[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] 2 commits: Don't warn about useless SPECIALISE pragmas if they are INLINE

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Dec 3 00:44:46 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0b695406 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-02T22:42:39+00:00
Don't warn about useless SPECIALISE pragmas if they are INLINE

- - - - -
79cddff8 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-12-02T23:27:10+00:00
More tidying up

Fixes a badness that led to a loop; test in T24359a

Acked-by: Simon Peyton Jones <simon.peytonjones at gmail.com>

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Errors/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T24359a.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T24359a.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T


@@ -812,6 +812,18 @@ We want to get
              in <f-rhs> @[a] @[Int] d2 d3 x 3
 Notice that
+* If the expression had a type signature, such as
+     SPECIALISE f :: Eq b => Int -> b -> b
+  then the desugared expression may have type abstractions and applications
+  "in the way", like this:
+     (/\b. (\d:Eq b). let d1 = $dfOrdInt in f @Int @b d1 d) @b (d2:Eq b)
+  We use the simple optimiser to simplify this to
+     let { d = d2; d1 = $dfOrdInt } in f @Int @b (d2:Eq b)
+  Do no inlining in this "simple optimiser" phase: use `simpleOptExprNoInline`.
+  E.g. we don't want to turn
+     let { d1=d; d2=d } in f d d    -->    f d d
+  because the latter is harder to match.
 * We want to quantify the RULE over the free vars of the /call/ inside all
   those dictionary bindings.
@@ -924,6 +936,8 @@ dsSpec poly_rhs (SpecPragE { spe_fn_nm  = poly_nm
        ; tracePm "dsSpec" (vcat [ text "poly_id" <+> ppr poly_id
                                 , text "bndrs"   <+> ppr bndrs
+                                , text "all_bndrs"   <+> ppr all_bndrs
+                                , text "const_bndrs"   <+> ppr const_bndrs
                                 , text "ds_call" <+> ppr ds_call
                                 , text "core_call" <+> ppr core_call
                                 , text "core_call fvs" <+> ppr (exprFreeVars core_call)
@@ -948,9 +962,11 @@ prepareSpecLHS poly_id evs the_call
     go qevs acc (Let bind e)
       | not (all isDictId bndrs)   -- A normal 'let' is too complicated
       = Nothing
       | all (transfer_to_spec_rhs qevs) $
-        rhssOfBind bind
+        rhssOfBind bind            -- One of the `const_binds`
       = go qevs (bind:acc) e
       | otherwise
       = go (qevs `extendVarSetList` bndrs) acc e
@@ -964,8 +980,7 @@ prepareSpecLHS poly_id evs the_call
       = Nothing
     transfer_to_spec_rhs qevs rhs
-      = exprIsTrivial rhs
-        || isEmptyVarSet (exprSomeFreeVars is_quant_id rhs)
+      = isEmptyVarSet (exprSomeFreeVars is_quant_id rhs)
         is_quant_id v = isId v && v `elemVarSet` qevs
       -- See Note [Desugaring SPECIALISE pragmas] wrinkle (DS1)
@@ -976,72 +991,78 @@ finishSpecPrag :: Name -> CoreExpr                    -- RHS to specialise
                -> DsM (Maybe (OrdList (Id,CoreExpr), CoreRule))
 finishSpecPrag poly_nm poly_rhs rule_bndrs poly_id rule_args
                                 spec_bndrs mk_spec_body spec_inl
-  = do { want_spec <-
-            case mb_useless of
-              Just useless ->
-                 do { diagnosticDs $ DsUselessSpecialisePragma poly_nm useless
-                    ; return $ uselessSpecialisePragmaKeepAnyway useless }
-              Nothing -> return True
-       ; if not want_spec
-         then return Nothing
-         else Just <$>
+  | Just reason <- mb_useless
+  = do { diagnosticDs $ DsUselessSpecialisePragma poly_nm reason
+       ; if uselessSpecialisePragmaKeepAnyway reason
+         then Just <$> finish_prag
+         else return Nothing }
+  | otherwise
+  = Just <$> finish_prag
+  where
     -- The RULE looks like
     --    RULE "USPEC" forall rule_bndrs. f rule_args = $sf spec_bndrs
     -- The specialised function looks like
     --    $sf spec_bndrs = mk_spec_body <f's original rhs>
     -- We also use mk_spec_body to specialise the methods in f's stable unfolding
     -- NB: spec_bindrs is a subset of rule_bndrs
-    do { this_mod <- getModule
-       ; uniq     <- newUnique
-       ; dflags   <- getDynFlags
-       ; let poly_name  = idName poly_id
-             spec_occ   = mkSpecOcc (getOccName poly_name)
-             spec_name  = mkInternalName uniq spec_occ (getSrcSpan poly_name)
-             simpl_opts = initSimpleOpts dflags
-             fn_unf     = realIdUnfolding poly_id
-             spec_unf   = specUnfolding simpl_opts spec_bndrs mk_spec_body rule_args fn_unf
-             spec_id    = mkLocalId spec_name ManyTy spec_ty
-                            -- Specialised binding is toplevel, hence Many.
-                            `setInlinePragma` specFunInlinePrag poly_id id_inl spec_inl
-                            `setIdUnfolding`  spec_unf
-             rule = mkSpecRule dflags this_mod False rule_act (text "USPEC")
-                               poly_id rule_bndrs rule_args
-                               (mkVarApps (Var spec_id) spec_bndrs)
-             rule_ty  = exprType (mkApps (Var poly_id) rule_args)
-             spec_ty  = mkLamTypes spec_bndrs rule_ty
-             spec_rhs = mkLams spec_bndrs (mk_spec_body poly_rhs)
-       ; dsWarnOrphanRule rule
-       ; tracePm "dsSpec" (vcat
-            [ text "fun:" <+> ppr poly_id
-            , text "spec_bndrs:" <+>  ppr spec_bndrs
-            , text "args:" <+>  ppr rule_args ])
-       ; return (unitOL (spec_id, spec_rhs), rule)
-            -- NB: do *not* use makeCorePair on (spec_id,spec_rhs), because
-            --     makeCorePair overwrites the unfolding, which we have
-            --     just created using specUnfolding
-       } }
-  where
+    finish_prag
+      = do { this_mod <- getModule
+           ; uniq     <- newUnique
+           ; dflags   <- getDynFlags
+           ; let poly_name  = idName poly_id
+                 spec_occ   = mkSpecOcc (getOccName poly_name)
+                 spec_name  = mkInternalName uniq spec_occ (getSrcSpan poly_name)
+                 simpl_opts = initSimpleOpts dflags
+                 fn_unf     = realIdUnfolding poly_id
+                 spec_unf   = specUnfolding simpl_opts spec_bndrs mk_spec_body rule_args fn_unf
+                 spec_id    = mkLocalId spec_name ManyTy spec_ty
+                                -- Specialised binding is toplevel, hence Many.
+                                `setInlinePragma` specFunInlinePrag poly_id id_inl spec_inl
+                                `setIdUnfolding`  spec_unf
+                 rule = mkSpecRule dflags this_mod False rule_act (text "USPEC")
+                                   poly_id rule_bndrs rule_args
+                                   (mkVarApps (Var spec_id) spec_bndrs)
+                 rule_ty  = exprType (mkApps (Var poly_id) rule_args)
+                 spec_ty  = mkLamTypes spec_bndrs rule_ty
+                 spec_rhs = mkLams spec_bndrs (mk_spec_body poly_rhs)
+           ; dsWarnOrphanRule rule
+           ; tracePm "dsSpec" (vcat
+                [ text "fun:" <+> ppr poly_id
+                , text "spec_bndrs:" <+>  ppr spec_bndrs
+                , text "args:" <+>  ppr rule_args ])
+           ; return (unitOL (spec_id, spec_rhs), rule) }
+                -- NB: do *not* use makeCorePair on (spec_id,spec_rhs), because
+                --     makeCorePair overwrites the unfolding, which we have
+                --     just created using specUnfolding
     -- Is this SPECIALISE pragma useless?
-    mb_useless =
-      if | isJust (isClassOpId_maybe poly_id)
-         -- There is no point in trying to specialise a class op
-         -- Moreover, classops don't (currently) have an inl_sat arity set
-         -- (it would be Just 0) and that in turn makes makeCorePair bleat
-         -> Just UselessSpecialiseForClassMethodSelector
-         | no_act_spec && isNeverActive rule_act
-         -- Function is NOINLINE, and the specialisation inherits that
-         -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
-         -> Just UselessSpecialiseForNoInlineFunction
-         | all is_nop_arg rule_args
-         -- The specialisation does nothing.
-         -> Just UselessSpecialiseNoSpecialisation
-         | otherwise
-         -> Nothing
+    mb_useless :: Maybe UselessSpecialisePragmaReason
+    mb_useless
+      | isJust (isClassOpId_maybe poly_id)
+      -- There is no point in trying to specialise a class op
+      -- Moreover, classops don't (currently) have an inl_sat arity set
+      -- (it would be Just 0) and that in turn makes makeCorePair bleat
+      = Just UselessSpecialiseForClassMethodSelector
+      | no_act_spec, isNeverActive rule_act
+      -- Function is NOINLINE, and the specialisation inherits that
+      -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
+      = Just UselessSpecialiseForNoInlineFunction
+      | all is_nop_arg rule_args, not (isInlinePragma spec_inl)
+      -- The specialisation does nothing.
+      -- But don't compliain if it is SPECIALISE INLINE (#4444)
+      = Just UselessSpecialiseNoSpecialisation
+      | otherwise
+      = Nothing
     -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
     -- no_act_spec is True if the user didn't write an explicit

@@ -218,12 +218,11 @@ data UselessSpecialisePragmaReason
 uselessSpecialisePragmaKeepAnyway :: UselessSpecialisePragmaReason -> Bool
 uselessSpecialisePragmaKeepAnyway = \case
   UselessSpecialiseForClassMethodSelector -> False
-  UselessSpecialiseForNoInlineFunction -> False
-  UselessSpecialiseNoSpecialisation -> True
+  UselessSpecialiseForNoInlineFunction    -> False
+  UselessSpecialiseNoSpecialisation       -> True
     -- See #25389/T25389 for why we might want to keep this specialisation
     -- around even if it seemingly does nothing.
 data NegLiteralExtEnabled
   = YesUsingNegLiterals
   | NotUsingNegLiterals

@@ -959,7 +959,9 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
                    solveWanteds wanted
        -- Quantifiy over the the constraints
-       ; qevs <- mk_quant_evs (approximateWC False wanted)
+       ; qevs <- mapM newEvVar $
+                 ctsPreds      $
+                 approximateWC False wanted
        ; emitResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl skol_info_anon ev_binds_var
                                  emptyVarSet tv_bndrs qevs
@@ -1460,55 +1462,41 @@ simplifyRule name tc_lvl lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
        ; lhs_wanted <- liftZonkM $ zonkWC lhs_wanted
        -- Note [The SimplifyRule Plan] step 3
-       ; let (quant_cts, residual_lhs_wanted) = getRuleQuantCts lhs_wanted
-       ; quant_evs <- mk_quant_evs quant_cts
+       ; (quant_evs, residual_lhs_wanted) <-getRuleQuantCts lhs_wanted
        ; traceTc "simplifyRule" $
          vcat [ text "LHS of rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
               , text "lhs_wanted" <+> ppr lhs_wanted
               , text "rhs_wanted" <+> ppr rhs_wanted
-              , text "quant_cts" <+> ppr quant_cts
+              , text "quant_cts" <+> ppr quant_evs
               , text "residual_lhs_wanted" <+> ppr residual_lhs_wanted
               , text "dont_default" <+> ppr dont_default
        ; return (quant_evs, residual_lhs_wanted, dont_default) }
-mk_quant_evs :: Cts -> TcM [EvVar]
-mk_quant_evs cts
-  = mapM mk_one (bagToList cts)
-  where
-    mk_one ct
-     | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_pred = pred } <- ctEvidence ct
-     = case dest of
-         EvVarDest ev_id -> return ev_id
-         HoleDest hole   -> -- See Note [Quantifying over coercion holes]
-                            do { ev_id <- newEvVar pred
-                               ; fillCoercionHole hole (mkCoVarCo ev_id)
-                               ; return ev_id }
-    mk_one ct = pprPanic "mk_quant_ev" (ppr ct)
-getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> (Cts, WantedConstraints)
+getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> TcM ([EvVar], WantedConstraints)
 -- Extract all the constraints that we can quantify over,
 --   also returning the depleted WantedConstraints
+-- Unlike simplifyInfer, we don't leave the WantedConstraints unchanged,
+--   and attempt to solve them from the quantified constraints.  Instead
+--   we /partition/ the WantedConstraints into ones to quantify and ones
+--   we can't quantify.  We could use approximateWC instead, and leave
+--   `wanted` unchanged; but then we'd have clone fresh binders and
+--   generate silly identity bindings.  Seems more direct to do this.
+--   Probably not a big eal wither way.
 -- NB: we must look inside implications, because with
 --     -fdefer-type-errors we generate implications rather eagerly;
 --     see GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.implicationNeeded. Not doing so caused #14732.
--- Unlike simplifyInfer, we don't leave the WantedConstraints unchanged,
---   and attempt to solve them from the quantified constraints.  That
---   nearly works, but fails for a constraint like (d :: Eq Int).
---   We /do/ want to quantify over it, but the short-cut solver
---   (see GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict Note [Shortcut solving]) ignores the quantified
---   and instead solves from the top level.
---   So we must partition the WantedConstraints ourselves
---   Not hard, but tiresome.
 getRuleQuantCts wc
-  = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
+  = do { quant_evs <- mapM mk_one (bagToList quant_cts)
+       ; return (quant_evs, residual_wc) }
+    (quant_cts, residual_wc) = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
     float_wc :: TcTyCoVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> (Cts, WantedConstraints)
     float_wc skol_tvs (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_errors = errs })
       = ( simple_yes `andCts` implic_yes
@@ -1534,6 +1522,16 @@ getRuleQuantCts wc
              -> False        -- Note [RULE quantification over equalities]
            _ -> tyCoVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skol_tvs
+    mk_one :: Ct -> TcM EvVar
+    mk_one ct
+     | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_pred = pred } <- ctEvidence ct
+     = case dest of
+         EvVarDest ev_id -> return ev_id
+         HoleDest hole   -> -- See Note [Quantifying over coercion holes]
+                            do { ev_id <- newEvVar pred
+                               ; fillCoercionHole hole (mkCoVarCo ev_id)
+                               ; return ev_id }
+    mk_one ct = pprPanic "mk_quant_ev" (ppr ct)
 --    ok_eq t1 t2
 --       | t1 `tcEqType` t2 = False  -- Our solving step may have turned it into Refl
 --       | otherwise        = True

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, ExplicitForAll #-}
+module T24359a where
+data UA i = UA !i
+class IArray a where
+  bounds :: a i -> i
+showsIArray :: (IArray a, Show i) => a i -> String
+showsIArray a = show (bounds a)
+    showsIArray :: (Show i) => UA i -> String
+  #-}
+instance IArray UA where
+  bounds (UA u) = u

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+==================== Tidy Core rules ====================
+"USPEC showsIArray @UA @_"
+    forall (@i) ($dShow :: Show i) ($dIArray :: IArray UA).
+      showsIArray @UA @i $dIArray $dShow
+      = showsIArray_$sshowsIArray @i $dShow

@@ -533,3 +533,4 @@ test('T25033', normal, compile, ['-O'])
 test('T25160', normal, compile, ['-O -ddump-rules'])
 test('T25197', [req_th, extra_files(["T25197_TH.hs"]), only_ways(['optasm'])], multimod_compile, ['T25197', '-O2 -v0'])
 test('T25389', normal, compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques -dno-typeable-binds'])
+test('T24359a', normal, compile, ['-O -ddump-rules'])

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