[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/strings] 3 commits: Replace manual string lexing

Brandon Chinn (@brandonchinn178) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Aug 13 07:22:01 UTC 2024

Brandon Chinn pushed to branch wip/strings at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c46bd91e by Brandon Chinn at 2024-08-12T22:42:05-07:00
Replace manual string lexing

- - - - -
789274da by Brandon Chinn at 2024-08-12T22:42:06-07:00
Update tests for new lexing error messages

- - - - -
24e8f49a by Brandon Chinn at 2024-08-12T22:42:39-07:00
Lex multiline strings using LexState, to allow bare quotes

- - - - -

13 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Errors/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Errors/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser/String.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/SourceText.hs
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T3751.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T5425.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/readFail002.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/readFail004.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/readFail005.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/readFail033.stderr
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs


@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ import GHC.Parser.HaddockLex
 import GHC.Parser.Annotation
 import GHC.Parser.Errors.Types
 import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr ()
+import GHC.Parser.String
 import GHC.Builtin.Types ( unitTyCon, unitDataCon, sumTyCon,
                            tupleTyCon, tupleDataCon, nilDataCon,
@@ -728,7 +729,9 @@ are the most common patterns, rewritten as regular expressions for clarity:
  CHAR           { L _ (ITchar   _ _) }
  STRING         { L _ (ITstring _ _) }
- MULTILINESTRING { L _ (ITmultilinestring _ _) }
+ STRING_MULTI_BEGIN   { L _ (ITstring_multi_begin      ) }
+ STRING_MULTI_CONTENT { L _ (ITstring_multi_content _ _) }
+ STRING_MULTI_END     { L _ (ITstring_multi_end        ) }
  INTEGER        { L _ (ITinteger _) }
  RATIONAL       { L _ (ITrational _) }
@@ -2341,8 +2344,8 @@ atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
                                                                         (getCHAR $1) }
         | STRING               { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getSTRINGs $1)
                                                                      (getSTRING  $1) }
-        | MULTILINESTRING      { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getMULTILINESTRINGs $1)
-                                                                     (getMULTILINESTRING  $1) }
+        | string_multi         { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getSTRINGs $1)
+                                                                     (getSTRING  $1) }
         | '_'                  { sL1a $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy }
         -- Type variables are never exported, so `M.tyvar` will be rejected by the renamer.
         -- We let it pass the parser because the renamer can generate a better error message.
@@ -4031,8 +4034,8 @@ literal :: { Located (HsLit GhcPs) }
         : CHAR              { sL1 $1 $ HsChar       (getCHARs $1) $ getCHAR $1 }
         | STRING            { sL1 $1 $ HsString     (getSTRINGs $1)
                                                     $ getSTRING $1 }
-        | MULTILINESTRING   { sL1 $1 $ HsMultilineString (getMULTILINESTRINGs $1)
-                                                    $ getMULTILINESTRING $1 }
+        | string_multi      { sL1 $1 $ HsMultilineString (getSTRINGs $1)
+                                                    $ getSTRING $1 }
         | PRIMINTEGER       { sL1 $1 $ HsIntPrim    (getPRIMINTEGERs $1)
                                                     $ getPRIMINTEGER $1 }
         | PRIMWORD          { sL1 $1 $ HsWordPrim   (getPRIMWORDs $1)
@@ -4060,6 +4063,13 @@ literal :: { Located (HsLit GhcPs) }
         | PRIMFLOAT         { sL1 $1 $ HsFloatPrim  noExtField $ getPRIMFLOAT $1 }
         | PRIMDOUBLE        { sL1 $1 $ HsDoublePrim noExtField $ getPRIMDOUBLE $1 }
+string_multi :: { Located Token }
+        : STRING_MULTI_BEGIN string_multi_content STRING_MULTI_END { resolveStringMultiContent $1 (reverse $2) $3 }
+string_multi_content :: { [Located Token] }
+        : {- empty -}                               { [] }
+        | string_multi_content STRING_MULTI_CONTENT { $2 : $1 }
 -- Layout
@@ -4138,7 +4148,6 @@ getIPDUPVARID     (L _ (ITdupipvarid   x)) = x
 getLABELVARID     (L _ (ITlabelvarid _ x)) = x
 getCHAR           (L _ (ITchar   _ x)) = x
 getSTRING         (L _ (ITstring _ x)) = x
-getMULTILINESTRING (L _ (ITmultilinestring _ x)) = x
 getINTEGER        (L _ (ITinteger x))  = x
 getRATIONAL       (L _ (ITrational x)) = x
 getPRIMCHAR       (L _ (ITprimchar _ x)) = x
@@ -4164,7 +4173,6 @@ getVOCURLY        (L (RealSrcSpan l _) ITvocurly) = srcSpanStartCol l
 getINTEGERs       (L _ (ITinteger (IL src _ _))) = src
 getCHARs          (L _ (ITchar       src _)) = src
 getSTRINGs        (L _ (ITstring     src _)) = src
-getMULTILINESTRINGs (L _ (ITmultilinestring src _)) = src
 getPRIMCHARs      (L _ (ITprimchar   src _)) = src
 getPRIMSTRINGs    (L _ (ITprimstring src _)) = src
 getPRIMINTEGERs   (L _ (ITprimint    src _)) = src
@@ -4202,6 +4210,17 @@ getCTYPEs             (L _ (ITctype             src)) = src
 getStringLiteral l = StringLiteral (getSTRINGs l) (getSTRING l) Nothing
+resolveStringMultiContent begin contents end =
+    let loc = foldr3 combineSrcSpans (getLoc begin) (map getLoc contents) (getLoc end)
+        src = foldr3 combineSourceText delim (map getMultiContentSrc contents) delim
+        s = mkFastString . postprocessMultilineString . unpackFS $ mconcat (map getMultiContent contents)
+     in L loc (ITstring src s)
+  where
+    delim = SourceText $ mkFastString "\"\"\""
+    foldr3 f x0 x1s x2 = foldr f x0 (x1s ++ [x2])
+    getMultiContentSrc (L _ (ITstring_multi_content src _)) = src
+    getMultiContent    (L _ (ITstring_multi_content _   s)) = s
 isUnicode :: Located Token -> Bool
 isUnicode (L _ (ITforall         iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
 isUnicode (L _ (ITdarrow         iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax

@@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ instance Diagnostic PsMessage where
               LexUnknownPragma       -> text "unknown pragma"
               LexErrorInPragma       -> text "lexical error in pragma"
               LexNumEscapeRange      -> text "numeric escape sequence out of range"
-              LexStringCharLit       -> text "lexical error in string/character literal"
-              LexStringCharLitEOF    -> text "unexpected end-of-file in string/character literal"
               LexUnterminatedComment -> text "unterminated `{-'"
               LexUnterminatedOptions -> text "unterminated OPTIONS pragma"
               LexUnterminatedQQ      -> text "unterminated quasiquotation"

@@ -591,11 +591,10 @@ data LexErr
    | LexUnknownPragma       -- ^ Unknown pragma
    | LexErrorInPragma       -- ^ Lexical error in pragma
    | LexNumEscapeRange      -- ^ Numeric escape sequence out of range
-   | LexStringCharLit       -- ^ Lexical error in string/character literal
-   | LexStringCharLitEOF    -- ^ Unexpected end-of-file in string/character literal
    | LexUnterminatedComment -- ^ Unterminated `{-'
    | LexUnterminatedOptions -- ^ Unterminated OPTIONS pragma
    | LexUnterminatedQQ      -- ^ Unterminated quasiquotation
+   deriving (Show)
 -- | Errors from the Cmm parser
 data CmmParserError

@@ -84,8 +84,11 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import qualified GHC.Data.Strict as Strict
 -- base
+import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
+import Control.Exception (catch, throw)
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
 import Data.Char
 import Data.List (stripPrefix, isInfixOf, partition)
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Word
 import Debug.Trace (trace)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
 import GHC.Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ $idchar    = [$small $large $digit $uniidchar \']
 $unigraphic = \x06 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See Note [Unicode in Alex].
 $graphic   = [$small $large $symbol $digit $idchar $special $unigraphic \"\']
+$charesc   = [a b f n r t v \\ \" \' \&]
 $binit     = 0-1
 $octit     = 0-7
@@ -213,6 +218,20 @@ $docsym    = [\| \^ \* \$]
 @floating_point = @numspc @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @numspc @decimal @exponent
 @hex_floating_point = @numspc @hexadecimal \. @hexadecimal @bin_exponent? | @numspc @hexadecimal @bin_exponent
+ at gap = \\ $whitechar+ \\
+ at cntrl = $asclarge | \@ | \[ | \\ | \] | \^ | \_
+ at ascii = \^ @cntrl | "NUL" | "SOH" | "STX" | "ETX" | "EOT" | "ENQ" | "ACK"
+       | "BEL" | "BS" | "HT" | "LF" | "VT" | "FF" | "CR" | "SO" | "SI" | "DLE"
+       | "DC1" | "DC2" | "DC3" | "DC4" | "NAK" | "SYN" | "ETB" | "CAN"
+       | "EM" | "SUB" | "ESC" | "FS" | "GS" | "RS" | "US" | "SP" | "DEL"
+-- note: ideally, we would do `@escape # \\ \&` instead of duplicating in @escapechar,
+-- which is what the Haskell Report says, but this isn't valid Alex syntax, as only
+-- character sets can be subtracted, not strings
+ at escape     = \\ ( $charesc      | @ascii | @decimal | o @octal | x @hexadecimal )
+ at escapechar = \\ ( $charesc # \& | @ascii | @decimal | o @octal | x @hexadecimal )
+ at stringchar = ($graphic # [\\ \"]) | " " | @escape     | @gap
+ at char       = ($graphic # [\\ \']) | " " | @escapechar
 -- normal signed numerical literals can only be explicitly negative,
 -- not explicitly positive (contrast @exponent)
 @negative = \-
@@ -460,7 +479,7 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
 <0> {
   "#" $idchar+ / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { skip_one_varid_src ITlabelvarid }
-  "#" \" / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { lex_quoted_label }
+  "#" \" @stringchar* \" / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { tok_quoted_label }
 <0> {
@@ -660,14 +679,38 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
--- Strings and chars are lexed by hand-written code.  The reason is
--- that even if we recognise the string or char here in the regex
--- lexer, we would still have to parse the string afterward in order
--- to convert it to a String.
 <0> {
-  \'                            { lex_char_tok }
-  \"\"\" / { ifExtension MultilineStringsBit} { lex_string_tok StringTypeMulti }
-  \"                            { lex_string_tok StringTypeSingle }
+  \"\"\" / { ifExtension MultilineStringsBit } { push_and string_multi_content $ token ITstring_multi_begin }
+  \" @stringchar* \" \#? { tok_string }
+  \' @char        \' \#? { tok_char }
+<string_multi_bol, string_multi_content> {
+  \"\"\" { pop_and $ token ITstring_multi_end }
+-- FIXME.bchinn: whitespace possibly getting slurped by $white_no_nl+ rule at top? maybe include @stringchar* here too?
+<string_multi_bol> {
+  ([\ $tab] | @gap)* { pop_and . push_and string_multi_content $ tok_string_multi_content }
+<string_multi_content> {
+  @stringchar* { tok_string_multi_content }
+  $nl          { pop_and . push_and string_multi_bol $ tok_string_multi_content }
+  -- if we see a bare quote, but we haven't seen the triple quote,
+  -- this is a safe bare quote
+  \" { tok_string_multi_content }
+<0> {
+  \' \' { token ITtyQuote }
+  -- the normal character match takes precedence over this because
+  -- it matches more characters. if that pattern didn't match, then
+  -- this quote is a quoted identifier, like 'x. Here, just return
+  -- ITsimpleQuote, as the parser will lex the varid separately.
+  \' { token ITsimpleQuote }
 -- Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
@@ -953,7 +996,9 @@ data Token
   | ITchar     SourceText Char       -- Note [Literal source text] in "GHC.Types.SourceText"
   | ITstring   SourceText FastString -- Note [Literal source text] in "GHC.Types.SourceText"
-  | ITmultilinestring SourceText FastString -- Note [Literal source text] in "GHC.Types.SourceText"
+  | ITstring_multi_begin
+  | ITstring_multi_content SourceText FastString -- Note [Literal source text] in "GHC.Types.SourceText"
+  | ITstring_multi_end
   | ITinteger  IntegralLit           -- Note [Literal source text] in "GHC.Types.SourceText"
   | ITrational FractionalLit
@@ -1277,6 +1322,11 @@ pop_and act span buf len buf2 =
   do _ <- popLexState
      act span buf len buf2
+push_and :: Int -> Action -> Action
+push_and ls act span buf len buf2 =
+  do pushLexState ls
+     act span buf len buf2
 -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
 followedByOpeningToken, precededByClosingToken :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
 followedByOpeningToken _ _ _ (AI _ buf) = followedByOpeningToken' buf
@@ -2181,39 +2231,93 @@ lex_string_prag_comment mkTok span _buf _len _buf2
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Strings & Chars
--- This stuff is horrible.  I hates it.
-lex_string_tok :: LexStringType -> Action
-lex_string_tok strType span buf _len _buf2 = do
-  s <- lex_string strType
-  i <- getInput
-  case strType of
-    StringTypeSingle ->
-      lex_magic_hash i >>= \case
-        Just i' -> do
-          when (any (> '\xFF') s) $ do
-            pState <- getPState
-            let msg = PsErrPrimStringInvalidChar
-            let err = mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) msg
-            addError err
-          setInput i'
-          let (psSpan, src) = getStringLoc (buf, locStart) i'
-          pure $ L psSpan (ITprimstring src (unsafeMkByteString s))
-        Nothing -> do
-          let (psSpan, src) = getStringLoc (buf, locStart) i
-          pure $ L psSpan (ITstring src (mkFastString s))
-    StringTypeMulti -> do
-      let (psSpan, src) = getStringLoc (buf, locStart) i
-      pure $ L psSpan (ITmultilinestring src (mkFastString s))
+-- FIXME.bchinn: throw better error for escaped smart quotes
+tok_string :: Action
+tok_string span buf len _buf2 = do
+  s <- lex_string ("\"", "\"") span buf (if endsInHash then len - 1 else len)
+  if endsInHash
+    then do
+      when (any (> '\xFF') s) $ do
+        pState <- getPState
+        let msg = PsErrPrimStringInvalidChar
+        let err = mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) msg
+        addError err
+      pure $ L span (ITprimstring src (unsafeMkByteString s))
+    else
+      pure $ L span (ITstring src (mkFastString s))
-    locStart = psSpanStart span
+    src = SourceText $ lexemeToFastString buf len
+    endsInHash = currentChar (offsetBytes (len - 1) buf) == '#'
-lex_quoted_label :: Action
-lex_quoted_label span buf _len _buf2 = do
-  s <- lex_string StringTypeSingle
+tok_string_multi_content :: Action
+tok_string_multi_content span buf len _buf2 = do
+  s <- lex_string' resolveEsc len $ AI (psSpanStart span) buf
+  pure $ L span (ITstring_multi_content src (mkFastString s))
+  where
+    src = SourceText $ lexemeToFastString buf len
+    -- Don't resolve escape characters here, defer until postprocessMultilineString.
+    -- However, we still want to validate them
+    resolveEsc cs =
+      let result =
+            case cs of
+              c : cs' -> (['\\', c], cs') -- for the sake of validation, pretend we always escape just one character
+              [] -> panic "Unexpectedly resolving an empty escape character"
+       in result <$ resolveEscapeCharacter cs
+lex_string :: (String, String) -> PsSpan -> StringBuffer -> Int -> P String
+lex_string (startDelim, endDelim) span buf len = lex_string' resolveEsc numChars i0
+  where
+    resolveEsc = fmap (first (:[])) . resolveEscapeCharacter
+    numChars = len - (length startDelim + length endDelim)
+    i0 =
+      case applyM (length startDelim) (fmap snd . alexGetChar') (AI (psSpanStart span) buf) of
+        Just i -> i
+        Nothing -> panic "Unexpectedly reached EOF when advancing past string delimiter"
+    -- applyM 3 f x = f x >>= f >>= f
+    applyM n f = foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate n f
+lex_string' :: ([Char] -> Either ParseEscapeErr ([Char], [Char])) -> Int -> AlexInput -> P String
+lex_string' resolveEsc numChars i0@(AI _ buf) = do
+  let s = go $ lexemeToString buf numChars
+  -- Unfortunately, `go` is only performant if it's pure; allocations
+  -- and performance degrade when `go` is implemented in P or ST. So
+  -- we'll throw an impure exception and catch it here
+  unsafePerformIO $
+    (s `deepseq` pure (pure ())) `catch` \e -> do
+      let (e', i) = resolveParseEscapeErr getNextLoc i0 numChars e
+      pure $ setInput i >> lexError e'
+  pure s
+  where
+    getNextLoc i =
+      case alexGetChar' i of
+        Just (_, i') -> i'
+        Nothing -> panic "Unexpectedly reached EOF when resolving ParseEscapeErr"
+    -- assumes string was lexed correctly
+    go = \case
+      [] -> []
+      '\\' : '&' : cs -> go cs
+      '\\' : c : cs | is_space c -> go $ dropGap cs
+      '\\' : cs ->
+        case resolveEsc cs of
+          Right (esc, cs') -> esc ++ go cs'
+          Left e -> throw e
+      c : cs -> c : go cs
+    dropGap = \case
+      '\\' : cs -> cs
+      _ : cs -> dropGap cs
+      [] -> panic "gap unexpectedly ended"
+tok_quoted_label :: Action
+tok_quoted_label span buf len _buf2 = do
+  s <- lex_string ("#\"", "\"") span buf len
   (AI end bufEnd) <- getInput
     token = ITlabelvarid (SourceText src) (mkFastString s)
@@ -2223,115 +2327,20 @@ lex_quoted_label span buf _len _buf2 = do
   return $ L (mkPsSpan start end) token
-lex_string :: LexStringType -> P String
-lex_string strType = do
-  start <- getInput
-  (str, next) <- either fromStringLexError pure $ lexString strType alexGetChar' start
-  setInput next
-  pure str
-lex_char_tok :: Action
--- Here we are basically parsing character literals, such as 'x' or '\n'
--- but we additionally spot 'x and ''T, returning ITsimpleQuote and
--- ITtyQuote respectively, but WITHOUT CONSUMING the x or T part
--- (the parser does that).
--- So we have to do two characters of lookahead: when we see 'x we need to
--- see if there's a trailing quote
-lex_char_tok span buf _len _buf2 = do        -- We've seen '
-   i1 <- getInput       -- Look ahead to first character
-   let loc = psSpanStart span
-   case alexGetChar' i1 of
-        Nothing -> lit_error  i1
-        Just ('\'', i2@(AI end2 _)) -> do       -- We've seen ''
-                   setInput i2
-                   return (L (mkPsSpan loc end2)  ITtyQuote)
-        Just ('\\', i2@(AI end2 _)) -> do      -- We've seen 'backslash
-                  (lit_ch, i3) <-
-                    either fromStringLexError pure $
-                      resolveEscapeCharacter alexGetChar' i2
-                  case alexGetChar' i3 of
-                    Just ('\'', i4) -> do
-                      setInput i4
-                      finish_char_tok buf loc lit_ch
-                    Just (mc, _) | isSingleSmartQuote mc -> add_smart_quote_error mc end2
-                    _ -> lit_error i3
-        Just (c, i2@(AI end2 _))
-                | not (isAnyChar c) -> lit_error i1
-                | otherwise ->
-                -- We've seen 'x, where x is a valid character
-                --  (i.e. not newline etc) but not a quote or backslash
-           case alexGetChar' i2 of      -- Look ahead one more character
-                Just ('\'', i3) -> do   -- We've seen 'x'
-                        setInput i3
-                        finish_char_tok buf loc c
-                Just (c, _) | isSingleSmartQuote c -> add_smart_quote_error c end2
-                _other -> do            -- We've seen 'x not followed by quote
-                                        -- (including the possibility of EOF)
-                                        -- Just parse the quote only
-                        let (AI end _) = i1
-                        return (L (mkPsSpan loc end) ITsimpleQuote)
--- We've already seen the closing quote
--- Just need to check for trailing #
-finish_char_tok :: StringBuffer -> PsLoc -> Char -> P (PsLocated Token)
-finish_char_tok buf loc ch = do
-  i <- getInput
-  lex_magic_hash i >>= \case
-    Just i' -> do
-      setInput i'
-      -- Include the trailing # in SourceText
-      let (psSpan, src) = getStringLoc (buf, loc) i'
-      pure $ L psSpan (ITprimchar src ch)
-    Nothing -> do
-      let (psSpan, src) = getStringLoc (buf, loc) i
-      pure $ L psSpan (ITchar src ch)
--- | Get the span and source text for a string from the given start to the given end.
-getStringLoc :: (StringBuffer, PsLoc) -> AlexInput -> (PsSpan, SourceText)
-getStringLoc (bufStart, locStart) (AI locEnd bufEnd) = (psSpan, SourceText src)
+tok_char :: Action
+tok_char span buf len _buf2 = do
+  c <- lex_string ("'", "'") span buf (if endsInHash then len - 1 else len) >>= \case
+    [c] -> pure c
+    s -> panic $ "tok_char expected exactly one character, got: " ++ show s
+  pure . L span $
+    if endsInHash
+      then ITprimchar src c
+      else ITchar src c
-    psSpan = mkPsSpan locStart locEnd
-    src = lexemeToFastString bufStart (cur bufEnd - cur bufStart)
+    src = SourceText $ lexemeToFastString buf len
+    endsInHash = currentChar (offsetBytes (len - 1) buf) == '#'
--- Return Just if we found the magic hash, with the next input.
-lex_magic_hash :: AlexInput -> P (Maybe AlexInput)
-lex_magic_hash i = do
-  magicHash <- getBit MagicHashBit
-  if magicHash
-    then
-      case alexGetChar' i of
-        Just ('#', i') -> pure (Just i')
-        _other -> pure Nothing
-    else pure Nothing
-fromStringLexError :: StringLexError AlexInput -> P a
-fromStringLexError = \case
-  UnexpectedEOF i squote -> checkSQuote squote >> throw i LexStringCharLitEOF
-  BadCharInitialLex i squote -> checkSQuote squote >> throw i LexStringCharLit
-  EscapeBadChar i -> throw i LexStringCharLit
-  EscapeUnexpectedEOF i -> throw i LexStringCharLitEOF
-  EscapeNumRangeError i -> throw i LexNumEscapeRange
-  EscapeSmartQuoteError c (AI loc _) -> add_smart_quote_error c loc
-  where
-    throw i e = setInput i >> lexError e
-    checkSQuote = \case
-      NoSmartQuote -> pure ()
-      SmartQuote c (AI loc _) -> add_nonfatal_smart_quote_error c loc
--- before calling lit_error, ensure that the current input is pointing to
--- the position of the error in the buffer.  This is so that we can report
--- a correct location to the user, but also so we can detect UTF-8 decoding
--- errors if they occur.
-lit_error :: AlexInput -> P a
-lit_error i = do setInput i; lexError LexStringCharLit
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- QuasiQuote
@@ -3529,6 +3538,8 @@ lexToken = do
         setLastToken span 0
         return (L span ITeof)
     AlexError (AI loc2 buf) ->
+        -- FIXME.bchinn - check if any smart quotes between loc1 and loc2; that might
+        -- indicate that someone expected the smart quote to end a string literal
         reportLexError (psRealLoc loc1) (psRealLoc loc2) buf
           (\k srcLoc -> mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope srcLoc $ PsErrLexer LexError k)
     AlexSkip inp2 _ -> do

@@ -1,284 +1,110 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 module GHC.Parser.String (
-  StringLexError (..),
-  ContainsSmartQuote (..),
-  LexStringType (..),
-  lexString,
+  resolveEscapeCharacter,
+  ParseEscapeErr,
+  resolveParseEscapeErr,
+  -- * Multiline strings
+  postprocessMultilineString,
   -- * Unicode smart quote helpers
-  -- * Other helpers
-  isAnyChar,
-  resolveEscapeCharacter,
 ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
 import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
-import Control.Monad (guard, unless, when)
-import Data.Char (chr, isPrint, ord)
-import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import Control.Exception (Exception)
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Char (chr, ord)
+import qualified Data.Foldable1 as Foldable1
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
 import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
 import GHC.Parser.CharClass (
-  is_any,
+import GHC.Parser.Errors.Types (LexErr (..))
 import GHC.Utils.Panic (panic)
-data LexStringType = StringTypeSingle | StringTypeMulti
--- | State to accumulate while iterating through string literal.
--- Fields are strict here to avoid space leak when iterating through large string literal
--- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/12089#note_576175
-data LexStringState loc = LexStringState
-  { stringAcc :: !String
-    -- ^ The string seen so far, reversed
-  , multilineCommonWsPrefix :: !Int
-    -- ^ The common prefix for multiline strings. See Note [Multiline string literals]
-  , initialLoc :: !loc
-    -- ^ The location of the beginning of the string literal
-  }
--- | Get the character at the given location, with the location
--- of the next character. Returns Nothing if at the end of the
--- input.
-type GetChar loc = loc -> Maybe (Char, loc)
-lexString :: LexStringType -> GetChar loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) (String, loc)
-lexString strType getChar initialLoc = go initialState initialLoc
-  where
-    initialState =
-      LexStringState
-        { stringAcc = ""
-        , multilineCommonWsPrefix =
-            case strType of
-              StringTypeMulti -> maxBound
-              _ -> 0
-        , initialLoc = initialLoc
-        }
-    -- 's' is strict here to avoid space leak when iterating through large string literal
-    -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/12089#note_576175
-    go !s loc0 =
-      case getChar loc0 of
-        -- found closing delimiter
-        Just ('"', _) | Just loc1 <- checkDelimiter strType getChar loc0 -> do
-          let postprocess =
-                case strType of
-                  StringTypeSingle -> id
-                  StringTypeMulti -> postprocessMultiline (multilineCommonWsPrefix s)
-          Right (postprocess . reverse $ stringAcc s, loc1)
-        -- found backslash
-        Just (c0@'\\', loc1) -> do
-          case getChar loc1 of
-            -- found '\&' character, which should be elided
-            Just ('&', loc2) -> go s loc2
-            -- found start of a string gap
-            Just (c1, loc2) | is_space c1 -> collapseStringGap getChar s loc2 >>= go s
-            -- some other escape character
-            Just (c1, loc2) ->
-              case strType of
-                StringTypeSingle -> do
-                  (c', loc') <- resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc1
-                  go (addChar c' s) loc'
-                StringTypeMulti -> do
-                  -- keep escape characters unresolved until after post-processing,
-                  -- to distinguish between a user-newline and the user writing "\n".
-                  -- but still process the characters here, to find any errors
-                  _ <- resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc1
-                  go (addChar c1 . addChar c0 $ s) loc2
-            -- backslash at end of input
-            Nothing -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc1 (hasSQuote getChar s)
-        -- found newline character in multiline string
-        Just (c0@'\n', loc1) | StringTypeMulti <- strType ->
-          uncurry go $ parseLeadingWS getChar (addChar c0 s) loc1
-        -- found some other character
-        Just (c0, loc1) | isAnyChar c0 -> go (addChar c0 s) loc1
-        -- found some unknown character
-        Just (_, _) -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote getChar s)
-        -- reached EOF before finding end of string
-        Nothing -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote getChar s)
-{-# INLINE lexString #-}
-checkDelimiter :: LexStringType -> GetChar loc -> loc -> Maybe loc
-checkDelimiter strType getChar loc0 =
-  case strType of
-    StringTypeSingle -> do
-      ('"', loc1) <- getChar loc0
-      Just loc1
-    StringTypeMulti -> do
-      ('"', loc1) <- getChar loc0
-      ('"', loc2) <- getChar loc1
-      ('"', loc3) <- getChar loc2
-      Just loc3
-{-# INLINE checkDelimiter #-}
--- | A helper for adding the given character to the lexed string.
-addChar :: Char -> LexStringState loc -> LexStringState loc
-addChar c s = s{stringAcc = c : stringAcc s}
-{-# INLINE addChar #-}
--- | Return whether the string we've parsed so far contains any smart quotes.
-hasSQuote :: GetChar loc -> LexStringState loc -> ContainsSmartQuote loc
-hasSQuote getChar s
-  | any isDoubleSmartQuote (stringAcc s)
-  , (c, loc) : _ <- filter (isDoubleSmartQuote . fst) allChars =
-      SmartQuote c loc
-  | otherwise =
-      NoSmartQuote
-  where
-    allChars = unfoldr getCharWithLoc (initialLoc s)
-    getCharWithLoc loc =
-      case getChar loc of
-        Just (c, loc') -> Just ((c, loc), loc')
-        Nothing -> Nothing
-{-# INLINE hasSQuote #-}
--- | After parsing a backslash and a space character, consume the rest of
--- the string gap and return the next location.
-collapseStringGap :: GetChar loc -> LexStringState loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) loc
-collapseStringGap getChar s = go
-  where
-    go loc0 =
-      case getChar loc0 of
-        Just ('\\', loc1) -> pure loc1
-        Just (c0, loc1) | is_space c0 -> go loc1
-        Just _ -> Left $ BadCharInitialLex loc0 (hasSQuote getChar s)
-        Nothing -> Left $ UnexpectedEOF loc0 (hasSQuote getChar s)
-{-# INLINE collapseStringGap #-}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Escape characters
--- | See Note [Multiline string literals]
-parseLeadingWS :: GetChar loc -> LexStringState loc -> loc -> (LexStringState loc, loc)
-parseLeadingWS getChar = go 0
+-- Assumes escape character is valid
+resolveEscapeCharacter :: [Char] -> Either ParseEscapeErr (Char, [Char])
+resolveEscapeCharacter = \case
+  'a'  : cs -> pure ('\a', cs)
+  'b'  : cs -> pure ('\b', cs)
+  'f'  : cs -> pure ('\f', cs)
+  'n'  : cs -> pure ('\n', cs)
+  'r'  : cs -> pure ('\r', cs)
+  't'  : cs -> pure ('\t', cs)
+  'v'  : cs -> pure ('\v', cs)
+  '\\' : cs -> pure ('\\', cs)
+  '"'  : cs -> pure ('\"', cs)
+  '\'' : cs -> pure ('\'', cs)
+  -- escape codes
+  'x' : cs -> parseNum is_hexdigit 16 hexDigit cs
+  'o' : cs -> parseNum is_octdigit 8 octDecDigit cs
+  c : cs | is_decdigit c -> parseNum is_decdigit 10 octDecDigit (c : cs)
+  -- control characters (e.g. '\^M')
+  '^' : c : cs -> pure (chr $ ord c - ord '@', cs)
+  -- long form escapes (e.g. '\NUL')
+  cs | Just (c, cs') <- parseLongEscape cs -> pure (c, cs')
+  -- shouldn't happen
+  c : _ -> panic $ "found unexpected escape character: " ++ show c
+  [] -> panic $ "escape character unexpectedly ended"
-    go !col s loc =
-      case getChar loc of
-        Just (c@' ', loc') -> go (col + 1) (addChar c s) loc'
-        -- expand tabs
-        Just ('\t', loc') ->
-          let fill = 8 - (col `mod` 8)
-              s' = applyN fill (addChar ' ') s
-           in go (col + fill) s' loc'
-        -- if we see a newline or string delimiter, then this line only contained whitespace, so
-        -- don't include it in the common whitespace prefix
-        Just ('\n', _) -> (s, loc)
-        Just ('"', _) | Just _ <- checkDelimiter StringTypeMulti getChar loc -> (s, loc)
-        -- found some other character, so we're done parsing leading whitespace
-        _ ->
-          let s' = s{multilineCommonWsPrefix = min col (multilineCommonWsPrefix s)}
-           in (s', loc)
-    applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
-    applyN n f x0 = iterate f x0 !! n
-{-# INLINE parseLeadingWS #-}
-data StringLexError loc
-  = UnexpectedEOF !loc !(ContainsSmartQuote loc)
-    -- ^ Unexpectedly hit EOF when lexing string
-  | BadCharInitialLex !loc !(ContainsSmartQuote loc)
-    -- ^ Found invalid character when initially lexing string
-  | EscapeBadChar !loc
-    -- ^ Found invalid character when parsing an escaped character
-  | EscapeUnexpectedEOF !loc
-    -- ^ Unexpectedly hit EOF when parsing an escaped character
-  | EscapeNumRangeError !loc
-    -- ^ Escaped number exceeds range
-  | EscapeSmartQuoteError !Char !loc
-    -- ^ Found escaped smart unicode chars as `\’` or `\”`
-  deriving (Show)
--- | When initially lexing the string, we want to track if we've
--- seen a smart quote, to show a helpful "you might be accidentally
--- using a smart quote" error.
-data ContainsSmartQuote loc
-  = NoSmartQuote
-  | SmartQuote !Char !loc
+    parseNum isDigit base toDigit =
+      let go x = \case
+            c : cs | isDigit c -> do
+              let x' = x * base + toDigit c
+              when (x' > 0x10ffff) $ Left $ ParseEscapeErr (LexNumEscapeRange, length cs)
+              go x' cs
+            cs -> pure (chr x, cs)
+       in go 0
+newtype ParseEscapeErr =
+  ParseEscapeErr
+    ( LexErr
+    , Int -- where the error occurred, as the number of characters from the end. e.g. 0 = last character in string
+    )
   deriving (Show)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Escape characters
+instance Exception ParseEscapeErr
--- | After finding a backslash, parse the rest of the escape character, starting
--- at the given location.
-resolveEscapeCharacter :: GetChar loc -> loc -> Either (StringLexError loc) (Char, loc)
-resolveEscapeCharacter getChar loc0 = do
-  (c0, loc1) <- expectChar loc0
-  case c0 of
-    'a'  -> pure ('\a', loc1)
-    'b'  -> pure ('\b', loc1)
-    'f'  -> pure ('\f', loc1)
-    'n'  -> pure ('\n', loc1)
-    'r'  -> pure ('\r', loc1)
-    't'  -> pure ('\t', loc1)
-    'v'  -> pure ('\v', loc1)
-    '\\' -> pure ('\\', loc1)
-    '"'  -> pure ('\"', loc1)
-    '\'' -> pure ('\'', loc1)
-    -- escape codes
-    'x' -> expectNum is_hexdigit 16 hexDigit loc1
-    'o' -> expectNum is_octdigit 8 octDecDigit loc1
-    _ | is_decdigit c0 -> expectNum is_decdigit 10 octDecDigit loc0
-    -- control characters (e.g. '\^M')
-    '^' -> do
-      (c1, loc2) <- expectChar loc1
-      unless ('@' <= c1 && c1 <= '_') $ Left $ EscapeBadChar loc1
-      pure (chr $ ord c1 - ord '@', loc2)
-    -- long form escapes (e.g. '\NUL')
-    _ | Just (c1, loc2) <- parseLongEscape getChar c0 loc1 -> pure (c1, loc2)
-    -- check unicode smart quotes (#21843)
-    _ | isDoubleSmartQuote c0 -> Left $ EscapeSmartQuoteError c0 loc0
-    _ | isSingleSmartQuote c0 -> Left $ EscapeSmartQuoteError c0 loc0
-    -- unknown escape
-    _ -> Left $ EscapeBadChar loc0
+-- | Get the LexErr and location of the error, given the location of the first
+-- character in the string, a function to get the next location, and the total length of
+-- the string.
+-- @
+--             v indexFromEnd = 4
+-- "a b \xffffff c d"
+--  ^ loc0     ^ loc, index = 11
+--  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ len = 16
+-- @
+resolveParseEscapeErr :: (loc -> loc) -> loc -> Int -> ParseEscapeErr -> (LexErr, loc)
+resolveParseEscapeErr getNextLoc loc0 len (ParseEscapeErr (e, indexFromEnd)) = (e, loc)
-    expectChar loc =
-      case getChar loc of
-        Just x -> pure x
-        Nothing -> Left $ EscapeUnexpectedEOF loc
-    expectNum isDigit base toDigit loc1 = do
-      (c1, loc2) <- expectChar loc1
-      unless (isDigit c1) $ Left $ EscapeBadChar loc1
-      let parseNum x loc =
-            case getChar loc of
-              Just (c, loc') | isDigit c -> do
-                let x' = x * base + toDigit c
-                when (x' > 0x10ffff) $ Left $ EscapeNumRangeError loc
-                parseNum x' loc'
-              _ ->
-                pure (chr x, loc)
-      parseNum (toDigit c1) loc2
-{-# INLINE resolveEscapeCharacter #-}
-parseLongEscape :: GetChar loc -> Char -> loc -> Maybe (Char, loc)
-parseLongEscape getChar c0 loc1 = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCodes
+    -- the index of the error, where 0 is the first character after the initial string delimiter
+    index = len - indexFromEnd - 1
+    -- the 'loc' corresponding to 'index'
+    loc = iterate getNextLoc loc0 !! index
+parseLongEscape :: [Char] -> Maybe (Char, [Char])
+parseLongEscape cs = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCodes
-    tryParse (prefix, c) = do
-      p0 : p <- pure prefix
-      guard (p0 == c0)          -- see if the first character matches
-      loc <- parsePrefix loc1 p -- see if the rest of the prefix matches
-      pure (c, loc)
-    parsePrefix loc = \case
-      [] -> pure loc
-      p : ps -> do
-        (c, loc') <- getChar loc
-        guard (p == c)
-        parsePrefix loc' ps
+    tryParse (code, c) =
+      case splitAt (length code) cs of
+        (pre, cs') | pre == code -> Just (c, cs')
+        _ -> Nothing
     longEscapeCodes =
       [ ("NUL", '\NUL')
@@ -316,7 +142,6 @@ parseLongEscape getChar c0 loc1 = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe tryParse longEscapeCode
       , ("SP", '\SP')
       , ("DEL", '\DEL')
-{-# INLINE parseLongEscape #-}
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Unicode Smart Quote detection (#21843)
@@ -337,16 +162,27 @@ isSingleSmartQuote = \case
 -- Multiline strings
 -- | See Note [Multiline string literals]
-postprocessMultiline :: Int -> String -> String
-postprocessMultiline commonWSPrefix =
-      rmCommonWhitespacePrefix
+postprocessMultilineString :: String -> String
+postprocessMultilineString =
+      expandLeadingTabs
+  >>> rmCommonWhitespacePrefix
   >>> collapseOnlyWsLines
   >>> rmFirstNewline
   >>> rmLastNewline
   >>> resolveEscapeChars
-    rmCommonWhitespacePrefix =
-      let go = \case
+    expandLeadingTabs =
+      let go !col = \case
+            c@' ' : cs -> c : go (col + 1) cs
+            '\t'  : cs ->
+              let fill = 8 - (col `mod` 8)
+               in replicate fill ' ' ++ go (col + fill) cs
+            cs -> cs
+       in go 0
+    rmCommonWhitespacePrefix s0 =
+      let commonWSPrefix = getCommonWsPrefix s0
+          go = \case
             '\n' : s -> '\n' : go (dropLine commonWSPrefix s)
             c : s -> c : go s
             [] -> []
@@ -357,7 +193,7 @@ postprocessMultiline commonWSPrefix =
             s@('\n' : _) -> s
             _ : s -> dropLine (x - 1) s
             [] -> []
-       in go
+       in go s0
     collapseOnlyWsLines =
       let go = \case
@@ -390,16 +226,24 @@ postprocessMultiline commonWSPrefix =
     resolveEscapeChars = \case
       [] -> []
       '\\' : s ->
-        -- concretizing 'loc' to String:
-        --   resolveEscapeCharacter :: (String -> Maybe (Char, String)) -> String -> Either _ (Char, String)
-        case resolveEscapeCharacter uncons s of
+        case resolveEscapeCharacter s of
           Left e -> panic $ "resolving escape characters in multiline string unexpectedly found errors: " ++ show e
           Right (c, s') -> c : resolveEscapeChars s'
       c : s -> c : resolveEscapeChars s
-    uncons = \case
-      c : cs -> Just (c, cs)
-      [] -> Nothing
+-- | See step 4 in Note [Multiline string literals]
+-- Assumes tabs have already been expanded.
+getCommonWsPrefix :: String -> Int
+getCommonWsPrefix s =
+  case NonEmpty.nonEmpty includedLines of
+    Nothing -> 0
+    Just ls -> Foldable1.minimum $ NonEmpty.map (length . takeWhile is_space) ls
+  where
+    includedLines =
+        filter (not . all is_space) -- ignore whitespace-only lines
+      . drop 1                      -- ignore first line in calculation
+      $ lines s
 Note [Multiline string literals]
@@ -449,11 +293,3 @@ It's more precisely defined with the following algorithm:
     * Lines with only whitespace characters
 3. Calculate the longest prefix of whitespace shared by all lines in the remaining list
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Helpers
-isAnyChar :: Char -> Bool
-isAnyChar c
-  | c > '\x7f' = isPrint c
-  | otherwise  = is_any c

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 module GHC.Types.SourceText
    ( SourceText (..)
    , pprWithSourceText
+   , combineSourceText
    -- * Literals
    , IntegralLit(..)
@@ -135,6 +136,10 @@ pprWithSourceText :: SourceText -> SDoc -> SDoc
 pprWithSourceText NoSourceText     d = d
 pprWithSourceText (SourceText src) _ = ftext src
+combineSourceText :: SourceText -> SourceText -> SourceText
+combineSourceText (SourceText s1) (SourceText s2) = SourceText (mappend s1 s2)
+combineSourceText _ _ = NoSourceText
 -- Literals

@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+T3751.hs:3:5: error: [GHC-21231] lexical error at character '\167'
-T3751.hs:3:7: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '\167'

@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+T5425.hs:4:1: error: [GHC-21231] lexical error at character '\955'
-T5425.hs:5:2: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '\955'

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+readFail002.hs:5:5: error: [GHC-21231]
+    lexical error at character '\n'
-readFail002.hs:5:6: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '\n'

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+readFail004.hs:17:16: error: [GHC-21231]
+    lexical error at character '.'
-readFail004.hs:19:1: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '.'

@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+readFail005.hs:4:6: error: [GHC-58481] parse error on input ‘\&’
-readFail005.hs:4:7: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '&'

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+readFail033.hs:2:5: error: [GHC-21231]
+    lexical error at character '\t'
-readFail033.hs:2:6: error: [GHC-21231]
-    lexical error in string/character literal at character '\t'

@@ -320,7 +320,9 @@ classify tok =
     ITlabelvarid{} -> TkUnknown
     ITchar{} -> TkChar
     ITstring{} -> TkString
-    ITmultilinestring{} -> TkString
+    ITstring_multi_begin{} -> TkSpecial
+    ITstring_multi_content{} -> TkString
+    ITstring_multi_end{} -> TkSpecial
     ITinteger{} -> TkNumber
     ITrational{} -> TkNumber
     ITprimchar{} -> TkChar

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