[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/abs-den] 2 commits: Write a denotationaler interpreter for Core

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jan 12 12:09:42 UTC 2024

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/abs-den at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

38d3c62f by Sebastian Graf at 2024-01-10T15:17:51+01:00
Write a denotationaler interpreter for Core

- - - - -
ddd527e8 by Sebastian Graf at 2024-01-12T10:22:24+01:00
Retrofit DmdAnal

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/DmdAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Pipeline.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Core/Semantics.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in
- + ghdi.hs


@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
 module GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal
@@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Multiplicity ( scaledThing )
 import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
 import GHC.Core.Opt.Arity ( typeArity )
 import GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils
+import GHC.Core.Semantics
 import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
@@ -54,12 +58,14 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import Data.List        ( mapAccumL )
 import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.STRef
-import Control.Monad.ST
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
-import Control.Monad (zipWithM_)
+import Control.Monad
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import GHC.Types.Unique
@@ -89,25 +95,28 @@ data DmdAnalOpts = DmdAnalOpts
 -- See Note [Space Leaks in Demand Analysis]
 type WithDmdType a = SPair DmdType a
-type AnalM s = ReaderT (DmdAnnotations (STRef s)) (ST s)
+type AnalM = ReaderT (DmdAnnotations IORef) IO
-annotate :: (DmdAnnotations (STRef s) -> STRef s (IdEnv a)) -> Id -> a -> AnalM s ()
-annotate ref id !a = ReaderT $ \ann -> modifySTRef' (ref ann) (\env -> extendVarEnv env id a)
+annotate :: (DmdAnnotations IORef -> IORef (IdEnv a)) -> Id -> a -> AnalM ()
+annotate ref x !a = ReaderT $ \ann -> modifyIORef' (ref ann) (\env -> extendVarEnv env x a)
-readAnn :: (DmdAnnotations (STRef s) -> STRef s (IdEnv a)) -> AnalM s (IdEnv a)
-readAnn ref = ReaderT $ \ann -> readSTRef (ref ann)
+readAnn :: (DmdAnnotations IORef -> IORef (IdEnv a)) -> AnalM (IdEnv a)
+readAnn ref = ReaderT $ \ann -> readIORef (ref ann)
-runAnalM :: (forall s. AnalM s a) -> DmdAnnotations Identity
-runAnalM m = runST $ do
-  env <- DA <$> newSTRef emptyVarEnv <*> newSTRef emptyVarEnv
+runAnalM :: AnalM a -> IO (DmdAnnotations Identity)
+runAnalM m = do -- unsafePerformIO would be fine, too; we are just using IO for local IORefs
+  env <- DA <$> newIORef emptyVarEnv <*> newIORef emptyVarEnv
   _a <- runReaderT m env
-  demands <- readSTRef (da_demands env)
-  sigs    <- readSTRef (da_sigs env)
+  demands <- readIORef (da_demands env)
+  sigs    <- readIORef (da_sigs env)
   pure $! DA (Identity demands) (Identity sigs)
-discardAnnotations :: (forall s. AnalM s a) -> a
-discardAnnotations m = runST $ do
-  env <- DA <$> newSTRef emptyVarEnv <*> newSTRef emptyVarEnv
+discardAnnotations :: AnalM a -> a
+-- a is either DmdEnv or DmdType.
+-- IO is just used for local IORefs for annotations that will be discarded
+-- afterwards, hence the use of unsafePerformIO below is safe
+discardAnnotations m = unsafePerformIO $ do
+  env <- DA <$> newIORef emptyVarEnv <*> newIORef emptyVarEnv
   runReaderT m env
 -- | Outputs a new copy of the Core program in which binders have been annotated
@@ -115,9 +124,10 @@ discardAnnotations m = runST $ do
 -- Note: use `seqBinds` on the result to avoid leaks due to lazyness (cf Note
 -- [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis])
-dmdAnalProgram :: DmdAnalOpts -> FamInstEnvs -> [CoreRule] -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
-dmdAnalProgram opts fam_envs rules binds
-  = annotateProgram (runAnalM $ go (emptyAnalEnv opts fam_envs) binds) binds
+dmdAnalProgram :: DmdAnalOpts -> FamInstEnvs -> [CoreRule] -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram
+dmdAnalProgram opts fam_envs rules binds = do
+  anns <- runAnalM (go (emptyAnalEnv opts fam_envs) binds)
+  pure $! annotateProgram anns binds
     -- See Note [Analysing top-level bindings]
     -- and Note [Why care for top-level demand annotations?]
@@ -316,9 +326,9 @@ dmdAnalBind
   -> SubDemand                 -- ^ Demand put on the "body"
                                --   (important for join points)
   -> CoreBind
-  -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM s DmdType) -- ^ How to analyse the "body", e.g.
+  -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM DmdType) -- ^ How to analyse the "body", e.g.
                                --   where the binding is in scope
-  -> AnalM s DmdType
+  -> AnalM DmdType
 dmdAnalBind top_lvl env dmd bind anal_body = case bind of
   NonRec id rhs
     | useLetUp top_lvl id
@@ -327,18 +337,18 @@ dmdAnalBind top_lvl env dmd bind anal_body = case bind of
     env_rhs = enterDFun bind env
--- | Annotates uninteresting top level functions ('isInterestingTopLevelFn')
+-- | Annotates uninteresting top level functions ('isInterestingTopLevelFn)
 -- with 'topDmd', the rest with the given demand.
-annotateBindIdDemand :: TopLevelFlag -> Id -> Demand -> AnalM s ()
-annotateBindIdDemand top_lvl id dmd = case top_lvl of
-  TopLevel | not (isInterestingTopLevelFn id) -> annotate da_demands id topDmd
-  _                                           -> annotate da_demands id dmd
+annotateBindDemand :: TopLevelFlag -> Id -> Demand -> AnalM ()
+annotateBindDemand top_lvl x dmd = case top_lvl of
+  TopLevel | not (isInterestingTopLevelFn x) -> annotate da_demands x topDmd
+  _                                          -> annotate da_demands x dmd
 -- | Update the demand signature, but be careful not to change boxity info if
 -- `dmd_do_boxity` is True or if the signature is bottom.
 -- See Note [Don't change boxity without worker/wrapper]
 -- and Note [Boxity for bottoming functions].
-annotateSig :: DmdAnalOpts -> Id -> DmdSig -> AnalM s ()
+annotateSig :: DmdAnalOpts -> Id -> DmdSig -> AnalM ()
 annotateSig opts id sig = annotate da_sigs id $
   if dmd_do_boxity opts || isBottomingSig sig
     then sig
@@ -361,8 +371,8 @@ dmdAnalBindLetUp :: TopLevelFlag
                  -> AnalEnv
                  -> Id
                  -> CoreExpr
-                 -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM s DmdType)
-                 -> AnalM s DmdType
+                 -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM DmdType)
+                 -> AnalM DmdType
 dmdAnalBindLetUp top_lvl env id rhs anal_body = do
   -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
   body_ty <- anal_body (addInScopeAnalEnv env id)
@@ -370,7 +380,7 @@ dmdAnalBindLetUp top_lvl env id rhs anal_body = do
   -- See Note [Finalising boxity for demand signatures]
   let S2 body_ty' id_dmd = findBndrDmd env body_ty id
   let id_dmd'            = finaliseLetBoxity env (idType id) id_dmd
-  annotateBindIdDemand top_lvl id id_dmd'
+  annotateBindDemand top_lvl id id_dmd'
   rhs_ty <- dmdAnalStar env id_dmd' rhs
@@ -392,7 +402,7 @@ dmdAnalBindLetUp top_lvl env id rhs anal_body = do
 -- Local non-recursive definitions without a lambda are handled with LetUp.
 -- This is the LetDown rule in the paper “Higher-Order Cardinality Analysis”.
-dmdAnalBindLetDown :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> CoreBind -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM s DmdType) -> AnalM s DmdType
+dmdAnalBindLetDown :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> CoreBind -> (AnalEnv -> AnalM DmdType) -> AnalM DmdType
 dmdAnalBindLetDown top_lvl env dmd bind anal_body = case bind of
   NonRec id rhs -> do
     S2 env' weak_fv <- dmdAnalRhsSig top_lvl NonRecursive env dmd id rhs
@@ -407,7 +417,7 @@ dmdAnalBindLetDown top_lvl env dmd bind anal_body = case bind of
         -- see Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
       let S2 final_ty id_dmds = findBndrsDmds env' dmd_ty bndrs
       -- pprTraceM "dmdAnalBindLetDown" (ppr bndrs <+> ppr id_dmds)
-      zipWithM_ (annotateBindIdDemand top_lvl) bndrs id_dmds
+      zipWithM_ (annotateBindDemand top_lvl) bndrs id_dmds
       pure final_ty
         -- If the actual demand is better than the vanilla call
         -- demand, you might think that we might do better to re-analyse
@@ -441,7 +451,7 @@ anticipateANF e n
 dmdAnalStar :: AnalEnv
             -> Demand   -- This one takes a *Demand*
             -> CoreExpr
-            -> AnalM s DmdEnv
+            -> AnalM DmdEnv
 dmdAnalStar env (n :* sd) e = do
   -- NB: (:*) expands AbsDmd and BotDmd as needed
   dmd_ty <- dmdAnal env sd e
@@ -453,7 +463,7 @@ dmdAnalStar env (n :* sd) e = do
 -- Main Demand Analysis machinery
 dmdAnal, dmdAnal' :: AnalEnv
         -> SubDemand         -- The main one takes a *SubDemand*
-        -> CoreExpr -> AnalM s DmdType
+        -> CoreExpr -> AnalM DmdType
 dmdAnal env d e = -- pprTrace "dmdAnal" (ppr d <+> ppr e) $
                   dmdAnal' env d e
@@ -622,7 +632,7 @@ forcesRealWorld fam_envs ty
   | otherwise
   = False
-dmdAnalSumAlt :: AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> Id -> CoreAlt -> AnalM s DmdType
+dmdAnalSumAlt :: AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> Id -> CoreAlt -> AnalM DmdType
 dmdAnalSumAlt env dmd case_bndr (Alt con bndrs rhs) = do
   let rhs_env = addInScopeAnalEnvs env (case_bndr:bndrs)
         -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
@@ -1032,7 +1042,7 @@ dmdTransform env var sd
 -- | An environment in which all demands are weak according to 'isWeakDmd'.
 -- See Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables].
-type WeakDmds = VarEnv Demand
+type WeakDmds = IdEnv Demand
 -- | @dmdAnalRhsSig@ analyses the given RHS to compute a demand signature
 -- for the LetDown rule. It works as follows:
@@ -1048,7 +1058,7 @@ dmdAnalRhsSig
   -> RecFlag
   -> AnalEnv -> SubDemand
   -> Id -> CoreExpr
-  -> AnalM s (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
+  -> AnalM (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
 -- Process the RHS of the binding, add the strictness signature
 -- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
 -- See Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
@@ -1067,7 +1077,7 @@ dmdAnalRhsSig top_lvl rec_flag env let_sd id rhs = do
       -- See Note [Unboxed demand on function bodies returning small products]
       = unboxedWhenSmall env rec_flag (resultType_maybe id) topSubDmd
-  rhs_dmd_ty <- dmdAnal env rhs_dmd rhs
+  rhs_dmd_ty <- _dmdAnalNew env rhs_dmd rhs
     (lam_bndrs, _) = collectBinders rhs
@@ -1111,7 +1121,7 @@ dmdAnalRhsSig top_lvl rec_flag env let_sd id rhs = do
 splitWeakDmds :: DmdEnv -> (DmdEnv, WeakDmds)
 splitWeakDmds (DE fvs div) = (DE sig_fvs div, weak_fvs)
-  where (!weak_fvs, !sig_fvs) = partitionVarEnv isWeakDmd fvs
+  where (!weak_fvs, !sig_fvs) = partitionUFM isWeakDmd fvs
 thresholdArity :: Id -> CoreExpr -> Arity
 -- See Note [Demand signatures are computed for a threshold arity based on idArity]
@@ -2151,7 +2161,7 @@ dmdFix :: TopLevelFlag
        -> AnalEnv                            -- Does not include bindings for this binding
        -> SubDemand
        -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
-       -> AnalM s (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
+       -> AnalM (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
 dmdFix top_lvl env let_sd pairs
   = do sigs <- read_sigs; loop 1 (next_env sigs) sigs
@@ -2166,7 +2176,7 @@ dmdFix top_lvl env let_sd pairs
     -- If fixed-point iteration does not yield a result we use this instead
     -- See Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]
-    abort :: AnalM s (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
+    abort :: AnalM (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
     abort = do
       S3 env' sigs' weak_fv <- step (next_env [ nopSig | _ <- bndrs ])
         -- NB: step updates the annotation
@@ -2179,7 +2189,7 @@ dmdFix top_lvl env let_sd pairs
     -- terminates if that annotation does not change any more.
     -- For convenience, we also pass the bndr's DmdSig instead of fetching it
     -- from AnalEnv on every iteration.
-    loop :: Int -> AnalEnv -> [DmdSig] -> AnalM s (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
+    loop :: Int -> AnalEnv -> [DmdSig] -> AnalM (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
     loop n env sigs = -- pprTrace "dmdFix" (ppr n <+> vcat [ ppr id <+> ppr (idDmdSig id)
                       --                                   | (id,_) <- sigs]) $
                       loop' n env sigs
@@ -2193,7 +2203,7 @@ dmdFix top_lvl env let_sd pairs
         then pure $! S2 env' weak_fv'
         else loop (n+1) env' sigs'
-    step :: AnalEnv -> AnalM s (STriple AnalEnv [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
+    step :: AnalEnv -> AnalM (STriple AnalEnv [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
     step env = do
       S2 env' weak_fv' <- foldlM do_one (S2 env emptyVarEnv) pairs
         -- foldlM: Use the new signature to do the next pair
@@ -2290,9 +2300,9 @@ coercionsDmdEnv cos
   = mkTermDmdEnv $ mapVarEnv (const topDmd) $ getUniqSet $ coVarsOfCos cos
   -- The VarSet from coVarsOfCos is really a VarEnv Var
-addVarDmd :: DmdType -> Var -> Demand -> DmdType
-addVarDmd (DmdType fv ds) var dmd
-  = DmdType (addVarDmdEnv fv var dmd) ds
+addVarDmd :: DmdType -> Id -> Demand -> DmdType
+addVarDmd (DmdType fv ds) x dmd
+  = DmdType (addVarDmdEnv fv x dmd) ds
 addWeakFVs :: DmdType -> WeakDmds -> DmdType
 addWeakFVs dmd_ty weak_fvs
@@ -2321,7 +2331,7 @@ addWeakFVs dmd_ty weak_fvs
         -- L demand doesn't get both'd with the Bot coming up from the inner
         -- call to f.  So we just get an L demand for x for g.
-annotateBndrsDemands :: HasCallStack => [Var] -> [Demand] -> AnalM s ()
+annotateBndrsDemands :: HasCallStack => [Var] -> [Demand] -> AnalM ()
 annotateBndrsDemands bs ds =
   zipWithEqualM_ "annotateBndrsDemands"
                  (annotate da_demands) (filter isRuntimeVar bs) ds
@@ -2419,7 +2429,7 @@ data AnalEnv = AE
         -- The DmdEnv gives the demand on the free vars of the function
         -- when it is given enough args to satisfy the strictness signature
-type SigEnv = VarEnv (DmdSig, TopLevelFlag)
+type SigEnv = IdEnv (DmdSig, TopLevelFlag)
 instance Outputable AnalEnv where
   ppr env = text "AE" <+> braces (vcat
@@ -2457,14 +2467,14 @@ extendSigEnvs top_lvl env vars sigs
   = extendVarEnvList env (zipWith (\v s -> (v, (s, top_lvl))) vars sigs)
 extendAnalEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> Id -> DmdSig -> AnalEnv
-extendAnalEnv top_lvl env var sig
-  = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnv top_lvl (ae_sigs env) var sig }
+extendAnalEnv top_lvl env x sig
+  = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnv top_lvl (ae_sigs env) x sig }
 extendSigEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> SigEnv -> Id -> DmdSig -> SigEnv
-extendSigEnv top_lvl sigs var sig = extendVarEnv sigs var (sig, top_lvl)
+extendSigEnv top_lvl sigs x sig = extendVarEnv sigs x (sig, top_lvl)
 lookupSigEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> Maybe (DmdSig, TopLevelFlag)
-lookupSigEnv env id = lookupVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id
+lookupSigEnv env x = lookupVarEnv (ae_sigs env) x
 addInScopeAnalEnv :: AnalEnv -> Var -> AnalEnv
 addInScopeAnalEnv env id = env { ae_sigs = delVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id }
@@ -2704,3 +2714,432 @@ annotateProgram anns = runIdentity . traverseBinders (Identity . annotate)
       = bndr `setIdDemandInfo` dmd
       | otherwise
       = bndr
+-- Semantics stuff
+type DmdT v = AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> AnalM (SPair v DmdEnv)
+type DmdVal = [Demand]
+  -- Think
+  --   data DmdVal = DmdFun Demand DmdVal | DmdNop
+  -- NB: lacks constructor values; these are always DmdNop
+type DmdD = DmdT DmdVal
+  -- Think: demand transformer, SubDemand -> DmdType
+type DmdHnf = DmdD
+  -- Denotation of a (syntactic) value;
+  -- squeezing with `seqSubDmd` yields nothing.
+  -- DmdHnf can be freely duplicated.
+dmdType2SPair :: DmdType -> SPair DmdVal DmdEnv
+dmdType2SPair (DmdType env val) = S2 val env
+sPair2DmdType :: SPair DmdVal DmdEnv -> DmdType
+sPair2DmdType (S2 val env) = DmdType env val
+instance Trace DmdD where
+  step (Lookup x) d = \env sd -> d env sd >>= \t ->
+    case (t, lookupSigEnv env x) of
+      (S2 val env, Just (_,NotTopLevel)) -> pure $! S2 val (addVarDmdEnv env x (C_11 :* sd))
+      (S2 val env, Just (_,TopLevel))
+        -- Top-level things will be used multiple times or not at
+        -- all anyway, hence the multDmd below: It means we don't
+        -- have to track whether @x@ is used strictly or at most
+        -- once, because ultimately it never will.
+        | isInterestingTopLevelFn x
+        -> pure $! S2 val (addVarDmdEnv env x (C_0N `multDmd` (C_11 :* sd))) -- discard strictness
+        -- otherwise, fall through; we'll annotate with topDmd at the binding site.
+      _ -> pure t
+  step _ d = d
+botDmdD, nopDmdD :: DmdD
+botDmdD _ _ = pure (dmdType2SPair botDmdType)
+nopDmdD _ _ = pure (dmdType2SPair nopDmdType)
+mkSurrogate :: Id -> DmdD
+mkSurrogate x = step (Lookup x) nopDmdD
+instance Domain DmdD where
+  keepAlive ds env _ = do
+    -- This is called for denotations of free variables of Coercions, RULE RHSs
+    -- and unfoldings
+    fvs <- plusDmdEnvs <$> traverse (\d -> squeezeSubDmd env d topSubDmd) ds
+    pure $! S2 [] fvs -- Nop value
+  stuck = botDmdD
+  erased = nopDmdD
+  lit _l = nopDmdD
+  primOp _op = nopDmdD
+  global x = -- pprTrace "dmdAnal:global" (ppr x <+> ppr (idDmdSig x)) $
+             sig2DmdHnf (idDmdSig x)
+  classOp x _cls _env sd = do
+    pprTraceM "dmdAnal:classOp" (ppr x <+> ppr (idDmdSig x))
+    pure $! dmdType2SPair (dmdTransformDictSelSig (idDmdSig x) sd)
+  fun x f env sd | isTyVar x = f nopDmdD (addInScopeAnalEnv env x) sd
+                 | otherwise = do
+    let body_env = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env x nopSig -- Ultimately, we will not store nopDmdD here. This is just for compatibility with existing code
+    let (n,body_sd) = peelCallDmd sd
+    S2 val fvs <- f (mkSurrogate x) body_env body_sd
+    let S2 body_ty' dmd = findBndrDmd env (DmdType fvs val) x
+    pprTraceM "dmdAnal:Lam" (ppr x <+> ppr dmd $$ ppr sd <+> ppr body_ty')
+    annotate da_demands x dmd
+    let !lam_ty = addDemand dmd body_ty'
+    let DmdType fvs val = multDmdType n lam_ty
+    return $! S2 val fvs
+  con dc ds env sd = do
+    let call_sd = mkCalledOnceDmds (dataConRepArity dc) sd
+    let DmdType _env dmds = dmdTransformDataConSig (dataConRepStrictness dc) call_sd
+    let value_ds = dropList (dataConUnivAndExTyCoVars dc) ds
+    massert (equalLength value_ds dmds)
+    fvs <- plusDmdEnvs <$> zipWithM (squeezeDmd env) value_ds dmds
+    pprTraceM "dmdAnal:Con" (ppr dc <+> ppr sd <+> ppr dmds $$ ppr fvs)
+    pure $! S2 [] fvs
+  applyTy f = f
+  apply f a env sd = do
+    let call_sd = mkCalledOnceDmd sd
+    fun_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> f env call_sd
+    let (arg_dmd, res_ty) = splitDmdTy fun_ty
+    arg_fvs <- squeezeDmd env a arg_dmd
+    let combined_ty = res_ty `plusDmdType` arg_fvs
+--    pprTraceM "dmdAnal:app" vcat $
+--         [ text "sd =" <+> ppr sd
+--         , text "fun dmd_ty =" <+> ppr fun_ty
+--         , text "arg dmd =" <+> ppr arg_dmd
+--         , text "arg dmd_ty =" <+> ppr arg_fvs
+--         , text "res dmd_ty =" <+> ppr res_ty
+--         , text "overall res dmd_ty =" <+> ppr combined_ty ]
+    pure $! dmdType2SPair combined_ty
+  seq_ a b env sd = do
+    fvs <- sSnd <$> a env seqSubDmd
+    dmd_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> b env sd
+    pure $! dmdType2SPair (dmd_ty `plusDmdType` fvs) -- plain and simple :)
+  select d test_scrut case_bndr alts env sd
+    | [(alt_con, bndrs, rhs)] <- alts, want_precise_field_dmds alt_con = do
+        let rhs_env = extendAnalEnvs NotTopLevel env (case_bndr:bndrs) (repeat nopSig)
+              -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
+        rhs_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> rhs (mkSurrogate case_bndr) (map mkSurrogate bndrs) rhs_env sd
+        let S2 alt_ty1 fld_dmds      = findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+            S2 alt_ty2 case_bndr_dmd = findBndrDmd env alt_ty1 case_bndr
+        annotate da_demands case_bndr case_bndr_dmd
+            -- Evaluation cardinality on the case binder is irrelevant and a no-op.
+            -- What matters is its nested sub-demand!
+            -- NB: If case_bndr_dmd is absDmd, boxity will say Unboxed, which is
+            -- what we want, because then `seq` will put a `seqDmd` on its scrut.
+        let !scrut_sd
+              | (_ :* case_bndr_sd) <- strictifyDmd case_bndr_dmd
+              -- See Note [Demand on the scrutinee of a product case]
+              = scrutSubDmd case_bndr_sd fld_dmds
+        -- See Note [Demand on case-alternative binders]
+        case alt_con of
+          DataAlt _ -> annotateBndrsDemands bndrs (fieldBndrDmds scrut_sd (length fld_dmds))
+          _         -> pure ()
+        let alt_ty3
+              -- See Note [Precise exceptions and strictness analysis] in "GHC.Types.Demand"
+              | test_scrut (exprMayThrowPreciseException (ae_fam_envs env))
+              = deferAfterPreciseException alt_ty2
+              | otherwise
+              = alt_ty2
+        scrut_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> d env scrut_sd
+        let !res_ty = alt_ty3 `plusDmdType` discardArgDmds scrut_ty
+--        pprTraceM "dmdAnal:Case1" (vcat [ text "case_bndr" <+> ppr case_bndr
+--                                        , text "sd" <+> ppr sd
+--                                        , text "case_bndr_dmd" <+> ppr case_bndr_dmd
+--                                        , text "scrut_sd" <+> ppr scrut_sd
+--                                        , text "scrut_ty" <+> ppr scrut_ty
+--                                        , text "alt_ty" <+> ppr alt_ty2
+--                                        , text "res_ty" <+> ppr res_ty ])
+        pure $! dmdType2SPair res_ty
+    | otherwise = do
+        -- Case expression with multiple alternatives
+        let one_alt (con,bndrs,rhs) = do
+              let rhs_env = extendAnalEnvs NotTopLevel env (case_bndr:bndrs) (repeat nopSig) -- need the NotTopLevel flag
+                    -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
+              rhs_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> rhs (mkSurrogate case_bndr) (map mkSurrogate bndrs) rhs_env sd
+              let S2 alt_ty dmds = findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+              -- See Note [Demand on case-alternative binders]
+              -- we can't use the scrut_sd, because it says 'Prod' and we'll use
+              -- topSubDmd anyway for scrutinees of sum types.
+              let scrut_sd
+                    | (_ :* case_bndr_sd) <- findIdDemand alt_ty case_bndr
+                    = scrutSubDmd case_bndr_sd dmds
+              case con of
+                DataAlt _ -> annotateBndrsDemands bndrs (fieldBndrDmds scrut_sd (length dmds))
+                _         -> pure ()
+              annotateBndrsDemands bndrs (fieldBndrDmds scrut_sd (length dmds))
+              -- pprTraceM "dmdAnalSumAlt" (ppr con $$ ppr case_bndr $$ ppr dmd $$ ppr alt_ty)
+              pure alt_ty
+        alt_tys <- traverse one_alt alts
+        let lub = foldr lubDmdType botDmdType
+        let S2 alt_ty1 case_bndr_dmd = findBndrDmd env (lub alt_tys) case_bndr
+        annotate da_demands case_bndr case_bndr_dmd
+        scrut_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> d env topSubDmd
+        let fam_envs = ae_fam_envs env
+            alt_ty2
+              -- See Note [Precise exceptions and strictness analysis] in "GHC.Types.Demand"
+              | test_scrut (exprMayThrowPreciseException fam_envs)
+              = deferAfterPreciseException alt_ty1
+              | otherwise
+              = alt_ty1
+            res_ty = scrut_ty `plusDmdType` discardArgDmds alt_ty2
+      --    pprTraceM "dmdAnal:Case2" (vcat [ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut
+      --                                    , text "scrut_ty" <+> ppr scrut_ty
+      --                                    , text "alt_ty1" <+> ppr alt_ty1
+      --                                    , text "alt_ty2" <+> ppr alt_ty2
+      --                                    , text "res_ty" <+> ppr res_ty ])
+        pure $! dmdType2SPair res_ty
+    where
+      want_precise_field_dmds (DataAlt dc)
+        | Nothing <- tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe $ dataConTyCon dc
+        = False    -- Not a product type, even though this is the
+                   -- only remaining possible data constructor
+        | DefinitelyRecursive <- ae_rec_dc env dc
+        = False     -- See Note [Demand analysis for recursive data constructors]
+        | otherwise
+        = True
+      want_precise_field_dmds (LitAlt {}) = False  -- Like the non-product datacon above
+      want_precise_field_dmds DEFAULT     = True
+squeezeSubDmd :: AnalEnv -> DmdD -> SubDemand -> AnalM DmdEnv
+squeezeSubDmd env d sd = sSnd <$> d env sd
+squeezeDmd :: AnalEnv -> DmdD -> Demand -> AnalM DmdEnv
+squeezeDmd env d (n :* sd) = do
+  deep <- squeezeSubDmd env d sd
+  let hnf = discardAnnotations $ squeezeSubDmd env d seqSubDmd
+  if isUsedOnce n
+    then pure $!            n `multDmdEnv`  deep
+    else pure $! oneifyCard n `multDmdEnv` (deep `plusDmdEnv` hnf)
+-- | Here we assume that repeated evaluation shares work; still, we must lazify
+-- the results when evaluating the arg. TODO think about it more
+squeezeDmdShared :: AnalEnv -> DmdD -> Demand -> AnalM DmdEnv
+squeezeDmdShared env d (n :* sd) = do
+  env <- squeezeSubDmd env d sd
+  pure $! oneifyCard n `multDmdEnv` env
+instance HasBind DmdD where
+  bind (BindArg x)    arg  body env sd = do
+    -- TODO this is pretty much bindLetUp, with some differences:
+    --   1. we need a surrogate to track eval of x
+    --   2. we don't need to annotate
+    --   3. no need to call finaliseLetBoxity
+    let body_env = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env x nopSig
+    -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
+    body_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> body [mkSurrogate x] body_env sd
+    -- See Note [Finalising boxity for demand signatures]
+    let S2 body_ty' id_dmd = findBndrDmd env body_ty x
+    rhs_ty <- squeezeDmdShared env (only arg []) id_dmd
+    pure $! dmdType2SPair (body_ty' `plusDmdType` rhs_ty)
+  bind (BindLet bind) rhss body env sd = case bind of
+    NonRec x _
+      | useLetUp NotTopLevel x -> bindLetUp               x    (only rhss []) body env_rhs sd
+    _                          -> bindLetDown NotTopLevel bind rhss           body env_rhs sd
+    where
+      env_rhs = enterDFun bind env
+sig2DmdHnf :: DmdSig -> DmdHnf
+sig2DmdHnf sig _env sd = pure (dmdType2SPair (dmdTransformSig sig sd))
+bindLetDown :: TopLevelFlag -> CoreBind -> [[DmdD] -> DmdD] -> ([DmdD] -> DmdD) -> DmdD
+bindLetDown top_lvl bind rhss body env sd = case bind of
+  NonRec x e | let rhs = only rhss -> do
+    S2 sig weak_fv <- bindRhsSig NonRecursive x e (rhs []) env sd
+    do_rest [x] [sig] weak_fv
+  Rec pairs -> do
+    S2 sigs weak_fv <- bindFix top_lvl pairs rhss env sd
+    do_rest (map fst pairs) sigs weak_fv
+  where
+    do_rest bndrs sigs weak_fv = do
+      let env' = extendAnalEnvs top_lvl env bndrs sigs
+      body_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> body (map sig2DmdHnf sigs) env' sd -- TODO surrogates
+      let dmd_ty = addWeakFVs body_ty weak_fv
+        -- see Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+      let S2 final_ty id_dmds = findBndrsDmds env' dmd_ty bndrs
+      -- pprTraceM "dmdAnalBindLetDown" (ppr bndrs <+> ppr id_dmds)
+      zipWithM_ (annotateBindDemand top_lvl) bndrs id_dmds
+      pure $! dmdType2SPair final_ty
+        -- If the actual demand is better than the vanilla call
+        -- demand, you might think that we might do better to re-analyse
+        -- the RHS with the stronger demand.
+        -- But (a) That seldom happens, because it means that *every* path in
+        --         the body of the let has to use that stronger demand
+        -- (b) It often happens temporarily in when fixpointing, because
+        --     the recursive function at first seems to place a massive demand.
+        --     But we don't want to go to extra work when the function will
+        --     probably iterate to something less demanding.
+        -- In practice, all the times the actual demand on id2 is more than
+        -- the vanilla call demand seem to be due to (b).  So we don't
+        -- bother to re-analyse the RHS.
+bindLetUp :: Id -> DmdD -> ([DmdD] -> DmdD) -> DmdD
+bindLetUp x rhs body env sd = do
+  let body_env = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env x nopSig
+  -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]
+  body_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> body [nopDmdD] body_env sd
+  -- See Note [Finalising boxity for demand signatures]
+  let S2 body_ty' id_dmd = findBndrDmd env body_ty x
+  let id_dmd'            = finaliseLetBoxity env (idType x) id_dmd
+  annotate da_demands x id_dmd'
+  rhs_ty <- squeezeDmdShared env rhs id_dmd' --perhaps inline squeezeDmdShared
+  pprTraceM "dmdAnal:LetUp" (ppr x <+> ppr id_dmd <+> ppr id_dmd' $$ ppr rhs_ty)
+  pure $! dmdType2SPair (body_ty' `plusDmdType` rhs_ty)
+  :: RecFlag -> Id -> CoreExpr -> DmdD
+  -> AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> AnalM (SPair DmdSig WeakDmds)
+-- Process the RHS of the binding, add the strictness signature
+-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
+-- See Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
+bindRhsSig rec_flag x e rhs env let_sd = do
+  let
+    body_sd
+      | isJoinId x
+      -- See Note [Demand analysis for join points]
+      -- See Note [Invariants on join points] invariant 2b, in GHC.Core
+      --     threshold_arity matches the join arity of the join point
+      -- See Note [Unboxed demand on function bodies returning small products]
+      = unboxedWhenSmall env rec_flag (resultType_maybe x) let_sd
+      | otherwise
+      -- See Note [Unboxed demand on function bodies returning small products]
+      = unboxedWhenSmall env rec_flag (resultType_maybe x) topSubDmd
+    threshold_arity = thresholdArity x e
+    rhs_sd = mkCalledOnceDmds threshold_arity body_sd
+  rhs_dmd_ty <- sPair2DmdType <$> rhs env rhs_sd
+  let
+    (lam_bndrs, _) = collectBinders e
+    DmdType rhs_env rhs_dmds = rhs_dmd_ty
+    final_rhs_dmds = finaliseArgBoxities env x threshold_arity rhs_dmds
+                                         (de_div rhs_env) lam_bndrs
+  -- Attach the demands to the outer lambdas of this expression
+  -- NB: zipWithM_, not zipWithEqualM_, in contrast to annotateBndrsDemands.
+  -- We might have more demands than binders (PAP), hence don't panic (#22997).
+  zipWithM_ (annotate da_demands) (filter isId lam_bndrs) final_rhs_dmds
+  let
+    -- See Note [Aggregated demand for cardinality]
+    -- FIXME: That Note doesn't explain the following lines at all. The reason
+    --        is really much different: When we have a recursive function, we'd
+    --        have to also consider the free vars of the strictness signature
+    --        when checking whether we found a fixed-point. That is expensive;
+    --        we only want to check whether argument demands of the sig changed.
+    --        reuseEnv makes it so that the FV results are stable as long as the
+    --        last argument demands were. Strictness won't change. But used-once
+    --        might turn into used-many even if the signature was stable and
+    --        we'd have to do an additional iteration. reuseEnv makes sure that
+    --        we never get used-once info for FVs of recursive functions.
+    --        See #14816 where we try to get rid of reuseEnv.
+    rhs_env1 = case rec_flag of
+                Recursive    -> reuseEnv rhs_env
+                NonRecursive -> rhs_env
+    -- See Note [Absence analysis for stable unfoldings and RULES]
+    rhs_env2 = rhs_env1 `plusDmdEnv` demandRootSet env (bndrRuleAndUnfoldingIds x)
+    -- See Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+    !(!sig_env, !weak_fvs) = splitWeakDmds rhs_env2
+    sig        = mkDmdSigForArity threshold_arity (DmdType sig_env final_rhs_dmds)
+    opts       = ae_opts env
+  -- pprTraceM "bindRhsSig" (ppr x $$ ppr let_sd $$ ppr rhs_dmds $$ ppr sig $$ ppr weak_fvs)
+  annotateSig opts x sig
+  pure $! S2 sig weak_fvs
+bindFix :: TopLevelFlag
+       -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+       -> [[DmdD] -> DmdD]
+       -> AnalEnv                            -- Does not include bindings for this binding
+       -> SubDemand
+       -> AnalM (SPair [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
+bindFix top_lvl pairs rhss env let_sd
+  = do sigs <- read_sigs; loop 1 sigs
+  where
+    bndrs = map fst pairs
+    next_env sigs = extendAnalEnvs top_lvl env bndrs sigs
+    -- See Note [Initialising strictness]
+    read_sigs = do
+      annotations <- readAnn da_sigs
+      let init_sigs = [ botSig | _ <- bndrs ]
+      pure $! traverse (lookupVarEnv annotations) bndrs `orElse` init_sigs
+    -- If fixed-point iteration does not yield a result we use this instead
+    -- See Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]
+    abort :: AnalM (SPair [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
+    abort = do
+      S2 sigs' weak_fv <- step [ nopSig | _ <- bndrs ]
+        -- NB: step updates the annotation
+      -- Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+      let weak_fvs = plusVarEnvList $ map (de_fvs . dmdSigDmdEnv) sigs'
+          weak_fv' = plusVarEnv_C plusDmd weak_fv $ mapVarEnv (const topDmd) weak_fvs
+      pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
+    -- The fixed-point varies the DmdSig stored in the AnalEnv for bndrs, and
+    -- terminates if that annotation does not change any more.
+    -- For convenience, we also pass the bndr's DmdSig instead of fetching it
+    -- from AnalEnv on every iteration.
+    loop :: Int -> [DmdSig] -> AnalM (SPair [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
+    loop n sigs = -- pprTrace "dmdFix" (ppr n <+> vcat [ ppr id <+> ppr (idDmdSig id)
+                      --                                   | (id,_) <- sigs]) $
+                      loop' n sigs
+    loop' n sigs | n == 10   = abort
+                 | otherwise = do
+      S2 sigs' weak_fv' <- step sigs
+        -- NB: step updates the annotation
+      let found_fixpoint = sigs' == sigs
+      if found_fixpoint
+        then pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
+        else loop (n+1) sigs'
+    step :: [DmdSig] -> AnalM (SPair [DmdSig] WeakDmds)
+    step sigs = do
+      -- TODO URGH updating one list entry at a time is easily the worst case
+      -- for linked lists. Unfortunately, it's linked lists all the way in
+      -- Core.Semantics because we zip with the list of binders.
+      -- Something to worry about later.
+      S2 sigs' weak_fv' <- foldlM do_one (S2 sigs emptyVarEnv) (zip3 pairs rhss [0..])
+        -- foldlM: Use the new signature to do the next pair
+        -- The occurrence analyser has arranged them in a good order
+        -- so this can significantly reduce the number of iterations needed
+      pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
+      where
+        do_one (S2 sigs weak_fv) ((id, e), rhs, i) = do
+          -- pprTraceM "my_downRhs" (ppr id $$ ppr (idDmdSig id) $$ ppr sig)
+          -- NB: No surrogate needed, because
+          S2 sig' weak_fv1 <- bindRhsSig Recursive id e (rhs (map sig2DmdHnf sigs)) (next_env sigs) let_sd
+          let !weak_fv' = plusVarEnv_C plusDmd weak_fv weak_fv1
+          let !sigs' = updateListAt i sig' sigs -- URGHHHHH
+          pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
+updateListAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+updateListAt 0 x (_:xs) = x:xs
+updateListAt n x (y:xs) = y:updateListAt (n-1) x xs
+updateListAt _ _ [] = panic "oops"
+_dmdAnalNew :: AnalEnv
+        -> SubDemand         -- The main one takes a *SubDemand*
+        -> CoreExpr -> AnalM DmdType
+_dmdAnalNew env sd e = sPair2DmdType <$> eval e (mapUFM_Directly f (ae_sigs env)) env sd
+  where
+    f x (sig, top_lvl) env sd = do
+      -- We imitate `step (Lookup x)` here, for a top-level thing.
+      S2 val fvs <- sig2DmdHnf sig env sd
+      pure $! case top_lvl of
+        NotTopLevel -> S2 val (addVarDmdEnv_Directly fvs x (C_11 :* sd))
+        TopLevel    -> S2 val (addVarDmdEnv_Directly fvs x (C_0N `multDmd` (C_11 :* sd))) -- discard strictness
+    addVarDmdEnv_Directly :: DmdEnv -> Unique -> Demand -> DmdEnv
+    -- like addVarDmdEnv, but working on a Unique (which is all we have)
+    addVarDmdEnv_Directly (DE fvs div) x dmd
+      = DE (addToUFM_Directly fvs x (dmd `plusDmd` (lookupVarEnv_Directly fvs x `orElse` defaultFvDmd div))) div

@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ dmdAnal logger before_ww dflags fam_envs rules binds = do
                , dmd_unbox_width     = dmdUnboxWidth dflags
                , dmd_max_worker_args = maxWorkerArgs dflags
-      binds_plus_dmds = dmdAnalProgram opts fam_envs rules binds
+  binds_plus_dmds <- dmdAnalProgram opts fam_envs rules binds
   Logger.putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_dmd_signatures "Demand signatures" FormatText $
     dumpIdInfoOfProgram (hasPprDebug dflags) (ppr . zapDmdEnvSig . dmdSigInfo) binds_plus_dmds
   -- See Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis] in GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal

@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fexpose-all-unfoldings #-} -- for specialisation
+-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
+-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module GHC.Core.Semantics where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Uniques
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import qualified GHC.Data.Word64Map as WM
+import GHC.Types.Literal
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State
+import Data.Word
+import GHC.Core.Utils hiding (findAlt)
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.FVs
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info
+data Event = Lookup Id | LookupArg CoreExpr | Update | App1 | App2 | Case1 | Case2 | Let1
+class Trace d where
+  step :: Event -> d -> d
+-- A slight extension of the Domain type from the paper.
+-- Note that the 'Id's bear no semantic significance: The `Domain (D τ)`
+-- instance simply ignores them. They are needed for analyses and debugging, however.
+class Domain d where
+  stuck :: d
+  erased :: d -- Think of it like coercionToken#
+  lit :: Literal -> d
+  global :: Id -> d
+  classOp :: Id -> Class -> d
+  primOp :: PrimOp -> d
+  fun :: Id -> (d -> d) -> d
+  con :: DataCon -> [d] -> d
+  apply :: d -> d -> d
+  applyTy :: d -> d -- URGHHH otherwise we have no easy way to discern Type Apps
+  select :: d -> ((CoreExpr -> Bool) -> Bool) -> Id -> [DAlt d] -> d
+  keepAlive :: [d] -> d -- Used for coercion FVs, unfolding and RULE FVs. No simple semantic description for those; pretend that they may or may not be seq'd.
+  seq_ :: d -> d -> d -- The primitive one. Just like `select a (const False) wildCardId [(DEFAULT, [], \_a _ds -> b)]`, but we don't have available the type of the LHS.
+type DAlt d = (AltCon, [Id], d -> [d] -> d)
+data BindHint = BindArg Id | BindLet CoreBind
+class HasBind d where
+  bind :: BindHint -> [[d] -> d] -> ([d] -> d) -> d
+    -- NB: The `BindHint` bears no semantic sigificance:
+    --     `HasBind (D (ByNeed T))` does not look at it.
+    --     Still useful for analyses!
+feignBndr :: Name -> PiTyBinder -> Var
+feignBndr n (Anon (Scaled mult ty) _) = mkLocalIdOrCoVar n mult ty
+feignBndr n (Named (Bndr tcv _)) = tcv `setVarName` n
+feignId :: Name -> Type -> Id
+feignId n ty = mkLocalIdOrCoVar n ManyTy ty
+-- The following does not work, because we need the `idType` of `a` in `select`:
+-- seq_ :: Domain d => d -> d -> d
+-- seq_ a b = select a (const False) wildCardId [(DEFAULT, [], \_a _ds -> b)]
+-- wildCardId :: Id
+-- wildCardId = feignBndr wildCardName (Anon (Scaled ManyTy panicType) FTF_T_T)
+-- panicType :: HasCallStack => Type
+-- panicType = panic "The seq_ case binder should be dead, we don't need its type"
+anfise :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => Name -> CoreExpr -> IdEnv d -> (d -> d) -> d
+anfise _ (Lit l) _ k = k (lit l)
+anfise _ (Var x) env k = evalVar x env k
+anfise _ (Coercion co) env k = keepAliveCo co env `seq_` k erased
+anfise _ (Type _ty) _ k = k erased
+anfise x (Tick _t e) env k = anfise x e env k
+anfise x (Cast e co) env k = keepAliveCo co env `seq_` anfise x e env k
+anfise x e env k = bind (BindArg (feignId x (exprType e))) [\_ -> eval e env]
+                   (\ds -> let d = step (LookupArg e) (only ds) in
+                           if isUnliftedType (exprType e)
+                             then d `seq_` k d
+                             else k d)
+anfiseMany :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => [CoreExpr] -> IdEnv d -> ([d] -> d) -> d
+anfiseMany es env k = go (zip localNames es) []
+  where
+    go [] ds = k (reverse ds)
+    go ((x,e):es) ds = anfise x e env $ \d -> go es (d:ds)
+keepAliveVars :: Domain d => [Id] -> IdEnv d -> d
+-- Make sure that the given (local) Ids are all "alive", that is, in scope and
+-- reachable through `keepAlive` (which itself is a rather abstract concept).
+keepAliveVars xs env | Just ds <- traverse (lookupVarEnv env) xs = keepAlive ds
+                     | otherwise                                 = stuck
+keepAliveCo :: Domain d => Coercion -> IdEnv d -> d
+-- Coercions are ultimately erased to `coercionToken#` because they are
+-- irrelevant to runtime behavior (of a /well-typed/ program).
+-- Nevertheless, they have a static semantics that requires its free variables
+-- to be present; otherwise the coercion is considered stuck.
+keepAliveCo co = keepAliveVars (nonDetEltsUniqSet $ coVarsOfCo co)
+keepAliveUnfRules :: Domain d => Id -> IdEnv d -> d
+-- ^ `keepAlive` the free Ids of an Id's unfolding and RULE RHSs.
+keepAliveUnfRules x = keepAliveVars (nonDetEltsUniqSet $ bndrRuleAndUnfoldingIds x)
+evalVar :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => Var -> IdEnv d -> (d -> d) -> d
+evalVar x env k = case idDetails x of
+  _ | isTyVar x    -> erased
+  DataConWorkId dc -> k (con dc []) -- TODO
+  DataConWrapId _  -> -- pprTrace "unfolding wrapper" (ppr x $$ ppr (unfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding x))) $
+                      k (eval (unfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding x)) emptyVarEnv)
+  PrimOpId op _    -> k (primOp op)
+  ClassOpId cls _  -> k (classOp x cls)
+  _ | isGlobalId x -> k (global x)
+  _                -> case lookupVarEnv env x of
+                        Just d -> k d
+                        _      -> stuck -- Scoping error. Actually ruled out by the Core type system
+eval :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => CoreExpr -> IdEnv d -> d
+eval (Coercion co) env = keepAliveCo co env
+eval (Type _ty) _ = erased
+eval (Lit l) _ = lit l
+eval (Tick _t e) env = eval e env
+eval (Cast e _co) env = eval e env
+eval (Var x) env = evalVar x env id
+eval (Lam x e) env = fun x (\d -> step App2 (eval e (extendVarEnv env x d)))
+eval e at App{} env
+  | Var v <- f, Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe v
+  = anfiseMany as env $ \es -> case compare (dataConRepArity dc) (length es) of
+      EQ -> con dc es
+      GT -> stuck                                         -- oversaturated  => stuck
+      LT -> mkPap rest_bndrs $ \etas -> con dc (es ++ etas) -- undersaturated => PAP
+        where
+          rest_bndrs = dropList es (fst $ splitPiTys (dataConRepType dc))
+  | otherwise
+  = anfiseMany (f:as) env $ \(df:das) -> -- NB: anfise is a no-op for Vars
+      go df (zipWith (\d a -> (d, isTypeArg a)) das as)
+  where
+    (f, as) = collectArgs e
+    go df [] = df
+    go df ((d,is_ty):ds) = go (step App1 $ app df is_ty d) ds
+    app df {-isTypeArg=-}True  _da = applyTy df -- There must be a better way...
+    app df               False da  = apply   df da
+eval (Let b@(NonRec x rhs) body) env =
+  bind (BindLet b)
+       -- See Note [Absence analysis for stable unfoldings and RULES]
+       [\_  -> keepAliveUnfRules x env `seq_`
+               eval rhs env]
+       (\ds -> step Let1 (eval body (extendVarEnv env x (step (Lookup x) (only ds)))))
+eval (Let b@(Rec binds) body) env =
+  bind (BindLet b)
+       [\ds -> keepAliveUnfRules x env `seq_`
+               eval rhs  (new_env ds)  | (x,rhs) <- binds]
+       (\ds -> step Let1 (eval body (new_env ds)))
+  where
+    xs = map fst binds
+    new_env ds = extendVarEnvList env (zipWith (\x d -> (x, step (Lookup x) d)) xs ds)
+eval (Case e b _ty alts) env = step Case1 $
+  select (eval e env) ($ e) b
+         [ (con, xs, cont xs rhs) | Alt con xs rhs <- alts ]
+  where
+    cont xs rhs scrut ds = step Case2 $ eval rhs (extendVarEnvList env (zipEqual "eval Case{}" (b:xs) (scrut:ds)))
+mkPap :: (Trace d, Domain d) => [PiTyBinder] -> ([d] -> d) -> d
+mkPap arg_bndrs f = go [] (zipWith feignBndr localNames arg_bndrs)
+  where
+    go ds []     = f (reverse ds)
+    go ds (x:xs) = fun x (\d -> step App2 $ go (d:ds) xs)
+x1,x2 :: Name
+localNames :: [Name]
+localNames@(x1:x2:_) = [ mkSystemName (mkBuiltinUnique i) (mkVarOcc "local") | i <- [0..] ]
+-- By-need semantics, from the paper
+data T v = Step Event (T v) | Ret v
+  deriving Functor
+instance Applicative T where pure = Ret; (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad T where Ret a >>= f = f a; Step ev t >>= f = Step ev (t >>= f)
+instance Trace (T v) where step = Step
+type D τ = τ (Value τ)
+data Value τ
+  = Stuck
+  | Erased
+  | Litt Literal
+  | Fun (D τ -> D τ)
+  | Con DataCon [D τ]
+instance (Trace (D τ), Monad τ) => Domain (D τ) where
+  keepAlive _ = return Erased
+  stuck = return Stuck
+  erased = return Erased
+  lit l = return (Litt l)
+  fun _x f = return (Fun f)
+  con k ds = return (Con k ds)
+  apply d a = d >>= \case Fun f -> f a; _ -> stuck
+  applyTy d = d
+  select d _f _b fs = d >>= \v -> case v of
+    Stuck                                                    -> stuck
+    Con k ds | Just (_con, _xs, f) <- findAlt (DataAlt k) fs -> f (return v) ds
+    Litt l   | Just (_con, _xs, f) <- findAlt (LitAlt l)  fs -> f (return v) []
+    _        | Just (_con, _xs, f) <- findAlt DEFAULT     fs -> f (return v) []
+    _                                                        -> stuck
+  seq_ a b = a >> b -- The caller may want to insert steps here... Not sure
+  global _        = return Stuck -- For now; looking at the unfolding would need to call `eval`
+  classOp _x _cls = return Stuck -- For now; looking at the unfolding would need to call `eval`
+  primOp op = case op of
+    IntAddOp -> intop (+)
+    IntMulOp -> intop (*)
+    IntRemOp -> intop rem
+    _        -> stuck
+    where
+      intop op = binop int_ty int_ty $ \v1 v2 -> case (v1,v2) of
+        (Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i1), Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i2))
+          -> Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt (i1 `op` i2))
+        _ -> Stuck
+      binop ty1 ty2 f = mkPap [ty1,ty2] $ \[d1,d2] -> f <$> d1 <*> d2
+      int_ty = Anon (Scaled ManyTy intTy) FTF_T_T
+-- The following function was copy and pasted from GHC.Core.Utils.findAlt:
+findAlt :: AltCon -> [DAlt d] -> Maybe (DAlt d)
+    -- A "Nothing" result *is* legitimate
+    -- See Note [Unreachable code]
+findAlt con alts
+  = case alts of
+        (deflt@(DEFAULT, _, _):alts) -> go alts (Just deflt)
+        _                            -> go alts Nothing
+  where
+    go []                        deflt = deflt
+    go (alt@(con1, _, _) : alts) deflt
+      = case con `cmpAltCon` con1 of
+          LT -> deflt   -- Missed it already; the alts are in increasing order
+          EQ -> Just alt
+          GT -> go alts deflt
+-- By-need semantics, straight from the paper
+type Addr = Word64
+type Heap τ = WM.Word64Map (D τ)
+newtype ByNeed τ v = ByNeed { runByNeed :: StateT (Heap (ByNeed τ)) τ v }
+  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance (forall v. Trace (τ v)) => Trace (ByNeed τ v) where
+  step ev (ByNeed (StateT m)) = ByNeed $ StateT $ step ev . m
+fetch :: Monad τ => Addr -> D (ByNeed τ)
+fetch a = ByNeed get >>= \μ -> μ WM.! a
+memo :: forall τ. (Monad τ, forall v. Trace (τ v)) => Addr -> D (ByNeed τ) -> D (ByNeed τ)
+memo a d = d >>= ByNeed . StateT . upd
+  where upd Stuck μ = return (Stuck :: Value (ByNeed τ), μ)
+        upd v     μ = step Update (return (v, WM.insert a (memo a (return v)) μ))
+freeList :: Heap τ -> [Addr]
+freeList μ = [a..]
+  where a = case WM.lookupMax μ of Just (a,_) -> a+1; _ -> 0
+instance (Monad τ, forall v. Trace (τ v)) => HasBind (D (ByNeed τ)) where
+  bind _hint rhss body = do
+    as <- take (length rhss) . freeList <$> ByNeed get
+    let ds = map fetch as
+    ByNeed $ modify (\μ -> foldr (\(a,rhs) -> WM.insert a (memo a (rhs ds))) μ (zip as rhss))
+    body ds
+evalByNeed :: CoreExpr -> T (Value (ByNeed T), Heap (ByNeed T))
+evalByNeed e = runStateT (runByNeed (eval e emptyVarEnv)) WM.empty
+-- Boilerplate
+instance Outputable Event where
+  ppr (Lookup n) = text "Lookup" <> parens (ppr n)
+  ppr (LookupArg e) = text "LookupArg" <> parens (ppr e)
+  ppr Update = text "Update"
+  ppr App1 = text "App1"
+  ppr App2 = text "App2"
+  ppr Case1 = text "Case1"
+  ppr Case2 = text "Case2"
+  ppr Let1 = text "Let1"
+instance Outputable v => Outputable (T v) where
+  ppr (Step ev τ) = ppr ev <> arrow <> ppr τ
+  ppr (Ret v) = char '<' <> ppr v <> char '>'
+instance Outputable (Value τ) where
+  ppr Stuck = text "stuck"
+  ppr Erased = char '_'
+  ppr (Litt l) = ppr l
+  ppr (Fun _f) = text "Fun"
+  ppr (Con dc _ds) = ppr dc
+instance Outputable (Heap τ) where
+  ppr μ = brackets (pprWithCommas (\(a,_) -> ppr a <> char '↦' <> underscore) (WM.toList μ))

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Demand (
     Demand(AbsDmd, BotDmd, (:*)),
     SubDemand(Prod, Poly), mkProd, viewProd,
     -- ** Algebra
-    absDmd, topDmd, botDmd, seqDmd, topSubDmd,
+    absDmd, topDmd, botDmd, seqDmd, topSubDmd, seqSubDmd,
     -- *** Least upper bound
     lubCard, lubDmd, lubSubDmd,
     -- *** Plus
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ module GHC.Types.Demand (
     Divergence(..), topDiv, botDiv, exnDiv, lubDivergence, isDeadEndDiv,
     -- * Demand environments
-    DmdEnv(..), addVarDmdEnv, mkTermDmdEnv, nopDmdEnv, plusDmdEnv, plusDmdEnvs,
-    reuseEnv,
+    DmdEnv(..), defaultFvDmd, addVarDmdEnv, mkTermDmdEnv,
+    nopDmdEnv, plusDmdEnv, plusDmdEnvs, multDmdEnv, reuseEnv,
     -- * Demand types
     DmdType(..), dmdTypeDepth,

@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.Core.Semantics

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+-- Import necessary modules
+import GHC
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser
+import GHC.Driver.Env.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Unit.Types
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModGuts
+import GHC.Data.StringBuffer
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import qualified GHC.Parser.Lexer as L
+import qualified GHC.Parser as P
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Core
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import System.IO
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.List
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Core.Semantics
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import System.Console.Haskeline
+indent :: Int -> String -> String
+indent n = unlines . map (\s -> replicate n ' ' ++ s) . lines
+pprPrint :: Outputable a => a -> IO ()
+pprPrint = putStrLn . showSDocUnsafe . ppr
+compileToCore :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO CoreExpr
+compileToCore libdir args expression = do
+  tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
+  let file = tmp </> "_interactive_.hs"
+  writeFile file ("module Interactive where import GHC.Exts; it = " ++ indent 2 expression)
+  -- Initialize GHC session
+  defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do
+    runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
+      -- Set up GHC session
+      dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+      logger <- getLogger
+      (dflags, rest_args, err_messages) <- parseDynamicFlags logger dflags (map (L noSrcSpan) args)
+      when (not (null rest_args)) $ liftIO $ putStrLn ("Unhandled args: " ++ show rest_args) >> exitFailure
+      when (not (null err_messages)) $ liftIO $ pprPrint err_messages >> exitFailure
+      setSessionDynFlags $
+        -- flip gopt_unset Opt_FullLaziness $
+        -- flip gopt_unset Opt_WorkerWrapper $
+        -- updOptLevel 1 $ -- if you want to compile with -O1 opts, make sure to unset -ffull-laziness and -fworker-wrapper above in addition to -flocal-float-out-top-level
+        flip gopt_unset Opt_LocalFloatOutTopLevel $
+        flip gopt_unset Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas $ -- This enables cross-module inlining
+        flip xopt_set LangExt.MagicHash $
+        dflags
+      mod_guts <- compileToCoreSimplified file
+      let binds = cm_binds mod_guts
+      let Just (NonRec _ e) = find (\b -> case b of NonRec x e -> getOccString x == "it"; _ -> False) binds
+      return e
+-- Main function to handle command-line arguments
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  args <- getArgs
+  tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
+  let settings = defaultSettings { historyFile = Just (tmp </> ".ghdi.hist") }
+  case args of
+    (libdir:rest) -> runInputT settings (loop libdir rest)
+    _             -> putStrLn "Usage: `ghdi <libdir>`, for example `ghdi $(ghc --print-libdir)`"
+loop :: FilePath -> [String] -> InputT IO ()
+loop libdir args = do
+  minput <- getInputLine "prompt> "
+  case minput of
+    Nothing      -> return ()
+    Just ":quit" -> return ()
+    Just input   -> do
+      e <- liftIO $ compileToCore libdir args input
+      outputStrLn (showSDocUnsafe (hang (text "Above expression as (optimised) Core:") 2 (ppr e)))
+      outputStrLn "Trace of denotational interpreter:"
+      outputStrLn (showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext (hang empty 2 (ppr (evalByNeed e))))
+      loop libdir args

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