[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 5 commits: LLVM: When emitting a vector literal with ppTypeLit, include the type information

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Dec 16 23:47:53 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

2d3a0a70 by ARATA Mizuki at 2024-12-15T18:35:30-05:00
LLVM: When emitting a vector literal with ppTypeLit, include the type information

Fixes #25561

- - - - -
bfacc086 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-15T18:36:05-05:00
Fix signature lookup in instance declarations

This fixes a bug introduced by the fix to #16610

- - - - -
80f0e02d by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-16T17:13:52+00:00
Improve GHC build times

Two small changes

* In GHC.Data.Unboxed, never omit interface pragmas.  In "fast builds"
  one might omit them generally, but doing so gives very bad
  performance for code that imports this module.

* In GHC.Hs.Dump don't do type-class specialisation.  For some reason
  it goes mad and generates vast amounts of useless code.  See #25463.

- - - - -
175a1355 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-16T17:13:52+00:00
Refactor Lint

Refactor Lint for two reasons:

* To improve performance
* To prepare for type-lets

The big changes are all in GHC.Core.Lint:

* Change the main APIs:
  * `lintType` returns nothing rather than returning a `LintedType`;
  * `lintCoercion` return nothing rather than returning a `LintedCoercion`
  Reason: these functions did a lot of allocation to return a substituted
  type/coercion that was often discarded, or used only to extract its kind.

  Instead we now return nothing, and, when needed, extract the kind and

* Applications are treated as a whole, by `lintApp`.  By treating
  multiple arguments all at once we avoid performing multiple
  substitutions, each substituting a single type variable. This can
  make an absolutely huge difference.

Overall this led to a pretty massive rewrite of Lint, with many smaller

Smaller chnages elsewhere

* Rename `GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst.getSubstInScope` to `substInScopeSet` for consistency

* Define and use `GHC.Core.Type.liftedTypeOrConstraintKind`

Performance. This MR someimtes gives gives a very large improvement in
compile time, when Lint is on.  here is a selection of changes over 5%
in perf/compiler (with -dcore-lint)

      T25196                       -97.0%
      T14766                       -89.7%
      T14683                       -74.4%
      T5631                        -60.9%
      T20261                       -56.7%
      T18923                       -17.6%
      T13035                       -15.8%
      T6048                        -15.8%
      CoOpt_Read                   -14.4%
      T9630                        -10.9%
      T5642                         -7.3%

Eliminating the egregious offenders is a big win.

However, in some cases the compiler allocation /increases/. Here ae the
changes over 1%:

      T9961                          1.5%
      T8095                          2.8%
      T14052                         3.9%
      T12545                         4.5%
      T14052Type                     5.5%
      T5030                          8.0%
      T5321Fun                       8.3%
      T3064                         12.7%
      CoOpt_Singletons              15.6%
      T9198                         16.0%
      LargeRecord                   18.1%

I looked at the two biggest increases in compile-time bytes allocated.  Interestingly,
they both show substantial *decreases* in actual compile time, due to much smaller GC times.
I'm honestly not sure either why the allocation increases, or why the GC time decreases;
but I'm going to take the win!

                 Baseline            With patch
    No Lint
      Alloc       44.6M              44.6M
      Mut time    0.23s              0.22s
      GC time     0.21s              0.21s

    With Lint
      Alloc       309M               360M
      Mut time    1.51s              0.85s
      GC time     2.97s              0.25s

                 Baseline            With patch
    No Lint
      Alloc       1.37G              1.37G
      Mut time    2.33s              2.33s
      GC time     2.40s              2.42s

    With Lint
      Alloc       3.4G               4.0G
      Mut time    6.02s              5.68s
      GC time     3.67s              3.03s

IMPORTANT NOTE: These changes don't show up in CI because in CI the
tests in perf/compiler are all run with -dcore-lint switched off.  I
gathered this data with some manual runs.

- - - - -
cc3e1525 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-16T18:47:00-05:00
Add Note [Typechecking overloaded literals]

See #25494.

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SpecConstr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Specialise.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/SimpleOpt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/Unboxed.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
- compiler/GHC/Llvm/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Equality.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs
- + testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/T25437.hs
- + testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/T25437.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/T5001b.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/simd/should_run/T25561.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simd/should_run/T25561.stdout
- testsuite/tests/simd/should_run/all.T


@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ module GHC.Core (
         -- * In/Out type synonyms
         InId, InBind, InExpr, InAlt, InArg, InType, InKind,
-               InBndr, InVar, InCoercion, InTyVar, InCoVar,
+               InBndr, InVar, InCoercion, InTyVar, InCoVar, InTyCoVar,
         OutId, OutBind, OutExpr, OutAlt, OutArg, OutType, OutKind,
-               OutBndr, OutVar, OutCoercion, OutTyVar, OutCoVar, MOutCoercion,
+               OutBndr, OutVar, OutCoercion, OutTyVar, OutCoVar,
+               OutTyCoVar, MOutCoercion,
         -- ** 'Expr' construction
         mkLet, mkLets, mkLetNonRec, mkLetRec, mkLams,

@@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ liftCoSubstTyVarBndrUsing view_co fun lc@(LC subst cenv) old_var
     stuff    = fun lc old_kind
     eta      = view_co stuff
     k1       = coercionLKind eta
-    new_var  = uniqAway (getSubstInScope subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
+    new_var  = uniqAway (substInScopeSet subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
     lifted   = mkGReflRightCo Nominal (TyVarTy new_var) eta
                -- :: new_var ~ new_var |> eta
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ liftCoSubstCoVarBndrUsing view_co fun lc@(LC subst cenv) old_var
     stuff    = fun lc old_kind
     eta      = view_co stuff
     k1       = coercionLKind eta
-    new_var  = uniqAway (getSubstInScope subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
+    new_var  = uniqAway (substInScopeSet subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
     -- old_var :: s1  ~r s2
     -- eta     :: (s1' ~r s2') ~N (t1 ~r t2)
@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ lcLookupCoVar (LC subst _) cv = lookupCoVar subst cv
 -- | Get the 'InScopeSet' from a 'LiftingContext'
 lcInScopeSet :: LiftingContext -> InScopeSet
-lcInScopeSet (LC subst _) = getSubstInScope subst
+lcInScopeSet (LC subst _) = substInScopeSet subst

@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Demand      ( splitDmdSig, isDeadEndDiv )
 import GHC.Builtin.Names
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
-import GHC.Builtin.Types ( multiplicityTy )
 import GHC.Data.Bag
 import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
@@ -96,16 +95,16 @@ import GHC.Utils.Error
 import qualified GHC.Utils.Error as Err
 import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Data.Pair
+import GHC.Base (oneShot)
+import GHC.Data.Unboxed
 import Control.Monad
 import Data.Foldable      ( for_, toList )
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), groupWith )
-import Data.List          ( partition )
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.IntMap.Strict ( IntMap )
 import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap ( lookup, keys, empty, fromList )
-import GHC.Data.Pair
-import GHC.Base (oneShot)
-import GHC.Data.Unboxed
 Note [Core Lint guarantee]
@@ -552,7 +551,7 @@ Check a core binding, returning the list of variables bound.
 -- Let
 lintRecBindings :: TopLevelFlag -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
-                -> ([LintedId] -> LintM a) -> LintM (a, [UsageEnv])
+                -> ([OutId] -> LintM a) -> LintM (a, [UsageEnv])
 lintRecBindings top_lvl pairs thing_inside
   = lintIdBndrs top_lvl bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
     do { ues <- zipWithM lint_pair bndrs' rhss
@@ -566,14 +565,14 @@ lintRecBindings top_lvl pairs thing_inside
            ; lintLetBind top_lvl Recursive bndr' rhs rhs_ty
            ; return ue }
-lintLetBody :: LintLocInfo -> [LintedId] -> CoreExpr -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintLetBody :: LintLocInfo -> [OutId] -> CoreExpr -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
 lintLetBody loc bndrs body
   = do { (body_ty, body_ue) <- addLoc loc (lintCoreExpr body)
        ; mapM_ (lintJoinBndrType body_ty) bndrs
        ; return (body_ty, body_ue) }
-lintLetBind :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> LintedId
-              -> CoreExpr -> LintedType -> LintM ()
+lintLetBind :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> OutId
+              -> CoreExpr -> OutType -> LintM ()
 -- Binder's type, and the RHS, have already been linted
 -- This function checks other invariants
 lintLetBind top_lvl rec_flag binder rhs rhs_ty
@@ -664,7 +663,7 @@ lintLetBind top_lvl rec_flag binder rhs rhs_ty
 -- join point.
 -- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs].
-lintRhs :: Id -> CoreExpr -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintRhs :: Id -> CoreExpr -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
 -- NB: the Id can be Linted or not -- it's only used for
 --     its OccInfo and join-pointer-hood
 lintRhs bndr rhs
@@ -696,7 +695,7 @@ lintRhs _bndr rhs = fmap lf_check_static_ptrs getLintFlags >>= go
 -- | Lint the RHS of a join point with expected join arity of @n@ (see Note
 -- [Join points] in "GHC.Core").
-lintJoinLams :: JoinArity -> Maybe Id -> CoreExpr -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintJoinLams :: JoinArity -> Maybe Id -> CoreExpr -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
 lintJoinLams join_arity enforce rhs
   = go join_arity rhs
@@ -857,26 +856,7 @@ that: it really is a value, albeit a zero-bit value.
--- Linted things: substitution applied, and type is linted
-type LintedType     = Type
-type LintedKind     = Kind
-type LintedCoercion = Coercion
-type LintedTyCoVar  = TyCoVar
-type LintedId       = Id
--- | Lint an expression cast through the given coercion, returning the type
--- resulting from the cast.
-lintCastExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintedType -> Coercion -> LintM LintedType
-lintCastExpr expr expr_ty co
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; let (Pair from_ty to_ty, role) = coercionKindRole co'
-       ; checkValueType to_ty $
-         text "target of cast" <+> quotes (ppr co')
-       ; lintRole co' Representational role
-       ; ensureEqTys from_ty expr_ty (mkCastErr expr co' from_ty expr_ty)
-       ; return to_ty }
-lintCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintCoreExpr :: InExpr -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
 -- The returned type has the substitution from the monad
 -- already applied to it:
 --      lintCoreExpr e subst = exprType (subst e)
@@ -887,29 +867,32 @@ lintCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
 -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
 lintCoreExpr (Var var)
-  = do
-      var_pair@(var_ty, _) <- lintIdOcc var 0
-      -- See Note [Linting representation-polymorphic builtins]
-      checkRepPolyBuiltin (Var var) [] var_ty
-      --checkDataToTagPrimOpTyCon (Var var) []
-      return var_pair
+  = do {  var_pair@(var_ty, _) <- lintIdOcc var 0
+           -- See Note [Linting representation-polymorphic builtins]
+       ; checkRepPolyBuiltin (Var var) [] var_ty
+           --checkDataToTagPrimOpTyCon (Var var) []
+       ; return var_pair }
 lintCoreExpr (Lit lit)
   = return (literalType lit, zeroUE)
 lintCoreExpr (Cast expr co)
-  = do (expr_ty, ue) <- markAllJoinsBad (lintCoreExpr expr)
+  = do { (expr_ty, ue) <- markAllJoinsBad (lintCoreExpr expr)
             -- markAllJoinsBad: see Note [Join points and casts]
-       to_ty <- lintCastExpr expr expr_ty co
-       return (to_ty, ue)
+       ; lintCoercion co
+       ; lintRole co Representational (coercionRole co)
+       ; Pair from_ty to_ty <- substCoKindM co
+       ; checkValueType (typeKind to_ty) $
+         text "target of cast" <+> quotes (ppr co)
+       ; ensureEqTys from_ty expr_ty (mkCastErr expr co from_ty expr_ty)
+       ; return (to_ty, ue) }
 lintCoreExpr (Tick tickish expr)
-  = do case tickish of
-         Breakpoint _ _ ids _ -> forM_ ids $ \id -> do
-                                   checkDeadIdOcc id
-                                   lookupIdInScope id
-         _                    -> return ()
-       markAllJoinsBadIf block_joins $ lintCoreExpr expr
+  = do { case tickish of
+           Breakpoint _ _ ids _ -> forM_ ids $ \id -> lintIdOcc id 0
+           _                    -> return ()
+       ; markAllJoinsBadIf block_joins $ lintCoreExpr expr }
     block_joins = not (tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope)
       -- TODO Consider whether this is the correct rule. It is consistent with
@@ -921,12 +904,12 @@ lintCoreExpr (Tick tickish expr)
 lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec tv (Type ty)) body)
   | isTyVar tv
   =     -- See Note [Linting type lets]
-    do  { ty' <- lintType ty
-        ; lintTyBndr tv              $ \ tv' ->
+    do  { ty' <- lintTypeAndSubst ty
+        ; lintTyCoBndr tv              $ \ tv' ->
     do  { addLoc (RhsOf tv) $ lintTyKind tv' ty'
                 -- Now extend the substitution so we
                 -- take advantage of it in the body
-        ; extendTvSubstL tv ty'        $
+        ; extendTvSubstL tv ty' $
           addLoc (BodyOfLet tv) $
           lintCoreExpr body } }
@@ -939,7 +922,8 @@ lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
          -- Now lint the binder
        ; lintBinder LetBind bndr $ \bndr' ->
     do { lintLetBind NotTopLevel NonRecursive bndr' rhs rhs_ty
-       ; addAliasUE bndr let_ue (lintLetBody (BodyOfLet bndr') [bndr'] body) } }
+       ; addAliasUE bndr' let_ue $
+         lintLetBody (BodyOfLet bndr') [bndr'] body } }
   | otherwise
   = failWithL (mkLetErr bndr rhs)       -- Not quite accurate
@@ -967,20 +951,24 @@ lintCoreExpr e@(Let (Rec pairs) body)
 lintCoreExpr e@(App _ _)
   | Var fun <- fun
   , fun `hasKey` runRWKey
+    -- See Note [Linting of runRW#]
     -- N.B. we may have an over-saturated application of the form:
     --   runRW (\s -> \x -> ...) y
-  , ty_arg1 : ty_arg2 : arg3 : rest <- args
-  = do { fun_pair1      <- lintCoreArg (idType fun, zeroUE) ty_arg1
-       ; (fun_ty2, ue2) <- lintCoreArg fun_pair1            ty_arg2
-         -- See Note [Linting of runRW#]
-       ; let lintRunRWCont :: CoreArg -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
-             lintRunRWCont expr@(Lam _ _) =
-                lintJoinLams 1 (Just fun) expr
-             lintRunRWCont other = markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr other
+  , ty_arg1 : ty_arg2 : cont_arg : rest <- args
+  = do { let lint_rw_cont :: CoreArg -> Mult -> UsageEnv -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+             lint_rw_cont expr@(Lam _ _) mult fun_ue
+                = do { (arg_ty, arg_ue) <- lintJoinLams 1 (Just fun) expr
+                     ; let app_ue = addUE fun_ue (scaleUE mult arg_ue)
+                     ; return (arg_ty, app_ue) }
+             lint_rw_cont expr mult ue
+                = lintValArg expr mult ue
              -- TODO: Look through ticks?
-       ; (arg3_ty, ue3) <- lintRunRWCont arg3
-       ; app_ty <- lintValApp arg3 fun_ty2 arg3_ty ue2 ue3
-       ; lintCoreArgs app_ty rest }
+       ; runrw_pr <- lintApp (text "runRW# expression")
+                               lintTyArg lint_rw_cont
+                               (idType fun) [ty_arg1,ty_arg2,cont_arg] zeroUE
+       ; lintCoreArgs runrw_pr rest }
   | otherwise
   = do { fun_pair <- lintCoreFun fun (length args)
@@ -1016,24 +1004,23 @@ lintCoreExpr (Lam var expr)
 lintCoreExpr (Case scrut var alt_ty alts)
   = lintCaseExpr scrut var alt_ty alts
--- This case can't happen; linting types in expressions gets routed through
--- lintCoreArgs
+-- This case can't happen; linting types in expressions gets routed through lintTyArg
 lintCoreExpr (Type ty)
   = failWithL (text "Type found as expression" <+> ppr ty)
 lintCoreExpr (Coercion co)
   -- See Note [Coercions in terms]
-  = do { co' <- addLoc (InCo co) $
-                lintCoercion co
-       ; return (coercionType co', zeroUE) }
+  = do { addLoc (InCo co) $ lintCoercion co
+       ; ty <- substTyM (coercionType co)
+       ; return (ty, zeroUE) }
-lintIdOcc :: Var -> Int -- Number of arguments (type or value) being passed
-          -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv) -- returns type of the *variable*
-lintIdOcc var nargs
-  = addLoc (OccOf var) $
-    do  { checkL (isNonCoVarId var)
-                 (text "Non term variable" <+> ppr var)
+lintIdOcc :: InId -> Int -- Number of arguments (type or value) being passed
+          -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv) -- returns type of the *variable*
+lintIdOcc in_id nargs
+  = addLoc (OccOf in_id) $
+    do  { checkL (isNonCoVarId in_id)
+                 (text "Non term variable" <+> ppr in_id)
                  -- See GHC.Core Note [Variable occurrences in Core]
         -- Check that the type of the occurrence is the same
@@ -1047,32 +1034,31 @@ lintIdOcc var nargs
         -- (Maybe a) from the binding site with bogus (Maybe a1) from
         -- the occurrence site.  Comparing un-substituted types finesses
         -- this altogether
-        ; (bndr, linted_bndr_ty) <- lookupIdInScope var
-        ; let occ_ty  = idType var
-              bndr_ty = idType bndr
-        ; ensureEqTys occ_ty bndr_ty $
-          mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg bndr var bndr_ty occ_ty
+        ; out_ty <- lintVarOcc in_id
           -- Check for a nested occurrence of the StaticPtr constructor.
           -- See Note [Checking StaticPtrs].
         ; lf <- getLintFlags
         ; when (nargs /= 0 && lf_check_static_ptrs lf /= AllowAnywhere) $
-            checkL (idName var /= makeStaticName) $
+            checkL (idName in_id /= makeStaticName) $
               text "Found makeStatic nested in an expression"
-        ; checkDeadIdOcc var
-        ; checkJoinOcc var nargs
-        ; case isDataConId_maybe var of
+        ; checkDeadIdOcc in_id
+        ; case isDataConId_maybe in_id of
              Nothing -> return ()
              Just dc -> checkTypeDataConOcc "expression" dc
-        ; usage <- varCallSiteUsage var
+        ; checkJoinOcc in_id nargs
+        ; usage <- varCallSiteUsage in_id
+        ; return (out_ty, usage) }
-        ; return (linted_bndr_ty, usage) }
 lintCoreFun :: CoreExpr
             -> Int                          -- Number of arguments (type or val) being passed
-            -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv) -- Returns type of the *function*
+            -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv) -- Returns type of the *function*
 lintCoreFun (Var var) nargs
   = lintIdOcc var nargs
@@ -1107,8 +1093,8 @@ checkDeadIdOcc id
   = return ()
-lintJoinBndrType :: LintedType -- Type of the body
-                 -> LintedId   -- Possibly a join Id
+lintJoinBndrType :: OutType -- Type of the body
+                 -> OutId   -- Possibly a join Id
                 -> LintM ()
 -- Checks that the return type of a join Id matches the body
 -- E.g. join j x = rhs in body
@@ -1195,7 +1181,7 @@ checkDataToTagPrimOpTyCon _ _ = pure ()
 -- See Note [Linting representation-polymorphic builtins].
 checkRepPolyBuiltin :: CoreExpr   -- ^ the function (head of the application) we are checking
                     -> [CoreArg]  -- ^ the arguments to the application
-                    -> LintedType -- ^ the instantiated type of the overall application
+                    -> OutType -- ^ the instantiated type of the overall application
                     -> LintM ()
 checkRepPolyBuiltin (Var fun_id) args app_ty
   = do { do_rep_poly_checks <- lf_check_fixed_rep <$> getLintFlags
@@ -1214,7 +1200,7 @@ checkRepPolyBuiltin (Var fun_id) args app_ty
 checkRepPolyBuiltin _ _ _ = return ()
-checkRepPolyNewtypeApp :: DataCon -> [CoreArg] -> LintedType -> LintM ()
+checkRepPolyNewtypeApp :: DataCon -> [CoreArg] -> OutType -> LintM ()
 checkRepPolyNewtypeApp nt args app_ty
   -- If the newtype is saturated, we're OK.
   | any isValArg args
@@ -1333,13 +1319,14 @@ concreteTyVarPositions fun_id conc_tvs
 -- Check that the usage of var is consistent with var itself, and pop the var
 -- from the usage environment (this is important because of shadowing).
-checkLinearity :: UsageEnv -> Var -> LintM UsageEnv
+checkLinearity :: UsageEnv -> OutVar -> LintM UsageEnv
 checkLinearity body_ue lam_var =
   case varMultMaybe lam_var of
     Just mult -> do
       let (lhs, body_ue') = popUE body_ue lam_var
-          err_msg = text "Linearity failure in lambda:" <+> ppr lam_var
-                    $$ ppr lhs <+> text "⊈" <+> ppr mult
+          err_msg = vcat [ text "Linearity failure in lambda:" <+> ppr lam_var
+                         , ppr lhs <+> text "⊈" <+> ppr mult
+                         , ppr body_ue ]
       ensureSubUsage lhs mult err_msg
       return body_ue'
     Nothing    -> return body_ue -- A type variable
@@ -1461,33 +1448,28 @@ subtype of the required type, as one would expect.
 -- Takes the functions type and arguments as argument.
 -- Returns the *result* of applying the function to arguments.
 -- e.g. f :: Int -> Bool -> Int would return `Int` as result type.
-lintCoreArgs  :: (LintedType, UsageEnv) -> [CoreArg] -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
-lintCoreArgs (fun_ty, fun_ue) args = foldM lintCoreArg (fun_ty, fun_ue) args
+lintCoreArgs  :: (OutType, UsageEnv) -> [InExpr] -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintCoreArgs (fun_ty, fun_ue) args
+  = lintApp (text "expression")
+              lintTyArg lintValArg fun_ty args fun_ue
-lintCoreArg  :: (LintedType, UsageEnv) -> CoreArg -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintTyArg :: InExpr -> LintM OutType
 -- Type argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, ue) (Type arg_ty)
+lintTyArg (Type arg_ty)
   = do { checkL (not (isCoercionTy arg_ty))
                 (text "Unnecessary coercion-to-type injection:"
                   <+> ppr arg_ty)
-       ; arg_ty' <- lintType arg_ty
-       ; res <- lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty'
-       ; return (res, ue) }
--- Coercion argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, ue) (Coercion co)
-  = do { co' <- addLoc (InCo co) $
-                lintCoercion co
-       ; res <- lintCoApp fun_ty co'
-       ; return (res, ue) }
--- Other value argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, fun_ue) arg
+       ; lintTypeAndSubst arg_ty }
+lintTyArg arg
+  = failWithL (hang (text "Expected type argument but found") 2 (ppr arg))
+lintValArg  :: InExpr -> Mult -> UsageEnv -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintValArg arg mult fun_ue
   = do { (arg_ty, arg_ue) <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr arg
            -- See Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
-       ; flags <- getLintFlags
+       ; flags <- getLintFlags
        ; when (lf_check_fixed_rep flags) $
          -- Only check that 'arg_ty' has a fixed RuntimeRep
          -- if 'lf_check_fixed_rep' is on.
@@ -1496,13 +1478,14 @@ lintCoreArg (fun_ty, fun_ue) arg
                       <+> ppr arg <+> dcolon
                       <+> parens (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))) }
-       ; lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty fun_ue arg_ue }
+       ; let app_ue = addUE fun_ue (scaleUE mult arg_ue)
+       ; return (arg_ty, app_ue) }
 lintAltBinders :: UsageEnv
                -> Var         -- Case binder
-               -> LintedType     -- Scrutinee type
-               -> LintedType     -- Constructor type
+               -> OutType     -- Scrutinee type
+               -> OutType     -- Constructor type
                -> [(Mult, OutVar)]    -- Binders
                -> LintM UsageEnv
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
@@ -1545,7 +1528,7 @@ checkCaseLinearity ue case_bndr var_w bndr = do
-lintTyApp :: LintedType -> LintedType -> LintM LintedType
+lintTyApp :: OutType -> OutType -> LintM OutType
 lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty
   | Just (tv,body_ty) <- splitForAllTyVar_maybe fun_ty
   = do  { lintTyKind tv arg_ty
@@ -1558,35 +1541,13 @@ lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty
   | otherwise
   = failWithL (mkTyAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty)
-lintCoApp :: LintedType -> LintedCoercion -> LintM LintedType
-lintCoApp fun_ty co
-  | Just (cv,body_ty) <- splitForAllCoVar_maybe fun_ty
-  , let co_ty = coercionType co
-        cv_ty = idType cv
-  , cv_ty `eqType` co_ty
-  = do { in_scope <- getInScope
-       ; let init_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
-             subst = extendCvSubst init_subst cv co
-       ; return (substTy subst body_ty) }
-  | Just (_, _, arg_ty', res_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
-  , co_ty `eqType` arg_ty'
-  = return (res_ty')
-  | otherwise
-  = failWithL (mkCoAppMsg fun_ty co)
-  where
-    co_ty = coercionType co
 -- | @lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty@ lints an application of @fun arg@
 -- where @fun :: fun_ty@ and @arg :: arg_ty@, returning the type of the
 -- application.
-lintValApp :: CoreExpr -> LintedType -> LintedType -> UsageEnv -> UsageEnv
-           -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
+lintValApp :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> OutType -> UsageEnv -> UsageEnv
+           -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
 lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty fun_ue arg_ue
   | Just (_, w, arg_ty', res_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
   = do { ensureEqTys arg_ty' arg_ty (mkAppMsg arg_ty' arg_ty arg)
@@ -1597,7 +1558,7 @@ lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty fun_ue arg_ue
     err2 = mkNonFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty arg
-lintTyKind :: OutTyVar -> LintedType -> LintM ()
+lintTyKind :: OutTyVar -> OutType -> LintM ()
 -- Both args have had substitution applied
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
@@ -1607,7 +1568,7 @@ lintTyKind tyvar arg_ty
     addErrL (mkKindErrMsg tyvar arg_ty $$ (text "Linted Arg kind:" <+> ppr arg_kind))
     tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tyvar
-    arg_kind = typeKind arg_ty
+    arg_kind   = typeKind arg_ty
@@ -1617,86 +1578,92 @@ lintTyKind tyvar arg_ty
-lintCaseExpr :: CoreExpr -> Id -> Type -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM (LintedType, UsageEnv)
-lintCaseExpr scrut var alt_ty alts =
-  do { let e = Case scrut var alt_ty alts   -- Just for error messages
-     -- Check the scrutinee
-     ; (scrut_ty, scrut_ue) <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr scrut
-          -- See Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
-          -- in GHC.Core
-     ; let scrut_mult = idMult var
-     ; alt_ty <- addLoc (CaseTy scrut) $
-                 lintValueType alt_ty
-     ; var_ty <- addLoc (IdTy var) $
-                 lintValueType (idType var)
-     -- We used to try to check whether a case expression with no
-     -- alternatives was legitimate, but this didn't work.
-     -- See Note [No alternatives lint check] for details.
-     -- Check that the scrutinee is not a floating-point type
-     -- if there are any literal alternatives
-     -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (5)
-     -- See Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons] in GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold
-     ; let isLitPat (Alt (LitAlt _) _  _) = True
-           isLitPat _                     = False
-     ; checkL (not $ isFloatingPrimTy scrut_ty && any isLitPat alts)
-         (text "Lint warning: Scrutinising floating-point expression with literal pattern in case analysis (see #9238)."
-          $$ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut)
-     ; case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (idType var) of
-         Just tycon
-              | debugIsOn
-              , isAlgTyCon tycon
-              , not (isAbstractTyCon tycon)
-              , null (tyConDataCons tycon)
-              , not (exprIsDeadEnd scrut)
-              -> pprTrace "Lint warning: case binder's type has no constructors" (ppr var <+> ppr (idType var))
-                        -- This can legitimately happen for type families
-                      $ return ()
-         _otherwise -> return ()
-        -- Don't use lintIdBndr on var, because unboxed tuple is legitimate
-     ; subst <- getSubst
-     ; ensureEqTys var_ty scrut_ty (mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty subst)
-       -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (7)
-     ; lintBinder CaseBind var $ \_ ->
-       do { -- Check the alternatives
-          ; alt_ues <- mapM (lintCoreAlt var scrut_ty scrut_mult alt_ty) alts
-          ; let case_ue = (scaleUE scrut_mult scrut_ue) `addUE` supUEs alt_ues
-          ; checkCaseAlts e scrut_ty alts
-          ; return (alt_ty, case_ue) } }
-checkCaseAlts :: CoreExpr -> LintedType -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM ()
+lintCaseExpr :: CoreExpr -> InId -> InType -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintCaseExpr scrut case_bndr alt_ty alts
+  = do { let e = Case scrut case_bndr alt_ty alts   -- Just for error messages
+       -- Check the scrutinee
+       ; (scrut_ty', scrut_ue) <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr scrut
+            -- See Note [Join points are less general than the paper]
+            -- in GHC.Core
+       ; alt_ty' <- addLoc (CaseTy scrut) $ lintValueType alt_ty
+       ; checkCaseAlts e scrut scrut_ty' alts
+       -- Lint the case-binder. Must do this after linting the scrutinee
+       -- because the case-binder isn't in scope in the scrutineex
+       ; lintBinder CaseBind case_bndr $ \case_bndr' ->
+      -- Don't use lintIdBndr on case_bndr, because unboxed tuple is legitimate
+    do { let case_bndr_ty' = idType case_bndr'
+             scrut_mult    = idMult case_bndr'
+       ; ensureEqTys case_bndr_ty' scrut_ty' (mkScrutMsg case_bndr case_bndr_ty' scrut_ty')
+         -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (7)
+       ; -- Check the alternatives
+       ; alt_ues <- mapM (lintCoreAlt case_bndr' scrut_ty' scrut_mult alt_ty') alts
+       ; let case_ue = (scaleUE scrut_mult scrut_ue) `addUE` supUEs alt_ues
+       ; return (alt_ty', case_ue) } }
+checkCaseAlts :: InExpr -> InExpr -> OutType -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM ()
 -- a) Check that the alts are non-empty
 -- b1) Check that the DEFAULT comes first, if it exists
 -- b2) Check that the others are in increasing order
 -- c) Check that there's a default for infinite types
+-- d) Check that the scrutinee is not a floating-point type
+--    if there are any literal alternatives
+-- e) Check if the scrutinee type has no constructors
+-- We used to try to check whether a case expression with no
+-- alternatives was legitimate, but this didn't work.
+-- See Note [No alternatives lint check] for details.
 -- NB: Algebraic cases are not necessarily exhaustive, because
 --     the simplifier correctly eliminates case that can't
 --     possibly match.
-checkCaseAlts e ty alts =
-  do { checkL (all non_deflt con_alts) (mkNonDefltMsg e)
-         -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (2)
-     ; checkL (increasing_tag con_alts) (mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg e)
-         -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (3)
-          -- For types Int#, Word# with an infinite (well, large!) number of
-          -- possible values, there should usually be a DEFAULT case
-          -- But (see Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core) it's ok to
-          -- have *no* case alternatives.
-          -- In effect, this is a kind of partial test. I suppose it's possible
-          -- that we might *know* that 'x' was 1 or 2, in which case
-          --   case x of { 1 -> e1; 2 -> e2 }
-          -- would be fine.
-     ; checkL (isJust maybe_deflt || not is_infinite_ty || null alts)
-              (nonExhaustiveAltsMsg e) }
+checkCaseAlts e scrut scrut_ty alts
+  = do { checkL (all non_deflt con_alts) (mkNonDefltMsg e)
+           -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (2)
+       ; checkL (increasing_tag con_alts) (mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg e)
+           -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (3)
+            -- For types Int#, Word# with an infinite (well, large!) number of
+            -- possible values, there should usually be a DEFAULT case
+            -- But (see Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core) it's ok to
+            -- have *no* case alternatives.
+            -- In effect, this is a kind of partial test. I suppose it's possible
+            -- that we might *know* that 'x' was 1 or 2, in which case
+            --   case x of { 1 -> e1; 2 -> e2 }
+            -- would be fine.
+       ; checkL (isJust maybe_deflt || not is_infinite_ty || null alts)
+                (nonExhaustiveAltsMsg e)
+       -- Check that the scrutinee is not a floating-point type
+       -- if there are any literal alternatives
+       -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (5)
+       -- See Note [Rules for floating-point comparisons] in GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold
+       ; checkL (not $ isFloatingPrimTy scrut_ty && any is_lit_alt alts)
+           (text "Lint warning: Scrutinising floating-point expression with literal pattern in case analysis (see #9238)."
+            $$ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut)
+       -- Check if scrutinee type has no constructors
+       -- Just a trace message for now
+       ; case tyConAppTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
+           Just tycon
+                | debugIsOn
+                , isAlgTyCon tycon
+                , not (isAbstractTyCon tycon)
+                , null (tyConDataCons tycon)
+                , not (exprIsDeadEnd scrut)
+                -> pprTrace "Lint warning: case scrutinee type has no constructors"
+                        (ppr scrut_ty)
+                          -- This can legitimately happen for type families
+                        $ return ()
+           _otherwise -> return ()
+        }
     (con_alts, maybe_deflt) = findDefault alts
@@ -1707,21 +1674,24 @@ checkCaseAlts e ty alts =
     non_deflt (Alt DEFAULT _ _) = False
     non_deflt _                 = True
-    is_infinite_ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
+    is_lit_alt (Alt (LitAlt _) _  _) = True
+    is_lit_alt _                     = False
+    is_infinite_ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
                         Nothing    -> False
                         Just tycon -> isPrimTyCon tycon
-lintAltExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintedType -> LintM UsageEnv
+lintAltExpr :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> LintM UsageEnv
 lintAltExpr expr ann_ty
   = do { (actual_ty, ue) <- lintCoreExpr expr
        ; ensureEqTys actual_ty ann_ty (mkCaseAltMsg expr actual_ty ann_ty)
        ; return ue }
          -- See GHC.Core Note [Case expression invariants] item (6)
-lintCoreAlt :: Var              -- Case binder
-            -> LintedType       -- Type of scrutinee
-            -> Mult             -- Multiplicity of scrutinee
-            -> LintedType       -- Type of the alternative
+lintCoreAlt :: OutId         -- Case binder
+            -> OutType       -- Type of scrutinee
+            -> Mult          -- Multiplicity of scrutinee
+            -> OutType       -- Type of the alternative
             -> CoreAlt
             -> LintM UsageEnv
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
@@ -1730,8 +1700,8 @@ lintCoreAlt case_bndr _ scrut_mult alt_ty (Alt DEFAULT args rhs) =
   do { lintL (null args) (mkDefaultArgsMsg args)
      ; rhs_ue <- lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty
      ; let (case_bndr_usage, rhs_ue') = popUE rhs_ue case_bndr
-           err_msg = text "Linearity failure in the DEFAULT clause:" <+> ppr case_bndr
-                     $$ ppr case_bndr_usage <+> text "⊈" <+> ppr scrut_mult
+           err_msg = vcat [ text "Linearity failure in the DEFAULT clause:" <+> ppr case_bndr
+                          , ppr case_bndr_usage <+> text "⊈" <+> ppr scrut_mult ]
      ; ensureSubUsage case_bndr_usage scrut_mult err_msg
      ; return rhs_ue' }
@@ -1765,9 +1735,10 @@ lintCoreAlt case_bndr scrut_ty _scrut_mult alt_ty alt@(Alt (DataAlt con) args rh
         -- And now bring the new binders into scope
     ; lintBinders CasePatBind args $ \ args' -> do
-      {
-        rhs_ue <- lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty
-      ; rhs_ue' <- addLoc (CasePat alt) (lintAltBinders rhs_ue case_bndr scrut_ty con_payload_ty (zipEqual "lintCoreAlt" multiplicities  args'))
+      { rhs_ue <- lintAltExpr rhs alt_ty
+      ; rhs_ue' <- addLoc (CasePat alt) $
+                   lintAltBinders rhs_ue case_bndr scrut_ty con_payload_ty
+                                  (zipEqual "lintCoreAlt" multiplicities  args')
       ; return $ deleteUE rhs_ue' case_bndr
@@ -1812,7 +1783,7 @@ lintLinearBinder doc actual_usage described_usage
 --  1. Lint var types or kinds (possibly substituting)
 --  2. Add the binder to the in scope set, and if its a coercion var,
 --     we may extend the substitution to reflect its (possibly) new kind
-lintBinders :: BindingSite -> [Var] -> ([Var] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+lintBinders :: HasDebugCallStack => BindingSite -> [InVar] -> ([OutVar] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
 lintBinders _    []         linterF = linterF []
 lintBinders site (var:vars) linterF = lintBinder site var $ \var' ->
                                       lintBinders site vars $ \ vars' ->
@@ -1820,36 +1791,30 @@ lintBinders site (var:vars) linterF = lintBinder site var $ \var' ->
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
 -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
-lintBinder :: BindingSite -> Var -> (Var -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+lintBinder :: HasDebugCallStack => BindingSite -> InVar -> (OutVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
 lintBinder site var linterF
   | isTyCoVar var = lintTyCoBndr var linterF
   | otherwise     = lintIdBndr NotTopLevel site var linterF
-lintTyBndr :: TyVar -> (LintedTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
-lintTyBndr = lintTyCoBndr  -- We could specialise it, I guess
-lintTyCoBndr :: TyCoVar -> (LintedTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+lintTyCoBndr :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCoVar -> (OutTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
 lintTyCoBndr tcv thing_inside
-  = do { subst <- getSubst
-       ; tcv_type' <- lintType (varType tcv)
-       ; let tcv' = uniqAway (getSubstInScope subst) $
-                    setVarType tcv tcv_type'
-             subst' = extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv tcv'
+  = do { tcv_type' <- lintTypeAndSubst (varType tcv)
+       ; let tcv_kind' = typeKind tcv_type'
-       -- See (FORALL1) and (FORALL2) in GHC.Core.Type
+         -- See (FORALL1) and (FORALL2) in GHC.Core.Type
        ; if (isTyVar tcv)
          then -- Check that in (forall (a:ki). blah) we have ki:Type
-              lintL (isLiftedTypeKind (typeKind tcv_type')) $
+              lintL (isLiftedTypeKind tcv_kind') $
               hang (text "TyVar whose kind does not have kind Type:")
-                 2 (ppr tcv' <+> dcolon <+> ppr tcv_type' <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind tcv_type'))
+                 2 (ppr tcv <+> dcolon <+> ppr tcv_type' <+> dcolon <+> ppr tcv_kind')
          else -- Check that in (forall (cv::ty). blah),
               -- then ty looks like (t1 ~# t2)
               lintL (isCoVarType tcv_type') $
               text "CoVar with non-coercion type:" <+> pprTyVar tcv
-       ; updateSubst subst' (thing_inside tcv') }
+       ; addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_type' thing_inside }
-lintIdBndrs :: forall a. TopLevelFlag -> [Id] -> ([LintedId] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+lintIdBndrs :: forall a. TopLevelFlag -> [InId] -> ([OutId] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
 lintIdBndrs top_lvl ids thing_inside
   = go ids thing_inside
@@ -1900,10 +1865,9 @@ lintIdBndr top_lvl bind_site id thing_inside
        ; lintL (not (bind_site == LambdaBind && isEvaldUnfolding (idUnfolding id)))
                 (text "Lambda binder with value or OtherCon unfolding.")
-       ; linted_ty <- addLoc (IdTy id) (lintValueType id_ty)
+       ; out_ty <- addLoc (IdTy id) (lintValueType id_ty)
-       ; addInScopeId id linted_ty $
-         thing_inside (setIdType id linted_ty) }
+       ; addInScopeId id out_ty thing_inside }
     id_ty = idType id
@@ -1920,13 +1884,47 @@ lintIdBndr top_lvl bind_site id thing_inside
-lintValueType :: Type -> LintM LintedType
+{- Note [Linting types and coercions]
+Notice that
+   lintType     :: InType     -> LintM ()
+   lintCoercion :: InCoercion -> LintM ()
+Neither returns anything.
+If you need the kind of the type, then do `typeKind` and then apply
+the ambient substitution using `substTyM`.  Note that the substitution
+empty unless there is shadowing or type-lets; and if the substitution is
+empty, the `substTyM` is a no-op.
+It is better to take the kind and then substitute, rather than substitute
+and then take the kind, becaues the kind is usually smaller.
+Note: you might wonder if we should apply the same logic to expressions.
+Why do we have
+  lintExpr :: InExpr -> LintM OutType
+Partly inertia; but also taking the type of an expresison involve looking
+down a deep chain of let's, whereas that is not true of taking the kind
+of a type.  It'd be worth an experiment though.
+Historical note: in the olden days we had
+   lintType :: InType -> LintM OutType
+but that burned a huge amount of allocation building an OutType that was
+often discarded, or used only to get its kind.
+I also experimented with
+   lintType :: InType -> LintM OutKind
+but that too was slower.  It is also much simpler to return ()!  If we
+return the kind we have to duplicate the logic in `typeKind`; and it is
+much worse for coercions.
+lintValueType :: Type -> LintM OutType
 -- Types only, not kinds
 -- Check the type, and apply the substitution to it
 -- See Note [Linting type lets]
 lintValueType ty
   = addLoc (InType ty) $
-    do  { ty' <- lintType ty
+    do  { ty' <- lintTypeAndSubst ty
         ; let sk = typeKind ty'
         ; lintL (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT sk) $
           hang (text "Ill-kinded type:" <+> ppr ty)
@@ -1938,15 +1936,15 @@ checkTyCon tc
   = checkL (not (isTcTyCon tc)) (text "Found TcTyCon:" <+> ppr tc)
-checkTyCoVarInScope :: Subst -> TyCoVar -> LintM ()
-checkTyCoVarInScope subst tcv
-  = checkL (tcv `isInScope` subst) $
-    hang (text "The type or coercion variable" <+> pprBndr LetBind tcv)
-       2 (text "is out of scope")
-lintType :: Type -> LintM LintedType
+lintTypeAndSubst :: InType -> LintM OutType
+lintTypeAndSubst ty = do { lintType ty; substTyM ty }
+           -- In GHCi we may lint an expression with a free
+           -- type variable.  Then it won't be in the
+           -- substitution, but it should be in scope
+lintType :: InType -> LintM ()
+-- See Note [Linting types and coercions]
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
 -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
 lintType (TyVarTy tv)
@@ -1954,25 +1952,20 @@ lintType (TyVarTy tv)
   = failWithL (mkBadTyVarMsg tv)
   | otherwise
-  = do { subst <- getSubst
-       ; case lookupTyVar subst tv of
-           Just linted_ty -> return linted_ty
-           -- In GHCi we may lint an expression with a free
-           -- type variable.  Then it won't be in the
-           -- substitution, but it should be in scope
-           Nothing -> do { checkTyCoVarInScope subst tv
-                         ; return (TyVarTy tv) }
-     }
+  = do { _ <- lintVarOcc tv
+       ; return () }
 lintType ty@(AppTy t1 t2)
   | TyConApp {} <- t1
   = failWithL $ text "TyConApp to the left of AppTy:" <+> ppr ty
   | otherwise
-  = do { t1' <- lintType t1
-       ; t2' <- lintType t2
-       ; lint_ty_app ty (typeKind t1') [t2']
-       ; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
+  = do { let (fun_ty, arg_tys) = collect t1 [t2]
+       ; lintType fun_ty
+       ; fun_kind <- substTyM (typeKind fun_ty)
+       ; lint_ty_app ty fun_kind arg_tys }
+  where
+    collect (AppTy f a) as = collect f (a:as)
+    collect fun         as = (fun, as)
 lintType ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
   | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc || isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
@@ -1987,78 +1980,68 @@ lintType ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
   | otherwise  -- Data types, data families, primitive types
   = do { checkTyCon tc
-       ; tys' <- mapM lintType tys
-       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys'
-       ; return (TyConApp tc tys') }
+       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys }
 -- arrows can related *unlifted* kinds, so this has to be separate from
 -- a dependent forall.
 lintType ty@(FunTy af tw t1 t2)
-  = do { t1' <- lintType t1
-       ; t2' <- lintType t2
-       ; tw' <- lintType tw
-       ; lintArrow (text "type or kind" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) t1' t2' tw'
-       ; let real_af = chooseFunTyFlag t1 t2
-       ; unless (real_af == af) $ addErrL $
-         hang (text "Bad FunTyFlag in FunTy")
-            2 (vcat [ ppr ty
-                    , text "FunTyFlag =" <+> ppr af
-                    , text "Computed FunTyFlag =" <+> ppr real_af ])
-       ; return (FunTy af tw' t1' t2') }
-lintType ty@(ForAllTy (Bndr tcv vis) body_ty)
-  | not (isTyCoVar tcv)
-  = failWithL (text "Non-Tyvar or Non-Covar bound in type:" <+> ppr ty)
-  | otherwise
-  = lintTyCoBndr tcv $ \tcv' ->
-    do { body_ty' <- lintType body_ty
-       ; lintForAllBody tcv' body_ty'
+  = do { lintType t1
+       ; lintType t2
+       ; lintType tw
+       ; lintArrow (text "type or kind" <+> quotes (ppr ty)) af t1 t2 tw }
+lintType ty@(ForAllTy {})
+  = go [] ty
+  where
+    go :: [OutTyCoVar] -> InType -> LintM ()
+    -- Loop, collecting the forall-binders
+    go tcvs ty@(ForAllTy (Bndr tcv _) body_ty)
+      | not (isTyCoVar tcv)
+      = failWithL (text "Non-TyVar or Non-CoVar bound in type:" <+> ppr ty)
-       ; when (isCoVar tcv) $
-         lintL (tcv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType body_ty) $
-         text "Covar does not occur in the body:" <+> (ppr tcv $$ ppr body_ty)
-         -- See GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllTy]
+      | otherwise
+      = lintTyCoBndr tcv $ \tcv' ->
+        do { -- See GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllTy]
+             -- Suspicious because it works on InTyCoVar; c.f. ForAllCo
+             when (isCoVar tcv) $
+             lintL (anyFreeVarsOfType (== tcv) body_ty) $
+             text "Covar does not occur in the body:" <+> (ppr tcv $$ ppr body_ty)
-       ; return (ForAllTy (Bndr tcv' vis) body_ty') }
+           ; go (tcv' : tcvs) body_ty }
-lintType ty@(LitTy l)
-  = do { lintTyLit l; return ty }
+    go tcvs body_ty
+      = do { lintType body_ty
+           ; lintForAllBody tcvs body_ty }
 lintType (CastTy ty co)
-  = do { ty' <- lintType ty
-       ; co' <- lintStarCoercion co
-       ; let tyk = typeKind ty'
-             cok = coercionLKind co'
-       ; ensureEqTys tyk cok (mkCastTyErr ty co tyk cok)
-       ; return (CastTy ty' co') }
+  = do { lintType ty
+       ; ty_kind <- substTyM (typeKind ty)
+       ; co_lk <- lintStarCoercion co
+       ; ensureEqTys ty_kind co_lk (mkCastTyErr ty co ty_kind co_lk) }
-lintType (CoercionTy co)
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; return (CoercionTy co') }
+lintType (LitTy l)       = lintTyLit l
+lintType (CoercionTy co) = lintCoercion co
-lintForAllBody :: LintedTyCoVar -> LintedType -> LintM ()
+lintForAllBody :: [OutTyCoVar] -> InType -> LintM ()
 -- Do the checks for the body of a forall-type
-lintForAllBody tcv body_ty
-  = do { checkValueType body_ty (text "the body of forall:" <+> ppr body_ty)
-         -- For type variables, check for skolem escape
+lintForAllBody tcvs body_ty
+  = do { -- For type variables, check for skolem escape
          -- See Note [Phantom type variables in kinds] in GHC.Core.Type
          -- The kind of (forall cv. th) is liftedTypeKind, so no
          -- need to check for skolem-escape in the CoVar case
-       ; let body_kind = typeKind body_ty
-       ; when (isTyVar tcv) $
-         case occCheckExpand [tcv] body_kind of
+         body_kind <- substTyM (typeKind body_ty)
+       ; case occCheckExpand tcvs body_kind of
            Just {} -> return ()
            Nothing -> failWithL $
                       hang (text "Variable escape in forall:")
-                         2 (vcat [ text "tyvar:" <+> ppr tcv
+                         2 (vcat [ text "tycovars (reversed):" <+> ppr tcvs
                                  , text "type:" <+> ppr body_ty
                                  , text "kind:" <+> ppr body_kind ])
-    }
+       ; checkValueType body_kind (text "the body of forall:" <+> ppr body_ty) }
-lintTySynFamApp :: Bool -> InType -> TyCon -> [InType] -> LintM LintedType
+lintTySynFamApp :: Bool -> InType -> TyCon -> [InType] -> LintM ()
 -- The TyCon is a type synonym or a type family (not a data family)
 -- See Note [Linting type synonym applications]
 -- c.f. GHC.Tc.Validity.check_syn_tc_app
@@ -2070,63 +2053,51 @@ lintTySynFamApp report_unsat ty tc tys
   -- Deal with type synonyms
   | ExpandsSyn tenv rhs tys' <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
   , let expanded_ty = mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
-  = do { -- Kind-check the argument types, but without reporting
-         -- un-saturated type families/synonyms
-         tys' <- setReportUnsat False (mapM lintType tys)
-       ; when report_unsat $
-         do { _ <- lintType expanded_ty
-            ; return () }
+  = do { when report_unsat $ do { _ <- lintType expanded_ty
+                                ; return () }
-       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys'
-       ; return (TyConApp tc tys') }
+       ; -- Kind-check the argument types, but without reporting
+         -- un-saturated type families/synonyms
+       ; setReportUnsat False $
+         lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys }
   -- Otherwise this must be a type family
   | otherwise
-  = do { tys' <- mapM lintType tys
-       ; lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys'
-       ; return (TyConApp tc tys') }
+  = lint_ty_app ty (tyConKind tc) tys
--- Confirms that a type is really TYPE r or Constraint
-checkValueType :: LintedType -> SDoc -> LintM ()
-checkValueType ty doc
+-- Confirms that a kind is really TYPE r or Constraint
+checkValueType :: OutKind -> SDoc -> LintM ()
+checkValueType kind doc
   = lintL (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT kind)
           (text "Non-Type-like kind when Type-like expected:" <+> ppr kind $$
            text "when checking" <+> doc)
-  where
-    kind = typeKind ty
-lintArrow :: SDoc -> LintedType -> LintedType -> LintedType -> LintM ()
+lintArrow :: SDoc -> FunTyFlag -> InType -> InType -> InType -> LintM ()
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
 -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
-lintArrow what t1 t2 tw  -- Eg lintArrow "type or kind `blah'" k1 k2 kw
-                         -- or lintArrow "coercion `blah'" k1 k2 kw
-  = do { unless (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k1) (report (text "argument") k1)
-       ; unless (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k2) (report (text "result")   k2)
-       ; unless (isMultiplicityTy kw)         (report (text "multiplicity") kw) }
+lintArrow what af t1 t2 tw  -- Eg lintArrow "type or kind `blah'" k1 k2 kw
+                            -- or lintArrow "coercion `blah'" k1 k2 kw
+  = do { k1 <- substTyM (typeKind t1)
+       ; k2 <- substTyM (typeKind t2)
+       ; kw <- substTyM (typeKind tw)
+       ; unless (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k1) (report (text "argument")     t1 k1)
+       ; unless (isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k2) (report (text "result")       t2 k2)
+       ; unless (isMultiplicityTy kw)   (report (text "multiplicity") tw kw)
+       ; let real_af = chooseFunTyFlag t1 t2
+       ; unless (real_af == af) $ addErrL $
+         hang (text "Bad FunTyFlag")
+            2 (vcat [ text "FunTyFlag =" <+> ppr af
+                    , text "Computed FunTyFlag =" <+> ppr real_af
+                    , text "in" <+> what ]) }
-    k1 = typeKind t1
-    k2 = typeKind t2
-    kw = typeKind tw
-    report ar k = addErrL (vcat [ hang (text "Ill-kinded" <+> ar)
-                                     2 (text "in" <+> what)
-                                , what <+> text "kind:" <+> ppr k ])
+    report ar t k = addErrL (hang (text "Ill-kinded" <+> ar)
+                                2 (vcat [ ppr t <+> dcolon <+> ppr k
+                                        , text "in" <+> what ]))
-lint_ty_app :: Type -> LintedKind -> [LintedType] -> LintM ()
-lint_ty_app msg_ty k tys
-    -- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
-  = lint_app (\msg_ty -> text "type" <+> quotes (ppr msg_ty)) msg_ty k tys
-lint_co_app :: Coercion -> LintedKind -> [LintedType] -> LintM ()
-lint_co_app msg_ty k tys
-    -- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
-  = lint_app (\msg_ty -> text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr msg_ty)) msg_ty k tys
 lintTyLit :: TyLit -> LintM ()
 lintTyLit (NumTyLit n)
   | n >= 0    = return ()
@@ -2135,69 +2106,112 @@ lintTyLit (NumTyLit n)
 lintTyLit (StrTyLit _) = return ()
 lintTyLit (CharTyLit _) = return ()
-lint_app :: Outputable msg_thing => (msg_thing -> SDoc) -> msg_thing -> LintedKind -> [LintedType] -> LintM ()
--- (lint_app d fun_kind arg_tys)
---    We have an application (f arg_ty1 .. arg_tyn),
---    where f :: fun_kind
+lint_ty_app :: InType -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
+lint_ty_app ty = lint_tyco_app (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
+lint_co_app :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
+lint_co_app co = lint_tyco_app (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co))
--- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
--- See Note [GHC Formalism]
+lint_tyco_app :: SDoc -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
+lint_tyco_app msg fun_kind arg_tys
+    -- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
+  = do { _ <- lintApp msg (\ty     -> do { lintType ty; substTyM ty })
+                            (\ty _ _ -> do { lintType ty; ki <- substTyM (typeKind ty); return (ki,()) })
+                            fun_kind arg_tys ()
+       ; return () }
+lintApp :: forall in_a acc. Outputable in_a =>
+             SDoc
+          -> (in_a -> LintM OutType)                        -- Lint the thing and return its value
+          -> (in_a -> Mult -> acc -> LintM (OutKind, acc))  -- Lint the thing and return its type
+          -> OutType
+          -> [in_a]                               -- The arguments, always "In" things
+          -> acc                                  -- Used (only) for UsageEnv in /term/ applications
+          -> LintM (OutType,acc)
+-- lintApp is a performance-critical function, which deals with multiple
+-- applications such as  (/\a./\b./\c. expr) @ta @tb @tc
+-- When returning the type of this expression we want to avoid substituting a:=ta,
+-- and /then/ substituting b:=tb, etc.  That's quadratic, and can be a huge
+-- perf hole.  So we gather all the arguments [in_a], and then gather the
+-- substitution incrementally in the `go` loop.
--- Being strict in the kind here avoids quite a few pointless thunks
--- reducing allocations by ~5%
-lint_app mk_msg msg_type !kfn arg_tys
+-- lintApp is used:
+--    * for term applications (lintCoreArgs)
+--    * for type applications (lint_ty_app)
+--    * for coercion application (lint_co_app)
+-- To deal with these cases `lintApp` has two higher order arguments;
+-- but we specialise it for each call site (by inlining)
+{-# INLINE lintApp #-}    -- INLINE: very few call sites;
+                          -- not recursive; specialised at its call sites
+lintApp msg lint_forall_arg lint_arrow_arg !orig_fun_ty all_args acc
     = do { !in_scope <- getInScope
          -- We need the in_scope set to satisfy the invariant in
          -- Note [The substitution invariant] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
          -- Forcing the in scope set eagerly here reduces allocations by up to 4%.
-         ; go_app in_scope kfn arg_tys
-         }
-  where
-    -- We use explicit recursion instead of a fold here to avoid go_app becoming
-    -- an allocated function closure. This reduced allocations by up to 7% for some
-    -- modules.
-    go_app :: InScopeSet -> LintedKind -> [Type] -> LintM ()
-    go_app !in_scope !kfn ta
-      | Just kfn' <- coreView kfn
-      = go_app in_scope kfn' ta
-    go_app _in_scope _kind [] = return ()
-    go_app in_scope fun_kind@(FunTy _ _ kfa kfb) (ta:tas)
-      = do { let ka = typeKind ta
-           ; unless (ka `eqType` kfa) $
-             addErrL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys mk_msg msg_type (text "Fun:" <+> (ppr fun_kind $$ ppr ta <+> dcolon <+> ppr ka)))
-           ; go_app in_scope kfb tas }
-    go_app in_scope (ForAllTy (Bndr kv _vis) kfn) (ta:tas)
-      = do { let kv_kind = varType kv
-                 ka      = typeKind ta
-           ; unless (ka `eqType` kv_kind) $
-             addErrL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys mk_msg msg_type (text "Forall:" <+> (ppr kv $$ ppr kv_kind $$
-                                                    ppr ta <+> dcolon <+> ppr ka)))
-           ; let kind' = substTy (extendTCvSubst (mkEmptySubst in_scope) kv ta) kfn
-           ; go_app in_scope kind' tas }
-    go_app _ kfn ta
-       = failWithL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys mk_msg msg_type (text "Not a fun:" <+> (ppr kfn $$ ppr ta)))
+         ; let init_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
+               go :: Subst -> OutType -> acc -> [in_a] -> LintM (OutType, acc)
+                     -- The Subst applies (only) to the fun_ty
+                     -- c.f. GHC.Core.Type.piResultTys, which has a similar loop
+               go subst fun_ty acc []
+                 = return (substTy subst fun_ty, acc)
+               go subst (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _vis) body_ty) acc (arg:args)
+                 = do { arg' <- lint_forall_arg arg
+                      ; let tv_kind = substTy subst (varType tv)
+                            karg'   = typeKind arg'
+                            subst'  = extendTCvSubst subst tv arg'
+                      ; ensureEqTys karg' tv_kind $
+                        lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+                            (hang (text "Forall:" <+> (ppr tv $$ ppr tv_kind))
+                                2 (ppr arg' <+> dcolon <+> ppr karg'))
+                      ; go subst' body_ty acc args }
+               go subst fun_ty@(FunTy _ mult exp_arg_ty res_ty) acc (arg:args)
+                 = do { (arg_ty, acc') <- lint_arrow_arg arg (substTy subst mult) acc
+                      ; ensureEqTys (substTy subst exp_arg_ty) arg_ty $
+                        lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+                            (hang (text "Fun:" <+> ppr fun_ty)
+                                2 (vcat [ text "exp_arg_ty:" <+> ppr exp_arg_ty
+                                        , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg <+> dcolon <+> ppr arg_ty ]))
+                      ; go subst res_ty acc' args }
+               go subst fun_ty acc args
+                 | Just fun_ty' <- coreView fun_ty
+                 = go subst fun_ty' acc args
+                 | not (isEmptyTCvSubst subst)  -- See Note [Care with kind instantiation]
+                 = go init_subst (substTy subst fun_ty) acc args
+                 | otherwise
+                 = failWithL (lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+                                  (text "Not a fun:" <+> (ppr fun_ty $$ ppr args)))
+         ; go init_subst orig_fun_ty acc all_args }
 -- This is a top level definition to ensure we pass all variables of the error message
 -- explicitly and don't capture them as free variables. Otherwise this binder might
 -- become a thunk that get's allocated in the hot code path.
 -- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
-lint_app_fail_msg :: (Outputable a1, Outputable a2) => a1 -> a2 -> (t -> SDoc) -> t -> SDoc -> SDoc
-lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys mk_msg msg_type extra = vcat [ hang (text "Kind application error in") 2 (mk_msg msg_type)
-                      , nest 2 (text "Function kind =" <+> ppr kfn)
-                      , nest 2 (text "Arg types =" <+> ppr arg_tys)
-                      , extra ]
+lint_app_fail_msg :: (Outputable a2) => SDoc -> OutType -> a2 -> SDoc -> SDoc
+lint_app_fail_msg msg kfn arg_tys extra
+  = vcat [ hang (text "Application error in") 2 msg
+         , nest 2 (text "Function type =" <+> ppr kfn)
+         , nest 2 (text "Args =" <+> ppr arg_tys)
+         , extra ]
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
         Linting rules
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-lintCoreRule :: OutVar -> LintedType -> CoreRule -> LintM ()
+lintCoreRule :: OutVar -> OutType -> CoreRule -> LintM ()
 lintCoreRule _ _ (BuiltinRule {})
   = return ()  -- Don't bother
@@ -2310,18 +2324,28 @@ which is what used to happen.   But that proved tricky and error prone
--- lints a coercion, confirming that its lh kind and its rh kind are both *
--- also ensures that the role is Nominal
-lintStarCoercion :: InCoercion -> LintM LintedCoercion
+-- lintStarCoercion lints a coercion, confirming that its lh kind and
+-- its rh kind are both *; also ensures that the role is Nominal
+-- Returns the lh kind
+lintStarCoercion :: InCoercion -> LintM OutType
 lintStarCoercion g
-  = do { g' <- lintCoercion g
-       ; let Pair t1 t2 = coercionKind g'
-       ; checkValueType t1 (text "the kind of the left type in" <+> ppr g)
-       ; checkValueType t2 (text "the kind of the right type in" <+> ppr g)
+  = do { lintCoercion g
+       ; Pair t1 t2 <- substCoKindM g
+       ; checkValueType (typeKind t1) (text "the kind of the left type in" <+> ppr g)
+       ; checkValueType (typeKind t2) (text "the kind of the right type in" <+> ppr g)
        ; lintRole g Nominal (coercionRole g)
-       ; return g' }
+       ; return t1 }
+substCoKindM :: InCoercion -> LintM (Pair OutType)
+substCoKindM co
+  = do { let !(Pair lk rk) = coercionKind co
+       ; lk' <- substTyM lk
+       ; rk' <- substTyM rk
+       ; return (Pair lk' rk') }
-lintCoercion :: InCoercion -> LintM LintedCoercion
+lintCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => InCoercion -> LintM ()
+-- See Note [Linting types and coercions]
 -- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
 -- See Note [GHC Formalism]
@@ -2330,33 +2354,21 @@ lintCoercion (CoVarCo cv)
   = failWithL (hang (text "Bad CoVarCo:" <+> ppr cv)
                   2 (text "With offending type:" <+> ppr (varType cv)))
-  | otherwise
-  = do { subst <- getSubst
-       ; case lookupCoVar subst cv of
-           Just linted_co -> return linted_co ;
-           Nothing        -> do { checkTyCoVarInScope subst cv
-                                ; return (CoVarCo cv) }
-     }
-lintCoercion (Refl ty)
-  = do { ty' <- lintType ty
-       ; return (Refl ty') }
-lintCoercion (GRefl r ty MRefl)
-  = do { ty' <- lintType ty
-       ; return (GRefl r ty' MRefl) }
-lintCoercion (GRefl r ty (MCo co))
-  = do { ty' <- lintType ty
-       ; co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; let tk = typeKind ty'
-             tl = coercionLKind co'
+  | otherwise  -- C.f. lintType (TyVarTy tv), which has better docs
+  = do { _ <- lintVarOcc cv; return () }
+lintCoercion (Refl ty)          = lintType ty
+lintCoercion (GRefl _r ty MRefl) = lintType ty
+lintCoercion (GRefl _r ty (MCo co))
+  = do { lintType ty
+       ; lintCoercion co
+       ; tk <- substTyM (typeKind ty)
+       ; tl <- substTyM (coercionLKind co)
        ; ensureEqTys tk tl $
          hang (text "GRefl coercion kind mis-match:" <+> ppr co)
-            2 (vcat [ppr ty', ppr tk, ppr tl])
-       ; lintRole co' Nominal (coercionRole co')
-       ; return (GRefl r ty' (MCo co')) }
+            2 (vcat [ppr ty, ppr tk, ppr tl])
+       ; lintRole co Nominal (coercionRole co) }
 lintCoercion co@(TyConAppCo r tc cos)
   | Just {} <- tyConAppFunCo_maybe r tc cos
@@ -2369,12 +2381,12 @@ lintCoercion co@(TyConAppCo r tc cos)
   | otherwise
   = do { checkTyCon tc
-       ; cos' <- mapM lintCoercion cos
-       ; let (co_kinds, co_roles) = unzip (map coercionKindRole cos')
-       ; lint_co_app co (tyConKind tc) (map pFst co_kinds)
-       ; lint_co_app co (tyConKind tc) (map pSnd co_kinds)
-       ; zipWithM_ (lintRole co) (tyConRoleListX r tc) co_roles
-       ; return (TyConAppCo r tc cos') }
+       ; mapM_ lintCoercion cos
+       ; let tc_kind = tyConKind tc
+       ; lint_co_app co tc_kind (map coercionLKind cos)
+       ; lint_co_app co tc_kind (map coercionRKind cos)
+       ; zipWithM_ (lintRole co) (tyConRoleListX r tc) (map coercionRole cos) }
 lintCoercion co@(AppCo co1 co2)
   | TyConAppCo {} <- co1
@@ -2382,83 +2394,89 @@ lintCoercion co@(AppCo co1 co2)
   | Just (TyConApp {}, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co1
   = failWithL (text "Refl (TyConApp ...) to the left of AppCo:" <+> ppr co)
   | otherwise
-  = do { co1' <- lintCoercion co1
-       ; co2' <- lintCoercion co2
-       ; let (Pair lk1 rk1, r1) = coercionKindRole co1'
-             (Pair lk2 rk2, r2) = coercionKindRole co2'
-       ; lint_co_app co (typeKind lk1) [lk2]
-       ; lint_co_app co (typeKind rk1) [rk2]
-       ; if r1 == Phantom
+  = do { lintCoercion co1
+       ; lintCoercion co2
+       ; let !(Pair lt1 rt1) = coercionKind co1
+       ; lk1 <- substTyM (typeKind lt1)
+       ; rk1 <- substTyM (typeKind rt1)
+       ; lint_co_app co lk1 [coercionLKind co2]
+       ; lint_co_app co rk1 [coercionRKind co2]
+       ; let r2 = coercionRole co2
+       ; if coercionRole co1 == Phantom
          then lintL (r2 == Phantom || r2 == Nominal)
                      (text "Second argument in AppCo cannot be R:" $$
                       ppr co)
-         else lintRole co Nominal r2
-       ; return (AppCo co1' co2') }
+         else lintRole co Nominal r2 }
-lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
-                          , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = body_co })
--- See Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep,
--- including the typing rule for ForAllCo
-  | not (isTyCoVar tcv)
-  = failWithL (text "Non tyco binder in ForAllCo:" <+> ppr co)
+lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo {})
+-- See Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep for the typing rule for ForAllCo
+  = do { _ <- go [] co; return () }
+  where
+    go :: [OutTyCoVar]   -- Binders in reverse order
+       -> InCoercion -> LintM Role
+    go tcvs co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+                         , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = body_co })
+      | not (isTyCoVar tcv)
+      = failWithL (text "Non tyco binder in ForAllCo:" <+> ppr co)
-  | otherwise
-  = do { kind_co' <- lintStarCoercion kind_co
-       ; lintTyCoBndr tcv $ \tcv' ->
-    do { body_co' <- lintCoercion body_co
-       ; ensureEqTys (varType tcv') (coercionLKind kind_co') $
-         text "Kind mis-match in ForallCo" <+> ppr co
-       -- Assuming kind_co :: k1 ~ k2
-       -- Need to check that
-       --    (forall (tcv:k1). lty) and
-       --    (forall (tcv:k2). rty[(tcv:k2) |> sym kind_co/tcv])
-       -- are both well formed.  Easiest way is to call lintForAllBody
-       -- for each; there is actually no need to do the funky substitution
-       ; let (Pair lty rty, body_role) = coercionKindRole body_co'
-       ; lintForAllBody tcv' lty
-       ; lintForAllBody tcv' rty
-       ; when (isCoVar tcv) $
-         do { lintL (visL == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag && visR == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag) $
-              text "Invalid visibility flags in CoVar ForAllCo" <+> ppr co
-              -- See (FC7) in Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
-            ; lintL (almostDevoidCoVarOfCo tcv body_co) $
-              text "Covar can only appear in Refl and GRefl: " <+> ppr co
-              -- See (FC6) in Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
-         }
-       ; when (body_role == Nominal) $
-         lintL (visL `eqForAllVis` visR) $
-         text "Nominal ForAllCo has mismatched visibilities: " <+> ppr co
-       ; return (co { fco_tcv = tcv', fco_kind = kind_co', fco_body = body_co' }) } }
-lintCoercion co@(FunCo { fco_role = r, fco_afl = afl, fco_afr = afr
-                       , fco_mult = cow, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 })
-  = do { co1' <- lintCoercion co1
-       ; co2' <- lintCoercion co2
-       ; cow' <- lintCoercion cow
+      | otherwise
+      = do { lk <- lintStarCoercion kind_co
+           ; lintTyCoBndr tcv $ \tcv' ->
+        do { ensureEqTys (varType tcv') lk $
+             text "Kind mis-match in ForallCo" <+> ppr co
+           -- I'm not very sure about this part, because it traverses body_co
+           -- but at least it's on a cold path (a ForallCo for a CoVar)
+           -- Also it works on InTyCoVar and InCoercion, which is suspect
+           ; when (isCoVar tcv) $
+             do { lintL (visL == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag && visR == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag) $
+                  text "Invalid visibility flags in CoVar ForAllCo" <+> ppr co
+                  -- See (FC7) in Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+                ; lintL (almostDevoidCoVarOfCo tcv body_co) $
+                  text "Covar can only appear in Refl and GRefl: " <+> ppr co }
+                  -- See (FC6) in Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+           ; role <- go (tcv':tcvs) body_co
+           ; when (role == Nominal) $
+             lintL (visL `eqForAllVis` visR) $
+             text "Nominal ForAllCo has mismatched visibilities: " <+> ppr co
+           ; return role } }
+    go tcvs body_co
+      = do { lintCoercion body_co
+           -- Need to check that
+           --    (forall (tcv:k1). lty) and
+           --    (forall (tcv:k2). rty[(tcv:k2) |> sym kind_co/tcv])
+           -- are both well formed, including the skolem escape check.
+           -- Easiest way is to call lintForAllBody for each
+           ; let Pair lty rty = coercionKind body_co
+           ; lintForAllBody tcvs lty
+           ; lintForAllBody tcvs rty
+           ; return (coercionRole body_co) }
+lintCoercion (FunCo { fco_role = r, fco_afl = afl, fco_afr = afr
+                    , fco_mult = cow, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 })
+  = do { lintCoercion co1
+       ; lintCoercion co2
+       ; lintCoercion cow
        ; let Pair lt1 rt1 = coercionKind co1
              Pair lt2 rt2 = coercionKind co2
              Pair ltw rtw = coercionKind cow
-       ; lintL (afl == chooseFunTyFlag lt1 lt2) (bad_co_msg "afl")
-       ; lintL (afr == chooseFunTyFlag rt1 rt2) (bad_co_msg "afr")
-       ; lintArrow (bad_co_msg "arrowl") lt1 lt2 ltw
-       ; lintArrow (bad_co_msg "arrowr") rt1 rt2 rtw
+       ; lintArrow (bad_co_msg "arrowl") afl lt1 lt2 ltw
+       ; lintArrow (bad_co_msg "arrowr") afr rt1 rt2 rtw
        ; lintRole co1 r (coercionRole co1)
        ; lintRole co2 r (coercionRole co2)
-       ; ensureEqTys (typeKind ltw) multiplicityTy (bad_co_msg "mult-l")
-       ; ensureEqTys (typeKind rtw) multiplicityTy (bad_co_msg "mult-r")
        ; let expected_mult_role = case r of
                                     Phantom -> Phantom
                                     _ -> Nominal
-       ; lintRole cow expected_mult_role (coercionRole cow)
-       ; return (co { fco_mult = cow', fco_arg = co1', fco_res = co2' }) }
+       ; lintRole cow expected_mult_role (coercionRole cow) }
     bad_co_msg s = hang (text "Bad coercion" <+> parens (text s))
                       2 (vcat [ text "afl:" <+> ppr afl
@@ -2475,19 +2493,16 @@ lintCoercion co@(UnivCo { uco_role = r, uco_prov = prov
             _           -> return ()
        -- Check the to and from types
-       ; ty1' <- lintType ty1
-       ; ty2' <- lintType ty2
+       ; lintType ty1
+       ; lintType ty2
+       ; tk1 <- substTyM (typeKind ty1)
+       ; tk2 <- substTyM (typeKind ty2)
-       ; let k1 = typeKind ty1'
-             k2 = typeKind ty2'
-       ; when (r /= Phantom && isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k1
-                            && isTYPEorCONSTRAINT k2)
+       ; when (r /= Phantom && isTYPEorCONSTRAINT tk1 && isTYPEorCONSTRAINT tk2)
               (checkTypes ty1 ty2)
        -- Check the coercions on which this UnivCo depends
-       ; deps' <- mapM lintCoercion deps
-       ; return (co { uco_lty = ty1', uco_rty = ty2', uco_deps = deps' }) }
+       ; mapM_ lintCoercion deps }
      report s = hang (text $ "Unsafe coercion: " ++ s)
                      2 (vcat [ text "From:" <+> ppr ty1
@@ -2530,24 +2545,21 @@ lintCoercion co@(UnivCo { uco_role = r, uco_prov = prov
                 _          -> return ()
-lintCoercion (SymCo co)
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; return (SymCo co') }
+lintCoercion (SymCo co) = lintCoercion co
 lintCoercion co@(TransCo co1 co2)
-  = do { co1' <- lintCoercion co1
-       ; co2' <- lintCoercion co2
-       ; let ty1b = coercionRKind co1'
-             ty2a = coercionLKind co2'
-       ; ensureEqTys ty1b ty2a
+  = do { lintCoercion co1
+       ; lintCoercion co2
+       ; rk1 <- substTyM (coercionRKind co1)
+       ; lk2 <- substTyM (coercionLKind co2)
+       ; ensureEqTys rk1 lk2
                (hang (text "Trans coercion mis-match:" <+> ppr co)
-                   2 (vcat [ppr (coercionKind co1'), ppr (coercionKind co2')]))
-       ; lintRole co (coercionRole co1) (coercionRole co2)
-       ; return (TransCo co1' co2') }
+                   2 (vcat [ppr (coercionKind co1), ppr (coercionKind co2)]))
+       ; lintRole co (coercionRole co1) (coercionRole co2) }
 lintCoercion the_co@(SelCo cs co)
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; let (Pair s t, co_role) = coercionKindRole co'
+  = do { lintCoercion co
+       ; Pair s t <- substCoKindM co
        ; if -- forall (both TyVar and CoVar)
             | Just _ <- splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe s
@@ -2555,78 +2567,96 @@ lintCoercion the_co@(SelCo cs co)
             , SelForAll <- cs
             ,   (isForAllTy_ty s && isForAllTy_ty t)
              || (isForAllTy_co s && isForAllTy_co t)
-            -> return (SelCo cs co')
+            -> return ()
             -- function
             | isFunTy s
             , isFunTy t
             , SelFun {} <- cs
-            -> return (SelCo cs co')
+            -> return ()
             -- TyCon
             | Just (tc_s, tys_s) <- splitTyConApp_maybe s
             , Just (tc_t, tys_t) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t
             , tc_s == tc_t
             , SelTyCon n r0 <- cs
+            , let co_role = coercionRole co
             , isInjectiveTyCon tc_s co_role
                 -- see Note [SelCo and newtypes] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
             , tys_s `equalLength` tys_t
             , tys_s `lengthExceeds` n
             -> do { lintRole the_co (tyConRole co_role tc_s n) r0
-                  ; return (SelCo cs co') }
+                  ; return () }
             | otherwise
             -> failWithL (hang (text "Bad SelCo:")
                              2 (ppr the_co $$ ppr s $$ ppr t)) }
-lintCoercion the_co@(LRCo lr co)
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; let Pair s t = coercionKind co'
-             r        = coercionRole co'
-       ; lintRole co Nominal r
+lintCoercion the_co@(LRCo _lr co)
+  = do { lintCoercion co
+       ; Pair s t <- substCoKindM co
+       ; lintRole co Nominal (coercionRole co)
        ; case (splitAppTy_maybe s, splitAppTy_maybe t) of
-           (Just _, Just _) -> return (LRCo lr co')
+           (Just {}, Just {}) -> return ()
            _ -> failWithL (hang (text "Bad LRCo:")
                               2 (ppr the_co $$ ppr s $$ ppr t)) }
-lintCoercion (InstCo co arg)
-  = do { co'  <- lintCoercion co
-       ; arg' <- lintCoercion arg
-       ; let Pair t1 t2 = coercionKind co'
-             Pair s1 s2 = coercionKind arg'
-       ; lintRole arg Nominal (coercionRole arg')
-      ; case (splitForAllTyVar_maybe t1, splitForAllTyVar_maybe t2) of
-         -- forall over tvar
-         { (Just (tv1,_), Just (tv2,_))
-             | typeKind s1 `eqType` tyVarKind tv1
-             , typeKind s2 `eqType` tyVarKind tv2
-             -> return (InstCo co' arg')
-             | otherwise
-             -> failWithL (text "Kind mis-match in inst coercion1" <+> ppr co)
-         ; _ -> case (splitForAllCoVar_maybe t1, splitForAllCoVar_maybe t2) of
-         -- forall over covar
-         { (Just (cv1, _), Just (cv2, _))
-             | typeKind s1 `eqType` varType cv1
-             , typeKind s2 `eqType` varType cv2
-             , CoercionTy _ <- s1
-             , CoercionTy _ <- s2
-             -> return (InstCo co' arg')
-             | otherwise
-             -> failWithL (text "Kind mis-match in inst coercion2" <+> ppr co)
-         ; _ -> failWithL (text "Bad argument of inst") }}}
+lintCoercion orig_co@(InstCo co arg)
+  = go co [arg]
+  where
+    go (InstCo co arg) args = do { lintCoercion arg; go co (arg:args) }
+    go co              args = do { lintCoercion co
+                                 ; let Pair lty rty = coercionKind co
+                                 ; lty' <- substTyM lty
+                                 ; rty' <- substTyM rty
+                                 ; in_scope <- getInScope
+                                 ; let subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
+                                 ; go_args (subst, lty') (subst,rty') args }
+    -------------
+    go_args :: (Subst, OutType) -> (Subst,OutType) -> [InCoercion]
+           -> LintM ()
+    go_args _ _ []
+      = return ()
+    go_args lty rty (arg:args)
+      = do { (lty1, rty1)  <- go_arg lty rty arg
+           ; go_args lty1 rty1 args }
+    -------------
+    go_arg :: (Subst, OutType) -> (Subst,OutType) -> InCoercion
+           -> LintM ((Subst,OutType), (Subst,OutType))
+    go_arg (lsubst,lty) (rsubst,rty) arg
+      = do { lintRole arg Nominal (coercionRole arg)
+           ; Pair arg_lty arg_rty <- substCoKindM arg
+           ; case (splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe lty, splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe rty) of
+              -- forall over tvar
+                (Just (ltv,lty1), Just (rtv,rty1))
+                  | typeKind arg_lty `eqType` substTy lsubst (tyVarKind ltv)
+                  , typeKind arg_rty `eqType` substTy rsubst (tyVarKind rtv)
+                  -> return ( (extendTCvSubst lsubst ltv arg_lty, lty1)
+                            , (extendTCvSubst rsubst rtv arg_rty, rty1) )
+                  | otherwise
+                  -> failWithL (hang (text "Kind mis-match in inst coercion")
+                                   2 (vcat [ text "arg"  <+> ppr arg
+                                           , text "lty"  <+> ppr lty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind lty)
+                                           , text "rty"  <+> ppr rty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind rty)
+                                           , text "arg_lty" <+> ppr arg_lty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_lty)
+                                           , text "arg_rty" <+> ppr arg_rty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_rty)
+                                           , text "ltv" <+> ppr ltv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind ltv)
+                                           , text "rtv" <+> ppr rtv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind rtv) ]))
+                _ -> failWithL (text "Bad argument of inst" <+> ppr orig_co) }
 lintCoercion this_co@(AxiomCo ax cos)
-  = do { cos' <- mapM lintCoercion cos
-       ; let arg_kinds :: [Pair Type] = map coercionKind cos'
-       ; lint_roles 0 (coAxiomRuleArgRoles ax) cos'
-       ; lint_ax ax arg_kinds
-       ; return (AxiomCo ax cos') }
+  = do { mapM_ lintCoercion cos
+       ; lint_roles 0 (coAxiomRuleArgRoles ax) cos
+       ; prs <- mapM substCoKindM cos
+       ; lint_ax ax prs }
-    lint_ax :: CoAxiomRule -> [Pair Type] -> LintM ()
+    lint_ax :: CoAxiomRule -> [Pair OutType] -> LintM ()
     lint_ax (BuiltInFamRew  bif) prs
       = checkL (isJust (bifrw_proves bif prs))  bad_bif
     lint_ax (BuiltInFamInj bif) prs
@@ -2647,7 +2677,7 @@ lintCoercion this_co@(AxiomCo ax cos)
     err m xs  = failWithL $
                 hang (text m) 2 $ vcat (text "Rule:" <+> ppr ax : xs)
-    lint_roles n (e : es) (co : cos)
+    lint_roles n (e : es) (co:cos)
       | e == coercionRole co
       = lint_roles (n+1) es cos
       | otherwise = err "Argument roles mismatch"
@@ -2663,20 +2693,14 @@ lintCoercion this_co@(AxiomCo ax cos)
                             [ text "Expected:" <+> int (n + length es)
                             , text "Provided:" <+> int n ]
+lintCoercion (KindCo co) = lintCoercion co
-lintCoercion (KindCo co)
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co
-       ; return (KindCo co') }
-lintCoercion (SubCo co')
-  = do { co' <- lintCoercion co'
-       ; lintRole co' Nominal (coercionRole co')
-       ; return (SubCo co') }
+lintCoercion (SubCo co)
+  = do { lintCoercion co
+       ; lintRole co Nominal (coercionRole co) }
 lintCoercion (HoleCo h)
-  = do { addErrL $ text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr h
-       ; lintCoercion (CoVarCo (coHoleCoVar h)) }
+  = failWithL (text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr h)
 Note [Conflict checking for axiom applications]
@@ -2851,10 +2875,10 @@ lint_branch ax_tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
                               , cab_lhs = lhs_args, cab_rhs = rhs })
   = lintBinders LambdaBind (tvs ++ cvs) $ \_ ->
     do { let lhs = mkTyConApp ax_tc lhs_args
-       ; lhs' <- lintType lhs
-       ; rhs' <- lintType rhs
-       ; let lhs_kind = typeKind lhs'
-             rhs_kind = typeKind rhs'
+       ; lintType lhs
+       ; lintType rhs
+       ; lhs_kind <- substTyM (typeKind lhs)
+       ; rhs_kind <- substTyM (typeKind rhs)
        ; lintL (not (lhs_kind `typesAreApart` rhs_kind)) $
          hang (text "Inhomogeneous axiom")
             2 (text "lhs:" <+> ppr lhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr lhs_kind $$
@@ -2937,28 +2961,30 @@ data LintEnv
   = LE { le_flags :: LintFlags       -- Linting the result of this pass
        , le_loc   :: [LintLocInfo]   -- Locations
-       , le_subst :: Subst  -- Current TyCo substitution
-                               --    See Note [Linting type lets]
-            -- /Only/ substitutes for type variables;
-            --        but might clone CoVars
-            -- We also use le_subst to keep track of
-            -- in-scope TyVars and CoVars (but not Ids)
-            -- Range of the Subst is LintedType/LintedCo
-       , le_ids   :: VarEnv (Id, LintedType)    -- In-scope Ids
-            -- Used to check that occurrences have an enclosing binder.
-            -- The Id is /pre-substitution/, used to check that
-            -- the occurrence has an identical type to the binder
-            -- The LintedType is used to return the type of the occurrence,
-            -- without having to lint it again.
+       , le_subst :: Subst
+                  -- Current substitution, for TyCoVars only.
+                  -- Non-CoVar Ids don't appear in here, not even in the InScopeSet
+                  -- Used for (a) cloning to avoid shadowing of TyCoVars,
+                  --              so that eqType works ok
+                  --          (b) substituting for let-bound tyvars, when we have
+                  --              (let @a = Int -> Int in ...)
+       , le_in_vars :: VarEnv (InVar, OutType)
+                    -- Maps an InVar (i.e. its unique) to its binding InVar
+                    --    and to its OutType
+                    -- /All/ in-scope variables are here (term variables,
+                    --    type variables, and coercion variables)
+                    -- Used at an occurrence of the InVar
        , le_joins :: IdSet     -- Join points in scope that are valid
                                -- A subset of the InScopeSet in le_subst
                                -- See Note [Join points]
-       , le_ue_aliases :: NameEnv UsageEnv -- Assigns usage environments to the
-                                           -- alias-like binders, as found in
-                                           -- non-recursive lets.
+       , le_ue_aliases :: NameEnv UsageEnv
+             -- See Note [Linting linearity]
+             -- Assigns usage environments to the alias-like binders,
+             -- as found in non-recursive lets.
+             -- Domain is OutIds
        , le_platform   :: Platform         -- ^ Target platform
        , le_diagOpts   :: DiagOpts         -- ^ Target platform
@@ -3005,6 +3031,12 @@ type WarnsAndErrs = (Bag SDoc, Bag SDoc)
 -- Using a unboxed tuple here reduced allocations for a lint heavy
 -- file by ~6%. Using MaybeUB reduced them further by another ~12%.
+-- Warning: if you don't inline the matcher for JustUB etc, Lint becomes
+-- /tremendously/ inefficient, and compiling GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (which
+-- contains gigantic types) is very very slow indeed. Conclusion: make
+-- sure unfoldings are expose in GHC.Data.Unboxed, and that you compile
+-- Lint.hs with optimistation on.
 type LResult a = (# MaybeUB a, WarnsAndErrs #)
 pattern LResult :: MaybeUB a -> WarnsAndErrs -> LResult a
@@ -3089,17 +3121,23 @@ Note [Linting linearity]
 Lint ignores linearity unless `-dlinear-core-lint` is set.  For why, see below.
-But first, "ignore linearity" specifically means two things. When ignoring linearity:
-* In `ensureEqTypes`, use `eqTypeIgnoringMultiplicity`
-* In `ensureSubMult`, do nothing
+* When do we /check linearity/ in Lint?  That is, when is `-dlinear-core-lint`
+  lint set?  Answer: we check linearity in the output of the desugarer, shortly
+  after type checking.
+* When so we /not/ check linearity in Lint?  On all passes after desugaring.  Why?
+  Because optimisation passes are not (yet) guaranteed to maintain linearity.
+  They should do so semantically (GHC is careful not to duplicate computation)
+  but it is much harder to ensure that the statically-checkable constraints of
+  Linear Core are maintained. See examples below.
-But why make `-dcore-lint` ignore linearity?  Because optimisation passes are
-not (yet) guaranteed to maintain linearity.  They should do so semantically (GHC
-is careful not to duplicate computation) but it is much harder to ensure that
-the statically-checkable constraints of Linear Core are maintained. The current
-Linear Core is described in the wiki at:
+The current Linear Core is described in the wiki at:
+Concretely, "ignore linearity in Lint" specifically means two things:
+* In `ensureEqTypes`, use `eqTypeIgnoringMultiplicity`
+* In `ensureSubMult`, do nothing
 Here are some examples of how the optimiser can break linearity checking.  Other
 examples are documented in the linear-type implementation wiki page
@@ -3302,12 +3340,12 @@ initL cfg m
                                     | otherwise -> pprPanic ("Bug in Lint: a failure occurred " ++
                                                       "without reporting an error message") empty
-    (tcvs, ids) = partition isTyCoVar $ l_vars cfg
-    env = LE { le_flags = l_flags cfg
-             , le_subst = mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSetList tcvs)
-             , le_ids   = mkVarEnv [(id, (id,idType id)) | id <- ids]
-             , le_joins = emptyVarSet
-             , le_loc = []
+    vars = l_vars cfg
+    env = LE { le_flags   = l_flags cfg
+             , le_subst   = mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSetList vars)
+             , le_in_vars = mkVarEnv [ (v,(v, varType v)) | v <- vars ]
+             , le_joins   = emptyVarSet
+             , le_loc     = []
              , le_ue_aliases = emptyNameEnv
              , le_platform = l_platform cfg
              , le_diagOpts = l_diagOpts cfg
@@ -3352,10 +3390,10 @@ addErrL msg = LintM $ \ env (warns,errs) ->
 addWarnL :: SDoc -> LintM ()
 addWarnL msg = LintM $ \ env (warns,errs) ->
-              fromBoxedLResult (Just (), (addMsg False env warns msg, errs))
+              fromBoxedLResult (Just (), (addMsg True env warns msg, errs))
 addMsg :: Bool -> LintEnv ->  Bag SDoc -> SDoc -> Bag SDoc
-addMsg is_error env msgs msg
+addMsg show_context env msgs msg
   = assertPpr (notNull loc_msgs) msg $
     msgs `snocBag` mk_msg msg
@@ -3364,8 +3402,9 @@ addMsg is_error env msgs msg
    cxt_doc = vcat [ vcat $ reverse $ map snd loc_msgs
                   , text "Substitution:" <+> ppr (le_subst env) ]
-   context | is_error  = cxt_doc
-           | otherwise = whenPprDebug cxt_doc
+   context | show_context  = cxt_doc
+           | otherwise     = whenPprDebug cxt_doc
      -- Print voluminous info for Lint errors
      -- but not for warnings
@@ -3389,33 +3428,69 @@ inCasePat = LintM $ \ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (is_case_pat env), errs
     is_case_pat (LE { le_loc = CasePat {} : _ }) = True
     is_case_pat _other                           = False
-addInScopeId :: Id -> LintedType -> LintM a -> LintM a
-addInScopeId id linted_ty m
-  = LintM $ \ env@(LE { le_ids = id_set, le_joins = join_set, le_ue_aliases = aliases }) errs ->
-    unLintM m (env { le_ids   = extendVarEnv id_set id (id, linted_ty)
-                   , le_joins = add_joins join_set
-                   , le_ue_aliases = delFromNameEnv aliases (idName id) }) errs
-                   -- When shadowing an alias, we need to make sure the Id is no longer
-                   -- classified as such. E.g. in
-                   -- let x = <e1> in case x of x { _DEFAULT -> <e2> }
-                   -- Occurrences of 'x' in e2 shouldn't count as occurrences of e1.
-  where
-    add_joins join_set
-      | isJoinId id = extendVarSet join_set id -- Overwrite with new arity
-      | otherwise   = delVarSet    join_set id -- Remove any existing binding
+addInScopeId :: InId -> OutType -> (OutId -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+-- Unlike addInScopeTyCoVar, this function does no cloning; Ids never get cloned
+addInScopeId in_id out_ty thing_inside
+  = LintM $ \ env errs ->
+    let !(out_id, env') = add env
+    in unLintM (thing_inside out_id) env' errs
-getInScopeIds :: LintM (VarEnv (Id,LintedType))
-getInScopeIds = LintM (\env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_ids env), errs))
+  where
+    add env@(LE { le_in_vars = id_vars, le_joins = join_set
+                , le_ue_aliases = aliases, le_subst = subst })
+      = (out_id, env1)
+      where
+        env1 = env { le_in_vars = in_vars', le_joins = join_set', le_ue_aliases = aliases' }
+        in_vars' = extendVarEnv id_vars in_id (in_id, out_ty)
+        aliases' = delFromNameEnv aliases (idName in_id)
+           -- aliases': when shadowing an alias, we need to make sure the
+           -- Id is no longer classified as such. E.g.
+           --   let x = <e1> in case x of x { _DEFAULT -> <e2> }
+           -- Occurrences of 'x' in e2 shouldn't count as occurrences of e1.
+        -- A very tiny optimisation, not sure if it's really worth it
+        -- Short-cut when the substitution is a no-op
+        out_id | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = in_id
+               | otherwise             = setIdType in_id out_ty
+        join_set'
+          | isJoinId out_id = extendVarSet join_set in_id -- Overwrite with new arity
+          | otherwise       = delVarSet    join_set in_id -- Remove any existing binding
+addInScopeTyCoVar :: InTyCoVar -> OutType -> (OutTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+-- This function clones to avoid shadowing of TyCoVars
+addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_type thing_inside
+  = LintM $ \ env@(LE { le_in_vars = in_vars, le_subst = subst }) errs ->
+    let (tcv', subst') = subst_bndr subst
+        env' = env { le_in_vars = extendVarEnv in_vars tcv (tcv, tcv_type)
+                   , le_subst = subst' }
+    in unLintM (thing_inside tcv') env' errs
+  where
+    subst_bndr subst
+      | isEmptyTCvSubst subst                -- No change in kind
+      , not (tcv `elemInScopeSet` in_scope)  -- Not already in scope
+      = -- Do not extend the substitution, just the in-scope set
+        (if (varType tcv `eqType` tcv_type) then (\x->x) else
+          pprTrace "addInScopeTyCoVar" (
+            vcat [ text "tcv" <+> ppr tcv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType tcv)
+                 , text "tcv_type" <+> ppr tcv_type ])) $
+        (tcv, subst `extendSubstInScope` tcv)
+      -- Clone, and extend the substitution
+      | let tcv' = uniqAway in_scope (setVarType tcv tcv_type)
+      = (tcv', extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv tcv')
+      where
+        in_scope = substInScopeSet subst
+getInVarEnv :: LintM (VarEnv (InId, OutType))
+getInVarEnv = LintM (\env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_in_vars env), errs))
 extendTvSubstL :: TyVar -> Type -> LintM a -> LintM a
 extendTvSubstL tv ty m
   = LintM $ \ env errs ->
     unLintM m (env { le_subst = Type.extendTvSubst (le_subst env) tv ty }) errs
-updateSubst :: Subst -> LintM a -> LintM a
-updateSubst subst' m
-  = LintM $ \ env errs -> unLintM m (env { le_subst = subst' }) errs
 markAllJoinsBad :: LintM a -> LintM a
 markAllJoinsBad m
   = LintM $ \ env errs -> unLintM m (env { le_joins = emptyVarSet }) errs
@@ -3430,34 +3505,43 @@ getValidJoins = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_joins env), errs
 getSubst :: LintM Subst
 getSubst = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_subst env), errs))
+substTyM :: InType -> LintM OutType
+-- Apply the substitution to the type
+-- The substitution is often empty, in which case it is a no-op
+substTyM ty
+  = do { subst <- getSubst
+       ; return (substTy subst ty) }
 getUEAliases :: LintM (NameEnv UsageEnv)
 getUEAliases = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_ue_aliases env), errs))
 getInScope :: LintM InScopeSet
-getInScope = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (getSubstInScope $ le_subst env), errs))
-lookupIdInScope :: Id -> LintM (Id, LintedType)
-lookupIdInScope id_occ
-  = do { in_scope_ids <- getInScopeIds
-       ; case lookupVarEnv in_scope_ids id_occ of
-           Just (id_bndr, linted_ty)
-             -> do { checkL (not (bad_global id_bndr)) $ global_in_scope id_bndr
-                   ; return (id_bndr, linted_ty) }
-           Nothing -> do { checkL (not is_local) local_out_of_scope
-                         ; return (id_occ, idType id_occ) } }
-                      -- We don't bother to lint the type
-                      -- of global (i.e. imported) Ids
+getInScope = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (substInScopeSet $ le_subst env), errs))
+lintVarOcc :: InVar -> LintM OutType
+-- Used at an occurrence of a variable: term variables, type variables, and coercion variables
+-- Checks two things:
+-- a) that it is in scope
+-- b) that the InType at the ocurrences matches the InType at the binding site
+lintVarOcc v_occ
+  = do { in_var_env <- getInVarEnv
+       ; case lookupVarEnv in_var_env v_occ of
+           Nothing | isGlobalId v_occ -> return (idType v_occ)
+                   | otherwise        -> failWithL (text pp_what <+> quotes (ppr v_occ)
+                                                    <+> text "is out of scope")
+           Just (v_bndr, out_ty) -> do { check_bad_global v_bndr
+                                       ; ensureEqTys occ_ty bndr_ty $  -- Compares InTypes
+                                         mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg v_occ bndr_ty occ_ty
+                                       ; return out_ty }
+             where
+               occ_ty  = varType v_occ
+               bndr_ty = varType v_bndr }
-    is_local = mustHaveLocalBinding id_occ
-    local_out_of_scope = text "Out of scope:" <+> pprBndr LetBind id_occ
-    global_in_scope id_bndr = hang (text "Occurrence is GlobalId, but binding is LocalId")
-                                 2 $ vcat [hang (text "occurrence:") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind id_occ
-                                          ,hang (text "binder    :") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind id_bndr
-                                          ]
-    bad_global id_bnd = isGlobalId id_occ
-                     && isLocalId id_bnd
-                     && not (isWiredIn id_occ)
-       -- 'bad_global' checks for the case where an /occurrence/ is
+    pp_what | isTyVar v_occ = "The type variable"
+            | isCoVar v_occ = "The coercion variable"
+            | otherwise     = "The value variable"
+       -- 'check_bad_global' checks for the case where an /occurrence/ is
        -- a GlobalId, but there is an enclosing binding fora a LocalId.
        -- NB: the in-scope variables are mostly LocalIds, checked by lintIdBndr,
        --     but GHCi adds GlobalIds from the interactive context.  These
@@ -3466,6 +3550,15 @@ lookupIdInScope id_occ
        --     are defined locally, but appear in expressions as (global)
        --     wired-in Ids after worker/wrapper
        --     So we simply disable the test in this case
+    check_bad_global v_bndr
+      | isGlobalId v_occ
+      , isLocalId v_bndr
+      , not (isWiredIn v_occ)
+      = failWithL $ hang (text "Occurrence is GlobalId, but binding is LocalId")
+                       2 (vcat [ hang (text "occurrence:") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_occ
+                               , hang (text "binder    :") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_bndr ])
+      | otherwise
+      = return ()
 lookupJoinId :: Id -> LintM JoinPointHood
 -- Look up an Id which should be a join point, valid here
@@ -3476,21 +3569,21 @@ lookupJoinId id
             Just id' -> return (idJoinPointHood id')
             Nothing  -> return NotJoinPoint }
-addAliasUE :: Id -> UsageEnv -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addAliasUE :: OutId -> UsageEnv -> LintM a -> LintM a
 addAliasUE id ue thing_inside = LintM $ \ env errs ->
   let new_ue_aliases =
         extendNameEnv (le_ue_aliases env) (getName id) ue
     unLintM thing_inside (env { le_ue_aliases = new_ue_aliases }) errs
-varCallSiteUsage :: Id -> LintM UsageEnv
+varCallSiteUsage :: OutId -> LintM UsageEnv
 varCallSiteUsage id =
   do m <- getUEAliases
      return $ case lookupNameEnv m (getName id) of
          Nothing    -> singleUsageUE id
          Just id_ue -> id_ue
-ensureEqTys :: LintedType -> LintedType -> SDoc -> LintM ()
+ensureEqTys :: OutType -> OutType -> SDoc -> LintM ()
 -- check ty2 is subtype of ty1 (ie, has same structure but usage
 -- annotations need only be consistent, not equal)
 -- Assumes ty1,ty2 are have already had the substitution applied
@@ -3639,12 +3732,11 @@ mkCaseAltMsg e ty1 ty2
                    text "Annotation on case:" <+> ppr ty2,
                    text "Alt Rhs:" <+> ppr e ])
-mkScrutMsg :: Id -> Type -> Type -> Subst -> SDoc
-mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty subst
+mkScrutMsg :: Id -> Type -> Type -> SDoc
+mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty
   = vcat [text "Result binder in case doesn't match scrutinee:" <+> ppr var,
           text "Result binder type:" <+> ppr var_ty,--(idType var),
-          text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty,
-     hsep [text "Current TCv subst", ppr subst]]
+          text "Scrutinee type:" <+> ppr scrut_ty]
 mkNonDefltMsg, mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg :: CoreExpr -> SDoc
 mkNonDefltMsg e
@@ -3714,7 +3806,7 @@ mkLetErr bndr rhs
           hang (text "Rhs:")
                  4 (ppr rhs)]
-mkTyAppMsg :: Type -> Type -> SDoc
+mkTyAppMsg :: OutType -> Type -> SDoc
 mkTyAppMsg ty arg_ty
   = vcat [text "Illegal type application:",
               hang (text "Function type:")
@@ -3722,14 +3814,6 @@ mkTyAppMsg ty arg_ty
               hang (text "Type argument:")
                  4 (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))]
-mkCoAppMsg :: Type -> Coercion -> SDoc
-mkCoAppMsg fun_ty co
-  = vcat [ text "Illegal coercion application:"
-         , hang (text "Function type:")
-              4 (ppr fun_ty)
-         , hang (text "Coercion argument:")
-              4 (ppr co <+> dcolon <+> ppr (coercionType co))]
 emptyRec :: CoreExpr -> SDoc
 emptyRec e = hang (text "Empty Rec binding:") 2 (ppr e)
@@ -3843,12 +3927,11 @@ mkJoinBndrOccMismatchMsg bndr join_arity_bndr join_arity_occ
          , text "Arity at binding site:" <+> ppr join_arity_bndr
          , text "Arity at occurrence:  " <+> ppr join_arity_occ ]
-mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg :: Var -> Var -> LintedType -> LintedType -> SDoc
-mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg bndr var bndr_ty var_ty
+mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg :: InVar -> InType -> InType -> SDoc
+mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg var bndr_ty occ_ty
   = vcat [ text "Mismatch in type between binder and occurrence"
-         , text "Binder:" <+> ppr bndr <+> dcolon <+> ppr bndr_ty
-         , text "Occurrence:" <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr var_ty
-         , text "  Before subst:" <+> ppr (idType var) ]
+         , text "Binder:    " <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr bndr_ty
+         , text "Occurrence:" <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr occ_ty ]
 mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg :: JoinId -> JoinArity -> CoreRule -> SDoc
 mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg bndr join_arity rule

@@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ mkEtaWW orig_oss ppr_orig_expr in_scope orig_ty
     go _ [] subst _
        ----------- Done!  No more expansion needed
-       = (getSubstInScope subst, EI [] MRefl)
+       = (substInScopeSet subst, EI [] MRefl)
     go n oss@(one_shot:oss1) subst ty
        ----------- Forall types  (forall a. ty)
@@ -2351,7 +2351,7 @@ mkEtaWW orig_oss ppr_orig_expr in_scope orig_ty
                          -- but its type isn't a function, or a binder
                          -- does not have a fixed runtime representation
        = warnPprTrace True "mkEtaWW" ((ppr orig_oss <+> ppr orig_ty) $$ ppr_orig_expr)
-         (getSubstInScope subst, EI [] MRefl)
+         (substInScopeSet subst, EI [] MRefl)
         -- This *can* legitimately happen:
         -- e.g.  coerce Int (\x. x) Essentially the programmer is
         -- playing fast and loose with types (Happy does this a lot).
@@ -3246,7 +3246,7 @@ freshEtaId n subst ty
       = (subst', eta_id')
         Scaled mult' ty' = Type.substScaledTyUnchecked subst ty
-        eta_id' = uniqAway (getSubstInScope subst) $
+        eta_id' = uniqAway (substInScopeSet subst) $
                   mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "eta") (mkBuiltinUnique n) mult' ty'
                   -- "OrCoVar" since this can be used to eta-expand
                   -- coercion abstractions

@@ -2453,7 +2453,7 @@ callsToNewPats env fn spec_info@(SI { si_specs = done_specs }) bndr_occs calls
               good_pats :: [CallPat]
               good_pats = catMaybes mb_pats
-              in_scope = getSubstInScope (sc_subst env)
+              in_scope = substInScopeSet (sc_subst env)
               -- Remove patterns we have already done
               new_pats = filterOut is_done good_pats
@@ -2571,7 +2571,7 @@ callToPat :: ScEnv -> [ArgOcc] -> Call -> UniqSM (Maybe CallPat)
         --      over the following term variables
         -- The [CoreExpr] are the argument patterns for the rule
 callToPat env bndr_occs call@(Call fn args con_env)
-  = do  { let in_scope = getSubstInScope (sc_subst env)
+  = do  { let in_scope = substInScopeSet (sc_subst env)
         ; arg_triples <- zipWith3M (argToPat env in_scope con_env) args bndr_occs (map (const NotMarkedStrict) args)
                    -- This zip trims the args to be no longer than

@@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ specLookupRule env fn args phase rules
   = lookupRule ropts in_scope_env is_active fn args rules
     dflags       = se_dflags env
-    in_scope     = getSubstInScope (se_subst env)
+    in_scope     = substInScopeSet (se_subst env)
     in_scope_env = ISE in_scope (whenActiveUnfoldingFun is_active)
     ropts        = initRuleOpts dflags
     is_active    = isActive phase
@@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecType ty : args)
   = do { -- Find qvars, the type variables to add to the binders for the rule
          -- Namely those free in `ty` that aren't in scope
          -- See (MP2) in Note [Specialising polymorphic dictionaries]
-         let in_scope = Core.getSubstInScope (se_subst env)
+         let in_scope = Core.substInScopeSet (se_subst env)
              qvars    = scopedSort $
                         filterOut (`elemInScopeSet` in_scope) $
                         tyCoVarsOfTypeList ty
@@ -2635,7 +2635,7 @@ specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecDict d : args)
-     in_scope = Core.getSubstInScope (se_subst env)
+     in_scope = Core.substInScopeSet (se_subst env)
 -- Finally, we don't want to specialise on this argument 'i':
 --   - It's an UnSpecArg, or

@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ soeZapSubst env@(SOE { soe_subst = subst })
   = env { soe_inl = emptyVarEnv, soe_subst = zapSubst subst }
 soeInScope :: SimpleOptEnv -> InScopeSet
-soeInScope (SOE { soe_subst = subst }) = getSubstInScope subst
+soeInScope (SOE { soe_subst = subst }) = substInScopeSet subst
 soeSetInScope :: InScopeSet -> SimpleOptEnv -> SimpleOptEnv
 soeSetInScope in_scope env2@(SOE { soe_subst = subst2 })
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ simple_opt_expr env expr
     rec_ids      = soe_rec_ids env
     subst        = soe_subst env
-    in_scope     = getSubstInScope subst
+    in_scope     = substInScopeSet subst
     in_scope_env = ISE in_scope alwaysActiveUnfoldingFun
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ simple_bind_pair env@(SOE { soe_inl = inl_env, soe_subst = subst })
     stable_unf = isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding in_bndr)
     active     = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation in_bndr)
     occ        = idOccInfo in_bndr
-    in_scope   = getSubstInScope subst
+    in_scope   = substInScopeSet subst
     out_rhs | JoinPoint join_arity <- idJoinPointHood in_bndr
             = simple_join_rhs join_arity
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ exprIsConApp_maybe ise@(ISE in_scope id_unf) expr
           scrut'           = subst_expr subst scrut
     go (Right sub) floats (Var v) cont
-       = go (Left (getSubstInScope sub))
+       = go (Left (substInScopeSet sub))
             (lookupIdSubst sub v)
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ exprIsConApp_maybe ise@(ISE in_scope id_unf) expr
     -- The Left case is wildly dominant
     subst_in_scope (Left in_scope) = in_scope
-    subst_in_scope (Right s) = getSubstInScope s
+    subst_in_scope (Right s) = substInScopeSet s
     subst_extend_in_scope (Left in_scope) v = Left (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` v)
     subst_extend_in_scope (Right s) v = Right (s `extendSubstInScope` v)

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Subst (
         extendSubst, extendSubstList, extendSubstWithVar,
         extendSubstInScope, extendSubstInScopeList, extendSubstInScopeSet,
-        isInScope, setInScope, getSubstInScope,
+        isInScope, setInScope, substInScopeSet,
         extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst,
         delBndr, delBndrs, zapSubst,

@@ -1218,14 +1218,15 @@ because the kinds of the bound tyvars can be different.
 The typing rule is:
-  kind_co : k1 ~N k2
-  tv1:k1 |- co : t1 ~r t2
+  G |- kind_co : k1 ~N k2
+  tv1 \not\in fv(typeKind(t1),typeKind(t2))  -- Skolem escape
+  G, tv1:k1 |- co : t1 ~r t2
   if r=N, then vis1=vis2
-  ForAllCo (tv1:k1) vis1 vis2 kind_co co
-     : forall (tv1:k1) <vis1>. t1
+  G |- ForAllCo (tv1:k1) vis1 vis2 kind_co co
+         : forall (tv1:k1) <vis1>. t1
-       forall (tv1:k2) <vis2>. (t2[tv1 |-> (tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co])
+           forall (tv1:k2) <vis2>. (t2[tv1 |-> (tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co])
 Several things to note here

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
         emptySubst, mkEmptySubst, isEmptyTCvSubst, isEmptySubst,
         mkTCvSubst, mkTvSubst, mkCvSubst, mkIdSubst,
         getTvSubstEnv, getIdSubstEnv,
-        getCvSubstEnv, getSubstInScope, setInScope, getSubstRangeTyCoFVs,
+        getCvSubstEnv, substInScopeSet, setInScope, getSubstRangeTyCoFVs,
         isInScope, elemSubst, notElemSubst, zapSubst,
         extendSubstInScope, extendSubstInScopeList, extendSubstInScopeSet,
         extendTCvSubst, extendTCvSubstWithClone,
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ import Data.List (mapAccumL)
 data Subst
   = Subst InScopeSet  -- Variables in scope (both Ids and TyVars) /after/
                       -- applying the substitution
-          IdSubstEnv  -- Substitution from NcIds to CoreExprs
-          TvSubstEnv  -- Substitution from TyVars to Types
-          CvSubstEnv  -- Substitution from CoVars to Coercions
+          IdSubstEnv  -- Substitution from InId    to OutExpr
+          TvSubstEnv  -- Substitution from InTyVar to OutType
+          CvSubstEnv  -- Substitution from InCoVar to OutCoercion
         -- INVARIANT 1: See Note [The substitution invariant]
         -- This is what lets us deal with name capture properly
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ data Subst
         --              see Note [Substitutions apply only once]
         -- INVARIANT 3: See Note [Extending the IdSubstEnv] in "GHC.Core.Subst"
-        -- and Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv]
+        -- and              Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv]
         -- INVARIANT 4: See Note [Substituting types, coercions, and expressions]
@@ -183,8 +183,10 @@ A TCvSubst is not idempotent, but, unlike the non-idempotent substitution
 we use during unifications, it must not be repeatedly applied.
 Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv]
-See #tcvsubst_invariant# for the invariants that must hold.
+The TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv have a binding for each TyCoVar
+  - whose unique has changed, OR
+  - whose kind has changed
 This invariant allows a short-cut when the subst envs are empty:
 if the TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv are empty --- i.e. (isEmptyTCvSubst subst)
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ This invariant has several crucial consequences:
 * In substTy, substTheta, we can short-circuit when the TvSubstEnv is empty
 Note [Substituting types, coercions, and expressions]
 Types and coercions are mutually recursive, and either may have variables
 "belonging" to the other. Thus, every time we wish to substitute in a
 type, we may also need to substitute in a coercion, and vice versa.
@@ -295,8 +297,8 @@ getCvSubstEnv :: Subst -> CvSubstEnv
 getCvSubstEnv (Subst _ _ _ cenv) = cenv
 -- | Find the in-scope set: see Note [The substitution invariant]
-getSubstInScope :: Subst -> InScopeSet
-getSubstInScope (Subst in_scope _ _ _) = in_scope
+substInScopeSet :: Subst -> InScopeSet
+substInScopeSet (Subst in_scope _ _ _) = in_scope
 setInScope :: Subst -> InScopeSet -> Subst
 setInScope (Subst _ ids tvs cvs) in_scope = Subst in_scope ids tvs cvs

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
         mkTYPEapp, mkTYPEapp_maybe,
         mkCONSTRAINTapp, mkCONSTRAINTapp_maybe,
         mkBoxedRepApp_maybe, mkTupleRepApp_maybe,
-        typeOrConstraintKind,
+        typeOrConstraintKind, liftedTypeOrConstraintKind,
         -- *** Levity and boxity
         sORTKind_maybe, typeTypeOrConstraint,
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
-        zapSubst, getSubstInScope, setInScope, getSubstRangeTyCoFVs,
+        zapSubst, substInScopeSet, setInScope, getSubstRangeTyCoFVs,
         extendSubstInScope, extendSubstInScopeList, extendSubstInScopeSet,
         extendTCvSubst, extendCvSubst,
         extendTvSubst, extendTvSubstList, extendTvSubstAndInScope,
@@ -2685,9 +2685,7 @@ typeKind :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Kind
 -- No need to expand synonyms
 typeKind (TyConApp tc tys)      = piResultTys (tyConKind tc) tys
 typeKind (LitTy l)              = typeLiteralKind l
-typeKind (FunTy { ft_af = af }) = case funTyFlagResultTypeOrConstraint af of
-                                     TypeLike       -> liftedTypeKind
-                                     ConstraintLike -> constraintKind
+typeKind (FunTy { ft_af = af }) = liftedTypeOrConstraintKind (funTyFlagResultTypeOrConstraint af)
 typeKind (TyVarTy tyvar)        = tyVarKind tyvar
 typeKind (CastTy _ty co)        = coercionRKind co
 typeKind (CoercionTy co)        = coercionType co
@@ -2719,9 +2717,9 @@ typeKind ty@(ForAllTy {})
     lifted_kind_from_body  -- Implements (FORALL2)
       = case sORTKind_maybe body_kind of
-          Just (ConstraintLike, _) -> constraintKind
-          Just (TypeLike,       _) -> liftedTypeKind
-          Nothing -> pprPanic "typeKind" (ppr body_kind)
+          Just (torc, _) -> liftedTypeOrConstraintKind torc
+          Nothing        -> pprPanic "typeKind" (ppr body_kind)
@@ -3450,3 +3448,7 @@ mkTupleRepApp_maybe _ = Nothing
 typeOrConstraintKind :: TypeOrConstraint -> RuntimeRepType -> Kind
 typeOrConstraintKind TypeLike       rep = mkTYPEapp       rep
 typeOrConstraintKind ConstraintLike rep = mkCONSTRAINTapp rep
+liftedTypeOrConstraintKind :: TypeOrConstraint -> Kind
+liftedTypeOrConstraintKind TypeLike       = liftedTypeKind
+liftedTypeOrConstraintKind ConstraintLike = constraintKind

@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UnliftedNewtypes #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-omit-interface-pragmas #-}
+  -- If you use -fomit-interface-pragmas for your build, we won't
+  -- inline the matcher for JustUB, and that turns out to have a
+  -- catastropic effect on Lint, which uses unboxed Maybes.
+  -- Simple fix: switch off -fomit-interface-pragmas for this tiny
+  -- and very stable module.
 module GHC.Data.Unboxed (
   MaybeUB(JustUB, NothingUB),
   fmapMaybeUB, fromMaybeUB, apMaybeUB, maybeUB

@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-specialise #-}
+   -- Don't do type-class specialisation; it goes mad in this module
+   -- See #25463
 -- | Contains a debug function to dump parts of the GHC.Hs AST. It uses a syb
 -- traversal which falls back to displaying based on the constructor name, so
 -- can be used to dump anything having a @Data.Data@ instance.

@@ -669,9 +669,7 @@ ppTypeLit = ppTypeLit' []
 {-# SPECIALIZE ppTypeLit :: LlvmCgConfig -> LlvmLit -> HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable
 ppTypeLit' :: IsLine doc => [LlvmParamAttr] -> LlvmCgConfig -> LlvmLit -> doc
-ppTypeLit' attrs opts l = case l of
-  LMVectorLit {} -> ppLit opts l
-  _              -> ppLlvmType (getLitType l) <+> ppSpaceJoin ppLlvmParamAttr attrs <+> ppLit opts l
+ppTypeLit' attrs opts l = ppLlvmType (getLitType l) <+> ppSpaceJoin ppLlvmParamAttr attrs <+> ppLit opts l
 {-# SPECIALIZE ppTypeLit' :: [LlvmParamAttr] -> LlvmCgConfig -> LlvmLit -> SDoc #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE ppTypeLit' :: [LlvmParamAttr] -> LlvmCgConfig -> LlvmLit -> HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable

@@ -956,7 +956,8 @@ rnMethodBinds is_cls_decl cls ktv_names binds sigs
        ; let (spec_prags, other_sigs) = partition (isSpecLSig <||> isSpecInstLSig) sigs
              bound_nms = mkNameSet (collectHsBindsBinders CollNoDictBinders binds')
              sig_ctxt | is_cls_decl = ClsDeclCtxt cls
-                      | otherwise   = InstDeclCtxt bound_nms
+                      | otherwise   = InstDeclCtxt (mkOccEnv [ (nameOccName n, n)
+                                                             | n <- nonDetEltsUniqSet bound_nms ])
        ; (spec_prags', spg_fvs) <- renameSigs sig_ctxt spec_prags
        ; (other_sigs', sig_fvs) <- bindLocalNamesFV ktv_names $
                                       renameSigs sig_ctxt other_sigs
@@ -1071,18 +1072,9 @@ renameSigs ctxt sigs
         ; return (good_sigs, sig_fvs) }
--- We use lookupSigOccRn in the signatures, which is a little bit unsatisfactory
--- because this won't work for:
---      instance Foo T where
---        {-# INLINE op #-}
---        Baz.op = ...
--- We'll just rename the INLINE prag to refer to whatever other 'op'
--- is in scope.  (I'm assuming that Baz.op isn't in scope unqualified.)
--- Doesn't seem worth much trouble to sort this.
 renameSig :: HsSigCtxt -> Sig GhcPs -> RnM (Sig GhcRn, FreeVars)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(TypeSig _ vs ty)
-  = do  { new_vs <- mapM (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) vs
+  = do  { new_vs <- mapM (lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig) vs
         ; let doc = TypeSigCtx (ppr_sig_bndrs vs)
         ; (new_ty, fvs) <- rnHsSigWcType doc ty
         ; return (TypeSig noAnn new_vs new_ty, fvs) }
@@ -1091,7 +1083,7 @@ renameSig ctxt sig@(ClassOpSig _ is_deflt vs ty)
   = do  { defaultSigs_on <- xoptM LangExt.DefaultSignatures
         ; when (is_deflt && not defaultSigs_on) $
           addErr (TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig sig)
-        ; new_v <- mapM (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) vs
+        ; new_v <- mapM (lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig) vs
         ; (new_ty, fvs) <- rnHsSigType ty_ctxt TypeLevel ty
         ; return (ClassOpSig noAnn is_deflt new_v new_ty, fvs) }
@@ -1119,7 +1111,7 @@ renameSig _ (SpecInstSig (_, src) ty)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(SpecSig _ v tys inl)
   = do  { new_v <- case ctxt of
                      TopSigCtxt {} -> lookupLocatedOccRn v
-                     _             -> lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig v
+                     _             -> lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig v
         ; (new_ty, fvs) <- foldM do_one ([],emptyFVs) tys
         ; return (SpecSig noAnn new_v new_ty inl, fvs) }
@@ -1130,7 +1122,7 @@ renameSig ctxt sig@(SpecSig _ v tys inl)
            ; return ( new_ty:tys, fvs_ty `plusFV` fvs) }
 renameSig ctxt sig@(InlineSig _ v s)
-  = do  { new_v <- lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig v
+  = do  { new_v <- lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig v
         ; return (InlineSig noAnn new_v s, emptyFVs) }
 renameSig ctxt (FixSig _ fsig)
@@ -1138,11 +1130,11 @@ renameSig ctxt (FixSig _ fsig)
         ; return (FixSig noAnn new_fsig, emptyFVs) }
 renameSig ctxt sig@(MinimalSig (_, s) (L l bf))
-  = do new_bf <- bfTraverse (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) bf
+  = do new_bf <- bfTraverse (lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig) bf
        return (MinimalSig (noAnn, s) (L l new_bf), emptyFVs)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(PatSynSig _ vs ty)
-  = do  { new_vs <- mapM (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) vs
+  = do  { new_vs <- mapM (lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig) vs
         ; (ty', fvs) <- rnHsSigType ty_ctxt TypeLevel ty
         ; return (PatSynSig noAnn new_vs ty', fvs) }
@@ -1150,7 +1142,7 @@ renameSig ctxt sig@(PatSynSig _ vs ty)
                           <+> ppr_sig_bndrs vs)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(SCCFunSig (_, st) v s)
-  = do  { new_v <- lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig v
+  = do  { new_v <- lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig v
         ; return (SCCFunSig (noAnn, st) new_v s, emptyFVs) }
 -- COMPLETE Sigs can refer to imported IDs which is why we use

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module GHC.Rename.Env (
-        HsSigCtxt(..), lookupLocalTcNames, lookupSigOccRn, lookupSigOccRnN,
+        HsSigCtxt(..), lookupLocalTcNames, lookupSigOccRn,
         lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupFamInstName,
@@ -2072,6 +2072,28 @@ data HsSigCtxt = ... | TopSigCtxt NameSet | ....
       f :: C a => a -> a   -- No, not ok
       class C a where
         f :: a -> a
+Note [Signatures in instance decls]
+   class C a where
+     op :: a -> a
+     nop :: a -> a
+   instance C ty where
+     bop :: [a] -> [a]
+     bop x = x
+     nop :: [a] -> [a]
+When renameing the `bop` binding we'll give it an UnboundName (still with
+OccName "bop") because `bop` is not a method of C.  Then
+* when doing lookupSigOcc on `bop :: blah` we want to find `bop`, even though it
+  is an UnboundName (failing to do this causes #16610, and #25437)
+* When doing lookupSigOcc on `nop :: blah` we want to complain that there
+  is no accompanying binding, even though `nop` is a class method
 data HsSigCtxt
@@ -2079,8 +2101,8 @@ data HsSigCtxt
                              -- See Note [Signatures for top level things]
   | LocalBindCtxt NameSet    -- In a local binding, binding these names
   | ClsDeclCtxt   Name       -- Class decl for this class
-  | InstDeclCtxt  NameSet    -- Instance decl whose user-written method
-                             -- bindings are for these methods
+  | InstDeclCtxt  (OccEnv Name)  -- Instance decl whose user-written method
+                                 -- bindings are described by this OccEnv
   | HsBootCtxt NameSet       -- Top level of a hs-boot file, binding these names
   | RoleAnnotCtxt NameSet    -- A role annotation, with the names of all types
                              -- in the group
@@ -2095,14 +2117,10 @@ instance Outputable HsSigCtxt where
 lookupSigOccRn :: HsSigCtxt
                -> Sig GhcPs
-               -> LocatedA RdrName -> RnM (LocatedA Name)
+               -> GenLocated (EpAnn ann) RdrName
+               -> RnM (GenLocated (EpAnn ann) Name)
 lookupSigOccRn ctxt sig = lookupSigCtxtOccRn ctxt (hsSigDoc sig)
-lookupSigOccRnN :: HsSigCtxt
-               -> Sig GhcPs
-               -> LocatedN RdrName -> RnM (LocatedN Name)
-lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig = lookupSigCtxtOccRn ctxt (hsSigDoc sig)
 -- | Lookup a name in relation to the names in a 'HsSigCtxt'
 lookupSigCtxtOccRn :: HsSigCtxt
                    -> SDoc         -- ^ description of thing we're looking up,
@@ -2155,34 +2173,37 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name also_try_tycon_ns ns_spec
       RoleAnnotCtxt ns -> lookup_top (elem_name_set_with_namespace ns)
       LocalBindCtxt ns -> lookup_group ns
       ClsDeclCtxt  cls -> lookup_cls_op cls
-      InstDeclCtxt ns  -> if uniqSetAny isUnboundName ns -- #16610
-                          then return $ NE.singleton $ Right $ mkUnboundNameRdr rdr_name
-                          else lookup_top (elem_name_set_with_namespace ns)
+      InstDeclCtxt occ_env-> lookup_inst occ_env
     elem_name_set_with_namespace ns n = check_namespace n && (n `elemNameSet` ns)
     check_namespace = coveredByNamespaceSpecifier ns_spec . nameNameSpace
     namespace = occNameSpace occ
-    occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
-    relevant_gres =
-      RelevantGREs
-        { includeFieldSelectors = WantBoth
-        , lookupVariablesForFields = True
-        , lookupTyConsAsWell = also_try_tycon_ns }
-    ok_gre = greIsRelevant relevant_gres namespace
+    occ       = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
+    ok_gre    = greIsRelevant relevant_gres namespace
+    relevant_gres = RelevantGREs { includeFieldSelectors    = WantBoth
+                                 , lookupVariablesForFields = True
+                                 , lookupTyConsAsWell = also_try_tycon_ns }
     finish err gre
       | ok_gre gre
-      = NE.singleton (Right $ greName gre)
+      = NE.singleton (Right (greName gre))
       | otherwise
       = NE.singleton (Left err)
+    succeed_with n = return $ NE.singleton $ Right n
     lookup_cls_op cls
       = NE.singleton <$> lookupSubBndrOcc AllDeprecationWarnings cls doc rdr_name
         doc = text "method of class" <+> quotes (ppr cls)
+    lookup_inst occ_env  -- See Note [Signatures in instance decls]
+      = case lookupOccEnv occ_env occ of
+           Nothing -> bale_out_with []
+           Just n  -> succeed_with n
     lookup_top keep_me
       = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
            ; let occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
@@ -2205,7 +2226,7 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name also_try_tycon_ns ns_spec
            ; let candidates_msg = candidates $ localRdrEnvElts env
            ; case mname of
                Just n
-                 | n `elemNameSet` bound_names -> return $ NE.singleton $ Right n
+                 | n `elemNameSet` bound_names -> succeed_with n
                  | otherwise                   -> bale_out_with local_msg
                Nothing                         -> bale_out_with candidates_msg }

@@ -296,13 +296,6 @@ tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig {})      res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr (XExpr e)                 res_ty = tcXExpr e res_ty
-tcExpr e@(HsOverLit _ lit) res_ty
-  = do { mb_res <- tcShortCutLit lit res_ty
-         -- See Note [Short cut for overloaded literals] in GHC.Tc.Zonk.Type
-       ; case mb_res of
-           Just lit' -> return (HsOverLit noExtField lit')
-           Nothing   -> tcApp e res_ty }
 -- Typecheck an occurrence of an unbound Id
 -- Some of these started life as a true expression hole "_".
@@ -353,6 +346,51 @@ tcExpr e@(HsLam x lam_variant matches) res_ty
   = do { (wrap, matches') <- tcLambdaMatches e lam_variant matches [] res_ty
        ; return (mkHsWrap wrap $ HsLam x lam_variant matches') }
+*                                                                      *
+                Overloaded literals
+*                                                                      *
+tcExpr e@(HsOverLit _ lit) res_ty
+  = -- See Note [Typechecking overloaded literals]
+    do { mb_res <- tcShortCutLit lit res_ty
+         -- See Note [Short cut for overloaded literals] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+       ; case mb_res of
+           Just lit' -> return (HsOverLit noExtField lit')
+           Nothing   -> tcApp e res_ty }
+           -- Why go via tcApp? See Note [Typechecking overloaded literals]
+{- Note [Typechecking overloaded literals]
+Generally speaking, an overloaded literal like "3" typechecks as if you
+had written (fromInteger (3 :: Integer)).   But in practice it's a little
+* Rebindable syntax (see #19154 and !4981). With rebindable syntax we might have
+     fromInteger :: Integer -> forall a. Num a => a
+  and then we might hope to use a Visible Type Application (VTA) to write
+     3 @Int
+  expecting it to expand to
+     fromInteger (3::Integer) @Int dNumInt
+  To achieve that, we need to
+    * treat the application using `tcApp` to deal with the VTA
+    * treat the overloaded literal as the "head" of an application;
+      see `GHC.Tc.Gen.Head.tcInferAppHead`.
+* Short-cutting.  If we have
+     xs :: [Int]
+     xs = [3,4,5,6... ]
+  then it's a huge short-cut (in compile time) to just cough up the `Int` literal
+  for `3`, rather than (fromInteger @Int d), with a wanted constraint `[W] Num Int`.
+  See Note [Short cut for overloaded literals] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.
+  We can only take this short-cut if rebindable syntax is off; see `tcShortCutLit`.
 *                                                                      *

@@ -765,6 +765,8 @@ tcInferOverLit lit@(OverLit { ol_val = val
     --   where fromInteger is gotten by looking up from_name, and
     --   the (3 :: Integer) is returned by mkOverLit
     -- Ditto the string literal "foo" to (fromString ("foo" :: String))
+    --
+    -- See Note [Typechecking overloaded literals] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
     do { hs_lit <- mkOverLit val
        ; from_id <- tcLookupId from_name
        ; (wrap1, from_ty) <- topInstantiate (LiteralOrigin lit) (idType from_id)
@@ -781,9 +783,10 @@ tcInferOverLit lit@(OverLit { ol_val = val
              from_expr = mkHsWrap (wrap2 <.> wrap1) $
                          HsVar noExtField (L loc from_id)
              witness = HsApp noExtField (L (l2l loc) from_expr) lit_expr
-             lit' = lit { ol_ext = OverLitTc { ol_rebindable = rebindable
-                                             , ol_witness = witness
-                                             , ol_type = res_ty } }
+             lit' = OverLit { ol_val = val
+                            , ol_ext = OverLitTc { ol_rebindable = rebindable
+                                                 , ol_witness = witness
+                                                 , ol_type = res_ty } }
        ; return (HsOverLit noExtField lit', res_ty) }
 {- *********************************************************************

@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
             go _ _ _ _ _ = panic "can_eq_nc_forall"  -- case (s:ss) []
-            init_subst2 = mkEmptySubst (getSubstInScope subst1)
+            init_subst2 = mkEmptySubst (substInScopeSet subst1)
       -- Generate the constraints that live in the body of the implication
       -- See (SF5) in Note [Solving forall equalities]

@@ -4232,7 +4232,7 @@ mkGADTVars tmpl_tvs dc_tvs subst
   = choose [] [] empty_subst empty_subst tmpl_tvs
     in_scope = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet tmpl_tvs `unionVarSet` mkVarSet dc_tvs)
-               `unionInScope` getSubstInScope subst
+               `unionInScope` substInScopeSet subst
     empty_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
     choose :: [TyVar]        -- accumulator of univ tvs, reversed

@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
   TvSubstEnv, emptySubst, mkEmptySubst,
   mkTvSubstPrs, notElemSubst, unionSubst,
-  getTvSubstEnv, getSubstInScope, extendSubstInScope,
+  getTvSubstEnv, substInScopeSet, extendSubstInScope,
   extendSubstInScopeList, extendSubstInScopeSet, extendTvSubstAndInScope,
   Type.lookupTyVar, Type.extendTCvSubst, Type.substTyVarBndr,

@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ Both ultimately handled by matchExpectedFunTys.
 * For the Lambda case there are two sub-cases:
    * An expression with a type signature: (\ @a x y -> blah) :: hs_ty
      This is handled by `GHC.Tc.Gen.Head.tcExprWithSig`, which kind-checks
-     the signature and hands off to `tcExprPolyCheck` vai `tcPolyLExprSig`
+     the signature and hands off to `tcExprPolyCheck` via `tcPolyLExprSig`.
      Note that the foralls at the top of hs_ty scope over the expression.
    * A higher order call: h e, where h :: poly_ty -> blah

@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ module GHC.Types.Var (
         TyVar, TcTyVar, TypeVar, KindVar, TKVar, TyCoVar,
         -- * In and Out variants
-        InVar,  InCoVar,  InId,  InTyVar,
-        OutVar, OutCoVar, OutId, OutTyVar,
+        InVar,  InCoVar,  InId,  InTyVar,  InTyCoVar,
+        OutVar, OutCoVar, OutId, OutTyVar, OutTyCoVar,
         -- ** Taking 'Var's apart
         varName, varUnique, varType,
@@ -205,10 +205,12 @@ type TyCoVar = Id       -- Type, *or* coercion variable
 type InVar      = Var
 type InTyVar    = TyVar
 type InCoVar    = CoVar
+type InTyCoVar  = TyCoVar
 type InId       = Id
 type OutVar     = Var
 type OutTyVar   = TyVar
 type OutCoVar   = CoVar
+type OutTyCoVar = TyCoVar
 type OutId      = Id

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module T25437 where
+class C a where
+  foo :: Int -> Maybe a
+instance C (Maybe x) where
+  foo :: Int -> Maybe [a]
+instance C [x] where
+  foo :: forall b. Int -> Maybe [b]
+  foo _ = Just @[b] []
+  something :: x -> x
+  something = ()

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+T25437.hs:9:3: error: [GHC-44432]
+    The class method signature for ‘foo’ lacks an accompanying binding
+T25437.hs:16:3: error: [GHC-54721]
+    ‘something’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘C’

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 T5001b.hs:10:17: error: [GHC-44432]
     The INLINE pragma for ‘genum’ lacks an accompanying binding
-    Suggested fix:
-      Move the INLINE pragma to the declaration site of ‘genum’.

@@ -231,3 +231,4 @@ test('T14032c', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T14032f', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T23501_fail', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T23501_fail_ext', normal, compile_fail, [''])
+test('T25437', normal, compile_fail, [''])

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+import Data.Array.Base
+import Data.Array.IO.Internals
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.IO
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  ma@(IOUArray (STUArray l _ _ mba)) <- newListArray (0, 10) ([0..10] :: [Float])
+  IO $ \s -> (# writeFloatArrayAsFloatX4# mba 1# (broadcastFloatX4# 3.0#) s, () #)
+  print =<< getElems ma

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ test('simd_insert_array', [], compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T22187', [],compile,[''])
 test('T22187_run', [],compile_and_run,[''])
 test('T25062_V16', [], compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T25561', [], compile_and_run, [''])
 # Even if the CPU we run on doesn't support *executing* those tests we should try to
 # compile them.

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