[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/spj-unf-size] Wibbles
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Oct 23 09:05:24 UTC 2023
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/spj-unf-size at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
f433129d by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-10-23T10:05:11+01:00
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Iteration.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs
@@ -660,9 +660,7 @@ tryCastWorkerWrapper env bind_cxt old_bndr occ_info bndr (Cast rhs co)
_ -> mkLetUnfolding uf_opts top_lvl VanillaSrc work_id work_rhs
tryCastWorkerWrapper env _ _ _ bndr rhs -- All other bindings
- = do { traceSmpl "tcww:no" (vcat [ text "bndr:" <+> ppr bndr
- , text "rhs:" <+> ppr rhs ])
- ; return (mkFloatBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)) }
+ = return (mkFloatBind env (NonRec bndr rhs))
mkCastWrapperInlinePrag :: InlinePragma -> InlinePragma
-- See Note [Cast worker/wrapper]
@@ -952,7 +950,6 @@ completeBind env bind_cxt old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
-- See Note [In-scope set as a substitution]
; if postInlineUnconditionally env bind_cxt new_bndr_w_info occ_info eta_rhs
then -- Inline and discard the binding
do { tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr)
; let unf_rhs = maybeUnfoldingTemplate new_unfolding `orElse` eta_rhs
@@ -3219,10 +3216,9 @@ simplAlts :: SimplEnv
-> SimplM OutExpr -- Returns the complete simplified case expression
simplAlts env0 scrut case_bndr alts cont'
- = do { traceSmpl "simplAlts" (vcat [ ppr case_bndr
- , text "cont':" <+> ppr cont'
- , text "in_scope" <+> ppr (seInScope env0) ])
- ; (env1, case_bndr1) <- simplBinder env0 case_bndr
+ = do { (env1, case_bndr1) <- simplBinder env0 case_bndr
+ ; traceSmpl "simplAlts" (vcat [ ppr case_bndr <+> ppr case_bndr1
+ , text "cont':" <+> ppr cont' ])
; let case_bndr2 = case_bndr1 `setIdUnfolding` evaldUnfolding
env2 = modifyInScope env1 case_bndr2
-- See Note [Case binder evaluated-ness]
@@ -1089,19 +1089,19 @@ caseTreeSize ic (ScrutOf bndr disc)
caseTreeSize ic (CaseOf scrut_var case_bndr alts)
= case lookupBndr ic scrut_var of
- ArgNoInfo -> keptCaseSize ic alts
- ArgIsLam -> keptCaseSize ic alts
- ArgIsNot cons -> keptCaseSize ic (trim_alts cons alts)
+ ArgNoInfo -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
+ ArgIsLam -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
+ ArgIsNot cons -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr (trim_alts cons alts)
arg_summ@(ArgIsCon con args)
- | Just (AltTree _ bs rhs) <- find_alt con alts
+ | Just (AltTree _ bndrs rhs) <- find_alt con alts
, let new_summaries :: [(Var,ArgSummary)]
- new_summaries = (case_bndr,arg_summ) : bs `zip` args
+ new_summaries = (case_bndr,arg_summ) : bndrs `zip` args
-- Don't forget to add a summary for the case binder!
ic' = ic { ic_bound = ic_bound ic `extendVarEnvList` new_summaries }
-- In DEFAULT case, bs is empty, so extending is a no-op
-> exprTreeSize ic' rhs
| otherwise -- Happens for empty alternatives
- -> keptCaseSize ic alts
+ -> keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
find_alt :: AltCon -> [AltTree] -> Maybe AltTree
find_alt _ [] = Nothing
@@ -1120,16 +1120,22 @@ trim_alts acs (alt:alts)
| AltTree con _ _ <- alt, con `elem` acs = trim_alts acs alts
| otherwise = alt : trim_alts acs alts
-keptCaseSize :: InlineContext -> [AltTree] -> Size
+keptCaseSize :: InlineContext -> Id -> [AltTree] -> Size
-- Size of a (retained) case expression
-keptCaseSize ic alts
+keptCaseSize ic case_bndr alts
= foldr (addSize . size_alt) (sizeN 0) alts
-- We make the case itself free, but charge for each alternative
-- If there are no alternatives (case e of {}), we get just the size of the scrutinee
size_alt :: AltTree -> Size
- size_alt (AltTree _ _ rhs) = exprTreeSize ic rhs
+ size_alt (AltTree _ bndrs rhs) = exprTreeSize ic' rhs
-- Cost for the alternative is already in `rhs`
+ where
+ -- Must extend ic_bound, lest a captured variable is
+ -- looked up in ic_free by lookupBndr
+ new_summaries :: [(Var,ArgSummary)]
+ new_summaries = [(b,ArgNoInfo) | b <- case_bndr:bndrs]
+ ic' = ic { ic_bound = ic_bound ic `extendVarEnvList` new_summaries }
lookupBndr :: HasDebugCallStack => InlineContext -> Id -> ArgSummary
lookupBndr (IC { ic_bound = bound_env, ic_free = lookup_free }) var
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/f433129ddb8e7597d6944c023f8152b141ee8210
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