[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24295] Fix loopification in the presence of void arguments
Matthew Craven (@clyring)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jan 8 19:57:13 UTC 2024
Matthew Craven pushed to branch wip/T24295 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
c9967052 by Matthew Craven at 2024-01-08T14:56:14-05:00
Fix loopification in the presence of void arguments
This also removes Note [Void arguments in self-recursive tail calls],
which was just misleading. It's important to count void args both
in the function's arity and at the call site.
Fixes #24295.
- - - - -
10 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Sequel.hs
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T24295a.hs
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T24295a.stdout
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T24295b.hs
- testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T
@@ -572,7 +572,13 @@ closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc args@(arg0:_) body fv_details
-- Extend reader monad with information that
-- self-recursive tail calls can be optimized into local
-- jumps. See Note [Self-recursive tail calls] in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr.
- ; withSelfLoop (bndr, loop_header_id, arg_regs) $ do
+ ; let !self_loop_info = MkSelfLoopInfo
+ { sli_id = bndr
+ , sli_arity = arity
+ , sli_header_block = loop_header_id
+ , sli_registers = arg_regs
+ }
+ ; withSelfLoop self_loop_info $ do
-- Main payload
; entryHeapCheck cl_info node' arity arg_regs $ do
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ import GHC.Types.RepType
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
@@ -532,12 +531,12 @@ instance Outputable CallMethod where
getCallMethod :: StgToCmmConfig
-> Name -- Function being applied
- -> Id -- Function Id used to chech if it can refer to
+ -> Id -- Function Id used to check if it can refer to
-- CAF's and whether the function is tail-calling
-- itself
-> LambdaFormInfo -- Its info
-> RepArity -- Number of available arguments
- -> RepArity -- Number of them being void arguments
+ -- (including void args)
-> CgLoc -- Passed in from cgIdApp so that we can
-- handle let-no-escape bindings and self-recursive
-- tail calls using the same data constructor,
@@ -546,19 +545,22 @@ getCallMethod :: StgToCmmConfig
-> Maybe SelfLoopInfo -- can we perform a self-recursive tail-call
-> CallMethod
-getCallMethod cfg _ id _ n_args v_args _cg_loc (Just (self_loop_id, block_id, args))
+getCallMethod cfg _ id _ n_args _cg_loc (Just self_loop)
| stgToCmmLoopification cfg
- , id == self_loop_id
- , args `lengthIs` (n_args - v_args)
+ , MkSelfLoopInfo
+ { sli_id = loop_id, sli_arity = arity
+ , sli_header_block = blk_id, sli_registers = arg_regs
+ } <- self_loop
+ , id == loop_id
+ , n_args == arity
-- If these patterns match then we know that:
-- * loopification optimisation is turned on
-- * function is performing a self-recursive call in a tail position
- -- * number of non-void parameters of the function matches functions arity.
- -- See Note [Self-recursive tail calls] and Note [Void arguments in
- -- self-recursive tail calls] in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr for more details
- = JumpToIt block_id args
+ -- * number of parameters matches the function's arity.
+ -- See Note [Self-recursive tail calls] in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr for more details
+ = JumpToIt blk_id arg_regs
-getCallMethod cfg name id (LFReEntrant _ arity _ _) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+getCallMethod cfg name id (LFReEntrant _ arity _ _) n_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
| n_args == 0 -- No args at all
&& not (profileIsProfiling (stgToCmmProfile cfg))
-- See Note [Evaluating functions with profiling] in rts/Apply.cmm
@@ -566,16 +568,16 @@ getCallMethod cfg name id (LFReEntrant _ arity _ _) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self
| n_args < arity = SlowCall -- Not enough args
| otherwise = DirectEntry (enterIdLabel (stgToCmmPlatform cfg) name (idCafInfo id)) arity
-getCallMethod _ _name _ LFUnlifted n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+getCallMethod _ _name _ LFUnlifted n_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
= assert (n_args == 0) ReturnIt
-getCallMethod _ _name _ (LFCon _) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+getCallMethod _ _name _ (LFCon _) n_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
= assert (n_args == 0) ReturnIt
-- n_args=0 because it'd be ill-typed to apply a saturated
-- constructor application to anything
getCallMethod cfg name id (LFThunk _ _ updatable std_form_info is_fun)
- n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+ n_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
| Just sig <- idTagSig_maybe id
, isTaggedSig sig -- Infered to be already evaluated by Tag Inference
@@ -613,7 +615,7 @@ getCallMethod cfg name id (LFThunk _ _ updatable std_form_info is_fun)
updatable) 0
-- Imported(Unknown) Ids
-getCallMethod cfg name id (LFUnknown might_be_a_function) n_args _v_args _cg_locs _self_loop_info
+getCallMethod cfg name id (LFUnknown might_be_a_function) n_args _cg_locs _self_loop_info
| n_args == 0
, Just sig <- idTagSig_maybe id
, isTaggedSig sig -- Infered to be already evaluated by Tag Inference
@@ -630,14 +632,14 @@ getCallMethod cfg name id (LFUnknown might_be_a_function) n_args _v_args _cg_loc
EnterIt -- Not a function
-- TODO: Redundant with above match?
--- getCallMethod _ name _ (LFUnknown False) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+-- getCallMethod _ name _ (LFUnknown False) n_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
-- = assertPpr (n_args == 0) (ppr name <+> ppr n_args)
-- EnterIt -- Not a function
-getCallMethod _ _name _ LFLetNoEscape _n_args _v_args (LneLoc blk_id lne_regs) _self_loop_info
+getCallMethod _ _name _ LFLetNoEscape _n_args (LneLoc blk_id lne_regs) _self_loop_info
= JumpToIt blk_id lne_regs
-getCallMethod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic "Unknown call method"
+getCallMethod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic "Unknown call method"
-- Data types for closure information
@@ -1080,8 +1080,7 @@ cgIdApp fun_id args = do
fun = idInfoToAmode fun_info
lf_info = cg_lf fun_info
n_args = length args
- v_args = length $ filter (null . stgArgRep) args
- case getCallMethod cfg fun_name fun_id lf_info n_args v_args (cg_loc fun_info) self_loop of
+ case getCallMethod cfg fun_name fun_id lf_info n_args (cg_loc fun_info) self_loop of
-- A value in WHNF, so we can just return it.
| isZeroBitTy (idType fun_id) -> emitReturn []
@@ -1176,12 +1175,14 @@ cgIdApp fun_id args = do
-- Implementation is spread across a couple of places in the code:
--- * FCode monad stores additional information in its reader environment
--- (stgToCmmSelfLoop field). This information tells us which function can
--- tail call itself in an optimized way (it is the function currently
--- being compiled), what is the label of a loop header (L1 in example above)
--- and information about local registers in which we should arguments
--- before making a call (this would be a and b in example above).
+-- * FCode monad stores additional information in its reader
+-- environment (stgToCmmSelfLoop field). This `SelfLoopInfo`
+-- record tells us which function can tail call itself in an
+-- optimized way (it is the function currently being compiled),
+-- its RepArity, what is the label of its loop header (L1 in
+-- example above) and information about which local registers
+-- should receive arguments when making a call (this would be a
+-- and b in the example above).
-- * Whenever we are compiling a function, we set that information to reflect
-- the fact that function currently being compiled can be jumped to, instead
@@ -1205,36 +1206,13 @@ cgIdApp fun_id args = do
-- of call will be generated. getCallMethod decides to generate a self
-- recursive tail call when (a) environment stores information about
-- possible self tail-call; (b) that tail call is to a function currently
--- being compiled; (c) number of passed non-void arguments is equal to
--- function's arity. (d) loopification is turned on via -floopification
--- command-line option.
+-- being compiled; (c) number of passed arguments is equal to
+-- function's unarised arity. (d) loopification is turned on via
+-- -floopification command-line option.
-- * Command line option to turn loopification on and off is implemented in
-- DynFlags, then passed to StgToCmmConfig for this phase.
--- Note [Void arguments in self-recursive tail calls]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- State# tokens can get in the way of the loopification optimization as seen in
--- #11372. Consider this:
--- foo :: [a]
--- -> (a -> State# s -> (# State s, Bool #))
--- -> State# s
--- -> (# State# s, Maybe a #)
--- foo [] f s = (# s, Nothing #)
--- foo (x:xs) f s = case f x s of
--- (# s', b #) -> case b of
--- True -> (# s', Just x #)
--- False -> foo xs f s'
--- We would like to compile the call to foo as a local jump instead of a call
--- (see Note [Self-recursive tail calls]). However, the generated function has
--- an arity of 2 while we apply it to 3 arguments, one of them being of void
--- type. Thus, we mustn't count arguments of void type when checking whether
--- we can turn a call into a self-recursive jump.
emitEnter :: CmmExpr -> FCode ReturnKind
emitEnter fun = do
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ do_checks mb_stk_hwm checkYield mb_alloc_lit do_gc = do
-- See Note [Self-recursive loop header].
self_loop_info <- getSelfLoop
case self_loop_info of
- Just (_, loop_header_id, _)
+ Just MkSelfLoopInfo { sli_header_block = loop_header_id }
| checkYield && isJust mb_stk_hwm -> emitLabel loop_header_id
_otherwise -> return ()
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.Monad (
Sequel(..), ReturnKind(..),
withSequel, getSequel,
+ SelfLoopInfo(..),
setTickyCtrLabel, getTickyCtrLabel,
tickScope, getTickScope,
@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ data FCodeState =
-- else the RTS will deadlock _and_ also experience a severe
-- performance degradation
, fcs_sequel :: !Sequel -- ^ What to do at end of basic block
- , fcs_selfloop :: Maybe SelfLoopInfo -- ^ Which tail calls can be compiled as local jumps?
+ , fcs_selfloop :: !(Maybe SelfLoopInfo) -- ^ Which tail calls can be compiled as local jumps?
-- See Note [Self-recursive tail calls] in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr
, fcs_ticky :: !CLabel -- ^ Destination for ticky counts
, fcs_tickscope :: !CmmTickScope -- ^ Tick scope for new blocks & ticks
@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@
module GHC.StgToCmm.Sequel
( Sequel(..)
- , SelfLoopInfo
+ , SelfLoopInfo(..)
) where
import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
import GHC.Cmm
import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Basic (RepArity)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -41,5 +42,14 @@ instance Outputable Sequel where
ppr Return = text "Return"
ppr (AssignTo regs b) = text "AssignTo" <+> ppr regs <+> ppr b
-type SelfLoopInfo = (Id, BlockId, [LocalReg])
+data SelfLoopInfo = MkSelfLoopInfo
+ { sli_id :: !Id
+ , sli_arity :: !RepArity
+ -- ^ always equal to 'idFunRepArity' of sli_id,
+ -- i.e. unarised arity, including void arguments
+ , sli_registers :: ![LocalReg]
+ -- ^ Excludes void arguments (LocalReg is never void)
+ , sli_header_block :: !BlockId
+ }
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
+import Control.Exception (evaluate)
+import GHC.Exts (noinline)
+newtype Tricky = TrickyCon { unTrickyCon :: IO Tricky }
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ ref <- newIORef False
+ let
+ tricky :: Tricky
+ tricky = TrickyCon $ do
+ putStrLn "tricky call"
+ v <- readIORef ref
+ case v of
+ False -> writeIORef ref True >> evaluate (noinline tricky)
+ True -> putStrLn "this shouldn't be printed" >> pure tricky
+ () <$ unTrickyCon tricky
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tricky call
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, UnboxedTuples #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Exception
+newtype Tricky = TrickyCon { unTrickyCon :: (# #) -> Tricky }
+data StrictBox a = SBox !a !a
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ let
+ tricky :: Tricky
+ {-# OPAQUE tricky #-}
+ tricky = TrickyCon $ \(# #) -> TrickyCon $ \(# #) ->
+ error "tricky called with at least two args"
+ applyToN :: Int -> Tricky -> Tricky
+ {-# OPAQUE applyToN #-}
+ applyToN n a | n == 0 = a
+ | otherwise = applyToN (n - 1) a `unTrickyCon` (# #)
+ val = applyToN 12345 tricky
+ v <- try @ErrorCall $ evaluate (SBox val val)
+ case v of
+ Left _ -> pure ()
+ Right _ -> putStrLn "unreachable"
@@ -241,3 +241,5 @@ test('MulMayOflo_full',
['MulMayOflo', [('MulMayOflo_full.cmm', '')], ''])
test('T24264run', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T24295a', normal, compile_and_run, ['-O -floopification'])
+test('T24295b', normal, compile_and_run, ['-O -floopification -fpedantic-bottoms'])
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