[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25564] hadrian: Mitigate mktexfmt race

Ben Gamari (@bgamari) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Dec 10 01:43:27 UTC 2024

Ben Gamari pushed to branch wip/T25564 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

46e75fc9 by Ben Gamari at 2024-12-09T20:43:18-05:00
hadrian: Mitigate mktexfmt race

At least some versions of Texlive's `mktexfmt` utility cannot be invoked
concurrently in their initial run since they fail to handle failure of
`mkdir` due to racing. Specifically, we see

| Run Xelatex: users_guide.tex => /tmp/extra-dir-9616886274866
| Run Xelatex: Haddock.tex => /tmp/extra-dir-9616886274869
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999992 (TeX Live 2020) (preloaded format=xelatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt xelatex.fmt
mktexfmt: mktexfmt is using the following fmtutil.cnf files (in precedence order):
mktexfmt:   /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
mktexfmt: mktexfmt is using the following fmtutil.cnf file for writing changes:
mktexfmt:   /builds/ghc/ghc/tmp-home/.texlive2020/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
/usr/bin/mktexfmt: mkdir(/builds/ghc/ghc/tmp-home/.texlive2020/texmf-var/web2c/) failed for tree /builds/ghc/ghc/tmp-home/.texlive2020/texmf-var/web2c: File exists at /usr/share/texlive/tlpkg/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 937.
I can't find the format file `xelatex.fmt'!

That is two `mktexfmt` invocations (for the user's guide and haddock
builds) attempted to create `$HOME/texlive2020/texmf-var/web2c` and
raced. One of the two `mkdir`'s consequently failed, bringing down the
entire build.

We avoid this by ensuring that the first `xelatex` invocation is always
performed serially.

Fixes #25564.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- hadrian/src/Rules/Documentation.hs


@@ -326,11 +326,27 @@ getPkgDocTarget root path =
 -- | Build all PDF documentation
 buildPdfDocumentation :: Rules ()
-buildPdfDocumentation = mapM_ buildSphinxPdf docPaths
+buildPdfDocumentation = do
+    -- Note [Avoiding mktexfmt race]
+    -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    -- We must ensure that the *first* xelatex invocation in the
+    -- build is performed serially (that is, not concurrently with
+    -- any other xelatex invocations) as mktexfmt does not handle
+    -- racing `mkdir` calls gracefully. However, we assume that
+    -- subsequent invocations are safe to run concurrently since the
+    -- initial call will have created the requisite directories (namely
+    -- $HOME/.texlive2020/texmf-var/web2c).
+    --
+    -- Fixes #25564.
+    let maxConcurrentReaders = 1000
+    xelatexMutex <- newResource "xelatex-mutex" maxConcurrentReaders
+    let rs = [(xelatexMutex, 1)]
+    mapM_ (buildSphinxPdf rs) docPaths
 -- | Compile a Sphinx ReStructured Text package to LaTeX
-buildSphinxPdf :: FilePath -> Rules ()
-buildSphinxPdf path = do
+buildSphinxPdf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> Rules ()
+buildSphinxPdf rs path = do
     root <- buildRootRules
     root -/- pdfRoot -/- path <.> "pdf" %> \file -> do
@@ -344,7 +360,8 @@ buildSphinxPdf path = do
             checkSphinxWarnings dir
             -- LaTeX "fixed point"
-            build $ target docContext Xelatex [path <.> "tex"] [dir]
+            -- See Note [Avoiding mktexfmt race] above.
+            buildWithResources rs $ target docContext Xelatex [path <.> "tex"] [dir]
             build $ target docContext Xelatex [path <.> "tex"] [dir]
             build $ target docContext Xelatex [path <.> "tex"] [dir]
             build $ target docContext Makeindex [path <.> "idx"] [dir]

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/46e75fc9a0f8ff2644e91846291b5f92b9b76846

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