[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/mpickering/get-link-deps] 2 commits: fix external module graph extending

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Dec 20 19:11:02 UTC 2024

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/mpickering/get-link-deps at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

593a6149 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-12-20T18:18:12+00:00
fix external module graph extending

- - - - -
d8599307 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-12-20T19:10:53+00:00
Fixes wip

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Deps.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/External/Graph.hs


@@ -435,12 +435,12 @@ loadHomePackageInterfacesBelow msg (Just home_unit) mods = do
   dflags <- getDynFlags
   let ctx = initSDocContext dflags defaultUserStyle
-  forM_ mods $ \mod -> do
+  forM_ mods $ \mod -> pprTrace "modsloadhomepkgbeloW" (ppr mod) $ do
     graph <- eps_module_graph <$> getEps
     let key = ExternalModuleKey $ ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB (moduleName mod) NotBoot) (moduleUnitId mod)
-    if isFullyLoadedModule key graph
+    if pprTrace "==============" (ppr graph) $ isFullyLoadedModule key graph
       then return ()
       else do
         iface <- withIfaceErr ctx $
@@ -454,10 +454,6 @@ loadHomePackageInterfacesBelow msg (Just home_unit) mods = do
         -- dependencies of that.  Hence we need to traverse the dependency
         -- tree recursively.  See bug #936, testcase ghci/prog007.
-        -- (was in follow_deps)
-        -- when (mi_boot iface == IsBoot) $ link_boot_mod_error mod
         let deps = mi_deps iface
             mod_deps = dep_direct_mods deps
@@ -506,10 +502,11 @@ loadInterface doc_str mod from
                 -- Check whether we have the interface already
         ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+        ; eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
         ; let mhome_unit = ue_homeUnit (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
         ; case lookupIfaceByModule hug (eps_PIT eps) mod of {
             Just iface
-                -> return (Succeeded iface) ;   -- Already loaded
+                -> pprTrace "HWATTTT" (ppr (mi_module iface) <+> ppr (eps_module_graph eps)) $ return (Succeeded iface) ;   -- Already loaded
             _ -> do {
         -- READ THE MODULE IN
@@ -580,19 +577,23 @@ loadInterface doc_str mod from
         ; purged_hsc_env <- getTopEnv
         ; let direct_deps = map (uncurry (flip ModNodeKeyWithUid)) $ (Set.toList (dep_direct_mods $ mi_deps iface))
-        ; let direct_pkg_deps = Set.toList (dep_direct_pkgs $ mi_deps iface)
-        ; let !module_graph_key =
+        ; let direct_pkg_deps = dep_direct_pkgs $ mi_deps iface
+        ; let !module_graph_key = pprTrace "module_graph_on_load" (ppr (eps_module_graph eps)) $
                 if moduleUnitId mod `elem` hsc_all_home_unit_ids hsc_env
                                     --- ^ home unit mods in eps can only happen in oneshot mode
                   then Just $ NodeHomePackage (miKey iface) (map ExternalModuleKey direct_deps)
                   else Nothing
-        ; let !module_graph_pkg_key = do
+        ; let !module_graph_pkg_key =
+                -- ROMES:TODO: This doesn't work as expected. Insertions on the
+                -- graph don't override previous nodes, they just create new
+                -- ones. We get multiple duplicate nodes with incomplete dependencies each.
                 let pkg_key = toUnitId $ moduleUnit (mi_module iface)
-                pkg_node <- emgLookupKey (ExternalPackageKey pkg_key) (eps_module_graph eps)
-                case pkg_node of
-                  NodeHomePackage{} -> panic "ExternalPackageKey lookup should never return a NodeHomePackage node"
-                  NodeExternalPackage _ deps_uids -> pure $
-                    NodeExternalPackage pkg_key (deps_uids ++ direct_pkg_deps)
+                 in case emgLookupKey (ExternalPackageKey pkg_key) (eps_module_graph eps) of
+                  Nothing -> NodeExternalPackage pkg_key direct_pkg_deps
+                  Just pkg_node -> case pkg_node of
+                    NodeHomePackage{} -> panic "ExternalPackageKey lookup should never return a NodeHomePackage node"
+                    NodeExternalPackage _ deps_uids ->
+                      NodeExternalPackage pkg_key (deps_uids `Set.union` direct_pkg_deps)
         ; let final_iface = iface
@@ -639,9 +640,7 @@ loadInterface doc_str mod from
                     let eps_graph'  = case module_graph_key of
                                        Just k -> extendExternalModuleGraph k (eps_module_graph eps)
                                        Nothing -> eps_module_graph eps
-                        eps_graph'' = case module_graph_pkg_key of
-                                        Just k -> extendExternalModuleGraph k eps_graph'
-                                        Nothing -> eps_graph'
+                        eps_graph'' = extendExternalModuleGraph module_graph_pkg_key eps_graph'
                      in eps_graph'',
                                    = eps_complete_matches eps ++ new_eps_complete_matches,

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Unit.Home
+import GHC.Unit.External (ExternalPackageState, eps_module_graph, eps_PIT)
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import Control.Applicative
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ import System.FilePath
 import System.Directory
 import GHC.Utils.Monad (mapMaybeM)
 import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
-import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
+import Control.Monad (forM)
 data LinkDepsOpts = LinkDepsOpts
   { ldObjSuffix   :: !String                        -- ^ Suffix of .o files
@@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ data LinkDepsOpts = LinkDepsOpts
   , ldFinderCache :: !FinderCache
   , ldFinderOpts  :: !FinderOpts
   , ldLoadByteCode :: !(Module -> IO (Maybe Linkable))
-  , ldLoadHomeIfacesBelow :: !((Module -> SDoc) -> Maybe HomeUnit {- current home unit -}
-                                -> [Module] -> IO ExternalModuleGraph)
+  , ldLoadHomeIfacesBelow :: !((Module -> SDoc) -> Maybe HomeUnit {-^ current home unit -}
+                                -> [Module] -> IO ExternalPackageState {-^ EPS after loading -})
 data LinkDeps = LinkDeps
@@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
         -- 1. Find the dependent home-pkg-modules/packages from each iface
         -- (omitting modules from the interactive package, which is already linked)
-      (all_home_mods, pkgs_s) <- get_reachable_nodes opts relevant_mods
-      mods_s <- mapMaybeM get_mod_info all_home_mods
+      (mods_s, pkgs_s) <- get_reachable_nodes opts relevant_mods
+      pprTraceM "Linkable deps:" (ppr relevant_mods $$ ppr mods_s $$ ppr pkgs_s)
         -- 2.  Exclude ones already linked
@@ -144,24 +145,9 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
         , ldNeededUnits     = pkgs_s
-    unit_env  = ldUnitEnv     opts
+    unit_env = ldUnitEnv opts
     relevant_mods = filterOut isInteractiveModule mods
-    get_mod_info (ModNodeKeyWithUid gwib uid) =
-      case lookupHug (ue_home_unit_graph unit_env) uid (gwib_mod gwib) of
-        Just hmi ->
-          let iface = (hm_iface hmi)
-          in case mi_hsc_src iface of
-              HsBootFile -> link_boot_mod_error (mi_module iface)
-              _          -> return $ Just (mi_module iface)
-        Nothing -> throwProgramError opts $
-          text "getLinkDeps: Home module not loaded" <+> ppr (gwib_mod gwib) <+> ppr uid
-    link_boot_mod_error mod = throwProgramError opts $
-            text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
-            text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module"
     no_obj :: Outputable a => a -> IO b
     no_obj mod = dieWith opts span $
                      text "cannot find object file for module " <>
@@ -231,22 +217,32 @@ get_link_deps opts pls maybe_normal_osuf span mods = do
                 pprPanic "Unhydrated core bindings" (ppr wcb_module)
 -- See Note [Reachability in One-shot mode vs Make mode]
-get_reachable_nodes :: LinkDepsOpts -> [Module] -> IO ([ModNodeKeyWithUid], UniqDSet UnitId)
+get_reachable_nodes :: LinkDepsOpts -> [Module] -> IO ([Module], UniqDSet UnitId)
 get_reachable_nodes opts mods
   -- Reachability on 'ExternalModuleGraph' (for one shot mode)
   | ldOneShotMode opts
   = do
-    emg <- ldLoadHomeIfacesBelow opts msg (ue_homeUnit (ldUnitEnv opts)) mods
-    go (ExternalModuleKey . mkModuleNk) emgNodeKey (emgReachableMany emg) (map emgProject)
-    --romes:todo:^ make sure we only get non-boot files out of this. perhaps as
-    --easy as filtering them out by ModNodeKeyWithUid with is boot information.
+    eps <- ldLoadHomeIfacesBelow opts msg (ue_homeUnit (ldUnitEnv opts)) mods
+    let
+      emg = eps_module_graph eps
+      get_mod_info_eps (ModNodeKeyWithUid gwib uid)
+        | Just iface <- lookupModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) (Module (RealUnit $ Definite uid) (gwib_mod gwib))
+        = return iface
+        | otherwise
+        = moduleNotLoaded "(in EPS)" gwib uid
+    go (ExternalModuleKey . mkModuleNk) emgNodeKey (emgReachableMany emg) (map emgProject) get_mod_info_eps
+    --romes:todo:^ do we need to make sure we only get non-boot files out of
+    --this. perhaps as easy as filtering them out by ModNodeKeyWithUid with is
+    --boot information?
   -- Reachability on 'ModuleGraph' (for --make mode)
   | otherwise
-  = go hmgModKey mkNodeKey (mgReachableLoop hmGraph) (catMaybes . map hmgProject)
+  = go hmgModKey mkNodeKey (mgReachableLoop hmGraph) (catMaybes . map hmgProject) get_mod_info_hug
+    unit_env = ldUnitEnv opts
     mkModuleNk m = ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB (moduleName m) NotBoot) (moduleUnitId m)
     msg mod =
       text "need to link module" <+> ppr mod <+>
@@ -274,11 +270,31 @@ get_reachable_nodes opts mods
        -> (node -> key)
        -> ([key] -> [node])
        -> ([key] -> [Either ModNodeKeyWithUid UnitId])
-       -> IO ([ModNodeKeyWithUid], UniqDSet UnitId)
-    go modKey nodeKey manyReachable project
+       -> (ModNodeKeyWithUid -> IO ModIface)
+       -> IO ([Module], UniqDSet UnitId)
+    go modKey nodeKey manyReachable project get_mod_info
       | let mod_keys = map modKey mods
-      = pure $ second mkUniqDSet $ partitionEithers $ project $
-          mod_keys ++ map nodeKey (manyReachable mod_keys)
+      = do
+        let (all_home_mods, pkgs_s) = partitionEithers $ project $ mod_keys ++ map nodeKey (manyReachable mod_keys)
+        ifaces <- mapM get_mod_info all_home_mods
+        mods_s <- forM ifaces $ \iface -> case mi_hsc_src iface of
+                    HsBootFile -> link_boot_mod_error (mi_module iface)
+                    _          -> return $ mi_module iface
+        return (mods_s, mkUniqDSet pkgs_s)
+    get_mod_info_hug (ModNodeKeyWithUid gwib uid)
+      | Just hmi <- lookupHug (ue_home_unit_graph unit_env) uid (gwib_mod gwib)
+      = return (hm_iface hmi)
+      | otherwise
+      = moduleNotLoaded "(in HUG)" gwib uid
+    moduleNotLoaded m gwib uid = throwProgramError opts $
+      text "getLinkDeps: Home module not loaded" <+> text m <+> ppr (gwib_mod gwib) <+> ppr uid
+    link_boot_mod_error mod = throwProgramError opts $
+            text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
+            text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module"
 Note [Using Byte Code rather than Object Code for Template Haskell]

@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Logger
 import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
 import GHC.Unit.Env
-import GHC.Unit.External (ExternalPackageState (EPS, eps_iface_bytecode, eps_module_graph))
+import GHC.Unit.External (ExternalPackageState (EPS, eps_iface_bytecode))
 import GHC.Unit.Module
 import GHC.Unit.State as Packages
@@ -611,8 +611,8 @@ initLinkDepsOpts hsc_env = opts
       = do
         initIfaceCheck (text "loader") hsc_env
           $ loadHomePackageInterfacesBelow msg hu mods
-        -- Read the module graph only after `loadHomePackageInterfacesBelow`
-        eps_module_graph <$> hscEPS hsc_env
+        -- Read the EPS only after `loadHomePackageInterfacesBelow`
+        hscEPS hsc_env
     ldLoadByteCode mod = do
       EPS {eps_iface_bytecode} <- hscEPS hsc_env

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 -- | Like @'GHC.Unit.Module.Graph'@ but for the @'ExternalModuleGraph'@ which is
 -- stored in the EPS.
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed.Reachability
 import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
 import Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Unit.Types (UnitId)
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ data ExternalGraphNode
   -- dependency.
   | NodeExternalPackage
       { externalPkgKey :: UnitId
-      , externalPkgDeps :: [UnitId]
+      , externalPkgDeps :: S.Set UnitId
 data ExternalKey
@@ -100,20 +102,11 @@ data ExternalKey
 emptyExternalModuleGraph :: ExternalModuleGraph
 emptyExternalModuleGraph = ExternalModuleGraph [] (graphReachability emptyGraph, const Nothing) S.empty
-mkExternalModuleGraph :: [ExternalGraphNode] -> S.Set ExternalKey -> ExternalModuleGraph
--- romes:todo: does this also need to be defined in terms of extend (like for `ModuleGraph`?)
-mkExternalModuleGraph nodes loaded =
-  ExternalModuleGraph {
-      external_nodes = nodes
-    , external_trans = let (g, f) = (externalGraphNodes nodes)
-                       in (graphReachability g, f)
-    , external_fully_loaded = loaded  }
 -- | Get the dependencies of an 'ExternalNode'
 emgNodeDeps :: ExternalGraphNode -> [ExternalKey]
 emgNodeDeps = \case
   NodeHomePackage _ dps -> dps
-  NodeExternalPackage _ dps -> map ExternalPackageKey dps
+  NodeExternalPackage _ dps -> map ExternalPackageKey $ S.toList dps
 -- | The graph key for a given node
 emgNodeKey :: ExternalGraphNode -> ExternalKey
@@ -129,7 +122,14 @@ emgLookupKey k emg = node_payload <$> (snd (external_trans emg)) k
 extendExternalModuleGraph :: ExternalGraphNode -> ExternalModuleGraph -> ExternalModuleGraph
-extendExternalModuleGraph node graph = mkExternalModuleGraph (node : external_nodes graph) (external_fully_loaded graph)
+extendExternalModuleGraph node ExternalModuleGraph{..} =
+  ExternalModuleGraph
+    { external_fully_loaded = external_fully_loaded
+    , external_nodes = node : external_nodes
+    , external_trans = first graphReachability $
+                       externalGraphNodes (node : external_nodes)
+    }
 -- * Loading

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