[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/supersven/riscv64-ncg] 6 commits: Reduce duplication in conditionals

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Jan 28 16:51:36 UTC 2024

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/supersven/riscv64-ncg at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

fcd6a629 by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-15T17:52:06+01:00
Reduce duplication in conditionals

All non-W64 width had the same code.

- - - - -
5bced457 by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-25T12:13:51+01:00

- - - - -
eb35e081 by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-27T11:13:15+01:00
Far branches

- - - - -
2031765e by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-28T11:02:46+01:00
Far unconditional jumps / branches

Introduce B_FAR.

- - - - -
c2df499e by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-28T11:03:43+01:00
Fix DWARF labels

Some were missing...

- - - - -
61bcb6d1 by Sven Tennie at 2024-01-28T11:04:17+01:00

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Cond.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Ppr.hs


@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ncgRV64 config
        ,maxSpillSlots             = RV64.maxSpillSlots config
        ,allocatableRegs           = RV64.allocatableRegs platform
        ,ncgAllocMoreStack         = RV64.allocMoreStack platform
-       ,ncgMakeFarBranches        = const id
+       ,ncgMakeFarBranches        = RV64.makeFarBranches
        ,extractUnwindPoints       = const []
        ,invertCondBranches        = \_ _ -> id

@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ assignReg_FltCode = assignReg_IntCode
 genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> NatM InstrBlock
 genJump expr = do
     (target, _format, code) <- getSomeReg expr
-    return (code `appOL` unitOL (annExpr expr (J (TReg target))))
+    return (code `appOL` unitOL (annExpr expr (B (TReg target))))
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 --  Unconditional branches
@@ -1221,12 +1221,12 @@ genCondJump bid expr = do
       -- Optimized == 0 case.
       CmmMachOp (MO_Eq w) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> do
         (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x
-        return $ code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (CBZ (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))
+        return $ code_x `snocOL` annExpr expr (BCOND EQ zero (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))
       -- Optimized /= 0 case.
       CmmMachOp (MO_Ne w) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _)] -> do
         (reg_x, _format_x, code_x) <- getSomeReg x
-        return $ code_x `snocOL`  annExpr expr (CBNZ (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))
+        return $ code_x `snocOL`  annExpr expr (BCOND NE zero (OpReg w reg_x) (TBlock bid))
       -- Generic case.
       CmmMachOp mop [x, y] -> do
@@ -1244,7 +1244,9 @@ genCondJump bid expr = do
                       truncateReg (formatToWidth format_y) w reg_y  `appOL`
                       code_y `snocOL`
                       annExpr expr (BCOND cmp x' y' (TBlock bid))
-                  _   -> code_x `appOL` code_y `snocOL` annExpr expr (BCOND cmp x' y' (TBlock bid))
+                  _   -> code_x `appOL`
+                         code_y `snocOL`
+                         annExpr expr (BCOND cmp x' y' (TBlock bid))
             sbcond w cmp = do
               -- compute both sides.
@@ -1252,21 +1254,8 @@ genCondJump bid expr = do
               (reg_y, format_y, code_y) <- getSomeReg y
               let x' = OpReg w reg_x
                   y' = OpReg w reg_y
-              -- TODO: Reduce duplication in this block.
               return $ case w of
-                W8 ->
-                  code_x
-                    `appOL` signExtend (formatToWidth format_x) W64 reg_x reg_x
-                    `appOL` code_y
-                    `appOL` signExtend (formatToWidth format_y) W64 reg_y reg_y
-                    `appOL` unitOL (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp x' y' (TBlock bid)))
-                W16 ->
-                  code_x
-                    `appOL` signExtend (formatToWidth format_x) W64 reg_x reg_x
-                    `appOL` code_y
-                    `appOL` signExtend (formatToWidth format_y) W64 reg_y reg_y
-                    `appOL` unitOL (annExpr expr (BCOND cmp x' y' (TBlock bid)))
-                W32 ->
+                w | w `elem` [W8, W16, W32] ->
                     `appOL` signExtend (formatToWidth format_x) W64 reg_x reg_x
                     `appOL` code_y

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.RV64.Cond  where
-import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (EQ)
 -- FIXME: These conditions originate from the Aarch64 backend.  I'm not even sure
 -- we use all of them there. For RISCV we need to synthesize some of them, as
@@ -66,3 +66,28 @@ data Cond
     | VS     -- oVerflow set
     | VC     -- oVerflow clear
     deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Negate a condition.
+negateCond :: Cond -> Cond
+negateCond ALWAYS = NEVER
+negateCond NEVER  = ALWAYS
+negateCond EQ     = NE
+negateCond NE     = EQ
+negateCond SLT    = SGE
+negateCond SLE    = SGT
+negateCond SGE    = SLT
+negateCond SGT    = SLE
+negateCond ULT    = UGE
+negateCond ULE    = UGT
+negateCond UGE    = ULT
+negateCond UGT    = ULE
+negateCond OLT    = OGE
+negateCond OLE    = OGT
+negateCond OGE    = OLT
+negateCond OGT    = OLE
+negateCond UOLT   = UOGE
+negateCond UOLE   = UOGT
+negateCond UOGE   = UOLT
+negateCond UOGT   = UOLE
+negateCond VS     = VC
+negateCond VC     = VS

@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import GHC.Stack
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
+import Data.Foldable
+import GHC.Cmm.Info (maxRetInfoTableSizeW)
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM (listToUFM, lookupUFM)
 -- | Stack frame header size in bytes.
@@ -118,7 +122,9 @@ regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
   -- 4. Branch Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
   J t                      -> usage (regTarget t, [])
   B t                      -> usage (regTarget t, [])
+  B_FAR _t                 -> usage ([], [])
   BCOND _ l r t            -> usage (regTarget t ++ regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
+  BCOND_FAR _ l r b t        -> usage (regTarget t ++ regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
   BL t ps _rs              -> usage (regTarget t ++ ps, callerSavedRegisters)
   -- 5. Atomic Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -257,8 +263,10 @@ patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
     -- 4. Branch Instructions --------------------------------------------------
     J t            -> J (patchTarget t)
     B t            -> B (patchTarget t)
+    B_FAR t            -> B_FAR t
     BL t rs ts     -> BL (patchTarget t) rs ts
     BCOND c o1 o2 t -> BCOND c (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchTarget t)
+    BCOND_FAR c o1 o2 b t -> BCOND_FAR c (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchTarget b) (patchTarget t)
     -- 5. Atomic Instructions --------------------------------------------------
     -- 6. Conditional Instructions ---------------------------------------------
@@ -308,8 +316,10 @@ isJumpishInstr instr = case instr of
     CBNZ{} -> True
     J{} -> True
     B{} -> True
+    B_FAR{} -> True
     BL{} -> True
     BCOND{} -> True
+    BCOND_FAR{} -> True
     _ -> False
 -- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction.
@@ -321,8 +331,10 @@ jumpDestsOfInstr (CBZ _ t) = [ id | TBlock id <- [t]]
 jumpDestsOfInstr (CBNZ _ t) = [ id | TBlock id <- [t]]
 jumpDestsOfInstr (J t) = [id | TBlock id <- [t]]
 jumpDestsOfInstr (B t) = [id | TBlock id <- [t]]
+jumpDestsOfInstr (B_FAR t) = [t]
 jumpDestsOfInstr (BL t _ _) = [ id | TBlock id <- [t]]
 jumpDestsOfInstr (BCOND _ _ _ t) = [ id | TBlock id <- [t]]
+jumpDestsOfInstr (BCOND_FAR _ _ _ _ t) = [ id | TBlock id <- [t]]
 jumpDestsOfInstr _ = []
 -- | Change the destination of this jump instruction.
@@ -336,8 +348,10 @@ patchJumpInstr instr patchF
         CBNZ r (TBlock bid) -> CBNZ r (TBlock (patchF bid))
         J (TBlock bid) -> J (TBlock (patchF bid))
         B (TBlock bid) -> B (TBlock (patchF bid))
+        B_FAR bid -> B_FAR (patchF bid)
         BL (TBlock bid) ps rs -> BL (TBlock (patchF bid)) ps rs
         BCOND c o1 o2 (TBlock bid) -> BCOND c o1 o2 (TBlock (patchF bid))
+        BCOND_FAR c o1 o2 b (TBlock bid) -> BCOND_FAR c o1 o2 b (TBlock (patchF bid))
         _ -> panic $ "patchJumpInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -652,13 +666,20 @@ data Instr
     -- This is a synthetic operation.
     | CSET Operand Operand Operand Cond   -- if(o2 cond o3) op <- 1 else op <- 0
+    -- TODO: Unused
     | CBZ Operand Target  -- if op == 0, then branch.
+    -- TODO: Unused
     | CBNZ Operand Target -- if op /= 0, then branch.
     -- Branching.
+    -- TODO: Unused
     | J Target            -- like B, but only generated from genJump. Used to distinguish genJumps from others.
     | B Target            -- unconditional branching b/br. (To a blockid, label or register)
+    -- | pseudo-op for far branch targets
+    | B_FAR BlockId
     | BL Target [Reg] [Reg] -- branch and link (e.g. set x30 to next pc, and branch)
     | BCOND Cond Operand Operand Target   -- branch with condition. b.<cond>
+    -- | pseudo-op for far branch targets
+    | BCOND_FAR Cond Operand Operand Target Target
     -- 8. Synchronization Instructions -----------------------------------------
     | DMBSY DmbType DmbType
@@ -729,14 +750,17 @@ instrCon i =
       CBNZ{} -> "CBNZ"
       J{} -> "J"
       B{} -> "B"
+      B_FAR{} -> "B_FAR"
       BL{} -> "BL"
       BCOND{} -> "BCOND"
+      BCOND_FAR{} -> "BCOND_FAR"
       DMBSY{} -> "DMBSY"
       FCVT{} -> "FCVT"
       SCVTF{} -> "SCVTF"
       FCVTZS{} -> "FCVTZS"
       FABS{} -> "FABS"
+-- TODO: We don't need TLabel.
 data Target
     = TBlock BlockId
     | TLabel CLabel
@@ -910,3 +934,65 @@ isNbitEncodeable n i = let shift = n - 1 in (-1 `shiftL` shift) <= i && i < (1 `
 isEncodeableInWidth :: Width -> Integer -> Bool
 isEncodeableInWidth = isNbitEncodeable . widthInBits
+-- | Making far branches
+-- Conditional branch instructions can target labels in a range of +/- 4 KiB.
+-- The assembler can transform this into a J instruction targeting +/- 1MiB.
+-- There are rare cases where this is not enough (e.g. the Happy-generated
+-- @Parser.hs at .) We need to manually transfer these into register based jumps
+-- using @ip@ (register reserved for calculations.) The trick is to invert the
+-- condition, do a far jump in the fall-through case or a short jump when the
+-- (inverted) condition is true.
+-- TODO: Remove comments / annotations
+makeFarBranches ::
+  LabelMap RawCmmStatics ->
+  [NatBasicBlock Instr] ->
+  [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+makeFarBranches info_env blocks
+  | NE.last blockAddresses < nearLimit = zipWith (curry blockStatistics) blockAddressList blocks
+  | otherwise = zipWith handleBlock blockAddressList blocks
+  where
+    blockAddresses = NE.scanl (+) 0 $ map blockLen blocks
+    blockAddressList = toList blockAddresses
+    blockLen (BasicBlock _ instrs) = length instrs
+    handleBlock addr (BasicBlock id instrs) =
+      BasicBlock id (zipWith (makeFar id) [addr ..] instrs)
+    makeFar :: BlockId -> Int -> Instr -> Instr
+    makeFar bid addr orig@(BCOND cond op1 op2 tgt@(TBlock tgtBid))
+      | abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit =
+       ANN (text "BCOND_FAR targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) $
+          BCOND_FAR cond op1 op2 (TBlock bid) tgt
+      | otherwise =
+          ANN (text "BCOND targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) orig
+      where
+        Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgtBid
+    makeFar _bid addr orig@(B (TBlock tgtBid))
+      | abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit =
+       ANN (text "B_FAR targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) $
+          B_FAR tgtBid
+      | otherwise =
+          ANN (text "B targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) orig
+      where
+        Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgtBid
+    makeFar _bid _addr orig@(BCOND _cond _op1 _op2 (TLabel _l)) = ANN (text "other BCOND: label") orig
+    makeFar _bid _addr orig@(BCOND _cond _op1 _op2 _l) = ANN (text "other BCOND: other") orig
+    makeFar bid addr (ANN desc other) = ANN desc $ makeFar bid addr other
+    makeFar _bid _ other = ANN (text ("makeFar: " ++ instrCon other)) other
+    -- 262144 (2^20 / 4) instructions are allowed; let's keep some distance, as
+    -- we have pseudo-insns that are pretty-printed as multiple instructions,
+    -- and it's just not worth the effort to calculate things exactly. The
+    -- conservative guess here is that every instruction does not emit more than
+    -- two in the mean.
+    nearLimit = 131072 - mapSize info_env * maxRetInfoTableSizeW
+    blockAddressMap = listToUFM $ zip (map blockId blocks) blockAddressList
+    blockStatistics (stat, BasicBlock blockId instrs) =
+      BasicBlock blockId (COMMENT (text "BasicBlock" <+> text (show blockId) <+> text "Address" <+> int stat) : instrs)
+annotateBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> NatBasicBlock Instr
+annotateBlock (BasicBlock id instrs) = BasicBlock id (COMMENT (text "annotateBlock: visited") : instrs)

@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
         -- pprProcAlignment config $$
         pprLabel platform lbl $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
         vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
-        (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
-         then line (pprAsmLabel platform (mkAsmTempEndLabel lbl) <> char ':') else empty) $$
+        ppWhen (ncgDwarfEnabled config)
+          (line (pprBlockEndLabel platform lbl) $$ line (pprProcEndLabel platform lbl)) $$
         pprSizeDecl platform lbl
     Just (CmmStaticsRaw info_lbl _) ->
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
           then line (pprAsmLabel platform (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl) <> char ':')
           else empty) $$
       vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
+      ppWhen (ncgDwarfEnabled config) (line (pprProcEndLabel platform info_lbl)) $$
       -- above: Even the first block gets a label, because with branch-chain
       -- elimination, it might be the target of a goto.
       (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
@@ -99,11 +100,22 @@ pprAlignForSection _platform _seg
 pprSectionAlign :: IsDoc doc => NCGConfig -> Section -> doc
 pprSectionAlign _config (Section (OtherSection _) _) =
-     panic "AArch64.Ppr.pprSectionAlign: unknown section"
+  -- TODO: Valid for RISCV64?
+  panic "AArch64.Ppr.pprSectionAlign: unknown section"
 pprSectionAlign config sec@(Section seg _) =
     line (pprSectionHeader config sec)
     $$ pprAlignForSection (ncgPlatform config) seg
+pprProcEndLabel :: IsLine doc => Platform -> CLabel -- ^ Procedure name
+                -> doc
+pprProcEndLabel platform lbl =
+    pprAsmLabel platform (mkAsmTempProcEndLabel lbl) <> colon
+pprBlockEndLabel :: IsLine doc => Platform -> CLabel -- ^ Block name
+                 -> doc
+pprBlockEndLabel platform lbl =
+    pprAsmLabel platform (mkAsmTempEndLabel lbl) <> colon
 -- | Output the ELF .size directive.
 pprSizeDecl :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
 pprSizeDecl platform lbl
@@ -117,11 +129,15 @@ pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
   = maybe_infotable $
     pprLabel platform asmLbl $$
     vcat (map (pprInstr platform) (id {-detectTrivialDeadlock-} optInstrs)) $$
-    (if  ncgDwarfEnabled config
-      then line (pprAsmLabel platform (mkAsmTempEndLabel asmLbl) <> char ':')
-      else empty
+    ppWhen (ncgDwarfEnabled config) (
+      -- Emit both end labels since this may end up being a standalone
+      -- top-level block
+      line (pprBlockEndLabel platform asmLbl
+         <> pprProcEndLabel platform asmLbl)
+    -- TODO: Check if we can  filter more instructions here.
+    -- TODO: Shouldn't this be a more general check on a higher level?
     -- Filter out identity moves. E.g. mov x18, x18 will be dropped.
     optInstrs = filter f instrs
       where f (MOV o1 o2) | o1 == o2 = False
@@ -137,9 +153,8 @@ pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
            vcat (map (pprData config) info) $$
            pprLabel platform info_lbl $$
            c $$
-           (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
-             then line (pprAsmLabel platform (mkAsmTempEndLabel info_lbl) <> char ':')
-             else empty)
+           ppWhen (ncgDwarfEnabled config)
+              (line (pprBlockEndLabel platform info_lbl))
     -- Make sure the info table has the right .loc for the block
     -- coming right after it. See Note [Info Offset]
     infoTableLoc = case instrs of
@@ -167,6 +182,7 @@ pprData :: IsDoc doc => NCGConfig -> CmmStatic -> doc
 pprData _config (CmmString str) = line (pprString str)
 pprData _config (CmmFileEmbed path _) = line (pprFileEmbed path)
+-- TODO: AFAIK there no Darwin for RISCV, so we may consider to simplify this.
 pprData config (CmmUninitialised bytes)
  = line $ let platform = ncgPlatform config
           in if platformOS platform == OSDarwin
@@ -248,13 +264,13 @@ pprImm p (ImmConstantDiff a b) = pprImm p a <> char '-'
 -- aarch64 GNU as uses // for comments.
 asmComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
-asmComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "#" <+> c
+asmComment c = text "#" <+> c
 asmDoubleslashComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
-asmDoubleslashComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "//" <+> c
+asmDoubleslashComment c = text "//" <+> c
 asmMultilineComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
-asmMultilineComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "/*" $+$ c $+$ text "*/"
+asmMultilineComment c =  text "/*" $+$ c $+$ text "*/"
 pprIm :: IsLine doc => Platform -> Imm -> doc
 pprIm platform im = case im of
@@ -437,10 +453,13 @@ isLabel (TLabel _) = True
 isLabel _ = False
 getLabel :: IsLine doc => Platform -> Target -> doc
-getLabel platform (TBlock bid) = pprAsmLabel platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+getLabel platform (TBlock bid) = pprBlockId platform bid
 getLabel platform (TLabel lbl) = pprAsmLabel platform lbl
 getLabel _platform _other = panic "Cannot turn this into a label"
+pprBlockId :: IsLine doc => Platform -> BlockId -> doc
+pprBlockId platform bid = pprAsmLabel platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
 pprInstr :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> Instr -> doc
 pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
   -- Meta Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -553,27 +572,33 @@ pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
   -- 4. Branch Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
   J t             -> pprInstr platform (B t)
-  B l | isLabel l -> line $ text "\tjal" <+> text "x0" <> comma <+> getLabel platform l
+  -- TODO: This is odd: (B)ranch and branch and link (BL) do the same: branch and link
+  B l | isLabel l -> line $ text "\tjal" <+> pprOp platform x0 <> comma <+> getLabel platform l
   B (TReg r)      -> line $ text "\tjalr" <+> text "x0" <> comma <+> pprReg W64 r <> comma <+> text "0"
-  BL l _ _ | isLabel l-> line $ text "\tjal" <+> text "x1" <> comma <+> getLabel platform l
+  B_FAR bid  -> lines_ [ text "\tla" <+> pprOp platform ip <> comma <+> pprBlockId platform bid
+                            , text "\tjalr" <+> text "x0" <> comma <+> pprOp platform ip <> comma <+> text "0" ]
+  BL l _ _ | isLabel l-> line $ text "\tcall" <+> getLabel platform l
   BL (TReg r)     _ _ -> line $ text "\tjalr" <+> text "x1" <> comma <+> pprReg W64 r <> comma <+> text "0"
-  BCOND c l r t | isLabel t -> case c of
-    EQ  -> line $ text "\tbeq" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    NE  -> line $ text "\tbne" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    SLT -> line $ text "\tblt" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    SLE -> line $ text "\tbge" <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    SGE -> line $ text "\tbge" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    SGT -> line $ text "\tblt" <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    ULT -> line $ text "\tbltu" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    ULE -> line $ text "\tbgeu" <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    UGE -> line $ text "\tbgeu" <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    UGT -> line $ text "\tbltu" <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
-    _   -> panic $ "RV64.ppr: unhandled BCOND conditional: " ++ show c
+  BCOND c l r t | isLabel t ->
+    line $ text "\t" <> pprBcond c <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
   BCOND _ _ _ (TReg _)     -> panic "RV64.ppr: No conditional branching to registers!"
+  -- This is the far branches trick: Negate the condition and either do a
+  -- register based jump (ignoring the link result in register zero) or just
+  -- branch to the end of the block, jumping over the far jump instructions.
+  BCOND_FAR c l r b t | isLabel t ->
+    lines_ [ text "\t" <> pprBcond (negateCond c) <+> pprOp platform l <> comma <+> pprOp platform r <> comma <+> getLabel platform b <> text "_end"
+           , text "\tla" <+> pprOp platform ip <> comma <+> getLabel platform t
+           , text "\tjalr" <+> text "x0" <> comma <+> pprOp platform ip <> comma <+> text "0" 
+           ]
+  BCOND_FAR _ _ _ _ (TReg _)     -> panic "RV64.ppr: No conditional branching to registers!"
   -- 5. Atomic Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
   -- 6. Conditional Instructions -----------------------------------------------
   CSET o l r c  -> case c of
@@ -715,36 +740,18 @@ floatOpPrecision _p l r | isFloatOp l && isFloatOp r && isDoubleOp l && isDouble
 floatOpPrecision p l r = pprPanic "Cannot determine floating point precission" (text "op1" <+> pprOp p l <+> text "op2" <+> pprOp p r)
 pprBcond :: IsLine doc => Cond -> doc
-pprBcond c = text "b." <> pprCond c
+pprBcond c = text "b" <> pprCond c
 pprCond :: IsLine doc => Cond -> doc
 pprCond c = case c of
-  ALWAYS -> text "al" -- Always
-  EQ     -> text "eq" -- Equal
-  NE     -> text "ne" -- Not Equal
-  SLT    -> text "lt" -- Signed less than                  ; Less than, or unordered
-  SLE    -> text "le" -- Signed less than or equal         ; Less than or equal, or unordered
-  SGE    -> text "ge" -- Signed greater than or equal      ; Greater than or equal
-  SGT    -> text "gt" -- Signed greater than               ; Greater than
-  ULT    -> text "lo" -- Carry clear/ unsigned lower       ; less than
-  ULE    -> text "ls" -- Unsigned lower or same            ; Less than or equal
-  UGE    -> text "hs" -- Carry set/unsigned higher or same ; Greater than or equal, or unordered
-  UGT    -> text "hi" -- Unsigned higher                   ; Greater than, or unordered
-  NEVER  -> text "nv" -- Never
-  VS     -> text "vs" -- Overflow                          ; Unordered (at least one NaN operand)
-  VC     -> text "vc" -- No overflow                       ; Not unordered
-  -- Ordered variants.  Respecting NaN.
-  OLT    -> text "mi"
-  OLE    -> text "ls"
-  OGE    -> text "ge"
-  OGT    -> text "gt"
-  -- Unordered
-  UOLT   -> text "lt"
-  UOLE   -> text "le"
-  UOGE   -> text "pl"
-  UOGT   -> text "hi"
+    EQ  -> text "eq"
+    NE  -> text "ne"
+    SLT -> text "lt"
+    SLE -> text "le"
+    SGE -> text "ge"
+    SGT -> text "gt"
+    ULT -> text "ltu"
+    ULE -> text "leu"
+    UGE -> text "geu"
+    UGT -> text "gtu"
+    _   -> panic $ "RV64.ppr: unhandled BCOND conditional: " ++ show c

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