[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 4 commits: Profiling: Adds an option to not start time profiling at startup
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Tue Jan 16 17:40:06 UTC 2024
Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
522c08d0 by Javier Sagredo at 2024-01-16T12:39:50-05:00
Profiling: Adds an option to not start time profiling at startup
Using the functionality provided by
d89deeba47ce04a5198a71fa4cbc203fe2c90794, this patch creates a new rts
flag `--no-automatic-time-samples` which disables the time profiling
when starting a program. It is then expected that the user starts it
whenever it is needed.
Fixes #24337
- - - - -
a5b43a6c by Matthew Pickering at 2024-01-16T12:39:51-05:00
eventlog: Fix off-by-one error in postIPE
We were missing the extra_comma from the calculation of the size of the
payload of postIPE. This was causing assertion failures when the event
would overflow the buffer by one byte, as ensureRoomForVariable event
would report there was enough space for `n` bytes but then we would
write `n + 1` bytes into the buffer.
Fixes #24287
- - - - -
147dea8a by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-01-16T12:39:51-05:00
Improve SpecConstr (esp nofib/spectral/ansi)
This MR makes three improvements to SpecConstr: see #24282
* It fixes an outright (and recently-introduced) bug in `betterPat`, which
was wrongly forgetting to compare the lengths of the argument lists.
* It enhances ConVal to inclue a boolean for work-free-ness, so that the
envt can contain non-work-free constructor applications, so that we
can do more: see Note [ConVal work-free-ness]
* It rejigs `subsumePats` so that it doesn't reverse the list. This can
make a difference because, when patterns overlap, we arbitrarily pick
the first. There is no "right" way, but this retains the old
pre-subsumePats behaviour, thereby "fixing" the regression in #24282.
Nofib results
| spectral/ansi -21.14%
| spectral/hartel/comp_lab_zift -0.12%
| spectral/hartel/parstof +0.09%
| spectral/last-piece -2.32%
| spectral/multiplier +6.03%
| spectral/para +0.60%
| spectral/simple -0.26%
| geom mean -0.18%
The regression in `multiplier` is sad, but it simply replicates GHC's
previous behaviour (e.g. GHC 9.6).
- - - - -
c4dd5f68 by Matthew Pickering at 2024-01-16T12:39:52-05:00
hadrian: Reduce Cabal verbosity
The comment claims that `simpleUserHooks` decrease verbosity, and it
does, but only for the `postConf` phase. The other phases are too
verbose with `-V`.
At the moment > 5000 lines of the build log are devoted to output from
`cabal copy`.
So I take the simple approach and just decrease the verbosity level
If the output of `postConf` is essential then it would be better to
implement our own `UserHooks` which doesn't decrease the verbosity for
Fixes #24338
- - - - -
11 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SpecConstr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs
- docs/users_guide/9.10.1-notes.rst
- docs/users_guide/profiling.rst
- hadrian/src/Hadrian/Haskell/Cabal/Parse.hs
- libraries/base/src/GHC/Profiling.hs
- rts/Profiling.c
- rts/RtsFlags.c
- rts/eventlog/EventLog.c
- rts/include/rts/Flags.h
@@ -789,47 +789,70 @@ scTopBinds env (b:bs) = do { (usg, b', bs') <- scBind TopLevel env b $
* *
-Note [Work-free values only in environment]
-The sc_vals field keeps track of in-scope value bindings, so
-that if we come across (case x of Just y ->...) we can reduce the
-case from knowing that x is bound to a pair.
-But only *work-free* values are ok here. For example if the envt had
- x -> Just (expensive v)
-then we do NOT want to expand to
- let y = expensive v in ...
-because the x-binding still exists and we've now duplicated (expensive v).
-This seldom happens because let-bound constructor applications are
-ANF-ised, but it can happen as a result of on-the-fly transformations in
-SpecConstr itself. Here is #7865:
- let {
- a'_shr =
- case xs_af8 of _ {
- [] -> acc_af6;
- : ds_dgt [Dmd=<L,A>] ds_dgu [Dmd=<L,A>] ->
- (expensive x_af7, x_af7
- } } in
- let {
- ds_sht =
- case a'_shr of _ { (p'_afd, q'_afe) ->
- TSpecConstr_DoubleInline.recursive
- (GHC.Types.: @ GHC.Types.Int x_af7 wild_X6) (q'_afe, p'_afd)
- } } in
-When processed knowing that xs_af8 was bound to a cons, we simplify to
- a'_shr = (expensive x_af7, x_af7)
-and we do NOT want to inline that at the occurrence of a'_shr in ds_sht.
-(There are other occurrences of a'_shr.) No no no.
-It would be possible to do some on-the-fly ANF-ising, so that a'_shr turned
-into a work-free value again, thus
- a1 = expensive x_af7
- a'_shr = (a1, x_af7)
-but that's more work, so until its shown to be important I'm going to
-leave it for now.
+Note [ConVal work-free-ness]
+The sc_vals field keeps track of in-scope value bindings, and is used in
+two ways:
+(1) To do case-of-known-constructor in a case expression. E.g. if sc_vals
+ includes [x :-> ConVal Just e], then we can simplify
+ case x of Just y -> ...
+ with the case-of-known-constructor transformation. (Yes this is
+ done by the Simplifier, but SpecConstr creates new opportunities when
+ it makes a specialised RHS for a function.)
+ For (1) it is crucial that the arguments are /work-free/; see (CV1)
+ below.
+(2) To figure out call pattresns. E.g. if sc_vals includes
+ [x :-> ConVal Just e], and we have call (f x), then we might want
+ to specialise `f (Just _)`
+ For (2) it is /not/ important that the constructor arguments are work-free;
+ indeed, it would be bad to insist on that. For example
+ let x = Just <expensive>
+ in ....(f x)...
+ Here we want to specialise for `f (Just _)`, and we won't do so if we
+ don't allow [x :-> ConVal Just e] into the environment. Does this ever happen?
+ Yes: see #24282.
+ (Yes, the Simplifier will ANF that let-binding, but SpecConstr can
+ make more: see (CV1) for an example.)
+(CV1) Why is work-free-ness important for (1)? In the example in (1) above, of `e` is
+ expensive, we do /not/ want to simplify
+ case x of { Just y -> ... } ==> let y = e in ...
+ because the x-binding still exists and we've now duplicated `e`.
+ This seldom happens because let-bound constructor applications are ANF-ised, but
+ it can happen as a result of on-the-fly transformations in SpecConstr itself.
+ Here is #7865:
+ let { a'_shr =
+ case xs_af8 of _ {
+ [] -> acc_af6;
+ : ds_dgt [Dmd=<L,A>] ds_dgu [Dmd=<L,A>] ->
+ (expensive x_af7, x_af7
+ } } in
+ let { ds_sht =
+ case a'_shr of _ { (p'_afd, q'_afe) ->
+ TSpecConstr_DoubleInline.recursive
+ (GHC.Types.: @ GHC.Types.Int x_af7 wild_X6) (q'_afe, p'_afd)
+ } } in
+ When processed knowing that xs_af8 was bound to a cons, we simplify to
+ a'_shr = (expensive x_af7, x_af7)
+ and we do NOT want to inline that at the occurrence of a'_shr in ds_sht.
+ (There are other occurrences of a'_shr.) No no no.
+ It would be possible to do some on-the-fly ANF-ising, so that a'_shr turned
+ into a work-free value again, thus
+ a1 = expensive x_af7
+ a'_shr = (a1, x_af7)
+ but that's more work, so until its shown to be important I'm going to
+ leave it for now.
Note [Making SpecConstr keener]
@@ -910,10 +933,6 @@ data ScEnv = SCE { sc_opts :: !SpecConstrOpts,
sc_vals :: ValueEnv,
-- Domain is OutIds (*after* applying the substitution)
-- Used even for top-level bindings (but not imported ones)
- -- The range of the ValueEnv is *work-free* values
- -- such as (\x. blah), or (Just v)
- -- but NOT (Just (expensive v))
- -- See Note [Work-free values only in environment]
sc_annotations :: UniqFM Name SpecConstrAnnotation
@@ -922,14 +941,22 @@ data ScEnv = SCE { sc_opts :: !SpecConstrOpts,
type HowBoundEnv = VarEnv HowBound -- Domain is OutVars
-type ValueEnv = IdEnv Value -- Domain is OutIds
-data Value = ConVal AltCon [CoreArg] -- _Saturated_ constructors
- -- The AltCon is never DEFAULT
- | LambdaVal -- Inlinable lambdas or PAPs
+type ValueEnv = IdEnv Value -- Domain is OutIds
+data Value = ConVal -- Constructor application
+ Bool -- True <=> all args are work-free
+ -- See Note [ConVal work-free-ness]
+ AltCon -- Never DEFAULT
+ [CoreArg] -- Saturates the constructor
+ | LambdaVal -- Inlinable lambdas or PAPs
instance Outputable Value where
- ppr (ConVal con args) = ppr con <+> interpp'SP args
- ppr LambdaVal = text "<Lambda>"
+ ppr LambdaVal = text "<Lambda>"
+ ppr (ConVal wf con args) = ppr con <> braces pp_wf <+> interpp'SP args
+ where
+ pp_wf | wf = text "wf"
+ | otherwise = text "not-wf"
initScOpts :: DynFlags -> Module -> SpecConstrOpts
@@ -1058,11 +1085,10 @@ extendBndr env bndr = (env { sc_subst = subst' }, bndr')
(subst', bndr') = substBndr (sc_subst env) bndr
extendValEnv :: ScEnv -> Id -> Maybe Value -> ScEnv
-extendValEnv env _ Nothing = env
-extendValEnv env id (Just cv)
- | valueIsWorkFree cv -- Don't duplicate work!! #7865
- = env { sc_vals = extendVarEnv (sc_vals env) id cv }
-extendValEnv env _ _ = env
+extendValEnv env id mb_val
+ = case mb_val of
+ Nothing -> env
+ Just cv -> env { sc_vals = extendVarEnv (sc_vals env) id cv }
extendCaseBndrs :: ScEnv -> OutExpr -> OutId -> AltCon -> [Var] -> (ScEnv, [Var])
-- When we encounter
@@ -1089,8 +1115,8 @@ extendCaseBndrs env scrut case_bndr con alt_bndrs
cval = case con of
DEFAULT -> Nothing
- LitAlt {} -> Just (ConVal con [])
- DataAlt {} -> Just (ConVal con vanilla_args)
+ LitAlt {} -> Just (ConVal True con [])
+ DataAlt {} -> Just (ConVal True con vanilla_args)
vanilla_args = map Type (tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr)) ++
varsToCoreExprs alt_bndrs
@@ -1497,8 +1523,11 @@ scExpr' env (Let bind body)
scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
= do { (scrut_usg, scrut') <- scExpr env scrut
; case isValue (sc_vals env) scrut' of
- Just (ConVal con args) -> sc_con_app con args scrut'
- _other -> sc_vanilla scrut_usg scrut'
+ Just (ConVal args_are_work_free con args)
+ | args_are_work_free -> sc_con_app con args scrut'
+ -- Don't duplicate work!! #7865
+ -- See Note [ConVal work-free-ness] (1)
+ _other -> sc_vanilla scrut_usg scrut'
sc_con_app con args scrut' -- Known constructor; simplify
@@ -2608,7 +2637,8 @@ argToPat1 env in_scope val_env (Cast arg co) arg_occ arg_str
-- Check for a constructor application
-- NB: this *precedes* the Var case, so that we catch nullary constrs
argToPat1 env in_scope val_env arg arg_occ _arg_str
- | Just (ConVal (DataAlt dc) args) <- isValue val_env arg
+ | Just (ConVal _wf (DataAlt dc) args) <- isValue val_env arg
+ -- Ignore `_wf` here; see Note [ConVal work-free-ness] (2)
, not (ignoreDataCon env dc) -- See Note [NoSpecConstr]
, Just arg_occs <- mb_scrut dc
= do { let (ty_args, rest_args) = splitAtList (dataConUnivTyVars dc) args
@@ -2726,7 +2756,7 @@ wildCardPat ty str
isValue :: ValueEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe Value
isValue _env (Lit lit)
| litIsLifted lit = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (ConVal (LitAlt lit) [])
+ | otherwise = Just (ConVal True (LitAlt lit) [])
isValue env (Var v)
| Just cval <- lookupVarEnv env v
@@ -2757,7 +2787,7 @@ isValue _env expr -- Maybe it's a constructor application
DataConWorkId con | args `lengthAtLeast` dataConRepArity con
-- Check saturated; might be > because the
-- arity excludes type args
- -> Just (ConVal (DataAlt con) args)
+ -> Just (ConVal (all exprIsWorkFree args) (DataAlt con) args)
DFunId {} -> Just LambdaVal
-- DFunId: see Note [Specialising on dictionaries]
@@ -2770,34 +2800,43 @@ isValue _env expr -- Maybe it's a constructor application
isValue _env _expr = Nothing
-valueIsWorkFree :: Value -> Bool
-valueIsWorkFree LambdaVal = True
-valueIsWorkFree (ConVal _ args) = all exprIsWorkFree args
betterPat :: InScopeSet -> CallPat -> CallPat -> Bool
-- pat1 f @a (Just @a (x::a))
-- is better than
-- pat2 f @Int (Just @Int (x::Int))
--- That is, we can instantiate pat1 to get pat2
+-- That is, we can instantiate pat1 to get pat2, using only type instantiate
-- See Note [Pattern duplicate elimination]
betterPat is (CP { cp_qvars = vs1, cp_args = as1 })
(CP { cp_qvars = vs2, cp_args = as2 })
+ | equalLength as1 as2
= case matchExprs ise vs1 as1 as2 of
Just (_, ms) -> all exprIsTrivial ms
Nothing -> False
+ | otherwise -- We must handle patterns of unequal length separately (#24282)
+ = False -- For the pattern with more args, the last arg is "interesting"
+ -- but the corresponding one on the other is "not interesting";
+ -- So we can't get from one to the other with only exprIsTrivial
+ -- instantiation. Example nofib/spectral/ansi, function `loop`:
+ -- P1: loop (I# x) (a : b)
+ -- P2: loop (I# y) -- Pattern eta-reduced
+ -- Neither is better than the other, in the sense of betterPat
ise = ISE (is `extendInScopeSetList` vs2) (const noUnfolding)
subsumePats :: InScopeSet -> [CallPat] -> [CallPat]
-- Remove any patterns subsumed by others
-- See Note [Pattern duplicate elimination]
-subsumePats is pats = foldr add [] pats
+-- Other than deleting subsumed patterns, this operation is a no-op;
+-- in particular it does not reverse the input. It should not matter
+-- but in #24282 it did; doing it this way keeps the existing behaviour.
+subsumePats is pats = foldl add [] pats
- add :: CallPat -> [CallPat] -> [CallPat]
- add ci [] = [ci]
- add ci1 (ci2:cis) | betterPat is ci2 ci1 = ci2:cis
- | betterPat is ci1 ci2 = ci1:cis
- | otherwise = ci2 : add ci1 cis
+ add :: [CallPat] -> CallPat -> [CallPat]
+ add [] ci = [ci]
+ add (ci1:cis) ci2 | betterPat is ci1 ci2 = ci1 : cis
+ | betterPat is ci2 ci1 = ci2 : cis
+ | otherwise = ci1 : add cis ci2
Note [Pattern duplicate elimination]
@@ -605,10 +605,8 @@ isMoreSpecific :: InScopeSet -> CoreRule -> CoreRule -> Bool
isMoreSpecific _ (BuiltinRule {}) _ = False
isMoreSpecific _ (Rule {}) (BuiltinRule {}) = True
isMoreSpecific in_scope (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs1, ru_args = args1 })
- (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs2, ru_args = args2
- , ru_name = rule_name2, ru_rhs = rhs2 })
- = isJust (matchN in_scope_env
- rule_name2 bndrs2 args2 args1 rhs2)
+ (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs2, ru_args = args2 })
+ = isJust (matchExprs in_scope_env bndrs2 args2 args1)
full_in_scope = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` bndrs1
in_scope_env = ISE full_in_scope noUnfoldingFun
@@ -1983,8 +1983,12 @@ zipManyFloats :: [Floats] -> Floats
zipManyFloats = foldr zipFloats emptyFloats
mkNonRecFloat :: CorePrepEnv -> Demand -> Bool -> Id -> CpeRhs -> FloatingBind
-mkNonRecFloat env dmd is_unlifted bndr rhs = -- pprTraceWith "mkNonRecFloat" ppr $
- Float (NonRec bndr' rhs) bound info
+mkNonRecFloat env dmd is_unlifted bndr rhs
+ = -- pprTrace "mkNonRecFloat" (ppr bndr <+> ppr (bound,info)
+ -- <+> ppr is_lifted <+> ppr is_strict
+ -- <+> ppr ok_for_spec
+ -- $$ ppr rhs) $
+ Float (NonRec bndr' rhs) bound info
bndr' = setIdDemandInfo bndr dmd -- See Note [Pin demand info on floats]
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ Runtime system
See :ghc-ticket:`23340`.
:rts-flag:`--nonmoving-dense-allocator-count=⟨count⟩` has been added to fine-tune this behaviour.
+- Add a :rts-flag:`--no-automatic-time-samples` flag which stops time profiling samples being automatically started on
+ startup. Time profiling can be controlled manually using functions in ``GHC.Profiling``.
``base`` library
@@ -1009,6 +1009,13 @@ There are three more options which relate to heap profiling:
option is enabled, it's expected that the user will manually start heap
profiling or request specific samples using functions from ``GHC.Profiling``.
+.. rts-flag:: --no-automatic-time-samples
+ :since: 9.10.1
+ Don't start time profiling from the start of program execution. If this
+ option is enabled, it's expected that the user will manually start time
+ profiling or request specific samples using functions from ``GHC.Profiling``.
.. rts-flag:: --null-eventlog-writer
@@ -194,11 +194,10 @@ copyPackage context at Context {..} = do
C.defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs C.autoconfUserHooks gpd
[ "copy", "--builddir", ctxPath, "--target-package-db", pkgDbPath, v ]
--- | Increase by 1 by because 'simpleUserHooks' calls 'lessVerbose'
shakeVerbosityToCabalFlag :: Verbosity -> String
shakeVerbosityToCabalFlag = \case
- Diagnostic -> "-v3"
- Verbose -> "-v2"
+ Diagnostic -> "-v2"
+ Verbose -> "-v1"
-- Normal levels should not produce output to stdout
Silent -> "-v0"
_ -> "-v1"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import GHC.Base
foreign import ccall stopProfTimer :: IO ()
-- | Start attributing ticks to cost centres. This is called by the RTS on
--- startup.
+-- startup but can be disabled using the rts flag @--no-automatic-time-samples at .
-- @since
foreign import ccall startProfTimer :: IO ()
@@ -296,8 +296,10 @@ void
- /* Start ticking */
- startProfTimer();
+ if (RtsFlags.ProfFlags.startTimeProfileAtStartup) {
+ /* Start ticking */
+ startProfTimer();
+ }
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ void initRtsFlagsDefaults(void)
RtsFlags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile = false;
RtsFlags.ProfFlags.heapProfileInterval = USToTime(100000); // 100ms
RtsFlags.ProfFlags.startHeapProfileAtStartup = true;
+ RtsFlags.ProfFlags.startTimeProfileAtStartup = true;
#if defined(PROFILING)
RtsFlags.ProfFlags.showCCSOnException = false;
@@ -1154,6 +1155,12 @@ error = true;
RtsFlags.ProfFlags.startHeapProfileAtStartup = false;
+ else if (strequal("no-automatic-time-samples",
+ &rts_argv[arg][2])) {
+ RtsFlags.ProfFlags.startTimeProfileAtStartup = false;
+ break;
+ }
else {
errorBelch("unknown RTS option: %s",rts_argv[arg]);
@@ -1438,7 +1438,8 @@ void postIPE(const InfoProvEnt *ipe)
// 8 for the info word
// 1 null after each string
// 1 colon between src_file and src_span
- StgWord len = 8+table_name_len+1+closure_desc_len+1+ty_desc_len+1+label_len+1+module_len+1+src_file_len+1+src_span_len+1;
+ StgWord extra_comma = 1;
+ StgWord len = 8+table_name_len+1+closure_desc_len+1+ty_desc_len+1+label_len+1+module_len+1+src_file_len+1+extra_comma+src_span_len+1;
CHECK(!ensureRoomForVariableEvent(&eventBuf, len));
postEventHeader(&eventBuf, EVENT_IPE);
postPayloadSize(&eventBuf, len);
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ typedef struct _PROFILING_FLAGS {
Time heapProfileInterval; /* time between samples */
uint32_t heapProfileIntervalTicks; /* ticks between samples (derived) */
bool startHeapProfileAtStartup; /* true if we start profiling from program startup */
+ bool startTimeProfileAtStartup; /* true if we start profiling from program startup */
bool showCCSOnException;
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