[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/spj-unf-size] Value args only in ExprTrees

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Oct 23 16:34:39 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/spj-unf-size at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

5dd14df7 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-10-23T17:34:18+01:00
Value args only in ExprTrees

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Inline.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs


@@ -1388,9 +1388,9 @@ data UnfoldingGuidance
   | UnfIfGoodArgs {     -- Arose from a normal Id
-      ug_args :: [Var],      -- Arguments
+      ug_args :: [Id],       -- Value arguments only
       ug_tree :: ExprTree    -- Abstraction of the body
-      -- Invariant: free vars of ug_tree are the ug_args, plus variables
+      -- Invariant: free Ids of ug_tree are the ug_args, plus Ids
       --            in scope at the binding site of the function definition
@@ -1411,7 +1411,9 @@ data CaseTree
                        -- nothing relies on non-empty-ness
   | ScrutOf Id Int     -- If this Id is bound to a value, apply this discount
-data AltTree  = AltTree AltCon [Var] ExprTree
+data AltTree  = AltTree AltCon
+                        [Id]      -- Term variables only
+                        ExprTree
 {- Note [UnfoldingCache]

@@ -267,10 +267,11 @@ tryUnfolding logger env fn cont unf_template unf_cache guidance
                            , text "case depth =" <+> int case_depth
                            , text "final_size =" <+> ppr final_size ]
-    (lone_variable, arg_infos, call_cont) = contArgs cont
-    cont_info  = interestingCallContext env call_cont
-    case_depth = seCaseDepth env
-    opts       = seUnfoldingOpts env
+    (arg_infos, call_cont) = contArgs cont
+    lone_variable = loneVariable cont
+    cont_info     = interestingCallContext env call_cont
+    case_depth    = seCaseDepth env
+    opts          = seUnfoldingOpts env
     -- Unpack the UnfoldingCache lazily because it may not be needed, and all
     -- its fields are strict; so evaluating unf_cache at all forces all the
@@ -551,24 +552,24 @@ rule for (*) (df d) can fire.  To do this
-contArgs :: SimplCont -> (Bool, [ArgSummary], SimplCont)
--- Summarises value args, discards type args and coercions
+contArgs :: SimplCont -> ( [ArgSummary]   -- One for each value argument
+                         , SimplCont )    -- The rest
+-- Summarises value args, discards type args and casts.
 -- The returned continuation of the call is only used to
 -- answer questions like "are you interesting?"
-contArgs cont
-  | lone cont = (True, [], cont)
-  | otherwise = go [] cont
+contArgs cont = go [] cont
-    lone (ApplyToTy  {}) = False  -- See Note [Lone variables] in GHC.Core.Unfold
-    lone (ApplyToVal {}) = False  -- NB: even a type application or cast
-    lone (CastIt {})     = False  --     stops it being "lone"
-    lone _               = True
     go args (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = se, sc_cont = k })
                                         = go (exprSummary se arg : args) k
     go args (ApplyToTy { sc_cont = k }) = go args k
     go args (CastIt _ k)                = go args k
-    go args k                           = (False, reverse args, k)
+    go args k                           = (reverse args, k)
+loneVariable :: SimplCont -> Bool
+loneVariable (ApplyToTy  {}) = False  -- See Note [Lone variables] in GHC.Core.Unfold
+loneVariable (ApplyToVal {}) = False  -- NB: even a type application or cast
+loneVariable (CastIt {})     = False  --     stops it being "lone"
+loneVariable _               = True
 exprSummary :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArgSummary
@@ -583,10 +584,13 @@ exprSummary :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArgSummary
 --     We want to see that x is (a,b) at the call site of f
 exprSummary env e = go env e []
-    go :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr] -> ArgSummary
+    go :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr
+       -> [CoreExpr]   -- Value arg only
+       -> ArgSummary
     go env (Cast e _) as = go env e as
     go env (Tick _ e) as = go env e as
-    go env (App f a)  as = go env f (a:as)
+    go env (App f a)  as | isValArg a = go env f (a:as)
+                         | otherwise  = go env f as
     go env (Let b e)  as = go env' e as
         env' = env `addNewInScopeIds` bindersOf b
@@ -613,17 +617,20 @@ exprSummary env e = go env e []
     go _ _ _ = ArgNoInfo
-    go_var env f args
+    go_var :: SimplEnv -> Id
+           -> [CoreExpr]   -- Value args only
+           -> ArgSummary
+    go_var env f val_args
       | Just con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe f
-      = ArgIsCon (DataAlt con) (map (exprSummary env) args)
+      = ArgIsCon (DataAlt con) (map (exprSummary env) val_args)
       | OtherCon cs <- unfolding
       = ArgIsNot cs
       | Just rhs <- expandUnfolding_maybe unfolding
-      = go (zapSubstEnv env) rhs args
+      = go (zapSubstEnv env) rhs val_args
-      | idArity f > valArgCount args
+      | idArity f > length val_args
       = ArgIsLam
       | otherwise

@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ import GHC.Core.Unfold
 import GHC.Core.FVs
 import GHC.Core.Seq
 import GHC.Core.Utils
-import GHC.Core.Type    -- Subst comes from here
-import GHC.Core.Coercion( tyCoFVsOfCo, mkCoVarCo, substCoVarBndr )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst    -- Subst comes from here
+import GHC.Core.Type( mkTyVarTy, noFreeVarsOfType, tyCoFVsOfType, tyCoVarsOfType )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion( tyCoFVsOfCo, mkCoVarCo )
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env as InScopeSet
@@ -341,14 +342,14 @@ preserve occ info in rules.
 -- | Substitutes a 'Var' for another one according to the 'Subst' given, returning
 -- the result and an updated 'Subst' that should be used by subsequent substitutions.
 -- 'IdInfo' is preserved by this process, although it is substituted into appropriately.
-substBndr :: Subst -> Var -> (Subst, Var)
+substBndr :: HasDebugCallStack => Subst -> Var -> (Subst, Var)
 substBndr subst bndr
   | isTyVar bndr  = substTyVarBndr subst bndr
   | isCoVar bndr  = substCoVarBndr subst bndr
   | otherwise     = substIdBndr (text "var-bndr") subst subst bndr
 -- | Applies 'substBndr' to a number of 'Var's, accumulating a new 'Subst' left-to-right
-substBndrs :: Traversable f => Subst -> f Var -> (Subst, f Var)
+substBndrs :: (HasDebugCallStack, Traversable f) => Subst -> f Var -> (Subst, f Var)
 substBndrs = mapAccumL substBndr
 {-# INLINE substBndrs #-}
@@ -531,17 +532,18 @@ substGuidance subst guidance
       UnfNever   -> guidance
       UnfWhen {} -> guidance
       UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_args = args, ug_tree = et }
-        -> UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_args = args', ug_tree = substExprTree subst' et }
+        -> UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_args = args, ug_tree = substExprTree id_env et }
-           (subst', args') = substBndrs subst args
+           id_env = getIdSubstEnv subst `delVarEnvList` args
-substExprTree :: Subst -> ExprTree -> ExprTree
--- ExprTrees have free variables, and so must be substituted
+substExprTree :: IdSubstEnv -> ExprTree -> ExprTree
+-- ExprTrees have free Ids, and so must be substituted
+-- But Ids /only/ not tyvars, so substitution is very simple
 substExprTree _     TooBig = TooBig
-substExprTree subst (SizeIs { et_size  = size
-                            , et_cases = cases
-                            , et_ret   = ret_discount })
+substExprTree id_env (SizeIs { et_size  = size
+                             , et_cases = cases
+                             , et_ret   = ret_discount })
    = case extra_size of
        STooBig     -> TooBig
        SSize extra -> SizeIs { et_size = size + extra
@@ -552,23 +554,23 @@ substExprTree subst (SizeIs { et_size  = size
      subst_ct :: CaseTree -> (Size, Bag CaseTree) -> (Size, Bag CaseTree)
      subst_ct (ScrutOf v d) (n, cts)
-        = case lookupIdSubst subst v of
-             Var v' -> (n, ScrutOf v' d `consBag` cts)
+        = case lookupVarEnv id_env v of
+             Just (Var v') -> (n, ScrutOf v' d `consBag` cts)
              _ -> (n, cts)
      subst_ct (CaseOf v case_bndr alts) (n, cts)
-        = case lookupIdSubst subst v of
-             Var v' -> (n, CaseOf v' case_bndr' alts' `consBag` cts)
+        = case lookupVarEnv id_env v of
+             Just (Var v') -> (n, CaseOf v' case_bndr alts' `consBag` cts)
              _ -> (n `addSize` extra, cts)
-          (subst', case_bndr') = substBndr subst case_bndr
-          alts' = map (subst_alt subst') alts
+          id_env' = id_env `delVarEnv` case_bndr
+          alts' = map (subst_alt id_env') alts
           extra = keptCaseSize boringInlineContext case_bndr alts
-     subst_alt subst (AltTree con bs rhs)
-        = AltTree con bs' (substExprTree subst' rhs)
+     subst_alt id_env (AltTree con bs rhs)
+        = AltTree con bs (substExprTree id_env' rhs)
-          (subst', bs') = substBndrs subst bs
+          id_env' = id_env `delVarEnvList` bs
 boringInlineContext :: InlineContext
 boringInlineContext = IC { ic_free = \_ -> ArgNoInfo

@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ data InlineContext
 data ArgSummary = ArgNoInfo
-                | ArgIsCon AltCon [ArgSummary]  -- Includes type args
+                | ArgIsCon AltCon [ArgSummary]  -- Value args only
                 | ArgIsNot [AltCon]
                 | ArgIsLam
@@ -1096,14 +1096,17 @@ caseTreeSize ic (CaseOf scrut_var case_bndr alts)
       ArgNoInfo     -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
       ArgIsLam      -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
       ArgIsNot cons -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr (trim_alts cons alts)
       arg_summ@(ArgIsCon con args)
-         | Just (AltTree _ bndrs rhs) <- find_alt con alts
-         , let new_summaries :: [(Var,ArgSummary)]
+         | Just at@(AltTree alt_con bndrs rhs) <- find_alt con alts
+         , let new_summaries :: [(Id,ArgSummary)]
                new_summaries = (case_bndr,arg_summ) : bndrs `zip` args
                   -- Don't forget to add a summary for the case binder!
                ic' = ic { ic_bound = ic_bound ic `extendVarEnvList` new_summaries }
                      -- In DEFAULT case, bs is empty, so extending is a no-op
-         -> exprTreeSize ic' rhs
+         -> assertPpr ((alt_con == DEFAULT) || (bndrs `equalLength` args)) (ppr arg_summ $$ ppr at) $
+            exprTreeSize ic' rhs
          | otherwise  -- Happens for empty alternatives
          -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
@@ -1132,7 +1135,8 @@ keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
     -- If there are no alternatives (case e of {}), we get just the size of the scrutinee
     size_alt :: AltTree -> Size
-    size_alt (AltTree _ bndrs rhs) = exprTreeSize ic' rhs
+    size_alt (AltTree _ bndrs rhs)
+       = exprTreeSize ic' rhs
         -- Cost for the alternative is already in `rhs`
         -- Must extend ic_bound, lest a captured variable is

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