[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T20264] Improvements
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Dec 5 23:26:23 UTC 2024
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T20264 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
1cf19e53 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-05T23:25:30+00:00
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
@@ -910,17 +910,21 @@ lintCoreExpr (Tick tickish expr)
-- context, but soft-scoped and non-scoped ticks simply wrap the result
-- (see Simplify.simplTick).
-lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec tv (Type ty)) body)
+lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec tv (Type rhs_ty)) body)
| isTyVar tv
= -- See Note [Linting type lets]
- do { ty' <- lintTypeAndSubst ty
+ do { case tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv of
+ Nothing -> failWithL (text "Let-bound tyvar with no unfolding:" <+> ppr tv)
+ Just unf_ty -> ensureEqTys unf_ty rhs_ty $
+ hang (text "Let-bound tyvar unfolding not same as RHS:" <+> ppr tv)
+ 2 (vcat [ text "Unfolding:" <+> ppr unf_ty
+ , text "RHS: " <+> ppr rhs_ty ])
+ ; rhs_ty' <- lintTypeAndSubst rhs_ty
; lintTyCoBndr tv $ \ tv' ->
- do { addLoc (RhsOf tv) $ lintTyKind tv' ty'
- -- Now extend the substitution so we
- -- take advantage of it in the body
- ; extendTvSubstL tv ty' $
- addLoc (BodyOfLet tv) $
- lintCoreExpr body } }
+ addTyVarUnfolding tv tv' rhs_ty' $
+ do { addLoc (RhsOf tv) $ lintTyKind tv' rhs_ty'
+ ; addLoc (BodyOfLet tv) $ lintCoreExpr body } }
lintCoreExpr (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
| isId bndr
@@ -1573,8 +1577,8 @@ lintTyKind :: OutTyVar -> OutType -> LintM ()
-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
lintTyKind tyvar arg_ty
- = unless (arg_kind `eqType` tyvar_kind) $
- addErrL (mkKindErrMsg tyvar arg_ty $$ (text "Linted Arg kind:" <+> ppr arg_kind))
+ = ensureEqTys arg_kind tyvar_kind $
+ mkKindErrMsg tyvar arg_ty $$ (text "Linted Arg kind:" <+> ppr arg_kind)
tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tyvar
arg_kind = typeKind arg_ty
@@ -3439,6 +3443,7 @@ addInScopeId in_id out_ty thing_inside
addInScopeTyCoVar :: InTyCoVar -> OutType -> (OutTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
-- This function clones to avoid shadowing of TyCoVars
+-- For a TyVar with an unfolding, it retains the unfolding unchenged
addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_type thing_inside
= LintM $ \ env@(LE { le_in_vars = in_vars, le_subst = subst }) errs ->
let (tcv', subst') = subst_bndr subst
@@ -3458,17 +3463,24 @@ addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_type thing_inside
-- Clone, and extend the substitution
| let tcv' = uniqAway in_scope (setVarType tcv tcv_type)
- = (tcv', extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv tcv')
+ = (tcv', Type.extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv tcv')
in_scope = substInScopeSet subst
getInVarEnv :: LintM (VarEnv (InId, OutType))
getInVarEnv = LintM (\env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_in_vars env), errs))
-extendTvSubstL :: TyVar -> Type -> LintM a -> LintM a
-extendTvSubstL tv ty m
+addTyVarUnfolding :: InTyVar -> OutTyVar -> OutType -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addTyVarUnfolding in_tv out_tv out_ty thing_inside
+ | in_tv == out_tv -- No cloning, so no need to change the unfolding
+ = assertPpr (isJust (tyVarUnfolding_maybe out_tv)) (ppr in_tv)
+ thing_inside
+ | otherwise
= LintM $ \ env errs ->
- unLintM m (env { le_subst = Type.extendTvSubst (le_subst env) tv ty }) errs
+ unLintM thing_inside (env { le_subst = Type.extendTvSubst (le_subst env)
+ in_tv tv_w_unf }) errs
+ where
+ tv_w_unf = mkTyVarTy (setTyVarUnfolding out_tv out_ty)
markAllJoinsBad :: LintM a -> LintM a
markAllJoinsBad m
@@ -3497,6 +3509,19 @@ getUEAliases = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (le_ue_aliases env),
getInScope :: LintM InScopeSet
getInScope = LintM (\ env errs -> fromBoxedLResult (Just (substInScopeSet $ le_subst env), errs))
+data WhatItIs = IsTyVar | IsCoVar | IsValueVar
+ deriving( Eq )
+whatItIs :: Var -> WhatItIs
+whatItIs v | isTyVar v = IsTyVar
+ | isCoVar v = IsCoVar
+ | otherwise = IsValueVar
+instance Outputable WhatItIs where
+ ppr IsTyVar = text "type variable"
+ ppr IsCoVar = text "coercion variable"
+ ppr IsValueVar = text "value variable"
lintVarOcc :: InVar -> LintM OutType
-- Used at an occurrence of a variable: term variables, type variables, and coercion variables
-- Checks two things:
@@ -3506,21 +3531,18 @@ lintVarOcc v_occ
= do { in_var_env <- getInVarEnv
; case lookupVarEnv in_var_env v_occ of
Nothing | isGlobalId v_occ -> return (idType v_occ)
- | otherwise -> failWithL (text pp_what <+> quotes (ppr v_occ)
+ | otherwise -> failWithL (text "The" <+> ppr (whatItIs v_occ)
+ <+> quotes (ppr v_occ)
<+> text "is out of scope")
- Just (v_bndr, out_ty) -> do { check_bad_global v_bndr
- ; ensureEqTys occ_ty bndr_ty $ -- Compares InTypes
- mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg v_occ bndr_ty occ_ty
- ; return out_ty }
- where
- occ_ty = varType v_occ
- bndr_ty = varType v_bndr }
- where
- pp_what | isTyVar v_occ = "The type variable"
- | isCoVar v_occ = "The coercion variable"
- | otherwise = "The value variable"
+ Just (v_bndr, out_ty) -> do { checkBndrOccCompatibility v_bndr v_occ
+ ; return out_ty } }
- -- 'check_bad_global' checks for the case where an /occurrence/ is
+checkBndrOccCompatibility :: InVar -> InVar -> LintM ()
+checkBndrOccCompatibility v_bndr v_occ
+ = do { checkL (occ_is == bndr_is) $
+ bndr_occ_mismatch (ppr bndr_is) (ppr occ_is)
+ -- Check for the case where an /occurrence/ is
-- a GlobalId, but there is an enclosing binding fora a LocalId.
-- NB: the in-scope variables are mostly LocalIds, checked by lintIdBndr,
-- but GHCi adds GlobalIds from the interactive context. These
@@ -3529,15 +3551,45 @@ lintVarOcc v_occ
-- are defined locally, but appear in expressions as (global)
-- wired-in Ids after worker/wrapper
-- So we simply disable the test in this case
- check_bad_global v_bndr
- | isGlobalId v_occ
- , isLocalId v_bndr
- , not (isWiredIn v_occ)
- = failWithL $ hang (text "Occurrence is GlobalId, but binding is LocalId")
- 2 (vcat [ hang (text "occurrence:") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_occ
- , hang (text "binder :") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_bndr ])
- | otherwise
- = return ()
+ ; checkL (not (isGlobalId v_occ && isLocalId v_bndr && not (isWiredIn v_occ))) $
+ bndr_occ_mismatch (text "LocalId") (text "GlobalId")
+ -- Check that binder and occurrence have same type
+ ; ensureEqTys occ_ty bndr_ty $ -- Compares InTypes
+ hang (text "Mismatch in type between binder and occurrence")
+ 2 extra_info
+ ; flags <- getLintFlags
+ ; checkL (sameUnfolding flags v_bndr v_occ) $
+ hang (text "Mismatch in type-let unfolding between binder and occurrence")
+ 2 extra_info
+ }
+ where
+ bndr_ty = varType v_bndr
+ occ_ty = varType v_occ
+ bndr_is = whatItIs v_bndr
+ occ_is = whatItIs v_occ
+ bndr_occ_mismatch bndr_is occ_is
+ = text "Occurrence is a" <+> occ_is <> comma
+ <+> text "but binder is a" <+> bndr_is
+ extra_info = vcat [ hang (text "Binder :") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_bndr
+ , hang (text "Occurrence:") 2 $ pprBndr LetBind v_occ]
+sameUnfolding :: LintFlags
+ -> InVar -- Binder
+ -> InVar -- Occurrence
+ -> Bool
+-- Check that any unfolding in the /occurence/ is the same as that in the /binder/
+-- An unfolding in the occurrence is optional fo Ids, but compulsory for type-let-boud
+-- TyVars. Somewhat lazily, we only check the latter.
+sameUnfolding flags v_bndr v_occ
+ = case (tyVarUnfolding_maybe v_bndr, tyVarUnfolding_maybe v_occ) of
+ (Nothing, Nothing) -> True
+ (Just bndr_ty, Just occ_ty) -> eq_type flags bndr_ty occ_ty
+ _ -> False
lookupJoinId :: Id -> LintM JoinPointHood
-- Look up an Id which should be a join point, valid here
@@ -3906,12 +3958,6 @@ mkJoinBndrOccMismatchMsg bndr join_arity_bndr join_arity_occ
, text "Arity at binding site:" <+> ppr join_arity_bndr
, text "Arity at occurrence: " <+> ppr join_arity_occ ]
-mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg :: InVar -> InType -> InType -> SDoc
-mkBndrOccTypeMismatchMsg var bndr_ty occ_ty
- = vcat [ text "Mismatch in type between binder and occurrence"
- , text "Binder: " <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr bndr_ty
- , text "Occurrence:" <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr occ_ty ]
mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg :: JoinId -> JoinArity -> CoreRule -> SDoc
mkBadJoinPointRuleMsg bndr join_arity rule
= vcat [ text "Join point has rule with wrong number of arguments"
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