[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/supersven/riscv64-ncg] Cleanup makeFarBranches
Sven Tennie (@supersven)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Feb 4 15:39:18 UTC 2024
Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/supersven/riscv64-ncg at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
15cbeb0d by Sven Tennie at 2024-02-04T13:44:51+01:00
Cleanup makeFarBranches
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Instr.hs
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
B t -> usage (regTarget t, [])
B_FAR _t -> usage ([], [])
BCOND _ l r t -> usage (regTarget t ++ regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
- BCOND_FAR _ l r b t -> usage (regTarget t ++ regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
+ BCOND_FAR _ l r _ t -> usage (regTarget t ++ regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
BL t ps _rs -> usage (regTarget t ++ ps, callerSavedRegisters)
-- 5. Atomic Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -944,13 +944,12 @@ isEncodeableInWidth = isNbitEncodeable . widthInBits
-- using @ip@ (register reserved for calculations.) The trick is to invert the
-- condition, do a far jump in the fall-through case or a short jump when the
-- (inverted) condition is true.
--- TODO: Remove comments / annotations
makeFarBranches ::
LabelMap RawCmmStatics ->
[NatBasicBlock Instr] ->
[NatBasicBlock Instr]
makeFarBranches info_env blocks
- | NE.last blockAddresses < nearLimit = zipWith (curry blockStatistics) blockAddressList blocks
+ | NE.last blockAddresses < nearLimit = blocks
| otherwise = zipWith handleBlock blockAddressList blocks
blockAddresses = NE.scanl (+) 0 $ map blockLen blocks
@@ -963,24 +962,22 @@ makeFarBranches info_env blocks
makeFar :: BlockId -> Int -> Instr -> Instr
makeFar bid addr orig@(BCOND cond op1 op2 tgt@(TBlock tgtBid))
| abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit =
- ANN (text "BCOND_FAR targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) $
- BCOND_FAR cond op1 op2 (TBlock bid) tgt
+ annotate addr targetAddr $
+ BCOND_FAR cond op1 op2 (TBlock bid) tgt
| otherwise =
- ANN (text "BCOND targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) orig
+ annotate addr targetAddr orig
Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgtBid
makeFar _bid addr orig@(B (TBlock tgtBid))
| abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit =
- ANN (text "B_FAR targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) $
- B_FAR tgtBid
+ annotate addr targetAddr $
+ B_FAR tgtBid
| otherwise =
- ANN (text "B targetAddr:" <+> int targetAddr <+> text ", offset:" <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <+> text ", nearLimit:" <+> int nearLimit) orig
+ annotate addr targetAddr orig
Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgtBid
- makeFar _bid _addr orig@(BCOND _cond _op1 _op2 (TLabel _l)) = ANN (text "other BCOND: label") orig
- makeFar _bid _addr orig@(BCOND _cond _op1 _op2 _l) = ANN (text "other BCOND: other") orig
makeFar bid addr (ANN desc other) = ANN desc $ makeFar bid addr other
- makeFar _bid _ other = ANN (text ("makeFar: " ++ instrCon other)) other
+ makeFar _bid _ other = other
-- 262144 (2^20 / 4) instructions are allowed; let's keep some distance, as
-- we have pseudo-insns that are pretty-printed as multiple instructions,
@@ -991,8 +988,17 @@ makeFarBranches info_env blocks
blockAddressMap = listToUFM $ zip (map blockId blocks) blockAddressList
- blockStatistics (stat, BasicBlock blockId instrs) =
- BasicBlock blockId (COMMENT (text "BasicBlock" <+> text (show blockId) <+> text "Address" <+> int stat) : instrs)
-annotateBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> NatBasicBlock Instr
-annotateBlock (BasicBlock id instrs) = BasicBlock id (COMMENT (text "annotateBlock: visited") : instrs)
+ -- We may want to optimize the limit in future. So, annotate the most
+ -- important values of the decision.
+ annotate :: Int -> Int -> Instr -> Instr
+ annotate addr targetAddr instr =
+ ( text (instrCon instr)
+ <+> text "targetAddr" <> colon
+ <+> int targetAddr <> comma
+ <+> text "offset" <> colon
+ <+> int (addr - targetAddr) <> comma
+ <+> text "nearLimit" <> colon
+ <+> int nearLimit
+ )
+ instr
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/15cbeb0d8f44de5ab2d641b59d380f5ff4f3ac5f
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/15cbeb0d8f44de5ab2d641b59d380f5ff4f3ac5f
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