[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/multiline-strings] Reimplement with manual iteration

Brandon Chinn (@brandonchinn178) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Jul 16 06:14:54 UTC 2024

Brandon Chinn pushed to branch wip/multiline-strings at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d74fab2a by Brandon Chinn at 2024-07-15T23:04:09-07:00
Reimplement with manual iteration

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser/String.hs


@@ -2226,65 +2226,9 @@ lex_quoted_label span buf _len _buf2 = do
 lex_string :: LexStringType -> P String
 lex_string strType = do
   start <- getInput
-  case lexString [] start of
-    Right (lexedStr, next) -> do
-      setInput next
-      either fromStringLexError pure $ resolveLexedString strType lexedStr
-    Left (e, s, i) -> do
-      -- see if we can find a smart quote in the string we've found so far.
-      -- if the built-up string s contains a smart double quote character, it was
-      -- likely the reason why the string literal was not lexed correctly
-      case filter (\(LexedChar c _) -> isDoubleSmartQuote c) s of
-        LexedChar c (AI loc _) : _ -> add_nonfatal_smart_quote_error c loc
-        _ -> pure ()
-      -- regardless whether we found a smart quote, throw a lexical error
-      setInput i >> lexError e
-  where
-    -- Given the (reversed) string we've seen so far and the current location,
-    -- return Right with the fully lexed string and the subsequent location,
-    -- or Left with the string we've seen so far and the location where lexing
-    -- failed.
-    lexString acc0 i0 = do
-      let acc = reverse acc0
-      case alexGetChar' i0 of
-        _ | Just i1 <- lexDelimiter i0 -> Right (acc, i1)
-        Just (c0, i1) -> do
-          let acc1 = LexedChar c0 i0 : acc0
-          case c0 of
-            '\\' -> do
-              case alexGetChar' i1 of
-                Just (c1, i2)
-                  | is_space c1 -> lexStringGap acc0 i2
-                  | otherwise -> lexString (LexedChar c1 i1 : acc1) i2
-                Nothing -> Left (LexStringCharLit, acc, i1)
-            _ | isAny c0 -> lexString acc1 i1
-            _ | strType == StringTypeMulti && c0 `elem` ['\n', '\t'] -> lexString acc1 i1
-            _ -> Left (LexStringCharLit, acc, i0)
-        Nothing -> Left (LexStringCharLit, acc, i0)
-    lexDelimiter i0 =
-      case strType of
-        StringTypeSingle -> do
-          ('"', i1) <- alexGetChar' i0
-          Just i1
-        StringTypeMulti -> do
-          ('"', i1) <- alexGetChar' i0
-          ('"', i2) <- alexGetChar' i1
-          ('"', i3) <- alexGetChar' i2
-          Just i3
-    lexStringGap acc0 i0 = do
-      let acc = reverse acc0
-      case alexGetChar' i0 of
-        Just (c0, i1) ->
-          case c0 of
-            '\\' -> lexString acc0 i1
-            _ | is_space c0 -> lexStringGap acc0 i1
-            _ -> Left (LexStringCharLit, acc, i0)
-        Nothing -> Left (LexStringCharLitEOF, acc, i0)
+  (str, next) <- either fromStringLexError pure $ lexString strType alexGetChar' start
+  setInput next
+  pure str
 lex_char_tok :: Action
@@ -2305,13 +2249,9 @@ lex_char_tok span buf _len _buf2 = do        -- We've seen '
                    return (L (mkPsSpan loc end2)  ITtyQuote)
         Just ('\\', i2@(AI end2 _)) -> do      -- We've seen 'backslash
-                  (LexedChar lit_ch _, rest) <-
+                  (lit_ch, i3) <-
                     either fromStringLexError pure $
-                      resolveEscapeCharacter (LexedChar '\\' i1) (asLexedString i2)
-                  i3 <-
-                    case rest of
-                      LexedChar _ i3 : _ -> pure i3
-                      [] -> lexError LexStringCharLitEOF
+                      resolveEscapeCharacter alexGetChar' i2
                   case alexGetChar' i3 of
                     Just ('\'', i4) -> do
                       setInput i4
@@ -2320,7 +2260,7 @@ lex_char_tok span buf _len _buf2 = do        -- We've seen '
                     _ -> lit_error i3
         Just (c, i2@(AI end2 _))
-                | not (isAny c) -> lit_error i1
+                | not (isAnyChar c) -> lit_error i1
                 | otherwise ->
                 -- We've seen 'x, where x is a valid character
@@ -2371,24 +2311,19 @@ lex_magic_hash i = do
         _other -> pure Nothing
     else pure Nothing
-isAny :: Char -> Bool
-isAny c | c > '\x7f' = isPrint c
-        | otherwise  = is_any c
--- | Returns a LexedString that, when iterated, lazily streams
--- successive characters from the AlexInput.
-asLexedString :: AlexInput -> LexedString AlexInput
-asLexedString = unfoldr toLexedChar
-  where
-    toLexedChar i =
-      case alexGetChar' i of
-        Just (c, i') -> Just (LexedChar c i, i')
-        Nothing -> Nothing
 fromStringLexError :: StringLexError AlexInput -> P a
 fromStringLexError = \case
-  SmartQuoteError c (AI loc _) -> add_smart_quote_error c loc
-  StringLexError _ i e -> setInput i >> lexError e
+  UnexpectedEOF i squote -> checkSQuote squote >> throw i LexStringCharLitEOF
+  BadCharInitialLex i squote -> checkSQuote squote >> throw i LexStringCharLit
+  EscapeBadChar i -> throw i LexStringCharLit
+  EscapeUnexpectedEOF i -> throw i LexStringCharLitEOF
+  EscapeNumRangeError i -> throw i LexNumEscapeRange
+  EscapeSmartQuoteError c (AI loc _) -> add_smart_quote_error c loc
+  where
+    throw i e = setInput i >> lexError e
+    checkSQuote = \case
+      NoSmartQuote -> pure ()
+      SmartQuote c (AI loc _) -> add_nonfatal_smart_quote_error c loc
 -- before calling lit_error, ensure that the current input is pointing to
 -- the position of the error in the buffer.  This is so that we can report
@@ -2397,12 +2332,6 @@ fromStringLexError = \case
 lit_error :: AlexInput -> P a
 lit_error i = do setInput i; lexError LexStringCharLit
-getCharOrFail :: AlexInput -> P Char
-getCharOrFail i =  do
-  case alexGetChar' i of
-        Nothing -> lexError LexStringCharLitEOF
-        Just (c,i)  -> do setInput i; return c
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- QuasiQuote

@@ -1,170 +1,269 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 module GHC.Parser.String (
-  LexedString,
-  LexedChar (..),
   StringLexError (..),
+  ContainsSmartQuote (..),
   LexStringType (..),
-  resolveLexedString,
-  resolveEscapeCharacter,
+  lexString,
   -- * Unicode smart quote helpers
+  -- * Other helpers
+  isAnyChar,
+  resolveEscapeCharacter,
 ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
 import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
-import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, unless, when, (>=>))
-import Data.Char (chr, isSpace, ord)
-import qualified Data.Foldable1 as Foldable1
-import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
+import Control.Monad (guard, unless, when)
+import Data.Char (chr, isPrint, ord)
+import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
 import GHC.Parser.CharClass (
+  is_any,
+  is_space,
-import GHC.Parser.Errors.Types (LexErr (..))
 import GHC.Utils.Panic (panic)
-data LexStringType = StringTypeSingle | StringTypeMulti deriving (Eq)
-data LexedChar loc = LexedChar !Char !loc
-type LexedString loc = [LexedChar loc]
+data LexStringType = StringTypeSingle | StringTypeMulti
-unLexedChar :: LexedChar loc -> Char
-unLexedChar (LexedChar c _) = c
+data LexStringState loc = LexStringState
+  { stringAcc :: !String
+  , multilineCommonWsPrefix :: !Int
+  , smartQuoteGetChar :: GetChar loc
+  , initialLoc :: !loc
+  }
-unLexedString :: LexedString loc -> String
-unLexedString = map unLexedChar
+-- | Get the character at the given location, with the location
+-- of the next character. Returns Nothing if at the end of the
+-- input.
+type GetChar loc = loc -> Maybe (Char, loc)
-resolveLexedString ::
-  LexStringType ->
-  LexedString loc ->
-  Either (StringLexError loc) String
-resolveLexedString strType = fmap unLexedString . processString
+lexString :: LexStringType -> GetChar loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) (String, loc)
+lexString strType getChar initialLoc = go initialState initialLoc
-    processString =
-      case strType of
-        StringTypeSingle ->
-              resolveEscapeCharacters
-        StringTypeMulti ->
-              resolveMultilineString
-          >>> (\s -> checkInnerTabs s >> pure s)
-          >=> resolveEscapeCharacters
-data StringLexError loc
-  = SmartQuoteError !Char !loc
-  | StringLexError !Char !loc !LexErr
-collapseStringGaps :: LexedString loc -> LexedString loc
-collapseStringGaps s0 = go s0
+    initialState =
+      LexStringState
+        { stringAcc = ""
+        , multilineCommonWsPrefix =
+            case strType of
+              StringTypeMulti -> maxBound
+              _ -> 0
+        , smartQuoteGetChar = getChar
+        , initialLoc = initialLoc
+        }
+    go s loc0 =
+      case getChar loc0 of
+        -- found closing delimiter
+        Just ('"', _) | Just loc1 <- checkDelimiter strType getChar loc0 -> do
+          let postprocess =
+                case strType of
+                  StringTypeSingle -> id
+                  StringTypeMulti -> postprocessMultiline (multilineCommonWsPrefix s)
+          Right (postprocess . reverse $ stringAcc s, loc1)
+        -- found backslash
+        Just (c0@'\\', loc1) -> do
+          case getChar loc1 of
+            -- found '\&' character, which should be elided
+            Just ('&', loc2) -> go s loc2
+            -- found start of a string gap
+            Just (c1, loc2) | is_space c1 -> collapseStringGap getChar s loc2 >>= go s
+            -- some other escape character
+            Just (c1, loc2) ->
+              case strType of
+                StringTypeSingle -> do
+                  (c', loc') <- resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc1
+                  go (addChar c' s) loc'
+                StringTypeMulti -> do
+                  -- keep escape characters unresolved until after post-processing,
+                  -- to distinguish between a user-newline and the user writing "\n".
+                  -- but still process the characters here, to find any errors
+                  _ <- resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc1
+                  go (addChar c1 . addChar c0 $ s) loc2
+            -- backslash at end of input
+            Nothing -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc1 (hasSQuote s)
+        -- found newline character in multiline string
+        Just (c0@'\n', loc1) | StringTypeMulti <- strType ->
+          uncurry go $ parseLeadingWS getChar (addChar c0 s) loc1
+        -- found some other character
+        Just (c0, loc1) | isAnyChar c0 -> go (addChar c0 s) loc1
+        -- found some unknown character
+        Just (_, _) -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote s)
+        -- reached EOF before finding end of string
+        Nothing -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote s)
+checkDelimiter :: LexStringType -> GetChar loc -> loc -> Maybe loc
+checkDelimiter strType getChar loc0 =
+  case strType of
+    StringTypeSingle -> do
+      ('"', loc1) <- getChar loc0
+      Just loc1
+    StringTypeMulti -> do
+      ('"', loc1) <- getChar loc0
+      ('"', loc2) <- getChar loc1
+      ('"', loc3) <- getChar loc2
+      Just loc3
+-- | A helper for adding the given character to the lexed string.
+addChar :: Char -> LexStringState loc -> LexStringState loc
+addChar c s = s{stringAcc = c : stringAcc s}
+hasSQuote :: LexStringState loc -> ContainsSmartQuote loc
+hasSQuote s
+  | any isDoubleSmartQuote (stringAcc s)
+  , (c, loc) : _ <- filter (isDoubleSmartQuote . fst) allChars =
+      SmartQuote c loc
+  | otherwise =
+      NoSmartQuote
-    go = \case
-      [] -> []
+    allChars = unfoldr getCharWithLoc (initialLoc s)
+    getCharWithLoc loc =
+      case smartQuoteGetChar s loc of
+        Just (c, loc') -> Just ((c, loc), loc')
+        Nothing -> Nothing
+-- | After parsing a backslash and a space character, consume the rest of
+-- the string gap and return the next location.
+collapseStringGap :: GetChar loc -> LexStringState loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) loc
+collapseStringGap getChar s = go
+  where
+    go loc0 =
+      case getChar loc0 of
+        Just ('\\', loc1) -> pure loc1
+        Just (c0, loc1) | is_space c0 -> go loc1
+        Just _ -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote s)
+        Nothing -> Left $ UnexpectedEOF loc0 (hasSQuote s)
-      backslash@(LexedChar '\\' _) : c : s
-        | isLexedSpace c ->
-            -- lexer should have validated that this is a valid gap,
-            -- so we'll panic if we find any invalid characters
-            case dropWhile isLexedSpace s of
-              LexedChar '\\' _ : s -> go s
-              _ -> panic $ "Invalid string gap in " ++ show (unLexedString s0)
-        | otherwise ->
-            backslash : c : go s
+-- | See Note [Multiline string literals]
+parseLeadingWS :: GetChar loc -> LexStringState loc -> loc -> (LexStringState loc, loc)
+parseLeadingWS getChar = go 0
+  where
+    go !col s loc =
+      case getChar loc of
+        Just (c@' ', loc') -> go (col + 1) (addChar c s) loc'
+        -- expand tabs
+        Just ('\t', loc') ->
+          let fill = 8 - (col `mod` 8)
+              s' = applyN fill (addChar ' ') s
+           in go (col + fill) s' loc'
+        -- if we see a newline or string delimiter, then this line only contained whitespace, so
+        -- don't include it in the common whitespace prefix
+        Just ('\n', _) -> (s, loc)
+        Just ('"', _) | Just _ <- checkDelimiter StringTypeMulti getChar loc -> (s, loc)
+        -- found some other character, so we're done parsing leading whitespace
+        _ ->
+          let s' = s{multilineCommonWsPrefix = min col (multilineCommonWsPrefix s)}
+           in (s', loc)
+    applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+    applyN n f x0 = iterate f x0 !! n
-      c : s -> c : go s
+data StringLexError loc
+  = UnexpectedEOF !loc !(ContainsSmartQuote loc)
+    -- ^ Unexpectedly hit EOF when lexing string
+  | BadCharInitialLex !loc !(ContainsSmartQuote loc)
+    -- ^ Found invalid character when initially lexing string
+  | EscapeBadChar !loc
+    -- ^ Found invalid character when parsing an escaped character
+  | EscapeUnexpectedEOF !loc
+    -- ^ Unexpectedly hit EOF when parsing an escaped character
+  | EscapeNumRangeError !loc
+    -- ^ Escaped number exceeds range
+  | EscapeSmartQuoteError !Char !loc
+    -- ^ Found escaped smart unicode chars as `\’` or `\”`
+  deriving (Show)
+-- | When initially lexing the string, we want to track if we've
+-- seen a smart quote, to show a helpful "you might be accidentally
+-- using a smart quote" error.
+data ContainsSmartQuote loc
+  = NoSmartQuote
+  | SmartQuote !Char !loc
+  deriving (Show)
-resolveEscapeCharacters :: LexedString loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) (LexedString loc)
-resolveEscapeCharacters = go
-  where
-    go = \case
-      [] -> pure []
-      LexedChar '\\' _ : LexedChar '&' _ : s -> go s
-      backslashChar@(LexedChar '\\' _) : s -> do
-        (c, s') <- resolveEscapeCharacter backslashChar s
-        (c :) <$> go s'
-      c : s ->
-        (c :) <$> go s
--- | After finding a backslash, parse the rest of the escape character.
-resolveEscapeCharacter ::
-  LexedChar loc ->   -- the backslash character
-  LexedString loc -> -- the rest of the string to parse
-  Either
-    (StringLexError loc)
-    (LexedChar loc, LexedString loc) -- the resolved escape character and the rest of the string
-resolveEscapeCharacter backslashChar s0 = do
-  (firstChar@(LexedChar c loc), s1) <- expectNext backslashChar s0
-  let rewrap c' = pure (LexedChar c' loc, s1)
-  case c of
-    'a'  -> rewrap '\a'
-    'b'  -> rewrap '\b'
-    'f'  -> rewrap '\f'
-    'n'  -> rewrap '\n'
-    'r'  -> rewrap '\r'
-    't'  -> rewrap '\t'
-    'v'  -> rewrap '\v'
-    '\\' -> rewrap '\\'
-    '"'  -> rewrap '\"'
-    '\'' -> rewrap '\''
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Escape characters
+-- | After finding a backslash, parse the rest of the escape character, starting
+-- at the given location.
+resolveEscapeCharacter :: GetChar loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) (Char, loc)
+resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc0 = do
+  (c0, loc1) <- expectChar loc0
+  case c0 of
+    'a'  -> pure ('\a', loc1)
+    'b'  -> pure ('\b', loc1)
+    'f'  -> pure ('\f', loc1)
+    'n'  -> pure ('\n', loc1)
+    'r'  -> pure ('\r', loc1)
+    't'  -> pure ('\t', loc1)
+    'v'  -> pure ('\v', loc1)
+    '\\' -> pure ('\\', loc1)
+    '"'  -> pure ('\"', loc1)
+    '\'' -> pure ('\'', loc1)
     -- escape codes
-    'x' -> expectNum is_hexdigit 16 hexDigit (firstChar, s1)
-    'o' -> expectNum is_octdigit 8 octDecDigit (firstChar, s1)
-    _ | is_decdigit c -> expectNum is_decdigit 10 octDecDigit (backslashChar, s0)
+    'x' -> expectNum is_hexdigit 16 hexDigit loc1
+    'o' -> expectNum is_octdigit 8 octDecDigit loc1
+    _ | is_decdigit c0 -> expectNum is_decdigit 10 octDecDigit loc0
     -- control characters (e.g. '\^M')
     '^' -> do
-      (LexedChar c1 loc1, s2) <- expectNext firstChar s1
-      unless (c1 >= '@' && c1 <= '_') $
-        Left $ StringLexError c1 loc1 LexStringCharLit
-      let c' = chr $ ord c1 - ord '@'
-      pure (LexedChar c' loc, s2)
+      (c1, loc2) <- expectChar loc1
+      unless ('@' <= c1 && c1 <= '_') $ Left $ EscapeBadChar loc1
+      pure (chr $ ord c1 - ord '@', loc2)
     -- long form escapes (e.g. '\NUL')
-    _ | Just (c', s2) <- parseLongEscape firstChar s1 -> pure (LexedChar c' loc, s2)
+    _ | Just (c1, loc2) <- parseLongEscape getChar c0 loc1 -> pure (c1, loc2)
     -- check unicode smart quotes (#21843)
-    _ | isDoubleSmartQuote c -> Left $ SmartQuoteError c loc
-    _ | isSingleSmartQuote c -> Left $ SmartQuoteError c loc
+    _ | isDoubleSmartQuote c0 -> Left $ EscapeSmartQuoteError c0 loc0
+    _ | isSingleSmartQuote c0 -> Left $ EscapeSmartQuoteError c0 loc0
     -- unknown escape
-    _ -> Left $ StringLexError c loc LexStringCharLit
+    _ -> Left $ EscapeBadChar loc0
-    expectNext lastChar = \case
-      [] -> do
-        let LexedChar c loc = lastChar
-        Left $ StringLexError c loc LexStringCharLitEOF
-      c : cs -> pure (c, cs)
-    expectNum isDigit base toDigit (lastChar, s0) = do
-      (LexedChar c loc, s1) <- expectNext lastChar s0
-      unless (isDigit c) $ Left $ StringLexError c loc LexStringCharLit
-      let parseNum x = \case
-            LexedChar c' loc' : s' | isDigit c' -> do
-              let x' = x * base + toDigit c'
-              when (x' > 0x10ffff) $ Left $ StringLexError c' loc' LexNumEscapeRange
-              parseNum x' s'
-            s ->
-              pure (LexedChar (chr x) loc, s)
-      parseNum (toDigit c) s1
--- | Check if the escape characters match a long escape code.
--- >>> parseLongEscape 'C' [LexedChar 'R', LexedChar 'X', ...s] = Just ('\CR', [LexedChar 'X', ...s])
--- >>> parseLongEscape 'X' [LexedChar 'X', LexedChar 'X', ...s] = Nothing
-parseLongEscape :: LexedChar loc -> LexedString loc -> Maybe (Char, LexedString loc)
-parseLongEscape (LexedChar c _) s = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCodes
+    expectChar loc =
+      case getChar loc of
+        Just x -> pure x
+        Nothing -> Left $ EscapeUnexpectedEOF loc
+    expectNum isDigit base toDigit loc1 = do
+      (c1, loc2) <- expectChar loc1
+      unless (isDigit c1) $ Left $ EscapeBadChar loc1
+      let parseNum x loc =
+            case getChar loc of
+              Just (c, loc') | isDigit c -> do
+                let x' = x * base + toDigit c
+                when (x' > 0x10ffff) $ Left $ EscapeNumRangeError loc'
+                parseNum x' loc'
+              _ ->
+                pure (chr x, loc)
+      parseNum (toDigit c1) loc2
+parseLongEscape :: GetChar loc -> Char -> loc -> Maybe (Char, loc)
+parseLongEscape getChar c0 loc1 = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCodes
-    tryParse (prefix, c') = do
+    tryParse (prefix, c) = do
       p0 : p <- pure prefix
-      guard (p0 == c)       -- see if the first character matches
-      s' <- parsePrefix p s -- see if the rest of the prefix matches
-      pure (c', s')
+      guard (p0 == c0)          -- see if the first character matches
+      loc <- parsePrefix loc1 p -- see if the rest of the prefix matches
+      pure (c, loc)
-    parsePrefix (p : ps) (LexedChar t _ : ts) | p == t = parsePrefix ps ts
-    parsePrefix [] s' = Just s' -- we've matched the whole prefix, return the rest
-    parsePrefix _ _ = Nothing
+    parsePrefix loc = \case
+      [] -> pure loc
+      p : ps -> do
+        (c, loc') <- getChar loc
+        guard (p == c)
+        parsePrefix loc' ps
     longEscapeCodes =
       [ ("NUL", '\NUL')
@@ -203,17 +302,6 @@ parseLongEscape (LexedChar c _) s = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCo
       , ("DEL", '\DEL')
--- | Error if string contains any tab characters.
--- Normal strings don't lex tab characters in the first place, but we
--- have to allow them in multiline strings for leading indentation. So
--- we allow them in the initial lexing pass, then check for any remaining
--- tabs after replacing leading tabs in resolveMultilineString.
-checkInnerTabs :: LexedString loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) ()
-checkInnerTabs s =
-  forM_ s $ \(LexedChar c loc) ->
-    when (c == '\t') $ Left $ StringLexError c loc LexStringCharLit
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Unicode Smart Quote detection (#21843)
@@ -242,7 +330,7 @@ is, HsMultilineString will contain the post-processed string. This matches
 the same behavior as HsString, which contains the normalized string
 (see Note [Literal source text]).
-The string is post-processed with the following steps:
+The canonical steps for post processing a multiline string are:
 1. Collapse string gaps
 2. Split the string by newlines
 3. Convert leading tabs into spaces
@@ -253,6 +341,17 @@ The string is post-processed with the following steps:
 7. If the first character of the string is a newline, remove it
 8. Interpret escaped characters
+However, for performance reasons, we do as much of this in one pass as possible:
+1. As we lex the string, do the following steps as they appear:
+    a. Collapse string gaps
+    b. Keep track of the common whitespace prefix so far
+    c. Validate escaped characters
+2. At the very end, post process the lexed string:
+    a. Remove the common whitespace prefix from every line
+    b. Remove all whitespace from all-whitespace lines
+    c. Remove initial newline character
+    d. Resolve escaped characters
 The common whitespace prefix can be informally defined as "The longest
 prefix of whitespace shared by all lines in the string, excluding the
 first line and any whitespace-only lines".
@@ -267,83 +366,67 @@ It's more precisely defined with the following algorithm:
 3. Calculate the longest prefix of whitespace shared by all lines in the remaining list
--- | A lexed line, with the string and the location info of the ending newline
--- character, if one exists
-data LexedLine loc = LexedLine !(LexedString loc) (Maybe loc)
-mapLine :: (LexedString loc -> LexedString loc) -> LexedLine loc -> LexedLine loc
-mapLine f (LexedLine line nl) = LexedLine (f line) nl
-mapLines :: (LexedString loc -> LexedString loc) -> [LexedLine loc] -> [LexedLine loc]
-mapLines f = map (mapLine f)
-filterLines :: (LexedString loc -> Bool) -> [LexedLine loc] -> [LexedLine loc]
-filterLines f = filter (\(LexedLine line _) -> f line)
-splitLines :: LexedString loc -> [LexedLine loc]
-splitLines =
-  foldr
-    ( curry $ \case
-        (LexedChar '\n' loc, ls) -> LexedLine [] (Just loc) : ls
-        (c, l : ls) -> mapLine (c :) l : ls
-        (c, []) -> LexedLine [c] Nothing : [] -- should not happen
-    )
-    [emptyLine]
-  where
-    emptyLine = LexedLine [] Nothing
-joinLines :: [LexedLine loc] -> LexedString loc
-joinLines = concatMap $ \(LexedLine line nl) ->
-  case nl of
-    Nothing -> line
-    Just nl' -> line ++ [LexedChar '\n' nl']
 -- | See Note [Multiline string literals]
-resolveMultilineString :: LexedString loc -> LexedString loc
-resolveMultilineString = process
+postprocessMultiline :: Int -> String -> String
+postprocessMultiline commonWSPrefix =
+      rmCommonWhitespacePrefix
+  >>> collapseOnlyWsLines
+  >>> rmFirstNewline
+  >>> resolveEscapeChars
-    process =
-          splitLines
-      >>> convertLeadingTabs
-      >>> rmCommonWhitespacePrefix
-      >>> stripOnlyWhitespace
-      >>> joinLines
-      >>> rmFirstNewline
-    convertLeadingTabs =
-      let convertLine col = \case
+    rmCommonWhitespacePrefix =
+      let go = \case
+            '\n' : s -> '\n' : go (dropLine commonWSPrefix s)
+            c : s -> c : go s
             [] -> []
-            c@(LexedChar ' ' _) : cs -> c : convertLine (col + 1) cs
-            LexedChar '\t' loc : cs ->
-              let fill = 8 - (col `mod` 8)
-               in replicate fill (LexedChar ' ' loc) ++ convertLine (col + fill) cs
-            c : cs -> c : cs
-       in mapLines (convertLine 0)
-    rmCommonWhitespacePrefix = \case
-      [] -> []
-      -- exclude the first line from this calculation
-      firstLine : strLines ->
-        let excludeWsOnlyLines = filterLines (not . all isLexedSpace)
-            commonWSPrefix =
-              case NonEmpty.nonEmpty (excludeWsOnlyLines strLines) of
-                Nothing -> 0
-                Just strLines' ->
-                  Foldable1.minimum $
-                    flip NonEmpty.map strLines' $ \(LexedLine line _) ->
-                      length $ takeWhile isLexedSpace line
-         in firstLine : mapLines (drop commonWSPrefix) strLines
-    stripOnlyWhitespace =
-      let stripWsOnlyLine line = if all isLexedSpace line then [] else line
-       in mapLines stripWsOnlyLine
+          -- drop x characters from the string, or up to a newline, whichever
+          -- comes first
+          dropLine !x = \case
+            s | x <= 0 -> s
+            s@('\n' : _) -> s
+            _ : s -> dropLine (x - 1) s
+            [] -> []
+       in go
+    collapseOnlyWsLines =
+      let go = \case
+            '\n' : s | Just s' <- checkAllWs s -> '\n' : go s'
+            c : s -> c : go s
+            [] -> []
+          checkAllWs = \case
+            -- got all the way to a newline or the end of the string, return
+            s@('\n' : _) -> Just s
+            s@[] -> Just s
+            -- found whitespace, continue
+            c : s | is_space c -> checkAllWs s
+            -- anything else, stop
+            _ -> Nothing
+       in go
     rmFirstNewline = \case
-      LexedChar '\n' _ : s -> s
+      '\n' : s -> s
       s -> s
+    -- resolve escape characters, deferred from lexString. guaranteed
+    -- to not throw any errors, since we already checked them in lexString
+    resolveEscapeChars = \case
+      [] -> []
+      '\\' : s ->
+        -- concretizing 'loc' to String:
+        --   resolveEscapeCharacter :: (String -> Maybe (Char, String)) -> String -> Either _ (Char, String)
+        case resolveEscapeCharacter uncons s of
+          Left e -> panic $ "resolving escape characters in multiline string unexpectedly found errors: " ++ show e
+          Right (c, s') -> c : resolveEscapeChars s'
+      c : s -> c : resolveEscapeChars s
+    uncons = \case
+      c : cs -> Just (c, cs)
+      [] -> Nothing
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Helpers
-isLexedSpace :: LexedChar loc -> Bool
-isLexedSpace = isSpace . unLexedChar
+isAnyChar :: Char -> Bool
+isAnyChar c
+  | c > '\x7f' = isPrint c
+  | otherwise  = is_any c

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