[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/torsten.schmits/oneshot-bytecode-pkgdeps] Refactor dependency collection
Torsten Schmits (@torsten.schmits)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jul 8 16:54:46 UTC 2024
Torsten Schmits pushed to branch wip/torsten.schmits/oneshot-bytecode-pkgdeps at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
7515bde8 by Torsten Schmits at 2024-07-08T18:51:55+02:00
Refactor dependency collection
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Deps.hs
- testsuite/tests/th/cross-package/Makefile
- testsuite/tests/th/cross-package/all.T
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Unit.Home
import GHC.Data.Maybe
-import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@@ -117,45 +116,56 @@ get_link_deps
get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
-- 1. Find the dependent home-pkg-modules/packages from each iface
-- (omitting modules from the interactive package, which is already linked)
- (mods_s, pkgs_s) <-
+ deps <-
-- Why two code paths here? There is a significant amount of repeated work
-- performed calculating transitive dependencies
-- if --make uses the oneShot code path (see MultiLayerModulesTH_* tests)
if ldOneShotMode opts
- then follow_deps (filterOut isInteractiveModule mods)
- emptyUniqDSet emptyUniqDSet;
- else do
- (pkgs, mmods) <- unzip <$> mapM get_mod_info all_home_mods
- return (catMaybes mmods, unionManyUniqDSets (init_pkg_set : pkgs))
- let
- -- 2. Exclude ones already linked
- -- Main reason: avoid findModule calls in get_linkable
- (mods_needed, links_got) = partitionWith split_mods mods_s
- pkgs_needed = eltsUDFM $ getUniqDSet pkgs_s `minusUDFM` pkgs_loaded pls
- split_mods mod =
- let is_linked = lookupModuleEnv (objs_loaded pls) mod
- <|> lookupModuleEnv (bcos_loaded pls) mod
- in case is_linked of
- Just linkable -> Right linkable
- Nothing -> Left mod
+ then oneshot_deps opts (filterOut isInteractiveModule mods)
+ else make_deps
+ -- TODO this used to avoid some lookups, maybe we can move that to
+ -- oneshot_deps now
+ -- (mods_needed, links_got) = partitionWith split_mods mods_s
+ --
+ -- split_mods mod =
+ -- let is_linked = lookupModuleEnv (objs_loaded pls) mod
+ -- <|> lookupModuleEnv (bcos_loaded pls) mod
+ -- in case is_linked of
+ -- Just linkable -> Right linkable
+ -- Nothing -> Left mod
-- 3. For each dependent module, find its linkable
-- This will either be in the HPT or (in the case of one-shot
-- compilation) we may need to use maybe_getFileLinkable
- lnks_needed <- mapM get_linkable mods_needed
+ (lnks, pkgs_s) <- partitionWithM dep_linkable deps
+ let
+ lnks_needed = concat lnks
+ pkgs_s' = mkUniqDSet pkgs_s
+ pkgs_needed = eltsUDFM $ getUniqDSet pkgs_s' `minusUDFM` pkgs_loaded pls
return $ LinkDeps
{ ldNeededLinkables = lnks_needed
- , ldAllLinkables = links_got ++ lnks_needed
+ -- , ldAllLinkables = links_got ++ lnks_needed
+ , ldAllLinkables = lnks_needed
, ldUnits = pkgs_needed
- , ldNeededUnits = pkgs_s
+ , ldNeededUnits = pkgs_s'
mod_graph = ldModuleGraph opts
unit_env = ldUnitEnv opts
+ make_deps = do
+ (pkgs, mmods) <- unzip <$> mapM get_mod_info all_home_mods
+ let
+ link_mods =
+ listToUDFM [(moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface m)), m) | m <- mmods]
+ link_libs =
+ uniqDSetToList (unionManyUniqDSets (init_pkg_set : pkgs))
+ pure $
+ LinkModules (LinkHomeModule <$> link_mods) :
+ (LinkLibrary <$> link_libs)
-- This code is used in `--make` mode to calculate the home package and unit dependencies
-- for a set of modules.
@@ -187,94 +197,14 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
get_mod_info (ModNodeKeyWithUid gwib uid) =
case lookupHug (ue_home_unit_graph unit_env) uid (gwib_mod gwib) of
- Just hmi ->
- let iface = (hm_iface hmi)
- mmod = case mi_hsc_src iface of
- HsBootFile -> link_boot_mod_error (mi_module iface)
- _ -> return $ Just (mi_module iface)
- in (mkUniqDSet $ Set.toList $ dep_direct_pkgs (mi_deps iface),) <$> mmod
+ Just hmi -> do
+ let iface = hm_iface hmi
+ case mi_hsc_src iface of
+ HsBootFile -> throwProgramError opts $ link_boot_mod_error (mi_module iface)
+ _ -> pure (mkUniqDSet $ Set.toList $ dep_direct_pkgs (mi_deps iface), hmi)
Nothing -> throwProgramError opts $
text "getLinkDeps: Home module not loaded" <+> ppr (gwib_mod gwib) <+> ppr uid
- -- This code is used in one-shot mode to traverse downwards through the HPT
- -- to find all link dependencies.
- -- The ModIface contains the transitive closure of the module dependencies
- -- within the current package, *except* for boot modules: if we encounter
- -- a boot module, we have to find its real interface and discover the
- -- dependencies of that. Hence we need to traverse the dependency
- -- tree recursively. See bug #936, testcase ghci/prog007.
- follow_deps :: [Module] -- modules to follow
- -> UniqDSet Module -- accum. module dependencies
- -> UniqDSet UnitId -- accum. package dependencies
- -> IO ([Module], UniqDSet UnitId) -- result
- follow_deps [] acc_mods acc_pkgs =
- pure (uniqDSetToList acc_mods, acc_pkgs)
- follow_deps (mod : mods) acc_mods acc_pkgs = do
- ldLoadIface opts msg mod >>= \case
- Failed err
- | ldUseByteCode opts
- -> follow_deps mods acc_mods (addOneToUniqDSet acc_pkgs (moduleUnitId mod))
- | otherwise
- -> throwProgramError opts $
- missingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic (ldMsgOpts opts) err
- Succeeded iface -> follow_deps_iface iface mod mods acc_mods acc_pkgs
- where
- msg = text "need to link module" <+> ppr mod <+>
- text "due to use of Template Haskell"
- follow_deps_iface iface mod mods acc_mods acc_pkgs = do
- when (mi_boot iface == IsBoot) $ link_boot_mod_error mod
- let
- pkg = moduleUnit mod
- deps = mi_deps iface
- pkg_deps = dep_direct_pkgs deps
- (boot_deps_home, mod_deps_home) = flip partitionWith (Set.toList (dep_direct_mods deps)) $
- \case
- (_, GWIB m IsBoot) -> Left (mkModule pkg m)
- (_, GWIB m NotBoot) -> Right (mkModule pkg m)
- has_core_bindings = isJust (mi_extra_decls iface)
- acc_pkgs'
- | ldUseByteCode opts
- = if has_core_bindings
- then acc_pkgs
- else addOneToUniqDSet acc_pkgs (moduleUnitId mod)
- | otherwise
- = addListToUniqDSet acc_pkgs (Set.toList pkg_deps)
- mod_deps_pkg
- | ldUseByteCode opts
- = [usg_mod | UsagePackageModule {usg_mod} <- mi_usages iface]
- | otherwise
- = []
- mod_deps' = filterOut (`elementOfUniqDSet` acc_mods) (boot_deps_home ++ mod_deps_home ++ mod_deps_pkg)
- acc_mods'
- | ldUseByteCode opts
- = addOneToUniqDSet acc_mods mod
- | otherwise
- = addListToUniqDSet acc_mods (mod : mod_deps')
- case ue_homeUnit unit_env of
- _ | ldUseByteCode opts && has_core_bindings ->
- follow_deps (mod_deps' ++ mods) acc_mods' acc_pkgs'
- Just home_unit | isHomeUnit home_unit pkg ->
- follow_deps (mod_deps' ++ mods) acc_mods' acc_pkgs'
- _ ->
- follow_deps mods acc_mods (addOneToUniqDSet acc_pkgs' (toUnitId pkg))
- where
- link_boot_mod_error :: Module -> IO a
- link_boot_mod_error mod = throwProgramError opts $
- text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
- text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module"
no_obj :: Outputable a => a -> IO b
no_obj mod = dieWith opts span $
text "cannot find object file for module " <>
@@ -283,6 +213,24 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
while_linking_expr = text "while linking an interpreted expression"
+ dep_linkable = \case
+ LinkModules mods -> Left <$> mapM get_linkable (eltsUDFM mods)
+ LinkLibrary uid -> pure (Right uid)
+ get_linkable = \case
+ LinkHomeModule hmi ->
+ pure (expectJust "getLinkDeps" (homeModLinkable hmi))
+ LinkObjectModule iface loc -> do
+ let mod = mi_module iface
+ findObjectLinkableMaybe mod loc >>= \case
+ Nothing -> no_obj mod
+ Just lnk -> adjust_linkable lnk
+ LinkByteCodeModule iface wcb -> do
+ details <- initModDetails (ldHscEnv opts) iface
+ t <- getCurrentTime
+ initWholeCoreBindings (ldHscEnv opts) iface details $ LM t (mi_module iface) [CoreBindings wcb]
-- See Note [Using Byte Code rather than Object Code for Template Haskell]
homeModLinkable :: HomeModInfo -> Maybe Linkable
@@ -291,72 +239,182 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
then homeModInfoByteCode hmi <|> homeModInfoObject hmi
else homeModInfoObject hmi <|> homeModInfoByteCode hmi
- get_linkable mod -- A home-package module
- | Just mod_info <- lookupHugByModule mod (ue_home_unit_graph unit_env)
- = adjust_linkable (expectJust "getLinkDeps" (homeModLinkable mod_info))
- | otherwise
- = do -- It's not in the HPT because we are in one shot mode,
- -- so use the Finder to get a ModLocation...
- case ue_homeUnit unit_env of
- Nothing -> no_obj mod
- Just home_unit -> do
- let fc = ldFinderCache opts
- let fopts = ldFinderOpts opts
- mb_stuff <- findHomeModule fc fopts home_unit (moduleName mod)
- case mb_stuff of
- Found loc mod -> found loc mod
- _ | ldUseByteCode opts -> hydrate (no_obj mod) mod
- | otherwise -> no_obj (moduleName mod)
- where
- found loc mod
- | ldUseByteCode opts = hydrate (fallback_no_bytecode loc mod) mod
- | otherwise = fallback_no_bytecode loc mod
- hydrate alt mod = do
- Succeeded iface <- ldLoadIface opts (text "makima") mod
- case mi_extra_decls iface of
- Just extra_decls -> do
- details <- initModDetails hsc_env iface
- t <- getCurrentTime
- initWholeCoreBindings hsc_env iface details $ LM t mod [CoreBindings $ WholeCoreBindings extra_decls mod undefined]
- _ -> alt
- fallback_no_bytecode loc mod = do
- mb_lnk <- findObjectLinkableMaybe mod loc
- case mb_lnk of
- Nothing -> no_obj mod
- Just lnk -> adjust_linkable lnk
- hsc_env = ldHscEnv opts
- adjust_linkable lnk
- | Just new_osuf <- maybe_normal_osuf = do
- new_uls <- mapM (adjust_ul new_osuf)
- (linkableUnlinked lnk)
- return lnk{ linkableUnlinked=new_uls }
- | otherwise =
- return lnk
- adjust_ul new_osuf (DotO file) = do
- -- file may already has new_osuf suffix. One example
- -- is when we load bytecode from whole core bindings,
- -- then the corresponding foreign stub objects are
- -- compiled as shared objects and file may already has
- -- .dyn_o suffix. And it's okay as long as the file to
- -- load is already there.
- let new_file = file -<.> new_osuf
- ok <- doesFileExist new_file
- if (not ok)
- then dieWith opts span $
- text "cannot find object file "
- <> quotes (text new_file) $$ while_linking_expr
- else return (DotO new_file)
- adjust_ul _ (DotA fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotA " ++ show fp)
- adjust_ul _ (DotDLL fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotDLL " ++ show fp)
- adjust_ul _ l@(BCOs {}) = return l
- adjust_ul _ l at LoadedBCOs{} = return l
- adjust_ul _ (CoreBindings (WholeCoreBindings _ mod _)) = pprPanic "Unhydrated core bindings" (ppr mod)
+ adjust_linkable lnk
+ | Just new_osuf <- maybe_normal_osuf = do
+ new_uls <- mapM (adjust_ul new_osuf)
+ (linkableUnlinked lnk)
+ return lnk{ linkableUnlinked=new_uls }
+ | otherwise =
+ return lnk
+ adjust_ul new_osuf (DotO file) = do
+ -- file may already has new_osuf suffix. One example
+ -- is when we load bytecode from whole core bindings,
+ -- then the corresponding foreign stub objects are
+ -- compiled as shared objects and file may already has
+ -- .dyn_o suffix. And it's okay as long as the file to
+ -- load is already there.
+ let new_file = file -<.> new_osuf
+ ok <- doesFileExist new_file
+ if (not ok)
+ then dieWith opts span $
+ text "cannot find object file "
+ <> quotes (text new_file) $$ while_linking_expr
+ else return (DotO new_file)
+ adjust_ul _ (DotA fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotA " ++ show fp)
+ adjust_ul _ (DotDLL fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotDLL " ++ show fp)
+ adjust_ul _ l@(BCOs {}) = return l
+ adjust_ul _ l at LoadedBCOs{} = return l
+ adjust_ul _ (CoreBindings (WholeCoreBindings _ mod _)) = pprPanic "Unhydrated core bindings" (ppr mod)
+data LinkObjectModule =
+ LinkHomeModule HomeModInfo
+ |
+ LinkObjectModule ModIface ModLocation
+ |
+ LinkByteCodeModule ModIface WholeCoreBindings
+instance Outputable LinkObjectModule where
+ ppr = \case
+ LinkHomeModule hmi -> ppr (mi_module (hm_iface hmi)) <+> brackets (text "HMI")
+ LinkObjectModule iface _ -> ppr (mi_module iface)
+ LinkByteCodeModule _ wcb -> ppr (wcb_module wcb) <+> brackets (text "BC")
+data LinkDep =
+ LinkModules (UniqDFM ModuleName LinkObjectModule)
+ |
+ LinkLibrary UnitId
+instance Outputable LinkDep where
+ ppr = \case
+ LinkModules mods -> text "link modules:" <+> ppr mods
+ LinkLibrary uid -> text "link library:" <+> ppr uid
+-- This code is used in one-shot mode to traverse downwards through the HPT
+-- to find all link dependencies.
+-- The ModIface contains the transitive closure of the module dependencies
+-- within the current package, *except* for boot modules: if we encounter
+-- a boot module, we have to find its real interface and discover the
+-- dependencies of that. Hence we need to traverse the dependency
+-- tree recursively. See bug #936, testcase ghci/prog007.
+oneshot_deps ::
+ LinkDepsOpts ->
+ -- | Modules whose imports to follow
+ [Module] ->
+ IO [LinkDep]
+oneshot_deps opts mods =
+ eltsUDFM <$> oneshot_deps_loop opts [GWIB m NotBoot | m <- mods] emptyUDFM
+oneshot_deps_loop ::
+ LinkDepsOpts ->
+ [ModuleWithIsBoot] ->
+ UniqDFM UnitId LinkDep ->
+ IO (UniqDFM UnitId LinkDep)
+oneshot_deps_loop _ [] acc =
+ pure acc
+oneshot_deps_loop opts (GWIB mod is_boot : mods) acc = do
+ (new_acc, new_mods) <- process_module
+ oneshot_deps_loop opts (new_mods ++ mods) new_acc
+ where
+ process_module
+ | already_seen
+ = pure (acc, [])
+ | is_home || oe_bytecode
+ = try_add_module
+ | otherwise
+ = add_library
+ already_seen
+ | Just (LinkModules mods) <- mod_dep
+ = elemUDFM mod_name mods
+ | Just (LinkLibrary _) <- mod_dep
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ try_add_module = do
+ -- TODO use finder as well here to get ModLocation right away
+ ldLoadIface opts load_reason mod >>= \case
+ Failed err
+ -- Interfaces can be missing, e.g. from ghc-prim
+ -- TODO ???
+ | not is_home
+ , oe_bytecode
+ -> do
+ add_library
+ | otherwise
+ -> throwProgramError opts $
+ missingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic (ldMsgOpts opts) err
+ Succeeded iface
+ | mi_boot iface == IsBoot
+ -> throwProgramError opts $ link_boot_mod_error mod
+ | oe_bytecode
+ , Just core_bindings <- mi_extra_decls iface
+ -> pure (add_bytecode iface (WholeCoreBindings core_bindings mod undefined))
+ | is_home
+ , Just home <- oe_home
+ -> do
+ let fc = ldFinderCache opts
+ fopts = ldFinderOpts opts
+ findHomeModule fc fopts home (moduleName mod) >>= \case
+ Found loc _ -> do
+ pure (add_home_module iface loc)
+ _ ->
+ throwProgramError opts $
+ text "No home module for matching unit in module" <+> ppr mod
+ | otherwise
+ -> add_library
+ add_library = pure (addToUDFM acc mod_unit_id (LinkLibrary mod_unit_id), [])
+ add_bytecode iface core_bindings = add_module iface (LinkByteCodeModule iface core_bindings)
+ add_home_module iface loc = add_module iface (LinkObjectModule iface loc)
+ add_module iface lmod = (new_acc lmod, new_deps iface)
+ new_acc iface
+ | IsBoot <- is_boot
+ = acc
+ | otherwise
+ = alterUDFM (add_package_module iface) acc mod_unit_id
+ add_package_module lmod = \case
+ Just (LinkLibrary u) -> Just (LinkLibrary u)
+ Just (LinkModules old) -> Just (LinkModules (addToUDFM old mod_name lmod))
+ Nothing -> Just (LinkModules (unitUDFM mod_name lmod))
+ new_deps iface
+ | oe_bytecode
+ = [GWIB usg_mod NotBoot | UsagePackageModule {usg_mod} <- mi_usages iface] ++ local
+ | Just _ <- oe_home
+ = local
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+ where
+ local = [GWIB (mkModule mod_unit n) b | (_, GWIB n b) <- Set.toList (dep_direct_mods (mi_deps iface))]
+ is_home
+ | Just home <- oe_home
+ = homeUnitAsUnit home == mod_unit
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ mod_dep = lookupUDFM acc mod_unit_id
+ mod_name = moduleName mod
+ mod_unit_id = moduleUnitId mod
+ mod_unit = moduleUnit mod
+ load_reason =
+ text "need to link module" <+> ppr mod <+>
+ text "due to use of Template Haskell"
+ oe_bytecode = ldUseByteCode opts
+ oe_home = ue_homeUnit (ldUnitEnv opts)
+link_boot_mod_error :: Module -> SDoc
+link_boot_mod_error mod =
+ text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
+ text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module"
Note [Using Byte Code rather than Object Code for Template Haskell]
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ TOP=../../../..
include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
include $(TOP)/mk/test.mk
-ARGS := $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -package-db db -fprefer-byte-code -fbyte-code-and-object-code -package dep -v0
+BASIC := $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -this-unit-id=cross -package-db db -package dep -v0
+ARGS := $(BASIC) -fprefer-byte-code -fbyte-code-and-object-code
.PHONY: CrossPackageArchive
@@ -18,3 +19,8 @@ CrossPackageEmptyArchive:
./prep.bash "$(TEST_HC)" " $(TEST_HC_OPTS)" "$(GHC_PKG)" 3
./run.bash "$(TEST_HC)" "$(ARGS)"
+.PHONY: CrossPackageArchiveObjCode
+ ./prep.bash "$(TEST_HC)" "$(TEST_HC_OPTS)" "$(GHC_PKG)" 1
+ ./run.bash "$(TEST_HC)" "$(BASIC)"
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ def cross_test(suf):
+ use_specs({'stdout': 'CrossPackage.stdout'}),
@@ -21,3 +22,4 @@ def cross_test(suf):
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