[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Do not float HNFs out of lambdas

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Apr 19 06:16:22 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

55a9d699 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-04-19T02:15:32-04:00
Do not float HNFs out of lambdas

This MR adjusts SetLevels so that it is less eager to float a
HNF (lambda or constructor application) out of a lambda, unless
it gets to top level.

Data suggests that this change is a small net win:
 * nofib bytes-allocated falls by -0.09% (but a couple go up)
 * perf/should_compile bytes-allocated falls by -0.5%
 * perf/should_run bytes-allocated falls by -0.1%
See !12410 for more detail.

When fiddling elsewhere, I also found that this patch had a huge
positive effect on the (very delicate) test
But that improvement doesn't show up in this MR by itself.

Metric Decrease:

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SetLevels.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T18013.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/simplrun009.hs


@@ -700,15 +700,13 @@ lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
         -- that if we'll escape a value lambda, or will go to the top level.
     float_me = saves_work || saves_alloc || is_mk_static
-    -- We can save work if we can move a redex outside a value lambda
-    -- But if float_is_new_lam is True, then the redex is wrapped in a
-    -- a new lambda, so no work is saved
-    saves_work = escapes_value_lam && not float_is_new_lam
+    -- See Note [Saving work]
+    saves_work = escapes_value_lam        -- (a)
+                 && not (exprIsHNF expr)  -- (b)
+                 && not float_is_new_lam  -- (c)
     escapes_value_lam = dest_lvl `ltMajLvl` (le_ctxt_lvl env)
-                  -- See Note [Escaping a value lambda]
-    -- See Note [Floating to the top]
+    -- See Note [Saving allocation] and Note [Floating to the top]
     saves_alloc =  isTopLvl dest_lvl
                 && floatConsts env
                 && (   not strict_ctxt                     -- (a)
@@ -723,30 +721,105 @@ hasFreeJoin :: LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> Bool
 hasFreeJoin env fvs
   = not (maxFvLevel isJoinId env fvs == tOP_LEVEL)
-{- Note [Floating to the top]
-Suppose saves_work is False, i.e.
- - 'e' does not escape a value lambda (escapes_value_lam), or
- - 'e' would have added value lambdas if floated (float_is_new_lam)
-Then we may still be keen to float a sub-expression 'e' to the top level,
-for two reasons:
- (i) Doing so makes the function smaller, by floating out
-     bottoming expressions, or integer or string literals.  That in
-     turn makes it easier to inline, with less duplication.
-     This only matters if the floated sub-expression is inside a
-     value-lambda, which in turn may be easier to inline.
- (ii) (Minor) Doing so may turn a dynamic allocation (done by machine
-      instructions) into a static one. Minor because we are assuming
-      we are not escaping a value lambda.
-But only do so if (saves_alloc):
-     (a) the context is lazy (so we get allocation), or
-     (b) the expression is a HNF (so we get allocation), or
-     (c) the expression is bottoming and (i) applies
-         (NB: if the expression is a lambda, (b) will apply;
-              so this case only catches bottoming thunks)
+{- Note [Saving work]
+The key idea in let-floating is to
+  * float a redex out of a (value) lambda
+Doing so can save an unbounded amount of work.
+But see also Note [Saving allocation].
+So we definitely float an expression out if
+(a) It will escape a value lambda (escapes_value_lam)
+(b) The expression is not a head-normal form (exprIsHNF); see (SW1, SW2).
+(c) Floating does not require wrapping it in value lambdas (float_is_new_lam).
+    See (SW3) below
+(SW1) Concerning (b) I experimented with using `exprIsCheap` rather than
+      `exprIsHNF` but the latter seems better, according to nofib
+      (`spectral/mate` got 10% worse with exprIsCheap).  It's really a bit of a
+      heuristic.
+(SW2) What about omitting (b), and hence floating HNFs as well?  The danger of
+      doing so is that we end up floating out a HNF from a cold path (where it
+      might never get allocated at all) and allocating it all the time
+      regardless.  Example
+          f xs = case xs of
+                   [x] | x>3       -> (y,y)
+                       | otherwise -> (x,y)
+                   (x:xs) -> ...f xs...
+      We can float (y,y) out, but in a particular call to `f` that path might
+      not be taken, so allocating it before the definition of `f` is a waste.
+      See !12410 for some data comparing the effect of omitting (b) altogether,
+      This doesn't apply, though, if we float the thing to the top level; see
+      Note [Floating to the top].  Bottom line (data from !12410): adding the
+      not.exprIsHNF test to `saves_work`:
+       - Decreases compiler allocations by 0.5%
+       - Occasionally decreases runtime allocation (T12996 -2.5%)
+       - Slightly mixed effect on nofib: (puzzle -10%, mate -5%, cichelli +5%)
+         but geometric mean is -0.09%.
+      Overall, a win.
+(SW3) Concerning (c), if we are wrapping the thing in extra value lambdas (in
+      abs_vars), then nothing is saved.  E.g.
+        f = \xyz. ...(e1[y],e2)....
+      If we float
+        lvl = \y. (e1[y],e2)
+        f = \xyz. ...(lvl y)...
+      we have saved nothing: one pair will still be allocated for each
+      call of `f`.  Hence the (not float_is_new_lam) in saves_work.
+Note [Saving allocation]
+Even if `saves_work` is false, we we may want to float even cheap/HNF
+expressions out of value lambdas, for several reasons:
+* Doing so may save allocation. Consider
+        f = \x.  .. (\y.e) ...
+  Then we'd like to avoid allocating the (\y.e) every time we call f,
+  (assuming e does not mention x). An example where this really makes a
+  difference is simplrun009.
+* It may allow SpecContr to fire on functions. Consider
+        f = \x. ....(f (\y.e))....
+  After floating we get
+        lvl = \y.e
+        f = \x. ....(f lvl)...
+  Now it's easier for SpecConstr to generate a robust specialisation for f.
+* It makes the function smaller, and hence more likely to inline.  This can make
+  a big difference for string literals and bottoming expressions: see Note
+  [Floating to the top]
+Data suggests, however, that it is better /only/ to float HNFS, /if/ they can go
+to top level. See (SW2) of Note [Saving work].  If the expression goes to top
+level we don't pay the cost of allocating cold-path thunks described in (SW2).
+Hence `isTopLvl dest_lvl` in `saves_alloc`.
+Note [Floating to the top]
+Even though Note [Saving allocation] suggests that we should not, in
+general, float HNFs, the balance change if it goes to the top:
+* We don't pay an allocation cost for the floated expression; it
+  just becomes static data.
+* Floating string literal is valuable -- no point in duplicating the
+  at each call site!
+* Floating bottoming expressions is valuable: they are always cold
+  paths; we don't want to duplicate them at each call site; and they
+  can be quite big, inhibiting inlining. See Note [Bottoming floats]
+So we float an expression to the top if:
+  (a) the context is lazy (so we get allocation), or
+  (b) the expression is a HNF (so we get allocation), or
+  (c) the expression is bottoming and floating would escape a
+      value lambda (NB: if the expression itself is a lambda, (b)
+      will apply; so this case only catches bottoming thunks)
@@ -1127,33 +1200,6 @@ But *coercion* arguments aren’t (see Note [Coercion tokens] in
 "GHC.Core.Unfold"), so we still want to float out variables applied only to
 coercion arguments.
-Note [Escaping a value lambda]
-We want to float even cheap expressions out of value lambdas,
-because that saves allocation.  Consider
-        f = \x.  .. (\y.e) ...
-Then we'd like to avoid allocating the (\y.e) every time we call f,
-(assuming e does not mention x). An example where this really makes a
-difference is simplrun009.
-Another reason it's good is because it makes SpecContr fire on functions.
-        f = \x. ....(f (\y.e))....
-After floating we get
-        lvl = \y.e
-        f = \x. ....(f lvl)...
-and that is much easier for SpecConstr to generate a robust
-specialisation for.
-However, if we are wrapping the thing in extra value lambdas (in
-abs_vars), then nothing is saved.  E.g.
-        f = \xyz. ...(e1[y],e2)....
-If we float
-        lvl = \y. (e1[y],e2)
-        f = \xyz. ...(lvl y)...
-we have saved nothing: one pair will still be allocated for each
-call of 'f'.  Hence the (not float_is_lam) in float_me.
 *                                                                      *

@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
 ==================== Tidy Core ====================
 Result size of Tidy Core
-  = {terms: 38, types: 90, coercions: 17, joins: 0/1}
+  = {terms: 36, types: 86, coercions: 17, joins: 0/0}
--- RHS size: {terms: 37, types: 78, coercions: 17, joins: 0/1}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 35, types: 74, coercions: 17, joins: 0/0}
 mapMaybeRule [InlPrag=[2]]
   :: forall a b. Rule IO a b -> Rule IO (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
@@ -182,12 +182,6 @@ mapMaybeRule [InlPrag=[2]]
   = \ (@a) (@b) (f :: Rule IO a b) ->
       case f of { Rule @s ww ww1 ->
-      let {
-        lvl :: Result s (Maybe b)
-        [LclId, Unf=OtherCon []]
-        lvl
-          = T18013a.Result
-              @s @(Maybe b) ww (GHC.Internal.Maybe.Nothing @b) } in
         @(Maybe a)
@@ -198,7 +192,9 @@ mapMaybeRule
             (a1 :: Maybe a)
             (s1 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld) ->
             case a1 of {
-              Nothing -> (# s1, lvl #);
+              Nothing ->
+                (# s1,
+                   T18013a.Result @s @(Maybe b) ww (GHC.Internal.Maybe.Nothing @b) #);
               Just x ->
                 case ((ww1 s2 x)
                       `cast` <Co:4> :: IO (Result s b)

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- It produces a nested unfold that should look something
 -- like the code below.  Note the 'lvl1_shW'.  It is BAD
 -- if this is a lambda instead; you get a lot more allocation
--- See Note [Escaping a value lambda] in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels
+-- See Note [Saving allocation] in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels

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