[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Warn about rules that previously quantified over equalities

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Dec 24 11:32:12 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

01f996f4 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-24T11:31:36+00:00
Warn about rules that previously quantified over equalities

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs


@@ -1001,17 +1001,17 @@ In short, it is Very Deeply Suspicious for a rule to quantify over a coercion
 variable.  And SpecConstr no longer does so: see Note [SpecConstr and casts] in
-It is, however, OK for a cast to appear in a template.  For example
-    newtype N a = MkN (a,a)    -- Axiom ax:N a :: (a,a) ~R N a
-    f :: N a -> bah
-    RULE forall b x:b y:b. f @b ((x,y) |> (axN @b)) = ...
-When matching we can just move these casts to the other side:
-    match (tmpl |> co) tgt  -->   match tmpl (tgt |> sym co)
-See matchTemplateCast.
+(CT0) It is, however, OK for a cast to appear in a template provided the cast mentions
+  none of the template variables.  For example
+      newtype N a = MkN (a,a)    -- Axiom ax:N a :: (a,a) ~R N a
+      f :: N a -> bah
+      RULE forall b x:b y:b. f @b ((x,y) |> (axN @b)) = ...
+  When matching we can just move these casts to the other side:
+      match (tmpl |> co) tgt  -->   match tmpl (tgt |> sym co)
+  See matchTemplateCast.
 (CT1) We need to be careful about scoping, and to match left-to-right, so that we
   know the substitution [a :-> b] before we meet (co :: (a,a) ~R N a), and so we
   can apply that substitition
@@ -1496,11 +1496,12 @@ matchTemplateCast renv subst e1 co1 e2 mco
     filterFV (`elemVarSet` rv_tmpls renv) $    -- Check that the coercion does not
     tyCoFVsOfCo substed_co                     -- mention any of the template variables
   = -- This is the good path
-    -- See Note [Casts in the template]
+    -- See Note [Casts in the template] wrinkle (CT0)
     match renv subst e1 e2 (checkReflexiveMCo (mkTransMCoL mco (mkSymCo substed_co)))
   | otherwise
   = -- This is the Deeply Suspicious Path
+    -- See Note [Casts in the template]
     do { let co2 = case mco of
                      MRefl   -> mkRepReflCo (exprType e2)
                      MCo co2 -> co2

@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
 import GHC.Core.Predicate
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep( mkNakedFunTy )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon( isTypeFamilyTyCon )
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
@@ -1194,23 +1195,36 @@ tcRule (HsRule { rd_ext  = ext
                                   vcat [ ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id) | id <- tpl_ids ]
-       -- SimplfyRule Plan, step 5
+       -- /Temporarily/ deal with the fact that we previously accepted a RULE that quantified
+       -- over equalities.  If all the residual LHS constraints are previously-quantifiable
+       -- equalities, and the RHS constraints are not insoluble (if they are, just report those
+       -- errors), then emit a warning and discard the rule entirely.
+       -- Eliminate this deprecation warning in due course!
+       ; case allPreviouslyQuantifiableEqualities residual_lhs_wanted of {
+           Just cts | not (insolubleWC rhs_wanted)
+                    -> pprTrace "tcRule: discarding" (ppr cts) $
+                       return Nothing ;
+           Nothing  ->
+   do  { -- SimplfyRule Plan, step 5
        -- Simplify the LHS and RHS constraints:
        -- For the LHS constraints we must solve the remaining constraints
        -- (a) so that we report insoluble ones
        -- (b) so that we bind any soluble ones
-       ; (lhs_implic, lhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl (getSkolemInfo skol_info) qtkvs
+         (lhs_implic, lhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl (getSkolemInfo skol_info) qtkvs
                                          lhs_evs residual_lhs_wanted
        ; (rhs_implic, rhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl (getSkolemInfo skol_info) qtkvs
                                          lhs_evs rhs_wanted
        ; emitImplications (lhs_implic `unionBags` rhs_implic)
-       ; return $ Just $ HsRule { rd_ext   = ext
-                                , rd_name  = rname
-                                , rd_act   = act
-                                , rd_bndrs = bndrs { rb_ext = qtkvs ++ tpl_ids }
-                                , rd_lhs   = mkHsDictLet lhs_binds lhs'
-                                , rd_rhs   = mkHsDictLet rhs_binds rhs' } }
+       ; return $ Just $
+         HsRule { rd_ext   = ext
+                , rd_name  = rname
+                , rd_act   = act
+                , rd_bndrs = bndrs { rb_ext = qtkvs ++ tpl_ids }
+                , rd_lhs   = mkHsDictLet lhs_binds lhs'
+                , rd_rhs   = mkHsDictLet rhs_binds rhs' } } } }
@@ -1376,7 +1390,6 @@ RHS constraints.  Actually much of this is done by the on-the-fly
 constraint solving, so the same order must be observed in
 Note [RULE quantification over equalities]
 At the moment a RULE never quantifies over an equality; see `rule_quant_ct`
@@ -1390,6 +1403,14 @@ in `getRuleQuantCts`.  Why not?
     (b) because if such things end up in 'givens' we get a bogus
         "inaccessible code" error
+ * Matching on coercions is Deeply Suspicious.  We don't want to generate a
+   RULE like
+         forall a (co :: F a ~ Int).
+                foo (x |> Sym co) = ...co...
+   because matching on that template, to bind `co`, would require us to
+   match on the /structure/ of a coercion, which we must never do.
+   See GHC.Core.Rules Note [Casts in the template]
  * Equality constraints are unboxed, and that leads to complications
    For example equality constraints from the LHS will emit coercion hole
    Wanteds.  These don't have a name, so we can't quantify over them directly.
@@ -1531,3 +1552,31 @@ getRuleQuantCts wc
      | otherwise
      = pprPanic "getRuleQuantCts" (ppr ct)
+allPreviouslyQuantifiableEqualities :: WantedConstraints -> Maybe [Ct]
+allPreviouslyQuantifiableEqualities wc = go emptyVarSet wc
+  where
+    go skol_tvs (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics })
+      = do { cts1 <- mapM (go_simple skol_tvs) simples
+           ; cts2 <- mapM (go_implic skol_tvs) implics
+           ; return (concat cts1 ++ concat cts2) }
+    go_simple skol_tvs ct
+      | not (tyCoVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skol_tvs)
+      = Nothing
+      | EqPred _ t1 t2 <- classifyPredType (ctPred ct), ok_eq t1 t2
+      = Just [ct]
+      | otherwise
+      = Nothing
+    go_implic skol_tvs (Implic { ic_skols = skols, ic_wanted = wc })
+      = go (skol_tvs `extendVarSetList` skols) wc
+    ok_eq t1 t2
+       | t1 `tcEqType` t2 = False
+       | otherwise        = is_fun_app t1 || is_fun_app t2
+    is_fun_app ty   -- ty is of form (F tys) where F is a type function
+      = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
+          Just tc -> isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+          Nothing -> False

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