[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Preserve orientation when unifying kinds

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Dec 25 06:44:28 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

63d63f9d by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-25T01:43:45-05:00
Preserve orientation when unifying kinds

This MR fixes yet another manifestation of the trickiness caused
by Note [Fundeps with instances, and equality orientation].

I wish there was a more robust way to do this, but this fix is
a definite improvement.

Fixes #25597

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Equality.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyMcGuard.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyRecordUpdate.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/T12709.stderr
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T25597.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -2234,7 +2234,7 @@ to our new cbv. This is actually done by `break_given` in
 Note its orientation: The type family ends up on the left; see
-Note [Orienting TyFamLHS/TyFamLHS]d. No special treatment for
+Note [Orienting TyFamLHS/TyFamLHS]. No special treatment for
 CycleBreakerTvs is necessary. This scenario is now easily soluble, by using
 the first Given to rewrite the Wanted, which can now be solved.
@@ -2906,8 +2906,7 @@ arising from injectivity improvement (#12522).  Suppose we have
   type instance F (a, Int) = (Int, G a)
 where G is injective; and wanted constraints
-  [W] TF (alpha, beta) ~ fuv
-  [W] fuv ~ (Int, <some type>)
+  [W] F (alpha, beta) ~ (Int, <some type>)
 The injectivity will give rise to constraints
@@ -2923,8 +2922,8 @@ so that the fresh unification variable will be eliminated in
 favour of alpha.  If we instead had
    [W] alpha ~ gamma1
 then we would unify alpha := gamma1; and kick out the wanted
-constraint.  But when we grough it back in, it'd look like
-   [W] TF (gamma1, beta) ~ fuv
+constraint.  But when we substitute it back in, it'd look like
+   [W] F (gamma1, beta) ~ fuv
 and exactly the same thing would happen again!  Infinite loop.
 This all seems fragile, and it might seem more robust to avoid
@@ -2981,8 +2980,9 @@ improveWantedTopFunEqs :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> CtEvidence -> Xi -> TcS Bool
 -- Work-item is a Wanted
 improveWantedTopFunEqs fam_tc args ev rhs_ty
   = do { eqns <- improve_wanted_top_fun_eqs fam_tc args rhs_ty
-       ; traceTcS "improveTopFunEqs" (vcat [ ppr fam_tc <+> ppr args <+> ppr rhs_ty
-                                           , ppr eqns ])
+       ; traceTcS "improveTopFunEqs" (vcat [ text "lhs:" <+> ppr fam_tc <+> ppr args
+                                           , text "rhs:" <+> ppr rhs_ty
+                                           , text "eqns:" <+> ppr eqns ])
        ; unifyFunDeps ev Nominal $ \uenv ->
          uPairsTcM (bump_depth uenv) (reverse eqns) }
          -- Missing that `reverse` causes T13135 and T13135_simple to loop.
@@ -3005,6 +3005,8 @@ improve_wanted_top_fun_eqs fam_tc lhs_tys rhs_ty
   = do { fam_envs <- getFamInstEnvs
        ; top_eqns <- improve_injective_wanted_top fam_envs inj_args fam_tc lhs_tys rhs_ty
        ; let local_eqns = improve_injective_wanted_famfam  inj_args fam_tc lhs_tys rhs_ty
+       ; traceTcS "improve_wanted_top_fun_eqs" $
+         vcat [ ppr fam_tc, text "local_eqns" <+> ppr local_eqns, text "top_eqns" <+> ppr top_eqns ]
        ; return (local_eqns ++ top_eqns) }
   | otherwise  -- No injectivity
@@ -3035,14 +3037,14 @@ improve_injective_wanted_top fam_envs inj_args fam_tc lhs_tys rhs_ty
                  -- The order of unsubstTvs is important; it must be
                  -- in telescope order e.g. (k:*) (a:k)
-           ; subst <- instFlexiX subst unsubstTvs
+           ; subst1 <- instFlexiX subst unsubstTvs
                 -- If the current substitution bind [k -> *], and
                 -- one of the un-substituted tyvars is (a::k), we'd better
                 -- be sure to apply the current substitution to a's kind.
                 -- Hence instFlexiX.   #13135 was an example.
-           ; if apartnessCheck (substTys subst branch_lhs_tys) branch
-             then return (mkInjectivityEqns inj_args (map (substTy subst) branch_lhs_tys) lhs_tys)
+           ; if apartnessCheck (substTys subst1 branch_lhs_tys) branch
+             then return (mkInjectivityEqns inj_args (map (substTy subst1) branch_lhs_tys) lhs_tys)
                   -- NB: The fresh unification variables (from unsubstTvs) are on the left
                   --     See Note [Improvement orientation]
              else return [] }

@@ -2483,7 +2483,14 @@ uUnfilledVar2 env@(UE { u_defer = def_eq_ref }) swapped tv1 ty2
     do { def_eqs <- readTcRef def_eq_ref  -- Capture current state of def_eqs
        -- Attempt to unify kinds
-       ; co_k <- uType (mkKindEnv env ty1 ty2) (typeKind ty2) (tyVarKind tv1)
+       -- When doing so, be careful to preserve orientation;
+       --    see Note [Kind Equality Orientation] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
+       --    and wrinkle (W2) in Note [Fundeps with instances, and equality orientation]
+       --        in GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict
+       -- Failing to preserve orientation led to #25597.
+       ; let kind_env = unSwap swapped (mkKindEnv env) ty1 ty2
+       ; co_k <- unSwap swapped (uType kind_env) (tyVarKind tv1) (typeKind ty2)
        ; traceTc "uUnfilledVar2 ok" $
          vcat [ ppr tv1 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tv1)
               , ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind  ty2)

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 RepPolyMcGuard.hs:30:16: error: [GHC-55287]
-    • The first argument of the rebindable syntax operator ‘guard’
+    • The first argument of the rebindable syntax operator ‘(>>)’
         arising from a statement in a monad comprehension
       does not have a fixed runtime representation.
       Its type is:
-        a0 :: TYPE rep0
+        ma0 :: TYPE rep0
       Cannot unify ‘rep’ with the type variable ‘rep0’
       because the former is not a concrete ‘RuntimeRep’.
     • In a stmt of a monad comprehension: undefined
       In the expression: [() | undefined]
       In an equation for ‘foo’: foo _ = [() | undefined]

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 RepPolyRecordUpdate.hs:7:35: error: [GHC-55287]
     • The newtype constructor pattern
       does not have a fixed runtime representation.
@@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ RepPolyRecordUpdate.hs:7:35: error: [GHC-55287]
       X a :: TYPE rep
 RepPolyRecordUpdate.hs:13:9: error: [GHC-55287]
-    • The record update at field ‘fld’
+    • The argument ‘fld’ of ‘MkX’
       does not have a fixed runtime representation.
       Its type is:
         a :: TYPE rep0
@@ -25,3 +24,4 @@ RepPolyRecordUpdate.hs:13:9: error: [GHC-55287]
       and data constructor ‘MkX’.
       In the expression: x {fld = meth ()}
       In an equation for ‘upd’: upd x = x {fld = meth ()}

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 T12709.hs:28:13: error: [GHC-55287]
-    • The argument ‘1’ of ‘(+)’
+    • The argument ‘1 + 2 + 3’ of ‘(+)’
       does not have a fixed runtime representation.
       Its type is:
         a0 :: TYPE rep0
@@ -13,3 +12,4 @@ T12709.hs:28:13: error: [GHC-55287]
           u :: Num (a :: TYPE rep) => a
           u = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
         in BUB u u

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
+module T25597 where
+import           Data.Kind (Type)
+data Env (f :: k -> Type) (as :: [k]) where
+  ENil  :: Env f '[]
+  ECons :: f a -> Env f as -> Env f (a ': as)
+data Sig2 k = [k] :~> k
+data DimSimple (s :: Sig2 k) where
+  DimSimple :: OfLength as -> DimSimple (as ':~> a)
+data OfLength as where
+  LZ :: OfLength '[]
+  LS :: OfLength as -> OfLength (a ': as)
+class LiftOfLength f as t | t -> as where
+  liftOfLength :: OfLength as -> f t
+instance t ~ (as ':~> a) => LiftOfLength DimSimple as t where
+  liftOfLength = undefined
+data EnvI (sem :: [k] -> k -> Type) (a :: k)
+type family Func sem as r where
+  Func sem '[] r       = r
+  Func sem (a ': as) r = sem a -> Func sem as r
+type family FuncU (sem :: [k] -> k -> Type) (ss :: [Sig2 k])
+                  (r :: k) = res | res -> sem r where
+  FuncU sem '[] r = EnvI sem r
+  FuncU sem ((as ':~> a) ': ss) r = Func (EnvI sem) as (EnvI sem a)
+                                    -> FuncU sem ss r
+lifts :: Env DimSimple ss -> FuncU sem ss r
+lifts _ = undefined
+-- The following version specialized to singletons does not cause an issue
+type family FuncS (sem :: [k] -> k -> Type) (s :: Sig2 k)
+                  (r :: k) = res | res -> sem r where
+  FuncS sem (as ':~> a) r = Func (EnvI sem) as (EnvI sem a) -> EnvI sem r
+lift :: DimSimple s -> FuncS sem s r
+lift _ = undefined
+-- The following code causes non termination of type checking in GHC 9.2, 9.8, 9.10, and 9.12
+f :: (EnvI Sem a -> EnvI Sem b) -> EnvI Sem (a -> b)
+f = lifts (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil)
+data Sem (env :: [Type]) a
+-- Following versions have no issues in GHC 9.8
+-- (I haven't tested other compilers but expect the similar results)
+-- f = undefined $ lifts (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil)
+-- f = let h = lifts (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil) in h
+-- f = h where h = lifts (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil)
+-- f = lifts (ECons (DimSimple (LS LZ)) ENil)
+-- f = lifts d where {d :: Env DimSimple '[ '[a] :~> b ]; d = (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil) }
+-- f = lift (liftOfLength (LS LZ))
+-- f = (lifts :: Env DimSimple ss -> FuncU Sem ss r) (ECons (liftOfLength (LS LZ)) ENil)
+-- f without its signature

@@ -931,3 +931,4 @@ test('T23501b', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T25266', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T25266a', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T25266b', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T25597', normal, compile, [''])

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