[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/spj-unf-size] More improvements
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Oct 29 22:02:22 UTC 2023
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/spj-unf-size at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
007ec0b8 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-10-29T22:01:35+00:00
More improvements
Rename et_tot to et_wc_tot (for "worst case")
Fix size bug in etCaseOf
- - - - -
5 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Seq.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs
@@ -1401,10 +1401,10 @@ type Size = Int
type Discount = Int
data ExprTree
- = ExprTree { et_tot :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Size -- ^ Size of whole tree
- , et_size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Size -- ^ Size of the bit apart from et_cases
- , et_ret :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Discount -- ^ Discount when result is scrutinised
- , et_cases :: Bag CaseTree
+ = ExprTree { et_wc_tot :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Size -- ^ Worst-case size of whole tree
+ , et_size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Size -- ^ Size of the bit apart from et_cases
+ , et_ret :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Discount -- ^ Discount when result is scrutinised
+ , et_cases :: Bag CaseTree
data CaseTree
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ instance Outputable UnfoldingGuidance where
ppr et ]
instance Outputable ExprTree where
- ppr (ExprTree { et_tot = tot, et_size = size, et_ret = ret, et_cases = cases })
+ ppr (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = tot, et_size = size, et_ret = ret, et_cases = cases })
= int tot <> char '/' <> int size <> char '/' <> int ret
<> brackets (sep (map ppr (bagToList cases)))
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ seqGuidance (UnfIfGoodArgs bs et) = seqBndrs bs `seq` seqET et
seqGuidance _ = ()
seqET :: ExprTree -> ()
-seqET (ExprTree { et_tot = tot, et_size = size, et_cases = cases, et_ret = ret })
+seqET (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = tot, et_size = size, et_cases = cases, et_ret = ret })
= tot `seq` size `seq` ret `seq` seqBag seqCT cases
seqCT :: CaseTree -> ()
@@ -544,14 +544,8 @@ substExprTree :: IdSubstEnv -> ExprTree -> ExprTree
-- We might be substituting a big tree in place of a variable
-- but we don't account for that in the size: I think it doesn't
-- matter, and the ExprTree will be refreshed soon enough.
-substExprTree id_env (ExprTree { et_tot = tot
- , et_size = size
- , et_cases = cases
- , et_ret = ret_discount })
- = ExprTree { et_tot = tot
- , et_size = size + extra_size
- , et_cases = cases'
- , et_ret = ret_discount }
+substExprTree id_env et@(ExprTree { et_size = size, et_cases = cases })
+ = et { et_size = size + extra_size , et_cases = cases' }
(extra_size, cases') = foldr subst_ct (0, emptyBag) cases
-- The extra_size is just in case we substitute a non-variable for
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming (Tick t expr)
calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming expr
= case exprTree opts val_bndrs body of
Nothing -> UnfNever
- Just et@(ExprTree { et_tot = tot })
+ Just et@(ExprTree { et_wc_tot = tot })
| uncondInline expr n_val_bndrs tot
-> UnfWhen { ug_unsat_ok = unSaturatedOk
, ug_boring_ok = boringCxtOk
@@ -523,39 +523,30 @@ exprTree opts args expr
et_add_alt = metAddAlt bOMB_OUT_SIZE
go :: Int -> ETVars -> CoreExpr -> Maybe ExprTree
- -- cd is the /unused/ case depth; decreases toward zero
+ -- rcd is the /unused/ case depth; decreases toward zero
-- (avs,lvs): see Note [Constructing an ExprTree]
- go cd vs (Cast e _) = go cd vs e
- go cd vs (Tick _ e) = go cd vs e
- go _ _ (Type _) = Just (exprTreeN 0)
- go _ _ (Coercion _) = Just (exprTreeN 0)
- go _ _ (Lit lit) = Just (exprTreeN (litSize lit))
- go cd vs (Case e b _ as) = go_case cd vs e b as
- go cd vs (Let bind body) = go_let cd vs bind body
- go cd vs (Lam b e) = go_lam cd vs b e
- go cd vs e@(App {}) = go_app cd vs e
- go _ vs (Var f) = Just (callTree opts vs f [] 0)
- -- Use callTree to ensure we get constructor
- -- discounts even on nullary constructors
- -------------------
- go_lam cd vs bndr body
- | isId bndr, not (isZeroBitId bndr) = go cd vs' body `et_add` Just (lamSize opts)
- | otherwise = go cd vs' body
+ go rcd vs (Cast e _) = go rcd vs e
+ go rcd vs (Tick _ e) = go rcd vs e
+ go _ _ (Type _) = Just (exprTreeN 0)
+ go _ _ (Coercion _) = Just (exprTreeN 0)
+ go _ _ (Lit lit) = Just (exprTreeN (litSize lit))
+ go rcd vs (Case e b _ as) = go_case rcd vs e b as
+ go rcd vs (Let bind body) = go_let rcd vs bind body
+ go rcd vs (Lam b e) = go_lam rcd vs b e
+ go rcd vs e@(App {}) = go_app rcd vs e
+ go _ vs (Var f) = Just (callTree opts vs f [] 0)
+ -- Use callTree to ensure we get constructor
+ -- discounts even on nullary constructors
+ ----------- Lambdas ------------------
+ go_lam rcd vs bndr body
+ | isId bndr, not (isZeroBitId bndr) = go rcd vs' body `et_add` Just (lamSize opts)
+ | otherwise = go rcd vs' body
vs' = vs `add_lv` bndr
- -------------------
- go_let cd vs (NonRec binder rhs) body
- = go_bind cd vs (binder, rhs) `et_add`
- go cd (vs `add_lv` binder) body
- go_let cd vs (Rec pairs) body
- = foldr (et_add . go_bind cd vs') (go cd vs' body) pairs
- where
- vs' = vs `add_lvs` map fst pairs
- -------------------
- go_app cd vs e = lgo e [] 0
+ ----------- Applications ------------------
+ go_app rcd vs e = lgo e [] 0
lgo :: CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr] -> Int -> Maybe ExprTree
-- args: all the value args
@@ -565,25 +556,34 @@ exprTree opts args expr
lgo (App fun arg) args voids
| isTypeArg arg = lgo fun args voids
| isZeroBitArg arg = lgo fun (arg:args) (voids+1)
- | otherwise = go cd vs arg `et_add`
+ | otherwise = go rcd vs arg `et_add`
lgo fun (arg:args) voids
lgo (Var fun) args voids = Just (callTree opts vs fun args voids)
lgo (Tick _ expr) args voids = lgo expr args voids
lgo (Cast expr _) args voids = lgo expr args voids
lgo other args voids = vanillaCallSize (length args) voids
- `metAddN` go cd vs other
+ `metAddN` go rcd vs other
-- if the lhs is not an App or a Var, or an invisible thing like a
-- Tick or Cast, then we should charge for a complete call plus the
-- size of the lhs itself.
- -----------------------------
- go_bind cd vs (bndr, rhs)
+ ----------- Let-expressions ------------------
+ go_let rcd vs (NonRec binder rhs) body
+ = go_bind rcd vs (binder, rhs) `et_add`
+ go rcd (vs `add_lv` binder) body
+ go_let rcd vs (Rec pairs) body
+ = foldr (et_add . go_bind rcd vs') (go rcd vs' body) pairs
+ where
+ vs' = vs `add_lvs` map fst pairs
+ go_bind rcd vs (bndr, rhs)
| JoinPoint join_arity <- idJoinPointHood bndr
, (bndrs, body) <- collectNBinders join_arity rhs
-- Skip arguments to join point
- = go cd (vs `add_lvs` bndrs) body
+ = go rcd (vs `add_lvs` bndrs) body
| otherwise
- = size_up_alloc bndr `metAddN` go cd vs rhs
+ = size_up_alloc bndr `metAddN` go rcd vs rhs
-- Cost to allocate binding with given binder
size_up_alloc bndr
@@ -594,28 +594,34 @@ exprTree opts args expr
| otherwise
= 10
- -----------------------------
+ -----------Case expressions ------------------
go_case :: Int -> ETVars -> CoreExpr -> Id -> [CoreAlt] -> Maybe ExprTree
-- Empty case
- go_case cd vs scrut _ [] = go cd vs scrut
+ go_case rcd vs scrut _ [] = go rcd vs scrut
-- case e of {} never returns, so take size of scrutinee
-- Record a CaseOf
- go_case cd vs@(avs,lvs) scrut b alts
+ go_case remaining_case_depth vs@(avs,lvs) scrut b alts
| Just v <- interestingVarScrut vs scrut
- = go cd vs scrut `et_add`
- (if record_case cd n_alts
+ = go remaining_case_depth vs scrut `et_add`
+ (if record_case
then do { alts' <- mapM (alt_alt_tree v) alts
; etCaseOf bOMB_OUT_SIZE v b alts' }
else Just (etScrutOf v caseElimDiscount) `et_add`
-- When this scrutinee has structure, we expect to eliminate the case
- go_alts cd vs b alts)
+ go_alts rcd1 vs b alts)
- cd1 = cd - 1
- n_alts = length alts
+ rcd1 = remaining_case_depth - 1
+ record_case :: Bool
+ -- True <=> record CaseOf: case is not too deep, nor too wide
+ -- False <=> record ScrutOf
+ record_case = (remaining_case_depth > 0) &&
+ (alts `lengthAtMost` max_width)
alt_alt_tree :: Id -> Alt Var -> Maybe AltTree
alt_alt_tree v (Alt con bs rhs)
- = do { rhs <- go cd1 (add_alt_bndrs v val_bs) rhs
+ = do { rhs <- go rcd1 (add_alt_bndrs v val_bs) rhs
; return (AltTree con val_bs rhs) }
val_bs = filter isId bs
@@ -626,30 +632,23 @@ exprTree opts args expr
| otherwise = vs
-- Don't record a CaseOf
- go_case cd vs scrut b alts -- alts is non-empty
+ go_case rcd vs scrut b alts -- alts is non-empty
= caseSize scrut alts `metAddN` -- A bit odd that this is only in one branch
(altSize * length alts) `metAddN`
-- IMPORTANT: charge `altSize` for each alternative, else we
-- find that giant case nests are treated as practically free
-- A good example is Foreign.C.Error.errnoToIOError
- go cd vs scrut `et_add` go_alts cd vs b alts
- record_case :: Int -> Int -> Bool
- -- True <=> record CaseOf; False <=> record ScrutOf
- record_case case_depth n_alts -- Case is not too deep, nor too wide
- = case_depth > 0 && n_alts <= max_width
+ go rcd vs scrut `et_add` go_alts (rcd-1) vs b alts
go_alts :: Int -> ETVars -> Id -> [CoreAlt] -> Maybe ExprTree
-- Add up the sizes of all RHSs
- go_alts cd vs b alts = foldr1 et_add_alt (map alt_expr_tree alts)
+ go_alts rcd vs b alts = foldr1 et_add_alt (map alt_expr_tree alts)
- cd1 = cd - 1
alt_expr_tree :: Alt Var -> Maybe ExprTree
- alt_expr_tree (Alt _con bs rhs) = go cd1 (vs `add_lvs` (b:bs)) rhs
+ alt_expr_tree (Alt _con bs rhs) = go rcd (vs `add_lvs` (b:bs)) rhs
-- Don't charge for bndrs, so that wrappers look cheap
-- (See comments about wrappers with Case)
-- Don't forget to add the case binder, b, to lvs.
- --
caseSize :: CoreExpr -> [CoreAlt] -> Size
caseSize scrut alts
@@ -778,7 +777,7 @@ funSize :: UnfoldingOpts -> ETVars -> Id -> Int -> Int -> ExprTree
funSize opts (avs,_) fun n_val_args voids
| fun `hasKey` buildIdKey = etZero -- Wwant to inline applications of build/augment
| fun `hasKey` augmentIdKey = etZero -- so we give size zero to the whole call
- | otherwise = ExprTree { et_tot = size, et_size = size
+ | otherwise = ExprTree { et_wc_tot = size, et_size = size
, et_cases = cases
, et_ret = res_discount }
@@ -800,7 +799,7 @@ funSize opts (avs,_) fun n_val_args voids
lamSize :: UnfoldingOpts -> ExprTree
-- Does not include the size of the body, just the lambda itself
-lamSize opts = ExprTree { et_size = 10, et_tot = 10
+lamSize opts = ExprTree { et_size = 10, et_wc_tot = 10
, et_cases = emptyBag
, et_ret = unfoldingFunAppDiscount opts }
@@ -810,7 +809,7 @@ conSize dc n_val_args
| isUnboxedTupleDataCon dc
= etZero -- See Note [Unboxed tuple size and result discount]
| otherwise -- See Note [Constructor size and result discount]
- = ExprTree { et_size = size, et_tot = size
+ = ExprTree { et_size = size, et_wc_tot = size
, et_cases = emptyBag, et_ret = 10 }
size | n_val_args == 0 = 0 -- Like variables
@@ -999,70 +998,70 @@ metAddN _ Nothing = Nothing
metAddN n (Just et) = Just (n `etAddN` et)
etAddN :: Size -> ExprTree -> ExprTree
--- Does not account for et_tot geting too big, but that doesn't
+-- Does not account for et_wc_tot geting too big, but that doesn't
-- matter; the extra increment is always small, and we never get
-- a long cascade of etAddNs
-etAddN n1 (ExprTree { et_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 })
- = ExprTree { et_tot = n1+t2, et_size = n1+n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 }
+etAddN n1 (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 })
+ = ExprTree { et_wc_tot = n1+t2, et_size = n1+n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 }
metAdd :: Size -> Maybe ExprTree -> Maybe ExprTree -> Maybe ExprTree
-- Takes return value from the right hand argument
metAdd _ Nothing _ = Nothing
metAdd _ _ Nothing = Nothing
metAdd bOMB_OUT_SIZE (Just et1) (Just et2)
- | ExprTree { et_tot = t1, et_size = n1, et_cases = c1, et_ret = _ret1 } <- et1
- , ExprTree { et_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 } <- et2
+ | ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t1, et_size = n1, et_cases = c1, et_ret = _ret1 } <- et1
+ , ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 } <- et2
, let t12 = t1 + t2
= if t12 >= bOMB_OUT_SIZE
then Nothing
- else Just (ExprTree { et_tot = t12
- , et_size = n1 + n2
- , et_cases = c1 `unionBags` c2
- , et_ret = ret2 })
+ else Just (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t12
+ , et_size = n1 + n2
+ , et_cases = c1 `unionBags` c2
+ , et_ret = ret2 })
metAddAlt :: Size -> Maybe ExprTree -> Maybe ExprTree -> Maybe ExprTree
-- Adds return discounts from both args
metAddAlt _ Nothing _ = Nothing
metAddAlt _ _ Nothing = Nothing
metAddAlt bOMB_OUT_SIZE (Just et1) (Just et2)
- | ExprTree { et_tot = t1, et_size = n1, et_cases = c1, et_ret = ret1 } <- et1
- , ExprTree { et_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 } <- et2
+ | ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t1, et_size = n1, et_cases = c1, et_ret = ret1 } <- et1
+ , ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t2, et_size = n2, et_cases = c2, et_ret = ret2 } <- et2
, let t12 = t1 + t2
= if t12 >= bOMB_OUT_SIZE
then Nothing
- else Just (ExprTree { et_tot = t12
- , et_size = n1 + n2
- , et_cases = c1 `unionBags` c2
- , et_ret = ret1 + ret2 })
+ else Just (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = t12
+ , et_size = n1 + n2
+ , et_cases = c1 `unionBags` c2
+ , et_ret = ret1 + ret2 })
-- | The "expression tree"; an abstraction of the RHS of the function
exprTreeN :: Size -> ExprTree
-exprTreeN n = ExprTree { et_size = n, et_tot = n, et_cases = emptyBag, et_ret = 0 }
+exprTreeN n = ExprTree { et_size = n, et_wc_tot = n, et_cases = emptyBag, et_ret = 0 }
etZero :: ExprTree
-etZero = ExprTree { et_tot = 0, et_size = 0, et_cases = emptyBag, et_ret = 0 }
+etZero = ExprTree { et_wc_tot = 0, et_size = 0, et_cases = emptyBag, et_ret = 0 }
etCaseOf :: Size -> Id -> Id -> [AltTree] -> Maybe ExprTree
--- We make the case itself free, but charge for each alternative
--- If there are no alternatives (case e of {}), we get just the size of the scrutinee
+-- We make the case itself free (remember that in this case the scrutinee
+-- is a variable) but charge for each alternative (included in `altTreesSize`)
etCaseOf bOMB_OUT_SIZE scrut case_bndr alts
| tot >= bOMB_OUT_SIZE = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (ExprTree { et_tot = tot, et_size = 0, et_ret = 0
+ | otherwise = Just (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = tot, et_size = 0, et_ret = 0
, et_cases = unitBag case_tree })
case_tree = CaseOf scrut case_bndr alts
tot = altTreesSize alts
altTreesSize :: [AltTree] -> Size
--- Total aize of a [AltTree]
+-- Total worst-case size of a [AltTree], including the per-alternative cost of altSize
altTreesSize alts = foldl' add_alt 0 alts
- add_alt n (AltTree _ _ (ExprTree { et_tot = tot })) = n+tot
+ add_alt n (AltTree _ _ (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = alt_tot }))
+ = n + alt_tot + altSize
etScrutOf :: Id -> Discount -> ExprTree
-etScrutOf v d = ExprTree { et_tot = 0, et_size = 0, et_ret = 0
- , et_cases = unitBag (ScrutOf v d) }
+etScrutOf v d = etZero { et_cases = unitBag (ScrutOf v d) }
{- *********************************************************************
* *
@@ -1099,7 +1098,7 @@ exprTreeWillInline :: Size -> ExprTree -> Bool
-- (cheapExprTreeSize limit et) takes an upper bound `n` on the
-- size of et; i.e. without discounts etc.
-- Return True if (s <= limit), False otherwise
-exprTreeWillInline limit (ExprTree { et_tot = tot }) = tot <= limit
+exprTreeWillInline limit (ExprTree { et_wc_tot = tot }) = tot <= limit
exprTreeSize :: InlineContext -> ExprTree -> Size
@@ -1123,9 +1122,18 @@ caseTreeSize ic (ScrutOf bndr disc)
caseTreeSize ic (CaseOf scrut_var case_bndr alts)
= case lookupBndr ic scrut_var of
- ArgNoInfo -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
- ArgIsLam -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
- ArgIsNot cons -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr (trim_alts cons alts)
+ ArgNoInfo -> altsSize ic case_bndr alts + case_size
+ ArgIsNot cons -> altsSize ic case_bndr (trim_alts cons alts)
+ -- The case-expression may not disappear, but it scrutinises
+ -- a variable bound to something with structure; may lead to
+ -- avoiding a thunk, or other benefits. So we give a discount
+ -- compared to ArgNoInfo. How much? Rather a guess, but simply
+ -- not adding case_size is convenient.
+ --
+ -- The function 'radiance' in nofib/real/smallpt benefits a lot from this
+ ArgIsLam -> altsSize ic case_bndr alts -- Case will disappear altogether
arg_summ@(ArgIsCon con args)
| Just at@(AltTree alt_con bndrs rhs) <- find_alt con alts
@@ -1134,12 +1142,19 @@ caseTreeSize ic (CaseOf scrut_var case_bndr alts)
-- Don't forget to add a summary for the case binder!
ic' = ic { ic_bound = ic_bound ic `extendVarEnvList` new_summaries }
-- In DEFAULT case, bs is empty, so extending is a no-op
- -> assertPpr ((alt_con == DEFAULT) || (bndrs `equalLength` args)) (ppr arg_summ $$ ppr at) $
+ -> assertPpr ((alt_con == DEFAULT) || (bndrs `equalLength` args))
+ (ppr arg_summ $$ ppr at) $
exprTreeSize ic' rhs - caseElimDiscount
- -- Take off a discount for eliminating the case expression itself
+ -- Take off an extra discount for eliminating the case expression itself
| otherwise -- Happens for empty alternatives
- -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
+ -> altsSize ic case_bndr alts
+ where
+ case_size = altSize * length alts
+ -- We make the case itself free, but charge for each alternatives
+ -- (the latter is already included in the AltTrees)
+ -- If there are no alternatives (case e of {}), we get zero
find_alt :: AltCon -> [AltTree] -> Maybe AltTree
find_alt _ [] = Nothing
@@ -1158,9 +1173,9 @@ trim_alts acs (alt:alts)
| AltTree con _ _ <- alt, con `elem` acs = trim_alts acs alts
| otherwise = alt : trim_alts acs alts
-keptCaseSize :: InlineContext -> Id -> [AltTree] -> Size
+altsSize :: InlineContext -> Id -> [AltTree] -> Size
-- Size of a (retained) case expression
-keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts = foldr ((+) . size_alt) case_size alts
+altsSize ic case_bndr alts = foldr ((+) . size_alt) 0 alts
-- Just add up the sizes of the alternatives
-- We recurse in case we have
-- args = [a,b], expr_tree = [CaseOf a [ X -> CaseOf b [...]
@@ -1168,11 +1183,6 @@ keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts = foldr ((+) . size_alt) case_size alts
-- Then for a call with ArgInfo for `b`, but not `a`, we want to get
-- the trimmed trees in the X and Y branches
- case_size = altSize * length alts
- -- We make the case itself free, but charge for each alternatives
- -- (the latter is already included in the AltTrees)
- -- If there are no alternatives (case e of {}), we get zero
size_alt :: AltTree -> Size
size_alt (AltTree _ bndrs rhs) = exprTreeSize ic' rhs
-- Cost for the alternative is already in `rhs`
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