[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/t23812] Add -f{no-}distinct-constructor-tables-per-module
Finley McIlwaine (@FinleyMcIlwaine)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Sep 12 23:13:42 UTC 2023
Finley McIlwaine pushed to branch wip/t23812 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
dfb53f74 by Finley McIlwaine at 2023-09-12T16:13:22-07:00
Add -f{no-}distinct-constructor-tables-per-module
With -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module, only one info table will be
created for all equivalent constructors used in the same module. Just like
`-f{no-}distinct-constructor-tables`, these flags can also be given a
comma-separated list of constructor names to specify exactly which constructors
this behavior should apply to.
This commit alters the distinct-tables test to also test the behavior of these
Fixes #23812
- - - - -
24 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/DynFlags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/GenerateCgIPEStub.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Debug.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Debug/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Config.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/IPE.hs
- docs/users_guide/9.10.1-notes.rst
- docs/users_guide/debug-info.rst
- testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/NoPerModuleNoBCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/PerModule.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/PerModuleACon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/PerModuleNoBCon.out
- testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/all.T
@@ -531,12 +531,14 @@ data IdLabelInfo
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Which module is the info table from, and which number was it.
-data ConInfoTableLocation = UsageSite Module Int
+data ConInfoTableLocation = UsageSite !Module !Int
+ | UsageModule !Module
| DefinitionSite
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Outputable ConInfoTableLocation where
ppr (UsageSite m n) = text "Loc(" <> ppr n <> text "):" <+> ppr m
+ ppr (UsageModule m) = text "Loc:" <+> ppr m
ppr DefinitionSite = empty
getConInfoTableLocation :: IdLabelInfo -> Maybe ConInfoTableLocation
@@ -1654,11 +1656,15 @@ ppIdFlavor x = pp_cSEP <> case x of
DefinitionSite -> text "con_entry"
UsageSite m n ->
pprModule m <> pp_cSEP <> int n <> pp_cSEP <> text "con_entry"
+ UsageModule m ->
+ pprModule m <> pp_cSEP <> text "con_entry"
ConInfoTable k ->
case k of
DefinitionSite -> text "con_info"
UsageSite m n ->
pprModule m <> pp_cSEP <> int n <> pp_cSEP <> text "con_info"
+ UsageModule m ->
+ pprModule m <> pp_cSEP <> text "con_info"
ClosureTable -> text "closure_tbl"
Bytes -> text "bytes"
BlockInfoTable -> text "info"
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ coreToStg opts at CoreToStgOpts
-- See Note [Mapping Info Tables to Source Positions]
(!pgm'', !denv)
| opt_InfoTableMap
- = collectDebugInformation stgDebugOpts ml pgm'
+ = collectDebugInformation stgDebugOpts ml this_mod pgm'
| otherwise = (pgm', emptyInfoTableProvMap)
prof = hasWay ways WayProf
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import GHC.Platform.Profile
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Stg.Debug (StgDebugDctConfig(..))
initStgToCmmConfig :: DynFlags -> Module -> StgToCmmConfig
initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
, stgToCmmInfoTableMap = gopt Opt_InfoTableMap dflags
, stgToCmmInfoTableMapWithFallback = gopt Opt_InfoTableMapWithFallback dflags
, stgToCmmInfoTableMapWithStack = gopt Opt_InfoTableMapWithStack dflags
+ , stgToCmmDctPerModule = dctConfig_perModule (distinctConstructorTables dflags)
, stgToCmmOmitYields = gopt Opt_OmitYields dflags
, stgToCmmOmitIfPragmas = gopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas dflags
, stgToCmmPIC = gopt Opt_PIC dflags
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
import GHC.Utils.CliOption
-import GHC.Stg.Debug.Types (StgDebugDctConfig(..))
+import GHC.Stg.Debug.Types (StgDebugDctConfig(..), StgDebugDctConfigConstrs(..))
import GHC.SysTools.Terminal ( stderrSupportsAnsiColors )
import GHC.UniqueSubdir (uniqueSubdir)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
maxErrors = Nothing,
cfgWeights = defaultWeights,
- distinctConstructorTables = None
+ distinctConstructorTables = StgDebugDctConfig False None
type FatalMessager = String -> IO ()
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad (getCmm, initC, runC, initFCodeState)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Prof (initInfoTableProv)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Types (CmmCgInfos (..), ModuleLFInfos)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
-import GHC.Types.IPE (InfoTableProvMap (provInfoTables), IpeSourceLocation)
+import GHC.Types.IPE (InfoTableProvMap(..), IpeSourceLocation(..))
import GHC.Types.Name.Set (NonCaffySet)
import GHC.Types.Tickish (GenTickish (SourceNote))
import GHC.Unit.Types (Module, moduleName)
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ labelsToSourcesWithTNTC acc (CmmProc _ _ _ cmm_graph) =
maybeTick :: CmmNode O O -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
maybeTick _ s@(Just _) = s
- maybeTick (CmmTick (SourceNote span name)) Nothing = Just (span, name)
+ maybeTick (CmmTick (SourceNote span name)) Nothing = Just $ IpeSourceLocation span name
maybeTick _ _ = Nothing
labelsToSourcesWithTNTC acc _ = acc
@@ -371,6 +371,6 @@ labelsToSourcesSansTNTC acc (CmmProc _ _ _ cmm_graph) =
(CmmStore _ (CmmLit (CmmLabel l)) _, Just src_loc) ->
(Map.insert l src_loc acc, Nothing)
(CmmTick (SourceNote span name), _) ->
- (acc, Just (span, name))
+ (acc, Just $ IpeSourceLocation span name)
_ -> (acc, lastTick)
-labelsToSourcesSansTNTC acc _ = acc
\ No newline at end of file
+labelsToSourcesSansTNTC acc _ = acc
@@ -1797,6 +1797,10 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
-- Caller-CC
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-callers"
(HasArg setCallerCcFilters)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module"
+ (OptPrefix setDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module"
+ (OptPrefix unSetDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fdistinct-constructor-tables"
(OptPrefix setDistinctConstructorTables)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-distinct-constructor-tables"
@@ -3314,12 +3318,28 @@ setCallerCcFilters arg =
Right filt -> upd $ \d -> d { callerCcFilters = filt : callerCcFilters d }
Left err -> addErr err
+setDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule :: String -> DynP ()
+setDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule arg = do
+ let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
+ upd $ \d ->
+ d { distinctConstructorTables =
+ (distinctConstructorTables d) { dctConfig_perModule = True } `dctConfigConstrsPlus` cs
+ }
+unSetDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule :: String -> DynP ()
+unSetDistinctConstructorTablesPerModule arg = do
+ let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
+ upd $ \d ->
+ d { distinctConstructorTables =
+ (distinctConstructorTables d) { dctConfig_perModule = False } `dctConfigConstrsMinus` cs
+ }
setDistinctConstructorTables :: String -> DynP ()
setDistinctConstructorTables arg = do
let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
upd $ \d ->
d { distinctConstructorTables =
- (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigPlus` cs
+ (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigConstrsPlus` cs
unSetDistinctConstructorTables :: String -> DynP ()
@@ -3327,7 +3347,7 @@ unSetDistinctConstructorTables arg = do
let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
upd $ \d ->
d { distinctConstructorTables =
- (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigMinus` cs
+ (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigConstrsMinus` cs
-- | Parse a string of comma-separated constructor names into a 'Set' of
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
module GHC.Stg.Debug
( StgDebugOpts(..)
, StgDebugDctConfig(..)
- , dctConfigPlus
- , dctConfigMinus
+ , StgDebugDctConfigConstrs(..)
+ , dctConfigConstrsPlus
+ , dctConfigConstrsMinus
, collectDebugInformation
) where
@@ -35,24 +36,33 @@ import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
-data R = R { rOpts :: StgDebugOpts, rModLocation :: ModLocation, rSpan :: Maybe SpanWithLabel }
+data R = R { rOpts :: StgDebugOpts, rModLocation :: ModLocation, rSpan :: Maybe IpeSourceLocation }
type M a = ReaderT R (State InfoTableProvMap) a
withSpan :: IpeSourceLocation -> M a -> M a
-withSpan (new_s, new_l) act = local maybe_replace act
+withSpan (IpeSourceLocation new_s new_l) act = local maybe_replace act
- maybe_replace r at R{ rModLocation = cur_mod, rSpan = Just (SpanWithLabel old_s _old_l) }
+ maybe_replace r at R{ rModLocation = cur_mod, rSpan = Just (IpeSourceLocation old_s _old_l) }
-- prefer spans from the current module
| Just (unpackFS $ srcSpanFile old_s) == ml_hs_file cur_mod
, Just (unpackFS $ srcSpanFile new_s) /= ml_hs_file cur_mod
= r
maybe_replace r
- = r { rSpan = Just (SpanWithLabel new_s new_l) }
-collectDebugInformation :: StgDebugOpts -> ModLocation -> [StgTopBinding] -> ([StgTopBinding], InfoTableProvMap)
-collectDebugInformation opts ml bs =
- runState (runReaderT (mapM collectTop bs) (R opts ml Nothing)) emptyInfoTableProvMap
+ = r { rSpan = Just (IpeSourceLocation new_s new_l) }
+withSpan _ act = act
+collectDebugInformation :: StgDebugOpts -> ModLocation -> Module -> [StgTopBinding] -> ([StgTopBinding], InfoTableProvMap)
+collectDebugInformation opts ml m bs =
+ runState
+ ( runReaderT
+ (mapM collectTop bs)
+ (R opts ml (if perModule then Just (IpeModule m) else Nothing))
+ )
+ emptyInfoTableProvMap
+ where
+ perModule :: Bool
+ perModule = dctConfig_perModule (stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables opts)
collectTop :: StgTopBinding -> M StgTopBinding
collectTop (StgTopLifted t) = StgTopLifted <$> collectStgBind t
@@ -73,7 +83,7 @@ collectStgRhs bndr (StgRhsClosure ext cc us bs e t) = do
-- If the name has a span, use that initially as the source position in-case
-- we don't get anything better.
with_span = case nameSrcSpan name of
- RealSrcSpan pos _ -> withSpan (pos, LexicalFastString $ occNameFS (getOccName name))
+ RealSrcSpan pos _ -> withSpan $ IpeSourceLocation pos (LexicalFastString $ occNameFS (getOccName name))
_ -> id
e' <- with_span $ collectExpr e
recordInfo bndr e'
@@ -91,7 +101,7 @@ recordInfo bndr new_rhs = do
-- A span from the ticks surrounding the new_rhs
best_span = quickSourcePos thisFile new_rhs
-- A back-up span if the bndr had a source position, many do not (think internally generated ids)
- bndr_span = (\s -> SpanWithLabel s (LexicalFastString $ occNameFS (getOccName bndr)))
+ bndr_span = (\s -> IpeSourceLocation s (LexicalFastString $ occNameFS (getOccName bndr)))
<$> srcSpanToRealSrcSpan (nameSrcSpan (getName bndr))
recordStgIdPosition bndr best_span bndr_span
@@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ collectExpr = go
go (StgTick tick e) = do
let k = case tick of
- SourceNote ss fp -> withSpan (ss, fp)
+ SourceNote ss fp -> withSpan $ IpeSourceLocation ss fp
_ -> id
e' <- k (go e)
return (StgTick tick e')
@@ -134,20 +144,20 @@ collectAlt alt = do e' <- collectExpr $ alt_rhs alt
-- It is usually a better alternative than using the 'RealSrcSpan' which is carefully
-- propagated downwards by 'withSpan'. It's "quick" because it works only using immediate context rather
-- than looking at the parent context like 'withSpan'
-quickSourcePos :: FastString -> StgExpr -> Maybe SpanWithLabel
+quickSourcePos :: FastString -> StgExpr -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
quickSourcePos cur_mod (StgTick (SourceNote ss m) e)
- | srcSpanFile ss == cur_mod = Just (SpanWithLabel ss m)
+ | srcSpanFile ss == cur_mod = Just (IpeSourceLocation ss m)
| otherwise = quickSourcePos cur_mod e
quickSourcePos _ _ = Nothing
-recordStgIdPosition :: Id -> Maybe SpanWithLabel -> Maybe SpanWithLabel -> M ()
+recordStgIdPosition :: Id -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> M ()
recordStgIdPosition id best_span ss = do
opts <- asks rOpts
when (stgDebug_infoTableMap opts) $ do
cc <- asks rSpan
--Useful for debugging why a certain Id gets given a certain span
--pprTraceM "recordStgIdPosition" (ppr id $$ ppr cc $$ ppr best_span $$ ppr ss)
- let mbspan = (\(SpanWithLabel rss d) -> (rss, d)) <$> (best_span <|> cc <|> ss)
+ let mbspan = best_span <|> cc <|> ss
lift $ modify (\env -> env { provClosure = addToUniqMap (provClosure env) (idName id) (idType id, mbspan) })
-- | If -fdistinct-contructor-tables is enabled, each occurrance of a data
@@ -167,36 +177,59 @@ numberDataCon dc ts = do
env <- lift get
mcc <- asks rSpan
+ -- Was -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module given?
+ perModule :: Bool
+ perModule = dctConfig_perModule (stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables opts)
-- Guess a src span for this occurence using source note ticks and the
-- current span in the environment
- !mbest_span = selectTick ts <|> (\(SpanWithLabel rss l) -> (rss, l)) <$> mcc
+ !mbest_span = selectTick ts <|> mcc
-- Add the occurence to the data constructor map of the InfoTableProvMap,
-- noting the unique number assigned for this occurence
(!r, !dcMap') =
- ( maybe
- (Just ((0, mbest_span) :| [] ))
- ( \xs@((k, _):|_) ->
- Just $! ((k + 1, mbest_span) `NE.cons` xs)
- )
- )
+ (addOcc perModule mbest_span)
(provDC env)
lift $ put (env { provDC = dcMap' })
return $ case r of
Nothing -> NoNumber
- Just res -> Numbered (fst (NE.head res))
+ Just res ->
+ if perModule then
+ NumberedModule
+ else
+ Numbered (fst (NE.head res))
else do
-- -fdistinct-constructor-tables is not enabled, or we do not want to make
-- distinct tables for this specific constructor
return NoNumber
-selectTick :: [StgTickish] -> Maybe (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString)
+ where
+ addOcc
+ :: Bool -- Is -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module enabled?
+ -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -- The best src location we have for this occurrence
+ -> Maybe (NonEmpty (Int, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)) -- Current noted occurrences
+ -> Maybe (NonEmpty (Int, Maybe IpeSourceLocation))
+ addOcc perModule mSrcLoc mCurOccs =
+ case mCurOccs of
+ Nothing -> Just $ pure (0, mSrcLoc)
+ Just es@((k, _) :| _) ->
+ if perModule then
+ -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module was given, meaning we do
+ -- not want to create another info table for this constructor if one
+ -- already exists for this module. Add another occurrence, but do
+ -- not increment the constructor number.
+ Just $! (0, mSrcLoc) `NE.cons` es
+ else
+ -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module was not given, add
+ -- another occurence and increment the constructor number
+ Just $! (k + 1, mSrcLoc) `NE.cons` es
+selectTick :: [StgTickish] -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
selectTick = foldl' go Nothing
- go :: Maybe (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString) -> StgTickish -> Maybe (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString)
- go _ (SourceNote rss d) = Just (rss, d)
+ go :: Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> StgTickish -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
+ go _ (SourceNote rss d) = Just $ IpeSourceLocation rss d
go acc _ = acc
-- | Descide whether a distinct info table should be made for a usage of a data
@@ -205,7 +238,7 @@ selectTick = foldl' go Nothing
-- given.
shouldMakeDistinctTable :: StgDebugOpts -> DataCon -> Bool
shouldMakeDistinctTable StgDebugOpts{..} dc =
- case stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables of
+ case dctConfig_whichConstructors stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables of
All -> True
Only these -> Set.member dcStr these
AllExcept these -> Set.notMember dcStr these
@@ -17,9 +17,24 @@ data StgDebugOpts = StgDebugOpts
, stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables :: !StgDebugDctConfig
+data StgDebugDctConfig =
+ StgDebugDctConfig
+ { dctConfig_perModule :: !Bool
+ , dctConfig_whichConstructors :: !StgDebugDctConfigConstrs
+ }
+-- | Necessary for 'StgDebugDctConfig' to be included in the dynflags
+-- fingerprint
+instance Binary StgDebugDctConfig where
+ put_ bh (StgDebugDctConfig pm cs) = do
+ B.put_ bh pm
+ B.put_ bh cs
+ get bh = StgDebugDctConfig <$> B.get bh <*> B.get bh
-- | Configuration describing which constructors should be given distinct info
-- tables for each usage.
-data StgDebugDctConfig =
+data StgDebugDctConfigConstrs =
-- | Create distinct constructor tables for each usage of any data
-- constructor.
@@ -48,7 +63,7 @@ data StgDebugDctConfig =
-- | Necessary for 'StgDebugDctConfig' to be included in the dynflags
-- fingerprint
-instance Binary StgDebugDctConfig where
+instance Binary StgDebugDctConfigConstrs where
put_ bh All = B.putByte bh 0
put_ bh (Only cs) = do
B.putByte bh 1
@@ -73,15 +88,15 @@ instance Binary StgDebugDctConfig where
-- If the given set is empty, that means the user has entered
-- @-fdistinct-constructor-tables@ with no constructor names specified, and
-- therefore we consider that an 'All' configuration.
-dctConfigPlus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
-dctConfigPlus cfg cs
- | Set.null cs = All
+dctConfigConstrsPlus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
+dctConfigConstrsPlus cfg cs
+ | Set.null cs = cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = All }
| otherwise =
- case cfg of
- All -> All
- Only cs' -> Only $ Set.union cs' cs
- AllExcept cs' -> AllExcept $ Set.difference cs' cs
- None -> Only cs
+ case dctConfig_whichConstructors cfg of
+ All -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = All }
+ Only cs' -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = Only $ Set.union cs' cs }
+ AllExcept cs' -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = AllExcept $ Set.difference cs' cs }
+ None -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = Only cs }
-- | Given a distinct constructor tables configuration and a set of constructor
-- names that we /do not/ want to generate distinct info tables for, create a
@@ -90,13 +105,13 @@ dctConfigPlus cfg cs
-- If the given set is empty, that means the user has entered
-- @-fno-distinct-constructor-tables@ with no constructor names specified, and
-- therefore we consider that a 'None' configuration.
-dctConfigMinus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
-dctConfigMinus cfg cs
- | Set.null cs = None
+dctConfigConstrsMinus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
+dctConfigConstrsMinus cfg cs
+ | Set.null cs = cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = None }
| otherwise =
- case cfg of
- All -> AllExcept cs
- Only cs' -> Only $ Set.difference cs' cs
- AllExcept cs' -> AllExcept $ Set.union cs' cs
- None -> None
+ case dctConfig_whichConstructors cfg of
+ All -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = AllExcept cs }
+ Only cs' -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = Only $ Set.difference cs' cs }
+ AllExcept cs' -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = AllExcept $ Set.union cs' cs }
+ None -> cfg { dctConfig_whichConstructors = None }
@@ -607,11 +607,12 @@ type OutStgAlt = StgAlt
-- each usage of a constructor is given an unique number and
-- an info table is generated for each different constructor.
data ConstructorNumber =
- NoNumber | Numbered Int
+ NoNumber | Numbered !Int | NumberedModule
instance Outputable ConstructorNumber where
ppr NoNumber = empty
ppr (Numbered n) = text "#" <> ppr n
+ ppr NumberedModule = text "#<module>"
Note Stg Passes
@@ -950,6 +951,7 @@ pprStgRhs opts rhs = case rhs of
, case mid of
NoNumber -> empty
Numbered n -> hcat [ppr n, space]
+ NumberedModule -> hcat [text "#<module>", space]
-- The bang indicates this is an StgRhsCon instead of an StgConApp.
, ppr con, text "! ", brackets (sep (map pprStgArg args))]
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.IORef
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import GHC.Utils.Panic
codeGen :: Logger
@@ -120,8 +121,34 @@ codeGen logger tmpfs cfg (InfoTableProvMap (UniqMap denv) _ _) data_tycons
; mapM_ do_tycon data_tycons
-- Emit special info tables for everything used in this module
- -- This will only do something if `-fdistinct-info-tables` is turned on.
- ; mapM_ (\(dc, ns) -> forM_ ns $ \(k, _ss) -> cg (cgDataCon (UsageSite (stgToCmmThisModule cfg) k) dc)) (nonDetEltsUFM denv)
+ -- This will only do something if `-fdistinct-info-tables` is turned
+ -- on.
+ -- Note: if `-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module` is on, we only
+ -- want to emit ONE info table for every data constructor used in the
+ -- module, to avoid emitting the same info table multiple times.
+ ; mapM_
+ ( \(dc, ((k1, _ss) :| ns)) -> do
+ let
+ perModule = stgToCmmDctPerModule cfg
+ mdl = stgToCmmThisModule cfg
+ site k =
+ if perModule then
+ UsageModule mdl
+ else
+ UsageSite mdl k
+ -- Always emit at least one info table. If
+ -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module, equivalent data
+ -- constructors will all ave the same constructor number (0)
+ cg (cgDataCon (site k1) dc)
+ -- If -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module is disabled, emit
+ -- the rest of the info tables
+ when (not perModule) $
+ forM_ ns $ \(k, _ss) ->
+ cg (cgDataCon (site k) dc)
+ )
+ (nonDetEltsUFM denv)
; final_state <- liftIO (readIORef cgref)
; let cg_id_infos = cgs_binds final_state
@@ -234,9 +261,12 @@ cgEnumerationTyCon tycon
| con <- tyConDataCons tycon]
-cgDataCon :: ConInfoTableLocation -> DataCon -> FCode ()
--- Generate the entry code, info tables, and (for niladic constructor)
+-- | Generate the entry code, info tables, and (for niladic constructor)
-- the static closure, for a constructor.
+ :: ConInfoTableLocation -- ^ Location information for the info table
+ -> DataCon -- ^ Data constructor
+ -> FCode ()
cgDataCon mn data_con
= do { massert (not (isUnboxedTupleDataCon data_con || isUnboxedSumDataCon data_con))
; profile <- getProfile
@@ -248,8 +278,7 @@ cgDataCon mn data_con
nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
- dyn_info_tbl =
- mkDataConInfoTable profile data_con mn False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ dyn_info_tbl = mkDataConInfoTable profile data_con mn False ptr_wds nonptr_wds
-- We're generating info tables, so we don't know and care about
-- what the actual arguments are. Using () here as the place holder.
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ data StgToCmmConfig = StgToCmmConfig
, stgToCmmInfoTableMap :: !Bool -- ^ true means generate C Stub for IPE map, See Note [Mapping Info Tables to Source Positions]
, stgToCmmInfoTableMapWithFallback :: !Bool -- ^ Include info tables with fallback source locations in the info table map
, stgToCmmInfoTableMapWithStack :: !Bool -- ^ Include info tables for STACK closures in the info table map
+ , stgToCmmDctPerModule :: !Bool -- ^ Only generate one info table per module for distinct usages of data constructors
, stgToCmmOmitYields :: !Bool -- ^ true means omit heap checks when no allocation is performed
, stgToCmmOmitIfPragmas :: !Bool -- ^ true means don't generate interface programs (implied by -O0)
, stgToCmmPIC :: !Bool -- ^ true if @-fPIC@
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ addModuleLoc this_mod mn = do
case mn of
NoNumber -> DefinitionSite
Numbered n -> UsageSite this_mod n
+ NumberedModule -> UsageModule this_mod
-- Lay out and allocate non-top-level constructors
@@ -648,10 +648,14 @@ emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr lf_info info_tbl args body
-- Data constructors need closures, but not with all the argument handling
-- needed for functions. The shared part goes here.
- :: Platform -> CmmInfoTable -> Convention -> [LocalReg] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+emitClosureAndInfoTable :: Platform -> CmmInfoTable -> Convention -> [LocalReg] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
emitClosureAndInfoTable platform info_tbl conv args body
= do { (_, blks) <- getCodeScoped body
; let entry_lbl = toEntryLbl platform (cit_lbl info_tbl)
- ; emitProcWithConvention conv (Just info_tbl) entry_lbl args blks
+ ; emitProcWithConvention
+ conv
+ (Just info_tbl)
+ entry_lbl
+ args
+ blks
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ emitTickyCounter cloType tickee
TickyCon dc mn -> case mn of
NoNumber -> return $! CmmLabel $ mkConInfoTableLabel (dataConName dc) DefinitionSite
(Numbered n) -> return $! CmmLabel $ mkConInfoTableLabel (dataConName dc) (UsageSite this_mod n)
+ NumberedModule -> return $! CmmLabel $ mkConInfoTableLabel (dataConName dc) (UsageModule this_mod)
TickyFun {} ->
return $! CmmLabel $ mkInfoTableLabel name NoCafRefs
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import qualified Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (RealSrcSpan)
@@ -660,22 +661,41 @@ convertInfoProvMap cfg this_mod (InfoTableProvMap (UniqMap dcenv) denv infoTable
tyString :: Outputable a => a -> String
tyString = renderWithContext defaultSDocContext . ppr
+ convertIpeSrcLoc :: Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString)
+ convertIpeSrcLoc (Just (IpeSourceLocation s l)) = Just (s, l)
+ convertIpeSrcLoc _ = Nothing
lookupClosureMap :: Maybe (IPEStats, InfoProvEnt)
- lookupClosureMap = case hasHaskellName cl >>= lookupUniqMap denv of
- Just (ty, mbspan) -> Just (closureIpeStats cn, (InfoProvEnt cl cn (tyString ty) this_mod mbspan))
- Nothing -> Nothing
+ lookupClosureMap =
+ case hasHaskellName cl >>= lookupUniqMap denv of
+ Just (ty, mbspan) ->
+ Just ( closureIpeStats cn
+ , (InfoProvEnt cl cn (tyString ty) this_mod (convertIpeSrcLoc mbspan))
+ )
+ Nothing -> Nothing
lookupDataConMap :: Maybe (IPEStats, InfoProvEnt)
lookupDataConMap = (closureIpeStats cn,) <$> do
- UsageSite _ n <- hasIdLabelInfo cl >>= getConInfoTableLocation
+ n <-
+ hasIdLabelInfo cl >>= getConInfoTableLocation >>= \s ->
+ case s of
+ UsageSite _ n -> return n
+ UsageModule _ -> return 0
+ _ -> Nothing
-- This is a bit grimy, relies on the DataCon and Name having the same Unique, which they do
(dc, ns) <- hasHaskellName cl >>= lookupUFM_Directly dcenv . getUnique
- -- Lookup is linear but lists will be small (< 100)
- return $ (InfoProvEnt cl cn (tyString (dataConTyCon dc)) this_mod (join $ lookup n (NE.toList ns)))
+ return $
+ InfoProvEnt cl cn (tyString (dataConTyCon dc)) this_mod $
+ if stgToCmmDctPerModule cfg then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ convertIpeSrcLoc
+ -- Lookup is linear but lists will be small (< 100)
+ (join $ lookup n (NE.toList ns))
lookupInfoTableToSourceLocation :: Maybe (IPEStats, InfoProvEnt)
lookupInfoTableToSourceLocation = do
- sourceNote <- Map.lookup (cit_lbl cmit) infoTableToSourceLocationMap
+ sourceNote <- convertIpeSrcLoc <$> Map.lookup (cit_lbl cmit) infoTableToSourceLocationMap
return $ (closureIpeStats cn, (InfoProvEnt cl cn "" this_mod sourceNote))
-- This catches things like prim closure types and anything else which doesn't have a
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module GHC.Types.IPE (
- IpeSourceLocation
+ IpeSourceLocation(..)
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ import GHC.Core.Type
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel (CLabel)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import GHC.Unit.Module (Module)
-- | Position and information about an info table.
-- For return frames these are the contents of a 'CoreSyn.SourceNote'.
-type IpeSourceLocation = (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString)
+data IpeSourceLocation
+ = IpeSourceLocation !RealSrcSpan !LexicalFastString
+ | IpeModule !Module
+ deriving Eq
-- | A map from a 'Name' to the best approximate source position that
-- name arose from.
@@ -66,6 +66,24 @@ Compiler
users to refine the set of constructors for which distinct info tables should
be generated.
+- The :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>` flag is introduced. When
+ provided, this flag will cause only one distinct info table to be created for
+ every usage of a data constructor in a module, when
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>`
+ is enabled for that constructor.
+ For example, consider a module containing five occurrences of some
+ constructor. If that module is compiled with only
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>`
+ then five distinct info tables will be created, one for each occurrence of the
+ constructor. If that module is also compiled with
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>`, then only one info table
+ will be created. This means that allocations resulting from any of those five
+ occurrences will be attributed to that one info table when using the
+ :rts-flag:`-hi` profiling mode.
@@ -400,7 +400,6 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
:shortdesc: Include info tables for ``STACK`` closures in the info table
:type: dynamic
- :reverse: -fno-info-table-map-with-stack
:category: debugging
:since: 9.10
@@ -412,7 +411,6 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
:shortdesc: Omit info tables for ``STACK`` closures from the info table
:type: dynamic
- :reverse: -finfo-table-map-with-stack
:category: debugging
:since: 9.10
@@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
:shortdesc: Include info tables with no source location information in the
info table map.
:type: dynamic
- :reverse: -fno-info-table-map-with-fallback
:category: debugging
:since: 9.10
@@ -440,7 +437,6 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
:shortdesc: Omit info tables with no source location information from the
info table map.
:type: dynamic
- :reverse: -finfo-table-map-with-fallback
:category: debugging
:since: 9.10
@@ -492,7 +488,8 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
Use this flag to refine the set of data constructors for which distinct info
tables are generated (as specified by
- <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>`).
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` or :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>`).
If no constructor names are given
(i.e. just ``-fno-distinct-constructor-tables`` is given) then no distinct
info tables will be generated for any usages of any data constructors.
@@ -502,6 +499,76 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
``-fdistinct-constructor-tables`` and
+.. ghc-flag:: -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩
+ :shortdesc: Generate only one fresh info table to be used for all
+ occurrences of a data constructor in a module.
+ :type: dynamic
+ :category: debugging
+ :since: 9.10
+ This flag has the same effect as :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` except that instead of a distinct info
+ table being generated for *every* usage of a data constructor, only one info
+ table will be generated and used for all occurrences of a data constructor
+ *in a single module*. In other words, when just
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` is used, it results in a one-to-one
+ mapping from info tables to data constructor usages, for a given data
+ constructor in a given module. However, when just
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>` is used, it will result in
+ a one-to-N mapping from into tables to data constructor usages, for a given
+ data constructor which is used N times in a given module.
+ This is useful when used in conjunction with :ghc-flag:`-finfo-table-map`
+ and the :rts-flag:`-hi` profiling mode to track all allocations resulting
+ from some constructor at a module-level granularity.
+ Like the :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` flag, the set of constructors for
+ which this behavior applies may also be refined by providing a
+ comma-separated list of constructor names to this flag or the
+ :ghc-flag:`-fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>`. For example, to
+ generate per-module constructor tables for just the ``Just`` and ``Right``
+ constructors, use ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=Just,Right``.
+.. ghc-flag:: -fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩
+ :shortdesc: Avoid generating a fresh info table for each usage of a data
+ constructor, and revert to the normal usage-level granularity
+ of distinct info table creation.
+ :type: dynamic
+ :category: debugging
+ :since: 9.10
+ This flag has the same effect as :ghc-flag:`-fno-distinct-constructor-tables
+ <-fno-distinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` except it also disables the
+ per-module behavior of the :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>` flag, resulting in a
+ distinct info table being generated for *every* usage of *every* data
+ constructor for which the distinct constructor table behavior has not been
+ disabled.
+ This may not be intuitive, but the behavior is intended, since it is
+ important that there is some way to disable the per-module behavior of
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>`. For example, the flag
+ combination ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ -fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module=MyConstr`` will result in the
+ same configuration as ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+ -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=MyConstr``. To preserve the per-module
+ behavior introduced by the
+ :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ <-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=⟨cs⟩>` flag while refining the set
+ of data constructors for which it applies, just use the
+ :ghc-flag:`-fno-distinct-constructor-tables
+ <-fno-distinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` flag. For example, to generate
+ per-module distinct tables for all data constructors except the ``Just``
+ constructor, use ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module
+ -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=Just``.
Querying the Info Table Map
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ distinct_tables:
NoCCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=BCon,CCon Main.hs ; \
NoBConCCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+ $$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module Main.hs ; \
+ PerModule="$$(./Main)" ; \
+ $$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module=ACon Main.hs ; \
+ PerModuleACon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+ $$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=BCon Main.hs ; \
+ PerModuleNoBCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+ $$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables-per-module -fno-distinct-constructor-tables-per-module=BCon Main.hs ; \
+ NoPerModuleNoBCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
echo "$$ACon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr ACon.out - && \
echo "$$BCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr BCon.out - && \
echo "$$CCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr CCon.out - && \
@@ -30,4 +38,9 @@ distinct_tables:
echo "$$NoACon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoACon.out - && \
echo "$$NoBCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoBCon.out - && \
echo "$$NoCCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoCCon.out - && \
- echo "$$NoBConCCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoBConCCon.out -
+ echo "$$NoBConCCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoBConCCon.out - && \
+ echo "$$PerModule" | diff --strip-trailing-cr PerModule.out - && \
+ echo "$$PerModuleACon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr PerModuleACon.out - && \
+ echo "$$PerModuleNoBCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr PerModuleNoBCon.out - && \
+ echo "$$NoPerModuleNoBCon" | diff --strip-trailing-cr NoPerModuleNoBCon.out - && \
+ [ "x$$NoPerModuleNoBCon" = "x$$NoBCon" ]
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "30:1-15"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "31:1-15"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "34:1-27"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "35:1-27"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "13:17-35"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "37:1-17"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "17:17-37"}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_2_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = "19:34-38"}
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
+InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""}
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ test(
- 'NoBConCCon.out'
+ 'NoBConCCon.out',
+ 'PerModule.out',
+ 'PerModuleACon.out',
+ 'PerModuleNoBCon.out',
+ 'NoPerModuleNoBCon.out'
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