[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/graph-compact-easy] Backwards compat revertions

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Dec 12 17:53:59 UTC 2024

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/graph-compact-easy at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

e20cd5f0 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-12-12T17:53:33+00:00
Backwards compat revertions

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Home/Graph.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Home/PackageTable.hs
- docs/users_guide/9.14.1-notes.rst
- ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
- ghc/Main.hs


@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ module GHC.Driver.Env
    , lookupType
    , lookupIfaceByModule
    , mainModIs
+    -- * Legacy API
+   , hscUpdateHPT
@@ -326,3 +329,19 @@ discardIC hsc_env
     home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
     old_name = ic_name old_ic
+-- * The Legacy API, should be removed after enough deprecation cycles
+{-# DEPRECATED hscUpdateHPT "Updating the HPT directly is no longer a supported \
+   \ operation. Instead, the HPT is an insert-only data structure. If you want to \
+   \ overwrite an existing entry, just use 'hscInsertHPT' to insert it again (it \
+   \ will override the existing entry if there is one). See 'GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable' for more details." #-}
+hscUpdateHPT :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+hscUpdateHPT f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = updateHug (HUG.unitEnv_adjust upd (ue_currentUnit $ hsc_unit_env hsc_env)) ue }
+  where
+    ue = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+    upd hue = hue { homeUnitEnv_hpt = f (homeUnitEnv_hpt hue) }

@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ import GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable
 newHscEnv :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> IO HscEnv
 newHscEnv top_dir dflags = do
-  hpt <- newHomePackageTable
+  hpt <- emptyHomePackageTable
   newHscEnvWithHUG top_dir dflags (homeUnitId_ dflags) (home_unit_graph hpt)
     home_unit_graph hpt = HUG.unitEnv_singleton

@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ load' mhmi_cache how_much diag_wrapper mHscMessage mod_graph = do
     -- write an empty HPT to allow the old HPT to be GC'd.
     let pruneHomeUnitEnv hme = do
-          emptyHPT <- liftIO newHomePackageTable
+          emptyHPT <- liftIO emptyHomePackageTable
           pure hme{ homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHPT }
     hug' <- traverse pruneHomeUnitEnv (ue_home_unit_graph $ hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
     let ue' = (hsc_unit_env hsc_env){ ue_home_unit_graph = hug' }

@@ -666,8 +666,8 @@ dontLeakTheHUG thing_inside = do
          | hptHasHoles hpt = True
          | otherwise = False
         pruneHomeUnitEnv hme = do
-          emptyHomePackageTable <- liftIO newHomePackageTable
-          return hme{ homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHomePackageTable }
+          emptyHPT <- liftIO emptyHomePackageTable
+          return hme{ homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHPT }
           | keepFor20509 (ue_hpt old_unit_env)
           = return old_unit_env

@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ module GHC.Unit.Env
     , hugAnnsBelow
     , hugRulesBelow
     , hugInstancesBelow
+    -- * Legacy API
+    --
+    -- | This API is deprecated!
+    , ue_units
@@ -471,3 +477,12 @@ There is also a template-haskell function, makeRelativeToProject, which uses the
 in order to allow users to offset their own relative paths.
+-- * Legacy API
+{-# DEPRECATED ue_units "Renamed to homeUnitState" #-}
+ue_units :: HasDebugCallStack => UnitEnv -> UnitState
+ue_units = homeUnitState

@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ module GHC.Unit.Home.Graph
   , unitEnv_foldWithKey
   , unitEnv_singleton
   , unitEnv_adjust
+  , unitEnv_keys
   , unitEnv_insert
+  , unitEnv_new
+  , unitEnv_lookup
   ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -298,6 +301,12 @@ newtype UnitEnvGraph v = UnitEnvGraph
   { unitEnv_graph :: Map UnitEnvGraphKey v
   } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+unitEnv_new :: Map UnitEnvGraphKey v -> UnitEnvGraph v
+unitEnv_new m =
+  UnitEnvGraph
+    { unitEnv_graph = m
+    }
 unitEnv_insert :: UnitEnvGraphKey -> v -> UnitEnvGraph v -> UnitEnvGraph v
 unitEnv_insert unitId env unitEnv = unitEnv
   { unitEnv_graph = Map.insert unitId env (unitEnv_graph unitEnv)
@@ -328,6 +337,9 @@ unitEnv_keys env = Map.keysSet (unitEnv_graph env)
 unitEnv_foldWithKey :: (b -> UnitEnvGraphKey -> a -> b) -> b -> UnitEnvGraph a -> b
 unitEnv_foldWithKey f z (UnitEnvGraph g)= Map.foldlWithKey' f z g
+unitEnv_lookup :: UnitEnvGraphKey -> UnitEnvGraph v -> v
+unitEnv_lookup u env = expectJust "unitEnv_lookup" $ unitEnv_lookup_maybe u env
 -- * Utilities

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 module GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable
-  , newHomePackageTable
+  , emptyHomePackageTable
     -- * Lookups in the HPT
   , lookupHpt
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ module GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable
     -- * Extending the HPT
   , addHomeModInfoToHpt
+  , addHomeModInfosToHpt
     -- * Queries about home modules
   , hptHasHoles
@@ -85,13 +86,19 @@ module GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable
     -- In GHC itself these should be avoided.
   , hptInternalTableRef
+    -- * Legacy API
+    --
+    -- | This API is deprecated and meant to be removed.
+  , addToHpt
+  , addListToHpt
   ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import Data.IORef
-import Control.Monad ((<$!>))
+import Control.Monad ((<$!>), foldM)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
@@ -158,9 +165,9 @@ data HomePackageTable = HPT {
 -- Be careful not to share it across e.g. different units, since it uses a
 -- mutable variable under the hood to keep the monotonically increasing list of
 -- loaded modules.
-newHomePackageTable :: IO HomePackageTable
+emptyHomePackageTable :: IO HomePackageTable
 -- romes:todo: use a MutableArray directly?
-newHomePackageTable = do
+emptyHomePackageTable = do
   table <- newIORef emptyUDFM
   return HPT{table, hasHoles=False, lastLoadedKey=Nothing}
@@ -187,22 +194,39 @@ lookupHptByModule hpt mod
 -- | Add a new module to the HPT.
--- A very fundamental operation of the HPT!
+-- An HPT is a monotonically increasing data structure, holding information about loaded modules in a package.
+-- This is the main function by which the HPT is extended or updated.
+-- When the module of the inserted 'HomeModInfo' does not exist, a new entry in
+-- the HPT is created for that module name.
+-- When the module already has an entry, inserting a new one entry in the HPT
+-- will always overwrite the existing entry for that module.
 -- $O(1)$
 addHomeModInfoToHpt :: HomeModInfo -> HomePackageTable -> IO HomePackageTable
 addHomeModInfoToHpt hmi hpt = addToHpt hpt (moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi))) hmi
-  where
-    addToHpt :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> HomeModInfo -> IO HomePackageTable
-    addToHpt HPT{table=hptr, hasHoles} mn hmi = do
-      atomicModifyIORef' hptr (\hpt -> (addToUDFM hpt mn hmi, ()))
-      -- If the key already existed in the map, this insertion is overwriting
-      -- the HMI of a previously loaded module (likely in rehydration).
-      return
-        HPT{ table = hptr
-           , hasHoles = hasHoles || isHoleModule (mi_semantic_module (hm_iface hmi))
-           , lastLoadedKey = Just $! getUnique mn {- yes, even if we're overwriting something already in the map -}
-           }
+{-# DEPRECATED addToHpt "Deprecated in favour of 'addHomeModInfoToHpt', as the module at which a 'HomeModInfo' is inserted should always be derived from the 'HomeModInfo' itself." #-}
+-- After deprecation cycle, move `addToHpt` to a `where` clause inside `addHomeModInfoToHpt`.
+addToHpt :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> HomeModInfo -> IO HomePackageTable
+addToHpt HPT{table=hptr, hasHoles} mn hmi = do
+  atomicModifyIORef' hptr (\hpt -> (addToUDFM hpt mn hmi, ()))
+  -- If the key already existed in the map, this insertion is overwriting
+  -- the HMI of a previously loaded module (likely in rehydration).
+  return
+    HPT{ table = hptr
+       , hasHoles = hasHoles || isHoleModule (mi_semantic_module (hm_iface hmi))
+       , lastLoadedKey = Just $! getUnique mn {- yes, even if we're overwriting something already in the map -}
+       }
+-- | 'addHomeModInfoToHpt' for multiple module infos.
+addHomeModInfosToHpt :: HomePackageTable -> [HomeModInfo] -> IO HomePackageTable
+addHomeModInfosToHpt hpt = foldM (flip addHomeModInfoToHpt) hpt
+{-# DEPRECATED addListToHpt "Deprecated in favour of 'addHomeModInfosToHpt', as the module at which a 'HomeModInfo' is inserted should always be derived from the 'HomeModInfo' itself." #-}
+-- After deprecation cycle, remove.
+addListToHpt :: HomePackageTable -> [(ModuleName, HomeModInfo)] -> IO HomePackageTable
+addListToHpt hpt = foldM (uncurry . addToHpt) hpt
 ---- * Queries
@@ -420,7 +444,7 @@ pprHPT HPT{table=hptr} = do
 -- listHMIToHpt :: [HomeModInfo] -> HomePackageTable
--- Would be fine, but may lead to bad utilization
+-- Would be fine, but may lead to linearly traversing the HPT unnecessarily
 -- (e.g. `lastLoadedKey` superseded bad usages)

@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ Cmm
 ``ghc`` library
+- `addToHpt` and `addListToHPT` were moved from `GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo` to `GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable` and deprecated in favour of `addHomeModInfoToHpt` and `addHomeModInfosToHpt`.
+- `UnitEnvGraph` and operations `unitEnv_lookup_maybe`, `unitEnv_foldWithKey, `unitEnv_singleton`, `unitEnv_adjust`, `unitEnv_insert`, `unitEnv_new` were moved from `GHC.Unit.Env` to `GHC.Unit.Home.Graph`.
+- The HomePackageTable (HPT) is now exported from `GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable`,
+  and is now backed by an IORef to avoid by construction very bad memory leaks.
+  This means the API to the HPT now is for the most part in IO. For instance,
+  `emptyHomePackageTable` and `addHomeModInfoToHpt` are now in IO.
+- `mkHomeUnitEnv` was moved to `GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable`, and now takes two
+  extra explicit arguments. To restore previous behaviour, pass `emptyUnitState`
+  and `Nothing` as the first two arguments additionally.
 ``ghc-heap`` library

@@ -4495,7 +4495,7 @@ discardInterfaceCache =
 clearHPTs :: GhciMonad m => m ()
 clearHPTs = do
   let pruneHomeUnitEnv hme = liftIO $ do
-        emptyHpt <- newHomePackageTable
+        emptyHpt <- emptyHomePackageTable
         pure  hme{ homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHpt }
       discardMG hsc = hsc { hsc_mod_graph = GHC.emptyMG }
   modifySessionM $ \hsc_env -> do

@@ -852,12 +852,12 @@ initMulti unitArgsFiles  = do
     (dbs,unit_state,home_unit,mconstants) <- liftIO $ State.initUnits logger hue_flags cached_unit_dbs home_units
     updated_dflags <- liftIO $ updatePlatformConstants dflags mconstants
-    emptyHomePackageTable <- liftIO $ newHomePackageTable
+    emptyHpt <- liftIO $ emptyHomePackageTable
     pure $ HomeUnitEnv
       { homeUnitEnv_units = unit_state
       , homeUnitEnv_unit_dbs = Just dbs
       , homeUnitEnv_dflags = updated_dflags
-      , homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHomePackageTable
+      , homeUnitEnv_hpt = emptyHpt
       , homeUnitEnv_home_unit = Just home_unit
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ offsetDynFlags dflags =
 createUnitEnvFromFlags :: NE.NonEmpty DynFlags -> IO (HomeUnitGraph, UnitId)
 createUnitEnvFromFlags unitDflags = do
   unitEnvList <- forM unitDflags $ \dflags -> do
-    emptyHpt <- newHomePackageTable
+    emptyHpt <- emptyHomePackageTable
     let newInternalUnitEnv =
           HUG.mkHomeUnitEnv emptyUnitState Nothing dflags emptyHpt Nothing
     return (homeUnitId_ dflags, newInternalUnitEnv)

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