[Git][ghc/ghc][master] SysTools: Avoid race conditions when processing output (fixes #16450)
Marge Bot (@marge-bot)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Dec 3 22:12:47 UTC 2024
Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
f98b3ac0 by Simon Hengel at 2024-12-03T17:11:30-05:00
SysTools: Avoid race conditions when processing output (fixes #16450)
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/SysTools/Process.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ import GHC.Utils.CliOption
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkSrcLoc, mkSrcSpan )
import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.IO.Encoding
+#if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__)
+import GHC.IO.SubSystem ((<!>))
+import GHC.IO.Handle.Windows (handleToHANDLE)
+import GHC.Event.Windows (associateHandle')
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Char
@@ -222,11 +230,21 @@ handleProc pgm phase_name proc = do
does_not_exist = throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError ("could not execute: " ++ pgm))
+withPipe :: ((Handle, Handle) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withPipe = bracket createPipe $ \ (readEnd, writeEnd) -> do
+ hClose readEnd
+ hClose writeEnd
builderMainLoop :: Logger -> (String -> String) -> FilePath
-> [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> IO ExitCode
-builderMainLoop logger filter_fn pgm real_args mb_cwd mb_env = do
+builderMainLoop logger filter_fn pgm real_args mb_cwd mb_env = withPipe $ \ (readEnd, writeEnd) -> do
+#if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__)
+ return () <!> do
+ associateHandle' =<< handleToHANDLE readEnd
chan <- newChan
-- We use a mask here rather than a bracket because we want
@@ -243,63 +261,59 @@ builderMainLoop logger filter_fn pgm real_args mb_cwd mb_env = do
-- finish.
let procdata =
- $ (proc pgm real_args) { cwd = mb_cwd
- , env = mb_env
- , std_in = CreatePipe
- , std_out = CreatePipe
- , std_err = CreatePipe
- }
- (Just hStdIn, Just hStdOut, Just hStdErr, hProcess) <- restore $
+ $ (proc pgm real_args) {
+ cwd = mb_cwd
+ , env = mb_env
+ , std_in = CreatePipe
+ -- We used to treat stdout/stderr as separate streams, but this
+ -- was racy (see #25517). We now treat them as one stream and
+ -- that is fine for our use-case. We rely on upstream programs
+ -- to serialize writes to the two streams appropriately (note
+ -- that they already need to do that to produce deterministic
+ -- output when used interactively / on the command-line).
+ , std_out = UseHandle writeEnd
+ , std_err = UseHandle writeEnd
+ }
+ (Just hStdIn, Nothing, Nothing, hProcess) <- restore $
createProcess_ "builderMainLoop" procdata
- let cleanup_handles = do
- hClose hStdIn
- hClose hStdOut
- hClose hStdErr
+ hClose writeEnd
r <- try $ restore $ do
- hSetBuffering hStdOut LineBuffering
- hSetBuffering hStdErr LineBuffering
+ getLocaleEncoding >>= hSetEncoding readEnd
+ hSetNewlineMode readEnd nativeNewlineMode
+ hSetBuffering readEnd LineBuffering
let make_reader_proc h = forkIO $ readerProc chan h filter_fn
- bracketOnError (make_reader_proc hStdOut) killThread $ \_ ->
- bracketOnError (make_reader_proc hStdErr) killThread $ \_ ->
+ bracketOnError (make_reader_proc readEnd) killThread $ \_ ->
inner hProcess
+ hClose hStdIn
case r of
- -- onException
Left (SomeException e) -> do
terminateProcess hProcess
- cleanup_handles
throw e
- -- cleanup when there was no exception
Right s -> do
- cleanup_handles
return s
safely $ \h -> do
- -- we don't want to finish until 2 streams have been complete
- -- (stdout and stderr)
- log_loop chan (2 :: Integer)
- -- after that, we wait for the process to finish and return the exit code.
+ processBuildMessages chan
waitForProcess h
- -- t starts at the number of streams we're listening to (2) decrements each
- -- time a reader process sends EOF. We are safe from looping forever if a
- -- reader thread dies, because they send EOF in a finally handler.
- log_loop _ 0 = return ()
- log_loop chan t = do
+ processBuildMessages :: Chan BuildMessage -> IO ()
+ processBuildMessages chan = do
msg <- readChan chan
case msg of
BuildMsg msg -> do
logInfo logger $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle msg
- log_loop chan t
+ processBuildMessages chan
BuildError loc msg -> do
logMsg logger errorDiagnostic (mkSrcSpan loc loc)
$ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle msg
- log_loop chan t
+ processBuildMessages chan
EOF ->
- log_loop chan (t-1)
+ return ()
readerProc :: Chan BuildMessage -> Handle -> (String -> String) -> IO ()
readerProc chan hdl filter_fn =
(do str <- hGetContents hdl
- loop (linesPlatform (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
+ loop (lines (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
writeChan chan EOF
-- ToDo: check errors more carefully
@@ -372,21 +386,3 @@ data BuildMessage
= BuildMsg !SDoc
| BuildError !SrcLoc !SDoc
--- Divvy up text stream into lines, taking platform dependent
--- line termination into account.
-linesPlatform :: String -> [String]
-#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-linesPlatform ls = lines ls
-linesPlatform "" = []
-linesPlatform xs =
- case lineBreak xs of
- (as,xs1) -> as : linesPlatform xs1
- where
- lineBreak "" = ("","")
- lineBreak ('\r':'\n':xs) = ([],xs)
- lineBreak ('\n':xs) = ([],xs)
- lineBreak (x:xs) = let (as,bs) = lineBreak xs in (x:as,bs)
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/f98b3ac03f5e49d62669e52e8ed0fcdec66c596b
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