[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/abs-den] WIP

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Jan 9 16:27:58 UTC 2024

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/abs-den at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

a6845c2c by Sebastian Graf at 2024-01-09T17:27:51+01:00

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/DmdAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Semantics.hs


@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ demandRootSet env ids = demandRoots env (nonDetEltsUniqSet ids)
 -- Any other top-level bindings are boring.
 -- See also Note [Why care for top-level demand annotations?].
-isInterestingTopLevelFn :: Id -> Bool
+isInterestingTopLevelTy :: Type -> Bool
 -- SG tried to set this to True and got a +2% ghc/alloc regression in T5642
 -- (which is dominated by the Simplifier) at no gain in analysis precision.
 -- If there was a gain, that regression might be acceptable.
 -- Plus, we could use LetUp for thunks and share some code with local let
 -- bindings.
-isInterestingTopLevelFn id = typeArity (idType id) > 0
+isInterestingTopLevelTy ty = typeArity ty > 0
 {- Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis]
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ dmdAnalBind top_lvl env dmd bind anal_body = case bind of
     env_rhs = enterDFun bind env
--- | Annotates uninteresting top level functions ('isInterestingTopLevelFn')
+-- | Annotates uninteresting top level functions ('isInterestingTopLevelTy)
 -- with 'topDmd', the rest with the given demand.
 annotateBindDemand :: TopLevelFlag -> Name -> Demand -> AnalM s ()
 annotateBindDemand top_lvl x dmd = case top_lvl of
---  TopLevel | not (isInterestingTopLevelFn x) -> annotate da_demands x topDmd
+--  TopLevel | not (isInterestingTopLevelTy x) -> annotate da_demands x topDmd
   _                                           -> annotate da_demands x dmd
 -- | Update the demand signature, but be careful not to change boxity info if
@@ -1010,18 +1010,18 @@ dmdTransform env var sd
   -- Top-level or local let-bound thing for which we use LetDown ('useLetUp').
   -- In that case, we have a strictness signature to unleash in our AnalEnv.
-  | Just (sig, top_lvl) <- lookupSigEnv env var
+  | Just (sig, top_lvl) <- lookupSigEnv env (idName var)
   , let fn_ty = dmdTransformSig sig sd
   = -- pprTrace "dmdTransform:LetDown" (vcat [ppr var, ppr sig, ppr sd, ppr fn_ty]) $
     case top_lvl of
-      NotTopLevel -> addVarDmd fn_ty var (C_11 :* sd)
+      NotTopLevel -> addVarDmd fn_ty (idName var) (C_11 :* sd)
-        | isInterestingTopLevelFn var
+        | isInterestingTopLevelTy (idType var)
         -- Top-level things will be used multiple times or not at
         -- all anyway, hence the multDmd below: It means we don't
         -- have to track whether @var@ is used strictly or at most
         -- once, because ultimately it never will.
-        -> addVarDmd fn_ty var (C_0N `multDmd` (C_11 :* sd)) -- discard strictness
+        -> addVarDmd fn_ty (idName var) (C_0N `multDmd` (C_11 :* sd)) -- discard strictness
         | otherwise
         -> fn_ty -- don't bother tracking; just annotate with 'topDmd' later
   -- Everything else:
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ dmdAnalRhsSig top_lvl rec_flag env let_sd id rhs = do
     !(!sig_env, !weak_fvs) = splitWeakDmds rhs_env2
     sig        = mkDmdSigForArity threshold_arity (DmdType sig_env final_rhs_dmds)
     opts       = ae_opts env
-    !final_env = extendAnalEnv top_lvl env id sig
+    !final_env = extendAnalEnv top_lvl env (idName id) sig
   -- pprTraceM "dmdAnalRhsSig" (ppr id $$ ppr let_sd $$ ppr rhs_dmds $$ ppr sig $$ ppr weak_fvs)
   annotateSig opts (idName id) sig
@@ -2207,7 +2207,7 @@ dmdFix top_lvl env let_sd pairs
         -- foldlM: Use the new signature to do the next pair
         -- The occurrence analyser has arranged them in a good order
         -- so this can significantly reduce the number of iterations needed
-      let sigs' = expectJust "dmdFix.step" $ traverse (fmap fst . lookupSigEnv env') bndrs
+      let sigs' = expectJust "dmdFix.step" $ traverse (fmap fst . lookupSigEnv env' . idName) bndrs
       -- annotation done in dmdAnalRhsSig
       -- zipWithEqualM_ "dmdFix.step" (annotateSig (ae_opts env)) bndrs sigs'
       pure $! S3 env' sigs' weak_fv'
@@ -2490,28 +2490,26 @@ findBndrsDmds env dmd_ty bndrs
     go dmd_ty []  = S2 dmd_ty []
     go dmd_ty (b:bs)
       | isId b    = let S2 dmd_ty1 dmds = go dmd_ty bs
-                        S2 dmd_ty2 dmd  = findBndrDmd env dmd_ty1 b
+                        S2 dmd_ty2 dmd  = findBndrDmd env dmd_ty1 (idName b) (idType b)
                     in S2 dmd_ty2  (dmd : dmds)
       | otherwise = go dmd_ty bs
-findBndrDmd :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Id -> WithDmdType Demand
+findBndrDmd :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Name -> Type -> WithDmdType Demand
 -- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type]
-findBndrDmd env dmd_ty id
+findBndrDmd env dmd_ty x ty
   = -- pprTrace "findBndrDmd" (ppr id $$ ppr dmd_ty $$ ppr starting_dmd $$ ppr dmd') $
     S2 dmd_ty' dmd'
     dmd' = strictify $
-           trimToType starting_dmd (findTypeShape fam_envs id_ty)
+           trimToType starting_dmd (findTypeShape fam_envs ty)
-    (dmd_ty', starting_dmd) = peelFV dmd_ty (idName id)
-    id_ty = idType id
+    (dmd_ty', starting_dmd) = peelFV dmd_ty x
     strictify dmd
       -- See Note [Making dictionary parameters strict]
       -- and Note [Do not strictify a DFun's parameter dictionaries]
       | dmd_strict_dicts (ae_opts env)
-      = strictifyDictDmd id_ty dmd
+      = strictifyDictDmd ty dmd
       | otherwise
       = dmd
@@ -2739,7 +2737,7 @@ dmdType2DmdD :: (AnalEnv -> SubDemand -> AnalM s DmdType) -> DmdD s
 dmdType2DmdD trans = DmdT $ \env sd -> trans env sd >>= \(DmdType env val) -> pure (S2 val env)
 instance Trace (DmdD s) where
-  step (Lookup x) d = DmdT $ \env sd -> unDmdT d env sd >>= \t ->
+  step (Lookup (x,x_ty)) d = DmdT $ \env sd -> unDmdT d env sd >>= \t ->
     case (t, lookupSigEnv env x) of
       (S2 val env, Just (_,NotTopLevel)) -> pure (S2 val (addVarDmdEnv env x (C_11 :* sd)))
       (S2 val env, Just (_,TopLevel))
@@ -2747,8 +2745,10 @@ instance Trace (DmdD s) where
         -- all anyway, hence the multDmd below: It means we don't
         -- have to track whether @x@ is used strictly or at most
         -- once, because ultimately it never will.
+        | isInterestingTopLevelTy x_ty
         -> pure (S2 val (addVarDmdEnv env x (C_0N `multDmd` (C_11 :* sd)))) -- discard strictness
-      (_,          Nothing) -> pure t
+        -- otherwise, fall through; we'll annotate with topDmd at the binding site.
+      _ -> pure t
   step _ d = d
 botDmdD, nopDmdD :: DmdD s
@@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@ instance Domain (DmdD s) where
   lit _l = nopDmdD
   primOp _op = nopDmdD
   fun (x,x_ty) f = DmdT $ \env sd -> do
-    let sentinel = step (Lookup x) nopDmdD
+    let sentinel = step (Lookup (x,x_ty)) nopDmdD
     let body_env = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env x nopSig -- Ultimately, we will not store nopDmdD here. This is just for compatibility with existing code
     let (n,body_sd) = peelCallDmd sd
     S2 val fvs <- unDmdT (f sentinel) body_env body_sd
@@ -2772,7 +2772,15 @@ instance Domain (DmdD s) where
     -- pprTraceM "dmdAnal:Lam" (ppr x <+> ppr dmd $$ ppr body_ty')
     annotate da_demands x dmd
     let !lam_ty = addDemand dmd body_ty'
-    return $! multDmdType n lam_ty
+    let DmdType fvs val = multDmdType n lam_ty
+    return $! S2 val fvs
+  con dc ds = DmdT $ \env sd -> do
+    let DmdType _env dmds = dmdTransformDataConSig (dataConRepStrictness dc) sd
+    let value_ds = dropList (dataConUnivAndExTyCoVars dc) ds
+    massert (equalLength value_ds dmds)
+    fvs <- concat <$> zipWithM squeezeDmd value_ds dmds
+    pure $! S2 [] fvs
 --    body_ty <- dmdAnal body_env body_dmd body
 --      -- See Note [Bringing a new variable into scope]

@@ -39,27 +39,33 @@ import GHC.Core.Utils hiding (findAlt)
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
 import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
-data Event = Lookup Name | LookupArg CoreExpr | Update | App1 | App2 | Case1 | Case2 | Let1
+type NaTy = (Name, Type)
+var2NaTy :: Var -> NaTy
+var2NaTy v = (idName v, idType v)
+data Event = Lookup NaTy | LookupArg CoreExpr | Update | App1 | App2 | Case1 | Case2 | Let1
 class Trace d where
   step :: Event -> d -> d
 -- A slight extension of the Domain type from the paper.
--- Note that the 'Name's bear no semantic significance: The `Domain (D τ)`
--- instance simply ignores them. They are useful for analyses, however.
+-- Note that the 'NaTy's bear no semantic significance: The `Domain (D τ)`
+-- instance simply ignores them. They are needed for analyses and debugging, however.
 class Domain d where
   stuck :: d
   erased :: d -- Think of it like coercionToken#
   lit :: Literal -> d
   primOp :: PrimOp -> d
-  fun :: (Name, Type) -> (d -> d) -> d
+  fun :: NaTy -> (d -> d) -> d
   con :: DataCon -> [d] -> d
   apply :: d -> d -> d
-  select :: d -> Name -> [DAlt d] -> d
-type DAlt d = (AltCon, [Name], d -> [d] -> d)
+  select :: d -> NaTy -> [DAlt d] -> d
+type DAlt d = (AltCon, [NaTy], d -> [d] -> d)
-data BindHint = BindArg | BindNonRec Name | BindRec [Name]
+data BindHint = BindArg | BindNonRec NaTy | BindRec [NaTy]
 class HasBind d where
   bind :: BindHint -> [[d] -> d] -> ([d] -> d) -> d
     -- NB: The `BindHint` bears no semantic sigificance:
@@ -67,7 +73,9 @@ class HasBind d where
     --     Still useful for analyses!
 seq_ :: Domain d => d -> d -> d
-seq_ a b = select a wildCardName [(DEFAULT, [], \_a _ds -> b)]
+seq_ a b = select a (wildCardName, panicType) [(DEFAULT, [], \_a _ds -> b)]
+panicType :: HasCallStack => Type
+panicType = panic "should not need the type"
 anfise :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => CoreExpr -> IdEnv d -> (d -> d) -> d
 anfise (Lit l) _ k = k (lit l)
@@ -101,16 +109,15 @@ eval (Var x) env
   | isDataConWrapId x = eval (unfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding x)) emptyVarEnv
   | Just d <- lookupVarEnv env x = d
   | otherwise = stuck -- Scoping error. Actually ruled out by the Core type system
-eval (Lam x e) env = fun (idName x, idType x) (\d -> step App2 (eval e (extendVarEnv env x d)))
+eval (Lam x e) env = fun (var2NaTy x) (\d -> step App2 (eval e (extendVarEnv env x d)))
 eval e at App{} env
   | Var v <- f, Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe v
   = anfiseMany as env $ \ds -> case compare (dataConRepArity dc) (length ds) of
       EQ -> con dc ds
-      GT -> stuck                                                      -- oversaturated  => stuck
-      LT -> expand [] (take (length ds - dataConRepArity dc) papNames) -- undersaturated => PAP
+      GT -> stuck                                         -- oversaturated  => stuck
+      LT -> mkPap (\etas -> con dc (ds ++ etas)) rest_tys -- undersaturated => PAP
-          expand etas []     = con dc (ds ++ reverse etas)
-          expand etas (x:xs) = fun x (\d -> expand (d:etas) xs)
+          rest_tys = dropList ds (map piTyBinderType $ fst $ splitPiTys (dataConRepType dc))
   | otherwise
   = go (eval f env) as
@@ -118,22 +125,28 @@ eval e at App{} env
     go df [] = df
     go df (a:as) = go (anfise a env (step App1 . apply df)) as
 eval (Let (NonRec x rhs) body) env =
-  bind (BindNonRec (idName x))
-       [const (step (Lookup (idName x)) (eval rhs env))]
-       (\ds -> step Let1                (eval body (extendVarEnv env x (only ds))))
+  bind (BindNonRec (var2NaTy x))
+       [const (step (Lookup (var2NaTy x)) (eval rhs env))]
+       (\ds -> step Let1                  (eval body (extendVarEnv env x (only ds))))
 eval (Let (Rec binds) body) env =
-  bind (BindRec (map idName xs))
-       [\ds -> step (Lookup (idName x)) (eval rhs  (new_env ds))  | (x,rhs) <- binds]
-       (\ds -> step Let1                (eval body (new_env ds)))
+  bind (BindRec (map var2NaTy xs))
+       [\ds -> step (Lookup (var2NaTy x)) (eval rhs  (new_env ds))  | (x,rhs) <- binds]
+       (\ds -> step Let1                  (eval body (new_env ds)))
     xs = map fst binds
     new_env ds = extendVarEnvList env (zip xs ds)
 eval (Case e b _ty alts) env = step Case1 $
-  select (eval e env) (idName b)
-         [ (con, map idName xs, cont xs rhs) | Alt con xs rhs <- alts ]
+  select (eval e env) (idName b, idType b)
+         [ (con, map var2NaTy xs, cont xs rhs) | Alt con xs rhs <- alts ]
     cont xs rhs scrut ds = step Case2 $ eval rhs (extendVarEnvList env (zipEqual "eval Case{}" (b:xs) (scrut:ds)))
+mkPap :: (Trace d, Domain d) => ([d] -> d) -> [Type] -> d
+mkPap f arg_tys = go [] (zip papNames arg_tys)
+  where
+    go ds [] = f (reverse ds)
+    go ds ((x,arg_ty):xs_arg_tys) = fun (x,arg_ty) (\d -> go (d:ds) xs_arg_tys)
 x1,x2 :: Name
 papNames :: [Name]
 papNames@(x1:x2:_) = [ mkSystemName (mkTempDataConArgUnique i) (mkVarOcc "pap") | i <- [0..] ]
@@ -174,7 +187,10 @@ instance (Trace (D τ), Monad τ) => Domain (D τ) where
     IntRemOp -> intop rem
     _        -> stuck
-      intop op = binop intTy intTy (\v1 v2 -> case (v1,v2) of (Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i1), Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i2)) -> Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt (i1 `op` i2)); _ -> Stuck)
+      intop op = binop intTy intTy $ \v1 v2 -> case (v1,v2) of
+        (Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i1), Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt i2))
+          -> Litt (LitNumber LitNumInt (i1 `op` i2))
+        _ -> Stuck
       binop ty1 ty2 f = fun (x1,ty1) $ \d1 -> step App2 $ fun (x2,ty2) $ \d2 -> step App2 $ f <$> d1 <*> d2
 -- The following function was copy and pasted from GHC.Core.Utils.findAlt:

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