[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/abs-den] 2 commits: Fix bugs in denotational interpreter
Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Feb 26 07:39:26 UTC 2024
Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/abs-den at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
f594c7ca by Sebastian Graf at 2024-02-26T08:38:37+01:00
Fix bugs in denotational interpreter
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64ae8fff by Sebastian Graf at 2024-02-26T08:39:12+01:00
Some changes to DmdAnal
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2 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/DmdAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Semantics.hs
@@ -1118,6 +1118,72 @@ dmdAnalRhsSig top_lvl rec_flag env let_sd id rhs = do
annotateSig opts id sig
pure $! S2 final_env weak_fvs
+ :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> AnalEnv -> SubDemand
+ -> Id -> CoreExpr
+ -> AnalM (SPair AnalEnv WeakDmds)
+-- Process the RHS of the binding, add the strictness signature
+-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
+-- See Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
+_dmdAnalRhsSig2 top_lvl rec_flag env let_sd id rhs = do
+ let
+ threshold_arity = thresholdArity id rhs
+ rhs_dmd = mkCalledOnceDmds threshold_arity body_dmd
+ body_dmd
+ | isJoinId id
+ -- See Note [Demand analysis for join points]
+ -- See Note [Invariants on join points] invariant 2b, in GHC.Core
+ -- threshold_arity matches the join arity of the join point
+ -- See Note [Unboxed demand on function bodies returning small products]
+ = unboxedWhenSmall env rec_flag (resultType_maybe id) let_sd
+ | otherwise
+ -- See Note [Unboxed demand on function bodies returning small products]
+ = unboxedWhenSmall env rec_flag (resultType_maybe id) topSubDmd
+ rhs_dmd_ty <- dmdAnal'' env rhs_dmd rhs
+ let
+ (lam_bndrs, _) = collectBinders rhs
+ DmdType rhs_env rhs_dmds = rhs_dmd_ty
+ final_rhs_dmds = finaliseArgBoxities env id threshold_arity rhs_dmds
+ (de_div rhs_env) lam_bndrs
+ -- Attach the demands to the outer lambdas of this expression
+ -- NB: zipWithM_, not zipWithEqualM_, in contrast to annotateBndrsDemands.
+ -- We might have more demands than binders (PAP), hence don't panic (#22997).
+ zipWithM_ (annotate da_demands) (filter isId lam_bndrs) final_rhs_dmds
+ let
+ -- See Note [Aggregated demand for cardinality]
+ -- FIXME: That Note doesn't explain the following lines at all. The reason
+ -- is really much different: When we have a recursive function, we'd
+ -- have to also consider the free vars of the strictness signature
+ -- when checking whether we found a fixed-point. That is expensive;
+ -- we only want to check whether argument demands of the sig changed.
+ -- reuseEnv makes it so that the FV results are stable as long as the
+ -- last argument demands were. Strictness won't change. But used-once
+ -- might turn into used-many even if the signature was stable and
+ -- we'd have to do an additional iteration. reuseEnv makes sure that
+ -- we never get used-once info for FVs of recursive functions.
+ -- See #14816 where we try to get rid of reuseEnv.
+ rhs_env1 = case rec_flag of
+ Recursive -> reuseEnv rhs_env
+ NonRecursive -> rhs_env
+ -- See Note [Absence analysis for stable unfoldings and RULES]
+ rhs_env2 = rhs_env1 `plusDmdEnv` demandRootSet env (bndrRuleAndUnfoldingIds id)
+ -- See Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
+ !(!sig_env, !weak_fvs) = splitWeakDmds rhs_env2
+ sig = mkDmdSigForArity threshold_arity (DmdType sig_env final_rhs_dmds)
+ opts = ae_opts env
+ !final_env = extendAnalEnv top_lvl env id sig
+ -- pprTraceM "dmdAnalRhsSig" (ppr id $$ ppr let_sd $$ ppr rhs_dmds $$ ppr sig $$ ppr weak_fvs)
+ annotateSig opts id sig
+ pure $! S2 final_env weak_fvs
splitWeakDmds :: DmdEnv -> (DmdEnv, WeakDmds)
splitWeakDmds (DE fvs div) = (DE sig_fvs div, weak_fvs)
where (!weak_fvs, !sig_fvs) = partitionUFM isWeakDmd fvs
@@ -3055,7 +3121,7 @@ bindRhsSig rec_flag x e rhs env let_sd = do
sig = mkDmdSigForArity threshold_arity (DmdType sig_env final_rhs_dmds)
opts = ae_opts env
- -- pprTraceM "bindRhsSig" (ppr x $$ ppr let_sd $$ ppr rhs_dmds $$ ppr sig $$ ppr weak_fvs)
+ -- pprTraceM "bindRhsSig" (ppr x $$ ppr let_sd $$ ppr rhs_dmds $$ ppr rhs_dmd_ty $$ ppr rhs_env2 $$ ppr sig_env $$ ppr sig $$ ppr weak_fvs)
annotateSig opts x sig
pure $! S2 sig weak_fvs
@@ -3086,6 +3152,7 @@ bindFix top_lvl pairs rhss env let_sd
-- Note [Lazy and unleashable free variables]
let weak_fvs = plusVarEnvList $ map (de_fvs . dmdSigDmdEnv) sigs'
weak_fv' = plusVarEnv_C plusDmd weak_fv $ mapVarEnv (const topDmd) weak_fvs
+ -- pprTraceM "abort" (ppr (zip bndrs sigs'))
pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
-- The fixed-point varies the DmdSig stored in the AnalEnv for bndrs, and
@@ -3119,9 +3186,13 @@ bindFix top_lvl pairs rhss env let_sd
pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
do_one (S2 sigs weak_fv) ((id, e), rhs, i) = do
+ -- S2 env' _weak_fv1 <- dmdAnalRhsSig2 top_lvl Recursive (next_env sigs) let_sd id e
+ -- let (_,sig,_) = expectJust "Blah" $ lookupSigEnv env' id
-- pprTraceM "my_downRhs" (ppr id $$ ppr (idDmdSig id) $$ ppr sig)
-- NB: No surrogate needed, because
S2 sig' weak_fv1 <- bindRhsSig Recursive id e (rhs (map sig2DmdHnf sigs)) (next_env sigs) let_sd
+ -- when (isDeadEndSig sig /= isDeadEndSig sig') $
+ -- pprTraceM "ARGH" (ppr id $$ ppr sig $$ ppr sig')
let !weak_fv' = plusVarEnv_C plusDmd weak_fv weak_fv1
let !sigs' = updateListAt i sig' sigs -- URGHHHHH
pure $! S2 sigs' weak_fv'
@@ -3137,9 +3208,9 @@ dmdAnal :: AnalEnv
dmdAnal env sd e = do
let _old = discardAnnotations $ dmdAnal'' env sd e
_new <- sPair2DmdType <$> eval e (mapVarEnv f (ae_sigs env)) env sd
- -- warnPprTraceM (_new /= _old) "URGH" (ppr e $$ ppr sd $$ text "old:" <+> ppr _old $$ text "new:" <+> ppr _new)
+ -- when (de_div (dt_env _new) /= de_div (dt_env _old)) (pprTraceM "URGH" (ppr e $$ ppr sd $$ text "old:" <+> ppr _old $$ text "new:" <+> ppr _new))
-- pprTraceM "_dmdAnal" (ppr e $$ ppr sd <+> arrow <+> ppr _new)
-- dmdAnal'' env sd e
- pure $! _old
+ pure $! _new
f (x, sig, _top_lvl) = step (Lookup x) (sig2DmdHnf sig)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ keepAliveUnfRules :: Domain d => Id -> IdEnv d -> d
keepAliveUnfRules x = keepAliveVars (nonDetEltsUniqSet $ bndrRuleAndUnfoldingIds x)
evalConApp :: (Trace d, Domain d, HasBind d) => DataCon -> [d] -> d
-evalConApp dc args = case compareLength rep_ty_bndrs args of
+evalConApp dc args = case compareLength args rep_ty_bndrs of
EQ -> con dc args
GT -> stuck -- oversaturated => stuck
LT -> mkPap rest_bndrs $ \etas -> con dc (args ++ etas) -- undersaturated => PAP
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ eval (Let b@(NonRec x rhs) body) env =
(\ds -> step Let1 (eval body (extendVarEnv env x (step (Lookup x) (only ds)))))
eval (Let b@(Rec binds) body) env =
bind (BindLet b)
- [\ds -> keepAliveUnfRules x env `seq_`
+ [\ds -> keepAliveUnfRules x (new_env ds) `seq_`
eval rhs (new_env ds) | (x,rhs) <- binds]
(\ds -> step Let1 (eval body (new_env ds)))
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/91649de249a692ba9334e0eccb3cd0ea3736de3c...64ae8fff5239b7c2c58692ce3b0e03f63f01bca1
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/91649de249a692ba9334e0eccb3cd0ea3736de3c...64ae8fff5239b7c2c58692ce3b0e03f63f01bca1
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