[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/12935] 3 commits: wip: temp file names

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Aug 22 12:16:18 UTC 2024

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/12935 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d544732d by Matthew Pickering at 2024-08-15T17:22:31+01:00
wip: temp file names

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0658e1a7 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-08-16T14:54:10+01:00
Two additional sorts in interface docs

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3e22b78d by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-08-22T13:16:00+01:00
Writing Notes and Cleaning up v1

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/UniqueRenamer.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DSM.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/TmpFs.hs


@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ data ProfilingInfo
   = NoProfilingInfo
   | ProfilingInfo ByteString ByteString -- closure_type, closure_desc
   deriving (Eq, Ord)
 --              Static Data
@@ -354,6 +355,24 @@ instance OutputableP Platform (GenCmmStatics a) where
 type CmmStatics    = GenCmmStatics 'False
 type RawCmmStatics = GenCmmStatics 'True
+--              Deterministic Cmm / Info Tables
+Note [DCmmGroup vs CmmGroup or: Deterministic Info Tables]
+Label maps are not deterministic despite the names being deterministic (why?
+because of external names? or is it something else? I don't recall), so now we
+parametrise the info table data structure on whether we're using the non-deterministic label map or a list which preserves the order, etc...
+And then we change between DCmmGroup and CmmGroup back and forth? For different passes?
+TODO: for MP
+See also Note [Object determinism] in GHC.StgToCmm
 -- Converting out of deterministic Cmm
 removeDeterm :: DCmmGroup -> CmmGroup
@@ -372,7 +391,6 @@ removeDetermGraph (CmmGraph x y) =
             GMany a (DWrap b) c -> GMany a (mapFromList b) c
   in CmmGraph x y'
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Basic blocks consisting of lists

@@ -1875,20 +1875,16 @@ returns True.
 -- | A utility for renaming uniques in CLabels to produce deterministic object.
 -- Note that not all Uniques are mapped over. Only those that can be safely alpha
--- renamed, eg uniques of local symbols or of system names.
--- See Note [....TODO]
--- ROMES:TODO: We can do less work here, like, do we really need to rename AsmTempLabel, SRTLabel, LocalBlockLabel?
--- however, the input to layout must be deterministic to produce deterministic layout.
--- Which means we could avoid renaming it here, as long as we guarantee the labels are produced deterministically (which we could, perhaps by using a det supply in fcode)
+-- renamed, e.g. uniques of local symbols, but not of external ones.
+-- See Note [Renaming uniques deterministically].
 mapInternalNonDetUniques :: Applicative m => (Unique -> m Unique) -> CLabel -> m CLabel
+-- todo: Can we do less work here, e.g., do we really need to rename AsmTempLabel, LocalBlockLabel?
 mapInternalNonDetUniques f x = case x of
   IdLabel name cafInfo idLabelInfo
     | not (isExternalName name) -> IdLabel . setNameUnique name <$> f (nameUnique name) <*> pure cafInfo <*> pure idLabelInfo
     | otherwise -> pure x
   cl at CmmLabel{} -> pure cl
-  -- ROMES:TODO: what about `RtsApFast NonDetFastString`?
   RtsLabel rtsLblInfo -> pure $ RtsLabel rtsLblInfo
-  -- Even if we can't get away with not renaming, we could forget these local ones right after renaming this block
   LocalBlockLabel unique -> LocalBlockLabel <$> f unique
   fl at ForeignLabel{} -> pure fl
   AsmTempLabel unique -> AsmTempLabel <$> f unique
@@ -1899,7 +1895,6 @@ mapInternalNonDetUniques f x = case x of
   IPE_Label ipe at InfoProvEnt{infoTablePtr} ->
     (\cl' -> IPE_Label ipe{infoTablePtr = cl'}) <$> mapInternalNonDetUniques f infoTablePtr
   ml at ModuleLabel{} -> pure ml
-  -- ROMES:TODO: Suspicious, maybe we shouldn't rename these.
   DynamicLinkerLabel dlli clbl -> DynamicLinkerLabel dlli <$> mapInternalNonDetUniques f clbl
   PicBaseLabel -> pure PicBaseLabel
   DeadStripPreventer clbl -> DeadStripPreventer <$> mapInternalNonDetUniques f clbl

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ cmmToRawCmm logger profile cmms
                  -- By using a local namespace 'i' here, we can have other
                  -- deterministic supplies starting from the same unique in
                  -- other parts of the Cmm backend
-                 -- See Note [Cmm Local Deterministic Uniques] (TODO)
+                 -- See Note [Deterministic Uniques in the NCG]
                  let (a, us) = runUniqueDSM nextUq $
                                concatMapM (mkInfoTable profile) cmm
                  writeIORef detUqSupply us

@@ -30,21 +30,21 @@ import GHC.Types.Var
--- * Deterministic Objects
+Note [Renaming uniques deterministically]
+To produce deterministic object code, we alpha-rename all Uniques to deterministic uniques before Cmm linting.
+From here on out, the backend code generation can't use (non-deterministic) Uniques, or risk producing non-deterministic code.
+For example, the fix-up action in the ASM NCG should use determinist names for potential new blocks it has to create.
+Therefore, in the ASM NCG `NatM` Monad we use a deterministic `UniqSuply` (which won't be shared about multiple threads)
-** Write many notes in a collective note.
-* Before generating Code, we rename all uniques of local symbols deterministically
-* The code generation (like Assembly fix ups) need
+Before generating Code, we rename all uniques of local symbols deterministically
+See also Note [Object determinism] in GHC.StgToCmm
 -- | A mapping from non-deterministic uniques to deterministic uniques, to
 -- rename local symbols with the end goal of producing deterministic object files.
--- See Note [....TODO]
+-- See Note [Renaming uniques deterministically]
 data DetUniqFM = DetUniqFM
   { mapping :: !(UniqFM Unique Unique)
   , supply  :: !Word64

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.LlvmConfigCache  (LlvmConfigCache)
 import GHC.Driver.Ppr
 import GHC.Driver.Backend
-import GHC.Data.OsPath
+import GHC.Data.OsPath hiding ((</>), (<.>))
 import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ST
 import GHC.Data.Stream           ( Stream )
 import qualified GHC.Data.Stream as Stream
@@ -262,7 +262,10 @@ outputForeignStubs
 outputForeignStubs logger tmpfs dflags unit_state mod location stubs
  = do
    let stub_h = unsafeDecodeUtf $ mkStubPaths (initFinderOpts dflags) (moduleName mod) location
-   stub_c <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "c"
+   tmp_dir <- getTempDir logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags)
+   let stub_c = tmp_dir </> (unitIdString (moduleUnitId mod) ++ "_" ++ moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ "_stub") <.> "c"
+   addFilesToClean tmpfs TFL_CurrentModule [stub_c]
    case stubs of
      NoStubs ->

@@ -2923,19 +2923,22 @@ runParPipelines worker_limit plugin_hsc_env diag_wrapper mHscMessager all_pipeli
     atomically $ writeTVar stopped_var True
-withLocalTmpFS :: RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
-withLocalTmpFS act = do
+withLocalTmpFS :: TmpFs -> (TmpFs -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLocalTmpFS tmpfs act = do
   let initialiser = do
-        MakeEnv{..} <- ask
-        lcl_tmpfs <- liftIO $ forkTmpFsFrom (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
-        return $ hsc_env { hsc_tmpfs  = lcl_tmpfs }
-      finaliser lcl_env = do
-        gbl_env <- ask
-        liftIO $ mergeTmpFsInto (hsc_tmpfs lcl_env) (hsc_tmpfs (hsc_env gbl_env))
+        liftIO $ forkTmpFsFrom tmpfs
+      finaliser tmpfs_local = do
+        liftIO $ mergeTmpFsInto tmpfs_local tmpfs
        -- Add remaining files which weren't cleaned up into local tmp fs for
        -- clean-up later.
        -- Clear the logQueue if this node had it's own log queue
-  MC.bracket initialiser finaliser $ \lcl_hsc_env -> local (\env -> env { hsc_env = lcl_hsc_env}) act
+  MC.bracket initialiser finaliser act
+withLocalTmpFSMake :: MakeEnv -> (MakeEnv -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLocalTmpFSMake env k =
+  withLocalTmpFS (hsc_tmpfs (hsc_env env)) $ \lcl_tmpfs
+    -> k (env { hsc_env = (hsc_env env) { hsc_tmpfs = lcl_tmpfs }})
 -- | Run the given actions and then wait for them all to finish.
 runAllPipelines :: WorkerLimit -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
@@ -2957,16 +2960,18 @@ runAllPipelines worker_limit env acts = do
 runLoop :: (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO [a]
 runLoop _ _env [] = return []
 runLoop fork_thread env (MakeAction act res_var :acts) = do
-  new_thread <-
+  -- withLocalTmpFs has to occur outside of fork to remain deterministic
+  new_thread <- withLocalTmpFSMake env $ \lcl_env ->
     fork_thread $ \unmask -> (do
-            mres <- (unmask $ run_pipeline (withLocalTmpFS act))
+            mres <- (unmask $ run_pipeline lcl_env act)
                       `MC.onException` (putMVar res_var Nothing) -- Defensive: If there's an unhandled exception then still signal the failure.
             putMVar res_var mres)
   threads <- runLoop fork_thread env acts
   return (new_thread : threads)
-      run_pipeline :: RunMakeM a -> IO (Maybe a)
-      run_pipeline p = runMaybeT (runReaderT p env)
+      run_pipeline :: MakeEnv -> RunMakeM a -> IO (Maybe a)
+      run_pipeline env p = runMaybeT (runReaderT p env)
 data MakeAction = forall a . MakeAction !(RunMakeM a) !(MVar (Maybe a))

@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ mkDocStructureFromExportList mdl import_avails export_list =
       (IEGroup _ level doc, _)         -> DsiSectionHeading level (unLoc doc)
       (IEDoc _ doc, _)                 -> DsiDocChunk (unLoc doc)
       (IEDocNamed _ name, _)           -> DsiNamedChunkRef name
-      (_, avails)                      -> DsiExports (nubAvails avails)
+      (_, avails)                      -> DsiExports (sortAvails (nubAvails avails))
     moduleExport :: ModuleName -- Alias
                  -> Avails
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ mkDocStructureFromDecls env all_exports decls =
     map unLoc (sortLocated (docs ++ avails))
     avails :: [Located DocStructureItem]
-    avails = flip fmap all_exports $ \avail ->
+    avails = flip fmap (sortAvails all_exports) $ \avail ->
       case M.lookup (availName avail) name_locs of
         Just loc -> L loc (DsiExports [avail])
         -- FIXME: This is just a workaround that we use when handling e.g.

@@ -95,11 +95,6 @@ codeGen logger tmpfs cfg (InfoTableProvMap denv _ _) data_tycons
                 (a, cmm) <- liftIO . withTimingSilent logger (text "STG -> Cmm") (`seq` ()) $ do
                          st <- readIORef cgref
-                         -- To produce deterministic object code, we alpha-rename all Uniques to deterministic uniques before Cmm linting.
-                         -- From here on out, the backend code generation can't use (non-deterministic) Uniques, or risk producing non-deterministic code.
-                         -- For example, the fix-up action in the ASM NCG should use determinist names for potential new blocks it has to create.
-                         -- Therefore, in the ASM NCG `NatM` Monad we use a deterministic `UniqSuply` (which won't be shared about multiple threads)
-                         -- TODO: Put these all into notes carefully organized
                          rnm0 <- readIORef uniqRnRef
@@ -107,6 +102,7 @@ codeGen logger tmpfs cfg (InfoTableProvMap denv _ _) data_tycons
                            (rnm1, cmm_renamed) =
                              -- Enable deterministic object code generation by
                              -- renaming uniques deterministically.
+                             -- See Note [Object determinism]
                              if stgToCmmObjectDeterminism cfg
                                 then detRenameCmmGroup rnm0 cmm -- The yielded cmm will already be renamed.
                                 else (rnm0, removeDeterm cmm)
@@ -164,6 +160,54 @@ codeGen logger tmpfs cfg (InfoTableProvMap denv _ _) data_tycons
         ; return (generatedInfo, rn_mapping)
+Note [Object Determinism]
+Object determinism means that GHC, for the same exact input, produces,
+deterministically, byte-for-byte identical objects (.o files, executables,
+libraries...) on separate multi-threaded runs.
+The main cause of non-determinism in objects comes from the non-deterministic
+uniques leaking into the generated code. Apart from uniques previously affecting
+determinism both directly by showing up in symbol labels and indirectly, e.g. in
+the CLabel Ord instance, GHC already did a lot deterministically (modulo bugs)
+by the time we set out to achieve full object determinism:
+* The Simplifier is deterministic in the optimisations it applies (c.f. #25170)
+* Interface files are deterministic (also a consequence of the previous bullet)
+* The Cmm/NCG pipeline processes sections in a deterministic order, so the final
+  object sections, closures, data, etc., are already always outputted in the
+  same order for the same module.
+Beyond fixing small bugs in the above bullets and other smaller non-determinism
+leaks like the Ord instance of CLabels, we must ensure that/do the following to
+make GHC fully deterministic:
+* In STG -> Cmm, deterministically /rename/ all non-external uniques in the Cmm
+  chunk before yielding it. See Note [Renaming uniques deterministically] in
+  GHC.Cmm.UniqueRenamer. This pass is necessary for object determinism but is
+  currently guarded by -fobject-determinism.
+* Multiple Cmm passes work with non-deterministic @LabelMap at s -- that doesn't
+  change since they are both important for performance and do not affect the
+  determinism of the end result. In contrast, info tables in CmmDecls cannot be
+  backed by @LabelMap at s in certain stages since the nondeterministic order of its
+  labels does leak into the object, so we have a little dance between @DCmmGroup@
+  and @CmmGroup@ to preserve determinism of the info tables while keeping a
+  performant Cmm pipeline. (TODO: MP: revise)
+  See Note [DCmmGroup vs CmmGroup or: Deterministic Info Tables] in GHC.Cmm.
+* In the code generation pipeline from Cmm onwards, when new uniques need to be
+  created for a given pass, use @UniqDSM@ instead of the previously used @UniqSM at .
+  @UniqDSM@ supplies uniques iteratively, guaranteeing uniques produced by the
+  backend are deterministic accross runs.
+  See Note [Deterministic Uniques in the NCG] in GHC.Types.Unique.DSM.
 --      Top-level bindings

@@ -9,13 +9,29 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique
 import qualified GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict as Strict
 import qualified GHC.Types.Unique.Supply as USM
--- todo: Do I need to use the one-shot state monad trick? Probably yes.
+Note [Deterministic Uniques in the NCG]
+(TODO: Is there anything about locality that I need to add? better to avoid if possible. Need to double check.)
--- check: UniqSM is only used before Cmm (grep for it), afterwards only UniqDSM is used.
+See also Note [Object determinism] in GHC.StgToCmm
+-- This was on top of initDUniqSupply
+-- TODO::::::
+-- Write Note about the importance of locality in uniques that are deterministic
+-- If you use a tag which collides with other names, you'll get a uniques
+-- deterministically colliding with existing symbols.
+-- (e.g. easy to observe if you do this wrong)
+-- Ideally, we'd thread the same deterministic unique supply all the way
+-- throughout the Cmm pipeline, starting off from hte deterministic rename
+-- pass.
--- todo: use UniqSM for UniqRenamable? We've basically re-implemented this logic
--- there, but without the unboxing it feels? Maybe not, since we carry the
--- mappings too.
+-- todo:check: UniqSM is only used before Cmm (grep for it), afterwards only UniqDSM is used.
 newtype DUniqSupply = DUS Word64 -- supply uniques iteratively
 type DUniqResult result = (# result, DUniqSupply #)
@@ -47,16 +63,8 @@ takeUniqueFromDSupply d =
   case unUDSM getUniqueDSM d of
     DUniqResult x y -> (x, y)
--- Write Note about the importance of locality in uniques that are deterministic
--- If you use a tag which collides with other names, you'll get a uniques
--- deterministically colliding with existing symbols.
--- (e.g. easy to observe if you do this wrong)
--- Ideally, we'd thread the same deterministic unique supply all the way
--- throughout the Cmm pipeline, starting off from hte deterministic rename
--- pass.
+-- | Initialize a deterministic unique supply with the given Tag and initial unique.
+-- See Note [Deterministic Uniques in the NCG]
 initDUniqSupply :: Char -> Word64 -> DUniqSupply
 initDUniqSupply c firstUniq =
   let !tag = mkTag c
@@ -70,8 +78,12 @@ runUniqueDSM ds (UDSM f) =
   case f ds of
     DUniqResult uq us -> (uq, us)
--- Add explanation on how this gives you a deterministic way of getting uniques
--- if the instance uses a deterministic unique supply.
+-- | Get a unique from a monad that can access a unique supply.
+-- Crucially, because 'MonadGetUnique' doesn't allow you to get the
+-- 'UniqSupply' (unlike 'MonadUnique'), an instance such as 'UniqDSM' can use a
+-- deterministic unique supply to return deterministic uniques without allowing
+-- for the 'UniqSupply' to be shared.
 class Monad m => MonadGetUnique m where
   getUniqueM :: m Unique
@@ -81,9 +93,3 @@ instance MonadGetUnique UniqDSM where
 instance MonadGetUnique USM.UniqSM where
   getUniqueM = USM.getUniqueM
-Note [Cmm Local Deterministic Uniques]

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.TmpFs
     , emptyPathsToClean
     , TempFileLifetime(..)
     , TempDir (..)
+    , getTempDir
     , cleanTempDirs
     , cleanTempFiles
     , cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles
@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ data TmpFs = TmpFs
       -- Shared with forked TmpFs.
+  , tmp_dir_prefix :: String
   , tmp_files_to_clean :: IORef PathsToClean
       -- ^ Files to clean (per session or per module)
@@ -121,6 +124,7 @@ initTmpFs = do
         , tmp_subdirs_to_clean = subdirs
         , tmp_dirs_to_clean    = dirs
         , tmp_next_suffix      = next
+        , tmp_dir_prefix       = "tmp"
 -- | Initialise an empty TmpFs sharing unique numbers and per-process temporary
@@ -132,11 +136,16 @@ forkTmpFsFrom :: TmpFs -> IO TmpFs
 forkTmpFsFrom old = do
     files <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
     subdirs <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
+    counter <- newIORef 0
+    prefix  <- newTempSuffix old
     return $ TmpFs
         { tmp_files_to_clean   = files
         , tmp_subdirs_to_clean = subdirs
         , tmp_dirs_to_clean    = tmp_dirs_to_clean old
-        , tmp_next_suffix      = tmp_next_suffix old
+        , tmp_next_suffix      = counter
+        , tmp_dir_prefix       = prefix
 -- | Merge the first TmpFs into the second.
@@ -259,9 +268,11 @@ changeTempFilesLifetime tmpfs lifetime files = do
   addFilesToClean tmpfs lifetime existing_files
 -- Return a unique numeric temp file suffix
-newTempSuffix :: TmpFs -> IO Int
-newTempSuffix tmpfs =
-  atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_next_suffix tmpfs) $ \n -> (n+1,n)
+newTempSuffix :: TmpFs -> IO String
+newTempSuffix tmpfs = do
+  n <- atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_next_suffix tmpfs) $ \n -> (n+1,n)
+  return $ tmp_dir_prefix tmpfs ++ "_" ++ show n
 -- Find a temporary name that doesn't already exist.
 newTempName :: Logger -> TmpFs -> TempDir -> TempFileLifetime -> Suffix -> IO FilePath
@@ -271,8 +282,8 @@ newTempName logger tmpfs tmp_dir lifetime extn
     findTempName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
     findTempName prefix
-      = do n <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
-           let filename = prefix ++ show n <.> extn
+      = do suffix <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
+           let filename = prefix ++ suffix <.> extn
            b <- doesFileExist filename
            if b then findTempName prefix
                 else do -- clean it up later
@@ -295,8 +306,8 @@ newTempSubDir logger tmpfs tmp_dir
     findTempDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
     findTempDir prefix
-      = do n <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
-           let name = prefix ++ show n
+      = do suffix <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
+           let name = prefix ++ suffix
            b <- doesDirectoryExist name
            if b then findTempDir prefix
                 else (do
@@ -314,8 +325,8 @@ newTempLibName logger tmpfs tmp_dir lifetime extn
     findTempName :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, FilePath, String)
     findTempName dir prefix
-      = do n <- newTempSuffix tmpfs -- See Note [Deterministic base name]
-           let libname = prefix ++ show n
+      = do suffix <- newTempSuffix tmpfs -- See Note [Deterministic base name]
+           let libname = prefix ++ suffix
                filename = dir </> "lib" ++ libname <.> extn
            b <- doesFileExist filename
            if b then findTempName dir prefix
@@ -340,8 +351,8 @@ getTempDir logger tmpfs (TempDir tmp_dir) = do
     mkTempDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
     mkTempDir prefix = do
-        n <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
-        let our_dir = prefix ++ show n
+        suffix <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
+        let our_dir = prefix ++ suffix
         -- 1. Speculatively create our new directory.
         createDirectory our_dir

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