[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/hadrian-cross-stage2] 3 commits: Remove cross predicates

Matthew Pickering (@mpickering) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Sep 25 10:25:21 UTC 2023

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/hadrian-cross-stage2 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

79c4201d by Matthew Pickering at 2023-09-25T11:07:31+01:00
Remove cross predicates

- - - - -
70ae71d6 by Matthew Pickering at 2023-09-25T11:24:43+01:00
Propagate some more Stage0 variables to host file

- - - - -
a8b1774c by Matthew Pickering at 2023-09-25T11:24:51+01:00

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- configure.ac
- hadrian/cfg/default.host.target.in
- hadrian/src/Expression.hs
- hadrian/src/Flavour.hs
- hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs
- hadrian/src/Packages.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Program.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Hsc2Hs.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Performance.hs
- m4/prep_target_file.m4


@@ -233,6 +233,13 @@ if test "$WithGhc" != ""; then
+  BOOTSTRAPPING_GHC_INFO_FIELD([LdHasNoCompactUnwind_STAGE0],[ld supports compact unwind])
+  BOOTSTRAPPING_GHC_INFO_FIELD([LdHasFilelist_STAGE0],[ld supports filelist])
   dnl Check whether or not the bootstrapping GHC has a threaded RTS. This
   dnl determines whether or not we can have a threaded stage 1.
   dnl See Note [Linking ghc-bin against threaded stage0 RTS] in

@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ Target
 , tgtHsCPreprocessor = HsCpp {hsCppProgram = Program {prgPath = "@CC_STAGE0@", prgFlags = @HaskellCPPArgsList@}}
 , tgtCCompilerLink = CcLink
 { ccLinkProgram = Program {prgPath = "@CC_STAGE0@", prgFlags = @CONF_GCC_LINKER_OPTS_STAGE0List@}
-, ccLinkSupportsNoPie = False
-, ccLinkSupportsCompactUnwind = False
-, ccLinkSupportsFilelist = False
-, ccLinkIsGnu = False
+, ccLinkSupportsNoPie = @CONF_GCC_SUPPORTS_NO_PIE_STAGE0Bool@
+, ccLinkSupportsCompactUnwind = @LdHasNoCompactUnwind_STAGE0Bool@
+, ccLinkSupportsFilelist = @LdHasFilelist_STAGE0Bool@
+, ccLinkIsGnu = @LdIsGNULd_STAGE0Bool@
 , tgtAr = Ar

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Expression (
     -- ** Predicates
     (?), stage, stage0, stage1, stage2, notStage0, buildingCompilerStage,
     buildingCompilerStage', threadedBootstrapper,
-     package, notPackage, packageOneOf, cross, notCross,
+     package, notPackage, packageOneOf,
      libraryPackage, builder, way, input, inputs, output, outputs,
     -- ** Evaluation
@@ -163,11 +163,3 @@ cabalFlag pred flagName = do
     ifM (toPredicate pred) (arg flagName) (arg $ "-"<>flagName)
 infixr 3 `cabalFlag`
--- MP: Delete this
-cross :: Predicate
-cross = expr (flag CrossCompiling)
-notCross :: Predicate
-notCross = notM cross

@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ enableDebugInfo = addArgs $ notStage0 ? mconcat
 -- | Enable the ticky-ticky profiler in stage2 GHC
 enableTickyGhc :: Flavour -> Flavour
 enableTickyGhc f =
-    (addArgs (orM [stage1, cross] ? mconcat
+    (addArgs (stage1 ? mconcat
       [ builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? tickyArgs
       , builder (Ghc LinkHs) ? tickyArgs
       ]) f) { ghcThreaded = (< Stage2) }

@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile
 import Hadrian.Oracles.Path
 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
-import Debug.Trace
-import GHC.Stack
 import Base
@@ -264,11 +262,10 @@ queryTarget s f = expr (f <$> targetStage s)
 queryTargetTarget :: Stage -> (Target -> a) -> Action a
 queryTargetTarget s f = f <$> targetStage s
--- | Whether the StageN compiler is a cross-compiler or not.
-crossStage :: HasCallStack => Stage -> Action Bool
+-- | A 'Stage' is a cross-stage if the produced compiler is a cross-compiler.
+crossStage :: Stage -> Action Bool
 crossStage st = do
   st_target <- targetStage (succStage st)
   st_host   <- targetStage st
-  traceShowM (targetPlatformTriple st_target, targetPlatformTriple st_host, st)
   return (targetPlatformTriple st_target /= targetPlatformTriple st_host)

@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import Hadrian.Utilities
 import Base
 import Context
-import Oracles.Flag
 import Oracles.Setting
 import GHC.Toolchain.Target (targetPlatformTriple)

@@ -126,14 +126,35 @@ installTo relocatable prefix = do
     runBuilderWithCmdOptions env (Make bindistFilesDir) ["install"] [] []
-buildBinDistDir :: FilePath -> Stage -> Stage -> Action ()
-buildBinDistDir root library_stage executable_stage = do
+data BindistConfig = BindistConfig { library_stage :: Stage -- ^ The stage compiler which builds the libraries
+                                   , executable_stage :: Stage -- ^ The stage compiler which builds the executables
+                                   }
+-- | A bindist for when the host = target, non cross-compilation setting.
+-- Both the libraries and final executables are built with stage1 compiler.
+normalBindist :: BindistConfig
+normalBindist = BindistConfig { library_stage = Stage1, executable_stage = Stage1 }
+-- | A bindist which contains a cross compiler (when host /= target)
+-- The cross compiler is produced by the stage1 compiler, but then we must compile
+-- all the boot libraries with the cross compiler (hence stage2 for libraries)
+crossBindist :: BindistConfig
+crossBindist = BindistConfig { library_stage = Stage2, executable_stage = Stage1 }
+-- | A bindist which contains executables for the target, which produce code for the
+-- target. These are produced as "Stage3" build products, produced by a stage2 cross compiler.
+targetBindist ::  BindistConfig
+targetBindist = BindistConfig { library_stage = Stage2, executable_stage = Stage2 }
+buildBinDistDir :: FilePath -> BindistConfig -> Action ()
+buildBinDistDir root conf at BindistConfig{..} = do
     -- We 'need' all binaries and libraries
     lib_pkgs <- stagePackages library_stage
-    (lib_targets, _) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget library_stage executable_stage) lib_pkgs
+    (lib_targets, _) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget conf) lib_pkgs
     bin_pkgs <- stagePackages executable_stage
-    (_, bin_targets) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget library_stage executable_stage) bin_pkgs
+    (_, bin_targets) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget conf) bin_pkgs
     liftIO $ print (library_stage, executable_stage, lib_targets, bin_targets)
@@ -301,9 +322,16 @@ bindistRules = do
         installPrefix <- fromMaybe (error prefixErr) <$> cmdPrefix
         installTo NotRelocatable installPrefix
-    phony "binary-dist-dir" $ buildBinDistDir root Stage1 Stage1
-    phony "binary-dist-cross" $ buildBinDistDir root Stage2 Stage1
-    phony "binary-dist-dir-stage3" $ buildBinDistDir root Stage2 Stage2
+    phony "binary-dist-dir" $ do
+      -- A "normal" bindist doesn't make sense when cross compiled because there would be
+      -- libraries built for the host, but the distributed compiler would produce files for
+      -- the target.
+      cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+      if cross
+        then need ["binary-dist-dir-cross"]
+        else buildBinDistDir root normalBindist
+    phony "binary-dist-dir-cross" $ buildBinDistDir root crossBindist
+    phony "binary-dist-dir-stage3" $ buildBinDistDir root targetBindist
     let buildBinDist compressor = do
           win_target <- isWinTarget Stage2
@@ -411,8 +439,8 @@ bindistInstallFiles =
 -- for all libraries and programs that are needed for a complete build.
 -- For libraries, it returns the path to the @.conf@ file in the package
 -- database. For programs, it returns the path to the compiled executable.
-pkgTarget :: Stage -> Stage -> Package -> Action (Either FilePath (Package, FilePath))
-pkgTarget library_stage executable_stage pkg
+pkgTarget :: BindistConfig -> Package -> Action (Either FilePath (Package, FilePath))
+pkgTarget BindistConfig{..} pkg
     | isLibrary pkg = Left <$> pkgConfFile (vanillaContext library_stage pkg)
     | otherwise     = do
         path <- programPath =<< programContext executable_stage pkg

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ cabalBuildRules = do
     priority 2.0 $ root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "bin" -/- ".stamp" %> \stamp -> do
         -- We 'need' all binaries and libraries
         all_pkgs <- stagePackages Stage1
-        (lib_targets, bin_targets) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget Stage1 Stage1) all_pkgs
+        (lib_targets, bin_targets) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (pkgTarget normalBindist) all_pkgs
         cross <- flag CrossCompiling
         iserv_targets <- if cross then pure [] else iservBins
         need (lib_targets ++ (map (\(_, p) -> p) (bin_targets ++ iserv_targets)))

@@ -100,11 +100,8 @@ buildProgram bin ctx@(Context{..}) rs = do
   registerPackages =<< contextDependencies ctx
   cross <- flag CrossCompiling
-  -- For cross compiler, copy @stage0/bin/<pgm>@ to @stage1/bin/@.
   case (cross, stage) of
-    --(True, s) | s > stage0InTree -> do
-    --    srcDir <- buildRoot <&> (-/- (stageString stage0InTree -/- "bin"))
-    --    copyFile (srcDir -/- takeFileName bin) bin
+    -- MP: Why do we copy these? Seems like we should just build them again.
     (False, s) | s > stage0InTree && (package `elem` [touchy, unlit]) -> do
         srcDir <- stageLibPath stage0InTree <&> (-/- "bin")
         copyFile (srcDir -/- takeFileName bin) bin

@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ hsc2hsBuilderArgs = builder Hsc2Hs ? do
     tmpl <- (top -/-) <$> expr (templateHscPath stage0Boot)
     mconcat [ arg $ "--cc=" ++ ccPath
             , arg $ "--ld=" ++ ccPath
-            , notM (isWinTarget stage) ? notM (flag CrossCompiling) ? arg "--cross-safe"
+            , notM (isWinTarget stage) ? notM (crossStage stage) ? arg "--cross-safe"
             , pure $ map ("-I" ++) (words gmpDir)
             , map ("--cflag=" ++) <$> getCFlags
             , map ("--lflag=" ++) <$> getLFlags
-            , notStage0 ? flag CrossCompiling ? arg "--cross-compile"
+            , notStage0 ? crossStage stage ? arg "--cross-compile"
             , stage0    ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ hArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1")
             , stage0    ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ hOs   ++ "_HOST_OS=1"  )
             , notStage0 ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ tArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1")
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ hsc2hsBuilderArgs = builder Hsc2Hs ? do
               -- they are constant and end up as constants in the assembly.
               -- See #12849
               -- MP: Wrong use of CrossCompiling
-            , flag CrossCompiling ? isWinTarget stage ? arg "--via-asm"
+            , crossStage stage ? isWinTarget stage ? arg "--via-asm"
             , arg =<< getInput
             , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]

@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ performanceFlavour = splitSections $ defaultFlavour
 performanceArgs :: Args
 performanceArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
     { hsDefault  = pure ["-O", "-H64m"]
-    , hsLibrary  = orM [notStage0, cross] ? arg "-O2"
+    , hsLibrary  = notStage0 ? arg "-O2"
     , hsCompiler = pure ["-O2"]
     , hsGhc      = mconcat
-                    [ andM [stage0, notCross] ? arg "-O"
-                    , orM  [notStage0, cross] ? arg "-O2"
+                    [ stage0 ? arg "-O"
+                    , notStage0 ? arg "-O2"

@@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ AC_DEFUN([PREP_TARGET_FILE],[
+    PREP_BOOLEAN([LdHasNoCompactUnwind_STAGE0])
+    PREP_BOOLEAN([LdHasFilelist_STAGE0])
     if test -z "$MergeObjsCmd"; then

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