wordWidth platform))
+  IntToInt16Op   -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W16)
+  Int16NegOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Neg W16)
+  Int16AddOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Add W16)
+  Int16SubOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W16)
+  Int16MulOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W16)
+  Int16QuotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_S_Quot W16)
+  Int16RemOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Rem W16)
+  Int16SllOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W16)
+  Int16SraOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Shr W16)
+  Int16SrlOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W16)
+  Int16EqOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W16)
+  Int16GeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Ge W16)
+  Int16GtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Gt W16)
+  Int16LeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Le W16)
+  Int16LtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Lt W16)
+  Int16NeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W16)
 -- Word16# unsigned ops
-  Word16ToWordOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv W16 (wordWidth platform))
-  WordToWord16Op -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W16)
-  Word16AddOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W16)
-  Word16SubOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W16)
-  Word16MulOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W16)
-  Word16QuotOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Quot W16)
-  Word16RemOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Rem W16)
-  Word16AndOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_And W16)
-  Word16OrOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Or W16)
-  Word16XorOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Xor W16)
-  Word16NotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Not W16)
-  Word16SllOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W16)
-  Word16SrlOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W16)
-  Word16EqOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W16)
-  Word16GeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Ge W16)
-  Word16GtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Gt W16)
-  Word16LeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Le W16)
-  Word16LtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Lt W16)
-  Word16NeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W16)
+  Word16ToWordOp -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv W16 (wordWidth platform))
+  WordToWord16Op -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W16)
+  Word16AddOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Add W16)
+  Word16SubOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W16)
+  Word16MulOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W16)
+  Word16QuotOp   -> opTranslate (MO_U_Quot W16)
+  Word16RemOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Rem W16)
+  Word16AndOp    -> opTranslate (MO_And W16)
+  Word16OrOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Or W16)
+  Word16XorOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Xor W16)
+  Word16NotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Not W16)
+  Word16SllOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W16)
+  Word16SrlOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W16)
+  Word16EqOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W16)
+  Word16GeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Ge W16)
+  Word16GtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Gt W16)
+  Word16LeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Le W16)
+  Word16LtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Lt W16)
+  Word16NeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W16)
 -- Int32# signed ops
-  Int32ToIntOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv W32 (wordWidth platform))
-  IntToInt32Op   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W32)
-  Int32NegOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Neg W32)
-  Int32AddOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W32)
-  Int32SubOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W32)
-  Int32MulOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W32)
-  Int32QuotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Quot W32)
-  Int32RemOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Rem W32)
-  Int32SllOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W32)
-  Int32SraOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Shr W32)
-  Int32SrlOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W32)
-  Int32EqOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W32)
-  Int32GeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Ge W32)
-  Int32GtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Gt W32)
-  Int32LeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Le W32)
-  Int32LtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_S_Lt W32)
-  Int32NeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W32)
+  Int32ToIntOp   -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv W32 (wordWidth platform))
+  IntToInt32Op   -> opTranslate (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W32)
+  Int32NegOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Neg W32)
+  Int32AddOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Add W32)
+  Int32SubOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W32)
+  Int32MulOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W32)
+  Int32QuotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_S_Quot W32)
+  Int32RemOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Rem W32)
+  Int32SllOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W32)
+  Int32SraOp     -> opTranslate (MO_S_Shr W32)
+  Int32SrlOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W32)
+  Int32EqOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W32)
+  Int32GeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Ge W32)
+  Int32GtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Gt W32)
+  Int32LeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Le W32)
+  Int32LtOp      -> opTranslate (MO_S_Lt W32)
+  Int32NeOp      -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W32)
 -- Word32# unsigned ops
-  Word32ToWordOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv W32 (wordWidth platform))
-  WordToWord32Op -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W32)
-  Word32AddOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Add W32)
-  Word32SubOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Sub W32)
-  Word32MulOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Mul W32)
-  Word32QuotOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Quot W32)
-  Word32RemOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Rem W32)
-  Word32AndOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_And W32)
-  Word32OrOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Or W32)
-  Word32XorOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Xor W32)
-  Word32NotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Not W32)
-  Word32SllOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Shl W32)
-  Word32SrlOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Shr W32)
-  Word32EqOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq W32)
-  Word32GeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Ge W32)
-  Word32GtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Gt W32)
-  Word32LeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Le W32)
-  Word32LtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Lt W32)
-  Word32NeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne W32)
+  Word32ToWordOp -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv W32 (wordWidth platform))
+  WordToWord32Op -> opTranslate (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W32)
+  Word32AddOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Add W32)
+  Word32SubOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Sub W32)
+  Word32MulOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Mul W32)
+  Word32QuotOp   -> opTranslate (MO_U_Quot W32)
+  Word32RemOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Rem W32)
+  Word32AndOp    -> opTranslate (MO_And W32)
+  Word32OrOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Or W32)
+  Word32XorOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Xor W32)
+  Word32NotOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Not W32)
+  Word32SllOp    -> opTranslate (MO_Shl W32)
+  Word32SrlOp    -> opTranslate (MO_U_Shr W32)
+  Word32EqOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Eq W32)
+  Word32GeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Ge W32)
+  Word32GtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Gt W32)
+  Word32LeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Le W32)
+  Word32LtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_U_Lt W32)
+  Word32NeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_Ne W32)
 -- Int64# signed ops
-  Int64ToIntOp   -> \args -> opTranslate64 args (\w -> MO_SS_Conv w (wordWidth platform)) MO_I64_ToI
-  IntToInt64Op   -> \args -> opTranslate64 args (\w -> MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) w) MO_I64_FromI
-  Int64NegOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Neg  MO_x64_Neg
-  Int64AddOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Add    MO_x64_Add
-  Int64SubOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Sub    MO_x64_Sub
-  Int64MulOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Mul    MO_x64_Mul
-  Int64QuotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Quot MO_I64_Quot
-  Int64RemOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Rem  MO_I64_Rem
-  Int64SllOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Shl    MO_x64_Shl
-  Int64SraOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Shr  MO_I64_Shr
-  Int64SrlOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Shr  MO_W64_Shr
-  Int64EqOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Eq     MO_x64_Eq
-  Int64GeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Ge   MO_I64_Ge
-  Int64GtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Gt   MO_I64_Gt
-  Int64LeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Le   MO_I64_Le
-  Int64LtOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_S_Lt   MO_I64_Lt
-  Int64NeOp      -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Ne     MO_x64_Ne
+  Int64ToIntOp   -> opTranslate64 (MO_SS_Conv W64 (wordWidth platform)) MO_I64_ToI
+  IntToInt64Op   -> opTranslate64 (MO_SS_Conv (wordWidth platform) W64) MO_I64_FromI
+  Int64NegOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Neg  W64) MO_x64_Neg
+  Int64AddOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Add    W64) MO_x64_Add
+  Int64SubOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Sub    W64) MO_x64_Sub
+  Int64MulOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Mul    W64) MO_x64_Mul
+  Int64QuotOp
+    | allowQuot64 -> opTranslate (MO_S_Quot W64)
+    | otherwise   -> opCallish MO_I64_Quot
+  Int64RemOp
+    | allowQuot64 -> opTranslate (MO_S_Rem W64)
+    | otherwise   -> opCallish MO_I64_Rem
+  Int64SllOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Shl   W64) MO_x64_Shl
+  Int64SraOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Shr W64) MO_I64_Shr
+  Int64SrlOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Shr W64) MO_W64_Shr
+  Int64EqOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_Eq   W64)  MO_x64_Eq
+  Int64GeOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Ge W64)  MO_I64_Ge
+  Int64GtOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Gt W64)  MO_I64_Gt
+  Int64LeOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Le W64)  MO_I64_Le
+  Int64LtOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_S_Lt W64)  MO_I64_Lt
+  Int64NeOp      -> opTranslate64 (MO_Ne   W64)  MO_x64_Ne
 -- Word64# unsigned ops
-  Word64ToWordOp -> \args -> opTranslate64 args (\w -> MO_UU_Conv w (wordWidth platform)) MO_W64_ToW
-  WordToWord64Op -> \args -> opTranslate64 args (\w -> MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) w) MO_W64_FromW
-  Word64AddOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Add    MO_x64_Add
-  Word64SubOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Sub    MO_x64_Sub
-  Word64MulOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Mul    MO_x64_Mul
-  Word64QuotOp   -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Quot MO_W64_Quot
-  Word64RemOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Rem  MO_W64_Rem
-  Word64AndOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_And    MO_x64_And
-  Word64OrOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Or     MO_x64_Or
-  Word64XorOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Xor    MO_x64_Xor
-  Word64NotOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Not    MO_x64_Not
-  Word64SllOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Shl    MO_x64_Shl
-  Word64SrlOp    -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Shr  MO_W64_Shr
-  Word64EqOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Eq     MO_x64_Eq
-  Word64GeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Ge   MO_W64_Ge
-  Word64GtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Gt   MO_W64_Gt
-  Word64LeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Le   MO_W64_Le
-  Word64LtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_U_Lt   MO_W64_Lt
-  Word64NeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate64 args MO_Ne     MO_x64_Ne
+  Word64ToWordOp -> opTranslate64 (MO_UU_Conv W64 (wordWidth platform)) MO_W64_ToW
+  WordToWord64Op -> opTranslate64 (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) W64) MO_W64_FromW
+  Word64AddOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Add    W64) MO_x64_Add
+  Word64SubOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Sub    W64) MO_x64_Sub
+  Word64MulOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Mul    W64) MO_x64_Mul
+  Word64QuotOp
+    | allowQuot64 -> opTranslate (MO_U_Quot W64)
+    | otherwise   -> opCallish   MO_W64_Quot
+  Word64RemOp
+    | allowQuot64 -> opTranslate (MO_U_Rem W64)
+    | otherwise   -> opCallish   MO_W64_Rem
+  Word64AndOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_And   W64) MO_x64_And
+  Word64OrOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Or    W64) MO_x64_Or
+  Word64XorOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Xor   W64) MO_x64_Xor
+  Word64NotOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Not   W64) MO_x64_Not
+  Word64SllOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_Shl   W64) MO_x64_Shl
+  Word64SrlOp    -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Shr W64) MO_W64_Shr
+  Word64EqOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Eq   W64)  MO_x64_Eq
+  Word64GeOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Ge W64)  MO_W64_Ge
+  Word64GtOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Gt W64)  MO_W64_Gt
+  Word64LeOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Le W64)  MO_W64_Le
+  Word64LtOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_U_Lt W64)  MO_W64_Lt
+  Word64NeOp     -> opTranslate64 (MO_Ne   W64)  MO_x64_Ne
 -- Char# ops
-  CharEqOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Eq (wordWidth platform))
-  CharNeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_Ne (wordWidth platform))
-  CharGeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Ge (wordWidth platform))
-  CharLeOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Le (wordWidth platform))
-  CharGtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Gt (wordWidth platform))
-  CharLtOp       -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_U_Lt (wordWidth platform))
+  CharEqOp       -> opTranslate (MO_Eq (wordWidth platform))
+  CharNeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_Ne (wordWidth platform))
+  CharGeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_U_Ge (wordWidth platform))
+  CharLeOp       -> opTranslate (MO_U_Le (wordWidth platform))
+  CharGtOp       -> opTranslate (MO_U_Gt (wordWidth platform))
+  CharLtOp       -> opTranslate (MO_U_Lt (wordWidth platform))
 -- Double ops
-  DoubleEqOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Eq W64)
-  DoubleNeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Ne W64)
-  DoubleGeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Ge W64)
-  DoubleLeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Le W64)
-  DoubleGtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Gt W64)
-  DoubleLtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Lt W64)
+  DoubleEqOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Eq W64)
+  DoubleNeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Ne W64)
+  DoubleGeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Ge W64)
+  DoubleLeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Le W64)
+  DoubleGtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Gt W64)
+  DoubleLtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Lt W64)
-  DoubleAddOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Add W64)
-  DoubleSubOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Sub W64)
-  DoubleMulOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Mul W64)
-  DoubleDivOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Quot W64)
-  DoubleNegOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Neg W64)
+  DoubleAddOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Add W64)
+  DoubleSubOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Sub W64)
+  DoubleMulOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Mul W64)
+  DoubleDivOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Quot W64)
+  DoubleNegOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Neg W64)
   DoubleFMAdd    -> fmaOp FMAdd  W64
   DoubleFMSub    -> fmaOp FMSub  W64
@@ -1497,18 +1505,18 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
 -- Float ops
-  FloatEqOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Eq W32)
-  FloatNeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Ne W32)
-  FloatGeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Ge W32)
-  FloatLeOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Le W32)
-  FloatGtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Gt W32)
-  FloatLtOp     -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Lt W32)
+  FloatEqOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Eq W32)
+  FloatNeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Ne W32)
+  FloatGeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Ge W32)
+  FloatLeOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Le W32)
+  FloatGtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Gt W32)
+  FloatLtOp     -> opTranslate (MO_F_Lt W32)
-  FloatAddOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Add  W32)
-  FloatSubOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Sub  W32)
-  FloatMulOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Mul  W32)
-  FloatDivOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Quot W32)
-  FloatNegOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_F_Neg  W32)
+  FloatAddOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Add  W32)
+  FloatSubOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Sub  W32)
+  FloatMulOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Mul  W32)
+  FloatDivOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Quot W32)
+  FloatNegOp    -> opTranslate (MO_F_Neg  W32)
   FloatFMAdd    -> fmaOp FMAdd  W32
   FloatFMSub    -> fmaOp FMSub  W32
@@ -1517,126 +1525,122 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
 -- Vector ops
-  (VecAddOp  FloatVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VF_Add  n w)
-  (VecSubOp  FloatVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VF_Sub  n w)
-  (VecMulOp  FloatVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VF_Mul  n w)
-  (VecDivOp  FloatVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VF_Quot n w)
+  (VecAddOp  FloatVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VF_Add  n w)
+  (VecSubOp  FloatVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VF_Sub  n w)
+  (VecMulOp  FloatVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VF_Mul  n w)
+  (VecDivOp  FloatVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VF_Quot n w)
   (VecQuotOp FloatVec _ _) -> \_ -> panic "unsupported primop"
   (VecRemOp  FloatVec _ _) -> \_ -> panic "unsupported primop"
-  (VecNegOp  FloatVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VF_Neg  n w)
+  (VecNegOp  FloatVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VF_Neg  n w)
-  (VecAddOp  IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Add   n w)
-  (VecSubOp  IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Sub   n w)
-  (VecMulOp  IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Mul   n w)
+  (VecAddOp  IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Add   n w)
+  (VecSubOp  IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Sub   n w)
+  (VecMulOp  IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Mul   n w)
   (VecDivOp  IntVec _ _) -> \_ -> panic "unsupported primop"
-  (VecQuotOp IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VS_Quot n w)
-  (VecRemOp  IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VS_Rem  n w)
-  (VecNegOp  IntVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VS_Neg  n w)
+  (VecQuotOp IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VS_Quot n w)
+  (VecRemOp  IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VS_Rem  n w)
+  (VecNegOp  IntVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VS_Neg  n w)
-  (VecAddOp  WordVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Add   n w)
-  (VecSubOp  WordVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Sub   n w)
-  (VecMulOp  WordVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_V_Mul   n w)
+  (VecAddOp  WordVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Add   n w)
+  (VecSubOp  WordVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Sub   n w)
+  (VecMulOp  WordVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_V_Mul   n w)
   (VecDivOp  WordVec _ _) -> \_ -> panic "unsupported primop"
-  (VecQuotOp WordVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VU_Quot n w)
-  (VecRemOp  WordVec n w) -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_VU_Rem  n w)
+  (VecQuotOp WordVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VU_Quot n w)
+  (VecRemOp  WordVec n w) -> opTranslate (MO_VU_Rem  n w)
   (VecNegOp  WordVec _ _) -> \_ -> panic "unsupported primop"
 -- Conversions
-  IntToDoubleOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SF_Round (wordWidth platform) W64)
-  DoubleToIntOp   -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_FS_Truncate W64 (wordWidth platform))
+  IntToDoubleOp   -> opTranslate (MO_SF_Round (wordWidth platform) W64)
+  DoubleToIntOp   -> opTranslate (MO_FS_Truncate W64 (wordWidth platform))
-  IntToFloatOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_SF_Round (wordWidth platform) W32)
-  FloatToIntOp    -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_FS_Truncate W32 (wordWidth platform))
+  IntToFloatOp    -> opTranslate (MO_SF_Round (wordWidth platform) W32)
+  FloatToIntOp    -> opTranslate (MO_FS_Truncate W32 (wordWidth platform))
-  FloatToDoubleOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_FF_Conv W32 W64)
-  DoubleToFloatOp -> \args -> opTranslate args (MO_FF_Conv W64 W32)
+  FloatToDoubleOp -> opTranslate (MO_FF_Conv W32 W64)
+  DoubleToFloatOp -> opTranslate (MO_FF_Conv W64 W32)
-  CastFloatToWord32Op  ->
-    \args -> translateBitcasts (MO_FW_Bitcast W32) args
-  CastWord32ToFloatOp  ->
-    \args -> translateBitcasts (MO_WF_Bitcast W32) args
-  CastDoubleToWord64Op ->
-    \args -> translateBitcasts (MO_FW_Bitcast W64) args
-  CastWord64ToDoubleOp ->
-    \args -> translateBitcasts (MO_WF_Bitcast W64) args
+  CastFloatToWord32Op  -> translateBitcasts (MO_FW_Bitcast W32)
+  CastWord32ToFloatOp  -> translateBitcasts (MO_WF_Bitcast W32)
+  CastDoubleToWord64Op -> translateBitcasts (MO_FW_Bitcast W64)
+  CastWord64ToDoubleOp -> translateBitcasts (MO_WF_Bitcast W64)
-  IntQuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  IntQuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_S_QuotRem  (wordWidth platform))
     else Right (genericIntQuotRemOp (wordWidth platform))
-  Int8QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Int8QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_S_QuotRem W8)
     else Right (genericIntQuotRemOp W8)
-  Int16QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Int16QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_S_QuotRem W16)
     else Right (genericIntQuotRemOp W16)
-  Int32QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Int32QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_S_QuotRem W32)
     else Right (genericIntQuotRemOp W32)
-  WordQuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordQuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_U_QuotRem  (wordWidth platform))
     else Right (genericWordQuotRemOp (wordWidth platform))
-  WordQuotRem2Op -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordQuotRem2Op -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem2
     then Left (MO_U_QuotRem2 (wordWidth platform))
     else Right (genericWordQuotRem2Op platform)
-  Word8QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Word8QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_U_QuotRem W8)
     else Right (genericWordQuotRemOp W8)
-  Word16QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Word16QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_U_QuotRem W16)
     else Right (genericWordQuotRemOp W16)
-  Word32QuotRemOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  Word32QuotRemOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowQuotRem
     then Left (MO_U_QuotRem W32)
     else Right (genericWordQuotRemOp W32)
-  WordAdd2Op -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordAdd2Op -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowExtAdd
     then Left (MO_Add2       (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericWordAdd2Op
-  WordAddCOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordAddCOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowExtAdd
     then Left (MO_AddWordC   (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericWordAddCOp
-  WordSubCOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordSubCOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowExtAdd
     then Left (MO_SubWordC   (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericWordSubCOp
-  IntAddCOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  IntAddCOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowExtAdd
     then Left (MO_AddIntC    (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericIntAddCOp
-  IntSubCOp -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  IntSubCOp -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowExtAdd
     then Left (MO_SubIntC    (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericIntSubCOp
-  WordMul2Op -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  WordMul2Op -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowWord2Mul
     then Left (MO_U_Mul2     (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericWordMul2Op
-  IntMul2Op  -> \args -> opCallishHandledLater args $
+  IntMul2Op  -> opCallishHandledLater $
     if allowInt2Mul
     then Left (MO_S_Mul2     (wordWidth platform))
     else Right genericIntMul2Op
@@ -1775,42 +1779,33 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
   -- These primops are implemented by CallishMachOps, because they sometimes
   -- turn into foreign calls depending on the backend.
-  opCallish :: [CmmExpr] -> CallishMachOp -> PrimopCmmEmit
-  opCallish args prim = opIntoRegs $ \[res] -> emitPrimCall [res] prim args
+  opCallish :: CallishMachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> PrimopCmmEmit
+  opCallish prim args = opIntoRegs $ \[res] -> emitPrimCall [res] prim args
-  opTranslate :: [CmmExpr] -> MachOp -> PrimopCmmEmit
-  opTranslate args mop = opIntoRegs $ \[res] -> do
+  opTranslate :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> PrimopCmmEmit
+  opTranslate mop args = opIntoRegs $ \[res] -> do
     let stmt = mkAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmMachOp mop args)
     emit stmt
-  isQuottishOp :: CallishMachOp -> Bool
-  isQuottishOp MO_I64_Quot = True
-  isQuottishOp MO_I64_Rem = True
-  isQuottishOp MO_W64_Quot = True
-  isQuottishOp MO_W64_Rem = True
-  isQuottishOp _ = False
-    :: [CmmExpr]
-    -> (Width -> MachOp)
+    :: MachOp
     -> CallishMachOp
+    -> [CmmExpr]
     -> PrimopCmmEmit
-  opTranslate64 args mkMop callish =
-    case platformWordSize platform of
-      -- LLVM and C `can handle larger than native size arithmetic natively.
-      _ | not (isQuottishOp callish), stgToCmmAllowBigArith cfg -> opTranslate args $ mkMop W64
-        | isQuottishOp callish, stgToCmmAllowBigQuot cfg -> opTranslate args $ mkMop W64
-      PW4 -> opCallish args callish
-      PW8 -> opTranslate args $ mkMop W64
+  opTranslate64 mop callish
+    | allowArith64 = opTranslate mop
+    | otherwise    = opCallish callish
+      -- backends not supporting 64-bit arithmetic primops: use callish machine
+      -- ops
   -- Basically a "manual" case, rather than one of the common repetitive forms
   -- above. The results are a parameter to the returned function so we know the
   -- choice of variant never depends on them.
-    :: [CmmExpr]
-    -> Either CallishMachOp GenericOp
+    :: Either CallishMachOp GenericOp
+    -> [CmmExpr]
     -> PrimopCmmEmit
-  opCallishHandledLater args callOrNot = opIntoRegs $ \res0 -> case callOrNot of
+  opCallishHandledLater callOrNot args = opIntoRegs $ \res0 -> case callOrNot of
     Left op   -> emit $ mkUnsafeCall (PrimTarget op) res0 args
     Right gen -> gen res0 args
@@ -1838,21 +1833,23 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
   allowExtAdd   = stgToCmmAllowExtendedAddSubInstrs cfg
   allowInt2Mul  = stgToCmmAllowIntMul2Instr         cfg
   allowWord2Mul = stgToCmmAllowWordMul2Instr        cfg
+  allowArith64  = stgToCmmAllowArith64              cfg
+  allowQuot64   = stgToCmmAllowQuot64               cfg
   -- a bit of a hack, for certain code generaters, e.g. PPC, and i386 we
   -- continue to use the cmm versions of these functions instead of inline
   -- assembly. Tracked in #24841.
   ppc  = isPPC $ platformArch platform
   i386 = target32Bit platform
-  translateBitcasts mop args | ppc || i386 = alwaysExternal args
-                             | otherwise   = opTranslate args mop
+  translateBitcasts mop | ppc || i386 = alwaysExternal
+                        | otherwise   = opTranslate mop
   allowFMA = stgToCmmAllowFMAInstr cfg
   fmaOp :: FMASign -> Width -> [CmmActual] -> PrimopCmmEmit
   fmaOp signs w args@[arg_x, arg_y, arg_z]
     | allowFMA signs
-    = opTranslate args (MO_FMA signs w)
+    = opTranslate (MO_FMA signs w) args
     | otherwise
     = case signs of

@@ -57,62 +57,73 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
 type LPat p = XRec p (Pat p)
 -- | Pattern
--- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnBang'
--- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
 data Pat p
   =     ------------ Simple patterns ---------------
-    WildPat     (XWildPat p)        -- ^ Wildcard Pattern
-        -- The sole reason for a type on a WildPat is to
-        -- support hsPatType :: Pat Id -> Type
-       -- AZ:TODO above comment needs to be updated
+    WildPat     (XWildPat p)
+    -- ^ Wildcard Pattern (@_@)
   | VarPat      (XVarPat p)
-                (LIdP p)     -- ^ Variable Pattern
+                (LIdP p)
+    -- ^ Variable Pattern, e.g. @x@
-                             -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+    -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
   | LazyPat     (XLazyPat p)
-                (LPat p)                -- ^ Lazy Pattern
-    -- ^ - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnTilde'
+                (LPat p)
+    -- ^ Lazy Pattern, e.g. @~x@
+    --
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnTilde'
     -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | AsPat       (XAsPat p)
                 (LIdP p)
-                (LPat p)    -- ^ As pattern
-    -- ^ - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnAt'
+                (LPat p)
+    -- ^ As pattern, e.g. @x\@pat@
+    --
+    -- - Location of '@' is captured by 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.EpToken' @"\@"@
     -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | ParPat      (XParPat p)
-                (LPat p)                -- ^ Parenthesised pattern
-                                        -- See Note [Parens in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
-    -- ^ - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
-    --                                    'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+                (LPat p)
+    -- ^ Parenthesised pattern, e.g. @(x)@
+    --
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+    --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+    --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+    -- See Note [Parens in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
     -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | BangPat     (XBangPat p)
-                (LPat p)                -- ^ Bang pattern
-    -- ^ - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnBang'
+                (LPat p)
+    -- ^ Bang pattern, e.g. @!x@
+    --
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnBang'
     -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
         ------------ Lists, tuples, arrays ---------------
   | ListPat     (XListPat p)
                 [LPat p]
+    -- ^ Syntactic List, e.g. @[x]@ or @[x,y]@ (but not @[]@ nor @(x:xs)@ which are represented using 'ConPat')
+    --
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+    --      'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
+    --      'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @']'@
-    -- ^ Syntactic List
+    -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
+  | -- | Tuple pattern, e.g. @(x, y)@
-    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
-    --                                    'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+    --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'('@ or @'(#'@,
+    --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@ or  @'#)'@
     -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
+    TuplePat    (XTuplePat p)    -- ^ After typechecking, holds the types of the tuple components
+                [LPat p]         -- ^ Tuple sub-patterns
+                Boxity           -- ^ UnitPat is TuplePat []
-  | TuplePat    (XTuplePat p)
-                  -- after typechecking, holds the types of the tuple components
-                [LPat p]         -- Tuple sub-patterns
-                Boxity           -- UnitPat is TuplePat []
         -- You might think that the post typechecking Type was redundant,
         -- because we can get the pattern type by getting the types of the
         -- sub-patterns.
@@ -129,11 +140,6 @@ data Pat p
         -- of the tuple is of type 'a' not Int.  See selectMatchVar
         -- (June 14: I'm not sure this comment is right; the sub-patterns
         --           will be wrapped in CoPats, no?)
-    -- ^ Tuple sub-patterns
-    --
-    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' :
-    --            'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'('@ or @'(#'@,
-    --            'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@ or  @'#)'@
   | OrPat       (XOrPat p)
                 (NonEmpty (LPat p))
@@ -143,7 +149,8 @@ data Pat p
                 (LPat p)           -- Sum sub-pattern
                 ConTag             -- Alternative (one-based)
                 SumWidth           -- Arity (INVARIANT: ≥ 2)
-    -- ^ Anonymous sum pattern
+    -- ^ Anonymous sum pattern, e.g. @(# x | #)@. Used by @-XUnboxedSums@
     -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' :
     --            'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'(#'@,
@@ -157,35 +164,40 @@ data Pat p
         pat_con     :: XRec p (ConLikeP p),
         pat_args    :: HsConPatDetails p
-    -- ^ Constructor Pattern
+    -- ^ Constructor Pattern, e.g. @[]@ or @Nothing@
         ------------ View patterns ---------------
-  -- | - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnRarrow'
-  -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | ViewPat       (XViewPat p)
                   (LHsExpr p)
                   (LPat p)
-    -- ^ View Pattern
+    -- ^ View Pattern, e.g. @someFun -> pat at . Used by @-XViewPatterns@
+    --
+    -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnRarrow'
+    -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
         ------------ Pattern splices ---------------
-  -- | - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'$('@
-  --        'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@
-  -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | SplicePat       (XSplicePat p)
-                    (HsUntypedSplice p)    -- ^ Splice Pattern (Includes quasi-quotes)
+                    (HsUntypedSplice p)
+  -- ^ Splice Pattern (Includes quasi-quotes @$(...)@)
+  --
+  -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId':
+  --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen' @'$('@
+  --       'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+  -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
         ------------ Literal and n+k patterns ---------------
   | LitPat          (XLitPat p)
-                    (HsLit p)           -- ^ Literal Pattern
-                                        -- Used for *non-overloaded* literal patterns:
-                                        -- Int#, Char#, Int, Char, String, etc.
-  | NPat                -- Natural Pattern
-                        -- Used for all overloaded literals,
-                        -- including overloaded strings with -XOverloadedStrings
-                    (XNPat p)            -- Overall type of pattern. Might be
+                    (HsLit p)
+    -- ^ Literal Pattern
+    --
+    -- Used for __non-overloaded__ literal patterns:
+    -- Int#, Char#, Int, Char, String, etc.
+  | NPat            (XNPat p)            -- Overall type of pattern. Might be
                                          -- different than the literal's type
                                          -- if (==) or negate changes the type
                     (XRec p (HsOverLit p))     -- ALWAYS positive
@@ -194,7 +206,8 @@ data Pat p
                                            -- otherwise
                     (SyntaxExpr p)       -- Equality checker, of type t->t->Bool
-  -- ^ Natural Pattern
+  -- ^ Natural Pattern, used for all overloaded literals, including overloaded Strings
+  -- with @-XOverloadedStrings@
   -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnVal' @'+'@
@@ -208,30 +221,35 @@ data Pat p
                     (SyntaxExpr p)   -- (>=) function, of type t1->t2->Bool
                     (SyntaxExpr p)   -- Name of '-' (see GHC.Rename.Env.lookupSyntax)
-  -- ^ n+k pattern
+    -- ^ n+k pattern, e.g. @n+1@, enabled by @-XNPlusKPatterns@ extension
         ------------ Pattern type signatures ---------------
-  -- | - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnDcolon'
-  -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
   | SigPat          (XSigPat p)             -- After typechecker: Type
                     (LPat p)                -- Pattern with a type signature
                     (HsPatSigType (NoGhcTc p)) --  Signature can bind both
                                                --  kind and type vars
-    -- ^ Pattern with a type signature
+   -- ^ Pattern with a type signature, e.g. @x :: Int@
+   --
+   -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnDcolon'
+  -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
-  -- Embed the syntax of types into patterns.
-  -- Used with RequiredTypeArguments, e.g. fn (type t) = rhs
-  | EmbTyPat        (XEmbTyPat p)
+  | -- | Embed the syntax of types into patterns.
+    -- Used with @-XRequiredTypeArguments@, e.g. @fn (type t) = rhs@
+    EmbTyPat        (XEmbTyPat p)
                     (HsTyPat (NoGhcTc p))
-  -- See Note [Invisible binders in functions] in GHC.Hs.Pat
   | InvisPat (XInvisPat p) (HsTyPat (NoGhcTc p))
+  -- ^ Type abstraction which brings into scope type variables associated with invisible forall. Used by @-XTypeAbstractions at .
+  --
+  -- The location of @\@@ is captured by 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.EpToken' @"\@"@
+  -- See Note [Invisible binders in functions] in GHC.Hs.Pat
-  -- Extension point; see Note [Trees That Grow] in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
-  | XPat
-      !(XXPat p)
+  | -- | TTG Extension point; see Note [Trees That Grow] in Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
+    XPat !(XXPat p)
 type family ConLikeP x
@@ -311,7 +329,7 @@ type HsRecUpdField p q  = HsFieldBind (LAmbiguousFieldOcc p) (LHsExpr q)
 -- | Haskell Field Binding
--- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnEqual',
+-- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnEqual'
 -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
 data HsFieldBind lhs rhs = HsFieldBind {

@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ test('CatEntail', normal, compile, [''])
 # When running with WAY=ghci and profiled ways, T7653 uses a lot of memory.
 test('T7653', [when(opsys('mingw32'), skip),
+               when(arch('wasm32'), run_timeout_multiplier(5)),
                omit_ways(prof_ways + ghci_ways)], compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T7787', normal, compile_and_run, [''])

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-// all functions declared with EXTERN_INLINE in the header files get
-// compiled for real here, just in case the definition was not inlined
-// at some call site:
+// All functions declared with EXTERN_INLINE in the header files get
+// compiled for real here. Some of them are called by Cmm (e.g.
+// recordClosureMutated) and therefore the real thing needs to reside
+// in Inlines.o for Cmm ccall to work.
 #include "rts/PosixSource.h"
 #include "Rts.h"

@@ -114,57 +114,19 @@
  * 'Portable' inlining:
  * INLINE_HEADER is for inline functions in header files (macros)
  * STATIC_INLINE is for inline functions in source files
- * EXTERN_INLINE is for functions that we want to inline sometimes
- * (we also compile a static version of the function; see Inlines.c)
+ * EXTERN_INLINE is for functions that may be called in Cmm
+ * (we also compile a static version of an EXTERN_INLINE function; see Inlines.c)
-// We generally assume C99 semantics albeit these two definitions work fine even
-// when gnu90 semantics are active (i.e. when __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ is defined or
-// when a GCC older than 4.2 is used)
-// The problem, however, is with 'extern inline' whose semantics significantly
-// differs between gnu90 and C99
 #define INLINE_HEADER static inline
 #define STATIC_INLINE static inline
-// Figure out whether `__attributes__((gnu_inline))` is needed
-// to force gnu90-style 'external inline' semantics.
-#if defined(FORCE_GNU_INLINE)
-// disable auto-detection since HAVE_GNU_INLINE has been defined externally
-#elif defined(__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__) && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 2
-// GCC 4.2.x didn't properly support C99 inline semantics (GCC 4.3 was the first
-// release to properly support C99 inline semantics), and therefore warned when
-// using 'extern inline' while in C99 mode unless `__attributes__((gnu_inline))`
-// was explicitly set.
-# define FORCE_GNU_INLINE 1
-#if defined(FORCE_GNU_INLINE)
-// Force compiler into gnu90 semantics
-# if defined(KEEP_INLINES)
-#  define EXTERN_INLINE inline __attribute__((gnu_inline))
-# else
-#  define EXTERN_INLINE extern inline __attribute__((gnu_inline))
-# endif
-#elif defined(__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__)
-// we're currently in gnu90 inline mode by default and
-// __attribute__((gnu_inline)) may not be supported, so better leave it off
-# if defined(KEEP_INLINES)
-#  define EXTERN_INLINE inline
-# else
-#  define EXTERN_INLINE extern inline
-# endif
-// Assume C99 semantics (yes, this curiously results in swapped definitions!)
-// This is the preferred branch, and at some point we may drop support for
-// compilers not supporting C99 semantics altogether.
+// See comment in rts/Inlines.c for explanation.
 # if defined(KEEP_INLINES)
 #  define EXTERN_INLINE extern inline
 # else
-#  define EXTERN_INLINE inline
+#  define EXTERN_INLINE static inline
 # endif
  * GCC attributes

@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
      [ unless(opsys('darwin'), skip),
+       when(config.target_wrapper is not None, skip),
        expect_fail_for(['ghci']) ],
      compile_and_run, ['-framework Foundation'])
      [ unless(opsys('darwin'), skip),
+       when(config.target_wrapper is not None, skip),
        expect_fail_for(['ghci']) ],
      compile_and_run, ['-framework Foundation -lc++'])

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