[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T23923-mikolaj-take-2] Fix according to the third round of Simon's instruction

Mikolaj Konarski (@Mikolaj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Feb 29 12:19:54 UTC 2024

Mikolaj Konarski pushed to branch wip/T23923-mikolaj-take-2 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

4927c11a by Mikolaj Konarski at 2024-02-29T13:17:42+01:00
Fix according to the third round of Simon's instruction

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- docs/users_guide/extending_ghc.rst
- testsuite/tests/tcplugins/CtIdPlugin.hs


@@ -1527,9 +1527,10 @@ data UnivCoProvenance
   | PluginProv String !DCoVarSet
       -- ^ From a plugin, which asserts that this coercion is sound.
-      --   The string and the variable set are for the use of the plugin.
+      --   The string and the variable set are for the use by the plugin.
       --   E.g., the set may contain the in-scope coercion variables
       --   that the the proof represented by the coercion makes use of.
+      --   See Note [The importance of tracking free coercion variables].
   deriving Data.Data
@@ -1693,30 +1694,35 @@ Here,
     co5 = TyConAppCo Nominal (~#) [<*>, <*>, co4, <Bool>]
-The importance of tracking free coercion variables
--- !!! Rewrite the below, explaining how plugins need the vars:
+Note [The importance of tracking free coercion variables]
+It is vital that `UnivCo` (a coercion that lacks a proper proof)
+tracks its free coercion variables. To see why, consider this program:
-It is vital that zapped coercions track their free coercion variables.
-To see why, consider this program:
+    type S :: Nat -> Nat
-    data T a where
-      T1 :: Bool -> T Bool
-      T2 :: T Int
+    data T (a::Nat) where
+      T1 :: T 0
+      T2 :: ...
-    f :: T a -> a -> Bool
+    f :: T a -> S (a+1) -> S 1
     f = /\a (x:T a) (y:a).
         case x of
-              T1 (c : a~Bool) (z : Bool) -> not (y |> c)
-              T2 -> True
-Now imagine that we zap the coercion `c`, replacing it with a generic UnivCo
-between `a` and Bool. If we didn't record the fact that this coercion was
-previously free in `c`, we may incorrectly float the expression `not (y |> c)`
-out of the case alternative which brings proof of `c` into scope. If this
-happened then `f T2 (I# 5)` would try to interpret `y` as a Bool, at
-which point we aren't far from a segmentation fault or much worse.
+          T1 (gco : a ~# 0) -> y |> wco
+For this to typecheck we need `wco :: S (a+1) ~# S 1`, given that `gco : a ~# 0`.
+To prove that we need to know that `a+1 = 1` if `a=0`, which a plugin might know.
+So it solves `wco` by providing a `UnivCo (PluginProv "my-plugin" gcvs) (a+1) 1`.
+    But the `gcvs` in `PluginProv` must mention `gco`.
+Why? Otherwise we might float the entire expression (y |> wco) out of the
+the case alternative for `T1` which brings `gco` into scope. If this
+happens then we aren't far from a segmentation fault or much worse.
+See #23923 for a real-world example of this happening.
+So it is /crucial/ for the `PluginProv` to mention, in `gcvs`, the coercion
+variables used by the plugin to justify the `UnivCo` that it builds.
 Note that we don't need to track
 * the coercion's free *type* variables

@@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ subst_co subst co
     go_hole h@(CoercionHole { ch_co_var = cv })
       = h { ch_co_var = updateVarType go_ty cv }
--- | Perform a substitution within a 'DVarSet' of free variables.
--- returning the shallow free coercion variables
+-- | Perform a substitution within a 'DVarSet' of free variables,
+-- returning the shallow free coercion variables.
 substDCoVarSet :: Subst -> DCoVarSet -> DCoVarSet
 substDCoVarSet subst cvs = coVarsOfCosDSet $ map (substCoVar subst) $
                            dVarSetElems cvs

@@ -760,18 +760,39 @@ This evidence is ignored for Given constraints, which GHC
 "solves" simply by discarding them; typically this is used when they are
 uninformative (e.g. reflexive equations). For Wanted constraints, the
 evidence will form part of the Core term that is generated after
-typechecking, and can be checked by ``-dcore-lint``. It is possible for
-the plugin to create equality axioms for use in evidence terms, but GHC
-does not check their consistency, and inconsistent axiom sets may lead
-to segfaults or other runtime misbehaviour.
+typechecking, and can be checked by ``-dcore-lint``.
+When solving a Wanted equality constraint (of type ``t1 ~N# t2``
+or ``t1 ~R# t2`` for nominal and representation equalities respectively),
+the evidence (of type ``EvTerm``) will take the form ``EvExpr (Coercion co)``,
+where the coercion ``co`` has type ``co :: t1 ~N# t2`` or ``co :: t1 ~R# t2``
+It is up to the plugin to construct a suitable coercion ``co``.
+However, one possibility is to construct one of form ::
+    UnivCo (PluginProv "my-plugin" gcvs) role t1 t2
+A ``UnivCo`` of this form says "trust me: my-plugin has solved this Wanted
+using (only) ``gcvs``".
+* The ``role`` should be the role of the original equality constraint
+  (nominal or representational).
+* The ``gcvs`` is a set of "given coercion variables"; these are the coercion
+  variable bound by enclosing Given constraints, which the plugin has used
+  to justify solving the Wanted.
+For soundness, it is very important to include the ``gcvs``; otherwise
+GHC may transform the program into a form that seg-faults.
+See #23923 for a long dicussion.
 Evidence is required also when creating new Given constraints, which are
 usually implied by old ones. It is not uncommon that the evidence of a new
 Given constraint contains a removed constraint: the new one has replaced the
 removed one.
--- !!! Given that "Evidence" and "Given" is mentioned here, is this the right place to "explain when plugin authors need to record coercion variables in their PluginProv"? I think, ideally, we'd explaion this in a subsection about a relevant example plugin, but I can't spot any.
 .. _type-family-rewriting-with-plugins:
 Type family rewriting with plugins

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ solver :: [String]
        -> PluginDefs -> EvBindsVar -> [Ct] -> [Ct]
        -> TcPluginM TcPluginSolveResult
 solver _args defs ev givens wanteds = do
-  let pluginCo = mkUnivCo (PluginProv "CtIdPlugin" emptyUniqDSet) Representational  -- Empty is fine. This plugin does not use "givens".   -- !!! is it true for this plugin as well?
+  let pluginCo = mkUnivCo (PluginProv "CtIdPlugin" emptyUniqDSet) Representational  -- Empty is fine. This plugin does not use "givens".
   let substEvidence ct ct' =
         evCast (ctEvExpr $ ctEvidence ct') $ pluginCo (ctPred ct') (ctPred ct)

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