[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/andreask/arm_farjump] AArch64: Fix broken conditional jumps for offsets >= 1MB

Andreas Klebinger (@AndreasK) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Sep 18 08:08:32 UTC 2023

Andreas Klebinger pushed to branch wip/andreask/arm_farjump at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

a00c23ed by Andreas Klebinger at 2023-09-18T10:08:20+02:00
AArch64: Fix broken conditional jumps for offsets >= 1MB

Rewrite conditional jump instructions with offsets >= 1MB to use unconditional jumps
to avoid overflowing the immediate.

Fixes #23746

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Cond.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86.hs


@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Logger
 import GHC.Utils.BufHandle
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
 import GHC.Utils.Error
 import GHC.Utils.Exception (evaluate)
 import GHC.Utils.Constants (debugIsOn)
@@ -655,13 +656,14 @@ cmmNativeGen logger ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
                                 text "cfg not in lockstep") ()
         ---- sequence blocks
-        let sequenced :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
-            sequenced =
-                checkLayout shorted $
-                {-# SCC "sequenceBlocks" #-}
-                map (BlockLayout.sequenceTop
-                        ncgImpl optimizedCFG)
-                    shorted
+        -- sequenced :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
+        let (sequenced, us_seq) =
+                        {-# SCC "sequenceBlocks" #-}
+                        initUs usAlloc $ mapM (BlockLayout.sequenceTop
+                                ncgImpl optimizedCFG)
+                            shorted
+        massert (checkLayout shorted sequenced)
         let branchOpt :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
             branchOpt =
@@ -684,7 +686,7 @@ cmmNativeGen logger ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
                 addUnwind acc proc =
                     acc `mapUnion` computeUnwinding config ncgImpl proc
-        return  ( usAlloc
+        return  ( us_seq
                 , fileIds'
                 , branchOpt
                 , lastMinuteImports ++ imports
@@ -704,10 +706,10 @@ maybeDumpCfg logger (Just cfg) msg proc_name
 -- | Make sure all blocks we want the layout algorithm to place have been placed.
 checkLayout :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr] -> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
-            -> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
+            -> Bool
 checkLayout procsUnsequenced procsSequenced =
         assertPpr (setNull diff) (text "Block sequencing dropped blocks:" <> ppr diff)
-        procsSequenced
+        True
         blocks1 = foldl' (setUnion) setEmpty $
                         map getBlockIds procsUnsequenced :: LabelSet

@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ ncgAArch64 config
        ,maxSpillSlots             = AArch64.maxSpillSlots config
        ,allocatableRegs           = AArch64.allocatableRegs platform
        ,ncgAllocMoreStack         = AArch64.allocMoreStack platform
-       ,ncgMakeFarBranches        = const id
+       ,ncgMakeFarBranches        = AArch64.makeFarBranches
        ,extractUnwindPoints       = const []
-       ,invertCondBranches        = \_ _ -> id
+       ,invertCondBranches        = \_ _ blocks -> blocks
       platform = ncgPlatform config

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.CodeGen (
     , generateJumpTableForInstr
+    , makeFarBranches
@@ -43,9 +44,11 @@ import GHC.Cmm.Utils
 import GHC.Cmm.Switch
 import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
 import GHC.Types.Tickish ( GenTickish(..) )
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc  ( srcSpanFile, srcSpanStartLine, srcSpanStartCol )
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 -- The rest:
 import GHC.Data.OrdList
@@ -61,6 +64,9 @@ import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Constants (debugIsOn)
+import GHC.Utils.Monad (mapAccumLM)
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
 -- Note [General layout of an NCG]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -161,15 +167,17 @@ basicBlockCodeGen block = do
         (top,other_blocks,statics) = foldrOL mkBlocks ([],[],[]) instrs
-        mkBlocks (NEWBLOCK id) (instrs,blocks,statics)
-          = ([], BasicBlock id instrs : blocks, statics)
-        mkBlocks (LDATA sec dat) (instrs,blocks,statics)
-          = (instrs, blocks, CmmData sec dat:statics)
-        mkBlocks instr (instrs,blocks,statics)
-          = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics)
   return (BasicBlock id top : other_blocks, statics)
+mkBlocks :: Instr
+          -> ([Instr], [GenBasicBlock Instr], [GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics h g])
+          -> ([Instr], [GenBasicBlock Instr], [GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics h g])
+mkBlocks (NEWBLOCK id) (instrs,blocks,statics)
+  = ([], BasicBlock id instrs : blocks, statics)
+mkBlocks (LDATA sec dat) (instrs,blocks,statics)
+  = (instrs, blocks, CmmData sec dat:statics)
+mkBlocks instr (instrs,blocks,statics)
+  = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics)
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- | Utilities
 ann :: SDoc -> Instr -> Instr
@@ -1217,6 +1225,7 @@ assignReg_FltCode = assignReg_IntCode
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Jumps
 genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> NatM InstrBlock
 genJump expr@(CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl))
   = return $ unitOL (annExpr expr (J (TLabel lbl)))
@@ -1302,6 +1311,22 @@ genCondJump bid expr = do
           _ -> pprPanic "AArch64.genCondJump:case mop: " (text $ show expr)
       _ -> pprPanic "AArch64.genCondJump: " (text $ show expr)
+-- A conditional jump with at least +/-128M jump range
+genCondFarJump :: MonadUnique m => Cond -> Target -> m InstrBlock
+genCondFarJump cond far_target = do
+  skip_lbl_id <- newBlockId
+  jmp_lbl_id <- newBlockId
+  -- TODO: We can improve this by inverting the condition
+  -- but it's not quite trivial since we don't know if we
+  -- need to consider float orderings.
+  -- So we take the hit of the additional jump in the false
+  -- case for now.
+  return $ toOL [ BCOND cond (TBlock jmp_lbl_id)
+                , B (TBlock skip_lbl_id)
+                , NEWBLOCK jmp_lbl_id
+                , B far_target
+                , NEWBLOCK skip_lbl_id]
     :: BlockId      -- the source of the jump
@@ -1816,3 +1841,162 @@ genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do
       let dst = getRegisterReg platform (CmmLocal dest_reg)
       let code = code_fx `appOL` op (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w reg_fx)
       return (code, Nothing)
+{- Note [AArch64 far jumps]
+AArch conditional jump instructions can only encode an offset of +/-1MB
+which is usually enough but can be exceeded in edge cases. In these cases
+we will replace:
+  b.cond <cond> foo
+with the sequence:
+  b.cond <cond> <lbl_true>
+  b <lbl_false>
+  <lbl_true>:
+  b foo
+  <lbl_false>:
+Not that this still limits jumps to +/-128M offsets, but that seems like an acceptable
+Since arm instructions are all of equal length we can reasonably estimate jumps
+in range by counting the instructions between a jump and it's target label.
+We make some simplifications in the name of performance which can result in overestimating
+jump <-> label offsets:
+* To avoid having to recalculate the label offsets once we replaced a jump we simply
+  assume all jumps will be expanded to a three instruction far jump sequence.
+* For labels associated with a info table we assume the info table is 64byte large.
+  Most info tables are smaller than that but it means we don't have to distinguish
+  between multiple types of info tables.
+In terms of implementation we walk the instruction stream at least once calculating
+label offsets, and if we determine during this that the functions body is big enough
+to potentially contain out of range jumps we walk the instructions a second time, replacing
+out of range jumps with the sequence of instructions described above.
+-- See Note [AArch64 far jumps]
+data BlockInRange = InRange | NotInRange Target
+-- See Note [AArch64 far jumps]
+makeFarBranches :: Platform -> LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+                -> UniqSM [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+makeFarBranches {- only used when debugging -} _platform statics basic_blocks = do
+  -- All offsets/positions are counted in multiples of 4 bytes (the size of arm instructions)
+  -- That is an offset of 1 represents a 4-byte/one instruction offset.
+  let (func_size, lblMap) = foldl' calc_lbl_positions (0, mapEmpty) basic_blocks
+  if func_size < max_jump_dist
+    then pure basic_blocks
+    else do
+      (_,blocks) <- mapAccumLM (replace_blk lblMap) 0 basic_blocks
+      pure $ concat blocks
+      -- pprTrace "lblMap" (ppr lblMap) $ basic_blocks
+  where
+    -- 2^18 since one bit is reserved for the sign
+    max_jump_dist = 2^(18::Int) - 1 :: Int
+    -- Currently all inline info tables fit into 64 bytes.
+    max_info_size = 16
+    -- Replace out of range conditional jumps with unconditional jumps.
+    replace_blk :: LabelMap Int -> Int -> GenBasicBlock Instr -> UniqSM (Int, [GenBasicBlock Instr])
+    replace_blk !m !pos (BasicBlock lbl instrs) = do
+      -- Account for a potential info table before the label.
+      let !block_pos = pos + infoTblSize_maybe lbl
+      (!pos', instrs') <- mapAccumLM (replace_jump m) block_pos instrs
+      let instrs'' = concat instrs'
+      -- We might have introduced new labels, so split the instructions into basic blocks again if neccesary.
+      let (top, split_blocks, no_data) = foldr mkBlocks ([],[],[]) instrs''
+      -- There should be no data in the instruction stream at this point
+      massert (null no_data)
+      let final_blocks = BasicBlock lbl top : split_blocks
+      pure (pos', final_blocks)
+    replace_jump :: LabelMap Int -> Int -> Instr -> UniqSM (Int, [Instr])
+    replace_jump !m !pos instr = do
+      case instr of
+        ANN ann instr -> do
+          (idx,instr':instrs') <- replace_jump m pos instr
+          pure (idx, ANN ann instr':instrs')
+        BCOND cond t
+          -> case target_in_range m t pos of
+              InRange -> pure (pos+3,[instr])
+              NotInRange far_target -> do
+                jmp_code <- genCondFarJump cond far_target
+                pure (pos + 3, fromOL jmp_code)
+        CBZ op t
+          -> case target_in_range m t pos of
+              InRange -> pure (pos+3,[instr])
+              NotInRange far_target -> do
+                jmp_code <- genCondFarJump EQ far_target
+                -- TODO: Fix zero reg so we can use it here
+                pure (pos + 4, CMP op (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) : fromOL jmp_code)
+        CBNZ op t
+          -> case target_in_range m t pos of
+              InRange -> pure (pos+3,[instr])
+              NotInRange far_target -> do
+                jmp_code <- genCondFarJump NE far_target
+                pure (pos + 4, CMP op (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) : fromOL jmp_code)
+        instr
+          | isMetaInstr instr -> pure (pos,[instr])
+          | otherwise -> pure (pos+1, [instr])
+    target_in_range :: LabelMap Int -> Target -> Int -> BlockInRange
+    target_in_range m target src =
+      case target of
+        (TReg{}) -> InRange
+        (TBlock bid) -> block_in_range m src bid
+        (TLabel clbl)
+          | Just bid <- maybeLocalBlockLabel clbl
+          -> block_in_range m src bid
+          | otherwise
+          -- Maybe we should be pessimistic here, for now just fixing intra proc jumps
+          -> InRange
+    block_in_range :: LabelMap Int -> Int -> BlockId -> BlockInRange
+    block_in_range m src_pos dest_lbl =
+      case mapLookup dest_lbl m of
+        Nothing       ->
+          pprTrace "not in range" (ppr dest_lbl) $
+            NotInRange (TBlock dest_lbl)
+        Just dest_pos -> if abs (dest_pos - src_pos) < max_jump_dist
+          then InRange
+          else NotInRange (TBlock dest_lbl)
+    calc_lbl_positions :: (Int, LabelMap Int) -> GenBasicBlock Instr -> (Int, LabelMap Int)
+    calc_lbl_positions (pos, m) (BasicBlock lbl instrs)
+      = let !pos' = pos + infoTblSize_maybe lbl
+        in foldl' instr_pos (pos',mapInsert lbl pos' m) instrs
+    instr_pos :: (Int, LabelMap Int) -> Instr -> (Int, LabelMap Int)
+    instr_pos (pos, m) instr =
+      case instr of
+        ANN _ann instr -> instr_pos (pos, m) instr
+        NEWBLOCK _bid -> panic "mkFarBranched - unexpected NEWBLOCK" -- At this point there should be no NEWBLOCK
+                                                                     -- in the instruction stream
+                                                                     -- (pos, mapInsert bid pos m)
+        COMMENT{} -> (pos, m)
+        instr
+          | is_expandable_jump instr -> (pos+3, m)
+          | otherwise -> (pos+1, m)
+    infoTblSize_maybe bid =
+      case mapLookup bid statics of
+        Nothing -> 0 :: Int
+        Just _info_static -> max_info_size
+    -- These jumps have a 19bit immediate as offset which is quite
+    -- limiting so we potentially have to expand them into
+    -- multiple instructions.
+    is_expandable_jump i = case i of
+      CBZ{} -> True
+      CBNZ{} -> True
+      BCOND{} -> True
+      _ -> False

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Cond  where
-import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (EQ)
 -- https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0024/a/the-a64-instruction-set/data-processing-instructions/conditional-instructions
@@ -60,7 +60,13 @@ data Cond
     | UOGE   -- b.pl
     | UOGT   -- b.hi
     -- others
-    | NEVER  -- b.nv
+    -- NEVER -- b.nv
+             -- I removed never. According to the ARM spec:
+             -- >   The Condition code NV exists only to provide a valid disassembly of
+             -- >   the 0b1111 encoding, otherwise its behavior is identical to AL.
+             -- This can only lead to disaster. Better to not have it than someone
+             -- using it assuming it actually means never.
     | VS     -- oVerflow set
     | VC     -- oVerflow clear
     deriving Eq

@@ -743,6 +743,7 @@ data Target
     = TBlock BlockId
     | TLabel CLabel
     | TReg   Reg
+    deriving (Eq, Ord)
 -- Extension

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Ppr (pprNatCmmDecl, pprInstr) where
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Ppr (pprNatCmmDecl, pprInstr, pprBasicBlock) where
 import GHC.Prelude hiding (EQ)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
     -> line (text "\t.loc" <+> int file <+> int line' <+> int col)
   DELTA d   -> dualDoc (asmComment $ text "\tdelta = " <> int d) empty
                -- see Note [dualLine and dualDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable
-  NEWBLOCK _ -> panic "PprInstr: NEWBLOCK"
+  NEWBLOCK blockid -> line $ (text "BLOCK " <> pprAsmLabel platform (blockLbl blockid))
   LDATA _ _  -> panic "pprInstr: LDATA"
   -- Pseudo Instructions -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ pprCond c = case c of
   UGE    -> text "hs" -- Carry set/unsigned higher or same ; Greater than or equal, or unordered
   UGT    -> text "hi" -- Unsigned higher                   ; Greater than, or unordered
-  NEVER  -> text "nv" -- Never
+  -- NEVER  -> text "nv" -- Never
   VS     -> text "vs" -- Overflow                          ; Unordered (at least one NaN operand)
   VC     -> text "vc" -- No overflow                       ; Not unordered

@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Data.STRef
 import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
 import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
 import GHC.Data.UnionFind
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply (UniqSM)
   Note [CFG based code layout]
@@ -794,29 +795,32 @@ sequenceTop
     => NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
     -> Maybe CFG -- ^ CFG if we have one.
     -> NatCmmDecl statics instr -- ^ Function to serialize
-    -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
-sequenceTop _       _           top@(CmmData _ _) = top
-sequenceTop ncgImpl edgeWeights (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
-  = let
-      config     = ncgConfig ncgImpl
-      platform   = ncgPlatform config
-    in CmmProc info lbl live $ ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
-         if -- Chain based algorithm
-            | ncgCfgBlockLayout config
-            , backendMaintainsCfg platform
-            , Just cfg <- edgeWeights
-            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceChain info cfg blocks
-            -- Old algorithm without edge weights
-            | ncgCfgWeightlessLayout config
-               || not (backendMaintainsCfg platform)
-            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks Nothing info blocks
-            -- Old algorithm with edge weights (if any)
-            | otherwise
-            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks edgeWeights info blocks
+    -> UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics instr)
+sequenceTop _       _           top@(CmmData _ _) = pure top
+sequenceTop ncgImpl edgeWeights (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks)) = do
+    let config     = ncgConfig ncgImpl
+        platform   = ncgPlatform config
+        seq_blocks =
+                  if -- Chain based algorithm
+                      | ncgCfgBlockLayout config
+                      , backendMaintainsCfg platform
+                      , Just cfg <- edgeWeights
+                      -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceChain info cfg blocks
+                      -- Old algorithm without edge weights
+                      | ncgCfgWeightlessLayout config
+                        || not (backendMaintainsCfg platform)
+                      -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks Nothing info blocks
+                      -- Old algorithm with edge weights (if any)
+                      | otherwise
+                      -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks edgeWeights info blocks
+    far_blocks <- (ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl) platform info seq_blocks
+    pure $ CmmProc info lbl live $ ListGraph far_blocks
 -- The old algorithm:
 -- It is very simple (and stupid): We make a graph out of

@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ data NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest = NcgImpl {
                               -> UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics instr, [(BlockId,BlockId)]),
     -- ^ The list of block ids records the redirected jumps to allow us to update
     -- the CFG.
-    ncgMakeFarBranches        :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> [NatBasicBlock instr] -> [NatBasicBlock instr],
+    ncgMakeFarBranches        :: Platform -> LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> [NatBasicBlock instr]
+                              -> UniqSM [NatBasicBlock instr],
     extractUnwindPoints       :: [instr] -> [UnwindPoint],
     -- ^ given the instruction sequence of a block, produce a list of
     -- the block's 'UnwindPoint's
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ mistake would readily show up in performance tests). -}
 data NatM_State
         = NatM_State {
                 natm_us          :: UniqSupply,
-                natm_delta       :: Int,
+                natm_delta       :: Int, -- ^ Stack offset for unwinding information
                 natm_imports     :: [(CLabel)],
                 natm_pic         :: Maybe Reg,
                 natm_config      :: NCGConfig,

@@ -688,12 +688,13 @@ takeRegRegMoveInstr _  = Nothing
 -- big, we have to work around this limitation.
-        :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics
+        :: Platform
+        -> LabelMap RawCmmStatics
         -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
-        -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
-makeFarBranches info_env blocks
-    | NE.last blockAddresses < nearLimit = blocks
-    | otherwise = zipWith handleBlock blockAddressList blocks
+        -> UniqSM [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+makeFarBranches _platform info_env blocks
+    | NE.last blockAddresses < nearLimit = return blocks
+    | otherwise = return $ zipWith handleBlock blockAddressList blocks
         blockAddresses = NE.scanl (+) 0 $ map blockLen blocks
         blockAddressList = toList blockAddresses

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ncgX86_64 config = NcgImpl
    , maxSpillSlots             = X86.maxSpillSlots config
    , allocatableRegs           = X86.allocatableRegs platform
    , ncgAllocMoreStack         = X86.allocMoreStack platform
-   , ncgMakeFarBranches        = const id
+   , ncgMakeFarBranches        = \_p _i bs -> pure bs
    , extractUnwindPoints       = X86.extractUnwindPoints
    , invertCondBranches        = X86.invertCondBranches

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