[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 3 commits: compiler: move generic cmm optimization logic in NCG to a standalone module

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Feb 1 17:22:37 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

6534da24 by Cheng Shao at 2024-02-01T12:22:07-05:00
compiler: move generic cmm optimization logic in NCG to a standalone module

This commit moves GHC.CmmToAsm.cmmToCmm to a standalone module,
GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt. The main motivation is enabling this logic to be
run in the wasm backend NCG code, which is defined in other modules
that's imported by GHC.CmmToAsm, causing a cyclic dependency issue.

- - - - -
87e34888 by Cheng Shao at 2024-02-01T12:22:07-05:00
compiler: explicitly disable PIC in wasm32 NCG

This commit explicitly disables the ncgPIC flag for the wasm32 target.
The wasm backend doesn't support PIC for the time being.

- - - - -
c6ce242e by Cheng Shao at 2024-02-01T12:22:07-05:00
compiler: enable generic cmm optimizations in wasm backend NCG

This commit enables the generic cmm optimizations in other NCGs to be
run in the wasm backend as well, followed by a late cmm control-flow
optimization pass. The added optimizations do catch some corner cases
not handled by the pre-NCG cmm pipeline and are useful in generating
smaller CFGs.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + compiler/GHC/Cmm/GenericOpt.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in


@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1993-2004
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+module GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt
+   ( cmmToCmm
+   )
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (head)
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.PIC
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Utils
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Opt           ( cmmMachOpFold )
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Unit
+import Control.Monad
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generic Cmm optimiser
+Here we do:
+  (a) Constant folding
+  (c) Position independent code and dynamic linking
+        (i)  introduce the appropriate indirections
+             and position independent refs
+        (ii) compile a list of imported symbols
+  (d) Some arch-specific optimizations
+(a) will be moving to the new Hoopl pipeline, however, (c) and
+(d) are only needed by the native backend and will continue to live
+Ideas for other things we could do (put these in Hoopl please!):
+  - shortcut jumps-to-jumps
+  - simple CSE: if an expr is assigned to a temp, then replace later occs of
+    that expr with the temp, until the expr is no longer valid (can push through
+    temp assignments, and certain assigns to mem...)
+cmmToCmm :: NCGConfig -> RawCmmDecl -> (RawCmmDecl, [CLabel])
+cmmToCmm _ top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, [])
+cmmToCmm config (CmmProc info lbl live graph)
+    = runCmmOpt config $
+      do blocks' <- mapM cmmBlockConFold (toBlockList graph)
+         return $ CmmProc info lbl live (ofBlockList (g_entry graph) blocks')
+type OptMResult a = (# a, [CLabel] #)
+pattern OptMResult :: a -> b -> (# a, b #)
+pattern OptMResult x y = (# x, y #)
+{-# COMPLETE OptMResult #-}
+newtype CmmOptM a = CmmOptM (NCGConfig -> [CLabel] -> OptMResult a)
+    deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative CmmOptM where
+    pure x = CmmOptM $ \_ imports -> OptMResult x imports
+    (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad CmmOptM where
+  (CmmOptM f) >>= g =
+    CmmOptM $ \config imports0 ->
+                case f config imports0 of
+                  OptMResult x imports1 ->
+                    case g x of
+                      CmmOptM g' -> g' config imports1
+instance CmmMakeDynamicReferenceM CmmOptM where
+    addImport = addImportCmmOpt
+addImportCmmOpt :: CLabel -> CmmOptM ()
+addImportCmmOpt lbl = CmmOptM $ \_ imports -> OptMResult () (lbl:imports)
+getCmmOptConfig :: CmmOptM NCGConfig
+getCmmOptConfig = CmmOptM $ \config imports -> OptMResult config imports
+runCmmOpt :: NCGConfig -> CmmOptM a -> (a, [CLabel])
+runCmmOpt config (CmmOptM f) =
+  case f config [] of
+    OptMResult result imports -> (result, imports)
+cmmBlockConFold :: CmmBlock -> CmmOptM CmmBlock
+cmmBlockConFold block = do
+  let (entry, middle, last) = blockSplit block
+      stmts = blockToList middle
+  stmts' <- mapM cmmStmtConFold stmts
+  last' <- cmmStmtConFold last
+  return $ blockJoin entry (blockFromList stmts') last'
+-- This does three optimizations, but they're very quick to check, so we don't
+-- bother turning them off even when the Hoopl code is active.  Since
+-- this is on the old Cmm representation, we can't reuse the code either:
+--  * reg = reg      --> nop
+--  * if 0 then jump --> nop
+--  * if 1 then jump --> jump
+-- We might be tempted to skip this step entirely of not Opt_PIC, but
+-- there is some PowerPC code for the non-PIC case, which would also
+-- have to be separated.
+cmmStmtConFold :: CmmNode e x -> CmmOptM (CmmNode e x)
+cmmStmtConFold stmt
+   = case stmt of
+        CmmAssign reg src
+           -> do src' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
+                 return $ case src' of
+                   CmmReg reg' | reg == reg' -> CmmComment (fsLit "nop")
+                   new_src -> CmmAssign reg new_src
+        CmmStore addr src align
+           -> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference addr
+                 src'  <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
+                 return $ CmmStore addr' src' align
+        CmmCall { cml_target = addr }
+           -> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold JumpReference addr
+                 return $ stmt { cml_target = addr' }
+        CmmUnsafeForeignCall target regs args
+           -> do target' <- case target of
+                              ForeignTarget e conv -> do
+                                e' <- cmmExprConFold CallReference e
+                                return $ ForeignTarget e' conv
+                              PrimTarget _ ->
+                                return target
+                 args' <- mapM (cmmExprConFold DataReference) args
+                 return $ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target' regs args'
+        CmmCondBranch test true false likely
+           -> do test' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference test
+                 return $ case test' of
+                   CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _) -> CmmBranch false
+                   CmmLit (CmmInt _ _) -> CmmBranch true
+                   _other -> CmmCondBranch test' true false likely
+        CmmSwitch expr ids
+           -> do expr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference expr
+                 return $ CmmSwitch expr' ids
+        other
+           -> return other
+cmmExprConFold :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
+cmmExprConFold referenceKind expr = do
+    config <- getCmmOptConfig
+    let expr' = if not (ncgDoConstantFolding config)
+                    then expr
+                    else cmmExprCon config expr
+    cmmExprNative referenceKind expr'
+cmmExprCon :: NCGConfig -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+cmmExprCon config (CmmLoad addr rep align) = CmmLoad (cmmExprCon config addr) rep align
+cmmExprCon config (CmmMachOp mop args)
+    = cmmMachOpFold (ncgPlatform config) mop (map (cmmExprCon config) args)
+cmmExprCon _ other = other
+-- handles both PIC and non-PIC cases... a very strange mixture
+-- of things to do.
+cmmExprNative :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
+cmmExprNative referenceKind expr = do
+     config <- getCmmOptConfig
+     let platform = ncgPlatform config
+         arch = platformArch platform
+     case expr of
+        CmmLoad addr rep align
+          -> do addr' <- cmmExprNative DataReference addr
+                return $ CmmLoad addr' rep align
+        CmmMachOp mop args
+          -> do args' <- mapM (cmmExprNative DataReference) args
+                return $ CmmMachOp mop args'
+        CmmLit (CmmBlock id)
+          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind (CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTblLbl id)))
+          -- we must convert block Ids to CLabels here, because we
+          -- might have to do the PIC transformation.  Hence we must
+          -- not modify BlockIds beyond this point.
+        CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
+          -> cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
+        CmmLit (CmmLabelOff lbl off)
+          -> do dynRef <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
+                -- need to optimize here, since it's late
+                return $ cmmMachOpFold platform (MO_Add (wordWidth platform)) [
+                    dynRef,
+                    (CmmLit $ CmmInt (fromIntegral off) (wordWidth platform))
+                  ]
+        -- On powerpc (non-PIC), it's easier to jump directly to a label than
+        -- to use the register table, so we replace these registers
+        -- with the corresponding labels:
+        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse EagerBlackholeInfo _))
+          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
+          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
+             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")))
+        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse GCEnter1 _))
+          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
+          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
+             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_enter_1")))
+        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse GCFun _))
+          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
+          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
+             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_fun")))
+        other
+           -> return other

@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
 -- | Note [Native code generator]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -99,11 +95,9 @@ import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock
 import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
 import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
 import GHC.Cmm
-import GHC.Cmm.Utils
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
-import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
-import GHC.Cmm.Opt           ( cmmMachOpFold )
+import GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt
 import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
@@ -159,7 +153,7 @@ nativeCodeGen logger ts config modLoc h us cmms
       ArchLoongArch64->panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for LoongArch64"
       ArchUnknown   -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for unknown arch"
       ArchJavaScript-> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for JavaScript"
-      ArchWasm32    -> Wasm32.ncgWasm logger platform ts us modLoc h cmms
+      ArchWasm32    -> Wasm32.ncgWasm config logger platform ts us modLoc h cmms
 -- | Data accumulated during code generation. Mostly about statistics,
 -- but also collects debug data for DWARF generation.
@@ -937,196 +931,3 @@ genMachCode config cmmTopCodeGen fileIds dbgMap cmm_top cmm_cfg
                       , natm_fileid final_st, final_cfg)
           else pprPanic "genMachCode: nonzero final delta" (int final_delta)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Generic Cmm optimiser
-Here we do:
-  (a) Constant folding
-  (c) Position independent code and dynamic linking
-        (i)  introduce the appropriate indirections
-             and position independent refs
-        (ii) compile a list of imported symbols
-  (d) Some arch-specific optimizations
-(a) will be moving to the new Hoopl pipeline, however, (c) and
-(d) are only needed by the native backend and will continue to live
-Ideas for other things we could do (put these in Hoopl please!):
-  - shortcut jumps-to-jumps
-  - simple CSE: if an expr is assigned to a temp, then replace later occs of
-    that expr with the temp, until the expr is no longer valid (can push through
-    temp assignments, and certain assigns to mem...)
-cmmToCmm :: NCGConfig -> RawCmmDecl -> (RawCmmDecl, [CLabel])
-cmmToCmm _ top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, [])
-cmmToCmm config (CmmProc info lbl live graph)
-    = runCmmOpt config $
-      do blocks' <- mapM cmmBlockConFold (toBlockList graph)
-         return $ CmmProc info lbl live (ofBlockList (g_entry graph) blocks')
-type OptMResult a = (# a, [CLabel] #)
-pattern OptMResult :: a -> b -> (# a, b #)
-pattern OptMResult x y = (# x, y #)
-{-# COMPLETE OptMResult #-}
-newtype CmmOptM a = CmmOptM (NCGConfig -> [CLabel] -> OptMResult a)
-    deriving (Functor)
-instance Applicative CmmOptM where
-    pure x = CmmOptM $ \_ imports -> OptMResult x imports
-    (<*>) = ap
-instance Monad CmmOptM where
-  (CmmOptM f) >>= g =
-    CmmOptM $ \config imports0 ->
-                case f config imports0 of
-                  OptMResult x imports1 ->
-                    case g x of
-                      CmmOptM g' -> g' config imports1
-instance CmmMakeDynamicReferenceM CmmOptM where
-    addImport = addImportCmmOpt
-addImportCmmOpt :: CLabel -> CmmOptM ()
-addImportCmmOpt lbl = CmmOptM $ \_ imports -> OptMResult () (lbl:imports)
-getCmmOptConfig :: CmmOptM NCGConfig
-getCmmOptConfig = CmmOptM $ \config imports -> OptMResult config imports
-runCmmOpt :: NCGConfig -> CmmOptM a -> (a, [CLabel])
-runCmmOpt config (CmmOptM f) =
-  case f config [] of
-    OptMResult result imports -> (result, imports)
-cmmBlockConFold :: CmmBlock -> CmmOptM CmmBlock
-cmmBlockConFold block = do
-  let (entry, middle, last) = blockSplit block
-      stmts = blockToList middle
-  stmts' <- mapM cmmStmtConFold stmts
-  last' <- cmmStmtConFold last
-  return $ blockJoin entry (blockFromList stmts') last'
--- This does three optimizations, but they're very quick to check, so we don't
--- bother turning them off even when the Hoopl code is active.  Since
--- this is on the old Cmm representation, we can't reuse the code either:
---  * reg = reg      --> nop
---  * if 0 then jump --> nop
---  * if 1 then jump --> jump
--- We might be tempted to skip this step entirely of not Opt_PIC, but
--- there is some PowerPC code for the non-PIC case, which would also
--- have to be separated.
-cmmStmtConFold :: CmmNode e x -> CmmOptM (CmmNode e x)
-cmmStmtConFold stmt
-   = case stmt of
-        CmmAssign reg src
-           -> do src' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
-                 return $ case src' of
-                   CmmReg reg' | reg == reg' -> CmmComment (fsLit "nop")
-                   new_src -> CmmAssign reg new_src
-        CmmStore addr src align
-           -> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference addr
-                 src'  <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
-                 return $ CmmStore addr' src' align
-        CmmCall { cml_target = addr }
-           -> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold JumpReference addr
-                 return $ stmt { cml_target = addr' }
-        CmmUnsafeForeignCall target regs args
-           -> do target' <- case target of
-                              ForeignTarget e conv -> do
-                                e' <- cmmExprConFold CallReference e
-                                return $ ForeignTarget e' conv
-                              PrimTarget _ ->
-                                return target
-                 args' <- mapM (cmmExprConFold DataReference) args
-                 return $ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target' regs args'
-        CmmCondBranch test true false likely
-           -> do test' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference test
-                 return $ case test' of
-                   CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _) -> CmmBranch false
-                   CmmLit (CmmInt _ _) -> CmmBranch true
-                   _other -> CmmCondBranch test' true false likely
-        CmmSwitch expr ids
-           -> do expr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference expr
-                 return $ CmmSwitch expr' ids
-        other
-           -> return other
-cmmExprConFold :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
-cmmExprConFold referenceKind expr = do
-    config <- getCmmOptConfig
-    let expr' = if not (ncgDoConstantFolding config)
-                    then expr
-                    else cmmExprCon config expr
-    cmmExprNative referenceKind expr'
-cmmExprCon :: NCGConfig -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-cmmExprCon config (CmmLoad addr rep align) = CmmLoad (cmmExprCon config addr) rep align
-cmmExprCon config (CmmMachOp mop args)
-    = cmmMachOpFold (ncgPlatform config) mop (map (cmmExprCon config) args)
-cmmExprCon _ other = other
--- handles both PIC and non-PIC cases... a very strange mixture
--- of things to do.
-cmmExprNative :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
-cmmExprNative referenceKind expr = do
-     config <- getCmmOptConfig
-     let platform = ncgPlatform config
-         arch = platformArch platform
-     case expr of
-        CmmLoad addr rep align
-          -> do addr' <- cmmExprNative DataReference addr
-                return $ CmmLoad addr' rep align
-        CmmMachOp mop args
-          -> do args' <- mapM (cmmExprNative DataReference) args
-                return $ CmmMachOp mop args'
-        CmmLit (CmmBlock id)
-          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind (CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTblLbl id)))
-          -- we must convert block Ids to CLabels here, because we
-          -- might have to do the PIC transformation.  Hence we must
-          -- not modify BlockIds beyond this point.
-        CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
-          -> cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
-        CmmLit (CmmLabelOff lbl off)
-          -> do dynRef <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
-                -- need to optimize here, since it's late
-                return $ cmmMachOpFold platform (MO_Add (wordWidth platform)) [
-                    dynRef,
-                    (CmmLit $ CmmInt (fromIntegral off) (wordWidth platform))
-                  ]
-        -- On powerpc (non-PIC), it's easier to jump directly to a label than
-        -- to use the register table, so we replace these registers
-        -- with the corresponding labels:
-        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse EagerBlackholeInfo _))
-          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
-             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")))
-        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse GCEnter1 _))
-          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
-             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_enter_1")))
-        CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse GCFun _))
-          | arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-          -> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
-             CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_fun")))
-        other
-           -> return other

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm (ncgWasm) where
@@ -9,6 +10,9 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (unpack)
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Semigroup
 import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.ContFlowOpt
+import GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Asm
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
@@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable (text)
 import System.IO
 ncgWasm ::
+  NCGConfig ->
   Logger ->
   Platform ->
   ToolSettings ->
@@ -32,8 +37,8 @@ ncgWasm ::
   Handle ->
   Stream IO RawCmmGroup a ->
   IO a
-ncgWasm logger platform ts us loc h cmms = do
-  (r, s) <- streamCmmGroups platform us cmms
+ncgWasm ncg_config logger platform ts us loc h cmms = do
+  (r, s) <- streamCmmGroups ncg_config platform us cmms
   outputWasm $ "# " <> string7 (fromJust $ ml_hs_file loc) <> "\n\n"
   outputWasm $ execWasmAsmM do_tail_call $ asmTellEverything TagI32 s
   pure r
@@ -51,17 +56,26 @@ ncgWasm logger platform ts us loc h cmms = do
       hPutBuilder h builder
 streamCmmGroups ::
+  NCGConfig ->
   Platform ->
   UniqSupply ->
   Stream IO RawCmmGroup a ->
   IO (a, WasmCodeGenState 'I32)
-streamCmmGroups platform us cmms =
-  go (initialWasmCodeGenState platform us) $
-    runStream cmms
+streamCmmGroups ncg_config platform us cmms =
+  go (initialWasmCodeGenState platform us) $ runStream cmms
     go s (Done r) = pure (r, s)
     go s (Effect m) = m >>= go s
-    go s (Yield cmm k) = go (wasmExecM (onCmmGroup cmm) s) k
+    go s (Yield decls k) = go (wasmExecM (onCmmGroup $ map opt decls) s) k
+      where
+        -- Run the generic cmm optimizations like other NCGs, followed
+        -- by a late control-flow optimization pass that does shrink
+        -- the CFG block count in some cases.
+        opt decl = case decl of
+          CmmData {} -> decl
+          CmmProc {} -> CmmProc info lbl live $ cmmCfgOpts False graph
+            where
+              (CmmProc info lbl live graph, _) = cmmToCmm ncg_config decl
 doTailCall :: ToolSettings -> Bool
 doTailCall ts = Option "-mtail-call" `elem` as_args

@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ initNCGConfig dflags this_mod = NCGConfig
    , ncgAsmContext            = initSDocContext dflags PprCode
    , ncgProcAlignment         = cmmProcAlignment dflags
    , ncgExternalDynamicRefs   = gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs dflags
-   , ncgPIC                   = positionIndependent dflags
+   -- no PIC on wasm32 for now
+   , ncgPIC                   = positionIndependent dflags && not (platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchWasm32)
    , ncgInlineThresholdMemcpy = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemcpyInsns dflags
    , ncgInlineThresholdMemset = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags
    , ncgSplitSections         = gopt Opt_SplitSections dflags

@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.Cmm.GenericOpt

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