[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 5 commits: lint-codes: add new modes of operation

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Sep 28 03:16:17 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

60fca82b by sheaf at 2023-09-27T23:15:41-04:00
lint-codes: add new modes of operation

This commit adds two new modes of operation to the lint-codes

  list - list all statically used diagnostic codes
  outdated - list all outdated diagnostic codes

The previous behaviour is now:

  test - test consistency and coverage of diagnostic codes

- - - - -
a2044b87 by sheaf at 2023-09-27T23:15:41-04:00
lint codes: avoid using git-grep

We manually traverse through the filesystem to find the diagnostic codes
embedded in .stdout and .stderr files, to avoid any issues with old
versions of grep.

Fixes #23843

- - - - -
349c74cb by sheaf at 2023-09-27T23:15:41-04:00
lint-codes: add Hadrian targets

This commit adds new Hadrian targets:

  codes, codes:used - list all used diagnostic codes
  codes:outdated - list outdated diagnostic codes

This allows users to easily query GHC for used and outdated
diagnostic codes, e.g.

  hadrian/build -j --flavour=<..> codes

will list all used diagnostic codes in the command line by running
the lint-codes utility in the "list codes" mode of operation.

The diagnostic code consistency and coverage test is still run as usual,
through the testsuite:

  hadrian/build test --only="codes"

- - - - -
ddaadcce by Ben Gamari at 2023-09-27T23:15:42-04:00
hadrian: Install LICENSE files in bindists

Fixes #23548.

- - - - -
d6d2da9e by Matthew Craven at 2023-09-27T23:15:42-04:00
Fix visibility when eta-reducing a type lambda

Fixes #24014.

- - - - -

14 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- hadrian/bindist/Makefile
- hadrian/hadrian.cabal
- hadrian/src/Main.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
- + hadrian/src/Rules/Codes.hs
- + linters/lint-codes/LintCodes/Args.hs
- linters/lint-codes/LintCodes/Coverage.hs
- linters/lint-codes/LintCodes/Static.hs
- linters/lint-codes/Main.hs
- linters/lint-codes/lint-codes.cabal
- testsuite/tests/diagnostic-codes/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T24014.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T


@@ -2743,7 +2743,12 @@ tryEtaReduce rec_ids bndrs body eval_sd
     ok_arg bndr (Type arg_ty) co fun_ty
        | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe arg_ty
        , bndr == tv  = case splitForAllForAllTyBinder_maybe fun_ty of
-           Just (Bndr _ vis, _) -> Just (mkHomoForAllCos [Bndr tv vis] co, [])
+           Just (Bndr _ vis, _) -> Just (fco, [])
+             where !fco = mkForAllCo tv vis coreTyLamForAllTyFlag kco co
+                   -- The lambda we are eta-reducing always has visibility
+                   -- 'coreTyLamForAllTyFlag' which may or may not match
+                   -- the visibility on the inner function (#24014)
+                   kco = mkNomReflCo (tyVarKind tv)
            Nothing -> pprPanic "tryEtaReduce: type arg to non-forall type"
                                (text "fun:" <+> ppr bndr
                                 $$ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg_ty

@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ endif
 install: install_bin install_lib install_extra
 install: install_man install_docs update_package_db
+install: install_data
 ifeq "$(RelocatableBuild)" "YES"
@@ -209,6 +210,15 @@ install_docs:
 		$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) docs-utils/gen_contents_index "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/libraries/"; \
+.PHONY: install_data
+	@echo "Copying data to $(DESTDIR)share"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)"
+	cd share; $(FIND) . -type f -exec sh -c \
+		'$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/`dirname $$1`" && \
+		$(INSTALL_DATA) "$$1" "$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/`dirname $$1`"' \
+		sh '{}' ';';
 MAN_PAGES := manpage/ghc.1

@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ executable hadrian
                        , Rules.BinaryDist
                        , Rules.CabalReinstall
                        , Rules.Clean
+                       , Rules.Codes
                        , Rules.Compile
                        , Rules.Dependencies
                        , Rules.Docspec

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Base
 import qualified CommandLine
 import qualified Environment
 import qualified Rules
+import qualified Rules.Codes
 import qualified Rules.Clean
 import qualified Rules.Docspec
 import qualified Rules.Documentation
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ main = do
+            Rules.Codes.codesRules

@@ -253,6 +253,12 @@ bindistRules = do
           -- shipping it
           removeFile (bindistFilesDir -/- mingwStamp)
+        -- Include LICENSE files and related data.
+        -- On Windows LICENSE files are in _build/lib/doc, which is
+        -- already included above.
+        unless windowsHost $ do
+          copyDirectory (ghcBuildDir -/- "share") bindistFilesDir
         -- Include bash-completion script in binary distributions. We don't
         -- currently install this but merely include it for the user's
         -- reference. See #20802.

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module Rules.Codes
+  ( codesRules
+  ) where
+import Base
+import Packages ( programPath, lintCodes )
+import Settings.Program ( programContext )
+data Usage
+  = Used
+  | Outdated
+describeUsage :: Usage -> String
+describeUsage Used     = "used"
+describeUsage Outdated = "outdated"
+usageArg :: Usage -> String
+usageArg Used     = "list"
+usageArg Outdated = "outdated"
+codesRules :: Rules ()
+codesRules = do
+  "codes:used"     ~> codes Used
+  "codes:outdated" ~> codes Outdated
+  "codes"          ~> codes Used
+codes :: Usage -> Action ()
+codes usage = do
+  let stage = Stage1 -- ?
+  codesProgram <- programPath =<< programContext stage lintCodes
+  need [ codesProgram ]
+  ghcLibDir <- stageLibPath stage
+  let args = [ usageArg usage, ghcLibDir ]
+      cmdLine = unwords ( codesProgram : args )
+  putBuild $ "| Computing " ++ describeUsage usage ++ " diagnostic codes."
+  putBuild $ "| " <> cmdLine
+  cmd_ cmdLine

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+module LintCodes.Args
+  ( Mode(..)
+  , parseArgs
+  )
+  where
+-- lint-codes
+import LintCodes.Static
+  ( LibDir(..) )
+-- | Mode in which to run the 'lint-codes' executable.
+data Mode
+  -- | Run the 'lint-codes' test, checking:
+  --
+  --   1. all non-outdated 'GhcDiagnosticCode' equations are statically used;
+  --   2. all outdated 'GhcDiagnosticCode' equations are statically unused;
+  --   3. all statically used diagnostic codes are covered by the testsuite.
+  = Test
+  -- | List all statically used diagnostic codes.
+  | List
+  -- | List outdated diagnostic codes.
+  | Outdated
+parseArgs :: [String] -> (Mode, Maybe LibDir)
+parseArgs args
+  | not (any isHelp args)
+  , mode_arg : rest <- args
+  = ( parseMode mode_arg, parseMbLibDir rest )
+  | otherwise
+  = error $ errorMsgWithHeader lintCodesHeader
+parseMode :: String -> Mode
+parseMode "test"     = Test
+parseMode "list"     = List
+parseMode "outdated" = Outdated
+parseMode mode =
+  error $ errorMsgWithHeader
+    "Invalid mode of operation '" ++ mode ++ "'."
+isHelp :: String -> Bool
+isHelp "help"   = True
+isHelp "-h"     = True
+isHelp "--help" = True
+isHelp _        = False
+parseMbLibDir :: [String] -> Maybe LibDir
+parseMbLibDir [] = Nothing
+parseMbLibDir (fp:_) = Just $ LibDir { libDir = fp }
+lintCodesHeader :: String
+lintCodesHeader = "lint-codes - GHC diagnostic code coverage tool"
+errorMsgWithHeader :: String -> String
+errorMsgWithHeader header = unlines
+  [ header
+  , ""
+  , "Usage: lint-codes (test|list|outdated) [libdir]"
+  , ""
+  , "  - Use 'test' to check consistency and coverage of GHC diagnostic codes"
+  , "      (must be inside a GHC Git tree)."
+  , "  - Use 'list' to list all diagnostic codes emitted by GHC."
+  , "  - Use 'outdated' to list outdated diagnostic codes."
+  , ""
+  , ""
+  , "If you see an error of the form:"
+  , "  lint-codes: Missing file: test/lib/settings"
+  , "It likely means you are passing an incorrect libdir."
+  , "You can query the libdir for the GHC you are using with 'ghc --print-libdir'."
+  ]

@@ -1,13 +1,39 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
 module LintCodes.Coverage
   ( getCoveredCodes )
+-- base
+import Data.Char
+  ( isAlphaNum, isDigit, isSpace )
+import Data.Maybe
+  ( mapMaybe )
+import Data.List
+  ( dropWhileEnd )
+-- bytestring
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+  ( readFile )
 -- containers
 import Data.Set
   ( Set )
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
   ( fromList )
+-- directory
+import System.Directory
+  ( doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory )
+-- filepath
+import System.FilePath
+  ( (</>), takeExtension )
 -- ghc
 import GHC.Types.Error
   ( DiagnosticCode(..) )
@@ -16,6 +42,17 @@ import GHC.Types.Error
 import System.Process
   ( readProcess )
+-- text
+import Data.Text
+  ( Text )
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
+  ( decodeUtf8' )
+-- transformers
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+  ( State, runState, get, put )
 -- Diagnostic code coverage from testsuite .stdout and .stderr files
@@ -23,24 +60,101 @@ import System.Process
 -- files.
 getCoveredCodes :: IO (Set DiagnosticCode)
 getCoveredCodes =
-  -- Run git grep on .stdout and .stderr files in the testsuite subfolder.
-  do { codes <- lines
-            <$> readProcess "git"
-                [ "grep", "-Eoh", codeRegex
-                        -- -oh: only show the match, and omit the filename.
-                , "--", ":/testsuite/*.stdout", ":/testsuite/*.stderr"
-                , ":!*/codes.stdout" -- Don't include the output of this test itself.
-                ] ""
-     ; return $ Set.fromList $ map parseCode codes }
--- | Regular expression to parse a diagnostic code.
-codeRegex :: String
-codeRegex = "\\[[A-Za-z]+-[0-9]+\\]"
--- | Turn a string that matches the 'codeRegex' regular expression
--- into its corresponding 'DiagnosticCode'.
-parseCode :: String -> DiagnosticCode
-parseCode c =
-  case break (== '-') $ drop 1 c of
-    (ns, rest) ->
-      DiagnosticCode ns ( read $ init $ drop 1 rest )
+  do { top <- dropWhileEnd isSpace
+          <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] ""
+       -- TODO: would be better to avoid using git entirely.
+     ; let testRoot = top </> "testsuite" </> "tests"
+     ; traverseFilesFrom includeFile diagnosticCodesIn testRoot
+     }
+-- | Excluded files: we don't look for diagnostic codes in these, as they
+-- are not actual diagnostic codes emitted by the compiler.
+excludeList :: [ FilePath ]
+excludeList = [ "codes.stdout" ]
+-- | Which files should we include in the search for diagnostic codes in the
+-- output of the testsuite: `.stdout` and `.stderr` files.
+includeFile :: FilePath -> Bool
+includeFile fn
+  =  fn `notElem` excludeList
+  && takeExtension fn `elem` [ ".stdout", ".stderr" ]
+-- | Collect all diagnostic codes mentioned in the given 'Text'.
+diagnosticCodesIn :: Text -> Set DiagnosticCode
+diagnosticCodesIn txt =
+  Set.fromList $ mapMaybe getCode
+               $ concatMap (enclosedBy '[' ']')
+               $ Text.lines txt
+  where
+    getCode :: Text -> Maybe DiagnosticCode
+    getCode txt_inside_brackets
+      | let (ns, Text.drop 1 -> code) = Text.breakOn "-" txt_inside_brackets
+      , not $ Text.null ns
+      , not $ Text.null code
+      , Text.all isAlphaNum ns
+      , Text.all isDigit code
+      , let ns' = Text.unpack ns
+      = let diag = DiagnosticCode ns' ( read $ Text.unpack code )
+        in if ns' `elem` expectedDiagnosticNameSpaces
+           then Just diag
+           else Nothing
+             -- error "lint-codes: unexpected diagnostic code [" ++ show diag ++ "]."
+      | otherwise
+      = Nothing
+-- | Which diagnostic code namespaces are relevant to this test?
+expectedDiagnosticNameSpaces :: [String]
+expectedDiagnosticNameSpaces = ["GHC"]
+-- | Capture pieces of a text enclosed by matching delimiters.
+-- > enclosedBy '(' ')' "ab(cd(e)f)g(hk)l"
+-- > ["cd(e)f", "hk"]
+enclosedBy :: Char -> Char -> Text -> [Text]
+enclosedBy open close = go . recur
+  where
+    recur = Text.breakOn (Text.singleton open)
+    go (_, Text.drop 1 -> rest)
+      | Text.null rest
+      = []
+      | let ((ok, rest'), n) = ( `runState` 1 ) $ Text.spanM matchingParen rest
+      = if n == 0
+        then (if Text.null ok then id else (ok:)) $ go $ recur rest'
+        else []
+    matchingParen :: Char -> State Int Bool
+    matchingParen c =
+      do { s <- get
+         ; if | c == open
+              -> do { put (s+1); return True }
+              | c == close
+              -> do { put (s-1); return (s /= 1) }
+              | otherwise
+              -> return True }
+-- | Recursive traversal from a root directory of all files satisfying
+-- the inclusion predicate, collecting up a result according to
+-- the parsing function.
+traverseFilesFrom :: forall b. Monoid b
+                  => ( FilePath -> Bool ) -- ^ inclusion predicate
+                  -> ( Text -> b )        -- ^ parsing function
+                  -> FilePath             -- ^ directory root
+                  -> IO b
+traverseFilesFrom include_file parse_contents = go
+  where
+    go top
+     = do { ps <- listDirectory top
+          ; (`foldMap` ps) \ p ->
+       do { let path = top </> p
+          ; is_dir <- doesDirectoryExist path
+          ; if is_dir
+            then go path
+            else if not $ include_file p
+            then return mempty
+            else
+        do { bs <- ByteString.readFile path
+           ; return $ case Text.decodeUtf8' bs of
+           { Left  _   -> mempty
+           ; Right txt -> parse_contents txt
+           } } } }

@@ -5,17 +5,11 @@
 module LintCodes.Static
   ( FamEqnIndex, Use(..), used, outdated
-  , getFamEqnCodes
+  , LibDir(..), getFamEqnCodes
   , staticallyUsedCodes
--- base
-import Data.Maybe
-  ( listToMaybe )
-import System.Environment
-  ( getArgs )
 -- containers
 import Data.Map.Strict
   ( Map )
@@ -111,9 +105,9 @@ outdated _ = Nothing
 -- of Template Haskell at compile-time is problematic for Hadrian.
 -- | The diagnostic codes returned by the 'GhcDiagnosticCode' type family.
-getFamEqnCodes :: IO ( Map DiagnosticCode ( FamEqnIndex, String, Use ) )
-getFamEqnCodes =
-  do { tc <- ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon
+getFamEqnCodes :: Maybe LibDir -> IO ( Map DiagnosticCode ( FamEqnIndex, String, Use ) )
+getFamEqnCodes mb_libDir =
+  do { tc <- ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon mb_libDir
      ; return $ case isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc of
      { Nothing -> error "can't find equations for 'GhcDiagnosticCode'"
      ; Just ax -> Map.fromList
@@ -145,11 +139,12 @@ parseBranchRHS rhs
       | otherwise
       = Used
+newtype LibDir = LibDir { libDir :: FilePath }
 -- | Look up the 'GhcDiagnosticCode' type family using the GHC API.
-ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon :: IO TyCon
-ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon =
-  do { args <- getArgs
-     ; runGhc (listToMaybe args)
+ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon :: Maybe LibDir -> IO TyCon
+ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon mb_libDir =
+  runGhc (libDir <$> mb_libDir)
   -- STEP 1: start a GHC API session with "-package ghc"
   do { dflags1 <- getSessionDynFlags
@@ -176,4 +171,4 @@ ghcDiagnosticCodeTyCon =
         _ -> error "lint-codes: failed to look up TyCon for 'GhcDiagnosticCode'"
-     ; _ -> error "lint-codes: failed to find 'GHC.Types.Error.Codes'" } } } }
+     ; _ -> error "lint-codes: failed to find 'GHC.Types.Error.Codes'" } } }

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ import Data.List
   ( sortOn )
 import Text.Printf
   ( printf )
+import System.Environment
+  ( getArgs )
 -- containers
 import Data.Map.Strict
@@ -22,8 +25,10 @@ import GHC.Types.Error
   ( DiagnosticCode(..) )
 -- lint-codes
+import LintCodes.Args
+  ( Mode(..), parseArgs )
 import LintCodes.Static
-  ( FamEqnIndex, used, outdated
+  ( FamEqnIndex, Use, used, outdated
   , getFamEqnCodes
   , staticallyUsedCodes
@@ -35,9 +40,38 @@ import LintCodes.Coverage
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
+  args <- getArgs
+  let !(!mode, mb_libDir) = parseArgs args
+  famEqnCodes <- getFamEqnCodes mb_libDir
+  case mode of
+    Test     -> testCodes         famEqnCodes
+    List     -> listCodes         famEqnCodes
+    Outdated -> listOutdatedCodes famEqnCodes
+-- | List all statically used diagnostic codes.
+listCodes :: Map DiagnosticCode ( FamEqnIndex, String, Use ) -> IO ()
+listCodes famEqnCodes = do
+  let usedCodes = Map.mapMaybe used famEqnCodes
+                 `Map.intersection` staticallyUsedCodes
+  putStrLn $ showDiagnosticCodesWith printCode usedCodes
+-- | List all outdated diagnostic codes.
+listOutdatedCodes :: Map DiagnosticCode ( FamEqnIndex, String, Use ) -> IO ()
+listOutdatedCodes famEqnCodes = do
+  let outdatedCodes = Map.mapMaybe outdated famEqnCodes
+  putStrLn $ showDiagnosticCodesWith printCode outdatedCodes
+-- | Test consistency and coverage of diagnostic codes.
+-- Assumes we are in a GHC Git tree, as we look at all testsuite .stdout and
+-- .stderr files.
+testCodes ::  Map DiagnosticCode ( FamEqnIndex, String, Use ) -> IO ()
+testCodes famEqnCodes = do
   -- Static consistency checks.
-  famEqnCodes <- getFamEqnCodes
     familyEqnUsedCodes = Map.mapMaybe used famEqnCodes
@@ -145,13 +179,15 @@ showDiagnosticCodesWith f codes = unlines $ map showCodeCon $ sortOn famEqnIndex
     famEqnIndex :: (DiagnosticCode, (FamEqnIndex, String)) -> FamEqnIndex
     famEqnIndex (_, (i,_)) = i
-printUnused, printOutdatedUsed, printUntested :: (DiagnosticCode, String) -> String
+printUnused, printOutdatedUsed, printUntested, printCode :: (DiagnosticCode, String) -> String
 printUnused (code, con) =
   "Unused equation: GhcDiagnosticCode " ++ show con ++ " = " ++ showDiagnosticCodeNumber code
 printOutdatedUsed (code, con) =
   "Outdated equation is used: GhcDiagnosticCode " ++ show con ++ " = Outdated " ++ showDiagnosticCodeNumber code
 printUntested (code, con) =
   "[" ++ show code ++ "] is untested (constructor = " ++ con ++ ")"
+printCode (code, con) =
+  "[" ++ show code ++ "] " ++ show con
 showDiagnosticCodeNumber :: DiagnosticCode -> String
 showDiagnosticCodeNumber (DiagnosticCode { diagnosticCodeNumber = c })

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ executable lint-codes
+    LintCodes.Args

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ TOP=../..
 LIBDIR := "`'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --print-libdir | tr -d '\r'`"
-	(cd $(TOP)/.. && $(LINT_CODES) $(LIBDIR))
+	(cd $(TOP)/.. && $(LINT_CODES) test $(LIBDIR))

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces, ScopedTypeVariables, RequiredTypeArguments #-}
+module T24014 where
+visId :: forall a -> a -> a
+visId (type a) x = x
+f :: forall a -> a -> a
+f (type x) = visId (type x)
+g :: forall a. a -> a
+g = visId (type a)

@@ -501,3 +501,4 @@ test('T23864', normal, compile, ['-O -dcore-lint -package ghc -Wno-gadt-mono-loc
 test('T23938', [extra_files(['T23938A.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T23938', '-O -v0'])
 test('T23922a', normal, compile, ['-O'])
 test('T23952', [extra_files(['T23952a.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T23952', '-v0 -O'])
+test('T24014', normal, compile, ['-dcore-lint'])

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View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/ebe2d0fd2555752a171ffbb6784c9bc1e8efaa63...d6d2da9e7bba5b4ecc6ef15dee794157217cd9fd
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