[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/fendor/ghc-iface-refact] Split `BinHandle` into `ReadBinHandle` and `WriteBinHandle`

Hannes Siebenhandl (@fendor) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Apr 5 13:13:35 UTC 2024

Hannes Siebenhandl pushed to branch wip/fendor/ghc-iface-refact at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

adf68fba by Fendor at 2024-04-05T15:13:12+02:00
Split `BinHandle` into `ReadBinHandle` and `WriteBinHandle`

A `BinHandle` contains too much information for reading data.
For example, it needs to keep a `FastMutInt` and a `IORef BinData`,
when the non-mutable variants would suffice.

Additionally, this change has the benefit that anyone can immediately
tell whether the `BinHandle` is used for reading or writing.

Bump haddock submodule BinHandle split.

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Iface/Binary.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Binary.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Fields.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp/Binary.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp/Flags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs
- utils/haddock


@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ readBinIfaceHeader
   -> CheckHiWay
   -> TraceBinIFace
   -> FilePath
-  -> IO (Fingerprint, BinHandle)
+  -> IO (Fingerprint, ReadBinHandle)
 readBinIfaceHeader profile _name_cache checkHiWay traceBinIFace hi_path = do
     let platform = profilePlatform profile
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ readBinIface profile name_cache checkHiWay traceBinIface hi_path = do
     mod_iface <- getWithUserData name_cache bh
-    seekBin bh extFields_p
+    seekBinReader bh extFields_p
     extFields <- get bh
     return mod_iface
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ readBinIface profile name_cache checkHiWay traceBinIface hi_path = do
 -- | This performs a get action after reading the dictionary and symbol
 -- table. It is necessary to run this before trying to deserialise any
 -- Names or FastStrings.
-getWithUserData :: Binary a => NameCache -> BinHandle -> IO a
+getWithUserData :: Binary a => NameCache -> ReadBinHandle -> IO a
 getWithUserData name_cache bh = do
   bh <- getTables name_cache bh
   get bh
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ getWithUserData name_cache bh = do
 -- | Setup a BinHandle to read something written using putWithTables
 -- Reading names has the side effect of adding them into the given NameCache.
-getTables :: NameCache -> BinHandle -> IO BinHandle
+getTables :: NameCache -> ReadBinHandle -> IO ReadBinHandle
 getTables name_cache bh = do
     fsReaderTable <- initFastStringReaderTable
     nameReaderTable <- (initReadNameCachedBinary name_cache)
@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ writeBinIface profile traceBinIface hi_path mod_iface = do
     put_  bh tag
     put_  bh (mi_src_hash mod_iface)
-    extFields_p_p <- tellBin bh
+    extFields_p_p <- tellBinWriter bh
     put_ bh extFields_p_p
     putWithUserData traceBinIface bh mod_iface
-    extFields_p <- tellBin bh
+    extFields_p <- tellBinWriter bh
     putAt bh extFields_p_p extFields_p
-    seekBin bh extFields_p
+    seekBinWriter bh extFields_p
     put_ bh (mi_ext_fields mod_iface)
     -- And send the result to the file
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ writeBinIface profile traceBinIface hi_path mod_iface = do
 -- is necessary if you want to serialise Names or FastStrings.
 -- It also writes a symbol table and the dictionary.
 -- This segment should be read using `getWithUserData`.
-putWithUserData :: Binary a => TraceBinIFace -> BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+putWithUserData :: Binary a => TraceBinIFace -> WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 putWithUserData traceBinIface bh payload = do
   (name_count, fs_count, _b) <- putWithTables bh (\bh' -> put bh' payload)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ putWithUserData traceBinIface bh payload = do
 -- It returns (number of names, number of FastStrings, payload write result)
 -- See Note [Iface Binary Serialiser Order]
-putWithTables :: BinHandle -> (BinHandle -> IO b) -> IO (Int, Int, b)
+putWithTables :: WriteBinHandle -> (WriteBinHandle -> IO b) -> IO (Int, Int, b)
 putWithTables bh' put_payload = do
   (fast_wt, fsWriter) <- initFastStringWriterTable
   (name_wt, nameWriter) <- initWriteNameTable
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ initWriteNameTable = do
-putSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM Name (Int,Name) -> IO ()
+putSymbolTable :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM Name (Int,Name) -> IO ()
 putSymbolTable bh name_count symtab = do
     put_ bh name_count
     let names = elems (array (0,name_count-1) (nonDetEltsUFM symtab))
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ putSymbolTable bh name_count symtab = do
     mapM_ (\n -> serialiseName bh n symtab) names
-getSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (SymbolTable Name)
+getSymbolTable :: ReadBinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (SymbolTable Name)
 getSymbolTable bh name_cache = do
     sz <- get bh :: IO Int
     -- create an array of Names for the symbols and add them to the NameCache
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ getSymbolTable bh name_cache = do
         arr <- unsafeFreeze mut_arr
         return (cache, arr)
-serialiseName :: BinHandle -> Name -> UniqFM key (Int,Name) -> IO ()
+serialiseName :: WriteBinHandle -> Name -> UniqFM key (Int,Name) -> IO ()
 serialiseName bh name _ = do
     let mod = assertPpr (isExternalName name) (ppr name) (nameModule name)
     put_ bh (moduleUnit mod, moduleName mod, nameOccName name)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ serialiseName bh name _ = do
 -- See Note [Symbol table representation of names]
-putName :: BinSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
+putName :: BinSymbolTable -> WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
 putName BinSymbolTable{
                bin_symtab_map = symtab_map_ref,
                bin_symtab_next = symtab_next }
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ putName BinSymbolTable{
 -- See Note [Symbol table representation of names]
 getSymtabName :: SymbolTable Name
-              -> BinHandle -> IO Name
+              -> ReadBinHandle -> IO Name
 getSymtabName symtab bh = do
     i :: Word32 <- get bh
     case i .&. 0xC0000000 of

@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ hieMagicLen = length hieMagic
 ghcVersion :: ByteString
 ghcVersion = BSC.pack cProjectVersion
-putBinLine :: BinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
+putBinLine :: WriteBinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
 putBinLine bh xs = do
   mapM_ (putByte bh) $ BS.unpack xs
   putByte bh 10 -- newline char
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ writeHieFile hie_file_path hiefile = do
   putBinLine bh0 $ ghcVersion
   -- remember where the dictionary pointer will go
-  dict_p_p <- tellBin bh0
+  dict_p_p <- tellBinWriter bh0
   put_ bh0 dict_p_p
   -- remember where the symbol table pointer will go
-  symtab_p_p <- tellBin bh0
+  symtab_p_p <- tellBinWriter bh0
   put_ bh0 symtab_p_p
   -- Make some initial state
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ writeHieFile hie_file_path hiefile = do
   put_ bh hiefile
   -- write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
-  symtab_p <- tellBin bh
+  symtab_p <- tellBinWriter bh
   putAt bh symtab_p_p symtab_p
-  seekBin bh symtab_p
+  seekBinWriter bh symtab_p
   -- write the symbol table itself
   symtab_next' <- readFastMutInt symtab_next
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ writeHieFile hie_file_path hiefile = do
   putSymbolTable bh symtab_next' symtab_map'
   -- write the dictionary pointer at the front of the file
-  dict_p <- tellBin bh
+  dict_p <- tellBinWriter bh
   putAt bh dict_p_p dict_p
-  seekBin bh dict_p
+  seekBinWriter bh dict_p
   -- write the dictionary itself
   dict_next <- readFastMutInt dict_next_ref
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ readHieFile name_cache file = do
   hieFile <- readHieFileContents bh0 name_cache
   return $ HieFileResult hieVersion ghcVersion hieFile
-readBinLine :: BinHandle -> IO ByteString
+readBinLine :: ReadBinHandle -> IO ByteString
 readBinLine bh = BS.pack . reverse <$> loop []
     loop acc = do
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ readBinLine bh = BS.pack . reverse <$> loop []
       then return acc
       else loop (char : acc)
-readHieFileHeader :: FilePath -> BinHandle -> IO HieHeader
+readHieFileHeader :: FilePath -> ReadBinHandle -> IO HieHeader
 readHieFileHeader file bh0 = do
   -- Read the header
   magic <- replicateM hieMagicLen (get bh0)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ readHieFileHeader file bh0 = do
       return (readHieVersion, ghcVersion)
-readHieFileContents :: BinHandle -> NameCache -> IO HieFile
+readHieFileContents :: ReadBinHandle -> NameCache -> IO HieFile
 readHieFileContents bh0 name_cache = do
   dict <- get_dictionary bh0
   -- read the symbol table so we are capable of reading the actual data
@@ -233,21 +233,21 @@ readHieFileContents bh0 name_cache = do
     get_dictionary bin_handle = do
       dict_p <- get bin_handle
-      data_p <- tellBin bin_handle
-      seekBin bin_handle dict_p
+      data_p <- tellBinReader bin_handle
+      seekBinReader bin_handle dict_p
       dict <- getDictionary bin_handle
-      seekBin bin_handle data_p
+      seekBinReader bin_handle data_p
       return dict
     get_symbol_table bh1 = do
       symtab_p <- get bh1
-      data_p'  <- tellBin bh1
-      seekBin bh1 symtab_p
+      data_p'  <- tellBinReader bh1
+      seekBinReader bh1 symtab_p
       symtab <- getSymbolTable bh1 name_cache
-      seekBin bh1 data_p'
+      seekBinReader bh1 data_p'
       return symtab
-putFastString :: HieDictionary -> BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putFastString :: HieDictionary -> WriteBinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
 putFastString HieDictionary { hie_dict_next = j_r,
                               hie_dict_map  = out_r}  bh f
   = do
@@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ putFastString HieDictionary { hie_dict_next = j_r,
            writeFastMutInt j_r (j + 1)
            writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM_Directly out unique (j, f)
-putSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM Name (Int,HieName) -> IO ()
+putSymbolTable :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM Name (Int,HieName) -> IO ()
 putSymbolTable bh next_off symtab = do
   put_ bh next_off
   let names = A.elems (A.array (0,next_off-1) (nonDetEltsUFM symtab))
   mapM_ (putHieName bh) names
-getSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (SymbolTable Name)
+getSymbolTable :: ReadBinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (SymbolTable Name)
 getSymbolTable bh name_cache = do
   sz <- get bh
   mut_arr <- A.newArray_ (0, sz-1) :: IO (A.IOArray Int Name)
@@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ getSymbolTable bh name_cache = do
     A.writeArray mut_arr i name
   A.unsafeFreeze mut_arr
-getSymTabName :: SymbolTable Name -> BinHandle -> IO Name
+getSymTabName :: SymbolTable Name -> ReadBinHandle -> IO Name
 getSymTabName st bh = do
   i :: Word32 <- get bh
   return $ st A.! (fromIntegral i)
-putName :: HieSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
+putName :: HieSymbolTable -> WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
 putName (HieSymbolTable next ref) bh name = do
   symmap <- readIORef ref
   case lookupUFM symmap name of
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ fromHieName nc hie_name = do
 -- ** Reading and writing `HieName`'s
-putHieName :: BinHandle -> HieName -> IO ()
+putHieName :: WriteBinHandle -> HieName -> IO ()
 putHieName bh (ExternalName mod occ span) = do
   putByte bh 0
   put_ bh (mod, occ, BinSrcSpan span)
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ putHieName bh (KnownKeyName uniq) = do
   putByte bh 2
   put_ bh $ unpkUnique uniq
-getHieName :: BinHandle -> IO HieName
+getHieName :: ReadBinHandle -> IO HieName
 getHieName bh = do
   t <- getByte bh
   case t of

@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ instance Binary ExtensibleFields where
     -- for a payload pointer after each name:
     header_entries <- forM (Map.toList fs) $ \(name, dat) -> do
       put_ bh name
-      field_p_p <- tellBin bh
+      field_p_p <- tellBinWriter bh
       put_ bh field_p_p
       return (field_p_p, dat)
     -- Now put the payloads and use the reserved space
     -- to point to the start of each payload:
     forM_ header_entries $ \(field_p_p, dat) -> do
-      field_p <- tellBin bh
+      field_p <- tellBinWriter bh
       putAt bh field_p_p field_p
-      seekBin bh field_p
+      seekBinWriter bh field_p
       put_ bh dat
   get bh = do
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ instance Binary ExtensibleFields where
     -- Seek to and get each field's payload:
     fields <- forM header_entries $ \(name, field_p) -> do
-      seekBin bh field_p
+      seekBinReader bh field_p
       dat <- get bh
       return (name, dat)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ emptyExtensibleFields = ExtensibleFields Map.empty
 readField :: Binary a => FieldName -> ExtensibleFields -> IO (Maybe a)
 readField name = readFieldWith name get
-readFieldWith :: FieldName -> (BinHandle -> IO a) -> ExtensibleFields -> IO (Maybe a)
+readFieldWith :: FieldName -> (ReadBinHandle -> IO a) -> ExtensibleFields -> IO (Maybe a)
 readFieldWith name read fields = sequence $ ((read =<<) . dataHandle) <$>
   Map.lookup name (getExtensibleFields fields)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ readFieldWith name read fields = sequence $ ((read =<<) . dataHandle) <$>
 writeField :: Binary a => FieldName -> a -> ExtensibleFields -> IO ExtensibleFields
 writeField name x = writeFieldWith name (`put_` x)
-writeFieldWith :: FieldName -> (BinHandle -> IO ()) -> ExtensibleFields -> IO ExtensibleFields
+writeFieldWith :: FieldName -> (WriteBinHandle -> IO ()) -> ExtensibleFields -> IO ExtensibleFields
 writeFieldWith name write fields = do
   bh <- openBinMem (1024 * 1024)
   write bh

@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env iface0
         -- change if the fingerprint for anything it refers to (transitively)
         -- changes.
        mk_put_name :: OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint)
-                   -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO  ()
+                   -> WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO  ()
        mk_put_name local_env bh name
           | isWiredInName name  =  putNameLiterally bh name
            -- wired-in names don't have fingerprints

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Binary
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
-fingerprintBinMem :: BinHandle -> IO Fingerprint
+fingerprintBinMem :: WriteBinHandle -> IO Fingerprint
 fingerprintBinMem bh = withBinBuffer bh f
     f bs =
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ fingerprintBinMem bh = withBinBuffer bh f
         in fp `seq` return fp
 computeFingerprint :: (Binary a)
-                   => (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+                   => (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                    -> a
                    -> IO Fingerprint
 computeFingerprint put_nonbinding_name a = do
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ computeFingerprint put_nonbinding_name a = do
 -- | Used when we want to fingerprint a structure without depending on the
 -- fingerprints of external Names that it refers to.
-putNameLiterally :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
+putNameLiterally :: WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
 putNameLiterally bh name = assert (isExternalName name) $ do
     put_ bh $! nameModule name
     put_ bh $! nameOccName name

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import System.FilePath (normalise)
 -- NB: The 'Module' parameter is the 'Module' recorded by the *interface*
 -- file, not the actual 'Module' according to our 'DynFlags'.
 fingerprintDynFlags :: HscEnv -> Module
-                    -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+                    -> (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                     -> IO Fingerprint
 fingerprintDynFlags hsc_env this_mod nameio =
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fingerprintDynFlags hsc_env this_mod nameio =
 -- object files as they can.
 -- See Note [Ignoring some flag changes]
 fingerprintOptFlags :: DynFlags
-                      -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+                      -> (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                       -> IO Fingerprint
 fingerprintOptFlags DynFlags{..} nameio =
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fingerprintOptFlags DynFlags{..} nameio =
 -- file compiled for HPC when not actually using HPC.
 -- See Note [Ignoring some flag changes]
 fingerprintHpcFlags :: DynFlags
-                      -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+                      -> (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                       -> IO Fingerprint
 fingerprintHpcFlags dflags at DynFlags{..} nameio =

@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ type IfaceTopBndr = Name
   -- We don't serialise the namespace onto the disk though; rather we
   -- drop it when serialising and add it back in when deserialising.
-getIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IO IfaceTopBndr
+getIfaceTopBndr :: ReadBinHandle -> IO IfaceTopBndr
 getIfaceTopBndr bh = get bh
-putIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IfaceTopBndr -> IO ()
+putIfaceTopBndr :: WriteBinHandle -> IfaceTopBndr -> IO ()
 putIfaceTopBndr bh name =
     case findUserDataWriter (Proxy @BindingName) bh of
       tbl ->
@@ -2445,13 +2445,13 @@ instance Binary IfGuidance where
                     c <- get bh
                     return (IfWhen a b c)
-putUnfoldingCache :: BinHandle -> IfUnfoldingCache -> IO ()
+putUnfoldingCache :: WriteBinHandle -> IfUnfoldingCache -> IO ()
 putUnfoldingCache bh (UnfoldingCache { uf_is_value = hnf, uf_is_conlike = conlike
                                      , uf_is_work_free = wf, uf_expandable = exp }) = do
     let b = zeroBits .<<|. hnf .<<|. conlike .<<|. wf .<<|. exp
     putByte bh b
-getUnfoldingCache :: BinHandle -> IO IfUnfoldingCache
+getUnfoldingCache :: ReadBinHandle -> IO IfUnfoldingCache
 getUnfoldingCache bh = do
     b <- getByte bh
     let hnf     = testBit b 3

@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( isMetaTyVar, isTyConableTyVar )
-import Data.Maybe( isJust )
-import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi
 import Control.DeepSeq
-import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad ((<$!>))
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi
+import Data.Maybe( isJust )

@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ wasmHeader = unsafePerformIO $ B.unsafePackAddressLen 4 "\0asm"#
 data Object = Object
   { objModuleName    :: !ModuleName
     -- ^ name of the module
-  , objHandle        :: !BinHandle
+  , objHandle        :: !ReadBinHandle
     -- ^ BinHandle that can be used to read the ObjBlocks
   , objPayloadOffset :: !(Bin ObjBlock)
     -- ^ Offset of the payload (units)
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ instance Outputable ExportedFun where
 -- | Write an ObjBlock, except for the top level symbols which are stored in the
 -- index
-putObjBlock :: BinHandle -> ObjBlock -> IO ()
+putObjBlock :: WriteBinHandle -> ObjBlock -> IO ()
 putObjBlock bh (ObjBlock _syms b c d e f g) = do
     put_ bh b
     put_ bh c
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ putObjBlock bh (ObjBlock _syms b c d e f g) = do
 -- | Read an ObjBlock and associate it to the given symbols (that must have been
 -- read from the index)
-getObjBlock :: [FastString] -> BinHandle -> IO ObjBlock
+getObjBlock :: [FastString] -> ReadBinHandle -> IO ObjBlock
 getObjBlock syms bh = do
     b <- get bh
     c <- get bh
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ data IndexEntry = IndexEntry
 -- | Given a handle to a Binary payload, add the module, 'mod_name', its
 -- dependencies, 'deps', and its linkable units to the payload.
-  :: BinHandle
+  :: WriteBinHandle
   -> ModuleName -- ^ module
   -> BlockInfo  -- ^ block infos
   -> [ObjBlock] -- ^ linkable units and their symbols
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ putObject bh mod_name deps os = do
     -- forward put the index
     forwardPut_ bh_fs (put_ bh_fs) $ do
       idx <- forM os $ \o -> do
-        p <- tellBin bh_fs
+        p <- tellBinWriter bh_fs
         -- write units without their symbols
         putObjBlock bh_fs o
         -- return symbols and offset to store in the index
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ putObject bh mod_name deps os = do
       pure idx
 -- | Parse object header
-getObjectHeader :: BinHandle -> IO (Either String ModuleName)
+getObjectHeader :: ReadBinHandle -> IO (Either String ModuleName)
 getObjectHeader bh = do
   magic <- getByteString bh (B.length hsHeader)
   case magic == hsHeader of
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ getObjectHeader bh = do
 -- | Parse object body. Must be called after a successful getObjectHeader
-getObjectBody :: BinHandle -> ModuleName -> IO Object
+getObjectBody :: ReadBinHandle -> ModuleName -> IO Object
 getObjectBody bh0 mod_name = do
   -- Read the string table
   dict <- forwardGet bh0 (getDictionary bh0)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ getObjectBody bh0 mod_name = do
   block_info  <- get bh
   idx         <- forwardGet bh (get bh)
-  payload_pos <- tellBin bh
+  payload_pos <- tellBinReader bh
   pure $ Object
     { objModuleName    = mod_name
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ getObjectBody bh0 mod_name = do
 -- | Parse object
-getObject :: BinHandle -> IO (Maybe Object)
+getObject :: ReadBinHandle -> IO (Maybe Object)
 getObject bh = do
   getObjectHeader bh >>= \case
     Left _err      -> pure Nothing
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ getObjectBlocks obj bids = mapMaybeM read_entry (zip (objIndex obj) [0..])
     bh = objHandle obj
     read_entry (IndexEntry syms offset,i)
       | IS.member i bids = do
-          seekBin bh offset
+          seekBinReader bh offset
           Just <$> getObjBlock syms bh
       | otherwise = pure Nothing
@@ -409,12 +409,12 @@ readObjectBlocks file bids = do
 -- Helper functions
-putEnum :: Enum a => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+putEnum :: Enum a => WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 putEnum bh x | n > 65535 = error ("putEnum: out of range: " ++ show n)
              | otherwise = put_ bh n
   where n = fromIntegral $ fromEnum x :: Word16
-getEnum :: Enum a => BinHandle -> IO a
+getEnum :: Enum a => ReadBinHandle -> IO a
 getEnum bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (get bh :: IO Word16)
 -- | Helper to convert Int to Int32
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ writeJSObject opts contents output_fn = do
 -- | Read a JS object from BinHandle
-parseJSObject :: BinHandle -> IO (JSOptions, B.ByteString)
+parseJSObject :: ReadBinHandle -> IO (JSOptions, B.ByteString)
 parseJSObject bh = do
   magic <- getByteString bh (B.length jsHeader)
   case magic == jsHeader of

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 module GHC.Utils.Binary
   ( {-type-}  Bin,
     {-class-} Binary(..),
-    {-type-}  BinHandle,
+    {-type-}  ReadBinHandle, WriteBinHandle,
     SymbolTable, Dictionary,
    BinData(..), dataHandle, handleData,
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ module GHC.Utils.Binary
 --   closeBin,
-   seekBin,
-   tellBin,
+   seekBinWriter,
+   seekBinReader,
+   tellBinReader,
+   tellBinWriter,
@@ -85,7 +87,6 @@ module GHC.Utils.Binary
    initFastStringReaderTable, initFastStringWriterTable,
    putDictionary, getDictionary, putFS,
    FSTable(..), getDictFastString, putDictFastString,
    -- * Newtype wrappers
    BinSpan(..), BinSrcSpan(..), BinLocated(..),
    -- * Newtypes for types that have canonically more than one valid encoding
@@ -172,70 +173,91 @@ instance Binary BinData where
         copyBytes dest orig sz
     return (BinData sz dat)
-dataHandle :: BinData -> IO BinHandle
+dataHandle :: BinData -> IO ReadBinHandle
 dataHandle (BinData size bin) = do
   ixr <- newFastMutInt 0
-  szr <- newFastMutInt size
-  binr <- newIORef bin
-  return (BinMem noReaderUserData noWriterUserData ixr szr binr)
+  return (ReadBinMem noReaderUserData ixr size bin)
-handleData :: BinHandle -> IO BinData
-handleData (BinMem _ _ ixr _ binr) = BinData <$> readFastMutInt ixr <*> readIORef binr
+handleData :: WriteBinHandle -> IO BinData
+handleData (WriteBinMem _ ixr _ binr) = BinData <$> readFastMutInt ixr <*> readIORef binr
 -- BinHandle
-data BinHandle
-  = BinMem {                     -- binary data stored in an unboxed array
-     bh_reader :: ReaderUserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
-     bh_writer :: WriterUserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
-     _off_r :: !FastMutInt,      -- the current offset
-     _sz_r  :: !FastMutInt,      -- size of the array (cached)
-     _arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
+-- | A write-only handle that can be used to serialise binary data into a buffer.
+-- The buffer is an unboxed binary array.
+data WriteBinHandle
+  = WriteBinMem {
+     wbm_userData :: WriterUserData,
+     -- ^ User data for writing binary outputs.
+     -- Allows users to overwrite certain 'Binary' instances.
+     -- This is helpful when a non-canonical 'Binary' instance is required,
+     -- such as in the case of 'Name'.
+     wbm_off_r    :: !FastMutInt,      -- ^ the current offset
+     wbm_sz_r     :: !FastMutInt,      -- ^ size of the array (cached)
+     wbm_arr_r    :: !(IORef BinArray) -- ^ the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
+    }
+-- | A read-only handle that can be used to deserialise binary data from a buffer.
+-- The buffer is an unboxed binary array.
+data ReadBinHandle
+  = ReadBinMem {
+     rbm_userData :: ReaderUserData,
+     -- ^ User data for reading binary inputs.
+     -- Allows users to overwrite certain 'Binary' instances.
+     -- This is helpful when a non-canonical 'Binary' instance is required,
+     -- such as in the case of 'Name'.
+     rbm_off_r    :: !FastMutInt,     -- ^ the current offset
+     rbm_sz_r     :: !Int,            -- ^ size of the array (cached)
+     rbm_arr_r    :: !BinArray        -- ^ the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
-        -- XXX: should really store a "high water mark" for dumping out
-        -- the binary data to a file.
-getReaderUserData :: BinHandle -> ReaderUserData
-getReaderUserData bh = bh_reader bh
+getReaderUserData :: ReadBinHandle -> ReaderUserData
+getReaderUserData bh = rbm_userData bh
-getWriterUserData :: BinHandle -> WriterUserData
-getWriterUserData bh = bh_writer bh
+getWriterUserData :: WriteBinHandle -> WriterUserData
+getWriterUserData bh = wbm_userData bh
-setWriterUserData :: BinHandle -> WriterUserData -> BinHandle
-setWriterUserData bh us = bh { bh_writer = us }
+setWriterUserData :: WriteBinHandle -> WriterUserData -> WriteBinHandle
+setWriterUserData bh us = bh { wbm_userData = us }
-setReaderUserData :: BinHandle -> ReaderUserData -> BinHandle
-setReaderUserData bh us = bh { bh_reader = us }
+setReaderUserData :: ReadBinHandle -> ReaderUserData -> ReadBinHandle
+setReaderUserData bh us = bh { rbm_userData = us }
-addReaderToUserData :: SomeBinaryReader -> BinHandle -> BinHandle
+-- | Add 'SomeBinaryReader' as a known binary decoder.
+-- If a 'BinaryReader' for the associated type already exists in 'ReaderUserData',
+-- it is overwritten.
+addReaderToUserData :: SomeBinaryReader -> ReadBinHandle -> ReadBinHandle
 addReaderToUserData cache@(SomeBinaryReader typRep _) bh = bh
-  { bh_reader = (bh_reader bh)
-      { ud_reader_data = Map.insert typRep cache (ud_reader_data (bh_reader bh))
+  { rbm_userData = (rbm_userData bh)
+      { ud_reader_data = Map.insert typRep cache (ud_reader_data (rbm_userData bh))
-addWriterToUserData :: SomeBinaryWriter -> BinHandle -> BinHandle
+-- | Add 'SomeBinaryWriter' as a known binary encoder.
+-- If a 'BinaryWriter' for the associated type already exists in 'WriterUserData',
+-- it is overwritten.
+addWriterToUserData :: SomeBinaryWriter -> WriteBinHandle -> WriteBinHandle
 addWriterToUserData cache@(SomeBinaryWriter typRep _) bh = bh
-  { bh_writer = (bh_writer bh)
-      { ud_writer_data = Map.insert typRep cache (ud_writer_data (bh_writer bh))
+  { wbm_userData = (wbm_userData bh)
+      { ud_writer_data = Map.insert typRep cache (ud_writer_data (wbm_userData bh))
 -- | Get access to the underlying buffer.
-withBinBuffer :: BinHandle -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
-withBinBuffer (BinMem _ _ ix_r _ arr_r) action = do
-  arr <- readIORef arr_r
+withBinBuffer :: WriteBinHandle -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
+withBinBuffer (WriteBinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) action = do
   ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+  arr <- readIORef arr_r
   action $ BS.fromForeignPtr arr 0 ix
-unsafeUnpackBinBuffer :: ByteString -> IO BinHandle
+unsafeUnpackBinBuffer :: ByteString -> IO ReadBinHandle
 unsafeUnpackBinBuffer (BS.BS arr len) = do
-  arr_r <- newIORef arr
   ix_r <- newFastMutInt 0
-  sz_r <- newFastMutInt len
-  return (BinMem noReaderUserData noWriterUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+  return (ReadBinMem noReaderUserData ix_r len arr)
 -- Bin
@@ -254,23 +276,23 @@ castBin (BinPtr i) = BinPtr i
 -- | Do not rely on instance sizes for general types,
 -- we use variable length encoding for many of them.
 class Binary a where
-    put_   :: BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
-    put    :: BinHandle -> a -> IO (Bin a)
-    get    :: BinHandle -> IO a
+    put_   :: WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+    put    :: WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO (Bin a)
+    get    :: ReadBinHandle -> IO a
     -- define one of put_, put.  Use of put_ is recommended because it
     -- is more likely that tail-calls can kick in, and we rarely need the
     -- position return value.
     put_ bh a = do _ <- put bh a; return ()
-    put bh a  = do p <- tellBin bh; put_ bh a; return p
+    put bh a  = do p <- tellBinWriter bh; put_ bh a; return p
-putAt  :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> a -> IO ()
-putAt bh p x = do seekBin bh p; put_ bh x; return ()
+putAt  :: Binary a => WriteBinHandle -> Bin a -> a -> IO ()
+putAt bh p x = do seekBinWriter bh p; put_ bh x; return ()
-getAt  :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO a
-getAt bh p = do seekBin bh p; get bh
+getAt  :: Binary a => ReadBinHandle -> Bin a -> IO a
+getAt bh p = do seekBinReader bh p; get bh
-openBinMem :: Int -> IO BinHandle
+openBinMem :: Int -> IO WriteBinHandle
 openBinMem size
  | size <= 0 = error "GHC.Utils.Binary.openBinMem: size must be >= 0"
  | otherwise = do
@@ -278,45 +300,60 @@ openBinMem size
    arr_r <- newIORef arr
    ix_r <- newFastMutInt 0
    sz_r <- newFastMutInt size
-   return (BinMem noReaderUserData noWriterUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+   return WriteBinMem
+    { wbm_userData = noWriterUserData
+    , wbm_off_r = ix_r
+    , wbm_sz_r = sz_r
+    , wbm_arr_r = arr_r
+    }
-tellBin :: BinHandle -> IO (Bin a)
-tellBin (BinMem _ _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
+tellBinWriter :: WriteBinHandle -> IO (Bin a)
+tellBinWriter (WriteBinMem _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
-seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
-seekBin h@(BinMem _ _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
+tellBinReader :: ReadBinHandle -> IO (Bin a)
+tellBinReader (ReadBinMem _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
+seekBinWriter :: WriteBinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
+seekBinWriter h@(WriteBinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
   sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
   if (p > sz)
         then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p
         else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
--- | 'seekBinNoExpand' moves the index pointer to the location pointed to
+-- | 'seekBinNoExpandWriter' moves the index pointer to the location pointed to
 -- by 'Bin a'.
 -- This operation may 'panic', if the pointer location is out of bounds of the
 -- buffer of 'BinHandle'.
-seekBinNoExpand :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
-seekBinNoExpand (BinMem _ _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
+seekBinNoExpandWriter :: WriteBinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
+seekBinNoExpandWriter (WriteBinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
   sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
   if (p > sz)
-        then panic "seekBinNoExpand: seek out of range"
+        then panic "seekBinNoExpandWriter: seek out of range"
+        else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+-- | SeekBin but without calling expandBin
+seekBinReader :: ReadBinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
+seekBinReader (ReadBinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr !p) = do
+  if (p > sz_r)
+        then panic "seekBinReader: seek out of range"
         else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
-writeBinMem :: BinHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
-writeBinMem (BinMem _ _ ix_r _ arr_r) fn = do
+writeBinMem :: WriteBinHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
+writeBinMem (WriteBinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) fn = do
   h <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
   arr <- readIORef arr_r
   ix  <- readFastMutInt ix_r
   unsafeWithForeignPtr arr $ \p -> hPutBuf h p ix
   hClose h
-readBinMem :: FilePath -> IO BinHandle
+readBinMem :: FilePath -> IO ReadBinHandle
 readBinMem filename = do
   withBinaryFile filename ReadMode $ \h -> do
     filesize' <- hFileSize h
     let filesize = fromIntegral filesize'
     readBinMem_ filesize h
-readBinMemN :: Int -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe BinHandle)
+readBinMemN :: Int -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe ReadBinHandle)
 readBinMemN size filename = do
   withBinaryFile filename ReadMode $ \h -> do
     filesize' <- hFileSize h
@@ -325,20 +362,23 @@ readBinMemN size filename = do
       then pure Nothing
       else Just <$> readBinMem_ size h
-readBinMem_ :: Int -> Handle -> IO BinHandle
+readBinMem_ :: Int -> Handle -> IO ReadBinHandle
 readBinMem_ filesize h = do
   arr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes filesize
   count <- unsafeWithForeignPtr arr $ \p -> hGetBuf h p filesize
   when (count /= filesize) $
        error ("Binary.readBinMem: only read " ++ show count ++ " bytes")
-  arr_r <- newIORef arr
   ix_r <- newFastMutInt 0
-  sz_r <- newFastMutInt filesize
-  return (BinMem noReaderUserData noWriterUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+  return ReadBinMem
+    { rbm_userData = noReaderUserData
+    , rbm_off_r = ix_r
+    , rbm_sz_r = filesize
+    , rbm_arr_r = arr
+    }
 -- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset
-expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
-expandBin (BinMem _ _ _ sz_r arr_r) !off = do
+expandBin :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
+expandBin (WriteBinMem _ _ sz_r arr_r) !off = do
    !sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
    let !sz' = getSize sz
    arr <- readIORef arr_r
@@ -359,7 +399,7 @@ expandBin (BinMem _ _ _ sz_r arr_r) !off = do
   :: Binary a
   => Word -- n elements
-  -> BinHandle
+  -> ReadBinHandle
   -> b -- initial accumulator
   -> (Word -> a -> b -> IO b)
   -> IO b
@@ -375,7 +415,7 @@ foldGet n bh init_b f = go 0 init_b
   :: Binary a
   => Word -- n elements
-  -> BinHandle
+  -> ReadBinHandle
   -> b -- initial accumulator
   -> (Word -> a -> b -> IO b)
   -> IO b
@@ -396,8 +436,8 @@ foldGet' n bh init_b f = go 0 init_b
 -- | Takes a size and action writing up to @size@ bytes.
 --   After the action has run advance the index to the buffer
 --   by size bytes.
-putPrim :: BinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-putPrim h@(BinMem _ _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
+putPrim :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+putPrim h@(WriteBinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
   ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
   sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
   when (ix + size > sz) $
@@ -418,39 +458,37 @@ putPrim h@(BinMem _ _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
 --   written <- withForeignPtr arr $ \op -> f (op `plusPtr` ix)
 --   writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix + written)
-getPrim :: BinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
-getPrim (BinMem _ _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
+getPrim :: ReadBinHandle -> Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
+getPrim (ReadBinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) size f = do
   ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
-  sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
-  when (ix + size > sz) $
+  when (ix + size > sz_r) $
       ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "Data.Binary.getPrim" Nothing Nothing)
-  arr <- readIORef arr_r
-  w <- unsafeWithForeignPtr arr $ \p -> f (p `plusPtr` ix)
+  w <- unsafeWithForeignPtr arr_r $ \p -> f (p `plusPtr` ix)
     -- This is safe WRT #17760 as we we guarantee that the above line doesn't
     -- diverge
   writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix + size)
   return w
-putWord8 :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putWord8 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
 putWord8 h !w = putPrim h 1 (\op -> poke op w)
-getWord8 :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getWord8 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word8
 getWord8 h = getPrim h 1 peek
-putWord16 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO ()
+putWord16 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word16 -> IO ()
 putWord16 h w = putPrim h 2 (\op -> do
   pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8))
   pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
-getWord16 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16
+getWord16 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word16
 getWord16 h = getPrim h 2 (\op -> do
   w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
   w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
   return $! w0 `shiftL` 8 .|. w1
-putWord32 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO ()
+putWord32 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word32 -> IO ()
 putWord32 h w = putPrim h 4 (\op -> do
   pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24))
   pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF))
@@ -458,7 +496,7 @@ putWord32 h w = putPrim h 4 (\op -> do
   pokeElemOff op 3 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
-getWord32 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32
+getWord32 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word32
 getWord32 h = getPrim h 4 (\op -> do
   w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
   w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
@@ -471,7 +509,7 @@ getWord32 h = getPrim h 4 (\op -> do
-putWord64 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO ()
+putWord64 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word64 -> IO ()
 putWord64 h w = putPrim h 8 (\op -> do
   pokeElemOff op 0 (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56))
   pokeElemOff op 1 (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xFF))
@@ -483,7 +521,7 @@ putWord64 h w = putPrim h 8 (\op -> do
   pokeElemOff op 7 (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xFF))
-getWord64 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64
+getWord64 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word64
 getWord64 h = getPrim h 8 (\op -> do
   w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 0
   w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff op 1
@@ -504,10 +542,10 @@ getWord64 h = getPrim h 8 (\op -> do
-putByte :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putByte :: WriteBinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
 putByte bh !w = putWord8 bh w
-getByte :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getByte :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word8
 getByte h = getWord8 h
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -530,15 +568,15 @@ getByte h = getWord8 h
 --       for now.
 -- Unsigned numbers
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
-putULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putULEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
+putULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 putULEB128 bh w =
 #if defined(DEBUG)
     (if w < 0 then panic "putULEB128: Signed number" else id) $
@@ -555,15 +593,15 @@ putULEB128 bh w =
         putByte bh byte
         go (w `unsafeShiftR` 7)
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
-getULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> IO a
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getULEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
+getULEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, FiniteBits a) => ReadBinHandle -> IO a
 getULEB128 bh =
     go 0 0
@@ -579,15 +617,15 @@ getULEB128 bh =
                 return $! val
 -- Signed numbers
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
-putSLEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, Bits a) => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Word16 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int64 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int32 -> IO () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE putSLEB128 :: WriteBinHandle -> Int16 -> IO () #-}
+putSLEB128 :: forall a. (Integral a, Bits a) => WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 putSLEB128 bh initial = go initial
     go :: a -> IO ()
@@ -607,15 +645,15 @@ putSLEB128 bh initial = go initial
         unless done $ go val'
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: BinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
-getSLEB128 :: forall a. (Show a, Integral a, FiniteBits a) => BinHandle -> IO a
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Word16 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int64 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int32 #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE getSLEB128 :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Int16 #-}
+getSLEB128 :: forall a. (Show a, Integral a, FiniteBits a) => ReadBinHandle -> IO a
 getSLEB128 bh = do
     (val,shift,signed) <- go 0 0
     if signed && (shift < finiteBitSize val )
@@ -1026,63 +1064,63 @@ instance Binary (Bin a) where
 -- | "forwardPut put_A put_B" outputs A after B but allows A to be read before B
 -- by using a forward reference
-forwardPut :: BinHandle -> (b -> IO a) -> IO b -> IO (a,b)
+forwardPut :: WriteBinHandle -> (b -> IO a) -> IO b -> IO (a,b)
 forwardPut bh put_A put_B = do
   -- write placeholder pointer to A
-  pre_a <- tellBin bh
+  pre_a <- tellBinWriter bh
   put_ bh pre_a
   -- write B
   r_b <- put_B
   -- update A's pointer
-  a <- tellBin bh
+  a <- tellBinWriter bh
   putAt bh pre_a a
-  seekBinNoExpand bh a
+  seekBinNoExpandWriter bh a
   -- write A
   r_a <- put_A r_b
   pure (r_a,r_b)
-forwardPut_ :: BinHandle -> (b -> IO a) -> IO b -> IO ()
+forwardPut_ :: WriteBinHandle -> (b -> IO a) -> IO b -> IO ()
 forwardPut_ bh put_A put_B = void $ forwardPut bh put_A put_B
 -- | Read a value stored using a forward reference
-forwardGet :: BinHandle -> IO a -> IO a
+forwardGet :: ReadBinHandle -> IO a -> IO a
 forwardGet bh get_A = do
     -- read forward reference
     p <- get bh -- a BinPtr
     -- store current position
-    p_a <- tellBin bh
+    p_a <- tellBinReader bh
     -- go read the forward value, then seek back
-    seekBinNoExpand bh p
+    seekBinReader bh p
     r <- get_A
-    seekBinNoExpand bh p_a
+    seekBinReader bh p_a
     pure r
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Lazy reading/writing
-lazyPut :: Binary a => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+lazyPut :: Binary a => WriteBinHandle -> a -> IO ()
 lazyPut bh a = do
     -- output the obj with a ptr to skip over it:
-    pre_a <- tellBin bh
+    pre_a <- tellBinWriter bh
     put_ bh pre_a       -- save a slot for the ptr
     put_ bh a           -- dump the object
-    q <- tellBin bh     -- q = ptr to after object
+    q <- tellBinWriter bh     -- q = ptr to after object
     putAt bh pre_a q    -- fill in slot before a with ptr to q
-    seekBin bh q        -- finally carry on writing at q
+    seekBinWriter bh q        -- finally carry on writing at q
-lazyGet :: Binary a => BinHandle -> IO a
+lazyGet :: Binary a => ReadBinHandle -> IO a
 lazyGet bh = do
     p <- get bh -- a BinPtr
-    p_a <- tellBin bh
+    p_a <- tellBinReader bh
     a <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
         -- NB: Use a fresh off_r variable in the child thread, for thread
         -- safety.
         off_r <- newFastMutInt 0
-        getAt bh { _off_r = off_r } p_a
-    seekBin bh p -- skip over the object for now
+        getAt bh { rbm_off_r = off_r } p_a
+    seekBinReader bh p -- skip over the object for now
     return a
 -- | Serialize the constructor strictly but lazily serialize a value inside a
@@ -1090,14 +1128,14 @@ lazyGet bh = do
 -- This way we can check for the presence of a value without deserializing the
 -- value itself.
-lazyPutMaybe :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Maybe a -> IO ()
+lazyPutMaybe :: Binary a => WriteBinHandle -> Maybe a -> IO ()
 lazyPutMaybe bh Nothing  = putWord8 bh 0
 lazyPutMaybe bh (Just x) = do
   putWord8 bh 1
   lazyPut bh x
 -- | Deserialize a value serialized by 'lazyPutMaybe'.
-lazyGetMaybe :: Binary a => BinHandle -> IO (Maybe a)
+lazyGetMaybe :: Binary a => ReadBinHandle -> IO (Maybe a)
 lazyGetMaybe bh = do
   h <- getWord8 bh
   case h of
@@ -1192,19 +1230,19 @@ mkSomeBinaryReader :: forall a . Typeable a => BinaryReader a -> SomeBinaryReade
 mkSomeBinaryReader cb = SomeBinaryReader (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) cb
 data BinaryReader s = BinaryReader
-  { getEntry :: BinHandle -> IO s
+  { getEntry :: ReadBinHandle -> IO s
   } deriving (Functor)
 data BinaryWriter s = BinaryWriter
-  { putEntry :: BinHandle -> s -> IO ()
+  { putEntry :: WriteBinHandle -> s -> IO ()
-mkWriter :: (BinHandle -> s -> IO ()) -> BinaryWriter s
+mkWriter :: (WriteBinHandle -> s -> IO ()) -> BinaryWriter s
 mkWriter f = BinaryWriter
   { putEntry = f
-mkReader :: (BinHandle -> IO s) -> BinaryReader s
+mkReader :: (ReadBinHandle -> IO s) -> BinaryReader s
 mkReader f = BinaryReader
   { getEntry = f
@@ -1212,7 +1250,7 @@ mkReader f = BinaryReader
 -- | Find the 'BinaryReader' for the 'Binary' instance for the type identified by 'Proxy a'.
 -- If no 'BinaryReader' has been configured before, this function will panic.
-findUserDataReader :: forall a . (HasCallStack, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> BinHandle -> BinaryReader a
+findUserDataReader :: forall a . (HasCallStack, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> ReadBinHandle -> BinaryReader a
 findUserDataReader query bh =
   case Map.lookup (typeRep query) (ud_reader_data $ getReaderUserData bh) of
     Nothing -> panic $ "Failed to find BinaryReader for the key: " ++ show (typeRep query)
@@ -1222,7 +1260,7 @@ findUserDataReader query bh =
 -- | Find the 'BinaryWriter' for the 'Binary' instance for the type identified by 'Proxy a'.
 -- If no 'BinaryWriter' has been configured before, this function will panic.
-findUserDataWriter :: forall a . (HasCallStack, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> BinHandle -> BinaryWriter a
+findUserDataWriter :: forall a . (HasCallStack, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> WriteBinHandle -> BinaryWriter a
 findUserDataWriter query bh =
   case Map.lookup (typeRep query) (ud_writer_data $ getWriterUserData bh) of
     Nothing -> panic $ "Failed to find BinaryWriter for the key: " ++ show (typeRep query)
@@ -1239,8 +1277,8 @@ noWriterUserData = WriterUserData
   { ud_writer_data = Map.empty
-newReadState :: (BinHandle -> IO Name)   -- ^ how to deserialize 'Name's
-             -> (BinHandle -> IO FastString)
+newReadState :: (ReadBinHandle -> IO Name)   -- ^ how to deserialize 'Name's
+             -> (ReadBinHandle -> IO FastString)
              -> ReaderUserData
 newReadState get_name get_fs =
@@ -1249,11 +1287,11 @@ newReadState get_name get_fs =
     , mkSomeBinaryReader $ mkReader get_fs
-newWriteState :: (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+newWriteState :: (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                  -- ^ how to serialize non-binding 'Name's
-              -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+              -> (WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
                  -- ^ how to serialize binding 'Name's
-              -> (BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ())
+              -> (WriteBinHandle -> FastString -> IO ())
               -> WriterUserData
 newWriteState put_non_binding_name put_binding_name put_fs =
@@ -1267,12 +1305,12 @@ newWriteState put_non_binding_name put_binding_name put_fs =
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 data ReaderTable a = ReaderTable
-  { getTable :: BinHandle -> IO (SymbolTable a)
+  { getTable :: ReadBinHandle -> IO (SymbolTable a)
   , mkReaderFromTable :: SymbolTable a -> BinaryReader a
 data WriterTable = WriterTable
-  { putTable :: BinHandle -> IO Int
+  { putTable :: WriteBinHandle -> IO Int
@@ -1312,14 +1350,14 @@ initFastStringWriterTable = do
     , mkWriter $ putDictFastString bin_dict
-putDictionary :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM FastString (Int,FastString) -> IO ()
+putDictionary :: WriteBinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM FastString (Int,FastString) -> IO ()
 putDictionary bh sz dict = do
   put_ bh sz
   mapM_ (putFS bh) (elems (array (0,sz-1) (nonDetEltsUFM dict)))
     -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because the elements have indices
     -- that array uses to create order
-getDictionary :: BinHandle -> IO Dictionary
+getDictionary :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Dictionary
 getDictionary bh = do
   sz <- get bh :: IO Int
   mut_arr <- newArray_ (0, sz-1) :: IO (IOArray Int FastString)
@@ -1328,12 +1366,12 @@ getDictionary bh = do
     writeArray mut_arr i fs
   unsafeFreeze mut_arr
-getDictFastString :: Dictionary -> BinHandle -> IO FastString
+getDictFastString :: Dictionary -> ReadBinHandle -> IO FastString
 getDictFastString dict bh = do
     j <- get bh
     return $! (dict ! fromIntegral (j :: Word32))
-putDictFastString :: FSTable -> BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putDictFastString :: FSTable -> WriteBinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
 putDictFastString dict bh fs = allocateFastString dict fs >>= put_ bh
 allocateFastString :: FSTable -> FastString -> IO Word32
@@ -1370,34 +1408,34 @@ type SymbolTable a = Array Int a
 -- Reading and writing FastStrings
-putFS :: BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putFS :: WriteBinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
 putFS bh fs = putBS bh $ bytesFS fs
-getFS :: BinHandle -> IO FastString
+getFS :: ReadBinHandle -> IO FastString
 getFS bh = do
   l  <- get bh :: IO Int
   getPrim bh l (\src -> pure $! mkFastStringBytes src l )
 -- | Put a ByteString without its length (can't be read back without knowing the
 -- length!)
-putByteString :: BinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
+putByteString :: WriteBinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
 putByteString bh bs =
   BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, l) -> do
     putPrim bh l (\op -> copyBytes op (castPtr ptr) l)
 -- | Get a ByteString whose length is known
-getByteString :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ByteString
+getByteString :: ReadBinHandle -> Int -> IO ByteString
 getByteString bh l =
   BS.create l $ \dest -> do
     getPrim bh l (\src -> copyBytes dest src l)
-putBS :: BinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
+putBS :: WriteBinHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
 putBS bh bs =
   BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, l) -> do
     put_ bh l
     putPrim bh l (\op -> copyBytes op (castPtr ptr) l)
-getBS :: BinHandle -> IO ByteString
+getBS :: ReadBinHandle -> IO ByteString
 getBS bh = do
   l <- get bh :: IO Int
   BS.create l $ \dest -> do

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ instance Binary TyCon where
     get bh =
         mkTyCon <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
-getSomeTypeRep :: BinHandle -> IO SomeTypeRep
+getSomeTypeRep :: ReadBinHandle -> IO SomeTypeRep
 getSomeTypeRep bh = do
     tag <- get bh :: IO Word8
     case tag of
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ instance Binary TypeLitSort where
           2 -> pure TypeLitChar
           _ -> fail "Binary.putTypeLitSort: invalid tag"
-putTypeRep :: BinHandle -> TypeRep a -> IO ()
+putTypeRep :: WriteBinHandle -> TypeRep a -> IO ()
 putTypeRep bh rep -- Handle Type specially since it's so common
   | Just HRefl <- rep `eqTypeRep` (typeRep :: TypeRep Type)
   = put_ bh (0 :: Word8)

@@ -1 +1 @@
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