[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T17521] Implement some of Simon's feedback

Jaro Reinders (@Noughtmare) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Sep 1 12:02:37 UTC 2023

Jaro Reinders pushed to branch wip/T17521 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

15fa7e06 by Jaro Reinders at 2023-09-01T14:02:28+02:00
Implement some of Simon's feedback

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs


@@ -377,29 +377,12 @@ for the meaning of "lifted" vs. "unlifted".
 For the non-top-level, non-recursive case see
 Note [Core let-can-float invariant].
-At top level, however, there are three exceptions to this rule:
+At top level, however, there are two exceptions to this rule:
 (TL1) A top-level binding is allowed to bind primitive string literal,
       (which is unlifted).  See Note [Core top-level string literals].
-(TL2) In Core, we generate a top-level binding for every non-newtype data
-      constructor worker or wrapper
-      e.g.   data T = MkT Int
-      we generate
-             MkT :: Int -> T
-             MkT = \x. MkT x
-      (This binding looks recursive, but isn't; it defines a top-level, curried
-      function whose body just allocates and returns the data constructor.)
-      But if (a) the data contructor is nullary and (b) the data type is unlifted,
-      this binding is unlifted.
-      e.g.   data S :: UnliftedType where { S1 :: S, S2 :: S -> S }
-      we generate
-             S1 :: S   -- A top-level unlifted binding
-             S1 = S1
-      We allow this top-level unlifted binding to exist.
-(TL3) A boxed top-level binding is allowed to bind the application of
+(TL2) A boxed top-level binding is allowed to bind the application of
       unlifted data constructor values.
       See Note [Core top-level unlifted data-con values].
@@ -498,30 +481,65 @@ parts of the compilation pipeline.
 Note [Core top-level unlifted data-con values]
-As another exception to the usual rule that top-level binders must be lifted,
-we allow binding unlifted data constructor values at the top level. This allows
-us to store these values directly as data in the binary that we produce, instead
-of allocating them potentially many times if they're inside a tight loop.
+As an exception to the usual rule that top-level binders must be lifted, we
+allow binding unlifted data constructor values at the top level. This allows us
+to store these values directly as data in the binary that we produce, instead of
+allocating them potentially many times if they're inside a tight loop.
 However, we have to be very careful that we only allow data constructors that
-are really values.
+do not require evaluation.
 * We only consider data constructor workers and not wrappers, because wrappers
   are generally not fully evaluated. See Note [The need for a wrapper].
 * Even data constructor workers might still be expanded by the STG rewriter to
   perform some work, if they have arguments that are marked strict.
-  See Note [Data-con worker strictness].
+  See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in GHC.Core.DataCon.
-* If the data constructor has unlifted arguments, then those could cause further
-  evaluation to be necessary, unless they are fully evaluated data constructor
-  values themselves.
+    data T :: UnliftedType = MkT ![Int] 
-Furthermore, there is another complication. The data constructor worker may be
-applied to a variable which is defined in another module, or worse, in an
-hs-boot file. So, we cannot always get all the information we need and even for
-variables defined in the same module it might still be hard or computationally
-expensive to collect the necessary information.
+    s1,s2 :: [Int]
+    s1 = factorial 20
+    s2 = I# 3#
+    t1,t2 :: T
+    t1 = MkT s1 -- unacceptable because `s1` requires further evaluation
+    t2 = MkT s2 -- acceptable because `s2` does not require further evaluation
+* The data constructor worker may be applied to a variable which is defined in 
+  another module, or worse, in an hs-boot file. So, we cannot always get all the
+  information we need. For example:
+    import M (x)
+    data T :: UnliftedType = MkT !Int
+    t1 :: T
+    t1 = MkT x
+  How would we know whether `x` is fully evaluated?
+* Even for variables defined in the same module it might
+  still be hard or computationally expensive to collect the necessary
+  information. For example:
+    data T :: UnliftedType = MkT !S
+    data S = MkS1 | MkS2 !S
+    t :: T
+    t = MkT s1
+    s1,s2,s3,s4 :: S
+    s1 = MkS2 s2
+    s2 = MkS2 s3
+    s3 = MkS2 s4
+    s4 = MkS1
+  To determine whether `t` needs evaluation we need to recursively determine
+  whether `s1` through `s4` need further evaluation. 
+  This could perhaps be done efficiently using a caching mechanism similar to
+  the one described in Note [UnfoldingCache].
 So, for the first incarnation of this feature we choose very restrictive
 conditions, which are still useful in practice. We allow top-level unlifted

@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ lintStgBinds top_lvl tagged (StgRec pairs)
     :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
     => TopLevelFlag
-    -> Bool
+    -> Bool -- have we inferred tags yet?
     -> (Id, GenStgRhs a)
     -> LintM ()
 lint_binds_help top_lvl tagged (binder, rhs)

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